USRE9565E - Spindle and whirl for spinning-machines - Google Patents

Spindle and whirl for spinning-machines Download PDF


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USRE9565E US RE9565 E USRE9565 E US RE9565E
United States
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William T. Cabeoll
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by mesne assignments
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  • Figure l in the drawings is a central vertical section of my improved spindle and whirl with a bobbin adapted thereto pressed into the whir1-socket; and Fig. 2 is an enlarged vertical section of the whirl, showing the inclination or taper of its inner surface.
  • This invention relates to certain new and useful improvements in spindles and whirls, and has for its objects to so hold and drive a bobbin, as hereinafter set forth, as to prevent it from being split, as is now frequently the case with bobbins driven by friction applied to their internal surfaces; also, to secure lightness in the parts to be rotated to carry the bobbin and its load during spinning, thereby saving power.
  • My invention consists in a spindle formed with a shoulder, combined with a whirl having a shoulder, and made hollow to receive the taperin g bottom of a bobbin, as hereinafter specifled; also, in a bobbin tapered at and made smaller toward its lower end, to be driven by external friction; also, in a spindle and a revolving internally-tapered socket surrounding it, the socket being adapted to surround and embrace the tapered lower end of the bobbin and drive it by frictional adhesion applied to its outer surface, substantially as hereinafter described.
  • the bobbin- is driven by the whirl through the friction or adhesion of the whirl upon the described tapering surface with which it is in contact, and the degree or direction of the pressure which causes such adhesion is exerted toward rather than from the center of the bobbin, obviating splitting the bobbin, thus making it more durable, and at the same time the bobbin is lighter in weight than the usual bobbin, having a chambered Spinning-Machines, of.
  • nnsnn as srennnnrs, or BOSTON, MAssAon sn'r'rs.
  • a most essential advantage derived from the employment of a bobbin of this kind driven from its tapered outside surface is, that by so doing it is possible togain a greater extent of frictional or adhesive surface operating farther from the center of the bin, thus preventing slippage.
  • a a in the drawings represent a spindle formed with a collar or rim, 1).
  • the spindle a passes through the usual spindle-rails, (not here shown,) between which rails (and inclosin g the spindles) is a collar having a set-screw, by means of which the spindle is held in such position that the shoulder 12 does not come in contact with the shoulder c.
  • the function of the shoulder 12 is to prevent the whirl from being drawn off the spindle with the bobbin when the latter is removed.
  • the shoulder c is formed by the lower stem, d, of a whirl, e, which has an upwardly-projecting socketed part, f, tapered internally to receive the externally-tapered end of the bobbin g.
  • the bobbin 9 is placed over the spindle a, and its tapering end is made to fit against and be held adhesively by the inner tapered portion or face of the socket or cup f, the fit between the said two surfaces being sufliciently close tOyillSllI't-J themovement of the bobbin in
  • the inner surface of the socket or stem f is unison with the socket to spin and wind proptapered, as shown clearly in Fig. 2, to co-operly.
  • the tapering form ofthe end of the boberate with the tapering external surface of the 30 bin 9 prevents the wear of the bobbin from lower end of the bobbin.
  • whirl-stem is obviated. combined with a whirl, 6, having a shoulder, By making the stenlfof the whirl e hollow c, and made hollow, so as to receive the taperless metal is required in its construction, light- I ing bottom of a bobbin, 9, all as specified. 4o
  • a spinning-machine bobbin tapered at power is effected. l and made smaller toward its lower end, to be I am aware of Patent No. 83,354, October driven by external friction, substantially as 20,1868, wherein a headed bobbin is embraced described. externally by the bent-ends orarms ofa springi 3.
  • a spindle and a 5 holder composed of wire, the arms touching revolving internally-tapered socket surroundthe bobbin-head in.,but two places; butthe ing it, the socket being adapted to surround .said holder does not embrace and drive the and embrace the tapered lower end of.
  • a bobbobbin as does th'esocketpart herein described. bin and drive it by frictional adhesion applied I am also aware, in roving or flier frames, I to its outer surface, substantially as described. 50


Assignor, by mesne assignments, .to THE SAWYER SPINDLE Co.
Spindle and Whirl for Spinning Machines.
No. 9,565. Reissued Feb. 15,1881.
///f([/// ////Z/ I N-PETERs. PDIOTO-LITHOGRAPNER, wAsmNGYou, D 61' certain new UNITED STATES SPINDLE- AND WHIRL FOR SPINNI SPECIFICATION forming part of Beissued Lett Original no. 123,867, dated February 20, 1872.
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that 1, WILLIAM T. CARROLL, formerly. of \Voonsocket, in the county of Providence and State of Ithodc Island, but now of Worcester, in the county of lVorcester and State i of Massachusetts, have invented and useful Improvements in Spindles and \Vhirls for which the following description, in connection with the accompanying drawings, is a specification.
Figure l in the drawings is a central vertical section of my improved spindle and whirl with a bobbin adapted thereto pressed into the whir1-socket; and Fig. 2 is an enlarged vertical section of the whirl, showing the inclination or taper of its inner surface.
This invention relates to certain new and useful improvements in spindles and whirls, and has for its objects to so hold and drive a bobbin, as hereinafter set forth, as to prevent it from being split, as is now frequently the case with bobbins driven by friction applied to their internal surfaces; also, to secure lightness in the parts to be rotated to carry the bobbin and its load during spinning, thereby saving power.
My invention consists in a spindle formed with a shoulder, combined with a whirl having a shoulder, and made hollow to receive the taperin g bottom of a bobbin, as hereinafter specifled; also, in a bobbin tapered at and made smaller toward its lower end, to be driven by external friction; also, in a spindle and a revolving internally-tapered socket surrounding it, the socket being adapted to surround and embrace the tapered lower end of the bobbin and drive it by frictional adhesion applied to its outer surface, substantially as hereinafter described.
In this my invention the bobbin-is driven by the whirl through the friction or adhesion of the whirl upon the described tapering surface with which it is in contact, and the degree or direction of the pressure which causes such adhesion is exerted toward rather than from the center of the bobbin, obviating splitting the bobbin, thus making it more durable, and at the same time the bobbin is lighter in weight than the usual bobbin, having a chambered Spinning-Machines, of.
nnsnn as srennnnrs, or BOSTON, MAssAon sn'r'rs.
ers Patent No. 9,565, dated February 15, 1881.
Application for reissue filed October '7, 1880.
base to fit over a tube of a whirl or spindle, and requires less stock to produce it. A most essential advantage derived from the employment of a bobbin of this kind driven from its tapered outside surface (over an ordinary bob bin driven by adhesive surfaces inside the bobbin) is, that by so doing it is possible togain a greater extent of frictional or adhesive surface operating farther from the center of the bin, thus preventing slippage.
When a bobbin is made to be driven by frictional contact between the spindle or whirl and the inner surface of the bobbin, such spindle or whirl acts as a powerful wedge to split bobthe bobbin, and consequently bobbins, to prevent their being split, are made thicker and heavier than would otherwise be necessary'in order to strengthen them. Notwithstanding this precaution the splitting of this class of bobbins is in practice a serious evil. In my invention, however, the socket or cup which drives the bobbin is made to receive the bobbin and act upon the latter externally likea hoop rather than internally like a wedge, thus effectually preventing the bobbin from being split as it is being driven. This invention makes it practicable to use a lighter bobbin, thus effecting a saving in the power required to drive the spinning-machine.
a a in the drawings represent a spindle formed with a collar or rim, 1). The spindle a passes through the usual spindle-rails, (not here shown,) between which rails (and inclosin g the spindles) is a collar having a set-screw, by means of which the spindle is held in such position that the shoulder 12 does not come in contact with the shoulder c. The function of the shoulder 12 is to prevent the whirl from being drawn off the spindle with the bobbin when the latter is removed.
The shoulder c is formed by the lower stem, d, of a whirl, e, which has an upwardly-projecting socketed part, f, tapered internally to receive the externally-tapered end of the bobbin g.
The bobbin 9 is placed over the spindle a, and its tapering end is made to fit against and be held adhesively by the inner tapered portion or face of the socket or cup f, the fit between the said two surfaces being sufliciently close tOyillSllI't-J themovement of the bobbin in The inner surface of the socket or stem f is unison with the socket to spin and wind proptapered, as shown clearly in Fig. 2, to co-operly. The tapering form ofthe end of the boberate with the tapering external surface of the 30 bin 9 prevents the wear of the bobbin from lower end of the bobbin. This taper given to lessening at any time its bearing in the socket the stem insures an increased amount of adinto which it is pressed farther down as it hesion or frictional driving-surface for the bobwears away. bin over what would be'the case were the in- By placing the bobbin 9 within the socket terior of the stelnfcylindrical. 5 the splitting of the bobbin, which often occurs I claim 10 when it is pressed down over the spindle or I l. A spindle, a, formed with a shoulder, b,
whirl-stem, is obviated. combined with a whirl, 6, having a shoulder, By making the stenlfof the whirl e hollow c, and made hollow, so as to receive the taperless metal is required in its construction, light- I ing bottom of a bobbin, 9, all as specified. 4o
ness of the whirl is secured, and saving of 2. A spinning-machine bobbin tapered at power is effected. l and made smaller toward its lower end, to be I am aware of Patent No. 83,354, October driven by external friction, substantially as 20,1868, wherein a headed bobbin is embraced described. externally by the bent-ends orarms ofa springi 3. In a. spinning-machine, a spindle and a 5 holder composed of wire, the arms touching revolving internally-tapered socket surroundthe bobbin-head in.,but two places; butthe ing it, the socket being adapted to surround .said holder does not embrace and drive the and embrace the tapered lower end of. a bobbobbin,as does th'esocketpart herein described. bin and drive it by frictional adhesion applied I am also aware, in roving or flier frames, I to its outer surface, substantially as described. 50
that the lower end of the bobbin has been in- WILLIAM T. CARROLL. 'serte'd within a recess at the top of the bobbin- Witnesses: 7
driving gear, the said bobbin being engaged WM. F. DRAPER,
bya pin carried by the said gear. W. F. DRAPER, Jr.



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