
Publication number
DK150390B DK519782A DK519782A DK150390B DK 150390 B DK150390 B DK 150390B DK 519782 A DK519782 A DK 519782A DK 519782 A DK519782 A DK 519782A DK 150390 B DK150390 B DK 150390B
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Danish (da)
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DK150390C (en
DK519782A (en
Wilfried Nonnenmacher
Original Assignee
Iwk Regler Kompensatoren
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Application filed by Iwk Regler Kompensatoren filed Critical Iwk Regler Kompensatoren
Publication of DK519782A publication Critical patent/DK519782A/en
Publication of DK150390B publication Critical patent/DK150390B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK150390C publication Critical patent/DK150390C/en



    • F16L51/00Expansion-compensation arrangements for pipe-lines
    • F16L51/02Expansion-compensation arrangements for pipe-lines making use of bellows or an expansible folded or corrugated tube


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  • Mutual Connection Of Rods And Tubes (AREA)
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1. Axial compensator for inserting in a pipeline, such as a long distance heating line, with at least one metal bellows, whose ends are in each case connected to a pipe section, the facing ends of the pipe sections having axially reciprocally displaceable, interengaging shape constructions with in each case at least three shape attachments arranged over the circumference of the pipe section and shape recesses arranged between adjacent shape attachments, characterized in that the shape attachments (18, 19) are T-shaped and with the same are associated T-shaped shape recesses (21, 22), that the depth defined by the T-cross beams of the shape recesses (21, 22) is more than twice as large as the height of the T-cross beam (23, 26) of the particular shape attachment (18, 19) and that cooperating shape attachments (18, 19) and shape recesses (21, 22) reciprocally engage behind one another and the shape attachments (18, 19) transferring the forces which occur directly from one pipe section (2 or 3) to the other (3 or 2) are constructed in one piece therewith.



Opfindelsen angår en aksialkompensator af den i krav l's indledning angivne art. I rørledninger, f.eks. fjernvarmeledninger, monteres mellem to fastpunkter én eller flere kompensatorer til udligning af udvidel-5 ser af rørledningen i dens længderetning. Ved anvendelsen af flere end én kompensator kan man spare fastpunkter. Derved opstår imidlertid det problem, at en af kompensatorerne belastes excessivt, når rørsystemets længde ændrer sig, uden at de andre kompensatorer 10 indledningsvis belastes. Til undgåelse af overbelastning af en kompensator med træk eller tryk, d.v.s. til begrænsning af en kompensators udtrækning eller sammenskydning anvendes anslag, ved hvilke kompensatorens bevægelseslængde begrænses. Såle-15 des kendes fra dansk patentansøgning nr. 4769/80 en ak sialkompensator, hvor der på et rørstykke eller en rør-studs er udformet en ringflange, til hvilken den ene ende af en fleksibel bælg er fastgjort. Inden for bælgen strækker der sig fra rørflangen en rørdel med en 20 noget større indre diameter end ringflangens. Desuden er der til ringflangen fastgjort en bælgen omgivende og denne beskyttende kappe. Bælgens anden ende er fastgjort til en yderligere ringflange, som omgiver et yderligere rørstykke. På den side af flangen, der er 25 beliggende modsat det punkt, hvor bælgen er fastgjort til flangen, er anbragt en på det yderligere rørstykke glidende ring, som er fast forbundet med kappen. Til sikring mod drejning er der på det yderligere rørstykke fastgjort skinner med styrenoter for kappens holde-30 ring. Når bælgen trykkes sammen, støder det yderligere rørstykke med sin ind i bælgen ragende ende mod den førstnævnte flange. Når bælgen trækkes ud, begrænser den med kappen forbundne ring bælgens udtrækningslængde. Ved sådanne rørledninger kan der imidlertid opstå 35 betydelige tryk- eller trækkræfter, når der mellem to faste punkter er anbragt flere kompensatorer, fordi dels 150390 2 bælgen skal sammentrykkes eller trækkes ud, og desuden rørledningsafsnit mellem kompensatorerne skal bevæges med, hvilket medfører betydelig friktion alt efter lejringen eller styringen. Flangerne, kap-5 pen samt den med denne forbundne ring skal derfor væ re udført massivt og have stor vægt. Desuden skal der mellem det store antal af enkeltelementer, via hvilke kræfterne overføres, findes stabile svejseforbindelser. En sådan kendt kompensator er dog navnlig ufor-10 delagtig på grund af omstyringen af kræfterne og ved kompensatorens komplicerede konstruktion indbefattende den separate drejningssikring.The invention relates to an axial compensator of the kind specified in the preamble of claim 1. In pipelines, e.g. district heating lines, one or more compensators are mounted between two fixed points for equalizing extensions of the pipeline in its longitudinal direction. The use of more than one compensator can save fixed points. However, the problem arises that one of the compensators is overloaded as the length of the pipe system changes without the other compensators 10 being initially loaded. To avoid overloading of a compensator with drag or pressure, i.e. for limiting the pull-out or push-up of a compensator, stops are used which limit the length of movement of the compensator. Thus, from Danish Patent Application No. 4769/80, an axial compensator is known, in which a ring flange is formed on a pipe piece or pipe stud to which one end of a flexible bellows is attached. Within the bellows extends from the tube flange a tube portion having a somewhat larger internal diameter than that of the ring flange. In addition, a bellows surrounding and this protective sheath is attached to the ring flange. The other end of the bellows is attached to a further annular flange which surrounds a further piece of pipe. On the side of the flange which is located opposite the point where the bellows is attached to the flange, is provided a sliding ring which is fixedly attached to the further pipe piece, which is firmly connected to the sheath. For protection against rotation, rails with guide notes are attached to the additional pipe piece for the sheath retaining ring. When the bellows is compressed, the additional pipe piece bears its end into the bellows against the first flange. When the bellows are pulled out, the ring associated with the sheath limits the length of the bellows. However, for such pipelines, 35 significant compressive or tensile forces may occur when two compensators are arranged between two fixed points, because the bellows must be compressed or pulled out, and in addition pipeline sections between the compensators must be moved, causing considerable friction. after the camp or steering. The flanges, cap 5 and the associated ring must therefore be solid and of great weight. In addition, between the large number of single elements through which the forces are transmitted, stable weld connections must be found. However, such a known compensator is particularly disadvantageous due to the over-steering of the forces and to the complexity of the compensator including the separate rotary fuse.

Opfindelsen tager sigte på at afhjælpe de ovennævnte mangler og tilvejebringe en i konstruktiv hen-15 seende enkel aksialkompensator, ved hvilken bevægelsen i begge retninger er begrænset og torsionssikringen er tilvejebragt under ét, og hvor desuden de aksiale kræfter kan overføres direkte uden omstyring. Dette opnås ved en aksialkompensator af den angivne art ved 20 det i krav l's kendetegnende del angivne. Ved hjælp af formelementerne på henholdsvis i de mod hinanden vendende endepartier af selve rørstykkerne tilvejebringes samtidigt en sikring mod for kraftig sammentrykning af bælgen, mod for vidtgående udtrækning af denne, 25 d.v.s. en sikring mod en for stor bælgbevægelse i beg ge retninger og desuden en sikring mod drejning. Der kræver ikke supplerende kraftoverførselselementer svarende til de ved de kendte aksialkompensatorer nødvendige elementer, der skal være udført massivt og have 30 stor styrke. Kræfterne overføres direkte fra det ene rørstykke til det andet rørstykke uden at skulle passere mellemelementer. Bælgen er fortrinsvis anbragt uden for rørstykkerne. Disse kan dog principielt med deres formelementer også være beliggende uden for bæl-35 gen. Bælgen kan være koaksial med rørstykkerne og være 3 150390 direkte fastgjort til disse, såfremt dens korrugerin-ger rager radialt indad hen til rørstykkernes periferi.The invention aims to overcome the aforementioned shortcomings and to provide a constructively simple axial compensator in which the movement in both directions is limited and the torsional protection is provided together, and in addition the axial forces can be transmitted directly without oversteering. This is achieved by an axial compensator of the kind specified at the characterizing part of claim 1. By means of the molding elements on the respective end portions of the pipe pieces, respectively, at the opposite end, a lock is provided at the same time against excessive compression of the bellows, against excessive pulling of the bellows, i.e.. a fuse against excessive bellows movement in both directions and also a fuse against rotation. No additional power transmission elements corresponding to the elements required by the known axial compensators are required, which must be solid and of high strength. The forces are transferred directly from one pipe piece to the other pipe piece without having to pass intermediate elements. The bellows are preferably disposed outside the tubes. However, these, in principle, with their molding elements may also be located outside the bellows. The bellows may be coaxial with the tubes and be directly attached thereto if its corrugations extend radially inwardly to the periphery of the tubes.

„ Ved den i krav 2 -angivne udførelsesform for form- elementerne er de to rørstykkers mod hinanden venden-5 de endepartier således forbundet, at de kan forskydes indbyrdes mod hinanden eller bort fra hinanden, hvorved de T-formede ansatsers tværstykker griber bag om hinanden og derved sikrer rørstykkerne mod at trækkes for langt bort fra hinanden, medens et sådant T-tvær-10 stykkes forreste ende støder mod bunden i det andet rørstykkes tilsvarende T-formede udsparing under rørstykkernes forskydning mod hinanden, hvorved tværstykkernes endeflader tjener som anslag og begrænser denne forskydningsbevægelse af rørstykkerne mod hinanden.In the embodiment of the molding elements according to claim 2, the two end portions facing each other are connected so that they can be displaced from one another or away from one another, whereby the T-shaped abutments intersect one another thereby preventing the tubes from being pulled too far apart while the front end of such a T-10 piece abuts the bottom of the corresponding T-shaped recess during the offset of the tubes, thereby affecting and limiting the end faces of the cross pieces. this shear movement of the tubes towards each other.

15 Desuden sikrer begge rørstykkers ansatser ved deres samvirke rørstykkerne mod indbyrdes drejning.15 In addition, the joints of both tubes, by their co-operation, secure the tubes against rotation.

Ved det i krav 3 angivne opnås, at begge rørstykkers ansatser samtidigt støder mod bunden i det andet rør-stykkes udsparinger, når kompensatoren er skudt sammen, 20 så at kræfterne ikko kun skal optages af ansatserne på det ene rørstykke.As stated in claim 3, it is achieved that the abutments of both pipe pieces abut the bottom of the recesses of the other pipe piece when the compensator is pushed together, so that the forces are not to be absorbed only by the abutments on the one pipe piece.

Ansatserne er fortrinsvis udformet i ét med selve rør-stykkerne, men kan også være fastsvejset til disse. I så tilfælde er svejsesømmene ført på en sådan måde, at 25 de belastes så lidt som muligt. Principielt kan alle T-formede ansatser ved deres fod være fastsvejset til det pågældende rørstykkes ende. Det er dog også muligt, at ansatsernes tværstykke eller kun de fra T'ets krop udragende partier af tværstykkerne er fastsvejset. 1The guides are preferably formed integrally with the pipe pieces themselves, but may also be welded to them. In that case, the weld seams are guided in such a way that they are loaded as little as possible. In principle, all T-shaped abutments can be welded at their feet to the end of the relevant pipe piece. However, it is also possible that the cross members or only those parts projecting from the body of the T are welded. 1

Det har vist sig, at de ved aksialkompensatoren ifølge opfindelsen med hinanden forbundne to rørstykker selv ved maksimal belastning ikke forskydes radialt i for- 150390 4 hold til hinanden. Som yderligere sikkerhedsforanstaltning kan der dog ifølge opfindelsen i området ved form-elementerne i det mindste på det ene rørstykke være fastgjort mindst én ring. En sådan ring er selvfølge-5 lig kun fast forbundet med det ene rørstykkes ansatser, medens den frit kan glide i forhold til det andet rørstykkes ansatser. Findes der flere ringe, er disse skiftevis forbundet med det ene eller det andet rør-stykke. Når naboringe er anbragt på samme side af rør-10 stykkerne, d.v.s. enten på indersiden eller på ydersiden, svarer afstanden mellem disse til aksialkompensa-torens maksimalt mulige bevægelseslængde. Ringene skal selv ikke optage træk- eller trykkræfter.It has been found that, even at maximum load, the two pipe pieces connected to the axial compensator according to the invention are not radially displaced in relation to each other. However, as a further precaution, according to the invention, at least one ring may be attached to at least one ring in the area of the mold elements. Such a ring is, of course, only firmly connected to the abutments of one pipe piece, while it is free to slide relative to the abutments of the other pipe piece. If there are several rings, these are alternately connected to one or the other piece of pipe. When neighboring rings are placed on the same side of the pipe-10 pieces, i.e. either on the inside or on the outside, the distance between them corresponds to the maximum possible length of movement of the axial compensator. The rings themselves do not absorb tensile or compressive forces.

I det følgende forklares opfindelsen nærmere ved hjælp 15 af tegningen, der viser et længdesnit i en udførelses-form for aksialkompensatoren ifølge opfindelsen.In the following, the invention is explained in more detail by means of the drawing, which shows a longitudinal section in one embodiment of the axial compensator according to the invention.

Den viste aksialkompensator 1 indbefatter to rørstykker 2 og 3 med hver sin på rørstykkets yderside anbragte ringflange henholdsvis 4 og 6, der er fastsvej-20 set på det pågældende rørstykke. En metalbælg 9 er med sine to ender 7 og 8 fastgjort til hver sin ring-flange henholdsvis 4 og 6. Ringflangen 4 er omsluttet af en ring 11, til hvilken er fastgjort en kappe 12, der fra ringen 11 strækker sig hen over bælgen 25 9 og hen over ringflangen 6 på rørstykket 3. Til sty ring af kappen 12 er der på ringflangen 6 .anbragt styrestøtter 13, der strækker sig radialt udad, men ender radialt inden for kappen 12's indre flade. I stedet for. særskilte styrestøtter kan der på ringflan-30 gen 6 være anbragt en rundtgående styrering. Kappen 12 tjener til beskyttelse af bælgen 9.The axial compensator 1 shown includes two pipe pieces 2 and 3, each having a ring flange 4 and 6, respectively, which are welded to the pipe piece in question on the outside of the pipe piece. A metal bellows 9 is secured with its two ends 7 and 8 to each ring flange 4 and 6, respectively. The ring flange 4 is enclosed by a ring 11, to which is attached a sheath 12 extending from the ring 11 over the bellows 25 9 and across the annular flange 6 of the tube piece 3. For guiding the sheath 12, guide supports 13 are provided on the annular flange 6 which extend radially outward but end radially within the inner surface of the sheath 12. Instead of. a separate circular guide may be provided on the ring flange 6 for separate guide supports. The sheath 12 serves to protect the bellows 9.

På rørstykkerne 2, 3's mod hinanden vendende ender 16, 17 er udformet T-formede, aksiale ansatser 18, 19.On the opposite ends 16, 17 of the pipe pieces 2, 3, T-shaped axial stops 18, 19 are formed.

Mellem hver to ansatser henholdsvis 18 og 19 på hver sin 150390 5 rørende henholdsvis 16 og 17 findes en udsparing henholdsvis 21, 22, hvis form svarer til formen af ansatsen på det andet rørstykke. Ansatserne er i indgreb med hinanden på en sådan måde, at et tværstykke 23 på 5 en ansats 18 er i indgreb med udsparingen 22, og at tværstykkernes fra T-kroppen ud til siden ragende partier griber bag om naboansatsernes tværstykker.Between each two abutments 18 and 19 respectively on 16 and 17 respectively touching a recess 21, 22 respectively, the shape of which corresponds to the shape of the abutment on the other pipe piece. The abutments engage one another in such a way that a cross piece 23 of 5 an abutment 18 is in engagement with the recess 22, and the outwardly extending portions of the T-body engage behind the abutments of the neighboring abutments.

I den på tegningen viste stilling er bælgen trukket ud. Den maksimalt udtrukne stilling er fastlagt ved, 10 at de T-formede ansatser 18, 19's tværstykker 23, 26 er kommet til anlæg mod hinanden med deres bageste flader, der således virker som anslag. Når bælgen derimod er i helt sammenskudt stilling, støder tværstykkerne med deres endeflader mod bunden 27, 28 i udspa-15 ringerne 21, 22, hvorved kompensatorens maksimale sammenskydning er begrænset. I begge tilfælde overføres kræfterne lineært fra det ene rørstykke til det andet uden nogen omstyring. Desuden sikrer de bag om hinanden gribende ansatser 18, 19 de to rørstykker 22, 23 20 mod at drejes i forhold til hinanden, hvorved også bælgen er sikret mod vridning. Ansatserne tjener således tillige som torsionssikring.In the position shown in the drawing, the bellows are pulled out. The maximum extended position is determined by the fact that the transverse pieces 23, 26 of the T-shaped abutments 18, 19 have come into contact with one another with their rear surfaces thus acting as abutments. On the other hand, when the bellows are in fully extended position, the cross members with their end faces abut the bottom 27, 28 of the recesses 21, 22, thereby limiting the maximum displacement of the compensator. In both cases, the forces are transferred linearly from one pipe piece to the other without any steering. In addition, the gripping abutments 18, 19 secure the two pipe pieces 22, 23 20 against turning relative to each other, thereby also protecting the bellows from twisting. The employees thus also serve as torsional protection.

Omkring ansatserne 18, 19 er anbragt ringe 31, 32, af hvilke f.eks. ringen 32 kan være forbundet med an-25 satserne 19, medens ringen 31 da er forbundet med ansatserne 18. Skønt man selv uden sådanne ringe ikke har iagttaget nogen indbyrdes forsætning af rørstykkerne 2, 3, tjener ringene som supplerende sikring, idet de glider på det andet rørstykkes ansatser og så-30 ledes ikke er i vejen for hinanden under rørstykkerne 2, 3's indbyrdes aksiale bevægelse. Ringene er dog placeret i en sådan aksial afstand, at den ønskede bevægelseslængde kan udnyttes fuldt ud, uden at ringene berører hinanden.Around rings 18, 19 are arranged rings 31, 32, of which e.g. the ring 32 may be connected to the abutments 19, while the ring 31 is then connected to the abutments 18. Although even without such rings no interference of the pipe pieces 2, 3 has been observed, the rings serve as supplementary fuse as they slide on the abutments of the other pipe piece and thus are not interfering with each other during the axial movement of the pipe pieces 2, 3. However, the rings are located at such an axial distance that the desired length of movement can be fully utilized without the rings touching each other.

Claims (4)

150390150390 1. Aksialkompensator (1) til anbringelse i en rørledning, f.eks. en fj ernvarmeledning, med mindst én metalbælg (9), hvis to ender (7, 8) er forbundet med hvert sit rør (henholdsvis 2 og 3) i rørledningen, hvor røre- 5 nes mod hinanden vendende endepartier (16, 17) er udformet med indbyrdes aksialt forskydeligt i hinanden indgribende formelementer (18, 19, 21, 22) bestående af et antal periferielt fordelte, fra det pågældende rørendeparti aksialt udragende ansatser (18, 19) og mel-10 lem disse beliggende udsparinger (21, 22), kende tegnet ved, at ansatserne på et rør og de rned disse parvis samvirkende udsparinger i det andet rør er udformet til at gribe bag om hinanden.1. Axial compensator (1) for placement in a pipeline, e.g. a spring heat conduit, having at least one metal bellows (9), two ends (7, 8) of which are connected to each other pipe (2 and 3, respectively) in the pipeline, the end portions (16, 17) of which are facing each other are formed with mutually axially displaceable interlocking mold members (18, 19, 21, 22) consisting of a plurality of circumferentially spaced axial projecting members (18, 19) and between these recesses (21, 22) know the sign that the abutments on one tube and the two mutually cooperating recesses in the other tube are designed to grip one another. 2. Aksialkompensator ifølge krav 1, k e n d e t e g-15 net ved, at ansatserne (18, 19) er T-formet, at de med disse samvirkende udsparinger (21, 22) ligeledes er T-formet, og at de T-formede udsparingers tværstykker, der danner T'ernes tværbjælker, har en aksial udstrækning, der er større end den aksiale dimension af 20 de T-formede ansatsers (18, 19) tværstykker (23, 26).The axial compensator according to claim 1, characterized in that the guides (18, 19) are T-shaped, that with these cooperating recesses (21, 22) they are also T-shaped and that the T-shaped recesses crosspieces forming the crossbeams of the T's have an axial extension greater than the axial dimension of the crosspieces (23, 26) of the T-shaped abutments (18, 19). 3. Aksialkompensator ifølge krav 2,kendetegnet ved, at den aksiale dimension af udsparingernes (21, 22) tværstykker svarer til længden af de T-formede ansatsers (18, 19) kropstykke (24). 1Axial compensator according to claim 2, characterized in that the axial dimension of the cross-sections of the recesses (21, 22) corresponds to the length of the body piece (24) of the T-shaped abutments (18, 19). 1 4. Aksialkompensator ifølge et hvilket som helst af kravene 1-3, kendetegnet ved, at ansatserne (18, 19) er i ét med det pågældende rørstykke (2,3).Axial compensator according to any one of claims 1-3, characterized in that the abutments (18, 19) are integral with said pipe piece (2,3).
DK519782A 1982-11-16 1982-11-22 AXIAL COMPENSATOR FOR FITTING IN A PIPE PIPE DK150390C (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
EP82110552A EP0108829B1 (en) 1982-11-16 1982-11-16 Axial compensator
EP82110552 1982-11-16

Publications (3)

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DK519782A DK519782A (en) 1984-05-17
DK150390B true DK150390B (en) 1987-02-16
DK150390C DK150390C (en) 1987-10-12



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DK519782A DK150390C (en) 1982-11-16 1982-11-22 AXIAL COMPENSATOR FOR FITTING IN A PIPE PIPE

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DK150390C (en) 1987-10-12
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DK519782A (en) 1984-05-17
ATE28928T1 (en) 1987-08-15
NO156804B (en) 1987-08-17
FI823973L (en) 1984-05-17
NO156804C (en) 1987-11-25
EP0108829B1 (en) 1987-08-12
FI75219C (en) 1988-05-09
DE3276955D1 (en) 1987-09-17
EP0108829A1 (en) 1984-05-23
NO823879L (en) 1984-05-18
FI823973A0 (en) 1982-11-19

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