201247792 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於適用於發光元件之反射膜用組成物,藉 由該適用於發光元件之反射膜用組成物所製造之發光元件 ,及發光元件之製造方法。詳細而言,係關於依序具備有 發光層、透光性基板、及使來自發光層的發光反射之反射 膜,而具備有可有效率地使來自發光層的發光反射之反射 膜之發光元件及其製造方法。 【先前技術】 近年來,發光元件,尤其是LED光源,乃伴隨著高 亮度化等而應用在各種領域中。特別是由於可實現白色 LED光源,而使用在照明器具和液晶顯示器的背光等用途 〇 爲了進一步提高LED光源的亮度等,係探討可有效 率地應用來自LED元件的發光之做法,而揭示有一種具 備有:基板、及裝載於支撐基板上之LED元件、以及含 有螢光劑之封合劑,在基板與LED元件之間具備有用以 使LED元件的發光反射之鑛Ag電極膜,並且在鍍Ag電 極膜上具有鈦薄膜之LED光源(專利文獻1 )。 該LED光源,是藉由在基板與LED元件之間設置反 射膜層而有效率地使來自發光體的光反射以增加發光強度 。在此,Ag薄膜與鈦薄膜係藉由電鍍法或真空成膜法所 形成。 -5- 201247792 一般而言,電鑛法,會令人預想到其繁瑣的步驟和廢 液的產生,而真空成膜法則爲了維持大型的真空成膜裝置 並使其運轉,而耗費大量成本。上述LED光源,僅依據 鍍Ag電極膜者,會產生熱劣化或光劣化,故需形成鈦薄 膜而須倂用電鍍法及真空成膜法。 本發明,係以依序具備有:發光層、透光性基板、及 使來自發光層的發光反射之反射膜之發光元件爲對象,在 發光層與透光性基板之間並不存在反射膜。此般構成中, 僅依據通常的鏟Ag電極膜者,會產生熱劣化或光劣化, 故須倂用電鍍法及真空成膜法。 [專利文獻1]日本特開2009-23 1 5 68號公報 【發明內容】 本發明係以解決上述課題者爲課題。本發明之目的, 在於提供一種藉由改善使從發光元件所射出的光反射且具 有電極的功能之反射膜的薄膜形成法,來抑制反射膜因熱 與環境所造成的劣化,並簡化製造步驟,而能夠大幅地改 善運轉成本之發光元件及其製造方法。 本發明係關於藉由以下所示之構成來解決上述課題之 適用於發光元件之反射膜用組成物,適用於發光元件之補 強膜用組成物及發光元件。 本發明之第1型態’是一種適用於發光元件之反射膜 用組成物,該發光元件依序具備有:發光層、透光性基板 、及使來自發光層的發光反射之反射膜之適用於發光元件 -6- 201247792 之反射膜用組成物,其特徵爲:反射膜用組成物含有金屬 奈米粒子。 本發明之第2型態的反射膜用組成物,如上述第1型 態之適用於發光元件之反射膜用組成物,其中進一步含有 添加物。 本發明之第3型態的反射膜用組成物,如上述第1或 第2型態之適用於發光元件之反射膜用組成物,其中進一 步含有分散介質。 本發明之第4型態,是一種適用於發光元件之補強膜 用組成物,該發光元件依序具備有:發光層、透光性基板 、使來自發光層的發光反射之反射膜、及補強膜之適用於 發光元件之補強膜用組成物,其特徵爲:補強膜用組成物 含有黏合劑。 本發明之第5型態的補強膜用組成物,如上述第4型 態之適用於發光元件之補強膜用組成物,其中進一步含有 選自由二氧化矽系粒子、矽酸鹽粒子、金屬粒子、及金屬 氧化物粒子所組成之群組之1種或2種以上的微粒或扁平 粒子。 本發明之第6型態,是一種發光元件,爲依序具備有 :發光層、透光性基板、及使來自發光層的發光反射之反 射膜之發光元件,其特徵爲:反射膜含有金屬奈米粒子。 本發明之第7型態的發光元件,如上述第6型態之發 光元件,其中前述反射膜進一步含有添加物。 本發明之第8型態的發光元件,如上述第6或第7型 201247792 態之發光元件,其中進一步具有補強膜,並且依序具備有 :前述發光層、前述透光性基板、前述反射膜、及前述補 強膜,前述補強膜含有黏合劑。 本發明之第9型態的發光元件,如上述第8型態之發 光元件,其中前述補強膜進一步含有選自由二氧化矽系粒 子、矽酸鹽粒子、金屬粒子、及金屬氧化物粒子所組成之 群組之1種或2種以上的微粒或扁平粒子。 本發明之第10型態的發光元件,如上述第6至第9 型態中任一型態之發光元件,其中前述反射膜是由濕式塗 佈法所製造。 本發明之第1 1型態的發光元件,如上述第8或第9 型態之發光元件,其中前述補強膜是由濕式塗佈法所製造 〇 本發明之第1 2型態的發光元件,如上述第6至第1 1 型態中任一型態之發光元件,其中前述反射膜的厚度爲 0 · 0 5 〜1 . 0 // m 〇 本發明之第13型態,是一種發光元件之製造方法, 其特徵爲:藉由濕式塗佈法將含有金屬奈米粒子與添加物 之反射膜用組成物塗佈於透光性基板上後,藉由燒結或硬 化來形成反射膜,並將發光層形成於透光性基板之反射膜 的相反面。 上述發光元件之製造方法中,可使用本發明之適用於 發光元件之反射膜形成用組成物。 本發明之第1 4型態的發光元件之製造方法,如上述 -8- 201247792 第13型態之發光元件之製造方法,其中在形成上述反射 膜後,於形成發光層前,進一步藉由濕式塗佈法將含有黏 合劑之補強膜用組成物塗佈於反射膜上後,藉由燒結或硬 化來形成補強膜。 上述發光元件之製造方法中,可使用本發明之適用於 發光元件之補強膜形成用組成物。 發明之效果: 根據本發明之適用於發光元件之反射膜形成用組成物 ’藉由金屬奈米粒子,即使是高輸出的發光元件,亦可提 高耐熱性和耐蝕性,而能夠提供一種可抑制因發光層所產 生的熱或環境所造成之反射膜的劣化之高壽命的發光元件 。該反射膜可應用在各種光源,尤其適合於LED光源。 此外,該反射膜,由於可藉由濕式塗佈法來製作,所以可 簡化製造步驟並達到低成本。此外,根據本發明,可提供 耐熱性或耐蝕性更高之發光元件。 根據本發明之發光元件,透光性基板與發光層之密著 性高,可提升發光元件的可靠度。 此外,具備有補強膜之本發明之發光元件,耐熱性和 耐蝕性高,可抑制因來自發光層所產生之熱或環境而對反 射膜所造成之劣化,故可達高壽命。 根據本發明之發光元件之製造方法,可簡便且低成本 地得到耐熱性和耐蝕性高的發光元件》 201247792 【實施方式】 以下係根據實施形態來具體地說明本發明。%在未特 別表示時,且在數値固有以外的情形下,爲質量%。 [適用於發光元件之反射膜用組成物] 本發明之適用於發光元件之反射膜用組成物(以下稱 爲反射膜用組成物),爲適用於依序具備有:發光層、透 光性基板、及使來自發光層的發光反射之反射膜之發光元 件之反射膜用組成物,其特徵爲:反射膜用組成物含有金 屬奈米粒子。 金屬奈米粒子,係將使從發光層所射出之光反射之光 反射性,賦予至燒結或硬化後之反射膜用組成物,亦即反 射膜。金屬奈米粒子,可列舉出選自由銀、金、鉑、鈀、 钌、鎳、銅、錫、銦、鋅、鐵、鉻及錳所組成之群組的1 種或2種以上之混合組成或合金組成,就反射性、導電性 之觀點來看,較佳爲銀、金。金屬奈米粒子的平均粒徑, 較佳爲l〇〜50nm。在此,平均粒徑係藉由比表面積測定, 使用 BET法來測定。例如,比表面積測定可採用 Quantachrome Instruments 的 QUANTACHROME AUTOSORB-1 。金屬奈米粒子的形狀爲球狀、板狀者,就分散性、反射 性之觀點來看爲較佳。 反射膜用組成物,就反射膜的密著性、反射性之觀點 來看,較佳係含有添加物。添加物含有選自由有機高分子 、金屬氧化物、金屬氫氧化物、有機金屬化合物、及矽油 -10- 201247792 所組成之群組的至少1種者,就反射性、密著性之觀點來 看尤佳。 用作爲添加物之有機高分子,爲選自由聚乙烯吡咯啶 酮、聚乙烯吡咯啶酮的共聚物、及水溶性纖維素所組成之 群組的至少1種者,就反射性之觀點來看爲較佳。聚乙烯 吡咯啶酮的共聚物,可使用PVP-甲基丙烯酸酯共聚物、 PVP-苯乙烯共聚物、PVP-乙酸乙烯酯共聚物等。此外,水 溶性纖維素,可使用羥丙基甲基纖維素、甲基纖維素、羥 乙基甲基纖維素等之纖維素醚。 用作爲添加物之金屬氧化物,較佳爲含有選自由鋁、 矽、鈦、锆、鉻、錳、鐵、鈷、鎳、銀、銅、鋅、鉬、錫 、銦、及銻所組成之群組的至少1種之氧化物或複合氧化 物。複合氧化物,具體可列舉出包含上述金屬之1τ〇 ([Technical Field] The present invention relates to a composition for a reflective film which is applied to a light-emitting element, a light-emitting element which is manufactured by using the composition for a reflective film of a light-emitting element, and a light-emitting element Manufacturing method. Specifically, the present invention is provided with a light-emitting element having a light-emitting layer, a light-transmitting substrate, and a reflective film that reflects light emitted from the light-emitting layer, and a reflective film that can efficiently reflect light emitted from the light-emitting layer. And its manufacturing method. [Prior Art] In recent years, light-emitting elements, particularly LED light sources, have been used in various fields with high brightness and the like. In particular, since a white LED light source can be realized and used for backlights of lighting fixtures and liquid crystal displays, etc., in order to further improve the brightness of the LED light source, etc., it is possible to efficiently apply light emission from LED elements, and to disclose a method. The present invention includes a substrate, an LED element mounted on the support substrate, and a sealing agent containing a fluorescent agent, and an ore-containing Ag electrode film for reflecting the light emission of the LED element between the substrate and the LED element, and is coated with Ag An LED light source having a titanium thin film on the electrode film (Patent Document 1). The LED light source efficiently reflects light from the illuminator by providing a reflective film layer between the substrate and the LED element to increase the illuminating intensity. Here, the Ag film and the titanium film are formed by a plating method or a vacuum film forming method. -5- 201247792 In general, the electro-mine method is expected to be a cumbersome step and the generation of waste liquid, and the vacuum film-forming method is costly in order to maintain and operate a large-scale vacuum film forming apparatus. The above-mentioned LED light source is thermally degraded or photo-degraded only by the Ag-plated electrode film, so that a titanium film is required to be formed by electroplating and vacuum film formation. According to the present invention, a light-emitting element having a light-emitting layer, a light-transmitting substrate, and a reflection film that reflects light from the light-emitting layer is provided in order, and a reflective film is not present between the light-emitting layer and the light-transmitting substrate. . In such a configuration, thermal deterioration or photodegradation occurs only in accordance with a conventional shovel Ag electrode film, and therefore, plating method and vacuum film formation method are required. [Patent Document 1] JP-A-2009-23 1 5 68 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention has been made in an effort to solve the above problems. It is an object of the present invention to provide a thin film forming method for a reflective film which has a function of reflecting light emitted from a light-emitting element and having an electrode, thereby suppressing deterioration of the reflective film due to heat and the environment, and simplifying the manufacturing steps. A light-emitting element capable of greatly improving the running cost and a method of manufacturing the same. The present invention relates to a composition for a reflective film which is suitable for use in a light-emitting element, which is suitable for the above-mentioned problems, and is suitable for a composition for a reinforcing film of a light-emitting element and a light-emitting element. The first aspect of the present invention is a composition for a reflective film which is applied to a light-emitting element, and the light-emitting element is provided with a light-emitting layer, a light-transmitting substrate, and a reflective film for reflecting light emitted from the light-emitting layer. A composition for a reflective film of a light-emitting element-6 to 201247792, characterized in that the composition for a reflective film contains metal nanoparticles. The composition for a reflective film according to the second aspect of the present invention is a composition for a reflective film which is applied to a light-emitting device as in the first aspect, and further contains an additive. The composition for a reflection film according to the third aspect of the present invention is a composition for a reflection film which is applied to a light-emitting element in the first or second aspect, and further contains a dispersion medium. The fourth aspect of the present invention is a composition for a reinforcing film which is applied to a light-emitting element, and the light-emitting element includes, in order, a light-emitting layer, a light-transmitting substrate, a reflective film that reflects light emitted from the light-emitting layer, and a reinforcing film. A film for a reinforcing film composition for a light-emitting element, characterized in that the composition for a reinforcing film contains a binder. The composition for a reinforcing film according to the fifth aspect of the present invention is the composition for a reinforcing film which is applied to a light-emitting element according to the fourth aspect, and further contains a selected from the group consisting of cerium oxide-based particles, cericate particles, and metal particles. And one or more kinds of fine particles or flat particles composed of a group of metal oxide particles. According to a sixth aspect of the present invention, in a light-emitting device, a light-emitting element including a light-emitting layer, a light-transmitting substrate, and a reflective film that reflects light emitted from the light-emitting layer is provided, and the reflective film contains a metal. Nano particles. A light-emitting device according to a seventh aspect of the invention is the light-emitting device according to the sixth aspect, wherein the reflective film further contains an additive. The light-emitting element of the eighth aspect of the present invention, wherein the light-emitting element according to the sixth or seventh aspect of the present invention has a reinforcing film, and the light-emitting layer, the light-transmitting substrate, and the reflective film are sequentially provided. And the reinforcing film, wherein the reinforcing film contains a binder. According to a ninth aspect of the invention, in the light-emitting device of the eighth aspect, the reinforced film further comprises a component selected from the group consisting of cerium oxide particles, ceric acid particles, metal particles, and metal oxide particles. One or two or more kinds of fine particles or flat particles of the group. The light-emitting element of the tenth aspect of the invention is the light-emitting element of any one of the sixth to ninth aspects, wherein the reflective film is produced by a wet coating method. The light-emitting element of the first aspect of the present invention is the light-emitting element according to the eighth or ninth aspect, wherein the reinforcing film is produced by a wet coating method, and the light-emitting element of the first aspect of the invention The light-emitting element of any one of the above-mentioned 6th to 1st-type states, wherein the thickness of the reflective film is 0 · 0 5 〜1. 0 // m 第 the 13th type of the invention is a luminescence In the method for producing a device, a composition for a reflective film containing metal nanoparticles and an additive is applied onto a light-transmitting substrate by a wet coating method, and then a reflective film is formed by sintering or hardening. And forming a light-emitting layer on the opposite surface of the reflective film of the light-transmitting substrate. In the method for producing a light-emitting device, the composition for forming a reflective film of the present invention which is applied to a light-emitting device can be used. A method for producing a light-emitting device according to a thirteenth aspect of the present invention is the method for producing a light-emitting device according to the eighth aspect of the present invention, wherein after the reflecting film is formed, the light-emitting layer is further formed by wet In the coating method, a composition for a reinforcing film containing a binder is applied onto a reflective film, and then a reinforced film is formed by sintering or hardening. In the method for producing a light-emitting device, the composition for forming a reinforcing film to be applied to a light-emitting device of the present invention can be used. Advantageous Effects of Invention According to the present invention, a composition for forming a reflective film which is applied to a light-emitting element can improve heat resistance and corrosion resistance even by a high-output light-emitting element by using metal nanoparticles, and can provide a suppression A high-life light-emitting element that is degraded by a heat generated by a light-emitting layer or a reflective film. The reflective film can be applied to various light sources, and is particularly suitable for LED light sources. Further, since the reflective film can be produced by a wet coating method, the manufacturing steps can be simplified and the cost can be reduced. Further, according to the present invention, a light-emitting element having higher heat resistance or corrosion resistance can be provided. According to the light-emitting element of the present invention, the light-transmitting substrate and the light-emitting layer have high adhesion, and the reliability of the light-emitting element can be improved. Further, the light-emitting element of the present invention having a reinforced film has high heat resistance and corrosion resistance, and can suppress deterioration of the reflective film due to heat or environment generated from the light-emitting layer, so that it can have a long life. According to the method for producing a light-emitting device of the present invention, a light-emitting element having high heat resistance and high corrosion resistance can be obtained at a low cost. 201247792 [Embodiment] Hereinafter, the present invention will be specifically described based on the embodiments. % is % when it is not specifically indicated, and in the case other than the number. [Composition for a reflective film of a light-emitting element] The composition for a reflective film to be applied to a light-emitting device (hereinafter referred to as a composition for a reflective film) is preferably provided with a light-emitting layer and a light-transmitting property. A composition for a reflection film of a light-emitting element of a substrate and a reflection film that reflects light emitted from the light-emitting layer, wherein the composition for a reflection film contains metal nanoparticles. The metal nanoparticles are provided to reflect the light reflected from the light emitted from the light-emitting layer to a composition for a reflective film after sintering or curing, that is, a reflective film. The metal nanoparticles may be one or a mixture of two or more selected from the group consisting of silver, gold, platinum, palladium, rhodium, nickel, copper, tin, indium, zinc, iron, chromium, and manganese. Or the alloy composition is preferably silver or gold from the viewpoint of reflectivity and conductivity. The average particle diameter of the metal nanoparticles is preferably from 10 to 50 nm. Here, the average particle diameter is measured by a specific surface area and measured by a BET method. For example, the specific surface area can be determined by QUANTACHROME AUTOSORB-1 from Quantachrome Instruments. The shape of the metal nanoparticles is spherical or plate-shaped, and is preferable from the viewpoint of dispersibility and reflectivity. The composition for a reflective film preferably contains an additive from the viewpoint of adhesion and reflectivity of the reflective film. The additive contains at least one selected from the group consisting of an organic polymer, a metal oxide, a metal hydroxide, an organometallic compound, and eucalyptus-10-201247792, and is a viewpoint of reflectivity and adhesion. Especially good. The organic polymer used as the additive is at least one selected from the group consisting of a copolymer of polyvinylpyrrolidone and polyvinylpyrrolidone, and a water-soluble cellulose, from the viewpoint of reflectivity. It is better. As the copolymer of polyvinylpyrrolidone, a PVP-methacrylate copolymer, a PVP-styrene copolymer, a PVP-vinyl acetate copolymer or the like can be used. Further, as the water-soluble cellulose, a cellulose ether such as hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, methylcellulose or hydroxyethylmethylcellulose can be used. The metal oxide used as an additive preferably contains a material selected from the group consisting of aluminum, ruthenium, titanium, zirconium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, silver, copper, zinc, molybdenum, tin, indium, and antimony. At least one oxide or composite oxide of the group. The composite oxide may specifically include 1τ〇 containing the above metal (
Indium Tin Oxide:氧化姻錫)、ΑΤΟ (Antimony-doped Tin Oxide:摻雜錬的氧化錫)、IZO( Indium-doped Zinc Oxide :慘雜銦的氧化鋅)、AZO( Aluminum-doped Zinc Oxide :摻雜鋁的氧化鋅)等。 用作爲添加物之金屬氫氧化物,較佳爲含有選自由金呂 、砂、欽、錯、絡、鍾、鐵、銘、鎮、銀、銅、鉢、鉬、 錫、銦、及銻所組成之群組的至少1種之氫氧化物。 用作爲添加物之有機金屬化合物,較佳爲含有選自由 砂、鈦、銷、銘、猛、鐵、鈷、錬、銀、銅、碎、纟目、及 錫所組成之群組的至少1種之金屬皂、金屬錯合物、烷氧 化金屬或烷氧化金屬的水解物。例如,金屬皂可使用乙酸 201247792 鉻、甲酸錳、檸檬酸鐵、甲酸鈷、乙酸鎳、檸檬酸銀、乙 酸銅、檸檬酸銅、乙酸錫、乙酸鋅、草酸鋅、乙酸鉬等。 此外,金屬錯合物可列舉出乙醯丙酮鋅錯合物、乙醯丙酮 鉻錯合物、乙醯丙酮鎳錯合物等。再者,烷氧化金屬可使 用異丙氧化鈦、甲基矽酸鹽、異氰酸丙基三甲氧矽烷、胺 丙基三甲氧矽烷等。 用作爲添加物之矽油,可使用純矽油與改質矽油兩者 。改質矽油,可使用進一步將有機基導入於聚矽氧烷之側 鏈的一部分者(側鏈型)、將有機基導入於聚矽氧烷的兩 末端者(兩末端型)、將有機基導入於聚矽氧烷的兩末端 中之任一方者(單末端型)、以及將有機基導入於聚矽氧 烷之側鏈的一部分與兩末端者(側鏈兩末端型)。改質矽 油,有反應性矽油與非反應性矽油,該兩種均可用作爲本 發明之添加物。所謂反應性矽油,係表示胺改質、環氧改 質、羧改質、甲醇改質、毓改質、及異種官能基改質(例 如環氧基、胺基、聚醚基),非反應性矽油,係表示聚醚 改質、甲基苯乙烯改質、烷基改質、高級脂肪酸酯改質、 氟改質、及親水特殊改質。 此外,反射膜用組成物,就塗佈性之觀點來看,較佳 係含有分散介質。分散介質,相對於全部的分散介質100 質量%而言含有1質量%以上,較佳爲2質量%以上的水, 以及2質量%以上,較佳爲3質量%以上之與水相溶的溶 劑,例如含有醇類。例如,當分散介質僅由水及醇類所構 成時,含有2質量%的水時,則含有98質量%的醇類,含 201247792 有2質量%的醇類時,則含有9 8質量%的水。再者,分散 介質,亦即在金屬奈米粒子表面上進行化學改質之保護分 子,係含有羥基(-OH )及羰基(-C = 0 )中的任一方或兩 者。水的含量,相對於全部的分散介質1〇〇質量%而言, 較佳位於1質量%以上的範圍。此係由於當水的含量未達 2質量%時,藉由濕式塗佈法塗佈反射膜用組成物所得之 膜,難以在低溫下進行燒結之故。此外,燒結後之反射膜 的反射率亦降低。當將銀奈米粒子等之金屬奈米粒子進行 化學改質之保護劑中含有羥基(-OH )時,可提升反射膜 用組成物的分散穩定性,對於塗膜的低溫燒結亦可有效地 作用。此外,當將銀奈米粒子等之金屬奈米粒子進行化學 改質之保護劑中含有羰基(-C = 0)時,與上述相同,可提 升反射膜用組成物的分散穩定性,對於塗膜的低溫燒結亦 可有效地作用。分散介質中所使用之與水相溶的溶劑,較 佳爲醇類。當中,上述醇類,尤佳係使用選自由甲醇、乙 醇'丙醇、丁醇、乙二醇'丙二醇、二乙二醇、甘油、異 莰基己醇及赤藻糖醇所組成之群組的1種或2種以上。 金屬奈米粒子,相對於扣除分散介質之增強反射透明 膜用組成物:100質量份而言,就反射性之觀點來看,較 佳爲75質量份以上,尤佳爲80質量份以上。此外,就反 射膜的密著性之觀點來看,較佳爲95質量份以下,尤佳 爲80質量份以上。當將導電性賦予至反射膜時,相對於 反射膜:1 〇〇質量份而言,較佳爲75質量份以上,尤佳爲 80質量份以上。 -13- 201247792 分散介質相對於反射膜用組成物:100質量份而言爲 5 0〜99質量份者,就塗佈性之觀點來看爲較佳。 此外,反射膜用組成物,較佳可因應所使用之成分而 添加低電阻化劑、水溶性纖維素衍生物。低電阻化劑,尤 佳係選自由鈷、鐵、銦、鎳、鉛、錫、鈦及鋅的礦酸鹽及 有機酸鹽所組成之群組的1種或2種以上。例如可使用之 乙酸鎳與氯化鐵混合物、環烷酸鋅、辛酸錫與氯化銻之混 合物、硝酸銦與乙酸鉛之混合物、乙醯乙酸鈦與辛酸鈷之 混合物等。低電阻化劑,相對於反射膜用組成物:1 00質 量份而言,較佳爲0.2〜15質量份。水溶性纖維素衍生物 ,爲非離子化界面活性劑,且與其他界面活性劑相比,即 使少量添加,使金屬奈米粒子分散之能力亦極高,此外, 藉由水溶性纖維素衍生物的添加,亦可提升所形成之增強 反射膜的反射性。水溶性纖維素衍生物,可列舉出羥丙基 纖維素、羥丙基甲基纖維素等。水溶性纖維素衍生物,相 對於增強反射膜用組成物:100質量份而言,較佳爲 〇.2~5質量份》 反射膜用組成物,在不損及本發明的目的之範圍內, 可因應必要進一步調配抗氧化劑、平坦劑、流變減黏劑、 塡充材、應力緩和劑、及其他添加劑等。 [補強膜用組成物] 適用於發光元件之補強膜用組成物(以下稱爲補強膜 用組成物),爲適用於依序具備有:發光層、透光性基板Indium Tin Oxide: Antimony-doped Tin Oxide, IZO (Indium-doped Zinc Oxide), AZO (Aluminum-doped Zinc Oxide) Aluminium oxide zinc oxide). The metal hydroxide used as an additive preferably contains a material selected from the group consisting of Jinlu, Sha, Qin, Wrong, Luo, Zhong, Iron, Ming, Zhen, Silver, Copper, Bismuth, Molybdenum, Tin, Indium, and Bismuth At least one hydroxide of the group consisting of. The organometallic compound used as an additive preferably contains at least 1 selected from the group consisting of sand, titanium, pin, indium, lanthanum, iron, cobalt, cerium, silver, copper, cerium, lanthanum, and tin. A hydrolysate of a metal soap, a metal complex, an alkoxylated metal or an alkoxylated metal. For example, the metal soap may be acetic acid 201247792 chromium, manganese formate, iron citrate, cobalt formate, nickel acetate, silver citrate, copper acetate, copper citrate, tin acetate, zinc acetate, zinc oxalate, molybdenum acetate or the like. Further, examples of the metal complex include acetamylacetone zinc complex, acetamylacetone chromium complex, acetamacetone nickel complex, and the like. Further, as the alkoxide metal, titanium isopropoxide, methyl silicate, isocyanate propyl trimethoxide, alan propyl trimethoxide or the like can be used. As the eucalyptus oil as an additive, both pure eucalyptus oil and modified eucalyptus oil can be used. In the modified eucalyptus oil, a part of the side chain of the polyoxyalkylene (lateral chain type) may be further introduced, and the organic group may be introduced into both ends of the polyoxyalkylene (both end type), and the organic group may be used. One of the two ends of the polyoxyalkylene (single-terminal type) and the organic group introduced into a part of the side chain of the polyoxyalkylene and both ends (both side chain type). Modified eucalyptus oil, reactive eucalyptus oil and non-reactive eucalyptus oil, both of which can be used as additives for the present invention. The term "reactive eucalyptus" means amine modification, epoxy modification, carboxy modification, methanol modification, hydrazine modification, and modification of heterogeneous functional groups (eg, epoxy group, amine group, polyether group), non-reactive The eucalyptus oil refers to polyether modification, methyl styrene modification, alkyl modification, higher fatty acid ester modification, fluorine modification, and hydrophilic special modification. Further, the composition for a reflective film preferably contains a dispersion medium from the viewpoint of coatability. The dispersion medium contains 1% by mass or more, preferably 2% by mass or more, and 2% by mass or more, preferably 3% by mass or more of water-soluble solvent with respect to 100% by mass of the entire dispersion medium. For example, it contains an alcohol. For example, when the dispersion medium is composed only of water and an alcohol, when 2% by mass of water is contained, 98% by mass of the alcohol is contained, and when 2,700% by mass of the alcohol is contained in 201247792, the content is 98% by mass. water. Further, the dispersion medium, i.e., the protective molecule which chemically reforms on the surface of the metal nanoparticles, contains either or both of a hydroxyl group (-OH) and a carbonyl group (-C = 0). The content of water is preferably in the range of 1% by mass or more based on 1% by mass of the entire dispersion medium. When the content of water is less than 2% by mass, the film obtained by coating the composition for a reflective film by a wet coating method is difficult to be sintered at a low temperature. Further, the reflectance of the reflective film after sintering is also lowered. When the hydroxyl group (-OH) is contained in the protective agent for chemically modifying the metal nanoparticles such as silver nanoparticles, the dispersion stability of the composition for the reflective film can be improved, and the low-temperature sintering of the coating film can be effectively performed. effect. In addition, when a carbonyl group (-C = 0) is contained in the protective agent for chemically modifying the metal nanoparticles such as silver nanoparticles, the dispersion stability of the composition for a reflective film can be improved as described above. Low temperature sintering of the film can also be effective. The water-miscible solvent used in the dispersion medium is preferably an alcohol. Among them, the above alcohols, particularly preferably selected from the group consisting of methanol, ethanol 'propanol, butanol, ethylene glycol 'propylene glycol, diethylene glycol, glycerin, isodecyl hexanol and erythritol One or two or more. The metal nanoparticle is preferably 75 parts by mass or more, and more preferably 80 parts by mass or more, from the viewpoint of reflectivity, with respect to 100 parts by mass of the composition for the reinforced reflective transparent film which is obtained by subtracting the dispersion medium. Further, from the viewpoint of the adhesion of the reflective film, it is preferably 95 parts by mass or less, and particularly preferably 80 parts by mass or more. When the conductivity is imparted to the reflective film, it is preferably 75 parts by mass or more, and particularly preferably 80 parts by mass or more, based on 1 part by mass of the reflective film. -13-201247792 The dispersion medium is preferably 50 to 99 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the composition for a reflective film, from the viewpoint of coatability. Further, as the composition for a reflective film, it is preferred to add a low-resistance agent or a water-soluble cellulose derivative depending on the components to be used. The low-resistance agent is preferably one or more selected from the group consisting of mineral salts and organic acid salts of cobalt, iron, indium, nickel, lead, tin, titanium, and zinc. For example, a mixture of nickel acetate and ferric chloride, a mixture of zinc naphthenate, a mixture of tin octoate and cerium chloride, a mixture of indium nitrate and lead acetate, a mixture of titanium acetate and cobalt octoate, or the like can be used. The low-resistance agent is preferably 0.2 to 15 parts by mass with respect to the composition for a reflective film: 100 parts by mass. A water-soluble cellulose derivative which is a non-ionic surfactant and has a high ability to disperse metal nanoparticles even when added in a small amount compared with other surfactants. Further, it is made of a water-soluble cellulose derivative. The addition can also enhance the reflectivity of the formed enhanced reflective film. The water-soluble cellulose derivative may, for example, be hydroxypropylcellulose or hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. The water-soluble cellulose derivative is preferably a composition for a reflective film of 100 parts by mass of the composition for a reinforcing reflective film: within a range not detracting from the object of the present invention. Further, anti-oxidants, flat agents, rheological viscosity reducers, enamel fillers, stress relieving agents, and other additives may be further formulated as necessary. [Composition for reinforcing film] A composition for a reinforcing film for a light-emitting element (hereinafter referred to as a composition for a reinforcing film) is preferably applied to a light-emitting layer or a light-transmitting substrate.
S -14 - 201247792 、使來自發光層的發光反射之反射膜、及補強膜之適用於 發光元件之補強膜用組成物,該補強膜用組成物含有黏合 劑。補強膜用組成物可形成補強膜,此外,當反射膜具有 空孔時’滲透於反射膜並且在反射膜的空孔及/或反射膜 與增強反射透明膜之界面上含有黏合劑,可提高反射膜本 身的強度或反射膜與增強反射透明膜之密著強度。 黏合劑’較佳係含有:藉由紫外線照射或加熱或是紫 外線照射後加熱而硬化之聚合物型黏合劑的有機系或無機 系基質材料’以及非聚合物型黏合劑的無機系基質材料中 的任一方或兩者。聚合物型黏合劑的有機系基質材料,較 佳係含有選自由丙烯酸系 '環氧系、胺基甲酸酯系、丙烯 酸胺基甲酸酯系、環氧丙烯酸系、纖維素系及矽氧烷系的 聚合物所組成之群組中的1種或2種以上。 丙烯酸系黏合劑’可使用將光聚合起始劑添加於丙烯 酸系單體’並將紫外線(UV )照射於該混合物以進行光 聚合而得之丙烯酸系聚合物。丙烯酸系單體,可使用選自 由二丙烯酸1,6-己二醇酯、三丙烯酸三羥甲基丙烷酯、二 丙烯酸新戊二醇酯、四丙烯酸四羥甲基甲烷酯、四丙烯酸 二(三羥甲基)丙烷酯、二丙烯酸丨,9 -壬二醇酯、二丙烯 酸三丙二醇酯、環氧化三丙烯酸異氰尿酸酯及四丙烯酸四 羥甲基甲烷酯所組成之群組的1種或2種以上的單一單體 或混合單體。此等單體中’較佳係添加MIBK (甲基異丁 酮)、PGME(1-甲氧基_2_丙烷)、pGMEA (丙二醇單甲 醚乙酸酯)等溶劑。惟只要可溶解上述單體之一般的有機 -15- 201247792 溶劑者均可,可使用乙醇、甲醇、苯、甲苯、二 NMP ( N-甲基吡咯啶酮)、丙烯腈、乙腈THF (四 )、乙酸乙酯、MEK (丁酮)、丁基卡必醇、丁基 乙酸酯、2-丁氧乙醇、乙酸2-丁氧乙酯、乙基卡必 基卡必醇乙酸酯、IpA (異丙醇)、丙酮、DMF( 甲醯胺)、DMSO (二甲基亞颯)、哌啶、酚等。 光聚合起始劑可使用1·羥基-環己基-苯基·酮、2-甲基-1-苯基-丙烷-1·酮、2-羥基-1-[4-[4-(2-羥基-丙醯基)-苄基]-苯基]-2-甲基-丙烷-1-酮、1-[4-( 氧基)-苯基]-2-羥基-2-甲基-1-丙烷-1-酮等。丙烯 體,可藉由上述任意溶劑來稀釋以調整爲容易塗佈 而使用。光聚合起始劑,相對於丙烯酸系單體100 而言,係添加〇·1〜30質量份。此係由於當光聚合 的添加量相對於丙烯酸系單體100質量%而言未達 量份時,硬化不足,超過30質量份時,硬化膜( )會變色或殘留應力而引起密著不良之故。如此, 及光聚合起始劑添加於丙烯酸系單體並攪拌而得之 ,可作爲補強膜用組成物的基質液。當將溶劑及光 始劑添加於丙烯酸系單體並攪拌而得之混合液未形 時,可加溫至約40°C。 環氧系黏合劑,可使用將溶劑添加於環氧系樹 ’將熱硬化劑添加於該混合液並攪拌,然後將所得 液加熱而得之環氧系聚合物。環氧系樹脂,可列舉 型環氧樹脂、甲酚酚醛型環氧樹脂、雙酚A型環氧 甲苯、 氫呋喃 卡必醇 醇、乙 二甲基 此外, 經基-2-2-甲基-2-羥乙 酸系單 之黏度 質量份 起始劑 0.1質 補強膜 將溶劑 混合液 聚合起 成均一 脂攪拌 之混合 出聯苯 樹脂、S -14 - 201247792 A composition for a reinforcing film which is used for a light-emitting element and a reinforcing film for reflecting light emitted from a light-emitting layer, and a reinforcing film composition containing a binder. The reinforcing film composition can form a reinforcing film, and when the reflecting film has pores, it penetrates into the reflecting film and contains a binder at the interface between the pores of the reflecting film and/or the reflecting film and the reinforcing reflective transparent film, which can be improved. The strength of the reflective film itself or the adhesion strength of the reflective film to the enhanced reflective transparent film. The binder 'preferably contains an organic or inorganic matrix material of a polymer type binder which is hardened by irradiation with ultraviolet rays or heat or ultraviolet rays, and an inorganic matrix material of a non-polymer type binder. Either or both. The organic matrix material of the polymer binder preferably contains an epoxy resin-based, urethane-based, urethane-based, epoxy-acrylic, cellulose-based, and oxime-containing material. One or two or more of the group consisting of alkane-based polymers. As the acrylic binder, an acrylic polymer obtained by adding a photopolymerization initiator to an acrylic monomer and irradiating ultraviolet rays (UV) to the mixture to carry out photopolymerization can be used. The acrylic monomer may be selected from the group consisting of 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate, trimethylolpropane triacrylate, neopentyl glycol diacrylate, tetramethylol mesyl tetraacrylate, and tetraacrylic acid di( a group consisting of trimethylol)propane ester, bismuth diacrylate, 9-decanediol ester, tripropylene glycol diacrylate, epoxidized isocyanuric acid triacrylate and tetramethylol mesyl tetraacrylate Kinds or more than two single monomers or mixed monomers. Among these monomers, a solvent such as MIBK (methyl isobutyl ketone), PGME (1-methoxy-2-propane) or pGMEA (propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate) is preferably added. However, as long as the general organic -15-201247792 solvent capable of dissolving the above monomers can be used, ethanol, methanol, benzene, toluene, di NMP (N-methylpyrrolidone), acrylonitrile, acetonitrile THF (4) can be used. , ethyl acetate, MEK (butanone), butyl carbitol, butyl acetate, 2-butoxyethanol, 2-butoxyethyl acetate, ethyl carbitol carbitol acetate, IpA (Isopropanol), acetone, DMF (methylamine), DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide), piperidine, phenol, and the like. As the photopolymerization initiator, 1 hydroxy-cyclohexyl-phenyl ketone, 2-methyl-1-phenyl-propane-1 ketone, 2-hydroxy-1-[4-[4-(2- Hydroxy-propenyl)-benzyl]-phenyl]-2-methyl-propan-1-one, 1-[4-(oxy)-phenyl]-2-hydroxy-2-methyl-1 - Propane-1-one and the like. The propylene can be used by being diluted by any of the above solvents to be easily coated. The photopolymerization initiator is added in an amount of from 1 to 30 parts by mass based on the acrylic monomer 100. When the amount of photopolymerization added is less than the amount by mass based on 100% by mass of the acrylic monomer, the curing is insufficient, and when it exceeds 30 parts by mass, the cured film ( ) may be discolored or residual stress may cause adhesion failure. Therefore. In this way, the photopolymerization initiator is added to the acrylic monomer and stirred to obtain a matrix liquid for the composition for reinforcing the film. When the solvent and the photoinitiator are added to the acrylic monomer and the resulting mixture is stirred, it can be heated to about 40 °C. As the epoxy-based adhesive, an epoxy-based polymer obtained by adding a solvent to an epoxy resin, adding a thermal curing agent to the mixed solution, and stirring the mixture, and heating the obtained liquid can be used. The epoxy resin may, for example, be an epoxy resin, a cresol novolac type epoxy resin, a bisphenol A type epoxy toluene, a hydrofuran carbitol, an ethylene dimethyl group, and a benzyl-2-2-methyl group. -2-glycolic acid single viscosity mass part starting agent 0.1 type reinforcing film polymerizes the solvent mixture to form a uniform resin mixture, and the biphenyl resin is mixed.
S -16- 201247792 雙酚F型環氧樹脂、萘型環氧樹脂等。此外,溶劑可使用 BCA (丁基卡必醇乙酸酯)、ECA (乙基卡必醇乙酸酯) 、B C (丁基卡必醇)等。此外’只要可溶解上述環氧樹脂 之一般的有機溶劑者均可,可使用乙醇、甲醇、苯、甲苯 、二甲苯、PGME ( 1-甲氧基-2-丙烷)、PGMEA (丙二醇 單甲醚乙酸酯)、NMP(N -甲基吡咯啶酮)、mIBK (甲 基異丁酮)、丙烯腈、乙腈、THF (四氫呋喃)、乙酸乙 酯、MEK (丁酮)、丁基卡必醇、丁基卡必醇乙酸酯、2-丁氧乙醇、乙酸2 -丁氧乙酯、乙基卡必醇、乙基卡必醇乙 酸酯、IPA(異丙醇)、丙酮、DMF (二甲基甲醯胺)、 DMSO (二甲基亞颯)、哌啶、酚等。再者,熱硬化劑可 使用2-乙基-4-甲基咪唑、氟化硼-單乙醇胺、DICY (二氰 二醯胺)、二乙基胺丙基胺、異佛爾嗣二胺、二胺基二苯 基甲烷、哌啶、2,4,6-三-(二甲基胺甲基)酚、2-甲基咪 唑、六氫鄰苯二甲酸酐、7, 11 _十八烷二烯-1,1 8-二碳醯肼 等。環氧系樹脂,可藉由上述任意溶劑來稀釋以調整爲容 易塗佈之黏度而使用。熱硬化劑,相對於環氧系樹脂100 質量份而言,係添加〇·5〜20質量份。此係由於當熱硬化 劑的添加量相對於環氧系樹脂〗〇〇質量份而言未達0.5質 量份時,硬化不足,超過20質量份時,硬化膜(補強膜 )會產生較大的內部應力而引起密著性不良之故。如此, 將溶劑及熱硬化劑添加於環氧系樹脂並攪拌而得之混合液 ,可作爲補強膜用組成物的基質液。當將溶劑及熱硬化劑 添加於環氧系樹脂並攪拌而得之混合液未形成均一時,可 •17- 201247792 加溫至4 0 °C。 纖維素系黏合劑,可使用將溶劑添加於纖維素系聚合 物攪拌’將明膠添加於該混合液並攪拌,然後將所得之混 合液加熱而得者。纖維素系聚合物,可使用水溶性纖維素 衍生物之羥丙基纖維素、羥丙基甲基纖維素、甲基纖維素 、羥乙基甲基纖維素等。此外,溶劑可使用IPA (異丙醇 )、乙醇、甲醇、PGM E(l-甲氧基-2-丙烷)、PGMEA( 丙二醇單甲醚乙酸酯)、MIBK (甲基異丁酮)、丙酮等 。纖維素系聚合物,可藉由上述任意溶劑來稀釋以調整爲 容易塗佈之黏度而使用。明膠,相對於纖維素系聚合物 1〇〇質量份而言,係添加0.1〜20質量份。此係由於當明膠 的添加量相對於纖維素系聚合物1〇〇質量份而言未達0.1 質量份或超過20質量份時,無法得到適合於塗佈的黏度 之故。如此’將溶劑及明膠添加於纖維素系聚合物並攪拌 而得之混合液’可作爲補強膜用組成物的基質液。此外, 將溶劑及明膠添加於纖維素系聚合物並加溫至約30 °C並攪 拌,可使混合液形成均一。 使用熱硬化性胺基甲酸酯樹脂之胺基甲酸酯系黏合劑 ,可調製如下。首先使以甲苯二異氰酸酯(TDI ) '聯苯 甲烷異氰酸酯(MDI )等爲代表之過剩量的聚異氰酸酯化 合物,與以三羥甲基丙烷或新戊二醇等之多元醇化合物爲 代表之多元醇成分進行反應,得到末端含有活性異氰酸基 的胺基甲酸酯預聚物。接著使以甲基酚爲代表之酚系、以 召-丁內酯爲代表之內酯系、或以丁酮肟爲代表之肟系等 -18- 201247792 的嵌段化劑,與該末端含有活性異氰酸基的胺基甲酸酯預 聚物進行反應。溶劑可使用酮類、烷基苯類、溶纖劑類、 酯類、醇類等。酮類的具體例,可列舉出丙酮、丁酮等, 烷基苯類的具體例,可列舉出苯、甲苯等。溶纖劑類的具 體例,可列舉出2-甲氧乙醇、2-丁氧乙醇等,酯類的具體 例,可列舉出乙酸2-丁氧乙酯、乙酸丁酯等,醇類的具體 例,可列舉出異丙醇、丁醇等。另一方面,熱硬化劑(反 應劑)可使用多胺。多胺的具體例,可列舉出N-辛基-N-胺丙基-Ν'-胺丙基丙二胺、N-十二烷基-N-胺丙基-Ν'-胺丙 基丙二胺、Ν-十四烷基-Ν-胺丙基-Ν'·胺丙基丙二胺、Ν-辛 基-Ν-胺丙基-Ν',Ν'-二(胺丙基)丙二胺等。對使上述多 元醇成分與異氰酸酯化合物進行反應所得之末端含有活性 異氰酸基的胺基甲酸酯預聚物,實施由嵌段化劑所進行的 嵌段化,而製作出嵌段聚異氰酸酯。多胺所具有之胺基相 對於該嵌段聚異氰酸酯所具有之異氰酸基之當量比,較佳 係位於1前後(0.7〜1.1的範圍)。此係由於當多胺所具 有之胺基相對於該嵌段聚異氰酸酯所具有之異氰酸基之當 量比未達0.7或超過1.1時,嵌段聚異氰酸酯與多胺中的 任一方變多,使反應未充分進行,而使硬化不足之故。胺 基甲酸酯聚合物’可藉由上述任意溶劑來稀釋以調整爲容 易塗佈之黏度而使用。 丙烯酸胺基甲酸酯系黏合劑,係含有胺基甲酸丙烯酸 酯系低聚物,並藉由紫外線(UV)的照射而硬化,可使 用紫光UV-3310B或紫光UV-6100B (日本合成公司製) -19- 201247792 、或是 EBECRYL4 82 0 或 EBECRYL2 84 ( Daicel Cytec 公 司製)、U-4HA或UA-32P (新中村化學工業公司製)等 之丙烯酸胺基甲酸酯系聚合物。此外,可因應必要添加丙 烯酸酯系中所使用之光聚合起始劑(例如1-羥基-環己基-苯基-酮、2-羥基-2·甲基-1-苯基-丙烷-1-酮等),來提升 硬化性。此外,溶劑可使用酮類、烷基苯類、溶纖劑類、 酯類、醇類等。酮類的具體例,可列舉出丙酮、丁酮等, 烷基苯類的具體例,可列舉出苯、甲苯等。溶纖劑類的具 體例,可列舉出2-甲氧乙醇、2-丁氧乙醇等,酯類的具體 例,可列舉出乙酸2-丁氧乙酯、乙酸丁酯等,醇類的具體 例,可列舉出異丙醇、丁醇等。此外,光聚合起始劑,可 因應必要,相對於丙烯酸胺基甲酸酯系聚合物100質量份 而言,在0.1〜30質量份的範圍內添加。此係由於當光聚 合起始劑的添加量未達0.1質量份時,硬化不足,超過30 質量份時,補強膜會產生較大的內部應力而引起密著性不 良之故。此外,丙烯酸胺基甲酸酯系單體,可藉由上述任 意溶劑來稀釋以調整爲容易塗佈之黏度而使用。 環氧丙烯酸系黏合劑,可使用環氧丙烯酸系聚合物。 環氧丙烯酸系聚合物,可使用雙酚A型環氧丙烯酸酯(例 如新中村化學工業公司製的NK低聚物EA- 1 020 )或二丙 烯酸1,6-己二醇二縮水甘油醚酯(例如新中村化學工業公 司製的NK低聚物EA-552 1 )等。此外,亦可使用Japan U-PICA公司製的Neopol 8318或Neopol 8355等。溶劑可 使用酮類、烷基苯類、溶纖劑類、酯類、醇類等。酮類的 -20- 201247792 具體例,可列舉出丙酮、丁酮等,烷基苯類的具體例,可 列舉出苯、甲苯等。溶纖劑類的具體例,可列舉出2-甲氧 乙醇、2-丁氧乙醇等。酯類的具體例,可列舉出乙酸2-丁 氧乙酯、乙酸丁酯等。醇類的具體例,可列舉出異丙醇、 丁醇等。環氧丙烯酸系聚合物,可因應必要添加熱硬化劑 或光聚合起始劑。藉由熱硬化劑或光聚合起始劑,可進行 加熱硬化或UV硬化或是UV硬化後加熱硬化。此外,環 氧丙烯酸系聚合物,可藉由上述任意溶劑來稀釋以調整爲 容易塗佈之黏度而使用。 矽氧烷系黏合劑,可使用矽氧烷系聚合物。矽氧烷系 聚合物’可使用聚二甲基矽氧烷、聚甲基氫矽氧烷、聚甲 基苯基矽氧烷等。此外,在此所示之矽氧烷系聚合物,可 使用純矽油與改質矽油兩者。改質矽油,可使用進一步將 有機基導入於聚矽氧烷之側鏈的一部分者(側鏈型)、將 有機基導入於聚矽氧烷的兩末端者(兩末端型)、將有機 基導入於聚矽氧烷的兩末端中之任一方者(單末端型)、 以及將有機基導入於聚矽氧烷之側鏈的一部分與兩末端者 (側鏈兩末端型)等。改質矽油,有反應性矽油與非反應 性矽油,該兩種均可使用。所謂反應性矽油,係表示胺改 質、環氧改質、羧改質、甲醇改質、毓改質、或異種官能 基改質(例如環氧基、胺基、聚醚基),非反應性矽油, 係表示聚醚改質、甲基苯乙烯改質、烷基改質、高級脂肪 酸酯改質、氟改質、及親水特殊改質。溶劑可使用酮類、 烷基苯類、溶纖劑類、酯類、醇類等。酮類的具體例,可 -21 - 201247792 列舉出丙酮、丁酮等。烷基苯類的具體例,可列舉出苯、 甲苯等。溶纖劑類的具體例,可列舉出2-甲氧乙醇、2-丁 氧乙醇等。酯類的具體例,可列舉出乙酸2 -丁氧乙酯、乙 酸丁酯等。醇類的具體例,可列舉出異丙醇、丁醇等。矽 氧烷系聚合物,可因應必要添加熱硬化劑或光聚合起始劑 ’但在即使不添加熱硬化劑下亦可使膜硬化時,則不須添 加熱硬化劑。此外,矽氧烷系聚合物,可藉由上述任意溶 劑來稀釋以調整爲容易塗佈之黏度而使用。 聚合物型黏合劑的無機系基質材料,較佳係含有選自 由金屬皂、金屬錯合物、烷氧化金屬及烷氧化金屬的水解 物所組成之群組的1種或2種以上。此等聚合物型黏合劑 的無機系基質材料,可藉由加熱從有機系改變爲無機系基 質材料。亦即,可藉由燒結而形成具有無機系基質材料的 性質之膜。上述金屬皂、金屬錯合物、烷氧化金屬或烷氧 化金屬的水解物中所含有之金屬,較佳爲選自由鋁、矽、 鈦、锆及錫所組成之群組的1種或2種以上。上述金屬皂 可使用乙酸鉻、甲酸錳、檸檬酸鐵、甲酸鈷、乙酸鎳、檸 檬酸銀、乙酸銅、檸檬酸銅、乙酸錫、乙酸鋅、草酸鋅、 乙酸鉬等。金屬錯合物可使用乙醯丙酮鋅錯合物、乙醯丙 酮鉻錯合物、乙醯丙酮鎳錯合物等。烷氧化金屬可使用異 丙氧化鈦、甲基矽酸鹽、異氰酸丙基三甲氧矽烷、胺丙基 三甲氧矽烷等》 另一方面,非聚合物型黏合劑的無機系基質材料,可 使用Si〇2黏結劑。Si〇2黏結劑可藉由下列所示之一例來 201247792 製作。首先一邊攪拌一邊將HC1溶解於純水中,調製出 HC1水溶液。接著混合四乙氧矽烷與乙醇,將上述HC丨水 溶液添加於該混合液後,進行加熱以使其反應。藉此製作 出Si02黏結劑。此外,非聚合物型黏合劑,較佳係含有 選自由金屬皂、金屬錯合物、烷氧化金屬、烷氧化金屬的 水解物、鹵矽烷類、2 -烷氧乙醇、沒-二酮、及乙酸烷酯所 組成之群組的1種或2種以上。該烷氧化金屬的水解物中 ’含有溶膠凝膠。此外,上述金屬皂、金屬錯合物、烷氧 化金屬或烷氧化金屬的水解物中所含有之金屬,較佳爲選 自由鋁、矽、鈦、鉻及錫所組成之群組的1種或2種以上 。金屬皂可使用乙酸鉻、甲酸錳、檸檬酸鐵、甲酸鈷、乙 酸鎳、檸檬酸銀、乙酸銅、檸檬酸銅、乙酸錫、乙酸鋅、 草酸鋅、乙酸鉬等。金屬錯合物可使用乙醯丙酮鋅錯合物 、乙醯丙酮鉻錯合物、乙醯丙酮鎳錯合物等,烷氧化金屬 可使用異丙氧化鈦、甲基矽酸鹽 '異氰酸丙基三甲氧矽院 、胺丙基三甲氧矽烷等。鹵矽烷類可使用氯矽烷、溴矽烷 、氟砂垸等。2 -垸氧乙醇可使用2 -甲氧乙醇、2 -乙氧乙醇 、2 -丁氧乙醇等。点-二酮可使用2,4-戊二酮、1,3-聯苯 基-1,3-丙二酮等。乙酸烷酯可使用乙二醇單甲醚乙酸醋、 丙二醇單甲醚乙酸酯等。 此外,補強膜用組成物,可含有選自由矽烷偶合劑、 鋁偶合劑及鈦偶合劑所組成之群組的1種或2種以上。補 強膜用組成物,藉由含有矽烷偶合劑、鋁偶合劑等,可進 一步提升補強膜相對於反射膜之密著性。因此,在i片透 -23- 201247792 射驟 反步 從之 割層 切光 由發。 藉各^ 用爲If 採割之 當分離 ’ 來剝 後槽被 層割中 光分膜 發成射 層形反 數上從 多板膜 成基強 形性補 上光制 板透抑 基在可 性側 , 光膜時 此外,補強膜用組成物,可含有選自由二氧化矽系粒 子、矽酸鹽粒子、金屬粒子、及金屬氧化物粒子所組成之 群組之1種或2種以上的微粒或扁平粒子。例如,補強膜 用組成物可含有選自由膠體二氧化矽、發煙二氧化矽粒子 、二氧化矽粒子、雲母粒子及膨潤石粒子所組成之群組之 1種或2種以上的微粒或扁平粒子。膠體二氧化矽,爲 Si02或該水合物的膠體,平均粒徑爲1〜l〇〇nm,較佳爲 5~5 0nm且不具有一定結構者。發煙二氧化矽粒子,係使 氯化矽氣化,並在高溫的火焰中於氣相狀態下被氧化而生 成,平均粒徑爲1〜50nm,較佳爲5~30nm。二氧化矽粒子 爲平均粒徑1〜lOOnm,較佳爲5〜50nm之粒子。雲母粒子 ,是由合成法所製造之平均粒徑爲l〇~5 0000nm之粒子’ 較佳爲平均直徑l~20/zm、且平均厚度爲10〜l〇〇nm之扁 平粒子。膨潤石粒子,爲具有以相互較弱的鍵結力使藉由 離子鍵等所構成之面平行地重疊之結晶結構之離子交換性 層狀矽酸鹽化合物的一種,是平均粒徑爲iOMOOOOOnmi 粒子,較佳爲平均直徑1〜20 ym、且平均厚度爲 10〜10Onm之扁平粒子。補強膜用組成物,藉由含有膠體 二氧化矽、發煙二氧化矽粒子等,可進一步增加補強膜的 硬度。因此,在藉由切割形成分離槽後’即使藉由空氣刀 等來去除該分離槽上所殘留之毛邊或殘渣,由於補強膜的 -24- 201247792 耐磨耗性及耐衝擊性良好,所以在補強膜的分離槽 生邊緣部的缺邊。此等的添加量,相對於補強膜用 100質量份而言,較佳爲0.1〜30質量份,尤佳爲 質量份。未達0.1質量份時,不易得到效果。另一 超過3 0質量份時,密著性容易降低。本發明中, 及各微粒的平均粒徑是以下列方式測定。是指以雷 /散射式粒度分布測定裝置(堀場製作所公司製, LA-95 0 )來測定,並以粒徑基準作爲個數所運算出 平均粒徑(D5G )。由該雷射繞射/散射式粒度分布 置所算出之個數基準平均粒徑之値,在藉由掃描型 微鏡(Hitachi High Technologies 公司製,型 I 4300SE及S-900 )所觀察之影像中,對任意50個 際測定該粒徑時之平均粒徑幾乎一致。此外,上述 子的平均直徑及平均厚度,和後述各扁平微粒的平 及平均厚度,亦與上述相同地測定。 將膠體二氧化矽的平均粒徑限定在l~l〇〇nm的 ,是由於當未達lnm時,膠體二氧化矽不穩定而容 ,超過lOOnm時,粒徑增大而無法成爲分散液之故 ,將發煙二氧化矽粒子、二氧化矽粒子、雲母粒子 石粒子的大小限定在上述範圍者,是由於成爲可取 子大小,或是成爲不會較下層的膜(反射膜)的厚 之大小的範圍之故。 再者,補強膜用組成物,可含有選自由金、鉑 釕、鎳、銅、錫、銦、鋅 '鐵、鉻、錳及鋁所組成 不會產 組成物 0.2-20 方面, 各粒子 射繞射 型號: 之 5 0 % 測定裝 電子顯 號:S-粒子實 扁平粒 均直徑 範圍者 易凝聚 。此外 、膨潤 得之粒 度更大 、鈀、 之群組 -25- 201247792 的1種或2種以上之金屬,或是含有此等的金屬氧化物之 微粒或扁平微粒。此等微粒的平均粒徑,係設定在 1〜50000nm,較佳爲100〜5000nm的範圍。扁平微粒的平 均直徑較佳爲卜50000nm,扁平微粒的平均厚度較佳爲 100~20000nm。補強膜用組成物,藉由含有金、鉑等之微 粒或扁平微粒,可進一步將柔軟性賦予至補強膜。因此, 切割時即使補強膜產生應力,亦可藉由補強膜所具有之延 性及展性來緩和應力。在此,將金屬微粒的大小限定在上 述範圍者,是由於所得到之微粒的大小受限之故,將金屬 扁平微粒的大小限定在上述範圍者,是爲了設定在不超過 反射膜的厚度之大小的範圍之故。此等微粒或扁平微粒的 添加量,較佳爲0.1〜30質量份,尤佳爲0.2〜20質量份。 此係由於當未達0.1質量份時,不易得到效果,另一方面 ,超過3 0質量份時,密著性容易降低之故。此外,金屬 或金屬氧化物在微粒或扁平微粒中之含量,係設定在70 質量%以上,較佳爲80〜100質量%的範圍。此係由於當未 達70質量%時,補強膜的加工性會降低之故。 補強膜用組成物,在不損及本發明的目的之範圍內, 可因應必要進一步調配抗氧化劑、平坦劑、流變減黏劑、 塡充材、應力緩和劑、及其他添加劑等。 [發光元件] 本發明之發光元件,爲依序具備有:發光層、透光性 基板、及使來自發光層的發光反射之反射膜之發光元件, -26- 201247792 其特徵爲:反射膜含有金屬奈米粒子。 第1圖係顯示發光元件的一例之剖面圖。發光元件1 依序具備有:反射膜10、透光性基板20、及發光層30。 通常,反射膜10是藉由黏著層50接合於支撐基板60,將 期望配線形成於發光層30後,以封合材40來封合》 第2圖係顯示發光元件的較佳一例之剖面圖。當發光 元件2依序具備有:補強膜12、反射膜11、基板21、發 光層31時,可藉由補強膜12來提升反射膜11的耐熱性 和耐蝕性,進一步提高透光性基板與反射膜之密著性,並 且在切割步驟中可抑制反射膜1 1從基板2 1之剝離,故較 佳。補強膜1 2含有黏合劑時,可藉由濕式塗佈法來製造 ,故尤佳,但即使是藉由真空成膜法等來製造,亦可提升 反射膜1 1的耐熱性和耐蝕性。第2圖所示之構成中,是 藉由黏著層51將補強膜12接合於支撐基板61,將期望配 線形成於發光層3 1後,以封合材4 1來封合。 《反射膜》 反射膜係使通過基體之發光層的光反射。反射膜含有 金屬奈米粒子,且較佳進一步含有添加物。金屬奈米粒子 、添加物如上所述。 · 添加物的含有比率,相對於透明導電膜:1 00質量份 而言,較佳爲0.1〜25質量份,尤佳爲0.2〜10質量份。爲 0.1質量份以上時,與透明導電膜之黏著力良好,爲25質 量份以下時,成膜時不易產生膜不均。 -27- 201247792 反射膜的厚度,就反射性、導電性之觀點來看’較佳 爲0.05〜1.0仁m,尤佳爲〇.1〜〇.5ym。 反射膜之存在於透光性基板側的面之氣孔’平均直徑 爲100nm以下,平均深度爲l〇〇nm以下,數量密度爲30 個/ //m2時,在波長:380〜780nm的範圍內可達成理論反 射率的80%以上之高擴散反射率,故較佳。一般而言,反 射光譜係顯示出在長波長側反射率較高,在短波長側較低 之項目。當氣孔的平均直徑超過lOOnm時,反射率開始降 低之反曲點進一步往長波長側移位,變得無法得到良好的 反射率,故氣孔的平均直徑較佳爲1 00nm以下。此外,當 氣孔的平均深度超過10 Onm時,反射光譜的梯度(斜率) 變大’無法得到良好的反射率,故氣孔的平均深度較佳爲 lOOnm以下。當氣孔的數量密度超過30個/ //m2時,長波 長側的反射率降低’無法得到良好的反射率,故氣孔的數 量密度較佳爲30個/ ym2以下。 膜 Λ3Α- 強 補 補強膜’可提高反射膜的耐熱性和耐蝕性,且在發光 元件的製造步驟中採用切割時可抑制反射膜的剝離。補強 膜含有黏合劑’黏合劑如上所述。 例如’當含有聚合物系黏合劑時,可含有選自由丙烯 酸系聚合物、環氧系聚合物、胺基甲酸酯系聚合物、丙烯 酸胺基甲酸酯系聚合物、環氧丙烯酸系聚合物、纖維素系 聚合物、及矽氧烷系聚合物所組成之群組的丨種或2種以 -28- 201247792 上。或是可含有聚合物系黏合劑的無機系基質材料或非聚 合物系黏合劑的無機系基質材料。 此外’如關於補強膜用組成物中所說明般,可含有選 自由二氧化矽系粒子、矽酸鹽粒子、金屬粒子、及金屬氧 化物粒子所組成之群組之1種或2種以上的微粒或扁平粒 子。 補強膜的厚度’就耐熱性、耐蝕性之觀點來看,較佳 爲 0 · 0 1 〜0.5// m,尤佳爲 〇 · 〇 1 〜〇 . 2 v m。 [發光元件之製造方法] 本發明之發光元件之製造方法,其特徵爲:藉由濕式 塗佈法將含有金屬奈米粒子與添加物之反射膜用組成物塗 佈於透光性基板上後,藉由燒結或硬化來形成反射膜,並 將發光層形成於透光性基板之反射膜的相反面。 首先,藉由濕式塗佈法將含有金屬奈米粒子,較佳更 含有添加物之反射膜用組成物塗佈於透光性基板。在此之 塗佈,較佳係使燒結後的厚度成爲0.05〜1.0 μ m,尤佳爲 0.1〜0.5 " m。接著將該塗膜,在溫度120〜3 5 0°C,較佳爲 15 0~2 50°C中,乾燥5~60分鐘,較佳爲15〜4 0分鐘。如此 形成反射膜。 透光性基板,只要可形成發光層者即可,並無特別限 定,就透光性、散熱性之觀點來看,較佳爲藍寶石基板。 反射膜用組成物,可依據一般方法,藉由塗料搖動器 、球磨機、砂磨機、centrimill、三軋輥等’將期望成分混 -29- 201247792 合,並使透光性黏合劑,以及因情況的不同之透明導電性 粒子等分散而製作。當然,亦可藉由通常的攪拌操作來製 造。此外,將扣除金屬奈米粒子之成分混合後,再與另外 預先分散之含有金屬奈米粒子之分散介質混合者,就容易 得到均質的反射膜用組成物之觀點來看爲較佳。 濕式塗佈法,較佳爲噴霧塗佈法、分注塗佈法、旋轉 塗佈法、刮刀塗佈法、狹縫塗佈法、噴墨塗佈法、網版印 刷法、平版印刷法、以及壓鑄模塗佈法中的任一項,但並 不限定於此,可應用任意方法。 噴霧塗佈法,爲藉由壓縮空氣將增強反射膜用組成物 形成爲霧狀而塗佈於透光性基板,或是將分散體本身加壓 以形成爲霧狀而塗佈於透光性基板之方法,分注塗佈法, 例如將增強反射膜用組成物裝入於注射器,並藉由按壓該 注射器的活塞,使分散體從注射器前端的細微噴嘴中吐出 ,而塗佈於透光性基板之方法。旋轉塗佈法,爲將增強反 射膜用組成物滴下至旋轉中的透光性基板上,藉由該離心 力將滴下後的增強反射膜用組成物擴散至透光性基板周緣 之方法,刮刀塗佈法,係將與刮刀前端隔著既定空隙之透 光性基板,設置爲可在水平方向上移動,並從該刮刀將增 強反射膜用組成物供給至上游側的透光性基板,然後使透 光性基板朝下游側水平地移動之方法。狹縫塗佈法,爲使 增強反射膜用組成物從狹窄的狹縫中流出而塗佈於透光性 基板上之方法,噴墨塗佈法,爲將增強反射膜用組成物充 塡於市售之噴墨印表機的墨水匣,而噴墨印刷於透光性基 -30- 201247792 板上之方法。網版印刷法,係使用薄紗作爲圖形指示材料 ,並通過該上方所製作之版畫像而將增強反射膜用組成物 轉移至透光性基板之方法。平版印刷法,爲將附著於版上 之增強反射膜用組成物,不直接附著於透光性基板,而是 從版上先轉印至橡膠薄片,然後再從橡膠薄片轉移至透光 性基板,以應用增強反射膜用組成物的撥水性之印刷方法 。壓鑄模塗佈法,係藉由歧管來分配被供給至壓鑄模之增 強反射膜用組成物,並從狹縫中擠壓至薄膜上,而塗佈行 進中之透光性基板的表面之方法。壓鑄模塗佈法,有狹縫 塗佈方式或斜板塗佈方式、淋幕塗佈方式。 最後,將具有反射塗膜之透光性基板,在大氣中或是 氮氣或Μ氣等之非活性氣體環境中,較佳在130〜250 °c, 尤佳在180-2 20 °C的溫度中,保持5〜60分鐘,較佳爲 1 5〜40分鐘來進行燒結。當黏合劑因水解等產生反應時, 可在更低溫下進行硬化。 將具有塗膜之透光性基板的燒結溫度設定在130〜2 50 °C的範圍者,是由於未達1 30°C時,反射膜上會產生硬化 不足的缺失之故。此外,超過250 °C時,無法活用低溫製 程之生產上的優勢。亦即,製造成本上升而使生產性降低 。此外,當發光層預先形成並裝載於透光性基板時,發光 層對於熱的承受性相對較弱,導致發光效率經過燒結步驟 而降低。 將具有塗膜之透光性基板的燒結時間設定在5〜60分 鐘的範圍者,是由於當燒結時間未達下限値時,反射膜上 -31 - 201247792 會產生黏合劑燒結不足的缺失之故。當燒結時間超過上限 値時,會使製造成本上升超過所需而導致生產性降低,此 外,亦會產生發光層的發光效率降低之缺失。 將發光層形成於透光性基板之與反射膜的相反面上之 方法,並無特別限定,可爲一般所知的有機金屬化學氣相 成長法(MOCVD )、鹵化氣相磊晶成長法(HVPE )、分 子束磊晶成長法(MBE )等方法。 以上,本發明之製造方法,藉由使用濕式塗佈法,能 夠儘可能地排除真空蒸鑛法或濺鍍法等之真空製程,所以 可更便宜地製造反射膜,並且簡便且低成本地製造本發明 之耐熱性和耐蝕性高的發光元件。將發光元件與其他構件 接合時,若將反射膜直接以高溫焊錫的Au_Sn焊錫來接合 時,反射膜會有被Au-Sn焊錫侵蝕之疑慮,故不佳。 此外,在形成反射膜後,於形成發光層前,進一步藉 由濕式塗佈法將含有黏合劑之補強膜用組成物塗佈於反射 膜上後,藉由燒結或硬化來形成補強膜時,可進一步提高 發光元件的耐熱性和耐蝕性,再者,在發光元件的製造步 驟中採用切割時可抑制反射膜的剝離,故較佳。 補強膜的黏合劑如上所述,補強膜用組成物的製作方 法、濕式塗佈法,與反射膜用組成物相同,爲補強膜用組 成物時,燒結後的厚度較佳爲 0.01~0.5 // m,尤佳爲 0.01〜0.2 em。因應補強膜用組成物的黏合劑種類之不同 ,用於硬化之加熱方法或紫外線照射方法可適當地選擇。 將上述必要的粒子、微粒、扁平微粒等之添加劑添加 sr -32- 201247792 於補強膜用組成物的基質液,並使此等添加劑分散於基質 液之方法,可列舉出混合機攪拌等之依據葉片攪拌所進行 的分散,或是行星攪拌或三軋輥硏磨機等之剪切分散,或 是使用珠磨機或含有塗料搖動器之珠粒之分散等。此外, 亦可採用預先以上述方法使添加劑分散於基質液中的溶劑 成分而成者予以混合之方法。再者,當添加劑本身已成爲 藉由適當的溶劑所分散之分散液時,除了上述方法外,亦 可使用依據超音波均質機或超音波振動所進行之液體混合 方法。 如上述般,藉由使用濕式塗佈法,可更便宜地製造透 明導電膜,並簡便且低成本地製造耐熱性和耐蝕性高的發 光元件。 [實施例] 以下藉由實施例來詳細地說明本發明,但本發明並不 限定於此。 [實施例1] 首先製作反射膜用組成物。以下係顯示該製作步驟》 《反射膜用組成物之製作》 將硝酸銀溶解於脫離子水,調製出金屬鹽水溶液。此 外,將檸檬酸鈉溶解於脫離子水,調製出濃度26質量%的 檸檬酸鈉水溶液。在保持於3 5 °C之氮氣氣流中,將粒狀的 -33- 201247792 硫酸亞鐵直接加入於該檸檬酸鈉水溶液並溶解,而調製出 以3: 2的莫耳比計含有檸檬酸離子與亞鐵離子之還原劑 水溶液。 接著將上述氮氣氣流保持於35 t,並放入磁力攪拌器 的攪拌件於還原劑水溶液,一邊以攪拌件的轉速:lOOrpm 攪拌,一邊將上述金屬鹽水溶液滴入於該還原劑水溶液並 混合。在此,以使金屬鹽水溶液相對於還原劑水溶液之添 加量成爲還原劑水溶液的量的1/10以下之方式,調整各 溶液的濃度,並且即使在滴入室溫的金屬鹽水溶液,亦將 反應溫度保持在40°C。此外,還原劑水溶液與金屬鹽水溶 液之混合比,係設爲還原劑水溶液的檸檬酸離子與亞鐵離 子,相對於金屬鹽水溶液中之金屬離子的總原子價數之莫 耳比均成爲3倍莫耳。結束將金屬鹽水溶液滴入於該還原 劑水溶液後,再持續攪拌混合液1 5分鐘,藉此於混合液 中產生銀奈米粒子,而得到分散有銀奈米粒子之銀奈米粒 子分散液。銀奈米粒子分散液的pH爲5.5,分散液中之銀 奈米粒子的計量化學生成量爲5§/升。 將所得之銀奈米粒子分散液放置在室溫,藉此使分散 液中的銀奈米粒子沉降,並藉由傾析來分離沉降後之銀奈 米粒子的凝聚物。將脫離子水加入於分離後之銀奈米粒子 凝聚物而形成分散體,藉由超過濾進行脫鹽處理後,再以 甲醇進行取代洗淨,使金屬(銀)的含量成爲5 0質量%。 然後使用離心分離機,調整該離心分離機的離心力,來分 離粒徑超過l〇〇nm之相對較大的銀粒子,藉此調整爲以數S -16- 201247792 Bisphenol F type epoxy resin, naphthalene type epoxy resin, etc. Further, as the solvent, BCA (butyl carbitol acetate), ECA (ethyl carbitol acetate), B C (butyl carbitol), or the like can be used. In addition, as long as the general organic solvent capable of dissolving the above epoxy resin can be used, ethanol, methanol, benzene, toluene, xylene, PGME (1-methoxy-2-propane), PGMEA (propylene glycol monomethyl ether) can be used. Acetate), NMP (N-methylpyrrolidone), mIBK (methyl isobutyl ketone), acrylonitrile, acetonitrile, THF (tetrahydrofuran), ethyl acetate, MEK (butanone), butyl carbitol , butyl carbitol acetate, 2-butoxyethanol, 2-butoxyethyl acetate, ethyl carbitol, ethyl carbitol acetate, IPA (isopropanol), acetone, DMF ( Dimethylformamide), DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide), piperidine, phenol, and the like. Further, the thermosetting agent may be 2-ethyl-4-methylimidazole, boron fluoride-monoethanolamine, DICY (dicyanoguanamine), diethylaminopropylamine, isophoradiamine, Diaminodiphenylmethane, piperidine, 2,4,6-tris-(dimethylaminomethyl)phenol, 2-methylimidazole, hexahydrophthalic anhydride, 7,11-octadecane Diene-1,1 8-dicarbon oxime, and the like. The epoxy resin can be used by being diluted with any of the above solvents to adjust the viscosity to be easily applied. The heat-hardening agent is added in an amount of 5 to 20 parts by mass based on 100 parts by mass of the epoxy resin. When the amount of the heat hardener added is less than 0.5 parts by mass relative to the mass part of the epoxy resin, the hardening is insufficient, and when it exceeds 20 parts by mass, the cured film (reinforcing film) is large. Internal stress causes poor adhesion. In this manner, a solvent and a thermosetting agent are added to the epoxy resin and stirred to obtain a mixed solution, which can be used as a matrix liquid for a composition for reinforcing a film. When the solvent and the heat hardener are added to the epoxy resin and the mixture is stirred and the mixture is not uniform, it can be heated to 40 °C from •17 to 201247792. The cellulose-based binder can be obtained by adding a solvent to a cellulose-based polymer and stirring, adding gelatin to the mixture, stirring, and heating the resulting mixture. As the cellulose polymer, hydroxypropylcellulose, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, methylcellulose, hydroxyethylmethylcellulose or the like of a water-soluble cellulose derivative can be used. Further, as the solvent, IPA (isopropyl alcohol), ethanol, methanol, PGM E (l-methoxy-2-propane), PGMEA (propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate), MIBK (methyl isobutyl ketone), Acetone, etc. The cellulose-based polymer can be used by being diluted with any of the above solvents to adjust the viscosity to be easily applied. The gelatin is added in an amount of 0.1 to 20 parts by mass based on 1 part by mass of the cellulose polymer. When the amount of the gelatin added is less than 0.1 part by mass or more than 20 parts by mass based on 1 part by mass of the cellulose-based polymer, the viscosity suitable for coating cannot be obtained. Thus, a mixture of a solvent and gelatin added to a cellulose-based polymer and stirred can be used as a matrix liquid for a composition for reinforcing a film. Further, by adding a solvent and gelatin to the cellulose-based polymer and heating to about 30 ° C and stirring, the mixture can be made uniform. The urethane-based adhesive of a thermosetting urethane resin can be prepared as follows. First, an excess amount of a polyisocyanate compound represented by toluene diisocyanate (TDI) 'biphenylmethane isocyanate (MDI) or the like, and a polyol represented by a polyol compound such as trimethylolpropane or neopentyl glycol are used. The components are reacted to obtain a urethane prepolymer having an active isocyanate group at the end. Next, a phenolic compound represented by methylphenol, a lactone represented by s-butyrolactone, or a thiol represented by butanone oxime, etc., 18-201247792, is contained in the terminal. The reactive isocyanate urethane prepolymer is reacted. As the solvent, ketones, alkylbenzenes, cellosolves, esters, alcohols and the like can be used. Specific examples of the ketones include acetone and methyl ethyl ketone. Specific examples of the alkyl benzenes include benzene and toluene. Specific examples of the cellosolve include 2-methoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol. Specific examples of the esters include 2-butoxyethyl acetate and butyl acetate, and specific examples of the alcohols. Examples thereof include isopropyl alcohol, butanol, and the like. On the other hand, a polyamine can be used as the thermal hardener (reagent). Specific examples of the polyamine include N-octyl-N-aminopropyl-Ν'-aminopropylpropanediamine, N-dodecyl-N-aminopropyl-Ν'-aminopropylpropyl Diamine, Ν-tetradecyl-Ν-aminopropyl-Ν'-aminopropylpropanediamine, Ν-octyl-Ν-aminopropyl-Ν', Ν'-bis(aminopropyl)-propyl Diamine and the like. The urethane prepolymer containing a reactive isocyanate group at the terminal obtained by reacting the above polyol component with an isocyanate compound is subjected to block formation by a blocking agent to prepare a block polyisocyanate. . The equivalent ratio of the amine group of the polyamine to the isocyanate group of the block polyisocyanate is preferably before and after 1 (in the range of 0.7 to 1.1). This is because when the equivalent ratio of the amine group of the polyamine to the isocyanate group of the block polyisocyanate is less than 0.7 or exceeds 1.1, one of the block polyisocyanate and the polyamine is increased. The reaction is not sufficiently carried out, and the hardening is insufficient. The urethane polymer ' can be used by being diluted with any of the above solvents to adjust the viscosity to be easily coated. Acrylic urethane-based adhesive containing an urethane acrylate-based oligomer and cured by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, and can be used in violet UV-3310B or violet UV-6100B (manufactured by Nippon Synthetic Co., Ltd.). -19-201247792 or an urethane urethane-based polymer such as EBECRYL4 82 0 or EBECRYL 2 84 (manufactured by Daicel Cytec Co., Ltd.), U-4HA or UA-32P (manufactured by Shin-Nakamura Chemical Co., Ltd.). Further, a photopolymerization initiator (for example, 1-hydroxy-cyclohexyl-phenyl-ketone, 2-hydroxy-2.methyl-1-phenyl-propane-1-) used in the acrylate system may be added as necessary. Ketones, etc., to improve the hardenability. Further, as the solvent, ketones, alkylbenzenes, cellosolves, esters, alcohols and the like can be used. Specific examples of the ketones include acetone and methyl ethyl ketone. Specific examples of the alkyl benzenes include benzene and toluene. Specific examples of the cellosolve include 2-methoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol. Specific examples of the esters include 2-butoxyethyl acetate and butyl acetate, and specific examples of the alcohols. Examples thereof include isopropyl alcohol, butanol, and the like. In addition, the photopolymerization initiator may be added in an amount of 0.1 to 30 parts by mass based on 100 parts by mass of the urethane acrylate polymer, if necessary. When the amount of the photopolymerization initiator to be added is less than 0.1 part by mass, the hardening is insufficient, and when it exceeds 30 parts by mass, the reinforcing film generates a large internal stress and causes poor adhesion. Further, the urethane urethane monomer can be used by being diluted with any of the above solvents to adjust the viscosity to be easily applied. As the epoxy acryl-based adhesive, an epoxy acryl-based polymer can be used. As the epoxy acryl-based polymer, bisphenol A type epoxy acrylate (for example, NK oligomer EA-1 020 manufactured by Shin-Nakamura Chemical Co., Ltd.) or 1,6-hexanediol diglycidyl ether diacrylate can be used. (for example, NK oligomer EA-552 1 manufactured by Shin-Nakamura Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.). Further, Neopol 8318 or Neopol 8355 manufactured by Japan U-PICA Co., Ltd. may be used. As the solvent, ketones, alkylbenzenes, cellosolves, esters, alcohols and the like can be used. Specific examples of the ketones are exemplified by acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, etc., and specific examples of the alkyl benzenes include benzene and toluene. Specific examples of the cellosolve include 2-methoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol. Specific examples of the esters include 2-butoxyacetate and butyl acetate. Specific examples of the alcohols include isopropyl alcohol and butanol. An epoxy acrylic polymer may be added with a thermal hardener or a photopolymerization initiator as necessary. By heat hardening or photopolymerization initiator, heat hardening or UV hardening or UV hardening can be carried out after heat hardening. Further, the epoxy acrylate polymer can be used by being diluted with any of the above solvents to adjust the viscosity to be easily applied. As the siloxane-based binder, a siloxane-based polymer can be used. As the fluorene-based polymer, polydimethyl siloxane, polymethylhydroquinone, polymethylphenyl siloxane or the like can be used. Further, as the a naphthenic polymer shown here, both pure eucalyptus oil and modified eucalyptus oil can be used. In the modified eucalyptus oil, a part of the side chain of the polyoxyalkylene (lateral chain type) may be further introduced, and the organic group may be introduced into both ends of the polyoxyalkylene (both end type), and the organic group may be used. One of the two ends of the polyoxyalkylene (single-terminal type) and a part of the side chain of the polyoxyalkylene and the both ends (the two-terminal type of the side chain) are introduced. Modified eucalyptus oil, reactive eucalyptus oil and non-reactive eucalyptus oil, both of which can be used. The term "reactive eucalyptus" means amine modification, epoxy modification, carboxy modification, methanol modification, hydrazine modification, or modification of heterogeneous functional groups (eg, epoxy group, amine group, polyether group), non-reaction Sexual eucalyptus oil, which means polyether modification, methyl styrene modification, alkyl modification, higher fatty acid ester modification, fluorine modification, and hydrophilic special modification. As the solvent, ketones, alkylbenzenes, cellosolves, esters, alcohols and the like can be used. Specific examples of the ketones include -21 - 201247792, and acetone, methyl ethyl ketone and the like are listed. Specific examples of the alkylbenzenes include benzene and toluene. Specific examples of the cellosolve include 2-methoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol. Specific examples of the esters include 2-butoxyethyl acetate and butyl acetate. Specific examples of the alcohols include isopropyl alcohol and butanol. The siloxane polymer may be added with a thermosetting agent or a photopolymerization initiator as needed. However, when the film is cured without adding a thermosetting agent, it is not necessary to add a curing agent. Further, the siloxane-based polymer can be used by being diluted with any of the above solvents to adjust the viscosity to be easily applied. The inorganic matrix material of the polymer binder preferably contains one or more selected from the group consisting of metal soaps, metal complexes, alkoxylated metals, and hydrolyzed metal alkoxides. The inorganic matrix material of these polymer binders can be changed from an organic system to an inorganic matrix material by heating. That is, a film having a property of an inorganic matrix material can be formed by sintering. The metal contained in the hydrolyzate of the metal soap, the metal complex, the alkoxylated metal or the alkoxylated metal is preferably one or two selected from the group consisting of aluminum, ruthenium, titanium, zirconium and tin. the above. As the metal soap, chromium acetate, manganese formate, iron citrate, cobalt formate, nickel acetate, silver citrate, copper acetate, copper citrate, tin acetate, zinc acetate, zinc oxalate, molybdenum acetate or the like can be used. As the metal complex, an acetoacetate zinc complex, an acetophenone chromium complex, an acetamacetone nickel complex or the like can be used. As the alkoxide metal, titanium isopropoxide, methyl silicate, isocyanate propyl trimethoxane, amine propyl trimethoxane, etc. may be used. On the other hand, an inorganic matrix material of a non-polymer type binder may be used. Use Si〇2 binder. The Si〇2 binder can be produced by 201247792 by one of the following examples. First, HC1 was dissolved in pure water while stirring to prepare an aqueous solution of HC1. Next, tetraethoxyoxane and ethanol are mixed, and the above HC aqueous solution is added to the mixed solution, followed by heating to cause a reaction. This produces a SiO 2 bonding agent. Further, the non-polymer type binder preferably contains a hydrolyzate selected from the group consisting of metal soaps, metal complexes, metal alkoxides, metal alkoxides, halodecanes, 2-alkoxyethanols, non-diones, and One type or two or more types of the group consisting of alkyl acetates. The hydrolyzate of the alkoxylated metal ' contains a sol gel. Further, the metal contained in the hydrolyzate of the metal soap, the metal complex, the alkoxylated metal or the alkoxylated metal is preferably one selected from the group consisting of aluminum, ruthenium, titanium, chromium and tin or 2 or more types. As the metal soap, chromium acetate, manganese formate, iron citrate, cobalt formate, nickel acetate, silver citrate, copper acetate, copper citrate, tin acetate, zinc acetate, zinc oxalate, molybdenum acetate or the like can be used. As the metal complex, acetyl acetonate zinc complex, acetamyl acetonate complex, acetoacetate nickel complex or the like can be used, and the alkoxide metal can be used as the titanium isopropoxide or the methyl citrate 'isocyanate. Propyl trimethoprim, amine propyl trimethoxane, and the like. As the halodecane, chlorodecane, bromodecane, flurazepam or the like can be used. As the 2-oxoethanol, 2-methoxyethanol, 2-ethoxyethanol, 2-butoxyethanol or the like can be used. As the dot-diketone, 2,4-pentanedione, 1,3-biphenyl-1,3-propanedione or the like can be used. As the alkyl acetate, ethylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate vinegar, propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate or the like can be used. In addition, the composition for a reinforcing film may contain one or two or more selected from the group consisting of a decane coupling agent, an aluminum coupling agent, and a titanium coupling agent. The composition for reinforcing the film can further improve the adhesion of the reinforcing film to the reflecting film by containing a decane coupling agent or an aluminum coupling agent. Therefore, in the i-ray through -23-201247792, the camera is stepped back from the cut layer. By using each of the ^ for the cutting of the separation when the stripping is carried out, the strip is cut into layers, and the light splitting film is formed into a layered surface. The inverse number is obtained from the multi-layer film. In the case of the film, the composition for a reinforcing film may contain one or more selected from the group consisting of cerium oxide particles, ceric acid particles, metal particles, and metal oxide particles. Particles or flat particles. For example, the composition for a reinforcing film may contain one or more kinds of fine particles or flat selected from the group consisting of colloidal cerium oxide, fumed cerium oxide particles, cerium oxide particles, mica particles, and swelled stone particles. particle. The colloidal cerium oxide is a colloid of SiO 2 or the hydrate, and has an average particle diameter of 1 to 10 nm, preferably 5 to 50 nm, and does not have a certain structure. The fumed cerium oxide particles are obtained by vaporizing cerium chloride and oxidizing it in a gas phase in a high-temperature flame, and have an average particle diameter of 1 to 50 nm, preferably 5 to 30 nm. The cerium oxide particles are particles having an average particle diameter of 1 to 100 nm, preferably 5 to 50 nm. The mica particles are particles having an average particle diameter of from 10 Å to 50,000 nm produced by a synthesis method, and are preferably flat particles having an average diameter of from 1 to 20/zm and an average thickness of 10 to 1 〇〇 nm. The type of the ion-exchange layered phthalate compound having a crystal structure in which the surfaces formed by the ionic bond or the like are superposed in parallel with each other with a weak bonding force, and the average particle diameter is iOMOOOOOnmi particles. It is preferably a flat particle having an average diameter of 1 to 20 μm and an average thickness of 10 to 10 nm. The composition for reinforcing the film can further increase the hardness of the reinforcing film by containing colloidal cerium oxide, fumed cerium oxide particles or the like. Therefore, after the separation groove is formed by cutting, even if the burrs or residues remaining on the separation groove are removed by an air knife or the like, since the abrasion resistance of the reinforced film is good, the abrasion resistance and impact resistance are good. The edge of the separation groove of the reinforced membrane is notched. The amount of addition is preferably from 0.1 to 30 parts by mass, particularly preferably parts by mass, per 100 parts by mass of the reinforcing film. When it is less than 0.1 part by mass, it is difficult to obtain an effect. When the amount is more than 30 parts by mass, the adhesion is liable to lower. In the present invention, the average particle diameter of each of the fine particles is measured in the following manner. It is measured by a lightning/scattering particle size distribution measuring apparatus (LA-95 0 manufactured by Horiba, Ltd.), and the average particle diameter (D5G) is calculated from the particle diameter standard. The number of reference average particle diameters calculated from the laser diffraction/scattering particle size distribution, and the image observed by a scanning micromirror (manufactured by Hitachi High Technologies, I 4300SE and S-900) In the meantime, the average particle diameter when the particle diameter was measured at any 50 points was almost the same. Further, the average diameter and the average thickness of the above-mentioned particles and the average thickness of the flat particles described later were also measured in the same manner as described above. The average particle size of the colloidal cerium oxide is limited to 1 to 10 nm because the colloidal cerium oxide is unstable and contains less than 1 nm. When it exceeds 100 nm, the particle size increases and cannot become a dispersion. Therefore, if the size of the fumed cerium oxide particles, the cerium oxide particles, and the mica particle particles is limited to the above range, the size of the oxidized cerium oxide particles, the cerium dioxide particles, or the film (reflecting film) which is not lower than the lower layer is formed. The range of sizes. Further, the composition for reinforcing film may contain a composition selected from the group consisting of gold, platinum rhodium, nickel, copper, tin, indium, zinc 'iron, chromium, manganese and aluminum, and does not produce a composition of 0.2-20. Diffraction model: 50% of the measured electronic display: S-particles are flat and flat. In addition, one or more metals having a larger particle size, a palladium group, a group of -25-201247792, or a fine particle or flat particle containing the metal oxide. The average particle diameter of these fine particles is set in the range of 1 to 50,000 nm, preferably 100 to 5,000 nm. The average diameter of the flat particles is preferably 50,000 nm, and the average thickness of the flat particles is preferably from 100 to 20,000 nm. The composition for a reinforcing film can further impart flexibility to the reinforcing film by containing fine particles such as gold or platinum or flat particles. Therefore, even if the reinforcing film is stressed during cutting, the stress can be alleviated by the ductility and malleability of the reinforcing film. Here, the size of the metal fine particles is limited to the above range, and since the size of the obtained fine particles is limited, the size of the flat metal fine particles is limited to the above range, and is set so as not to exceed the thickness of the reflective film. The range of sizes. The amount of such fine particles or flat particles added is preferably 0.1 to 30 parts by mass, particularly preferably 0.2 to 20 parts by mass. When the amount is less than 0.1 part by mass, the effect is not easily obtained. On the other hand, when it exceeds 30 parts by mass, the adhesion is liable to lower. Further, the content of the metal or metal oxide in the fine particles or the flat fine particles is set to 70% by mass or more, preferably 80 to 100% by mass. This is because when the amount is less than 70% by mass, the workability of the reinforced film is lowered. The composition for reinforcing the film may further be formulated with an antioxidant, a flattening agent, a rheological viscosity reducing agent, a ceramium filler, a stress relieving agent, and other additives, as long as the object of the present invention is not impaired. [Light-emitting element] The light-emitting element of the present invention is provided with a light-emitting element including a light-emitting layer, a light-transmitting substrate, and a reflection film that reflects light emitted from the light-emitting layer, -26-201247792, which is characterized in that the reflective film contains Metal nanoparticles. Fig. 1 is a cross-sectional view showing an example of a light-emitting element. The light-emitting element 1 is provided with a reflective film 10, a light-transmitting substrate 20, and a light-emitting layer 30 in this order. Usually, the reflective film 10 is bonded to the support substrate 60 by the adhesive layer 50, and the desired wiring is formed on the light-emitting layer 30, and then sealed by the sealing material 40. FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view showing a preferred example of the light-emitting element. . When the light-emitting element 2 is provided with the reinforcing film 12, the reflective film 11, the substrate 21, and the light-emitting layer 31 in this order, the heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant properties of the reflective film 11 can be improved by the reinforcing film 12, and the light-transmitting substrate can be further improved. The adhesion of the reflective film is preferable, and the peeling of the reflective film 11 from the substrate 2 1 can be suppressed in the cutting step, which is preferable. When the reinforcing film 12 contains a binder, it can be produced by a wet coating method, which is particularly preferable. However, even if it is produced by a vacuum film forming method or the like, the heat resistance and corrosion resistance of the reflecting film 11 can be improved. . In the configuration shown in Fig. 2, the reinforcing film 12 is bonded to the support substrate 61 by the adhesive layer 51, and the desired wiring is formed on the light-emitting layer 31, and then sealed with the sealing material 41. <<Reflective Film>> The reflective film reflects light passing through the light-emitting layer of the substrate. The reflective film contains metal nanoparticles, and preferably further contains an additive. The metal nanoparticles and additives are as described above. The content ratio of the additive is preferably 0.1 to 25 parts by mass, particularly preferably 0.2 to 10 parts by mass, per 100 parts by mass of the transparent conductive film. When the amount is 0.1 part by mass or more, the adhesion to the transparent conductive film is good, and when it is 25 parts by mass or less, film unevenness is less likely to occur at the time of film formation. -27- 201247792 The thickness of the reflective film is preferably from 0.05 to 1.0 Å in terms of reflectivity and conductivity, and more preferably 〇.1 to 〇.5 ym. The average pore diameter of the pores on the surface of the reflective film on the side of the light-transmitting substrate is 100 nm or less, the average depth is 10 nm or less, and the number density is 30 / / m 2 , and the wavelength is in the range of 380 to 780 nm. It is preferable to achieve a high diffuse reflectance of 80% or more of the theoretical reflectance. In general, the reflection spectrum shows a project having a high reflectance on the long wavelength side and a low on the short wavelength side. When the average diameter of the pores exceeds 100 nm, the inflection point at which the reflectance starts to decrease is further shifted to the long wavelength side, and a good reflectance is not obtained, so that the average diameter of the pores is preferably 100 nm or less. Further, when the average depth of the pores exceeds 10 Onm, the gradient (slope) of the reflection spectrum becomes large, and a good reflectance cannot be obtained, so the average depth of the pores is preferably 100 nm or less. When the number density of the pores exceeds 30 / / m 2 , the reflectance on the long wavelength side is lowered - a good reflectance is not obtained, so the number density of the pores is preferably 30 / ym 2 or less. The film Λ3Α-strongly reinforced film can improve the heat resistance and corrosion resistance of the reflective film, and can suppress the peeling of the reflective film when cutting is employed in the manufacturing step of the light-emitting element. The reinforcing film contains a binder 'adhesive as described above. For example, when a polymer-based binder is contained, it may contain an acrylic polymer, an epoxy polymer, an urethane polymer, an urethane polymer, and an epoxy acryl polymerization. A species or two of the group consisting of a cellulose, a cellulose polymer, and a siloxane polymer are -28-201247792. Or an inorganic matrix material which may contain an inorganic matrix material or a non-polymer binder of a polymer binder. In addition, as described in the composition for a reinforced film, one or more selected from the group consisting of cerium oxide particles, ceric acid particles, metal particles, and metal oxide particles may be contained. Particles or flat particles. The thickness of the reinforced film is preferably 0 · 0 1 to 0.5 / / m from the viewpoint of heat resistance and corrosion resistance, and particularly preferably 〇 · 〇 1 〇 〇 2 v m. [Manufacturing Method of Light-Emitting Element] The method for producing a light-emitting element of the present invention is characterized in that a composition for a reflective film containing metal nanoparticles and an additive is applied onto a light-transmitting substrate by a wet coating method. Thereafter, a reflective film is formed by sintering or hardening, and the light-emitting layer is formed on the opposite surface of the reflective film of the light-transmitting substrate. First, a composition for a reflective film containing metal nanoparticles, preferably containing an additive, is applied to a light-transmitting substrate by a wet coating method. The coating here is preferably such that the thickness after sintering is 0.05 to 1.0 μm, particularly preferably 0.1 to 0.5 " m. Next, the coating film is dried at a temperature of 120 to 350 ° C, preferably 15 0 to 2 50 ° C, for 5 to 60 minutes, preferably 15 to 40 minutes. The reflective film is thus formed. The light-transmitting substrate is not particularly limited as long as it can form a light-emitting layer, and is preferably a sapphire substrate from the viewpoint of light transmittance and heat dissipation. The composition for the reflective film can be blended with a desired material by a paint shaker, a ball mill, a sand mill, a centrimill, a three roll, etc. according to a general method, and a light-transmitting adhesive, and a case It is produced by dispersing different transparent conductive particles or the like. Of course, it can also be produced by a usual stirring operation. Further, it is preferable to mix the components of the metal nanoparticles to be mixed with the dispersion medium containing the metal nanoparticles which are previously dispersed, and it is easy to obtain a homogeneous composition for a reflective film. The wet coating method is preferably a spray coating method, a dispensing coating method, a spin coating method, a knife coating method, a slit coating method, an inkjet coating method, a screen printing method, or a lithography method. And any of the die-casting method, but it is not limited thereto, and any method can be applied. The spray coating method is applied to a light-transmitting substrate by forming a composition for enhancing the reflective film into a mist by compressed air, or by applying a dispersion to the dispersion itself to form a mist. The method of the substrate, the dispensing method, for example, the composition for enhancing the reflective film is placed in a syringe, and by pressing the piston of the syringe, the dispersion is discharged from the fine nozzle at the tip of the syringe, and is applied to the light-transmitting Method of a substrate. In the spin coating method, the composition for enhancing the reflective film is dropped onto a light-transmissive substrate which is rotated, and the composition for enhancing the reflective film after dripping is diffused to the periphery of the light-transmitting substrate by the centrifugal force, and the doctor blade is applied. The baffle plate is provided so as to be movable in the horizontal direction by a light-transmissive substrate having a predetermined gap between the tip end of the blade, and the composition for enhancing the reflective film is supplied from the blade to the light-transmitting substrate on the upstream side, and then A method in which a light-transmitting substrate is horizontally moved toward a downstream side. The slit coating method is a method in which a composition for enhancing a reflective film is applied from a narrow slit to a light-transmissive substrate, and the inkjet coating method is used to fill the composition for a reinforcing reflective film. The ink jet of a commercially available ink jet printer is ink jet printed on a light transmissive base -30-201247792. The screen printing method is a method of transferring a composition for an enhanced reflection film to a light-transmitting substrate by using a tissue as a pattern indicating material and using the plate image produced above. The lithographic method is a composition for a reinforcing reflective film attached to a plate, which is not directly attached to a light-transmitting substrate, but is transferred from a plate to a rubber sheet, and then transferred from a rubber sheet to a light-transmitting substrate. A printing method for applying water repellency of a composition for enhancing a reflective film. The die-casting method is a method of dispensing a composition for an enhanced reflection film supplied to a die-casting mold by a manifold, and pressing it from the slit onto the film to coat the surface of the traveling light-transmitting substrate. method. The die casting method has a slit coating method, a slant plate coating method, and a curtain coating method. Finally, the light-transmissive substrate having the reflective coating film is preferably in the range of 130 to 250 ° C, particularly preferably 180 to 20 ° C, in the atmosphere or in an inert gas atmosphere such as nitrogen or helium. The sintering is carried out for 5 to 60 minutes, preferably 1 to 5 minutes. When the binder reacts due to hydrolysis or the like, it can be hardened at a lower temperature. When the sintering temperature of the light-transmitting substrate having a coating film is set in the range of 130 to 2 50 °C, the lack of hardening of the reflective film occurs when the temperature is less than 30 °C. In addition, when it exceeds 250 °C, the advantages of production in low-temperature processes cannot be utilized. That is, the manufacturing cost rises and the productivity is lowered. Further, when the light-emitting layer is previously formed and loaded on the light-transmitting substrate, the light-bearing layer is relatively weak in heat resistance, and the light-emitting efficiency is lowered by the sintering step. The sintering time of the light-transmitting substrate having a coating film is set in the range of 5 to 60 minutes because when the sintering time is less than the lower limit -, the absence of sintering of the adhesive on the reflective film -31 - 201247792 occurs. . When the sintering time exceeds the upper limit 値, the manufacturing cost rises more than necessary, resulting in a decrease in productivity, and in addition, a decrease in luminous efficiency of the light-emitting layer is also caused. The method of forming the light-emitting layer on the opposite surface of the light-transmitting substrate from the reflective film is not particularly limited, and may be a generally known organic metal chemical vapor phase growth method (MOCVD) or a halogenated vapor phase epitaxial growth method ( HVPE), molecular beam epitaxy growth method (MBE) and the like. As described above, in the production method of the present invention, by using the wet coating method, the vacuum process such as the vacuum distillation method or the sputtering method can be eliminated as much as possible, so that the reflective film can be manufactured more inexpensively, and the method can be easily and inexpensively performed. A light-emitting element having high heat resistance and corrosion resistance of the present invention is produced. When the light-emitting element is bonded to another member, when the reflective film is directly bonded by Au_Sn solder of high-temperature solder, the reflective film may be eroded by Au-Sn solder, which is not preferable. Further, after the formation of the reflective film, before the formation of the light-emitting layer, the composition for the reinforcing film containing the binder is applied onto the reflective film by a wet coating method, and then the film is formed by sintering or hardening. Further, the heat resistance and the corrosion resistance of the light-emitting element can be further improved, and further, it is preferable to prevent the peeling of the reflective film during the step of manufacturing the light-emitting element by cutting. As described above, the binder for the reinforced film is the same as the composition for the reflective film, and the composition for the reinforced film is preferably 0.01 to 0.5 after sintering. // m, especially preferably 0.01~0.2 em. The heating method for curing or the ultraviolet irradiation method can be appropriately selected depending on the type of the binder of the composition for reinforcing the film. Adding the above-mentioned necessary additives such as particles, fine particles, and flat fine particles to the substrate liquid of the composition for reinforcing the film of sr-32-201247792, and dispersing the additives in the matrix liquid, the basis of the stirring of the mixer, etc. Dispersion by blade agitation, or shear dispersion of a planetary agitation or a three-roll honing machine, or dispersion using a bead mill or a bead containing a paint shaker. Further, a method of mixing the solvent component in which the additive is dispersed in the matrix liquid by the above method may be employed. Further, when the additive itself has been dispersed as a dispersion by a suitable solvent, in addition to the above method, a liquid mixing method based on ultrasonic homogenizer or ultrasonic vibration can be used. As described above, by using the wet coating method, the transparent conductive film can be manufactured more inexpensively, and the light-emitting element having high heat resistance and corrosion resistance can be produced simply and at low cost. [Examples] Hereinafter, the present invention will be specifically described by way of Examples, but the present invention is not limited thereto. [Example 1] First, a composition for a reflective film was produced. In the following, the production step "Production of a composition for a reflective film" is shown in which silver nitrate is dissolved in deionized water to prepare a metal salt aqueous solution. Further, sodium citrate was dissolved in deionized water to prepare a sodium citrate aqueous solution having a concentration of 26% by mass. The granulated -33-201247792 ferrous sulfate was directly added to the aqueous sodium citrate solution and dissolved in a nitrogen gas stream maintained at 35 ° C to prepare a citrate ion in a molar ratio of 3:2. An aqueous solution of a reducing agent with ferrous ions. Next, the above-mentioned nitrogen gas stream was maintained at 35 t, and the stirring material of the magnetic stirrer was placed in a reducing agent aqueous solution, and the aqueous metal salt solution was dropped into the reducing agent aqueous solution while stirring at a rotation speed of the stirring member: 100 rpm. Here, the concentration of each solution is adjusted such that the amount of the metal salt aqueous solution added to the reducing agent aqueous solution is 1/10 or less of the amount of the reducing agent aqueous solution, and even if the metal salt aqueous solution is dropped into the room temperature, The reaction temperature was maintained at 40 °C. Further, the mixing ratio of the reducing agent aqueous solution and the metal salt aqueous solution is set to be citrate ion and ferrous ion of the reducing agent aqueous solution, and the molar ratio of the total atomic valence of the metal ion in the aqueous metal salt solution is three times Moor. After the aqueous solution of the metal salt is dropped into the aqueous solution of the reducing agent, the mixture is continuously stirred for 15 minutes, thereby producing silver nanoparticles in the mixed solution, thereby obtaining a silver nanoparticle dispersion in which silver nanoparticles are dispersed. . The pH of the silver nanoparticle dispersion was 5.5, and the stoichiometric amount of the silver nanoparticles in the dispersion was 5 §/liter. The obtained silver nanoparticle dispersion was allowed to stand at room temperature, whereby the silver nanoparticles in the dispersion were sedimented, and the precipitated silver nanoparticle aggregates were separated by decantation. The deionized water was added to the separated silver nanoparticle aggregate to form a dispersion, which was subjected to desalting treatment by ultrafiltration, and then washed with methanol, and the content of the metal (silver) was 50% by mass. Then, using a centrifugal separator, the centrifugal force of the centrifugal separator is adjusted to separate relatively large silver particles having a particle diameter exceeding l 〇〇 nm, thereby adjusting the number to
S -34- 201247792 量平均計含有71 %之一次粒徑位於ίο〜50nm的範圍內之銀 奈米粒子。亦即調整爲,以數量平均計一次粒徑位於 10~5 0nm的範圍內之銀奈米粒子相對於全部銀奈米粒子 1 〇〇%所佔之比率爲7 1 %,而得銀奈米粒子分散液。所得之 銀奈米粒子,係經檸檬酸鈉的保護劑進行化學改質。 接著將所得之金屬奈米粒子:10質量份添加混合於含 有水、乙醇及甲醇之混合溶液:90質量份並藉此分散,而 調製出反射膜用組成物。構成反射膜用組成物之金屬奈米 粒子,係含有75質量%以上的金屬奈米粒子。 關於反射膜用組成物,藉由旋轉塗佈法,將反射塗膜 成膜於玻璃基板上,於氮氣環境中,在200 °C下燒結20分 鐘,藉此得到厚度:200nm的反射膜。在此,膜厚的測定 ,係使用Hitachi High Technologies公司製的掃描型電子 顯微鏡(SEM,裝置名稱:S-4 300、SU-8000),並藉由 剖面觀察來測定。其他實施例、比較例中,膜厚亦以同樣 方式測定。 [實施例2] 與實施例1相同地製作出銀奈米粒子分散液後,將所 得之金屬奈米粒子:10質量份添加混合於含有水、乙醇及 甲醇之混合溶液:90質量份並藉此分散,將聚乙烯吡咯啶 酮(PVP,分子量:3 60,000 )、乙酸錫加入於該分散液以 成爲金屬奈米粒子:96質量份、PVP : 4質量份之比率, 而製作出反射膜用組成物。構成反射膜用組成物之金屬奈 -35- 201247792 米粒子,係含有75質量%以上的金屬奈米粒子。然後與實 施例1相同,而製作出厚度:lOOnm的反射膜。 [實施例3] 與實施例1相同地製作出銀奈米粒子分散液後,將所 得之金屬奈米粒子:10質量份添加混合於含有水、乙醇及 甲醇之混合溶液:90質量份並藉此分散,將乙酸鋅加入於 該分散液以成爲金屬奈米粒子:95質量份、乙酸鋅:5質 量份之比率,而製作出反射膜用組成物》接著與實施例1 相同,而製作出厚度:200nm的反射膜。 接著製作補強膜用組成物。以下係顯示該製作步驟。 《補強膜用組成物之製作》 以二丙烯酸新戊二醇酯作爲原料單體,將l〇g溶解於 PGME : 1 00cm3中,並添加 0.5g的 1 -羥基-環己基-苯基-酮,保持在50°C,一邊激烈攪拌一邊保持1小時,而合成 出丙烯酸樹脂。以乙醇稀釋該丙烯酸樹脂以使其固體成分 濃度成爲1質量%,而製作出補強膜用組成物。 藉由旋轉塗佈機將補強膜用組成物成膜於反射膜上。 然後在150°C下燒結10分鐘,而得補強膜。 [實施例4] 與實施例1相同地製作出銀奈米粒子分散液後,將所 得之金屬奈米粒子:10質量份添加混合於含有水、乙醇及 -36- 201247792 甲醇之混合溶液:90質量份並藉此分散,將 該分散液以成爲金屬奈米粒子:95質量份、 量份之比率,而製作出反射膜用組成物。接 相同,而製作出厚度:150nm的反射膜。 接著,用作爲補強膜用組成物之Si02 用500cm3之玻璃製的四頸燒瓶,加入140g 與140g的乙醇,一邊攪拌,並一次加入使 酸溶解於120g的純水之溶液,然後在50°C 而製造出。 藉由旋轉塗佈法,將透明導電膜組成物 上,在160 °C下燒結30分鐘,藉此得到厚度 明導電膜。 [實施例5〜6、17] 除了構成爲第1表所記載之組成、膜厚 施例4相同來製作出實施例5〜6、1 7。實施 之si〇2黏結劑,係使用實施例4中所使用;; [實施例7〜16、18〜20] 除了構成爲第1表所記載之組成、膜厚 施例3相同來製作出實施例7〜16、18~20。 用組成物中所使用之丙烯酸系’係使用二丙 酯,並使用雙酚A型環氧樹脂作爲環氧系, 乙酸銅加入於 乙酸銅:5質 著與實施例1 黏結劑,係使 的四乙氧矽烷 1.7g 的 60%硝 中反應3小時 成膜於反射膜 :1 00nm的透 外,其他與實 例5中所使用 匕Si02黏結劑 外,其他與實 在此,補強膜 烯酸新戊二醇 使用甲基纖維 -37- 201247792 素作爲纖維素系,使用二苯基甲烷異氰酸酯與甲基酚作爲 胺基甲酸酯系。 [實施例21] 除了構成爲第1表所記載之組成、膜厚外,其他與實 施例2相同來製作出實施例21。本實施例中所使用之 Si02黏結劑,係使用實施例4中所使用之Si02黏結劑。 [比較例1] 藉由真空成膜法的濺鍍法,將厚度:1 OOnm的銀薄膜 形成於玻璃基板上。 [比較例2] 藉由濺鍍法,將厚度:1 OOnm的銀薄膜形成於玻璃基 板上,然後再藉由濺鍍法,形成厚度:30nm的鈦薄膜。 [反射率的測定] 實施例1 ~2 1、比較例1 ' 2之反射率的評估,係藉由 與紫外線可見光分光光度儀與積分球之組合,來測定波長 450nm時之反射膜的擴散反射率。此外,係在200°C下進 行1 000小時的熱處理試驗,在硫化氫:lOppm、溫度:25 °C、相對溼度:75°/«)RH、5 04小時的條件下進行作爲耐蝕 性試驗之硫化試驗’並測定各項試驗後的反射率。第1表 係顯示此等之結果。 -38- 201247792 [密著性評估] 關於密著性評估,係採用依據膠帶測試(JIS K-5600 )之方法,對於測定反射率後之實施例2、5,將膠帶密著 於膜,然後再予以剝離時,因應成膜的膜之剝離或捲曲狀 態的程度,以優•可·不可的3階段來評估。以膠帶側未 貼附有膜形成物,僅有黏著膠帶被剝離之情形爲優’以混 合存在有黏著膠帶的剝離、與成爲基材之光電轉換層暴露 出之狀態之情形爲可,以由於黏著膠帶的撕離而使成爲基 材之光電轉換層表面的全面暴露出之情形爲不可。實施例 2爲可,實施例5爲優。The S-34-201247792 volume average contains 71% of silver nanoparticles with a primary particle size in the range of ίο~50nm. That is, the ratio of the silver nanoparticles in the range of 10 to 50 nm in the range of 10 to 50 nm is 7.1% relative to the total silver nanoparticles, and the silver nanometer is obtained. Particle dispersion. The obtained silver nanoparticles were chemically modified with a protective agent of sodium citrate. Then, 10 parts by mass of the obtained metal nanoparticles were mixed and mixed with 90 parts by mass of a mixed solution containing water, ethanol and methanol to prepare a composition for a reflective film. The metal nanoparticles constituting the composition for a reflective film contain 75 mass% or more of metal nanoparticles. With respect to the composition for a reflective film, a reflective coating film was formed on a glass substrate by a spin coating method, and baked at 200 ° C for 20 minutes in a nitrogen atmosphere to obtain a reflective film having a thickness of 200 nm. Here, the film thickness was measured by a scanning electron microscope (SEM, device name: S-4300, SU-8000) manufactured by Hitachi High Technologies, Inc., and observed by cross-sectional observation. In the other examples and comparative examples, the film thickness was also measured in the same manner. [Example 2] After preparing a silver nanoparticle dispersion liquid in the same manner as in Example 1, 10 parts by mass of the obtained metal nanoparticles were mixed and mixed in a mixed solution containing water, ethanol and methanol: 90 parts by mass and borrowed In this dispersion, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP, molecular weight: 3,60,000) and tin acetate were added to the dispersion to obtain a ratio of metal nanoparticles: 96 parts by mass and PVP: 4 parts by mass. Composition. The metal natriene-35-201247792 m particles constituting the composition for a reflective film contain 75 mass% or more of metal nanoparticles. Then, in the same manner as in Example 1, a reflective film having a thickness of 100 nm was produced. [Example 3] After the silver nanoparticle dispersion liquid was produced in the same manner as in Example 1, 10 parts by mass of the obtained metal nanoparticle was added and mixed in a mixed solution containing water, ethanol and methanol: 90 parts by mass and borrowed In the dispersion, zinc acetate was added to the dispersion to obtain a composition for a reflective film in a ratio of 95 parts by mass of metal nanoparticles to 5 parts by mass of zinc acetate, and then produced in the same manner as in Example 1. Thickness: 200 nm reflective film. Next, a composition for a reinforcing film was produced. The production steps are shown below. <<Preparation of composition for reinforcing film>> Using neopentyl glycol diacrylate as a raw material monomer, l〇g was dissolved in PGME: 100 cm3, and 0.5 g of 1-hydroxy-cyclohexyl-phenyl-ketone was added. The acrylic resin was synthesized while maintaining the temperature at 50 ° C while maintaining vigorous stirring for 1 hour. The acrylic resin was diluted with ethanol to have a solid content concentration of 1% by mass to prepare a composition for a reinforcing film. The composition for the reinforcing film was formed on the reflective film by a spin coater. It was then sintered at 150 ° C for 10 minutes to obtain a reinforced film. [Example 4] After preparing a silver nanoparticle dispersion liquid in the same manner as in Example 1, 10 parts by mass of the obtained metal nanoparticles were mixed and mixed in a mixed solution containing water, ethanol, and -36-201247792 methanol: 90 The dispersion was dispersed in this manner, and the dispersion was prepared into a composition for a reflective film at a ratio of 95 parts by mass to the amount of metal nanoparticles. The same was made, and a reflective film having a thickness of 150 nm was produced. Next, SiO 2 as a composition for a reinforcing film was placed in a four-necked flask made of 500 cm 3 glass, 140 g and 140 g of ethanol were added thereto, and stirred, and a solution in which an acid was dissolved in 120 g of pure water was added at a time, and then at 50 ° C. And made it out. The transparent conductive film composition was spin-coated at 160 ° C for 30 minutes by spin coating to obtain a thick conductive film. [Examples 5 to 6, 17] Examples 5 to 6 and 17 were produced in the same manner as the composition described in the first table and the film thickness of Example 4. The Si〇2 binder was used in the same manner as in Example 4; [Examples 7 to 16, 18 to 20] The composition was the same as the composition described in Table 1, and the film thickness was the same as in Example 3. Examples 7 to 16, 18 to 20. The acrylic type used in the composition used dipropyl ester, and the bisphenol A type epoxy resin was used as the epoxy type, and the copper acetate was added to the copper acetate: 5 and the binder of Example 1 was used. Tetraethoxy decane 1.7 g of 60% nitrate was reacted for 3 hours to form a film on a reflective film: 100 Å, and the other 与SiO 2 adhesive used in Example 5, and others, reinforced epoxide As the diol, methyl fiber-37-201247792 was used as the cellulose system, and diphenylmethane isocyanate and methylphenol were used as the urethane system. [Example 21] Example 21 was produced in the same manner as in Example 2 except that the composition and film thickness described in Table 1 were used. For the SiO 2 bonding agent used in this example, the SiO 2 bonding agent used in Example 4 was used. [Comparative Example 1] A silver thin film having a thickness of 100 nm was formed on a glass substrate by a sputtering method by a vacuum film formation method. [Comparative Example 2] A silver thin film having a thickness of 100 nm was formed on a glass substrate by a sputtering method, and then a titanium thin film having a thickness of 30 nm was formed by sputtering. [Measurement of reflectance] Examples 1 to 2 1 and Comparative Example 1 The evaluation of the reflectance of 2 is a measurement of the diffuse reflection of the reflective film at a wavelength of 450 nm by a combination with an ultraviolet visible spectrophotometer and an integrating sphere. rate. In addition, the heat treatment test was carried out at 200 ° C for 1 000 hours, and the corrosion resistance test was carried out under the conditions of hydrogen sulfide: 10 ppm, temperature: 25 ° C, relative humidity: 75 ° / «) RH, and 594 hours. Vulcanization test' and measure the reflectance after each test. The first table shows the results of these. -38- 201247792 [Adhesion evaluation] For the adhesion evaluation, the tape was tested on the tape test (JIS K-5600), and the tape was adhered to the film after the reflectance was measured in Examples 2 and 5. When peeling off again, the degree of peeling or curling of the film to be formed is evaluated in three stages of excellent and acceptable. The film formation is not attached to the tape side, and only the adhesive tape is peeled off, and it is preferable that the peeling of the adhesive tape and the state in which the photoelectric conversion layer of the substrate is exposed are mixed. The peeling of the adhesive tape makes it impossible to fully expose the surface of the photoelectric conversion layer which becomes the substrate. Example 2 is OK, and Example 5 is excellent.
S -39- 201247792 [第1表] 反射膜 保護膜 膜厚[nm] 反射率[%](45〇11111) 金屬奈 米粒子 添加物 黏合劑 反射 膜 補強 模 初期 熱處 理後 硫化試 驗後 0施例1 Ag 100 質fl% - - 200 - 85 75 29 ΕΓ施例2 Ag 96 質fl% PVP 4 質S% - 100 - 86 76 30 苡施例3 Ag 95 質fl:% 乙酸Zn 5質fl:% 丙烯酸系 200 10 82 79 74 麵例4 Ag95 質fi% 乙酸Cu 5質fl% Si02黏結劑系 150 100 84 78 82 0施例5 Ag99 質a% PVP 0.9 質fl% SiO20.丨質 11% Si〇2黏結劑系 100 50 86 85 84 苡施例6 Ag95 質fl% PVP 4 質fl% ITO 1 質 s% Si〇2黏結劑系 120 70 83 82 82 苡施例7 Ag 95 MR% PVP 4 質S% ATO 1 質 S% 環氧系 260 200 85 83 77 K施例8 Ag95 Mfl% PVP 4 質fi% Ti021 質 2% 環氧系 740 340 81 80 77 麵例9 Ag 95 質fl;% PVP 4 質g% Fe203 1 質 fl% 纖維素系 70 100 85 82 80 ET施例10 Ag 90 質fl% PVP 9 質fl% Al203 1 質 fi% 纖維素系 90 160 84 83 79 飾例11 Ag 95 質fl% PVP 4 質fl% Zn(OH)2 1 質fi% 纖維素系 580 190 82 80 76 苡施例12 Ag 95 質fl;% PVP 4 質fi% A!(OH)3 1 Wfl:% 丙烯酸系 370 310 82 81 80 苡施例13 Ag 95 質fi% PVP 4 質g% 乙酸Sn 1質量% 胺基甲酸酯系 750 430 84 82 78 Η施例14 Ag 95 質fl% PVP 4 質fi% 甲基矽酸鹽丨質量% 胺基甲酸酯系 350 200 86 84 79 Η施例15 Ag 95 質fl% PVP 4 質fl;% 甲酸Co 1質g% 環氧系 310 140 85 82 80 fl施例16 Ag 95.9 質fi% PVP 4 質fl% 檸檬酸FeO.l質量0/〇 丙烯酸系 270 80 81 80 75 麵例17 Ag 92 質fi;% Cu 4 質fl;% PVP 3 質S% 乙酸Sn 1質量% Si〇2黏結劑系 170 100 86 84 82 實施例18 Ag 95.8 WR% Fe 0.2 質fi% 甲基纖維素4質量% 丙烯酸系 550 60 82 81 77 麵例19 Ag 96.8 質fi% Mn 0.2 質g% PVP-甲基丙嫌酸二甲 基胺乙酯2質量% 乙酸Sn 1質量% 纖維素系 400 40 83 81 79 Η施例20 Ag 96.8 質量% In 0.22 質fl% PVP 2 質fl% 乙酸Ni丨質fl:% 纖維素系 50 430 81 80 79 麵例21 Ag 99 質fl:% PVP 0_9 質ϋ% Si02 0.1 質fi% - 100 50 79 77 75 比較例1 - - - 100 - 87 66 14 比較例2 - - - 100 30 80 78 65 sr -40- 201247792 從第1表中可得知’實施例1、2中,初期以及經過 熱處理後之反射率均高,硫化試驗後之反射率亦約3 0 %。 相對於此,藉由濺鍍法所製作之比較例1中,初期的反射 率雖高,但經過熱處理後之劣化大,硫化試驗後之反射率 大幅降低至14 %。此外,實施例3〜21中,初期、經過熱 處理後、以及硫化試驗後之反射率均極高,可得知其耐熱 性及耐蝕性極高,可製作出相對於因高輸出的發光層所造 成之溫度上升而言劣化亦少之發光元件。相對於此,藉由 濺鍍法所製作之比較例2中,硫化試驗後之反射率爲較低 的 6 5%。 本發明之發光元件,係在透光性基板與發光層之間具 備有含有金屬奈米粒子之反射膜,藉此,即使是高輸出的 發光元件,亦可提高耐熱性和耐蝕性,而能夠抑制因發光 層所產生的熱或環境所造成之反射膜的劣化。該反射膜, 由於可藉由濕式塗佈法來製作,所以可簡化製造步驟並達 到低成本。此外,在發光層與反射膜之間進一步具備有含 有透光性黏合劑之透明導電膜,藉此可進一步提高耐熱性 或耐光性,而極爲有用。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖係顯示本發明之發光元件的一例之剖面圖。 第2圖係顯示本發明之發光元件的較佳一例之剖面圖 -41 - 201247792 【主要元件符號說明】 1、2 :發光元件 1 0、1 1 :反射膜 1 2 :補強膜 2 0 :透光性基板 2 1 :基板 30、31 :發光層 40、41 :封合材 50、51 :黏著層 60、61 :支撐基板 -42-S -39- 201247792 [Table 1] Reflective film protective film thickness [nm] Reflectance [%] (45〇11111) Metal nanoparticle additive Binder Reflective film Reinforcement die After initial heat treatment Vulcanization test 0 Example 1 Ag 100 质fl% - - 200 - 85 75 29 ΕΓ Example 2 Ag 96 fl fl% PVP 4 质 S% - 100 - 86 76 30 苡 Example 3 Ag 95 质: % Zn 5 fl fl: % Acrylic 200 10 82 79 74 Face 4 Ag95 Fifi Acetic acid Cu 5 flfl% Si02 binder 150 100 84 78 82 0 Example 5 Ag99 A% PVP 0.9 Fl% SiO20. Tannin 11% Si〇 2Adhesive system 100 50 86 85 84 苡Example 6 Ag95 质fl% PVP 4 质fl% ITO 1 s% 〇% Si〇2 binder system 120 70 83 82 82 苡Example 7 Ag 95 MR% PVP 4 质 S % ATO 1 S% Epoxy 260 200 85 83 77 K Example 8 Ag95 Mfl% PVP 4 Fifi Ti021 Titanium 2% Epoxy 740 340 81 80 77 Surface Example 9 Ag 95 Flu 1% PVP 4 g% Fe203 1 quality fl% cellulose system 70 100 85 82 80 ET Example 10 Ag 90 quality fl% PVP 9 quality fl% Al203 1 quality fi% cellulose system 90 160 84 83 79 decoration example 11 Ag 95 quality fl% PVP 4 quality fl% Zn(OH)2 1 quality fi% cellulose system 580 190 82 80 76 Example 12 Ag 95 mass fl; % PVP 4 mass fi% A! (OH) 3 1 Wfl: % Acrylic 370 310 82 81 80 苡 Example 13 Ag 95 质fi% PVP 4 质g% acetic acid Sn 1% by mass Urethane 750 430 84 82 78 Η Example 14 Ag 95 质fl% PVP 4 质fi% methyl phthalate 丨 mass % urethane system 350 200 86 84 79 Η Example 15 Ag 95 Quality fl% PVP 4 quality fl; % formic acid Co 1 substance g% epoxy system 310 140 85 82 80 fl Example 16 Ag 95.9 quality fi% PVP 4 substance fl% citric acid FeO.l mass 0 / 〇 acrylic 270 80 81 80 75 Example 17 Ag 92 mass fi; % Cu 4 mass fl; % PVP 3 mass S% acetic acid Sn 1 mass % Si〇 2 binder system 170 100 86 84 82 Example 18 Ag 95.8 WR% Fe 0.2 quality fi % methylcellulose 4% by mass Acrylic 550 60 82 81 77 Surface Example 19 Ag 96.8 Quality fi% Mn 0.2 Mass g% PVP-methyl propyl dimethyl urethane ethyl ester 2% by mass Acetic acid Sn 1% by mass Fiber Prime system 400 40 83 81 79 ΗExample 20 Ag 96.8% by mass In 0.22 flfl% PVP 2 质fl% Acetate Ni fl fl:% Cellulose 50 430 81 80 79 Case 21 Ag 99 Flu: % PVP 0_9 ϋ%% Si02 0.1 质fi% - 100 50 79 77 75 Comparative Example 1 - - - 100 - 87 66 14 Comparative Example 2 - - - 100 30 80 78 65 sr -40- 201247792 It can be seen from the first table that in Examples 1 and 2, the reflectances at the initial stage and after the heat treatment are high, and after the vulcanization test The reflectivity is also about 30%. On the other hand, in Comparative Example 1 produced by the sputtering method, the initial reflectance was high, but the deterioration after the heat treatment was large, and the reflectance after the vulcanization test was greatly reduced to 14%. Further, in Examples 3 to 21, the reflectances at the initial stage, after the heat treatment, and after the vulcanization test were extremely high, and it was found that the heat resistance and the corrosion resistance were extremely high, and it was possible to produce a light-emitting layer with respect to high output. A light-emitting element that is less deteriorated in terms of temperature rise. On the other hand, in Comparative Example 2 produced by the sputtering method, the reflectance after the vulcanization test was as low as 65%. In the light-emitting device of the present invention, a reflective film containing metal nanoparticles is provided between the light-transmitting substrate and the light-emitting layer, whereby heat resistance and corrosion resistance can be improved even with a high-output light-emitting element. The deterioration of the reflective film caused by heat generated by the light-emitting layer or the environment is suppressed. Since the reflective film can be produced by a wet coating method, the manufacturing steps can be simplified and the cost can be reduced. Further, a transparent conductive film containing a light-transmitting adhesive is further provided between the light-emitting layer and the reflective film, whereby heat resistance and light resistance can be further improved, which is extremely useful. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a cross-sectional view showing an example of a light-emitting element of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a cross-sectional view showing a preferred example of the light-emitting element of the present invention - 41 - 201247792 [Explanation of main component symbols] 1, 2: light-emitting element 10, 1 1 : reflective film 1 2 : reinforcing film 2 0 : Photonic substrate 2 1 : Substrate 30, 31 : Light-emitting layer 40, 41 : Sealing material 50, 51 : Adhesive layer 60, 61 : Support substrate - 42-