USD114299S - Design for an airplane - Google Patents

Design for an airplane Download PDF


Publication number
USD114299S US D114299 S USD114299 S US D114299S
United States
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Clifford E. Roberts
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The Glenn L
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April 11, 1939. E, R BERT Des. 114,299 AIRPLANE Filed July 19, 1938 2 Sheets-Sheet l INVENTOR. Clifford E .R0 bzrhs A a In.
April H, 1939. c. E. ROBERTS Des. 114,299
AIRPLANE Filed July 19, 1938 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 INVENTOR. C Hffo rd E.Roberfs ATTORNEY.
Patented Apr. 11, 1939 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR AN AIRPLANE Clifford E. Roberts, Joppa, Md., assignor to The Glen L. Martin Company, Baltimore, Md.
. Application July 19, 1938, Serial No. 78,583
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 2 is a side view in elevation of Figure 1 Be it known that I, Clifiord E. Roberts, a citizen showing the landing wheels in retracted position,
of the United States, and resident of the city of and Joppa, in the county of Harford and State of Figure 3 is aplan view thereof.
Maryland, have invented a new, original and I claim:
ornamental Design for an Airplane, of which The ornamental design for an airplane, subthe following is a specification, reference being stantially as shown. 91
had to the accompanying drawings, forming part thereof. CLIFFORD E. ROBERTS.
Figure 1 is a front elevational view of an aircraft showing my new design,



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