CA1182923A - Delta modulator with a high-pass digital output filter - Google Patents

Delta modulator with a high-pass digital output filter


Publication number
CA1182923A CA000387123A CA387123A CA1182923A CA 1182923 A CA1182923 A CA 1182923A CA 000387123 A CA000387123 A CA 000387123A CA 387123 A CA387123 A CA 387123A CA 1182923 A CA1182923 A CA 1182923A
Prior art keywords
mean value
delta modulator
Prior art date
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French (fr)
Stephanus J. Hogeland
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Koninklijke Philips NV
Original Assignee
Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken NV
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken NV filed Critical Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken NV
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1182923A publication Critical patent/CA1182923A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • H03M3/00Conversion of analogue values to or from differential modulation
    • H03M3/02Delta modulation, i.e. one-bit differential modulation


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Theoretical Computer Science (AREA)
  • Analogue/Digital Conversion (AREA)
  • Measurement And Recording Of Electrical Phenomena And Electrical Characteristics Of The Living Body (AREA)
  • Compression, Expansion, Code Conversion, And Decoders (AREA)
  • Networks Using Active Elements (AREA)



A device for digitizing an analog signal whose mean value is constant, comprising a delta modulator which is adapted to sample the signal during successive time intervals, each of which has a duration which corres-ponds to n pulses of a clock pulse generator, and to supply m (m < n) pulses per time interval, m being depen-dent on the difference between the values of the signal at the beginning g and at the and of the interval. The output of the delta modulator is connected to a correction air-cuit which is constructed as a digital high-pass filter in order to remove error signals which are added to the sig-nal due to inaccuracies of the delta modulator.


The invention relates to a device for digitizing an analog signal whose mean value is constant, comprising a delta modulator which is adapted to sample the signal during successive time intervals, each of which has a dur-ation corresponding to n pulses of a clock pulse generator,and to supply m ~m ~ n) pulses per time interval, m being dependent on the difference between the values of the signal at the beginning and at the end of the interval.
A device of this kind can be used, for example, for digitizing an ECG signal for ~urther processing. An ECG signal is a more or less periodic signal whose mean value equals zero or a (constant) contact potential occur-ring between the electrodes and the skin of a patient. It has been found that inaccuracies in the delta modulator add error signals to this signal which, of course, disturb the ~urther processing. It is an object of the invention to eliminate these disturbing error signals while maintaining the useful information.
To this end, a device in accordance with the invention is characteri~ed in that -the output o -the delta modulator is connected to a correction circuit which is constructed as a digital high-pass fil-ter.
The invention is based on the recognition o~ the fact that the error signals caused by the delta modulator are of a continuous and slowly decreasing or increasing nature, so that a high-pass filter can be used to separate these error signals from an ECG signal which contains virtually no very low frequency components except for the unimportant contact potential.
A preferred embodiment o~ the device in accordance with the invention is characterized in that the correction circuit is adapted to reduce the signal applied thereto by PHN 9855 2 15.5.2981 the progressive rnean value of the signal.
The invention will be desc:ribed in detail h.ereirl-after ~ith reference to the accompanying daigrammatic dra-wing.
Figure 1 shows a block diagram of an emboclimen-t o-~
a device in aceordance with -the inventi.on.
:Figure 2 shows a eircuit diagrarn of an embodiment of a delta modulator -to be used in the circuit shown in ~igure 1, and Figure 3 shows a~ circui t diagram of an embodiment of an adaptive high-pass filter -to be used in the circuit shown in ~igure 1.
The deviee shown in Figure -I an input -l for supplying an ECG si~nal to a delta modulator 3, ~ria an 15 isolating transformer 4, -the outpu-t of the cZel-ta modulator is connected -to a bidirectional counter 5 in :its turn is eonnected to an adap-tive high-pass filter 7, the output signal of which i.s applied to the output 9 of the device.
The clelta modulator 3 and the counter 5 are eontrolled by 20 a eloek generator 11 and the bidiree-tional counter 5 is arranged to increment the eount for eaeh elock pulse in a direetion determined by the logic state of -the output f.rom the delta rnodulator 3. The digitizecl.~CG signal appearing on the QltpUt 9 can be applied to an arithmetic uni-t 13, 25 f`or example, a mic:roproeessor ~or further processing,.
Fi~ure 2 is a more detailecl vie~ of an e~ bodimerlt of the del-ta modula-tor 3. Tlle modulator comprises a firs-t input 15 f`or receivirlg the analog ECG signal from the inpu-t 1 and a second input 17 for receiving a reference voltage.
30 The first input l5 is eonnected to a first input 20 of a corllpa:rator 21 via a first amplifier 19 with a gain of, for example, 10. The second input 17 is connec-ted, via a second amplifier 23, to an electrode of a capacitor 25, the other electrode of which is connec~ed to the second input
2~ of the comparator 21.
The ou-tput of the comparator 21 is connected to the D-input of a bistable element 27~ the C-input 29 of ~hich is connected to the clock generator 1l shown in ~X~3~3 PHN 9855 3 15.5.1981 :Flgure 1. The outpu-t Q of the bistable elemen-t 27 controls an e:Lectronic switch 31 and is also connected to i;he output 33 of the delta modlllator. The elec-tronic switch 31 comprises two switching uni-ts 35 and 37 9 -the ~ormer being capable of connecting the electrode of -the capacitor 25 which is connected -to the compara-tor 21 to a positive current source 3g or to a negative current source 41 as desired, whilst the second switching -unit at the same time connec-ts the other electrode of the capacitor to a negative current source 43 or a positLve current source L~5~ respecti-vely. However, during the intervals between clock pulses both switches 35 and 37 are in a neutral 9 open circuit state (not shown).
The operation of this circuit is as follows 1~hen 15 the instantaneous value of the amplified ECG signal on the first input 20 of the comparator 21 is greater than the vo~tage on the second input 26 of the comparator, the OUtpllt of the comparator carries a logic 1 and hence also the D_input of the bistable element 27. ~s a result, when the 20 next pulse from the clock generator l1 appears on the C-input of the bistable element 27, the output Qthereof also carries a logic 1, so -that the switch 31 is se-t -to the position shown. Consequently, for a brie~ period of time t which is determined hy the clock geIlera-tor -ll -the capacitor 25 25 is connected -to -the current source 39 wllich s~lpplies a current IH to the capac:Ltor, so tha-t the la-tter .is cllarged by an amoun-t IHt, wi-th -the resul-t tha-t the vo:l.-tage on -the second inpllt 26 of the comparator 21 approaches -that on the firs-t input 20. ~t the same time the other electrode 30 of the capacitor 25 is connected to the negative current source 43, ~hich discharges a charge amoun-t I'IIt in order to preven-t the charge IHt supplied b~ the current source 39 from disturbing the reference voltage.
When the voltage on the input 20 of the compara-tor 35 21 is lower than that on the second input 26, a logic O
appears on the D-input of the bistable element 27, said logic 0 setting the switch 31 to the other position ia the Pl-IN 9855 4 15.5.'1981 outpu-t Q, in reac-tion to the ne~t pulse of` -the clock generatox, so that the capaci-to-r 25 t9 co~lnectecl to the negative currerlt source 41 fo:r a periocl of -time t and i.s discharged by an amount IL.t~ ~or compensa.-tion, the posi-ti-ve cur:rent source 45 applies a charge I'L.-t to t'he other electrode of the capacitor.
It will be clear from the foregoing that -the voltages on the two inputs 20 and 26 of the comparator 21 will be equal after a number of periods of the clock lO generator 11. Any subsequent rise of -the ECG signal means that a number of logic ones are applied to the output 33, and any decrease that a number of` logic zeroes are applie~.
Therefore, the value of the ~CG signal can be reconsl;ructecl at any instant from the series of :Logic ones and ~eroes 5 appearing on the output.
It has been found in practice, ho-rever, that -the above reasoning is onl~ appro~imately correct, because on the one hancl the -two curren-t sources 39 and 4l are no-t exac-tly and because on the other hand the input 20 26 of the comparator 21 has a finite input resistance, so that a small curren-t IB leaks from the capacitor 25. Conse-quently, when the capacitor 25 has been charged for a nllmber o:f periods of` the cloclc generat;o:r ll and is sub-sequently d:ischarged again f`or the same nllmbe:r of periods, 25 the vol-tage on the second input 26 o:t' the comp~rator 2l will not have retuxrled to the origi.l-lal val-le Conversely, a s:ignal on the f`lrst lnput 20 whlch t`irst rises from a given value and subsequently decreases -to its orig:Lnal value again, ~rill thus produce mequa.l numbers of zeroes and ones 30 on the OlltpUt 33. ~n the d:igi-t:i~ed signal this becomes mani:~est as a steadily lncreasing ox decreasing voltage superposed on -the signal.
This will be illustrated hereinafter ~rith reference to a calculation. .Assume that the leakage current to the comparato.r as described above equals IB and that the current sources 39 and 41 are not e~actly iden-tical, so that Pl-IN 9(~55 l5.5.l981 ~ ~[ (1) In the position of` the swi-tch 31 sho~rn~ the curren-t to the capacitor 25 equals:
I = IH ~ IB = I ~ ~ I - IB

In the other position of the switch 31, the current of the capacitor 25 equals:
I~ = IL * IB = I ~ IB
It appears from (3) and (5) that the charging and dischar-ging process can be described with the unequal current sources Iu and Id which are an amount ~ I smal].er and lar-ger, respectively, than an ideal current source I.
If the num'ber of periods n~l during whic~l Iu is switched on and -the num'ber of periods nl during w}lich Id is ~switched on (nu being the number of ones and nd being ~he number of zeroes on the output 33, and n = nu + nd) is counted each time during a fixed number (n) o~ clock periods, the voltage increase ~ V on the capacitor 25 follows therefrom:
~ ~/ = nu Iu ~ lld Icl = (n~-rld) I ~ (r~ ~rll) . ~ I (~) Because n~ nd = n :is consta tl t:
~ V - (nu - nd) . I + c (7) in which C = n . ~ I (8) If the signal on the first inpllt ~0 of the comparator 21 increases b~ an amo~mt ~ S during a given time interval having a length o:~ n clock periods, the voltage increase ~ ~ on the capaci-tor 25 will be equal to S, so that.' ~ S = (nu ~ nd) . I ~ C (9) It follo~rs there~rom that:
, ~ ~ S - C
~nu ~ nd~ = --I ' ( 10) If the mean value of -the signal appearing on the i.nput 15 is constant, the mean value of ~ S o~er a prolonged period PIIN 9~55 6 !5,5.19~1 of time mus-~ he equal -to 0. ~Iowever, it :t'ollows f`rom (-10) tha-t the ~a1.ue nu ~ nd steadil.y or clecreases i.n -time. This means that the pulse series appearing on -the output ~3 represents a signal which is composed of -the signal on the input 15 ancl a ste~dily increasing or decreasing signal~ Therefore, the value on the output of the bidirectional counter 5 (Figure 1) will continuously increase on average. The high-pass filter 7 serves -to reduce this mean value to a constant amount, so that on the l0 output 9 a digital signal appears which is an e~act repre-sentation of the anal.og signal applied to the input 1.
Figure 3 shows an embodiment Or the high-pass filter 7. The filter comprises an inpu-t 47 which recei.ves the signal S(t) from thebidirectional coull-ter 5. This input 15 is connected -to a positive i:nput of a firs-t adder ~9 whoxe OUtp~lt is connected on -the one side to the o~ltpu-t 9 ot` the device and on the other side to an attenua-tor 51 which multiplies by a factor ~1. The output of the attenuator is connected to a ~i.rst posi-tive input of a second adder 20 53, the output of which is conn.ected to a delay element 55 having a delay ~ T. The output of the delay elernent is connected on the one side to a negative inpu-t of the first adder 49 and on the other sicle to a second pos:itive :inpllt of the second adder 53.
The opera-tion of this circu:i-t ~'ollows. ltt an instarl-t T ~ ~ T, a cligi.tal s:ignal S(T + ~ T) appears on the lnput ll7, This signal is redIlced in tlle first adcler by a signal S(T) ~hich is the progressive mean value at the instant T of the varying signal S(t). In the attenuator 51, 30 the signal S(T ~ ~ T) - S(T) is multipli.ed by ~ and the resultant signal ~ ~S(T ~ ~ T) - S (t) ~ is increased iIl the second adder 53 by S(T). The signal S (T) +
cG f S~T + ~ T) - S(T) } thus formed is delayed by an amo~mt ~ T in tha delay element 55. The signal which leaves the delay element at the instan-t T ~ T7 therefore, is the signal which arrived in the delay el.ement at the instant T and equals:

P:HN 9855 7 l5.5.1981 S(~ VG ~ S(T) - S(T- ~ ~r) } =(1- ~ )S(T- ~ ~r) ~
~ S(T) = S(T) This is because -the progressive mean value at ~he ins-tan-t T
is a combination of the "old" progressive mean value at the i.nstant T ~ ~ T and the ins-tan-taneous value of` the signal S(t) at the lnstant T9 lt being necessary to mul-tiply both components by a weighting factor, -the sum of the weighting factors being equal -to 1.
The progressive mean value of a signal having a lO mean value zero is substantially equal to zero, whilst the progressive mean value of a signal which linearly increases in time is equal to the instan-taneous value of -this signal, minus a cons-tant amount. Therefore, if the signal S(t) on the input 47 is composed of a combina-tion of` a variable 15 signal having the mean value zero and a linearly increasing sigr1al, the signal S(-t) - S(t - ~ T) on -the~utput 9 ~rill be equal -to -the variable signal having a constant mean val~le.
In the described embodiment, the high-pass t'ilter 20 is constructed as a combina-tion of t~o adders, an at-tenua~
tor and a delay element. It 1~ill be clear tha-t the arithme-tical operations to be e~ecuted thereby on the signal can alternatively be e~ecu-ted by a suitably progr.llllmed arithmetic uni.-t, t`or example, thc microp:roces~or 13.

Claims (3)

1. A device for digitizing an analog signal whose mean value is constant, including a delta modulator which is arranged to sample the signal during successive time intervals (.DELTA. T), each of which has a duration correspond-ing to n clock pulses of a clock pulse generator, and to supply m (m ? n) pulses in each said time interval (.DELTA. T), m being dependent on the difference between the values of the signal at the beginning (T) and at the end (T + .DELTA. T) of the interval, characterized in that the output of the delta modulator is connected to a correction circuit which includes a digital high-pass filter, the output of the delta modulator being connected to said correction circuit via a bidirectional counter arranged also to receive the clock pulses and to count said pulses respectively in one direction or the other depend-ing on whether a said output pulse from the delta modulator is or is not correspondingly present during the occurrence of a said clock pulse, the running total count present in the counter being applied as a digital input value S(T + .DELTA. T) to the digital high-pass filter at the end of each said time interval (.DELTA. T).
2. A device as claimed in Claim 1, characterized in that said digital high-pass filter comprises storage means for storing a progressive mean value, first summation means in which said digital input value S (T + .DELTA. T) has subtracted therefrom a progressive mean value S(T) from said storage means so as to form a difference value {S(T + .DELTA. T) - S(T)}, multiplying means arranged to multiply said differences value by a constant weighting factor ? , where 0 < ?? 1, second summation means in which the weighted difference value ? {S(T + .DELTA. T) S(T)} is added to said progressive mean value S(T) to form an updated progressive mean value S(T + .DELTA. T) = (1 - ?) S(T) + ? S(T + .DELTA. T), to be stored in said storage means until the end of the next said interval ( .DELTA. T), said difference value {S(T + .DELTA. T) - S(T)} forming the digital output value of said digital high-pass filter and representing in digital form the sampled analog signal.
3. Electrocardiography apparatus, characterized in that said apparatus includes a device as claimed in Claim 1 arranged to digitize the ECG signal derived from a patient.
CA000387123A 1980-10-08 1981-10-01 Delta modulator with a high-pass digital output filter Expired CA1182923A (en)

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NL8005549 1980-10-08
NL8005549A NL8005549A (en) 1980-10-08 1980-10-08 DEVICE FOR DIGITALIZING AN ANALOGUE SIGNAL.

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