TWM330669U - Protective circuit for power outage system - Google Patents

Protective circuit for power outage system Download PDF


Publication number
TWM330669U TW96216885U TW96216885U TWM330669U TW M330669 U TWM330669 U TW M330669U TW 96216885 U TW96216885 U TW 96216885U TW 96216885 U TW96216885 U TW 96216885U TW M330669 U TWM330669 U TW M330669U
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control switch
energy storage
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Chinese (zh)
He Huang
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Memoright Memoritech Corp
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Application filed by Memoright Memoritech Corp filed Critical Memoright Memoritech Corp
Priority to TW96216885U priority Critical patent/TWM330669U/en
Publication of TWM330669U publication Critical patent/TWM330669U/en



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M330669 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本新型是有關於一種突發斷電的保護電路,特別是指 一種用於各類電子産品及儲存系統預防突發斷電的系統斷 電保護電路。 【先前技術】 衆所周知,許多電子產品以及儲存系統,例如硬碟、u 盤以及新型固態盤,隨著其系統和結構越來越複雜,資料 的讀寫往往是通過文件的方式完成,而不是直接對儲存單 元位址操作,用文件讀寫方式運算元據,在系統操作過程 中往往將資料暫存在易失性的儲存空間,一旦系統突然意 外斷電,這些資料往往被永久丟失,如果這些丟失的資料 包括固件内容或者資料地址的映射表等系統資訊,就將對 糸統造成毁滅性的災難。 因此’目前大部分電子産品以及儲存系統都會在電路 設計上加一個系統斷電保護電路,來預防這種突發的斷電 情況。系統斷電保護電路是在系統失去供電的情況下,可 以保證其運行狀態的穩定性以及記錄資料的完整性,且當 恢復供電後’資料及系統狀態可以及時恢復,避免系統丟 失資料或讓系統控制產生混亂。對於這種系統斷電保護電 路的设汁’雖然其在整個産品設計中只佔據很小的一塊, 其地位和作用卻是不可忽視的,但是,不恰當的設計往往 導致產品成本提高,甚至設計對於突然斷電情況的處理不 夠理想等狀況。 M330669 如圖1、2所示,是具有斷電保護功能的一降壓型穩壓 充電電路91及一昇壓型穩壓放電電路92。 如圖1所示,Vin爲輸入電壓,當開關j3閉合,開關 J3、電感L2、電容C3組成充電電路,同時,電感l2會産生 與Vin相反的電勢,從而降低電路電壓給儲能元件90充電 ;當開關13斷開,電感1^2産生同向電流,繼續給儲能元件 90充電,因此充電時電勢降壓。 如圖2所示,Vin爲外加電壓,當開關j4閉合時,産 生比較大的電流流經電感L3,開關J4到地;當開關j4斷開 時’電流流經L3、二極體D4、儲能元件90接地,電阻增 大’電流減小,電感L3將産生同向電流緩衝減小的幅度, 因此電感可以看作一個同向的電源電勢與外加電源vin累加 ’使得乂加電勢等於兩者的累加值,因此使得電壓升 高。 前述的這種系統斷電保護電路電路雖然容易實現,但 是所用的元件成本較高。 【新型内容】 本新型解決的技術問題是提出了性能穩定且簡單易行 的系統斷電保護電路,將充電迴路和放電迴路結合,使其 能夠在系統突然斷電情況下,繼續爲系統供電一段時間, 保證系統能把處理中的資料以及相關狀態資訊安全保存。 本新型系統斷電保護電路包含一充電迴路及一放電迴 路0 該充電迴路包括一接收一輸入電源的充電控制開關、 M330669 一串接該充電控制開關的電感及一與該電感並聯的儲能元 件,且該儲能元件由該輸入電源充電及斷電時供應系統電 力。 該放電迴路包括與該充電迴路共用的該電感及該儲能 元件、一與該充電控制開關並聯的放電控制開關及一耦接 在該充電控制開關及該放電控制開關之間且用以防止該儲 能元件逆向施放電能的二極體。 採用本新型的系統斷電保護電路的優點在於共用電感 和儲能元件,如此整合降壓充電和升壓放電的電路,不但 成爲一個穩定的整體設計,並降低了所需的元件成本。 【實施方式】 有關本新型之前述及其他技術内容、特點與功效,在 以下配合參考圖式之二較佳實施例的詳細說明中,將可清 楚的呈現。在本新型被詳細描述之前,要注意的是,在以 下的說明内容中,類似的元件是以相同的編號來表示。 如圖3及圖4所示,本新型系統斷電保護電路1的第 一較佳實施例包括一充電迴路11及一放電迴路12。參閱圖 3,充電迴路11包括一電感Ll、一儲能元件1〇、一充電控 制開關h及一二極體D2 ;儲能元件1〇可以爲一電容或一電 池;參閱圖4,放電迴路12包括電感、儲能元件1〇、一 放電控制開關J2、一二極體Di,及一退耦電容c2。 其中,檢測電壓V-DETECT供給儲能檢測腳,其主要用 來將儲能元件10充電狀況反饋給控制器(圖未示),由其判 斷是否關閉充電致能;充電控制開關h爲充電迴路U的致 M330669 能開關,當其閉合時,輸入電源v—CCIN爲儲能元件10充電 ’當其斷開日夺,輸入電源V 一 CCIN停止爲儲能元件10充電; 電感L!爲充放電電感,主要用來在充放電過程中儲能;續 流二極體D2主要作用是續流;儲能元件1〇主要用來儲存電 篁,在充電過程中,控制器是控制放電控制開關J2處在斷 開狀悲,而在放電過程中,控制器是控制放電控制開關八 處在間斷的閉合和斷開㈣;C2《升壓放電電路的輸 出退耦電容’二極體Dl是單向導通防止升壓後的電流反向 流動;V_CC0UT爲輸出電源是在設備突然斷電後,通過其向 設備供電。 以下將充電過程及放電過程分別說明如下: 充電過程:控制器致能充電控制開關h閉合,放電控 制開關八斷開時,二極體A處於不導通狀態,充電控制開 關八、電感k、二極體D2以降壓開關電源的方式給電容 G充電;當控制器致能放電控制開關八斷開時,電感^釋 放電能,産生順時針電流,繼續向儲能元件1〇儲能;然後 ,電容在反復的閉合斷開中,電壓逐漸升高直到與電源平 衡。當V一 DETECT反饋儲能元件1〇電壓沒有達到閾值時,電 源繼續向儲能電容C1充電;當v一detect反饋儲能元件1〇 的電壓值達到閾值時,控制器通過斷開充電控制開關八來 停止對儲能儲能元件1〇充電。 放電過程:控制器致能充電控制開關乃打開,放電控 制開關J2、電感、二極體Dl、儲能元件1〇、電容C2以 升壓開關電源的方式爲外界供電。然後,控制器通過閉合 M330669 放電控制開關j2開啓供電電路,—部分電能被轉移到電感 b上’然後’斷開放電控制開關J2’電感Li將釋放轉移其 上的電能’同時,産生電流使得V』⑶υτ端電勢升高,同時 向設備供電;接下來,再不斷的進行閉合和斷開放電控制 開關J2,直到設備主控完成需要保存的内容或者儲能元件 10放電結束。 如圖5所示,本新型系統斷電保護電路丨,的另一個實 施例’其中且二極體〇1及〇2與圖3的二極體仏及匕功能 類似’檢測電M Vdeteet跟圖3 -樣是提供給儲能檢測腳位; 電容 C94,c95,cu,c12,c93、電阻 R26,r31,r4,以及一穩壓 模組50組成放電迴路,本實施例的穩壓模組5〇是一型號 為SP6641的DC/DC昇壓型穩壓器;另外,脈波控制腳位 PWM主要目的是系統通過致能該腳位實現對該充電電路的 開關作用;BCKJPWR-EN則是放電致能腳位,系統斷電時 通過致能該腳位以保持輸入電源Vecin之電勢;電阻R12, R3〇以及電晶體Qi組成充電開關電路,其主要作用是脈波控 制腳位PWM爲高電位的時候電晶體Qi關閉停止給儲能電 容C:5充電,脈波控制腳位pwM爲低電位的時候,電晶體 Qi打開開始給儲能電容C5充電。 此外,系統斷電保護電路1,還包括一個檢測電路,通 過該檢測電路可檢測充電時電感和儲能電容C5之間的電 壓,並藉此控制充電控制開關的通斷,且所述的檢測子電 路上還設有一個由電阻R27、電容C1G()組成的濾波電路15, 其主要作用在於在電壓檢測過程中濾波和過流保護。 9 M330669 電現場資料和系統狀態可以恢復;如果關機,則會使系統 結束(步驟506)。 如圖6所不’本新型系統斷電保護電路1,的的控制程 序,是當系統正常供電(步驟500)後,系統將以有效電源充 電致咸腳veein ’對系統斷電保護電路丨,的進行充電(步驟 501);錢’系統將週期性查詢儲能電I c5的電壓,並判 斷儲月b電今C5的電I是否滿足間值(步驟5G2) ?如果電壓不 滿足間值,制續有效電源充電致能,繼續對難電容c5 充^㈣5(H)’如果電M值滿^閾值大小,則停止對儲能 電备C5充電(步驟503);接下來,系統將根據系統工作狀態 控制放電致能,亦即’判斷是否斷電或關機(步驟504)?如 果系統斷電,則使儲能電容Cs放電(步驟5〇5),經過升壓電 路對外提供-段時間的電源電壓,使得系統有充足的時間 保存處理中的資料和相關系統狀態資訊,保證下次正常上M330669 VIII. New Description: [New Technology Field] This new type is related to a protection circuit for sudden power failure, especially a system power-off protection for various electronic products and storage systems to prevent sudden power failure. Circuit. [Prior Art] It is well known that many electronic products and storage systems, such as hard disks, USB disks, and new types of solid state disks, are becoming more and more complex with their systems and structures, and data is often read and written by means of files. It is not directly operated on the storage unit address. The file is read and written to calculate the metadata. During the operation of the system, the data is temporarily stored in the volatile storage space. Once the system suddenly and unexpectedly loses power, the data is often permanently lost. These missing data, including system information such as the firmware content or the data address mapping table, will cause a devastating disaster to the system. Therefore, most of the current electronic products and storage systems add a system power-off protection circuit to the circuit design to prevent such sudden power-off situations. The system power-off protection circuit can ensure the stability of the running state and the integrity of the recorded data when the system loses power supply. When the power is restored, the data and system status can be restored in time to avoid the system losing data or let the system Control is confusing. Although the design of the system power-off protection circuit is only a small piece in the overall product design, its status and role can not be ignored, but improper design often leads to increased product cost, even design. The situation of the sudden power failure is not ideal. As shown in Fig. 1 and 2, M330669 is a step-down voltage regulator charging circuit 91 and a boost type voltage stabilizing discharge circuit 92 having a power-off protection function. As shown in Figure 1, Vin is the input voltage. When switch j3 is closed, switch J3, inductor L2, and capacitor C3 form a charging circuit. At the same time, inductor l2 generates a potential opposite to Vin, thereby reducing the circuit voltage and charging energy storage element 90. When the switch 13 is turned off, the inductor 1^2 generates the same current, and continues to charge the energy storage element 90, so the potential is stepped down during charging. As shown in Figure 2, Vin is an applied voltage. When switch j4 is closed, a relatively large current flows through inductor L3, switch J4 to ground; when switch j4 is turned off, 'current flows through L3, diode D4, and stores. The energy component 90 is grounded and the resistance is increased. 'The current is reduced. The inductor L3 will generate the same magnitude of the same current buffer. Therefore, the inductor can be regarded as a power supply potential in the same direction and the external power supply vin is added 'so that the applied potential is equal to both. The accumulated value thus causes the voltage to rise. The aforementioned system power-off protection circuit is easy to implement, but the components used are costly. [New content] The technical problem solved by the present invention is to propose a system power-off protection circuit with stable performance and simple operation, combining the charging circuit and the discharging circuit, so that it can continue to supply power to the system in the case of sudden power failure of the system. Time, to ensure that the system can safely save the processed data and related status information. The power-off protection circuit of the novel system comprises a charging circuit and a discharging circuit. The charging circuit comprises a charging control switch for receiving an input power, an inductance of the M330669 connected to the charging control switch, and an energy storage element connected in parallel with the inductance. And the energy storage component supplies system power when the input power source is charged and powered off. The discharge circuit includes the inductor shared by the charging circuit and the energy storage component, a discharge control switch connected in parallel with the charge control switch, and a coupling between the charge control switch and the discharge control switch to prevent the A diode that reverses the discharge energy of the energy storage element. The advantage of the system power-off protection circuit of the present invention is that the shared inductor and the energy storage component, such a circuit integrating the step-down charging and the boosting discharge, not only become a stable overall design, but also reduce the required component cost. [Embodiment] The foregoing and other technical contents, features, and advantages of the present invention will be apparent from the following detailed description of the preferred embodiments of FIG. Before the present invention is described in detail, it is noted that in the following description, similar elements are denoted by the same reference numerals. As shown in FIG. 3 and FIG. 4, the first preferred embodiment of the power-off protection circuit 1 of the present invention includes a charging circuit 11 and a discharge circuit 12. Referring to FIG. 3, the charging circuit 11 includes an inductor L1, an energy storage component 1A, a charging control switch h, and a diode D2. The energy storage component 1 can be a capacitor or a battery; 12 includes an inductor, an energy storage component 1A, a discharge control switch J2, a diode Di, and a decoupling capacitor c2. The detection voltage V-DETECT is supplied to the energy storage detecting pin, and is mainly used for feeding back the charging state of the energy storage component 10 to the controller (not shown), and determining whether to turn off the charging enablement; the charging control switch h is a charging circuit. The M330669 of U can switch. When it is closed, the input power supply v-CCIN charges the energy storage component 10. When it is disconnected, the input power supply V-CCIN stops charging the energy storage component 10; the inductance L! is charge and discharge. Inductance is mainly used to store energy during charge and discharge; the main function of freewheeling diode D2 is freewheeling; energy storage component 1〇 is mainly used to store electricity. In the charging process, the controller controls discharge control switch J2. The disconnection is sad, and during the discharge process, the controller controls the discharge control switch to be closed and disconnected intermittently (4); C2 "output decoupling capacitor of the boost discharge circuit" diode D1 is one-way Turning on prevents reverse current flow after boosting; V_CC0UT is the output power supply through which power is supplied to the device after the device is suddenly powered off. The charging process and the discharging process are respectively described as follows: Charging process: The controller enables the charging control switch h to be closed, and when the discharging control switch is turned off, the diode A is in a non-conducting state, the charging control switch eight, the inductance k, two The body D2 charges the capacitor G in the manner of a step-down switching power supply; when the controller enables the discharge control switch to be disconnected, the inductor ^ releases the electric energy, generates a clockwise current, and continues to store energy to the energy storage element 1; then, the capacitor In repeated closed disconnections, the voltage gradually rises until it is balanced with the power supply. When the V-DETECT feedback energy storage element 1〇 voltage does not reach the threshold, the power supply continues to charge the storage capacitor C1; when the voltage value of the v-detect feedback energy storage element 1〇 reaches the threshold, the controller turns off the charging control switch. Eight to stop charging the energy storage energy storage unit. Discharge process: The controller enables the charge control switch to be turned on, and the discharge control switch J2, the inductor, the diode D1, the energy storage element 1〇, and the capacitor C2 supply power to the outside in the manner of a step-up switching power supply. Then, the controller turns on the power supply circuit by closing the M330669 discharge control switch j2, part of the power is transferred to the inductor b 'and then' the discharge control switch J2 'the inductor Li will release the power transferred thereto' while generating the current so that V 』(3) The potential of the υτ terminal rises while supplying power to the device; next, the discharge control switch J2 is continuously closed and turned off until the device master completes the content to be saved or the energy storage element 10 is discharged. As shown in FIG. 5, another embodiment of the power-off protection circuit of the present invention is in which the diodes 〇1 and 〇2 are similar to the diodes and 匕 of FIG. 3, and the detection M Vdeteet is shown. 3 - is provided to the energy storage detection pin; capacitors C94, c95, cu, c12, c93, resistors R26, r31, r4, and a voltage regulator module 50 constitute a discharge loop, the voltage regulator module 5 of this embodiment 〇 is a DC/DC boost regulator with SP6641; in addition, the main purpose of pulse control pin PWM is to enable the system to switch to the charging circuit by enabling the pin; BCKJPWR-EN is discharging The pin is enabled. When the system is powered off, the pin is enabled to maintain the potential of the input power source Vecin. The resistors R12, R3〇 and the transistor Qi form a charging switch circuit. The main function of the pin is to control the pin PWM to a high potential. When the transistor Qi is turned off and stops, the storage capacitor C:5 is charged, and when the pulse control pin pwM is at a low potential, the transistor Qi is turned on to start charging the storage capacitor C5. In addition, the system power-off protection circuit 1 further includes a detection circuit through which the voltage between the inductor and the storage capacitor C5 during charging can be detected, and thereby the on/off of the charging control switch is controlled, and the detection is performed. The sub-circuit is further provided with a filter circuit 15 composed of a resistor R27 and a capacitor C1G(), the main function of which is filtering and overcurrent protection during voltage detection. 9 M330669 The electrical field data and system status can be restored; if shut down, the system will be terminated (step 506). As shown in Figure 6, the control program of the new system power-off protection circuit 1, when the system is normally powered (step 500), the system will charge the battery with an effective power supply to the system power-off protection circuit. Charging (step 501); the money 'system will periodically query the voltage of the energy storage circuit I c5, and determine whether the electricity I of the storage battery b C5 meets the inter-value (step 5G2)? If the voltage does not meet the inter-value, Sustained effective power supply charging enable, continue to charge the hard capacitor c5 ^ (4) 5 (H) ' If the power M value is full ^ threshold size, then stop charging the energy storage device C5 (step 503); next, the system will be based on the system The working state controls the discharge enable, that is, 'determines whether the power is off or shuts down (step 504)? If the system is powered off, the storage capacitor Cs is discharged (step 5〇5), and the boost circuit is provided for a period of time. The power supply voltage allows the system to have sufficient time to save the processed data and related system status information to ensure the next normal operation.

通過以上的實施例對本新型作了說明性描述。此外, 本新型可實現的方法包括很多,其主要目的是通過充放電 電路,實現當系統在操作過程中突然斷電時,對系統提供 一段時間的電源電壓,使得系統可以將操作中的資料以及 系統狀態保存起來。本新型以一種實施例作爲說明,可實 現的方法有很多,都是在本新型主導思想之下,這些對於 本領域技術人員來說都是顯然的。此外,本新型提出的斷 電保護裝置不僅僅適用儲存系統,其他的相似存在突然斷 電隱患的電子産品也都可以使用該新型,以解決突發斷電 帶來的危害。 10 M330669 本新型系統斷電保護電路具有以下優點: 1 ·能實現不同的供電時間和供電電壓,保證了系統在 突然斷電時,可以把操作中的資料以及系統狀態資訊保存 下來。 2 ·通過健能檢測腳瞭解儲能元件的充電情況,同時, 通過充電致能腳控制電源電壓是否對電路繼續充電。 3 ·對放電電路的設計採用升壓電路的設計,可以根據 系統的需要得到不同的電源電壓。 4.放電電路中的放電電壓致能腳的設計,可以通過致 能該腳位實現對放電電壓的致能控制。 5·充電電路和放電電路設計在同一個電路上實現,共用 了充放電電感,縮小了電路規模,有效地節約了該斷電保 護裝置的成本,同時也能保證設計的穩定性。 6·本新型在實施過程中採用開關電源方式進行脈衝充電 ,可以方便靈活的對充電電流的大小和充電時間進行控制 ’其充放電效率高,能量損耗低。 惟以上所述者,僅為本新型之較佳實施例而已,當不 月b以此限定本新型實施之範圍,即大凡依本新型申請專利 範圍及新型說明内容所作之簡單的等效變化與修飾,皆仍 屬本新型專利涵蓋之範圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1爲一電路圖,說明現有斷電保護電路的一充電迴 路; 圖2爲一電路圖,說明現有斷電保護電路的一放電迴 11 M330669 路; 圖3爲一電路圖,說明本新型系統斷電保護電路的第 一較佳實施例的充電迴路; 圖4爲一電路圖,說明本新型系統斷電保護電路的第 一較佳實施例的放電迴路; 圖5爲一電路圖,說明本新型系統斷電保護電路的第 二較佳實施例;The present invention has been described illustratively by the above embodiments. In addition, the novel achievable method includes a plurality of methods, and the main purpose thereof is to provide a power supply voltage to the system for a period of time when the system is suddenly powered off during operation by the charging and discharging circuit, so that the system can The system state is saved. The present invention is described by way of an embodiment, and many of the methods that can be implemented are all under the main idea of the present invention, which will be apparent to those skilled in the art. In addition, the power-off protection device proposed by the present invention is not only applicable to the storage system, but other electronic products similar to the sudden power-off hazard can also use the new type to solve the hazard caused by sudden power failure. 10 M330669 The power-off protection circuit of this new system has the following advantages: 1 · It can realize different power supply time and power supply voltage, which ensures that the system can save the data and system status information during the sudden power failure. 2 • Through the health test pin to understand the charging condition of the energy storage component, and at the same time, control whether the power supply voltage continues to charge the circuit through the charge enable pin. 3 · The design of the discharge circuit adopts the design of the boost circuit, which can obtain different power supply voltages according to the needs of the system. 4. The discharge voltage enabling pin in the discharge circuit is designed to enable the control of the discharge voltage by enabling the pin. 5. The charging circuit and the discharging circuit are designed on the same circuit, sharing the charging and discharging inductance, reducing the circuit scale, effectively saving the cost of the power-off protection device, and ensuring the stability of the design. 6. In the implementation process, the novel adopts the switching power supply mode for pulse charging, which can conveniently and flexibly control the charging current and the charging time. The charging and discharging efficiency is high and the energy loss is low. However, the above description is only a preferred embodiment of the present invention, and the scope of the present invention is limited by this, that is, the simple equivalent change of the patent application scope and the new description content of the present invention is Modifications are still within the scope of this new patent. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a circuit diagram illustrating a charging circuit of a conventional power-off protection circuit; FIG. 2 is a circuit diagram illustrating a discharge of a conventional power-off protection circuit 11 M330669; FIG. 3 is a circuit diagram illustrating The charging circuit of the first preferred embodiment of the power-off protection circuit of the present invention; FIG. 4 is a circuit diagram illustrating the discharge circuit of the first preferred embodiment of the power-off protection circuit of the present invention; FIG. 5 is a circuit diagram illustrating A second preferred embodiment of the power-off protection circuit of the novel system;

圖6爲一流程圖,說明本新型系統斷電保護電路的工 作流程。 12 M330669 【主要元件符號說明】 〔習知〕 90 .........儲能元件 91 .........充電迴路 92 .........放電迴路 D 3、D 4 ·.二極體 J3、J4····開關 L2、L3···電感Figure 6 is a flow chart showing the operation of the power-off protection circuit of the novel system. 12 M330669 [Description of main component symbols] [Practical] 90 ......... Energy storage component 91 .........Charging circuit 92 .........Discharge circuit D 3, D 4 ·. Diode J3, J4 ····Switch L2, L3···Inductance

Vin........輸入電源 V〇ut.......輸出電源 〔本創作〕 1、Γ ····系統斷電保護電 路 10 .........儲能元件 11 .........充電迴路 12 .........放電迴路 15.........濾波電路 50.........穩壓模組 h、J2_…控制開關 Li.........電感Vin........Input power supply V〇ut....... Output power supply [This creation] 1. Γ ····System power-off protection circuit 10 ......... Energy element 11 .... charging circuit 12 ... ... discharge circuit 15 ... ... filter circuit 50 ... ... voltage regulation Module h, J2_... control switch Li.........inductance

BCK_PWR_EN ............放電致能腳位 C2.........退耦電容 C5.........儲能電容BCK_PWR_EN ............Discharge enabled pin C2.........Decoupling capacitor capacitor

Cioo、C94、C95、Cii、Ci2 、c93 ····電容 Di、D2 · ·二極體 PWM……脈波控制腳位 R12、R 30、R 27、R 26、R 31 、R 4••…電阻Cioo, C94, C95, Cii, Ci2, c93 ····Capacitor Di, D2 · · Diode PWM... Pulse control pin R12, R 30, R 27, R 26, R 31 , R 4•• …resistance

Qi.........電晶體 PWM••…脈波控制腳位 V —CCIN、Vccin ............輸入電源 V_CC0UT Λ Vccout ............輸出電源 V—DETECT ' Vdetect ............檢測電壓 13Qi.........Transistor PWM••...pulse control pin V—CCIN, Vccin............Input power supply V_CC0UT Λ Vccout ....... ..... output power V-DETECT ' Vdetect ............detect voltage 13

Claims (1)

M330669 九、申請專利範圍: 1· 一種系統斷電保護電路,包含: 充電迴路’包括一接收一輸入電源的充電控制開 關 $接該充電控制開關的電感及一與該電感並聯的 儲能兀件,且該儲能元件受該輸入電源充電·,及 放電迴路’包括與該充電迴路共用的該電感及該 ’ 儲此元件 與該充電控制開關並聯的放電控制開關, 及麵接在該充電控制開關及該放電控制開關之間且用 以防止該儲能元件逆向施放電能的二極體。 2·依據申請專利範圍第1項所述之的系統斷電保護電路, 其中,所述充電迴路還包括一位在該充電控制開關及該 電感之間的續流二極體。 3·依據申請專利範圍第丨項所述之的系統斷電保護電路, 其中,所述放電迴路還包括一個退耦電容,該退耦電容 一端連接在放電迴路輸出端,另一端與地相連。 翁4·依據申請專利範圍第1、2或3項所述之的系統斷電保護 電路,其中,所述的儲能元件爲電容或者電池。 •依據申请專利耗圍弟1、2或3項所述之的系統斷電保護 電路,其中,所述的充電控制開關或放電控制開關是藉 由開關電源構成的開關電路。 6·依據申請專利範圍第1、2或3項所述之的系統斷電保護 電路,其中,所述的充電控制開關或放電控制開關是由 脈波寬度控制該充電迴路或放電迴路對該儲能元件進行 脈衝式充放電。 14 ,M330669 7·依據申請專利範園第丨、2戒3項所述之的系統斷電保護 電路,還包括一個檢測電路,通過該檢測子電路檢洌充 電時該電感和該儲能元神!間的連接點的電壓控制充電 控制開關的通斷。 8·依據申請專利範圍第7頊所述之的系統斷電保護電路 其中,所述的檢測電路上還設有一個渡波電路。 A 15M330669 IX. Patent application scope: 1. A system power-off protection circuit, comprising: a charging circuit 'including a charging control switch receiving an input power source, an inductance connected to the charging control switch, and an energy storage element connected in parallel with the inductance And the energy storage component is charged by the input power source, and the discharge circuit 'includes the inductance shared with the charging circuit and the discharge control switch that stores the component in parallel with the charging control switch, and is connected to the charging control a diode between the switch and the discharge control switch for preventing reverse energy application of the energy storage element. 2. The system power-off protection circuit of claim 1, wherein the charging circuit further comprises a freewheeling diode between the charging control switch and the inductor. 3. The system power-off protection circuit according to the invention of claim 2, wherein the discharge circuit further comprises a decoupling capacitor, one end of which is connected to the output end of the discharge circuit and the other end is connected to the ground. The system power-off protection circuit according to claim 1, wherein the energy storage element is a capacitor or a battery. • A system power-off protection circuit according to claim 1, 2 or 3, wherein the charge control switch or the discharge control switch is a switch circuit formed by a switching power supply. 6. The system power-off protection circuit according to claim 1, 2 or 3, wherein the charging control switch or the discharge control switch controls the charging circuit or the discharging circuit by a pulse width. The energy component performs pulsed charge and discharge. 14 , M330669 7 · The system power-off protection circuit according to the application patent No. 2, 2 or 3, and a detection circuit, through which the inductance and the energy storage element are detected by the detection sub-circuit ! The voltage at the connection point between the terminals controls the on/off of the charge control switch. 8. The system power-off protection circuit according to claim 7 of the patent application scope, wherein the detection circuit further comprises a wave-wave circuit. A 15
TW96216885U 2007-10-09 2007-10-09 Protective circuit for power outage system TWM330669U (en)

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TW96216885U TWM330669U (en) 2007-10-09 2007-10-09 Protective circuit for power outage system

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TW96216885U TWM330669U (en) 2007-10-09 2007-10-09 Protective circuit for power outage system

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TWI404353B (en) * 2009-01-19 2013-08-01 Applied Optoelectronics Inc Optical network unit
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TWI404353B (en) * 2009-01-19 2013-08-01 Applied Optoelectronics Inc Optical network unit
US8879347B2 (en) 2011-04-25 2014-11-04 Silicon Motion, Inc. Flash memory device and method for handling power failure thereof
TWI479493B (en) * 2011-04-25 2015-04-01 Silicon Motion Inc Flash memory device and power failure handling method thereof

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