TWM254699U - A high precision long travel linear positioning device - Google Patents

A high precision long travel linear positioning device Download PDF


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TWM254699U TW92213974U TW92213974U TWM254699U TW M254699 U TWM254699 U TW M254699U TW 92213974 U TW92213974 U TW 92213974U TW 92213974 U TW92213974 U TW 92213974U TW M254699 U TWM254699 U TW M254699U
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piezoelectric actuator
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Chinese (zh)
Chih-Liang Chu
Sheng-Hao Fan
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Chih-Liang Chu
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Application filed by Chih-Liang Chu filed Critical Chih-Liang Chu
Priority to TW92213974U priority Critical patent/TWM254699U/en
Publication of TWM254699U publication Critical patent/TWM254699U/en



  • Control Of Position Or Direction (AREA)
  • General Electrical Machinery Utilizing Piezoelectricity, Electrostriction Or Magnetostriction (AREA)


M254699 捌、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係有關一種高精密長行程直線定 置,尤指一種可運用在高精密度微定位平台、半 元件製程的光罩對位校準、高精度光纖對接及光 統之微動調整等。這些領域之定位裝置必需要能 供高定位精度、微奈米等級解析度、偏移量小且 的動態操作範圍。在以往許多定位裝置位移量總 限在一定範圍内,無法達到長行程之定位。以目 導體製程為例,從八吋晶圓逐漸發展至今日的十 晶圓技術中,對於此發展趨勢,擁有長行程且高 直線定位裝置,已成為今日精密工業的主流之一 本創作利用積層式壓電致動器高解析度與線性 裝置,搭配撓性鉸鍊無摩擦、生熱等優點,可有 昇定位上精度;利用夾緊裝置及搭配外部控制訊 輸入,可達到長行程定位之目標,並減少傳統機 動上的誤差以及機械損失。 【先前技術】 傳統精密工業使用伺服馬達為驅動源和導 來驅動定位平台,雖然他們可以有長行程的範圍 會產生非線性的彈性效應,故在精度上有所限制 精度已到達瓶頸,難以推向更精確的定位控制範 在定位精度日漸嚴苛的要求下,此類驅動定位裝 位裝 導體 學系 夠提 寬廣 是侷 前半 二吋 精密 〇故 放大 效提 號的 械傳 螺桿 ,但 ,其 圍。 置已 3 M254699 漸漸不敷現今精密產業之需求。有鑑於此,發展一套 高精密長行程直線定位裝置實為現今之趨勢與潮流。 以壓電材料做為致動器之中,可分為形變式、摩 擦式與尺蠖蟲(inchworm)式三種形式。三種設計於 使用上各有其優缺點。形變式可以達到較高的解析 度,但無法有較長的行程,常與一般解析度較低,行 程較長的平台做搭配,以完成整個系統。另外,摩擦 式與尺蠖蟲式雖有較長的行程,但裝配難度高,組裝 的誤差增加。有鑑於此,本創作係整合形變式致動器 之高解析定位精度與摩擦式致動器之長行程特點, 採用一具準直線形變式放大裝置,搭配可形成摩擦式 致動器的夾緊裝置,來完成此一高精密長行程直線定 位裝置。雖壓電致動器致動時,會產生遲滯效應,但 可藉由適當的回授控制來降低其所產生的遲滯效應。 以往傳統機械元件間傳遞動力,會有摩擦生熱的 問題的產生以及機械損失,為了克服這樣的問題,採 用線放電切割加工之撓性鉸鍊來取代一般的旋轉接 頭,利用彈性體的彈性變形能力,來做為元件間的傳 導。此種撓性鉸鍊幾乎沒有反作用力和黏滯摩擦力的 現象,且不需潤滑,可降低整體系統之損失。 而在精密工業逐漸邁向高定位精度、高解析能力 的同時,利用積層式壓電致動器反應快,動作確實、 撓性鉸鍊無機械損耗等特性以及整體結構微型化之 4 M254699 設計,成為未來發展定位裝置的潮流與趨勢。 【新型内容】 本創作之高精密長行程直線定位裝置主要目 為,利用本創作底部直線位移放大裝置,使輸出方 位移保持一準直線位移放大輸出,且在長行程距離 移下,確保輸出位移方向之直線性。其特性為在運 行程範圍内解決了側向偏移的問題,又可減小誤差 且使用很少的元件,就能完成所需之結構,使系統 計簡單化。另外,利用積層式壓電陶瓷的單位步進 量位移、推力大、回授控制容易等優點,來達到高 密直線定位之目的。 本創作之高精密長行程直線定位裝置另一主 目的為,在夾緊之裝置中心處配置一只積層式壓電 動器,致動器兩端分別以調整螺絲來做微動調整之 作。一來使壓電致動器致動時不需考慮克服初始餘 的問題;二來可使整體結構在組裝預壓後,微量調 運動平台與夾緊裝置之間作用力,預先產生一適當 力於運動平台背側。利用夾緊裝置與運動平台間摩 滞滑特性,搭配外部輸入控制訊號作步進定位。並 由底部之直線定位放大裝置,來達成最後高精密定 之目的。 本創作之高精密長行程直線定位裝置主要目 為,利用一只壓電致動器配合本創作裝置之設計, 的 向 位 動 ? 設 微 精 要 致 動 隙 整 壓 擦 藉 位 標 可 5 M254699 解決以兩只壓電致動器同時做為輸入源,因壓電陶瓷 本身製造上的誤差、裝配上不對稱所產生的誤差、推 力不同及控制不易等缺點。 本創作之高精密長行程直線定位裝置另一目標 為,利用撓性結構之設計配合材料彈性變形的原理, 使壓電致動器受電場作用所產生的致動力,於各元件 間作用傳遞,減少整體系統的損失。 本創作之高精密長行程直線定位裝置另一目標 為,配合輸入控制訊號的搭配,可精確的控制壓電致 動器的作動順序,進而達到長行程步進精密定位。 因此,本創作利用積層式壓電致動器極佳的致動 特性,採用單一致動器致動,可解決兩只驅動器同時 致動時的誤差;槓桿機構及肘節放大裝置設計,可提 高運動行程範圍及直線放大之特性;夾緊裝置簡單的 撓性結構設計,可有效的運用空間上的配置,避免整 體裝置過於龐大,失去微型化設計之理念。 綜合以上所述優點,本創作之高精密長行程直線 定位裝置,對精度日益要求的今日,實為一具實用性 之創作。 為使貴審查委員對本創作裝置之内容及功用做 更深一層的瞭解,茲針對本創作中之圖示及符號對照 列示如後,並於實施例之詳述中配合圖示說明。 6 M254699 【實施方式】 請參閱第一圖所示,高精密長行程直線定位裝置 由本體裝置1、壓電致動器止擋螺絲2、壓電致動器 3、槓桿導引裝置4、左槓桿機構5、右槓桿機構6、 肘節放大裝置7、穿透切槽8、肘節放大裝置柔性關 節9、夾緊裝置1 0及平行導引裝置2 0所組成。 請參閱第二圖所示,顯示第一圖中之高精密長行 程直線定位裝置槓桿機構的等效示意圖。 請參閱第三圖所示,由精密線放電加工所形成的 撓性實體結構中。壓電致動器3後方有一壓電致動器 止擋螺絲2 ;在壓電致動器3輸出部分,有一槓桿導 引裝置4與左槓桿機構5及右槓桿機構6之一端相連 結;槓桿導引裝置4中心與左槓桿限制關節5 1及右 槓桿限制關節6 1之距離相等;左槓桿限制關節5 1至 左肘節放大裝置驅動關節7 1之距離與右槓桿限制關 節6 1至右肘節放大裝置驅動關節7 2之距離亦相等, 形成第一組放大之槓桿結構。 肘節放大裝置7中,分別有左肘節放大裝置驅動 關節7 1、右肘節放大裝置驅動關節7 2與肘節放大裝 置柔性關節9 ;且左肘節放大裝置驅動關節 7 1到肘 節放大裝置柔性關節 9之距離與右肘節放大裝置驅 動關節7 2到肘節放大裝置柔性關節9之距離相等, 並與左槓桿機構5、右槓桿機構6相互連結,形成第 7 M254699 二放大裝置。各機構間皆有穿透切槽8用以減少機件 摩擦生熱問題。 本體支撐裝置 1上附有一夾緊裝置承載基座 11,夾緊裝置10與凹陷處以夾緊裝置承載基座固定 螺絲1 1 1固定於此基座上,使其與底部之直線位移放 大裝置固定為一體,形成一立體結構設計,兩者組合 成一高精密長行程直線定位裝置。 請參閱第四圖所示,夾緊裝置承載基座11上搭 配有一夾緊裝置10。夾緊裝置10中有一積層式壓電 致動器30,而積層式壓電致動器30兩端分別藉由積 層式壓電致動器半球型凸緣 301與壓電致動器滑套 接頭4 0相接觸;夾緊裝置1 0右側驅動關節1 0 1和夾 緊裝置柔性關節1 0 3之距離與左側驅動關節1 0 2和夾 緊裝置柔性關節1 0 3之距離相等;右側驅動關節1 0 1 及左側驅動關節1 0 2與夾緊裝置凸緣 1 0 4距離亦相 等,滿足對稱結構設計。可使夾緊裝置1 0兩端受力 後,夾緊裝置凸緣104輸出放大位移及作用力,形成 一爽緊放大裝置。 當壓電致動器 3受電場作用產生位移及作用力 時,槓桿導引裝置4承受壓電致動器3的作用,將壓 電致動器3所產生之推力平均的傳遞至左槓桿機構5 與右槓桿機構6上;並以左槓桿機構限制關節5 1與 右槓桿機構限制關節6 1為支點,將第一次放大後的 8 M254699 位移量分別傳遞至肘節放大裝置7上。 利用槓桿機構第一次放大後所產 側向分量,來做為肘節放大裝置7的輸 節放大裝置驅動關節7 1與右肘節放大 7 2為輸入端,兩對稱側向分量作用在肘 上,使肘節放大裝置7上肘節放大裝置 個相隔 1 2 0 °柔性接點相對於其他部位 變形的原理,因對稱輸入之關係,使得 柔性關節9輸出為一直線,且再次的將 做二次的放大,並由後端之平行導引裝 直線運動特性。 請參閱第四圖所示,顯示本創作壓 接頭4 0各部連結方式。位於夾緊裝置] 動器滑套接頭 4 0,其背側設有一夾緊 1 0 b用螺絲以螺紋方式與其相互配合。 壓電致動器滑套接頭40内側與積層式 球型凸緣301與積層式壓電致動器30 的狀態。當積層式壓電致動器30致動 力與反作用力之關係,使力量同時作 1 0之一側,並以其右側驅動關節1 0 1、 1 0 2產生形變,進而使夾緊裝置柔性關 心最薄處變形,由夾緊裝置凸緣1 0 4做 請參閱第五圖所示,藉由半球型凸 生之的兩對稱 入源,以左肘 裝置驅動關節 節放大裝置7 柔性關節9三 撓性接點容易 肘節放大裝置 位移量及力量 置2 0保持其 電致動器滑套 L 0上之壓電致 裝置調整螺絲 此配合方式使 壓電致動器半 保持緊密接觸 時,利用作用 用在夾緊裝置 左側驅動關節 節1 0 3尺寸中 最後的輸出。 緣3 0 1與滑套 9 M254699 接頭40内側的緊密接觸,使夾緊裝置變形過程中, 半球型凸緣 3 0 1 與滑套接頭 4 0内側始終呈弧線接 觸,如此將可避免積層式壓電致動器30的扭曲變形。 本創作高精密長行程直線定位裝置中之直線位 移放大裝置部分,壓電致動器3後方之壓電致動器止 擋螺絲2,可使壓電致動器3受電場作用時,使壓電 致動器3不需考慮克服初始的餘隙問題,而能確實的 將輸出位移及作用力作用在槓桿導引裝置4上,提高 輸出效能。 請參閱第六圖肘節運動示意圖,第六圖之圖(Ο 顯示,當單一肘節放大裝置一端為輸入時,雖有放大 之功用,但於輸出端部分明顯的可以觀察出會有側向 偏移量(Offset )的產生;反觀第五圖之圖(b)所 示,當以對稱式肘節放大裝置設計時,以兩側為輸入 時,所得輸出部分不但沒有如單一肘節放大裝置會有 側偏問題的產生,反而能使運動路徑確保直線性,達 到準直線的輸出。 因此,由本創作之設計理念,藉單一壓電致動器 3做輸入,因結構對稱性,故經左槓桿機構5及右槓 桿機構6放大後位移傳至肘節放大機構7兩側為相等 之推力、且其位移分量相等,並推動肘節放大裝置7, 產生單一方向輸出且側向偏移小的放大位移。其特色 在於,利用致動器推動此裝置產生直線位移,相較於 10 M254699 先前技術下使用兩致動器方式來推動,可有效的 因壓電致動器本身因製造上及裝配上,而在供給 致動時所造成兩致動器致動上的誤差。又利用致 推動此裝置產生兩組對稱力推動肘節放大裝置) 有效的解決第六圖之圖(a)裝置單一輸入所造成 移量以及傳動上所造成的誤差。 又肘節放大裝置7對稱方式設計,可使經槓 構一次放大後的位移量,將原本透過槓桿件放大 的侧向分量轉為肘節機構的輸入源做第二次 大,如此將可抵銷因槓桿機構傳動時,側向分量 運動精度之問題。當以槓桿之側向分量做為肘節 之輸入源時,其特點為,以此兩對稱輸入之X方 量,可使肘節放大裝置柔性關節9於y方向輸出 得到準直線之位移,減少輸出方向的橫向偏移量 外,藉由肘節角度的選擇,也可增加運動位移之个 夾緊裝置10為肘節放大裝置7之改良,其 積層式壓電致動器3 0兩側作用力相等之特性, 緊裝置凸緣1 0 4做放大與直線位移之輸出。整體 設計皆滿足對稱設計方式,其中槓桿機構、肘節 裝置7與夾緊裝置1 0之關係,經理論分析可得 大倍率,以及輸入端比上輸出端之位移關係,設 可根據需要,來對系統預期理論上放大倍率及位 程來變更其相對關係,得到所需的範圍。 減少 電壓 動器 ,可 之偏 桿機 位移 的放 影響 所需 向分 端, 。另 卜程。 利用 使夾 結構 放大 其放 計者 移行 11 M254699 請參閱第七圖所示,為本創作高精密長行程 定位裝置搭配運動平台做長行程定位之應用。如 示為各部元件組立之關係。底部為一直線位移放 置,當壓電致動器3作用時,透過槓桿機構的一 大,再經由肘節放大裝置7做二次放大且直線輸 經由平行導引裝置2 0引導,用以提供直線且側 差量小之運動;另外,本體支撐裝置1中亦有夾 置承載基座11,其上搭配有一夾緊裝置10。夾 置10中有一積層式壓電致動器30,當積層式壓 動器3 0受電場作用時,位移同時透過積層式壓 動器半球型凸緣301與壓電致動器滑套接頭 40 撓性關節變形,並使z方向輸出為直線運動。 將直線位移放大裝置與夾緊裝置1 〇組裝後 以預壓方式與運動平台5 0 1做搭配,亦即使本創 置與運動平台 501接觸,再利用夾緊裝置調整 l〇b作微動調整,直到夾緊裝置10之夾緊裝置 104與運動平台501保持適當之摩擦力,而驅使 作長行程的直線運動。其最終的定位精度取決於 式直線位移放大裝置,因此本創作可達成長行程 精密的定位裝置目標。 將上述構想經有限元素分析,來印證本創作 精密長行程直線定位裝置,是否可達直線輸出之 與減小侧向偏移量之影響以及長行程範圍精 直線 圖所 大裝 次放 出, 向偏 緊裝 緊裝 電致 電致 ,使 ,在 作裝 螺絲 凸緣 平台 形變 且高 之高 特性 密定 12 M254699 位。結果列示如附圖一、附圖三變形關係圖與附圖 二、附圖四之運動位移色階關係圖,加以佐證。 首先根據尺寸建立有限元素模型,為了減少模擬 所耗費的時間,採用個別模擬其運動狀態,其目的在 分割模型元素及計算元素内各節點所耗費的時間較 短,以減少模擬上的成本及時間。在高精密長行程直 線定位裝置周邊限制其邊界條件,使得任意方向之自 由度為零,使相對於固定底座為固定不動亦不變形; 在設定元素種類採用1 0節點S ο 1 i d 9 2體元素,結構 所採用的材料為A1,結構厚度為10mm,夾緊裝置結構 厚度為15mm,揚氏係數為70000^^2、蒲松式比為0 · 3 5, 進行模擬,經有限元素模擬後的結果,可明顯的觀察 到其高精密長行程直線定位裝置搭配運動平台之運 動變形情形。藉由以上驗證結果,本創作之高精密長 行程直線定位裝置,具有直線位移之能力,將兩結構 壓電致動器的輸入控制訊號做一順序搭配與設計,將 可達到長行程定位之功能。 雖本創作已就其功用及特點於實施例中加以說 明,舉凡對本創作說明及申請專利範圍内做等效變更 者或就本創作做修改者。本創作擬將該變更及修改列 示於本創作申請專利範圍之内。 綜合以上所述,本創作之高精密長行程直線定位 裝置中未見有相仿之設計,且本創作中,改進了先前 13 M254699 技術中系統複雜度、裝配上誤差、長行程時可能會 側偏的情形及滑滯摩擦等問題所造成整體運動定 的精度。此裝置具有體積小、獨立加工容易、組裝 易、各機件間不會有摩擦問題的產生、不需潤滑與 驅動運動平台應用上,可在長行程的運動範圍下配 位移感測器適當的回授控制致動器輸入電壓;並可 由雷射干涉儀之量測,精確的驗證其精度範圍。 此,本創作設計可有效的降地設計上的成本,兼具 用性及新穎性,爰依法具文提出申請,懇請貴審 委員惠予審查,並賜準專利,實感德便。 有 位 容 在 合 藉 因 實 查 14 M254699 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖:係本創作之高精密長行程直線定位裝 置。 第二圖:係本創作之高精密長行程直線定位裝置 槓桿機構等效示意圖。 第三圖··係本創作之高精密長行程直線定位裝置 中直線定位放大裝置示意圖。 第四圖:係本創作之高精密長行程直線定位裝置 中夾緊裝置示意圖。 第五圖:係本創作之高精密長行程直線定位裝置 中壓電致動器滑套接頭示意圖與爆炸 圖。 第六圖:係本創作之高精密長行程直線定位裝置 之對稱式肘節傳動機構示意圖。 第七圖:係本創作之高精密長行程直線定位裝置 搭配長行程導執平台立體系統圖,用以 說明各零件相關位置及組裝方向。 附圖一:係本創作之高精密長行程直線定位裝置 之直線定位運動變形圖。 附圖二:係本創作之高精密長行程直線定位裝置 之直線定位運動向量關係圖。 附圖三:係本創作之高精密長行程直線定位裝置 之夾緊裝置運動變形圖。 15 M254699 附圖四:係本創作之高精密長行程直線定位裝置 之夾緊裝置運動向量關係圖。 【圖號說明】 1本體支撐裝置 11夾緊裝置承載基座 1 1 1夾緊裝置承載基座固定螺絲 1 2本體裝置固定螺孔 2壓電致動器止擋螺絲 3壓電致動器 4槓桿導引裝置 5左槓桿機構 5 1左槓桿限制關節 6右槓桿機構 6 1右槓桿限制關節 7肘節放大裝置 7 1左肘節放大裝置驅動關節 72右肘節放大裝置驅動關節 8穿透切槽 9肘節放大裝置柔性關節 1 〇夾緊裝置 1 〇 a夾緊裝置固定螺絲導孔 1 〇 b夾緊裝置調整螺絲 16 M254699 1 Ο 1右側驅動關節 1 Ο 2左側驅動關節 1 〇 3夾緊裝置柔性關節 1 0 4夾緊裝置凸緣 20平行導引裝置 30積層式壓電致動器 301積層式壓電致動器半球型凸緣 40壓電致動器滑套接頭 5 0長行程導執 5 0 1長行程運動平台 17M254699 新型 Description of new models: [Technical field of new models] This creation is about a high-precision, long-stroke linear positioning, especially a photomask alignment and calibration, which can be used in high-precision micro-positioning platforms and half-component processes. Optical fiber docking and fine adjustment of optical system. Positioning devices in these fields must be able to provide high positioning accuracy, micron-level resolution, small offsets, and a dynamic operating range. In the past, the displacement of many positioning devices was always limited to a certain range, and long-distance positioning could not be achieved. Taking the mesh conductor process as an example, from the eight-inch wafer to the ten-wafer technology that has evolved to this day, with this development trend, having a long stroke and high linear positioning device has become one of the mainstreams of today's precision industry. High-resolution and linear device of the piezoelectric actuator, combined with the advantages of frictionless frictionless heat generation, can improve the positioning accuracy; using the clamping device and the external control signal input can achieve the goal of long stroke positioning , And reduce errors in traditional maneuvers and mechanical losses. [Previous technology] Traditional precision industries use servo motors as driving sources and guides to drive positioning platforms. Although they can have a long stroke range, they will produce non-linear elastic effects, so there is a limit in accuracy. Accuracy has reached the bottleneck and it is difficult to push. To more precise positioning control requirements. With the increasingly stringent positioning accuracy requirements, this type of drive positioning and mounting conductor system can be widened. It is the first two inches of precision. Around. Home 3 M254699 is gradually falling short of the demands of today's precision industry. In view of this, the development of a set of high-precision long-stroke linear positioning devices is the current trend and trend. Piezoelectric materials are used as actuators, which can be divided into three types: deformation type, friction type and inchworm type. Each of the three designs has its advantages and disadvantages. Deformation can reach a higher resolution, but cannot have a longer stroke. It is often matched with a platform with a lower resolution and a longer journey to complete the entire system. In addition, although the friction type and the tapeworm type have long strokes, they are difficult to assemble and the assembly errors increase. In view of this, this creation integrates the high-resolution positioning accuracy of the deformable actuator and the long stroke characteristics of the friction actuator. It adopts a quasi-linear deformation magnification device, which can be combined with the clamping of the friction actuator. Device to complete this high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device. Although the hysteresis effect occurs when the piezoelectric actuator is actuated, the hysteresis effect can be reduced by proper feedback control. In the past, the transmission of power between traditional mechanical components caused the problem of friction and heat generation and mechanical loss. In order to overcome this problem, a flexible hinge with wire discharge cutting was used to replace the ordinary rotary joint, and the elastic deformation capacity of the elastomer was used. , As the conduction between components. This kind of flexible hinge has almost no reaction force and viscous friction, and does not need lubrication, which can reduce the loss of the overall system. While the precision industry is gradually moving towards high positioning accuracy and high resolution, the use of multilayer piezoelectric actuators has the characteristics of fast response, reliable operation, no mechanical loss of the flexible hinge, and miniaturization of the overall structure. Trends and trends in the future development of positioning devices. [New content] The main purpose of the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device of this creation is to use the linear displacement amplification device at the bottom of this creation to keep the output side displacement a quasi-linear displacement amplification output, and move down a long stroke distance to ensure the output displacement Linearity of direction. Its characteristics are to solve the problem of lateral offset within the travel range, reduce errors, and use few components to complete the required structure, simplifying the system design. In addition, multi-layer piezoelectric ceramics make use of the advantages of unit step displacement, large thrust, and easy feedback control to achieve the purpose of high-density linear positioning. Another main purpose of the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device of this creation is to arrange a multi-layer piezoelectric actuator at the center of the clamped device. The two ends of the actuator are adjusted finely with adjusting screws. First, the piezoelectric actuator need not be considered to overcome the initial surplus when it is actuated; second, the overall structure can be adjusted in a small amount to adjust the force between the motion platform and the clamping device after the pre-assembly is assembled, and an appropriate force can be generated in advance. On the back of the sports platform. Utilize the characteristics of frictional slip between the clamping device and the motion platform, and use external input control signals for step positioning. And the linear positioning magnification device at the bottom is used to achieve the final high-precision positioning. The main purpose of this creative high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device is to use a piezoelectric actuator to match the design of this creative device. To solve the disadvantages of using two piezoelectric actuators as input sources at the same time due to manufacturing errors of the piezoelectric ceramics, errors due to asymmetry in assembly, different thrust forces, and difficult control. Another goal of this creation of high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device is to use the design of a flexible structure to cooperate with the principle of elastic deformation of materials, so that the piezoelectric actuator's actuating force generated by the electric field can be transmitted between various elements. Reduce overall system losses. Another goal of this creation of high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device is to match the input control signal to precisely control the operating sequence of the piezoelectric actuator, thereby achieving long-step step precision positioning. Therefore, this creation utilizes the excellent actuation characteristics of the multi-layer piezoelectric actuator, and adopts a single actuator to solve the error when two actuators are actuated at the same time. The design of the lever mechanism and the elbow amplification device can improve The characteristics of the range of motion stroke and linear enlargement; the simple flexible structure design of the clamping device can effectively use the spatial configuration to avoid the overall device being too large and losing the concept of miniaturization design. Based on the above-mentioned advantages, the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device of this creation is a practical creation today with increasing requirements for accuracy. In order to make your reviewers better understand the content and function of this creative installation, the illustrations and symbols in this creation are listed below, and illustrated in the detailed description of the embodiments. 6 M254699 [Embodiment] Please refer to the first figure, the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device consists of the main body device 1, the piezo actuator stop screw 2, the piezo actuator 3, the lever guide 4, and the left The lever mechanism 5, the right lever mechanism 6, the elbow enlargement device 7, the penetrating slot 8, the elbow enlargement device flexible joint 9, the clamping device 10 and the parallel guide device 20 are composed. Please refer to the second diagram, which shows the equivalent diagram of the lever mechanism of the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device in the first diagram. Please refer to the third figure for the flexible solid structure formed by precision wire electrical discharge machining. There is a piezoelectric actuator stop screw 2 behind the piezoelectric actuator 3; at the output portion of the piezoelectric actuator 3, a lever guide 4 is connected to one end of the left lever mechanism 5 and the right lever mechanism 6; the lever The distance between the center of the guiding device 4 and the left lever limit joint 51 and the right lever limit joint 61 is equal; the distance between the left lever limit joint 51 and the left elbow magnifying device driving joint 7 1 is equal to the right lever limit joint 61 and the right The distance between the elbow magnifying device driving the joint 72 is also equal to form the first group of enlarged lever structures. The elbow magnifying device 7 includes a left elbow magnifying device driving joint 71, a right elbow magnifying device driving joint 7 2 and a elbow magnifying device flexible joint 9; and a left elbow magnifying device driving the joint 71 to the elbow The distance between the flexible joint 9 of the magnifying device and the driving joint 72 of the right elbow magnifying device is equal to the distance of the flexible joint 9 of the elbow magnifying device, and they are interconnected with the left lever mechanism 5 and the right lever mechanism 6 to form the 7th M254699 two magnification device. . Each mechanism has a penetrating slot 8 to reduce the friction and heat generation of the parts. A clamping device supporting base 11 is attached to the main body supporting device 1, and the clamping device 10 and the recess are fixed on the base with the clamping device supporting screws 1 1 1 so as to be fixed to the linear displacement magnifying device at the bottom. As a whole, a three-dimensional structure design is formed, and the two are combined into a high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device. Referring to the fourth figure, a clamping device 10 is provided on the clamping device carrying base 11. The clamping device 10 has a laminated piezoelectric actuator 30, and the two ends of the laminated piezoelectric actuator 30 are respectively connected to the piezoelectric actuator sliding sleeve joint by the laminated piezoelectric actuator hemispherical flange 301 and the piezoelectric actuator sliding sleeve joint. 4 0 contact; clamping device 10 0 right driving joint 1 0 1 and clamping device flexible joint 1 0 3 are equal to the left driving joint 1 0 2 and clamping device flexible joint 1 0 3; right driving joint The distance between 1 0 1 and the left driving joint 10 2 and the clamping device flange 104 are equal, which meets the symmetrical structure design. After the clamping device 10 is forced at both ends, the clamping device flange 104 outputs an enlarged displacement and an applied force to form a cool and tight amplification device. When the piezoelectric actuator 3 is displaced and exerted by an electric field, the lever guiding device 4 receives the role of the piezoelectric actuator 3 and transmits the thrust generated by the piezoelectric actuator 3 to the left lever mechanism on average. 5 and the right lever mechanism 6; and using the left lever mechanism restriction joint 51 and the right lever mechanism restriction joint 61 as the fulcrum, the 8 M254699 displacements after the first enlargement are transmitted to the elbow magnification device 7 respectively. The lateral component produced by the lever mechanism after the first amplification is used as the joint magnification device 7 of the elbow magnification device 7 to drive the joint 7 1 and the right elbow magnification 7 2 as the input ends. Two symmetrical lateral components act on the elbow. The principle of making the elbow magnifying device 7 on the elbow magnifying device 7 separated by 120 ° between the flexible joints and other parts. Due to the symmetrical input relationship, the output of the flexible joint 9 is a straight line, and it will be two again. The magnification of the second time, and the linear motion characteristics of the rear parallel guide device. Please refer to the fourth figure to show the connection method of each part of this creative crimping joint 40. Located in the clamping device] Actuator sliding sleeve joint 4 0, a clamping 1 0 b is provided on the back side to cooperate with each other by screws. The state of the inside of the piezoelectric actuator slide sleeve joint 40 and the laminated ball flange 301 and the laminated piezoelectric actuator 30. When the relationship between the actuation force and the reaction force of the multi-layer piezoelectric actuator 30 causes the force to be one of the 10 sides at the same time, and the right side drives the joints 1 0 1 and 1 2 to deform, thereby making the clamping device flexible and concerned The thinnest part is deformed. It is made by the clamping device flange 104. Please refer to the fifth figure. With the two symmetrical sources of hemispherical convexity, the left elbow device is used to drive the joint magnification device. The flexible contact is easy to set the displacement and force of the elbow magnifying device to 20 to maintain the piezoelectric actuator adjustment screw on the slide sleeve L 0 of the electric actuator. This cooperation method is used to keep the piezoelectric actuator half tightly in contact. Acts as the final output in the size of the drive joint at the left side of the clamping device. Edge 3 0 1 is in close contact with the inside of the sliding sleeve 9 M254699 joint 40, so that during deformation of the clamping device, the hemispherical flange 3 0 1 and the inside of the sliding sleeve joint 40 are always in arc contact, so that laminated pressure can be avoided Distortion of the electric actuator 30. In the linear displacement magnification device of the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device, the piezo actuator stop screw 2 behind the piezo actuator 3 can make the piezo actuator 3 be pressed when an electric field is applied. The electric actuator 3 does not need to consider overcoming the initial clearance problem, and can reliably output displacement and force on the lever guide device 4 to improve output efficiency. Refer to the schematic diagram of the elbow movement in Figure 6. Figure 6 (Picture 6 shows that when one end of a single elbow magnifying device is an input, although it has the function of amplification, it can be clearly observed that there is a lateral direction at the output end. Offset (Offset); as shown in Figure (b) of the fifth figure, when the symmetrical elbow magnifier is designed and the two sides are used as input, the resulting output part is not as simple as a single elbow magnifier. There will be a problem of side deviation, but it can ensure the linearity of the motion path and achieve a quasi-linear output. Therefore, based on the design concept of this creation, a single piezoelectric actuator 3 is used as an input. After the lever mechanism 5 and the right lever mechanism 6 are amplified, the displacement is transmitted to the two sides of the toggle magnification mechanism 7 with equal thrust and the displacement components are equal, and the toggle magnification device 7 is pushed to produce a single-direction output with small lateral offset. Enlarged displacement. Its characteristic is that the actuator is used to push the device to produce a linear displacement. Compared with 10 M254699, the two-actuator method is used to push the device, which is effective because of the piezoelectric actuator. Due to manufacturing and assembly, the actuating error of the two actuators caused by the supply actuation. The actuating device is used to generate two sets of symmetrical forces to promote the elbow magnification device. Figure (a) The displacement caused by the single input of the device and the error caused by the transmission. The elbow amplifying device 7 is designed in a symmetrical manner, which can make the displacement after the lever structure is enlarged once, and turn the lateral component that was originally amplified through the lever into the input source of the elbow mechanism for a second time. When the pin is driven by the lever mechanism, the accuracy of the lateral component movement is a problem. When the lateral component of the lever is used as the input source of the elbow, it is characterized in that the X-square quantity of the two symmetrical inputs can make the flexible joint 9 of the elbow magnification device output a quasi-linear displacement in the y direction, reducing In addition to the lateral displacement of the output direction, by selecting the elbow angle, the movement displacement can also be increased. The clamping device 10 is an improvement of the elbow amplification device 7, and its laminated piezoelectric actuator 30 acts on both sides. The characteristics of equal force, the flange 104 of the tight device is used for output of amplification and linear displacement. The overall design meets the symmetrical design method. The relationship between the lever mechanism, the toggle device 7 and the clamping device 10 can be theoretically analyzed to obtain a large magnification and the displacement relationship between the input end and the output end. The theoretical expectation of the system is to change the relative relationship between the magnification and the potential range to obtain the required range. Reduce the voltage actuator, which can affect the required end point of the displacement of the pole motor. Another mission. Use the clip structure to enlarge its planner. Move 11 M254699 Please refer to the figure 7 for the application of the high-precision long-stroke positioning device with the motion platform for long-stroke positioning. As shown in the relationship between the assembly of each component. The bottom is placed in a linear displacement. When the piezoelectric actuator 3 acts, it passes through a large part of the lever mechanism, and then it is amplified by the elbow magnification device 7 and the linear input is guided by the parallel guide device 20 to provide a straight line. And the movement of the side difference is small; in addition, the body supporting device 1 also has a clamping base 11 on which a clamping device 10 is matched. There is a laminated piezoelectric actuator 30 in the sandwich 10, and when the laminated actuator 30 is subjected to an electric field, the displacement simultaneously passes through the laminated actuator hemispherical flange 301 and the piezoelectric actuator sliding sleeve joint 40. The flexible joint is deformed and the z-direction output is linear motion. Assemble the linear displacement magnification device and the clamping device 10 and assemble it with the motion platform 501 in a preload manner. Even if the original installation is in contact with the motion platform 501, use the clamping device to adjust l0b for fine adjustment. Until the clamping device 104 of the clamping device 10 and the moving platform 501 maintain a proper frictional force, a linear motion with a long stroke is driven. The final positioning accuracy depends on the linear displacement magnification device, so this creation can reach the goal of a precise positioning device with a long stroke. The above-mentioned concept was analyzed by finite elements to verify whether the precision long-stroke linear positioning device created in this book can achieve the effects of linear output and reduce the lateral offset and the large-scale release of the long-stroke range precision linear diagram. The tight-fitting and tight-fitting electric call caused the deformation of the mounting screw flange platform and the high high-density density of 12 M254699. The results are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 3 for the relationship between deformation and Fig. 2 and Fig. 4 for the relationship between the movement displacement color gradation and are supported. First, a finite element model is established according to the size. In order to reduce the time consumed by the simulation, the motion state is individually simulated. The purpose is to divide the model elements and the nodes in the calculation elements to take less time to reduce the cost and time of the simulation. . Limit the boundary conditions around the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device, so that the degree of freedom in any direction is zero, so that it is fixed or deformed relative to the fixed base; 10 element S ο 1 id 9 2 body is used in the set element type Element, the material used for the structure is A1, the thickness of the structure is 10mm, the thickness of the clamping device structure is 15mm, the Young's coefficient is 70,000 ^^ 2, the Pusong-type ratio is 0 · 3 5, and the simulation is performed after finite element simulation As a result, the deformation of the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device combined with the motion platform can be clearly observed. Based on the above verification results, the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device of this creation has the capability of linear displacement. The input control signals of the two-structure piezoelectric actuators are sequentially matched and designed to achieve the function of long-stroke positioning. . Although this creation has been explained in the embodiment about its function and characteristics, those who make equivalent changes or modify this creation within the scope of this creation description and patent application. This creation intends to list the changes and modifications within the scope of this creation application patent. Based on the above, there is no similar design in the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device of this creation, and in this creation, the previous 13 M254699 technology has improved the system complexity, assembly errors, and sideways during long strokes. The accuracy of the overall motion is caused by problems such as slippage and friction. This device is small in size, easy to process independently, easy to assemble, and will not cause friction problems between various parts. It does not require lubrication and drive the motion platform. It can be equipped with a displacement sensor in the range of long stroke motion The feedback controls the input voltage of the actuator; it can be measured by a laser interferometer to accurately verify its accuracy range. Therefore, this creative design can effectively reduce the cost of ground design, with both usefulness and novelty, and submit an application in accordance with the law. We urge the members of your reviewer to review it and grant a patent. It is possible to check the loan due to the facts. M254699 [Simplified description of the figure] The first picture: This is a high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device. Figure 2: This is the equivalent schematic diagram of the lever mechanism of the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device created in this work. The third picture is the schematic diagram of the linear positioning magnification device in the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device created by this book. Figure 4: Schematic diagram of the clamping device in the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device created in this work. Fifth picture: This is a high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device of this invention. Figure 6: Schematic diagram of the symmetrical toggle drive mechanism of the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device created in this work. Figure 7: This is a high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device created with the three-dimensional guide system of the long-stroke guide platform to illustrate the relative positions and assembly directions of each part. Figure 1: The linear positioning movement deformation diagram of the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device. Figure 2: The relationship between the linear positioning motion vector of the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device created in this work. Figure 3: The movement and deformation of the clamping device of the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device. 15 M254699 Figure 4: This is a relationship diagram of the motion vector of the clamping device of the high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device. [Illustration of figure number] 1 Body support device 11 Clamping device supporting base 1 1 1 Clamping device supporting base fixing screw 1 2 Body device fixing screw hole 2 Piezo actuator stop screw 3 Piezo actuator 4 Lever guide 5 Left lever mechanism 5 1 Left lever restriction joint 6 Right lever mechanism 6 1 Right lever restriction joint 7 Elbow magnification device 7 1 Left elbow magnification device drive joint 72 Right elbow magnification device drive joint 8 Penetration cut Slot 9 Elbow magnification device Flexible joint 1 〇 Clamping device 1 〇a Clamping device fixing screw guide hole 1 〇b Clamping device adjustment screw 16 M254699 1 〇 1 Right side drive joint 1 〇 2 Left side drive joint 1 〇 3 Device Flexible joint 1 0 4 Clamping device flange 20 Parallel guide device 30 Laminated piezoelectric actuator 301 Laminated piezoelectric actuator Hemispherical flange 40 Piezo actuator sliding sleeve joint 50 Long stroke guide Hold 5 0 1 long stroke sports platform 17

Claims (1)

M254699 申請專利範圍 1. 一種高精密長行程直線定位裝置,該裝置包含壓電 致動器、槓桿導引裝置、對稱槓桿機構、肘節放大 機構以及夾緊裝置,其係由直線位移放大裝置,配 合夾緊裝置產生摩擦滯滑現象所構成; 該壓電致動器前端抵住於槓桿導引裝置上,且 導引裝置與對稱槓桿機構相互連結; 又對稱槓桿機構與肘節放大機構相互連結,並 以肘節放大裝置柔性關節連結夾緊支撐裝置與夾 緊裝置,藉此構成一高精密長行程直線定位裝置 者。 2 ·如申請專利範圍第1項所述之高精密長行程直線定 位裝置,其中,槓桿導引裝置(4)可將壓電致動器(3) 之輸入轉換成數個均等力,推動左槓桿機構(5 )與 右槓桿機構(6)。 3 ·如申請專利範圍第1項所述之高精密長行程直線定 位裝置,其中,槓桿導引裝置(4)中心與左槓桿限 制關節(5 1 )及右槓桿限制關節(6 1 )之距離相等;左 槓桿限制關節(5 1 )至左肘節放大裝置驅動關節(7 1 ) 之距離與右槓桿限制關節(6 1 )至右肘節放大裝置 驅動關節(7 2)之距離亦相等,形成第一組放大之槓 桿結構,使此產生對稱力作用在肘節驅動關節處。 4 ·如申請專利範圍第1項所述之高精密長行程直線定 18 M254699 位裝置,其特徵為:利用左槓桿機構(5 )與右槓桿 機構(6)運動時產生之 y方向分量,並拉動肘節放 大裝置(7),產生 y方向之放大位移,並藉由左槓 桿限制關節(5 1 )與右槓桿限制關節(6 1 )不同位置的 配置,使輸出端產生所需的直線放大位移。 5 ·如申請專利範圍第1項所述之高精密長行程直線定 位裝置,其特徵為:利用左槓桿機構(5 )與右槓桿 機構(6)運動時產生之兩對稱 X方向側向分量,作 為肘節放大裝置(7)之輸入源,產生二次放大的功 用,並搭配三個相隔 1 2 0 °的肘節放大裝置柔性關 節(9 ),以達最終的直線放大輸出。 6 ·如申請專利範圍第1項所述之高精密長行程直線定 位裝置,其中,夾緊裝置(10)之積層式壓電致動器 半球型凸緣(3 0 1 )與壓電致動器滑套接頭(4 0 )内側 始終呈弧線接觸,使夾緊裝置(1 0)變形過程中,避 免積層式壓電致動器(30)的扭曲變形。 19M254699 Patent application scope 1. A high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device, which includes a piezoelectric actuator, a lever guide, a symmetrical lever mechanism, a toggle magnification mechanism, and a clamping device, which is a linear displacement magnification device. It is composed of friction and slippage caused by the clamping device; the front end of the piezoelectric actuator is abutted against the lever guide device, and the guide device and the symmetrical lever mechanism are connected to each other; and the symmetrical lever mechanism and the toggle magnification mechanism are connected to each other And the flexible support of the elbow enlargement device is used to connect the clamping support device and the clamping device, thereby forming a high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device. 2 · The high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device as described in item 1 of the patent application scope, wherein the lever guide (4) can convert the input of the piezoelectric actuator (3) into several equal forces and push the left lever Mechanism (5) and right lever mechanism (6). 3. The high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device according to item 1 of the scope of patent application, wherein the distance between the center of the lever guide (4) and the left lever limit joint (5 1) and the right lever limit joint (6 1) Equal; the distance from the left lever limiting joint (5 1) to the left elbow magnifying device driving joint (7 1) and the right lever limiting joint (6 1) to the right elbow magnifying device driving joint (7 2) are also equal, The first set of enlarged lever structures is formed, so that this produces a symmetrical force acting on the elbow drive joint. 4 · The high-precision long-stroke linear 18 M254699 position device as described in item 1 of the scope of the patent application, which is characterized by using the y-direction component generated by the left lever mechanism (5) and the right lever mechanism (6) when moving, and Pull the elbow magnifying device (7) to generate a magnified displacement in the y direction, and use the configuration of different positions of the left lever limit joint (5 1) and the right lever limit joint (6 1) to make the output end produce the required linear magnification Displacement. 5 · The high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device according to item 1 of the scope of patent application, which is characterized by using two symmetrical X-direction lateral components generated when the left lever mechanism (5) and the right lever mechanism (6) move, As the input source of the elbow magnifying device (7), it produces the function of secondary amplification, and is equipped with three flexible joints (9) of the elbow magnifying device separated by 120 ° to achieve the final linear amplification output. 6 · The high-precision long-stroke linear positioning device according to item 1 of the scope of patent application, wherein the laminated piezoelectric actuator of the clamping device (10) has a hemispherical flange (3 0 1) and a piezoelectric actuator The inner side of the sliding sleeve joint (40) of the actuator is always in arc contact, so that the distortion of the laminated piezoelectric actuator (30) is avoided during the deformation process of the clamping device (10). 19
TW92213974U 2003-07-30 2003-07-30 A high precision long travel linear positioning device TWM254699U (en)

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TW92213974U TWM254699U (en) 2003-07-30 2003-07-30 A high precision long travel linear positioning device

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TW92213974U TWM254699U (en) 2003-07-30 2003-07-30 A high precision long travel linear positioning device

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TW92213974U TWM254699U (en) 2003-07-30 2003-07-30 A high precision long travel linear positioning device

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