TWM400149U - Compact external cavity laser system with wavelength tuning by using a silicon flexure - Google Patents

Compact external cavity laser system with wavelength tuning by using a silicon flexure Download PDF


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TWM400149U TW99216428U TW99216428U TWM400149U TW M400149 U TWM400149 U TW M400149U TW 99216428 U TW99216428 U TW 99216428U TW 99216428 U TW99216428 U TW 99216428U TW M400149 U TWM400149 U TW M400149U
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spring element
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Ho-Chiao Chuang
Kuo-Yuan Huang
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Univ Nat Taipei Technology
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Application filed by Univ Nat Taipei Technology filed Critical Univ Nat Taipei Technology
Priority to TW99216428U priority Critical patent/TWM400149U/en
Publication of TWM400149U publication Critical patent/TWM400149U/en



  • Semiconductor Lasers (AREA)


This invention relates to the wavelength tuning mechanism of an external cavity diode laser system. The characteristic of the device is to use a silicon based flexure applied to the laser system. There is an optical grating attach to the front side of the silicon flexure which will diffract the laser beam and feed it back to the laser diode (fixed end). The rest of the laser power will penetrate through the grating and become the output beam. Besides, there are two piezo actuators mount on the backside of the silicon flexure and can be activated by the electrical voltage. The silicon flexure deflects toward the laser diode according to the amount of the voltage input to the piezo actuators. Meanwhile, the optical grating is mounted on the front side of the silicon flexure. Thus, when the silicon flexure is pushed by the piezo actuator, the grating moved toward to the laser diode side simultaneously. Therefore, the distance between the laser diode and grating (laser cavity length) will be changed as well. Then the lasing wavelength is also changing along with the cavity length. The laser wavelength tuning can be achieved by the silicon flexure. The continuous wavelength tuning can be performed by applying different amount of the input voltage to the piezo actuators. The more voltage applied to the piezo actuators, the more displacement silicon flexure can make. Hence, the lasing wavelength can be tuned further. In addition, when the piezo actuator pushes flexure, the spring constant of the silicon flexure substantially influences the displacement of the grating and the wavelength tuning range. Therefore, the appreciate wavelength tuning range can be achieved by designing the proper geometry and dimensions of the silicon flexure.


五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作「利用矽彈簧元件調整波長之小型外腔雷射系統」係用於—般 外腔雷射系統設計,主要是用於外腔雷射系統體積不需要佔太大區域之場 【先前技術】 一般的外腔雷射系統皆採用一具撓性的金屬結構以做為波長調整的機 構,而將光柵以45度的角度裝置於此金屬結構上,且通常在光柵背面的金 屬結構裝置一壓電致動器用以調整雷射外腔長度與波長。但是此具撓性的 金屬結構往往體積過大且笨重,需要搭配推力夠大的壓電致動器(體積也龐 大)才能達到雷射波長調整範圍的需求。除此之外,此金屬結構每次製作時 的加工精度也難以控制一致。再者’金屬材料製作的撓性結構往往會受到 環境溫度改變而產生形變’如此一來便會造成雷射波長飄移不定的現象。 因此綜合以上各點,一般的外腔雷射皆無法將其整體系統縮的太小,這對 於同時間需要很多台外腔雷射系統的使用者而言,常造成空間上的困擾與 不便。 美國專利 US 6,690,690, B2 號所揭露之「Tunable Laser System Having an Adjustable External Cavity」,係以一懸臂金屬結構上裝置光栅,而其光栅位 置可以變動,用以調整雷射外腔長度。其設計仍以撓性金屬結構為主來調 整波長。美國專利 US 20080298406 A1 號所揭露之「Compact External Cavity MID-IR Optical Lasers」,其光柵是裝置在一個金屬製的轉動架上用以將雷射 光束依特定的角度回授給雷射二極體。前述創作設計雖然可以免除直接使 M400149 用撓性的金屬結構來調整雷射外腔的長度,但仍須以金屬製的光柵轉動架 方式作動,仍是無法達到整體雷射系統體積縮小化的目的。美國專利us 20050105565A1號為利用不同厚度的圓狀干涉薄膜在一轉動元件上轉動至 特定薄膜厚度位置,以達到雷射外腔長度與波長改變的目的。但是此一轉 動元件乃以電動馬達來驅動,馬達轉動時所產生的噪音將會影響雷射波長 . 的穩定性。此外,雷射系統内包含一具電動馬達將會使得整體體積變的更 大。美國專利 US 20050281298A1 號「Analog External Cavity Laser」其設計 • 係將布拉格光柵直接裝置於雷射源的另一端,中間僅有一準直透鏡並無其 他金屬結構。此一設計雖然可以將雷射體積縮小,但無法做雷射外腔長度 的調整,波長的調整乃是利用改變布拉格光柵的溫度,但是其波長的調整 速度頗慢。 综此,以上不管是利用撓姓金屬結構之設計或是電動馬達轉動干涉薄膜 亦或是採用布拉格光栅之外腔雷射系統,雖然皆可以達到雷射波長調整的 目的,但是設計都較為複雜且雷射系統整體體積過大,較不符合輕巧、簡 # $'低成本之要求。 【新型内容】 有鑑於將外腔雷射系統縮小之便利性,而且避免使用笨重的撓性金屬結 構,以簡化設計並降低成本,本創作構想出以矽彈簧元件來取代撓性的金 屬結構,在矽彈簧元件的前面裝置光柵而其背面裝置兩顆小型的壓電致動 器’以同時達到雷射外腔長度與波長調整之目的。其裝置之特徵在於驅動 壓電致動器之後,矽彈簧元件會依據所輸入到壓電致動器的電壓大小,向 雷射源端產生相對的位移,以改變雷射外腔長度。而光柵是裝置在石夕彈菁 5 M400149 疋件的前面,因此當縛簧元件受到壓電致動雜擠向前產生位移時,光 柵也會同時向雷射源端產生相對的位移。因此從雷射源端到光柄的距離, 即光學共振_長度齡喊變,雷縣的波長也會縣光學共振腔 的長度改變而發生變化’以達到雷射波長繼的目的。因此,娜酱元件 的彈簧常數大小將料其受賴電致_贿時,缝生賴形量大小, '進而影響雷射波長調整的大小’因此可藉由謂簧元件的幾何與尺寸設計 來達到所需要的波長適當調整範圍。 如前所述之㈣簧元件裝置,本創作之主要目的在於以卿簧元件取代 了傳統在外腔雷射系統内的金屬結構,因此降低了外腔雷射祕的整體體 積。提供使用者於使用小型外腔雷射系統時,無須考慮其體積大小與重量 等問題’增加使用之方便性與攜帶性。 本創作之另-目的在於石夕彈簧元件乃是使用半導體製程來批量製作,同 一石夕晶圓片上可同時製作數十個轉簧元件,而其尺寸精度可控制在一定 • 的範肋,且無須額外的加工,以達設置之量產製作的方便性之目的。 本創作之另一目的在於矽彈簧元件的量產製作成本與原料價格低,遠比 加工金屬結構來的低廉,以達到節省外腔雷射系統成本之目的。 【實施方式】 為說明本創作之原理及設計,特以下列具體實施例來做說明。圖一所示 為本實施例之整體架構圖。在雷射系統的左半端,雷射二極體散熱銅塊(100) 裡面裝置有雷射二極體(4〇1)與雷射二極體電源接頭(402),而雷射二極 體(401)前端則被雷射二極體固定架(2〇1)固定住。在雷射系統的中間部 6 M400149 刀疋由個雷射外腔(202)内包含有一準直透鏡固定架(3〇1)與一準直 透鏡(302)所組成的◊準直透鏡固定架(3〇1)可在雷射外腔(2〇2)内沿著 雷射外腔(2G2)峨向移動,直到雷射光束被準直透鏡(3()2)準直化。在 雷射系統的右半部則是由一矽彈簧元件(6〇1)裝置於矽彈簧元件散熱銅塊 (1〇1)上,在矽彈簧元件(6〇1)的正面裝置有一光柵(501)於矽彈簧元件 上的光栅安裝處(502)如圖二所示,而在矽彈簧元件(6〇1)的反面則裝置 有上下側兩顆壓電致動器(7〇la) (701b)於矽彈簧元件上的壓電致動器上 • 下側安裝處(702a)(7〇2b)。在兩顆壓電致動器(7〇la)(7〇lb)的另一面則是 裝置於石夕彈簧元件散熱銅塊(101)的正面如圖一所示。當準直透鏡固定架 (301)定位後,即雷射光束準直後,接著在雷射外腔(2〇2)的徑方向上利用 移動雷射外腔(202)將雷射光束迴授給雷射二極體(4〇1),最後再將雷射 系統的左半部、中間部分以及右半部組裝起來。 本創作之特點係於矽彈簧元件(601)之設計如圖三所示,其中在石夕彈 簧元件(6〇1)的反面設計有兩個壓電致動器的上下側安裝位置(7〇2a) Φ (702b),在矽彈簧元件(601)的中間處則設計有一個雷射光穿透處(6〇3)。 而能夠使矽彈簧元件(601)產生形變的主要設計為其正反面的凹槽設計 (602a) (602b),其中矽彈簧元件(601)的正面凹槽(602a)局部放大圖,如圖 四所示。當電壓輸入到壓電致動器(701a) (701b)後,壓電致動器(7〇ia) (701b)會依據所輸入的電壓大小而向前產生相對應的推播與變形,因為石夕彈 簧元件散熱銅塊(101)的剛性大過於矽彈簧元件(601),因此矽彈簧元件 (601)會受到壓電致動器(701a) (701b)的擠壓而產生變形。除此之外,光 栅(501)因為裝置於矽彈簧元件(601)的正面,因此也會隨著矽彈簧元件 7 M400149 (601)向雷射二極體(401)端產生位移。如此一來,雷射共振腔的長度即雷 射二極體(401)至光柵(501)的距離將因此而改變,以達到波長調整的目 的0 【圖式簡單說明】 圖一 一實施例之整體架構圖 圖二 實施例之矽彈簧元件正面圖V. New description: [New technical field] The creation of "small external cavity laser system using 矽 spring element to adjust the wavelength" is used for the design of the general external cavity laser system, mainly for the external cavity laser system. The volume does not need to occupy a large area. [Prior Art] A general external cavity laser system uses a flexible metal structure as a wavelength adjustment mechanism, and the grating is mounted at a 45 degree angle to the metal structure. A metal structure device, usually on the back side of the grating, is used to adjust the length and wavelength of the laser outer cavity. However, this flexible metal structure tends to be too bulky and cumbersome, and requires a piezoelectric actuator with a large thrust (large size) to meet the laser wavelength adjustment range. In addition, the processing accuracy of this metal structure at each production is difficult to control. Furthermore, the flexible structure made of 'metal materials tends to be deformed by changes in the ambient temperature', which causes the wavelength of the laser to drift. Therefore, in combination with the above points, the general external cavity laser cannot shrink the overall system too small, which is often troublesome and inconvenient for users who need many external cavity laser systems at the same time. The "Tunable Laser System Having an Adjustable External Cavity" disclosed in U.S. Patent No. 6,690,690, B. The design is still based on a flexible metal structure to adjust the wavelength. "Compact External Cavity MID-IR Optical Lasers" disclosed in US Pat. No. 20080298406 A1, the grating is mounted on a metal turret for returning the laser beam to the laser diode at a specific angle. . Although the above-mentioned creative design can directly eliminate the M400149's flexible metal structure to adjust the length of the laser outer cavity, it still has to be operated by a metal grating turret, and the volume of the overall laser system cannot be reduced. . U.S. Patent No. 20050105565A1 uses a circular interference film of different thickness to rotate on a rotating member to a specific film thickness position to achieve the purpose of varying the length and wavelength of the laser outer cavity. However, this rotating element is driven by an electric motor, and the noise generated when the motor rotates will affect the stability of the laser wavelength. In addition, the inclusion of an electric motor in the laser system will result in a larger overall volume. US Patent US 20050281298A1 "Analog External Cavity Laser" is designed to directly apply the Bragg grating to the other end of the laser source with only one collimating lens in the middle and no other metal structure. Although this design can reduce the laser volume, it cannot adjust the length of the laser outer cavity. The wavelength is adjusted by changing the temperature of the Bragg grating, but the wavelength adjustment speed is quite slow. In summary, whether the design of the scratched metal structure or the electric motor rotating interference film or the Bragg grating external cavity laser system can achieve the purpose of laser wavelength adjustment, the design is complicated. The overall size of the laser system is too large, which is less than the requirement of light weight and simple cost. [New content] In view of the convenience of reducing the external cavity laser system and avoiding the use of bulky flexible metal structures to simplify the design and reduce the cost, the author conceived to replace the flexible metal structure with a spring element. A grating is placed in front of the 矽 spring element and two small piezoelectric actuators are mounted on the back side to simultaneously achieve the length and wavelength adjustment of the laser outer cavity. The device is characterized in that after driving the piezoelectric actuator, the neon spring element generates a relative displacement to the laser source end according to the magnitude of the voltage input to the piezoelectric actuator to change the length of the laser outer cavity. The grating is mounted on the front of the Shihite 5 M400149 element. Therefore, when the spring element is displaced by the piezoelectric actuation, the grating will also have a relative displacement to the laser source. Therefore, the distance from the laser source to the optical handle, that is, the optical resonance_length change, the wavelength of Leixian will also change the length of the optical cavity of the county to change to achieve the laser wavelength. Therefore, the size of the spring constant of the Nasa sauce component will be expected to affect the size of the laser wavelength adjustment, which can be influenced by the geometry and size of the spring element. Achieve the appropriate adjustment range for the required wavelength. As described above (4), the main purpose of the spring element device is to replace the metal structure in the external cavity laser system with a spring element, thereby reducing the overall volume of the outer cavity laser. Providing users with the need to consider the size and weight of the small external cavity laser system to increase the convenience and portability of use. The other purpose of this creation is that the Shixi spring element is produced in batches using a semiconductor process, and dozens of reed elements can be fabricated simultaneously on the same Shihua wafer, and the dimensional accuracy can be controlled to a certain extent. No additional processing is required to achieve the convenience of mass production. Another purpose of this creation is that the mass production cost and the raw material price of the spring element are much lower than that of the metal structure, so as to save the cost of the external cavity laser system. [Embodiment] In order to explain the principle and design of the present invention, the following specific embodiments are described. Figure 1 shows the overall architecture of the present embodiment. In the left half of the laser system, the laser diode (100) of the laser diode is equipped with a laser diode (4〇1) and a laser diode power connector (402), and the laser diode (401) The front end is fixed by the laser diode holder (2〇1). In the middle part of the laser system 6 M400149 The cymbal consists of a collimating lens holder consisting of a collimating lens holder (3〇1) and a collimating lens (302). (3〇1) can be moved along the laser outer cavity (2G2) in the laser outer cavity (2〇2) until the laser beam is collimated by the collimating lens (3()2). In the right half of the laser system, a spring element (6〇1) is mounted on the heat-dissipating copper block (1〇1) of the spring element, and a grating is arranged on the front side of the spring element (6〇1). 501) The grating mounting portion (502) on the 矽 spring element is shown in FIG. 2, and on the reverse side of the 矽 spring element (6〇1), there are two piezoelectric actuators (7〇la) on the upper and lower sides ( 701b) On the piezoelectric actuator on the 矽 spring element • The lower side mounting (702a) (7〇2b). On the other side of the two piezoelectric actuators (7〇1), the front side of the heat-dissipating copper block (101) of the device is shown in Fig. 1. After the collimating lens holder (301) is positioned, that is, after the laser beam is collimated, the laser beam is then returned to the laser beam using the moving laser outer cavity (202) in the radial direction of the laser outer cavity (2〇2). The laser diode (4〇1) is finally assembled with the left, middle and right halves of the laser system. The feature of this creation is that the design of the spring element (601) is shown in Figure 3. The upper and lower side mounting positions of the two piezoelectric actuators are designed on the reverse side of the stone spring element (6〇1). 2a) Φ (702b), a laser light penetration (6〇3) is designed in the middle of the 矽 spring element (601). The main design capable of deforming the 矽 spring element (601) is its front and back groove design (602a) (602b), wherein the front groove (602a) of the 矽 spring element (601) is partially enlarged, as shown in FIG. Shown. When the voltage is input to the piezoelectric actuator (701a) (701b), the piezoelectric actuator (7〇ia) (701b) will forward correspondingly push and deform according to the magnitude of the input voltage, because The strength of the heat sink copper block (101) of the Shixi spring element is much greater than that of the spring element (601), so that the spring element (601) is deformed by the piezoelectric actuator (701a) (701b). In addition to this, the grating (501) is displaced toward the laser diode (401) end by the 矽 spring element 7 M400149 (601) because it is mounted on the front side of the 矽 spring element (601). In this way, the length of the laser cavity, that is, the distance from the laser diode (401) to the grating (501), will be changed accordingly to achieve the purpose of wavelength adjustment. [Simplified illustration] FIG. Overall architecture diagram Figure 2 Front view of the spring element of the embodiment

圖三實施例之矽彈簧元件反面圖 圖四實施例之矽彈簧元件正面凹槽局部放大圖 圖五雷射系統右半部之剖面示意圖 【主要元件符號說明】 (100)雷射二極體散熱銅塊 (201)雷射二極體固定架 (301)準直透鏡固定架 (401)雷射二極體 (501)光栅 (6〇1)矽彈簧元件 (101)矽彈簧元件散熱銅塊 (202)雷射外腔 (302)準直透鏡 (402)雷射二極體電源接頭 (502)矽彈簧元件上光栅安裝處 (6〇2a)矽彈簧元件正面之凹槽 (603)矽彈簧元件上雷射光穿透處(602b)矽彈菁元件反面之凹槽 (701a)上側壓電致動器 (7〇lb)下側壓電致動器 (702a)矽彈簧元件上壓電致動器上側安裝處 (702b)矽彈簧元件上壓電致動器下側安裝處 8FIG. 3 is a reverse view of the spring element of the embodiment. FIG. 4 is a partial enlarged view of the front surface of the spring element. FIG. 5 is a schematic cross-sectional view of the right half of the laser system. [Main component symbol description] (100) Laser diode heat dissipation Copper block (201) laser diode holder (301) collimator lens holder (401) laser diode (501) grating (6〇1) 矽 spring element (101) 矽 spring element heat sink copper block ( 202) Laser external cavity (302) collimating lens (402) laser diode power connector (502) 矽 spring element on grating mounting (6〇2a) 矽 spring element front groove (603) 矽 spring element Upper laser light penetration (602b) concave groove of the elastic element (701a) upper piezoelectric actuator (7〇1b) lower piezoelectric actuator (702a), spring element upper piezoelectric actuator Upper side mounting (702b) 矽 Spring element on the lower side of the piezoelectric actuator 8

Claims (1)

、申請專利範圍: 種利用矽彈簧元件調整波長之小型外腔雷射系統,其裝置是包含左 半部的雷射二極體散熱金屬塊與雷射二極體固定架將雷射二極體包覆起 來,再與右半部的光柵、矽彈簧元件與其所裝置的散熱金屬塊,將中間 分的雷射外腔圓管與其内部的準直透鏡夾緊而成一緊實穩定的外腔雷 射系統,其特徵在於矽彈簧元件會因壓電致動器的推擠而產生相對的形 變量,進而改變雷射光的波長。 2. 如申請專利範圍第〗項所述之利用矽彈簧元件調整波長之小型外腔雷 射系統,其中具波長調整功能的矽彈簧元件,設置於雷射外腔的一端並 連接於其散熱的金屬塊上,其裝置包含一雷射光束穿透視窗、兩組壓電 致動器安裝位置與正反面各兩處產生形變的凹槽,其特徵在於輸入電壓 於壓電致動器之後,由壓電致動器依據所輸入的電壓大小,產生相對的 推擠力量而帶動矽彈簧元件產生向前的形變。 3. 如申請專利範圍第1項所述之利用矽彈簧元件調整波長之小型外腔雷 射系統,其找尋光學迴授之機制,當準直透鏡固定架在雷射外腔的轴方 向上定位後,即雷射光束準直後,可藉由調整雷射外腔圓管在其徑方向 上的移動’將光柵上所產生的繞射雷射光束迴授給雷射二極體。Patent application scope: A small external cavity laser system that uses a spring element to adjust the wavelength. The device is a laser diode with a left half and a laser diode with a laser diode. Wrapped, and then with the right half of the grating, the spring element and the heat-dissipating metal block of the device, the middle laser tube and the internal collimator lens are clamped to form a tight and stable external cavity. The radiation system is characterized in that the neon spring element generates a relative shape variable due to the pushing of the piezoelectric actuator, thereby changing the wavelength of the laser light. 2. A small external cavity laser system for adjusting the wavelength by using a 矽 spring element as described in the scope of the patent application, wherein a 矽 spring element having a wavelength adjustment function is disposed at one end of the laser outer cavity and connected to the heat dissipation thereof On the metal block, the device comprises a laser beam penetrating window, two sets of piezoelectric actuator mounting positions and two grooves on each of the front and back surfaces, wherein the input voltage is after the piezoelectric actuator, The piezoelectric actuator generates a relative pushing force according to the magnitude of the input voltage to drive the 矽 spring element to produce a forward deformation. 3. For the small external cavity laser system using the 矽 spring element to adjust the wavelength as described in the first paragraph of the patent application, the optical feedback mechanism is sought, and the collimator lens holder is positioned in the axial direction of the laser outer cavity. Thereafter, after the laser beam is collimated, the diffracted laser beam generated on the grating can be returned to the laser diode by adjusting the movement of the outer tube of the laser in its radial direction.
TW99216428U 2010-08-26 2010-08-26 Compact external cavity laser system with wavelength tuning by using a silicon flexure TWM400149U (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
TW99216428U TWM400149U (en) 2010-08-26 2010-08-26 Compact external cavity laser system with wavelength tuning by using a silicon flexure

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
TW99216428U TWM400149U (en) 2010-08-26 2010-08-26 Compact external cavity laser system with wavelength tuning by using a silicon flexure

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TWM400149U true TWM400149U (en) 2011-03-11



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
TW99216428U TWM400149U (en) 2010-08-26 2010-08-26 Compact external cavity laser system with wavelength tuning by using a silicon flexure

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TW (1) TWM400149U (en)

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
TWI484709B (en) * 2012-04-12 2015-05-11 Univ Nat Taipei Technology An external cavity laser system with narrow linewidth

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
TWI484709B (en) * 2012-04-12 2015-05-11 Univ Nat Taipei Technology An external cavity laser system with narrow linewidth

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