USRE10322E - Signments - Google Patents

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USRE10322E US RE10322 E USRE10322 E US RE10322E
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Stephen De Gaetano
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  • woven material are inserted in and united 1, and in resumingits normal shape reacts upwith the rubber previous to vulcanizing, in oron the ball like a spring set by the force of the der to prevent the cushion from stretching uumomentum of the ball.
  • a 6 der the impact of the balls, and to lessen the The hair-cloth a is so inserted in the rubliability of the latter tojump. her, as shown in Fig.
  • the object of the invention is to render the a runs lengthwise with the cushion, and the elasticity of billiard-cushions more perfect, so woof, hair-cloth, or animal fibers a upright as to increase their capacity for causing the or at right angles to the warp, their ends orthe balls to rebound or roll back to a greater dis upper edge of the inserted strip endingjust in-. tance than usual, even on striking the cushside of the concussion-edge b of the cushion,
  • the canvas hitherto used has not the elastermed, or, in other Words, to improve the caticity and power of resistance to flexion and pacity or tendency of the cushion to cause the compression that are possessed by the hairballs to reboundat an angle more exactly equal cloth, while the latter is equally as effectual as 2 to the angle of concussion.
  • the canvas in preventing the cushion from The invention consists inthe combination, stretching and balls from jumping.
  • Figures 1 and 2 represent vertical sections as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent of a billiard-cushion provided with my pres- 1.
  • Fig. 3 is a face view of one or more longitudinal strips of hair-cloth 0 a portion of the same Seen in direction of am placed with the woof or hair on end, substanrow 1 of Fig. 1. tially as and forthe purpose set forth.
  • A is the wooden rail of the cushion; B, the 2. A billiard rubber cushion having inclosed rubber cushion proper; O, the cloth covering, one or more longitudinal strips of hair-cloth, secured by strips 0 in the usual manner.
  • D a placed with the woof or hair a on end and 5 is a portion of the Slate table, and E is a side converging upward with'the face of the cushrail of the table. ion toward the concussion-edge b of the lat- 5
  • I insert in the rubber cushion B in the forth.
  • said strip a is placed in the rubber with its WVitnesses: STEPHEN DE GAETANO. lower edge farther back of the face 0 of the J As. MOODY, cushion than the upper, thus givingthe strip EDWD. H. H. FORDER.


Asslgnor, by means assignments, to THE UNITED STATES STANDARD Bmmmn TABLE 0011mm. BILLIARD CUSHION.
No. 10,322. Reissued May a, 1883.
Mitzi/055g; I I] ngenfior WWDW f MW 9 W Wm MAW flll rue y;
SPECIFICATION forming part of Reissued Letters Patent No. 10,322, dated May 8, 1883.
Original No. 261,812, dated July 25, 1882. Application for reissue filed April 11, 1883.
To all whom it may concern.- greater inclination toward the table than the Be it known that I, STEPHEN DE. GAETANO, face of the cushion. This increases the elas- 55 a subject of the King of Italy, and a resitic resistance of the cushion, as the impact of dent of New. York, in the county and State of the ball thereby acts more endwise on the New York, have invented a new and useful hair-cloth than if the latter were parallel with 7 Improvement in Billiard-Cushions, of which the face 0', and the hair-cloth, which, as is the following is a specification. weliknown, is elastic in itself and will not 60 My invention relates to that class of rubber compress endwise, bends under the concuscushions for billiard-tables in which strips of Sion, as indicated by the dotted line B in Fig.
woven material are inserted in and united 1, and in resumingits normal shape reacts upwith the rubber previous to vulcanizing, in oron the ball like a spring set by the force of the der to prevent the cushion from stretching uumomentum of the ball. a 6 der the impact of the balls, and to lessen the The hair-cloth a is so inserted in the rubliability of the latter tojump. her, as shown in Fig. 3, that its cotton warp The object of the invention is to render the a runs lengthwise with the cushion, and the elasticity of billiard-cushions more perfect, so woof, hair-cloth, or animal fibers a upright as to increase their capacity for causing the or at right angles to the warp, their ends orthe balls to rebound or roll back to a greater dis upper edge of the inserted strip endingjust in-. tance than usual, even on striking the cushside of the concussion-edge b of the cushion,
20 ion with less force than heretofore needed, and as Shown in the drawings.
to correct the "angle of the table, as itis The canvas hitherto used has not the elastermed, or, in other Words, to improve the caticity and power of resistance to flexion and pacity or tendency of the cushion to cause the compression that are possessed by the hairballs to reboundat an angle more exactly equal cloth, while the latter is equally as effectual as 2 to the angle of concussion. the canvas in preventing the cushion from The invention consists inthe combination, stretching and balls from jumping. with the rubber cushion of a billiard-table, of Experiment has proved that by a cushion 8 one or more strips of hair-cloth embedded in constructed vaccording to this my invention the rubber, with the woof or stiff hair of the the balls rebound much easier with the appli- 0 cloth placed on endand converging upward cation of less force than in those as heretowith the face of the cushion and toward the fore constructed, and the angleof reflection is concussionedge of the latter, as will be here- .more perfectly equal to the angle of mucus inafter more fully described with reference to sion.
the accompanying drawings, in which--- Having thus described'my invention, 1 claim 5 Figures 1 and 2 represent vertical sections as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent of a billiard-cushion provided with my pres- 1. A billiard rubber cushion having inclosed ent improvement, and Fig. 3 is a face view of one or more longitudinal strips of hair-cloth 0 a portion of the same Seen in direction of am placed with the woof or hair on end, substanrow 1 of Fig. 1. tially as and forthe purpose set forth.
40 A is the wooden rail of the cushion; B, the 2. A billiard rubber cushion having inclosed rubber cushion proper; O, the cloth covering, one or more longitudinal strips of hair-cloth, secured by strips 0 in the usual manner. D a, placed with the woof or hair a on end and 5 is a portion of the Slate table, and E is a side converging upward with'the face of the cushrail of the table. ion toward the concussion-edge b of the lat- 5 Instead of the strips of canvas heretofore ter, substantially as and for the purpose setused, I insert in the rubber cushion B in the forth. same manner as that in which the canvas has In testimony that 'I claim the foregoing as been heretofore inserted, either one strip of my invention I have signed my-narne, in preshair-cloth, a, as shown in Fig. 1, or two or ence of two witnesses, this 19th day of March,
50 more similar strips, as shown in Fig. 2. The 1883.
said strip a is placed in the rubber with its WVitnesses: STEPHEN DE GAETANO. lower edge farther back of the face 0 of the J As. MOODY, cushion than the upper, thus givingthe strip EDWD. H. H. FORDER.



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