M351875 "八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 一種氫氧動力發電裝置,用以產生電力,並 可具有儲電的功能,本創作尤指一種可將化學 能轉換成機械能,並進而循環運用以產生發電 及儲電的氳氧動力發電裝置。 【先前技術】 ® 傳統電力供應系統可區分為集中型發電配 電系統、如火力發電、水力發電與核能發電等 等,其中以石化燃料為主的發電技術,因石化 燃料的成本相當的高,且會造成生態汙染的問 題,而使得各國政府與研究單位,不得不積極 研發其它的替代能源及發電技術,因此,一種 分散型發電系統便應運而生,如風力、太陽能、 φ 生質能與小型内燃機發電等,諸如此類的替代 能源,於今,可以用來舒緩社區、商業中心、 工廠、醫院、軍方基地或是家庭用的發電技術, 其中,要電力產生可滿足家庭以上使用者基本 需要 5KW/h 以上,因此風力、太陽能要達到 5 KW/h以上的購置成本與體積就顯得不理想,而 傳統固定式與傳動式小型内燃機、發電機就較 能勝任5 K W / h以上的需求,但無論是汽油/柴油 式内燃機、發電機均存在石化燃料的問題;請 5 M351875 參閱「第1圖」,圖中所示係為一種習知的石化 燃料内燃式發電機的組成示意圖,如圖中所示 的内燃式發電機1 0,其係以柴油、汽油、瓦斯 作為内燃機的燃料源,因此,均有一組油箱1 1 供作柴油/汽油的儲存、油料經油管、化油器/ 電喷式、進氣歧管道,當燃燒室經火星塞產生 火花點火(汽油)或壓燃點火(柴油)時,係以節 流閥(汽油)或蝶閥(柴油)調整油量,使氣缸内 進行進氣、壓縮、動力排氣行程循環,再以此 機械扭力帶動發電機12轉軸產生交流電,可直 接供交流電負載使用,也可以經整流充電器1 3 對二次深循環電池1 4充電;但汽油/柴油内燃 式發電機均會產生對人體有害的一氧化碳、碳 氫化合物、氮氧化合物、硫氧化合物、黑煙與 固態懸浮粒子,造成嚴重的空氣汙染,影響生 態與致癌的潛在危機。 【新型内容】 有鑒於上述的問題,本創作者深知,要解決 石化燃料内燃機式發電機的缺點,必須設計一 種不用石化燃料的小型内燃機發電機,可以保 留内燃機的大扭力,高轉速以帶動交流發電機 發電,因此,發明人積極研究不同的燃料與内 燃機發電機的應用,保留内燃機的大馬力與扭 6 M351875 利的染創化.,替 種能污,電料得 一 功境的的燃取 供電環目能保以 提發善的效環可 於到改述高的解 在達效上行源電 的可有達進能過 目且能為,代經 的’期.,的替水 要染以求標為解 主污,需究作了 作無置保研供係 創、裝環為可者 ^于 本源電等 J 4 作 , 電發能水取創 此性力節Γ f 本 緣代動足以應 , ; 替氧滿人反上 力 用氫及 作學如 代乙炔、瓦斯的可燃氣體,用作工業焊接、切 割、餐飲炊饍與汽機車的輔助性燃料,故,於 本創作中,提出高效能的水、電化學反應,利 用電壓、電流進行不同材質的電極以產生氫氧/ 氫碳氣態燃料,供熱燃機(包含内燃機、外燃機) 的進壓動排衝程或熱脹冷縮的循環動力,並將 此動力帶動發電機發電。 為使貴審查委員得以明瞭本創作之結構、組 成及功效,茲以下列說明搭配圖示,請參閱。 【實施方式】 請參閱「第2圖」,圖中所示係為本創作的 立體外觀圖,如圖中所示,本創作氫氧動力發 電裝置2,主要係由八大單元所構成,如圖: 一框體單元 21:用來將其餘單元穩定的結 合在一起,由不鏽鋼組成,可以承受氫氧動力 發電裝置2各單元的重量與避震作業,在框架 7 M351875 下方可架設數組輪子(本圖中未繪示)供靈活移 動; 儲水單元22:氫氧動力發電裝置2的主要 燃料源為水,因此在框體單元2 1上,架設一組 儲水單元22,可容納水與催化劑,儲水單元22 之水,可由上方之注水孔2 2 1注入乾淨的水源, 如蒸餾水等,或以加壓的方式自側方的注水孔 222導入自來水,儲水單元22前方,可組設一 水容量刻度表2 2 3,以使操作者可得知水量; 超級電容單元 23:要將一般的水解離成燃 料,以可供内燃機發動與帶動發電機發電的氫 氧氣態,必須藉由大電壓與大電流的電力來源, 因此使用超級電容單元2 3來取代傳統二次電池, 如鉛酸電池、鋰電池等深循環電池、將超級電 容單元2 3的陰極、陽極聯接到電化學反應單元 24的陰極及陽極上,供作電解與電漿反應所需 的電壓與電流;傳統二次電池如鉛酸電池、鎳 鎘電池、鎳氫電池、鋰電池等均無法產生足夠 的電壓,電流供作水電解與等離子電解上需求, 因此,本創作以超級電容單元作為電化學反應 的電壓、電源來源,提供高效能之電力輸出, 使水電解反應之陽極產生氧,陰極產生氫,電 漿電解反應取得碳氫混合氣態燃料,供内燃機 作進氣、壓縮、燃燒、排氣行程循環,提供外 8 M351875 燃機進行熱爆炸/冷壓縮史特林循環,氫氧/碳 氣態燃料由化學能在内燃機/外燃機中轉換 熱能、機械能,再以此機械能的扭力帶動發 機線圈轉子旋轉,並與永磁定子產生磁通量 化的電磁感應,此時機械能再轉換成磁能與 能,最終以電能型式輸出; 電化學反應單元24:電化學反應單元24 本裝置的核心單元之一,利用水與電的電流 學反應,將自來水、蒸館水解離成可燃性的 原子,及有助燃性的氧原子氣態燃料,在電 學反應單元24中,係具有電解與電漿兩種反 元件,將來自超級電容單元23的陰極、陽極 別導入電解元件的陰極不鏽鋼管與陽極不鏽 彈簧上,彼此不接觸,在通電後陰極產生氫氧 陽極產生氧氣混合後,經氣管收集,另一組 極陽極則導入電漿元件的陰極石墨碳管與陽 不鏽鋼彈簣上,彼此不接觸,在通電後,產 電漿反應,可產生碳、氫原子,經氣管收集後 經回火防制罐導入發動單元2 5。 發動單元25:發動單元25有兩種元件組成 分別是來自電化學反應單元24的電能,由其 產生的氫氧氣態燃料導入行程式内燃機,進 進氣、壓縮、動力、排氣四個步驟,使氫氛 態燃料的化學能經内燃機轉換成機械能,此 氫 成 電 變 電 是 化 氫 化 應 分 鋼 9 陰 極 生 所 行 氣 旋 9 M351875 轉扭力可以用來帶動發電單元26發電,發動單 元 25的另一種元件則是來自電化學反應單元 24的電漿,由其所產生的碳氫氣態燃料燃燒, 產生熱能帶動史特林引擎的溫差反應,由冷熱 交替產生連桿的推動與旋轉扭力,經皮帶傳動 給發電單元發電,經行程式内燃機與溫差式史 特林引導的扭力傳動,氫氣/氫碳的氣態化學能, 可以完全轉換成機械能; 發電單元 2 6 :為一組交流電發電機,由發 動單元25之機械能的產生的扭力,轉動一交流 電發電機的軸心,帶動發電機軸心上的線圈轉 子旋轉,並與發電機的永磁定子產生電磁感應, 使線圈轉子產生磁通量的變化,經由一集電滑 環,將交流電導出供直接交流負載,如家電用 品、視聽設備、冷氣等之電力來源,或者經交 流/直流轉換,回充到一超級電容單元 2 3中, 供日後的電化學反應單元的電解/電漿能力來 源與發動單元2 5的電動啟動馬達之電力來源; 電子電路控制單元 27:提供氫氧動力發電 裝置2所需的電子電路,包含超級電容單元23 之電路,電解/電漿之脈衝控制電子電路、發動 單元25之啟動馬達控制電路與内燃機之火星塞 點火電路等,使整個發電裝置可以順利運作; 顯示單元28:用來顯示氫氧動力發電裝置2 10 M351875 之各單元之綜合狀態,例如儲水單元22的水量, 超級電容單元23與電化學反應單元24的電力 消耗,如電壓、安培值、電解/電聚產生氣態燃 料之壓力值、啟動馬達之啟動開關、發電單元 26之電力供給之電壓、電流值與110V、220V、 380V、440V的電力輸出插座等,此顯示單元28 直接固定在框體單元2 1上,以利操作者及時掌 握氫氣動力發電裝置2的使用狀態。 請參閱「第3圖」,圖中所示係為本創作實 施時的反應流程圖,如圖: 第一步驟(加入水原料)3 0 1 :將自來水、蒸 餾水等水原料自儲水單元中; 第二步驟(導入水原料)3 0 2 :導入到電化學 反應單元的電解/電漿反應器中; 第三步驟(電解/電漿反應)303:使電解的陰 極產生氳氣,陽極產生氧氣、水,電槳的電流 化學反應則在陰極產生氫,陽極產生碳化反 應, 第四步驟(燃料收集與回火防止)3 0 4 :因氫 氣/氫碳均為燃料,分別將氫氧/氫碳氣態燃料經 回火防止罐集中,因氫氣具有爆炸的危險性, 因此可用液態或固態的回火防止方式,將其安 全收集; 第五步驟(致動發動單元)3 0 5 :再分別將氫 M351875 氧氣態燃料倒入發動單元的行程式内燃機的氣 歧管中,氳氧氣態燃料在燃燒室中進行進氣、 壓縮、動力、排氣循環,將氫氣化學能轉換成 機械能,而碳氫電漿反應的燃料則直接燃燒產 生熱能,利用史特林引擎的冷熱循環的作用, 產生機械能; 第六步驟(致動發電單元)306:此機械能的 扭力再推動交流發電機軸心旋轉,使軸心線圈 轉子與永磁定子產生電磁感應,進而發電; 第七步驟3 0 7 (整流):此電力為交流電型式, 可直接供交流電負載使用,或經交直流整流作 業輸出直流電,供超級電容單元儲存; 第八步驟3 0 8 (儲存電能及循環致動):再重 複供電化學反應之電力來源,使氳氧動力發電 裝置可以永續循環使用,使用者只需加入自來 水/蒸餾水即可;如上,其副產物就是電力與無 毒無臭的水,使此電力完全符合綠色環保的需 求。 請參閱「第4圖」,圖中所示係為本創作中 之電化學反應單元的組成示意圖,如圖中所示, 電化學反應單元24主要係由數個電解瓶罐241 所組構而成,而此電解瓶罐 2 4 1之組成元件則 如下所述: 一旋轉蓋 2411:由一種抗高壓高分子聚合 12 M351875 * 物脫模製成,上方成型有一個九十度進水/排 孔2412與一垂直注水/排氣孔2413,蓋上並 設有一陽極部2414、及一陰極部2415; 一中空絕緣套環 2416:是一個電木材質 絕緣體,可以供水、空氣進出的中空套環, 環上有三節不同口徑的圓環,用來固定陰極 電環2418,陰極不鏽鋼管24181與陽極不鏽 彈簧2 4 1 7,下方則以耐高壓耐高溫的絕緣環 ® 開,以確保陽極部2 4 1 4與陰極部2 4 1 5不致 路,在絕緣的狀態下,陽極部 2 4 1 4與陰極 2415電極通電後,陽極不鏽鋼彈簀2417外產 氧原子,陰極不鏽鋼管24181產生氳氣,氫 氣可經陰極不鏽鋼管2 4 1 8 1、中空絕緣套環2 4 經電解瓶罐旋轉蓋的垂直注水/排氣孔 2 4 1 3 出; B 陰極不鏽鋼管 24181:為中空的不鏽鋼管 上穿有數個圓孔,以利電化學反應之氳原子 出; 陽極不鏽鋼彈簧 2417:為一個彈簧不鏽 的電極體,上端為螺紋狀,一端連接至陽極 2414; 絕緣隔片(本圖中未示):一個皇冠狀的耐 溫高分子聚合物,可以將陽極不鏽鋼彈簧與 極不鏽鋼管隔開,以保持絕緣狀態; 氣 固 的 套 導 鋼 隔 短 部 生 氧 16, 排 , 排 鋼 部 南 陰 13 M351875 電解瓶罐 2419:為一耐高壓高溫的高 聚合物脫模而成的透明瓶罐,可以以旋轉 與旋轉蓋2 4 1 1緊密結合,水經進水/排氣孔 與一垂直注水/排氣孔 24 1 3進入,依操作 決定水量大小與水中催化劑的成分、數量; 請參閱「第5圖」,圖中所示係為本創作另 件的示意圖,其係為一集氣罐242,應用時 量為數個,用以收集電解後的氫、氧氣, 觀與電解瓶罐 2 4 1 9 的外觀相同,係由一 2421、一進氣管 2422與一罐體2423組成 體上亦有一與進氣管2422呈九十度的一出 2 4 2 4;應用時,可先由出氣孔2 4 2 4將水注 體2 4 2 3,再將氫、氧氣態燃料導入由進氣管 導入水中,氫、氧氣可再經出氣孔排2424 一收集管中,供一内燃機使用,再者,此 氣罐242亦有回火防制的功能; 除了集氣罐2 4 2的基本回火防制功能夕 確保回火不會經由管路再進入電化學反應 中24中,可以再添加一固態的回火防止器 是常見於丙烷、丙烯、乙炔、氫氧氣用的 裝置,用於0.2-1.6Mpa壓力,且内設單向 在回火時,切斷氣源,確保回火不會經任 線再進入電化學反應單元24中,解除氫氣 的風險;另,電漿(離子)電解瓶罐與氫氣電 分子 方式 24 12 需要 另’ 一構 的數 其外 蓋體 ,蓋 氣孔 入罐 2422 出至 類集 ,為 ΧΧΌ 一 早兀 ,這 熄火 閥可 何管 爆炸 解瓶 14 M351875 罐元件相同(圖中不另行繪示),只需將其陰極部 改成石墨碳棒電極或鶴棒電極即可5碳棒/鶴棒 在高電壓、高電流電解下,可以產生高溫的電 漿(離子)態,使氫碳氣態燃料量大幅提升;又, 電化學反應單元 24的電解/電漿元件幾乎完全 相同,差別只在陰極所連結的材料不同,電解 用陰極連接到不鏽鋼管上,而電漿用陰極則連 接到石墨碳管或鎢棒電極上,其他元件為旋轉 蓋、儲水罐、電木絕緣環、陽極不鏽鋼彈簧、 陰極不鏽鋼管、絕緣用支撐;無論是電解或電 漿均需兩種瓶罐狀容器,一組用作電解/電漿反 應器,另一組用作氫氧/氫碳氣態燃料的回火防 止與集氣用途,因此至少需要四組瓶罐狀容器 才能同時完成電解/電漿電化學反應與氫氣/氫 碳氣態燃料之集氣作業,此瓶罐狀容器由六項 元件組成電解瓶罐、氳氧集氣罐、電漿瓶罐、 氫碳集氣罐。 請參閱「第6圖」,圖中所示係爲本創作進 行電化學反應時的流程圖: 氫氧動力發電裝置 2利用電化學反應進行 兩種電解操作,一種是利用水電解作業產生氫 氧氣態燃料,一種是利用電漿(離子)電解產生氳 碳氣態燃料,依所需的電解液分裝在不同的瓶 中,再以不同的電壓/電流操作使電解程序執行 15 M351875 其流程為: 流程一:啟動電源端,將超級電容單元5 3 0 的陽極、陰極傳送至電子電路控制單元529上; 流程二:將儲水水箱5 0 1中的水,經分流管 線5 0 2、單向電磁閥5 0 3,分別流向電解液瓶5 0 4 之超音波水液混合器 5 0 8與電漿(離子)電解瓶 5 0 6之超音波水液混合器中5 0 9 ; 流程三:利用電子電路控制單元5 2 9開啟儲 水水箱501旁的A、B電解液瓶之幫浦(5〇5、5〇7), 此幫浦505會將電解液瓶504中之重碳酸鈉, 導入超音波水液混合器5 0 8中,而幫浦5 0 7則 會將電漿(離子)電解液瓶506中的碳酸鉀,導入 超音波水液混合器5 0 9中; 流程四:電子電路控制單元5 2 9開啟超音波 水液混合器5 0 8,使重碳酸鈉與由儲水水箱5 0 1 來的自來水/蒸餾水,加以超音波震盪混合,同 時電子電路控制單元 5 2 9亦開啟超音波水液混 合器 5 0 9,使碳酸鉀與自來水/蒸餾水加以超音 波震盪混合; 流程五:混合後,分別經管路注入氫氣電解 瓶510與電漿(離子)電解瓶512中; 流程六:電子電路控制單元5 2 9控制電壓電 流迴路開啟,使1 2 V,1 5 A導入氫氣電解瓶5 1 0 中,其陽極為不鏽鋼彈簧,陰極為不鏽鋼管, 16 •M351875 因重碳酸鈉的催化作用,使水分解成陽極電 進而產生助燃性氧氣,陰極電極在產生可 氫氣,此合成氣體係以二氫一氧燃料製成混 並自導氣管排出,導氣管外加裝壓力表、 計來觀察氫氧氣之電離反應之良率; 流程七:氫氧合成氣體以向下集氣的方 使氳氧合成氣體輸送至集氣管路中,並經 排出並送至氩氧集氣瓶5 1 1中; 流程八:電子電路控制單元5 2 9控制電 流迴路開啟,使產生小於3 K W的高壓電與 流(例如D C 3 Ο V,1 0 0 A )導入電漿(離子)電 512中,其陽極為不鏽鋼彈簧,陰極為石墨 電極或鎢棒電極,因水中碳酸鉀的催化作 鎢棒/碳酸會因高溫形成電漿(離子)反應, 為氫碳氣態燃料; 流程九:氳碳合成氣體以向下集氣的方 使氫碳合成氣輸送至集氣管路中,經導管 並送至氳碳集氣瓶513中; 流程十:因為氫氣/氫碳氣態燃料可同 給熱燃機作發動用之熱能,因此為達最佳 況,氳氧集氣管與氫碳集氣管之末端均接 型接頭,使氫氧/氳碳氣可達一進二出之分 用,再視最佳狀態進行切換,決定何種氣 料供給何種熱燃機使用; 極, 燃性 合, 氣量 式, 導管 壓電 南電 解瓶 碳棒 用, 以成 式, 排出 時供 化狀 有 γ 流作 態燃 17 M351875 流程十一:熱燃機可分内燃機 5 2 5與外燃 機 5 2 1兩種,為使設備之熱能、機械能利用率 達最高,因此氫氣/氫碳氣態燃料之化學能,均 需在外燃機5 2 1外以電子點火器5 2 0點燃供給 熱能,給外燃機5 2 1 (例如史特林發動機)進行溫 差式之循環,並可以火星塞引爆的方式,供一 内燃機 525在氣缸内完成進氣、壓縮、燃燒、 排出四個衝程循環,使活塞之線性運動經連桿 轉成圓周運動,藉扭力轉動交流電發電機 527 發電; 流程十二:内燃機5 2 5、外燃機5 2 7均需提 供1800rpm以上之轉速才能符合市電60HZ之需 求,其扭力值為 26.5N-M才能符合 5KW的需 求; 流程十三:以外燃機5 2 1部分作說明,氫氣 /氳碳氣態燃料經電子電路控制單元5 2 9控制出 氣選擇閥516選定後,集氣管將選至外燃機521 氣態燃料管路5 1 4中,經過過濾器5 1 7、回火防 制器5 1 8後進到燃料喷嘴頭 5 1 9上,經電子電 路控制單元5 2 9控制電子點火後,使氳氧/氫碳 氣態燃料,在外燃機 5 2 1外部燃燒,並開始進 行氫氧/氳碳燃料加熱,擴張與冷卻壓縮的史特 林循環,使線性活塞經連桿而形成圓周運動, 並產生機械力轉動交流電發電機527,此機械扭 18 M351875 力在交流電發電機527上必須有1 800rpm以上 之轉速與26.5N-m的扭力,方可達5KW,60HZ 之市電與家用電力需求; 流程十四:以内燃機5 2 5部分作說明,氫氧 /氫碳氣態燃料經電子電路控制單元5 2 9控制出 氣選擇閥5 1 6選定後,集氣管將氧/氳碳氣態燃 料送至内燃機5 2 5的氣態燃料管路5 1 5中,經 過過濾器5 2 2、回火防制器5 2 3後,由氫氧/氫 碳燃料喷嘴524喷出,進入内燃機525之氣缸 中,並以活塞產生交互運動,當内燃機 525處 於進氣行程時,活塞向下,使氣缸内產生真空 (即壓力變小),與外界空氣產生壓差,因此可以 將氳氧/氳碳氣態燃料送入氣缸中,開始產生内 燃機5 2 5與氫氧/氫碳的進氣、壓縮、燃燒、排 出之循環,活塞的線性運動因連桿而形成圓周 運動,使内燃機5 2 5能持續運動; 流程十五:外燃機5 2 1與内燃機5 2 5之起始 扭力,可以用電力式啟動馬達 526啟動,電子 電路控制單元529使電力進入馬達中產生磁斥 的推力,以作為帶動外燃機 5 2 1或内燃機 5 2 5 之起始動力; 流程十六:因外燃機5 2 1與内燃機5 2 5有皮 帶/連桿等傳動機構,並連接到交流電發電機 527的轉軸軸心上,因此當氳氣/氳碳燃料使兩 19 M351875 種熱燃機(5 2 1、5 2 5 )轉動作功後,均可加大 電發電機527的扭力,因為1馬力為760 因此馬達到5000W(5KW)需求,本裝置之綜 力需達6·5匹馬力以上; 流程十七:當交流電發電機5 2 7轉動並 後,電力可直接以 110V、220V、380V、 供給交流負載使用,亦可以使用交/直流整 式(經一交流負載/直流轉換器5 2 8即可達, 將交流電轉換成直流電供超級電容單元 5: 存使用。 如上所述,本創作主要係利用水作為燃 以供發動機產生動力,再一步致動發電機 電力,亦即,有效將機械能轉換成電能,再 將發電機所產生的電力儲存後,作為循環 發動機的起始動力,如此,可達到有效節 減少環境污染的功效,其據以實施後,磘 以達到提供一種利用替代性電源、無污染 可達到發電功能的氫氧動力發電裝置,以 有效改善環境污染及滿足節能等環保需求 的。 唯,以上所述者,僅為本創作之較佳之 例而已,並非用以限定本創作實施之範圍 何熟習此技藝者,在不脫離本創作之精神 圍下所作之均等變化與修飾,皆應涵蓋於 交流 瓦, 合動 發電 440 V 流方 成), Κ)儲 料, 產生 者, 致動 能及 實可 ,且 期能 之目 實施 ;任 與範 本創 20 •M351875 作之專利範圍内。M351875 " VIII, new description: [New technical field] A hydrogen-oxygen power generation device for generating electricity and having the function of storing electricity, especially in the case of converting chemical energy into mechanical energy, and Further, it is recycled to generate a helium-oxygen power generation device for generating electricity and storing electricity. [Prior Art] ® Traditional power supply systems can be divided into centralized power generation and distribution systems, such as thermal power generation, hydropower and nuclear power generation, among which power generation technology based on fossil fuels is costly due to the cost of fossil fuels. It will cause ecological pollution problems, and governments and research institutes have to actively develop other alternative energy and power generation technologies. Therefore, a decentralized power generation system has emerged, such as wind power, solar energy, φ biomass and small size. Alternative energy sources such as internal combustion engines, etc., can be used today to alleviate power generation technologies in communities, commercial centers, factories, hospitals, military bases, or homes. Among them, electricity generation can meet the basic needs of households above 5KW/ h or more, therefore, the acquisition cost and volume of wind and solar energy to reach 5 KW/h or more is not ideal, and the traditional fixed and transmission type small internal combustion engine and generator are more capable of 5 KW / h or more, but regardless of It is a problem of petrochemical fuel in gasoline/diesel internal combustion engines and generators; please 5 M 351875 Refer to "Figure 1", which is a schematic diagram of the composition of a conventional fossil fuel internal combustion generator. The internal combustion generator 10 shown in the figure is made of diesel, gasoline and gas. The fuel source of the internal combustion engine, therefore, has a set of fuel tanks 1 1 for diesel / gasoline storage, oil through the oil pipe, carburetor / electric spray, intake manifold, when the combustion chamber through the spark plug to generate spark ignition (gasoline) Or compression ignition (diesel), the throttle valve (gasoline) or butterfly valve (diesel) to adjust the amount of oil, so that the cylinder inside the intake, compression, power exhaust stroke cycle, and then use this mechanical torque to drive the generator 12 The rotating shaft generates alternating current, which can be directly used for the alternating current load, or can be charged by the rectifying charger 13 for the secondary deep circulating battery 14; however, the gasoline/diesel internal combustion generator generates carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons harmful to the human body. Nitrogen oxides, oxysulfides, black smoke and solid suspended particles cause serious air pollution and affect the potential crisis of ecology and carcinogenesis. [New content] In view of the above problems, the creator knows that to solve the shortcomings of petrochemical fuel-generator-type generators, it is necessary to design a small internal combustion engine generator that does not use fossil fuels, which can retain the high torque of the internal combustion engine and drive high speed. Alternator power generation, therefore, the inventors actively research the application of different fuels and internal combustion engine generators, retaining the high horsepower and twisting of the internal combustion engine 6 M351875, the dyeing and dyeing. The fuel supply ring can be guaranteed to improve the efficiency of the ring. It can be rephrased to the high solution. In the case of the high-efficiency uplink power, the energy can be achieved. Dyeing for the standard to solve the main pollution, it is necessary to study the unprotected research and supply for the system, the ring is suitable for ^ ^ source power and other J 4, electric hair can take this force to save the frugal f Acting on behalf of the necessary,; for the Oxyman Man to use hydrogen and the flammable gas such as acetylene and gas, used as an auxiliary fuel for industrial welding, cutting, catering and steam locomotives, therefore, in this creation High-performance water Electrochemical reaction, using electrodes of different materials to generate hydrogen/hydrogen-carbon gaseous fuel by voltage and current, and for circulating pressure of thermal compressor (including internal combustion engine and external combustion engine) or thermal expansion and contraction, And this power will drive the generator to generate electricity. In order for your review board to understand the structure, composition and efficacy of this creation, please refer to the following instructions for illustration. [Embodiment] Please refer to "Fig. 2", which is a three-dimensional appearance of the creation. As shown in the figure, the hydrogen-oxygen power generation device 2 is mainly composed of eight units. : A frame unit 21: used to stably combine the remaining units, consisting of stainless steel, can withstand the weight and shock-absorbing operation of each unit of the oxyhydrogen power plant 2, and can set up array wheels under the frame 7 M351875 (this The water storage unit 22: the main fuel source of the hydrogen-oxygen power generation device 2 is water, so on the frame unit 21, a group of water storage units 22 are arranged to accommodate water and catalyst. The water of the water storage unit 22 can be injected into a clean water source such as distilled water or the like by the water injection hole 2 2 1 above, or the tap water can be introduced from the side water injection hole 222 in a pressurized manner, and the water storage unit 22 can be assembled. A water capacity scale 2 2 3, so that the operator can know the amount of water; Supercapacitor unit 23: to transfer the general hydrolysis into fuel, so that the internal combustion engine can start and drive the generator to generate hydrogen and oxygen state, must be The power source of voltage and high current, so the super capacitor unit 23 is used to replace the traditional secondary battery, such as a lead-acid battery, a lithium battery, etc., and the cathode and anode of the super capacitor unit 23 are coupled to the electrochemical reaction unit. The cathode and anode of 24 are used for the voltage and current required for electrolysis and plasma reaction; traditional secondary batteries such as lead-acid batteries, nickel-cadmium batteries, nickel-hydrogen batteries, lithium batteries, etc. are unable to generate sufficient voltage and current. Water electrolysis and plasma electrolysis are required. Therefore, this creation uses supercapacitor units as the source of voltage and power for electrochemical reactions, providing high-efficiency power output, generating oxygen in the anode of water electrolysis, hydrogen generation in the cathode, and electrolysis of plasma. The reaction obtains a hydrocarbon-mixed gaseous fuel for the internal combustion engine to be used for intake, compression, combustion, and exhaust stroke cycles, and provides an external 8 M351875 gas turbine for thermal explosion/cold compression Stirling cycle. Hydrogen/carbon gaseous fuel is chemically energized. In the internal combustion engine/external combustion engine, the thermal energy and mechanical energy are converted, and then the torque of the mechanical energy is used to drive the rotation of the rotor of the generator coil, and the permanent magnet is fixed. Magnetic flux quantification is generated, at which time the mechanical energy is converted into magnetic energy and energy, and finally output in the form of electric energy; electrochemical reaction unit 24: electrochemical reaction unit 24 one of the core units of the device, utilizing current and electricity of water and electricity The reaction, the tap water, the steaming chamber is hydrolyzed into a flammable atom, and the flammable oxygen atom gaseous fuel, in the electrical reaction unit 24, has two inverse elements of electrolysis and plasma, which will come from the super capacitor unit 23. The cathode and the anode are not introduced into the cathode stainless steel tube of the electrolytic element and the anode stainless spring, and are not in contact with each other. After the energization, the cathode generates a hydrogen-oxygen anode to generate oxygen, and then collects through the trachea, and another group of anodes is introduced into the plasma element. The cathode graphite carbon tube and the male stainless steel magazine are not in contact with each other. After being energized, the plasma is reacted to generate carbon and hydrogen atoms, which are collected by the trachea and then introduced into the engine unit through the tempering control tank. The starting unit 25: the starting unit 25 has two components, which are respectively electrical energy from the electrochemical reaction unit 24, and the hydrogen-oxygen fuel generated by the starting unit 25 is introduced into the stroke type internal combustion engine, and the four steps of intake, compression, power, and exhaust are performed. The chemical energy of the hydrogen-fueled fuel is converted into mechanical energy by the internal combustion engine, and the hydrogen is converted into a hydrogenation. The hydrogenation is divided into a steel. The cathode of the cathode is 9 M351875. The torque can be used to drive the power generation unit 26 to generate electricity, and the unit 25 is driven. Another component is the plasma from the electrochemical reaction unit 24, which is burned by the carbon-hydrogen fuel produced by the carbon-phase fuel, which generates thermal energy to drive the temperature difference reaction of the Stirling engine, and the driving and rotating torque of the connecting rod are alternately generated by the cold and the hot. The belt drive generates power to the power generation unit. Through the stroke type internal combustion engine and the temperature difference Stirling-guided torque transmission, the gaseous chemical energy of hydrogen/hydrogen carbon can be completely converted into mechanical energy; the power generation unit 2 6 is a group of alternating current generators. Rotating the shaft of an AC generator by the torque generated by the mechanical energy of the starting unit 25, driving the line on the shaft of the generator The rotor rotates and generates electromagnetic induction with the permanent magnet stator of the generator, causing the coil rotor to generate a change in magnetic flux, and the AC power is led to a direct AC load via a current slip ring, such as a power source of household appliances, audio-visual equipment, air-conditioning, etc. , or AC/DC conversion, backfilled into a super capacitor unit 23 for the source of the electrolysis/plasma capability of the electrochemical reaction unit in the future and the power source of the electric starter motor of the engine unit 25; electronic circuit control unit 27: an electronic circuit required for providing the oxyhydrogen power generating device 2, a circuit including the super capacitor unit 23, an electrolysis/plasma pulse control electronic circuit, a starter motor control circuit of the engine unit 25, and a spark plug ignition circuit of the internal combustion engine, The entire power generating device can be operated smoothly; the display unit 28: for displaying the integrated state of each unit of the oxyhydrogen power generating device 2 10 M351875, such as the amount of water of the water storage unit 22, the power of the super capacitor unit 23 and the electrochemical reaction unit 24. Consumption, such as voltage, amperage, electrolysis/electropolymerization, pressure value of gaseous fuel, start-up horse The start switch, the voltage and current value of the power supply of the power generation unit 26, and the power output sockets of 110V, 220V, 380V, 440V, etc., the display unit 28 is directly fixed on the frame unit 21, so that the operator can grasp the hydrogen in time. The state of use of the power generating device 2. Please refer to "Fig. 3", which shows the reaction flow chart during the implementation of the creation, as shown in the figure: First step (adding water raw materials) 3 0 1 : Water, tap water and other water raw materials are taken from the water storage unit. The second step (introduction of water raw material) 3 0 2 : introduction into the electrolysis/plasma reactor of the electrochemical reaction unit; the third step (electrolytic/plasma reaction) 303: causing the electrolyzed cathode to generate helium gas, the anode is produced The current chemical reaction of oxygen, water and electric propeller generates hydrogen at the cathode, and the carbonization reaction at the anode. The fourth step (fuel collection and tempering prevention) 3 0 4: Since hydrogen/hydrogen carbon is fuel, respectively, hydrogen/oxygen/ The hydrogen-carbon gaseous fuel is tempered to prevent the concentration of the tank. Because hydrogen has the danger of explosion, it can be safely collected by liquid or solid tempering prevention method. The fifth step (actuating the starting unit) 3 0 5: The hydrogen M351875 oxygen fuel is poured into the gas manifold of the stroke type internal combustion engine of the engine unit, and the oxygen fuel is used for the intake, compression, power, and exhaust cycles in the combustion chamber to convert the hydrogen chemical energy into mechanical energy. The fuel of the hydrocarbon slurry is directly combusted to generate heat energy, and the mechanical energy is generated by the action of the Stirling engine's hot and cold cycle; the sixth step (actuating the power generating unit) 306: the torque of the mechanical energy pushes the alternator shaft The rotation of the heart causes electromagnetic induction of the axial coil rotor and the permanent magnet stator to generate electricity. The seventh step is 3 0 7 (rectification): the power is an alternating current type, which can be directly used for an alternating current load, or output direct current through an AC/DC rectification operation. For the super capacitor unit to store; 8th step 3 0 8 (storage power and cycle actuation): repeat the power source of the power supply chemical reaction, so that the helium oxygen power generation device can be recycled continuously, the user only needs to add tap water / Distilled water can be used; as mentioned above, its by-product is electricity and non-toxic and odorless water, making this power fully meet the needs of green environmental protection. Please refer to "Fig. 4", which is a schematic diagram showing the composition of the electrochemical reaction unit in the present creation. As shown in the figure, the electrochemical reaction unit 24 is mainly composed of a plurality of electrolytic flasks 241. The components of the electrolytic flask can be as follows: A rotating cover 2411: is made of a high-pressure polymer polymerization 12 M351875 *, and a 90-degree water/row is formed on the upper surface. The hole 2412 and a vertical water injection/exhaust hole 2413 are covered and provided with an anode portion 2414 and a cathode portion 2415. A hollow insulating collar 2416 is an electric wood-like insulator, which can supply water and air into and out of the hollow collar. There are three rings of different calibers on the ring, which are used to fix the cathode electric ring 2418. The cathode stainless steel tube 24181 and the anode stainless spring 2 4 1 7 are opened under the high-temperature and high-temperature resistant insulation ring® to ensure the anode part. 2 4 1 4 and the cathode portion 2 4 1 5 do not cause a path. In the insulated state, after the anode portion 2 4 1 4 and the cathode 2415 electrode are energized, the anode stainless steel cartridge 2417 generates oxygen atoms, and the cathode stainless steel tube 24181 generates helium gas. , hydrogen can be passed through the cathode Tube 2 4 1 8 1 , Hollow insulating collar 2 4 Vertical water injection/exhaust hole through the rotating lid of the electrolytic bottle can 2 4 1 3 out; B Cathode stainless steel tube 24181: There are several round holes in the hollow stainless steel tube. In order to facilitate the electrochemical reaction of the helium atom; the anode stainless steel spring 2417: a spring stainless electrode body, the upper end is threaded, one end is connected to the anode 2414; the insulating spacer (not shown in this figure): a crown-shaped Temperature-resistant polymer, which can separate the anode stainless steel spring from the very stainless steel tube to maintain the insulation state; gas-solid sleeve steel guide short part oxygen generation, row, steel section Nanyin 13 M351875 Electrolytic bottle tank 2419 : A transparent bottle that is released from a high-pressure, high-temperature, high-polymer polymer. It can be tightly coupled with a rotating and rotating cover, and the water passes through the inlet/exhaust holes and a vertical water/venting hole. 3 Enter, according to the operation to determine the amount of water and the composition and quantity of the catalyst in the water; please refer to "figure 5", which is a schematic diagram of the creation part, which is a gas collection tank 242, the application time is To collect electricity The hydrogen and oxygen are the same as the appearance of the electrolyzer bottle 2 4 1 9 , and the body is composed of a 2421, an intake pipe 2422 and a can body 2423, and has a ninety degree with the intake pipe 2422. 2 4 2 4; When applying, the water can be injected into the water by the air outlet 2 4 2 4, and the hydrogen and oxygen fuel can be introduced into the water from the intake pipe, and the hydrogen and oxygen can pass through the air outlet. Row 2424 is a collection tube for use in an internal combustion engine. Further, the gas tank 242 also has a tempering prevention function; in addition to the basic tempering prevention function of the gas collection tank 242, it is ensured that the tempering does not pass through the tube. The road then enters the electrochemical reaction 24, and a solid tempering preventer can be added. It is commonly used in propane, propylene, acetylene, hydrogen and oxygen, and is used for pressure of 0.2-1.6Mpa. When the fire is fired, the gas source is cut off to ensure that the tempering does not enter the electrochemical reaction unit 24 through the line, thereby eliminating the risk of hydrogen; in addition, the plasma (ion) electrolysis bottle and the hydrogen molecular mode 24 12 need another The number of the outer cover of the structure, the cover vent hole into the can 2422 out to the collection, for the early morning This extinguishing valve can be exploded. The 14 M351875 tank components are the same (not shown in the figure). Just change the cathode part to graphite carbon rod electrode or crane rod electrode. 5 carbon rod / crane rod is high. Under high voltage and high current electrolysis, a high temperature plasma (ion) state can be generated, which greatly increases the amount of hydrogen carbon gaseous fuel. Moreover, the electrolysis/plasma elements of the electrochemical reaction unit 24 are almost identical, and the difference is only connected at the cathode. The materials are different, the cathode for electrolysis is connected to the stainless steel tube, and the cathode for plasma is connected to the graphite carbon tube or the electrode of the tungsten rod. The other components are a rotating cover, a water storage tank, a bakelite insulating ring, an anode stainless steel spring, and a cathode. Stainless steel tube, insulation support; whether it is electrolysis or plasma, two kinds of bottle-shaped containers are required, one group is used as electrolysis/plasma reactor, and the other group is used for tempering prevention of hydrogen/hydrogen carbon gaseous fuel. For gas gathering purposes, at least four sets of cans are required to complete the electrolysis/plasma electrochemical reaction and the hydrogen/hydrogen carbon gaseous fuel gathering operation. The bottle container consists of six components. Cans, Yun set oxygen tank, plasma bottles, hydrogen carbon current tank. Please refer to "Fig. 6", which shows the flow chart for the electrochemical reaction of the creation: Hydrogen-oxygen power generation device 2 uses electrochemical reaction to perform two kinds of electrolysis operations, one is to generate hydrogen and oxygen by water electrolysis operation. State fuel, one is the use of plasma (ion) electrolysis to produce carbon-carbon gaseous fuel, according to the required electrolyte is divided into different bottles, and then operate with different voltage / current to make the electrolysis program to execute 15 M351875 The process is: Process 1: starting the power terminal, transferring the anode and cathode of the super capacitor unit 530 to the electronic circuit control unit 529; Process 2: draining the water in the water storage tank 510 through the branch line 5 0 The solenoid valve 5 0 3 flows to the ultrasonic water-liquid mixer 508 of the electrolyte bottle 504 and the ultrasonic water-liquid mixer of the plasma (ion) electrolysis bottle 506, respectively; Using the electronic circuit control unit 529 to open the pump (5〇5, 5〇7) of the A and B electrolyte bottles beside the water storage tank 501, the pump 505 will place the sodium carbonate in the electrolyte bottle 504, Imported ultrasonic water-liquid mixer 5 0 8 while pump 5 0 7 will introduce the potassium carbonate in the plasma (ion) electrolyte bottle 506 into the ultrasonic water-liquid mixer 509; Process 4: electronic circuit control unit 5 2 9 turn on the ultrasonic water-liquid mixer 5 0 8. The sodium bicarbonate and the tap water/distilled water from the water storage tank 5 0 1 are ultrasonically oscillated and mixed, and the electronic circuit control unit 5 29 also turns on the ultrasonic water-liquid mixer 5 0 9 to make potassium carbonate and The tap water/distilled water is ultrasonically oscillated and mixed; Step 5: After mixing, the hydrogen electrolysis flask 510 and the plasma (ion) electrolysis bottle 512 are respectively injected through the pipeline; Process 6: The electronic circuit control unit 5 2 9 controls the voltage and current loop to open, Introducing 1 2 V, 1 5 A into the hydrogen electrolysis flask 5 1 0, the anode is a stainless steel spring, the cathode is a stainless steel tube, 16 • M351875 due to the catalytic action of sodium bicarbonate, the water is decomposed into anode electricity to generate combustion-supporting oxygen. The cathode electrode generates hydrogen gas. The syngas system is mixed with dihydrogen-oxygen fuel and discharged from the air guiding tube. The pressure gauge is installed outside the air guiding tube to observe the yield of ionization reaction of hydrogen and oxygen. Process 7: The hydrogen-oxygen synthesis gas is sent to the gas collection line by collecting gas downward, and is discharged and sent to the argon-oxygen gas cylinder 51 1; Process 8: Electronic circuit control unit 5 2 9 control the current loop to open, so that a high-voltage electricity and flow (such as DC 3 Ο V, 100 A) that produces less than 3 KW is introduced into the plasma (ion) electricity 512, the anode is a stainless steel spring, and the cathode is a graphite electrode. Or tungsten rod electrode, due to the catalysis of potassium carbonate in water, the tungsten rod/carbonic acid will form a plasma (ion) reaction due to high temperature, and it is a hydrogen-carbon gaseous fuel; Process 9: 氲 carbon synthesis gas is made by collecting gas downward to make hydrogen carbon The syngas is sent to the gas gathering pipeline and sent to the carbon gas collecting cylinder 513 via the conduit; Process 10: Because the hydrogen/hydrogen carbon gaseous fuel can be used for the thermal energy of the heat engine, the best condition is obtained. The end of the helium-oxygen gas collecting pipe and the hydrogen-carbon collecting pipe are connected to each other, so that the hydrogen-oxygen/deuterium carbon gas can be divided into one-in and two-out, and then switched according to the optimal state to determine what kind of gas material is supplied. Thermal combustion engine; pole, flammable, gas, conduit The piezoelectric south electrolysis bottle is used for carbon rods, in the form of a formula, and the γ flow is ignited when discharged. 17 M351875 Process 11: The heat engine can be divided into two types: internal combustion engine 5 2 5 and external combustion engine 5 2 1 The thermal energy and mechanical energy utilization rate of the equipment is the highest. Therefore, the chemical energy of the hydrogen/hydrogen carbon gaseous fuel needs to be ignited by the electronic igniter 520 outside the external combustion engine 5 2 1 to supply the thermal energy to the external combustion engine 5 2 1 ( For example, the Stirling engine) performs a temperature difference cycle, and can be detonated by a spark plug, for an internal combustion engine 525 to complete the four stroke cycles of intake, compression, combustion, and discharge in the cylinder, so that the linear motion of the piston is rotated through the connecting rod. In a circular motion, turn the AC generator 527 to generate electricity by torque; Flow 12: Internal combustion engine 5 2 5, External combustion engine 5 2 7 must provide more than 1800 rpm to meet the demand of 60HZ, the torque value is 26.5NM to meet the requirements. 5KW demand; Process 13: The external combustion engine 5 2 1 part shows that the hydrogen/氲 carbon gaseous fuel is controlled by the electronic circuit control unit 5 2 9 to control the outlet selection valve 516, and the gas collection pipe will be selected to the external combustion engine 521 In the fuel line 5 1 4, after passing through the filter 5 17 and the tempering preventer 5 1 8 , it enters the fuel nozzle head 5 1 9 and is controlled by the electronic circuit control unit 5 2 9 to control the electronic ignition. / Hydrogen-carbon gaseous fuel, externally burned in the external combustion engine 52, and began to heat the hydrogen/oxygen fuel, expand and cool the compressed Stirling cycle, so that the linear piston forms a circular motion through the connecting rod, and produces machinery The force rotates the AC generator 527. The mechanical torque 18 M351875 must have a rotational speed of 1 800 rpm or more and a torque of 26.5 Nm on the AC generator 527, which can reach 5 kW, 60 Hz of commercial power and household power demand; In the internal combustion engine 5 2 5 part, the hydrogen-oxygen/hydrogen-carbon gaseous fuel is controlled by the electronic circuit control unit 5 2 9 to control the outlet selection valve 5 1 6 , and the gas collection tube sends the oxygen/deuterium carbon gaseous fuel to the gaseous state of the internal combustion engine 5 25 . In the fuel line 5 15 , after passing through the filter 5 2 2, the tempering preventer 5 2 3 , it is ejected by the oxyhydrogen/hydrogen carbon fuel nozzle 524, enters the cylinder of the internal combustion engine 525, and interacts with the piston. When the internal combustion engine 525 is in the intake During the process, the piston is downward, causing a vacuum in the cylinder (ie, the pressure becomes smaller), and a pressure difference is generated from the outside air. Therefore, the helium/niobium carbon gaseous fuel can be sent into the cylinder to start generating the internal combustion engine 5 2 5 and the hydrogen and oxygen. / Hydrogen carbon intake, compression, combustion, discharge cycle, the linear motion of the piston due to the connecting rod to form a circular motion, so that the internal combustion engine 525 can continue to move; Process fifteen: external combustion engine 5 2 1 and internal combustion engine 5 2 The initial torque of 5 can be activated by the electric starter motor 526, and the electronic circuit control unit 529 causes the electric power to enter the motor to generate a magnetic repulsion as the starting power for driving the external combustion engine 52 or the internal combustion engine 520; Flow sixteen: Since the external combustion engine 5 2 1 and the internal combustion engine 5 2 5 have a transmission mechanism such as a belt/link, and are connected to the shaft of the AC generator 527, when the helium/氲 carbon fuel makes two 19 M351875 After the heat-burning machine (5 2 1 , 5 2 5 ) turns the action, the torque of the electric generator 527 can be increased, because the 1 horsepower is 760, so the motor needs 5000W (5KW), the comprehensive force of the device needs to reach 6·5 horsepower or more; Process 17: When AC After the motor 5 2 7 rotates, the power can be directly supplied to the AC load at 110V, 220V, 380V, or AC/DC can be used (via an AC load/DC converter 5 2 8 to convert the AC into DC power supply for super capacitor unit 5: Save for use. As mentioned above, this creation mainly uses water as the fuel for the engine to generate power, and then activates the generator power in one step, that is, effectively converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy, and then stores the electric power generated by the generator as a cycle. The initial power of the engine can achieve the effect of effectively reducing environmental pollution. After implementation, it can provide an oxyhydrogen power generation device that can use the alternative power supply and pollution-free power generation function to effectively improve. Environmental pollution and meeting environmental protection needs such as energy conservation. However, the above is only a preferred example of the present invention, and is not intended to limit the scope of the present invention. Those skilled in the art will be able to make equal changes and modifications without departing from the spirit of the present invention. Covered by AC watts, combined power generation 440 V flow), Κ) storage materials, producers, actuators and practical, and the implementation of the period of energy; and Fan Benchuang 20 • M351875 patents.
21 M351875 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖,為一種習知的石化燃料内燃式發電機 的組成示意圖。 第2圖,為本創作的立體外觀圖。 第3圖,為本創作實施時的反應流程圖。 第 4圖,為本創作中之電化學反應單元的組成 示意圖。 第5圖,本創作另一構件的示意圖。 第6圖,爲本創作進行電化學反應時的流程圖。 主要 元件 符 號 說 明 ] 10 内 燃 式 發 電 機 11 油 箱 12 發 電 機 13 整 流 充 電 器 14 二 次 深 循 環 電 池 2 氫 氧 動 力 發 電 機裝置 2 1 框 體 單 元 22 儲 水 單 元 22 1 注 水 孔 222 注 水 孔 23 超 級 電 容 單 元 24 電 化 學 反 應 單 元 24 1 電 解 瓶 22 M35187521 M351875 [Simple description of the diagram] Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the composition of a conventional fossil fuel internal combustion generator. Figure 2 is a three-dimensional appearance of the creation. Figure 3 is a flow chart of the reaction at the time of the creation of the creation. Figure 4 is a schematic diagram showing the composition of the electrochemical reaction unit in the creation. Figure 5 is a schematic diagram of another component of the present creation. Figure 6 is a flow chart for the electrochemical reaction of the creation. Main component symbol description] 10 Internal combustion generator 11 Fuel tank 12 Generator 13 Rectifier charger 14 Secondary deep cycle battery 2 Hydrogen and oxygen power generator unit 1 1 Frame unit 22 Water storage unit 22 1 Water injection hole 222 Water injection hole 23 Super Capacitor unit 24 Electrochemical reaction unit 24 1 Electrolytic bottle 22 M351875
24 11 旋 轉 蓋 24 12 進 水 /排氣孔 2413 垂 直 注 水 /排 氣 孔 24 14 陽 極 部 24 15 陰 極 部 24 16 中 空 絕 緣 套 環 24 17 陽 極 不 鏽 鋼 彈 簧 24 18 陰 極 導 電 環 24181 陰 極 不 鏽 鋼 管 24 19 電 解 瓶 罐 242 集 氣 罐 242 1 蓋 體 2422 進 氣 管 2423 罐 體 2424 出 氣 孔 25 發 動 單 元 26 發 電 單 元 27 電 子 電 路 控 制 〇t» 一 早兀 28 顯 示 單 元 3 0 1 第 一 步 驟 3 02 第 二 步 驟 3 03 第 二 步 驟 3 04 第 四 步 驟 3 05 第 五 步 驟 23 •M35187524 11 Rotating cover 24 12 Inlet/exhaust hole 2413 Vertical water injection/exhaust hole 24 14 Anode part 24 15 Cathode part 24 16 Hollow insulating collar 24 17 Anode stainless steel spring 24 18 Cathode conductive ring 24181 Cathode stainless steel tube 24 19 Electrolysis Bottle 242 Gas collection tank 242 1 Cover body 2422 Intake tube 2423 Tank body 2424 Air outlet 25 Start unit 26 Power unit 27 Electronic circuit control 〇t» Early morning 28 Display unit 3 0 1 First step 3 02 Second step 3 03 Second step 3 04 Fourth step 3 05 Fifth step 23 • M351875
3 06 第 六 步 驟 307 第 七 步 驟 308 第 八 步 驟 5 0 1 儲 水 水 箱 5 02 分 流 管 線 503 單 向 電 磁 閥 504 電 解 液 瓶 505 幫 浦 506 電 漿(離子)電 解 液瓶 507 幫 浦 508 超 音 波 水 液 混 合 器 509 超 音 波 水 液 混 合 器 5 10 氫 氣 電 解 瓶 5 11 氫 氧 集 氣 瓶 5 12 電 漿 (離子)電 解 瓶 5 13 氳 碳 集 氣 瓶 5 14 氣 態 ·):故 Ό,,、 料 管 路 5 15 氣 態 燃 料 管 路 5 16 出 氣 選 擇 閥 5 17 過 遽 器 5 18 回 火 防 制 器 5 19 料 喷 嘴 頭 520 電 子 點 火 器 52 1 外 燃 機 24 M3518753 06 Sixth step 307 Seventh step 308 Eighth step 5 0 1 Water storage tank 5 02 Split line 503 One-way solenoid valve 504 Electrolyte bottle 505 Pump 506 Plasma (ion) electrolyte bottle 507 Pump 508 Ultrasonic Water Mixer 509 Ultrasonic Water Mixer 5 10 Hydrogen Electrolyzer 5 11 Hydrogen Oxygen Cylinder 5 12 Plasma (Ion) Electrolyzer 5 13 氲 Carbon Gas Cylinder 5 14 Gaseous ·): Ό,,, Feed line 5 15 Gaseous fuel line 5 16 Outlet selector valve 5 17 Filter 5 18 Tempering preventer 5 19 Nozzle head 520 Electronic igniter 52 1 External combustion engine 24 M351875
522 過 濾 器 523 回 火 防 制 524 氫 氧 /氫与 525 内 燃 機 526 電 力 式 啟 527 交 流 電 發 528 交 流 負 載 529 電 子 電 路 5 3 0 超 級 電 容 器 燃料喷嘴 動馬達 電機 /直流轉換器 控制單元 — 早兀522 filter 523 tempering control 524 hydrogen / hydrogen and 525 internal combustion engine 526 electric power 527 AC 528 AC load 529 electronic circuit 5 3 0 super capacitor container fuel nozzle motor motor / DC converter control unit - early 兀