USRE884E - Ximprovement in bed-bottoms - Google Patents

Ximprovement in bed-bottoms Download PDF


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Tyler Howe
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  • ot' my g i ble, a semi-elliptical or bowed spring', II may be arranged on the under side ot" eaeh bearer B B and made to extend nearly across the frame, and be conneeted at its ends to the trame or the rocker-links by means ot' hooks i, and also to the bearers by means ot' a staple, Je, the spring II being allowed to play t'reely in said staple.
  • series ot wires as seen at E E, two to each bearer, may be used it desired to eonneet the bearers together, and said wires may be connected to said bearers by hooks at their ends, and one set ot' wires ot' any one ot' the bearers may be connected to that otl the next adjacent bearer by means 'ot' clasps or pieces ot' metal l F F and he talto plates or bearers ot ⁇ steel, B I3, or any t other .
  • suitable material having' a proper elastic-ity, and being' about two and a halt' inches g in width.
  • bearers I3 l so as to operate somewhat in the manner ot' a hinge, and at their lower sides are hinged or connected to the frame A by two staples, c o.
  • These rocker-links serve to support the bearers B I3 and allow them to freely spring' upward and downward.
  • bearers l extend across the frame parallel to one another, and eonneet arranged and applied as seen in the dra wings. 'Ilieexternal set ot ⁇ each. two outer bearers may be connected to the frame by means ot lacing or cords, as seen at .r/ g.
  • eaeh bearer B may be sprung l'reely downward without interruption from the adjacent bearers, the rocker-levers ot the bearer, when .borne upon, turuin; ⁇ inward lo allow the tree springing ⁇ ot' the bearer to takeplaee.
  • XVhat I claim as my invention isl.


Spccillcation forming part ot' Leiters Patent No. 11,054, dated June lil, 1654; Reissue No. S31, dated January 17, 13H0.
To all tf1/"10m, it 'inf/y m1206771.:
15e it known that l,'.l`vL1P IlowE, otCambridgeport, in the eounty ot` Middlesex and State ot Mnssaehusetts, have invented a new and nsel'nl Inilwovement in the Spring' Foundation lor illattresses, or what are termed spring-beds; and I do hereby declare the same to be t'ully described and represented in the lbllowing specilieation, and the Yaecompanying drawings, ol' which- .Figure l represents a top view method yol' constructing,` a bed or 'mattress foundation. Fie. is an underside View ot' the same. Fin'. is a tranverse section of it. ln the lirst place I make use ot' a. trame, A, which maybe the. bcdstend, or a trame to rest upon '.1 hedstead, within which I arrange and apply springs in the following` manner: I
ot' my g i ble, a semi-elliptical or bowed spring', II, may be arranged on the under side ot" eaeh bearer B B and made to extend nearly across the frame, and be conneeted at its ends to the trame or the rocker-links by means ot' hooks i, and also to the bearers by means ot' a staple, Je, the spring II being allowed to play t'reely in said staple. A. series ot wires, as seen at E E, two to each bearer, may be used it desired to eonneet the bearers together, and said wires may be connected to said bearers by hooks at their ends, and one set ot' wires ot' any one ot' the bearers may be connected to that otl the next adjacent bearer by means 'ot' clasps or pieces ot' metal l F F and he talto plates or bearers ot` steel, B I3, or any t other .suitable material having' a proper elastic-ity, and being' about two and a halt' inches g in width.
each ot' them to the frame by means ol' rocherhnlts e, there being sueh a rocker linli at or near each end of the bearers B B.
ln Fig. #I I have exhibited a` longitudinal section ot' my spring-bed foundation, and; have therein more clearly shown the roekerj links. lineh ot' these rocher-links may be made ot wire bent in a t'orm as shown in the drawings, and should be so made as to ao` commodate the width ot' the bearers to which y they are attaehed and to allow I'ree operation l These roekerlinks are connected at their upper sides to the i ot' the bearers upon them.
bearers I3 l so as to operate somewhat in the manner ot' a hinge, and at their lower sides are hinged or connected to the frame A by two staples, c o. These rocker-links serve to support the bearers B I3 and allow them to freely spring' upward and downward. By the peculiar etnistruction ot' these rocker links, and the manner in which they are attaehed to the frame and bearers, they are allowed to swing,` bael; and forth, se that when the bearers are sprung' down the rockerdinks turn inward of the frame.
To prevent injurious strain upon the beareis in ease they should happen to be too tlexi- These bearers l extend across the frame parallel to one another, and eonneet arranged and applied as seen in the dra wings. 'Ilieexternal set ot` each. two outer bearers may be connected to the frame by means ot lacing or cords, as seen at .r/ g.
l From the. above it will be seen that eaeh bearer B may be sprung l'reely downward without interruption from the adjacent bearers, the rocker-levers ot the bearer, when .borne upon, turuin;` inward lo allow the tree springing` ot' the bearer to takeplaee.
By constructing a bedbottom in the manner above stated the whole tbundation ean t'reely accommodate itselt' to the body ot' a person while lying upon it and without one bearer atteeting the action ot the other.
XVhat I claim as my invention isl. The. spring-bearers B and rocker links, e, in combination with the bed-traine, essentially as described.
2. Combining the spring-bearers B D together and with the frame in lateral diree4 tions by means of wire and clasps, in coinbination with Connecting said bearers at their ends to sueh frame by means ot' rocker-links, all substantially as hereinbel'ore specilied and t'or the purpose of forming aJ mattress t'ounda l tion ot' bansprings whose parts shall readily l accommodate themselves to the varied strains induced by a persons body when lying upon them, and this without injurious strain upon one another.
TYLER HOWE. Witnesses:
It. II. EDDY, F. l). HALE, JR.



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