201029601 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明關於申請專利範園第一項的引文的一種以可動 方式保持在一傢俱體上的推出單元和申請專利範圍第6項 的引文的一種傢俱。 【先前技術】 ❹ ❹ 要裝設一種可動傢俱部分(例如抽屜)用的電達式推 出單儿,宜將鋁橫架(Aluminiumtraverse )裝在—傢俱的傢 倶體中,且宜在後壁上。這些橫架可使推出裝置作無段式 的高度定位,如此不同類型之可動傢俱部分(特別是二 可移行進去。推出裝置利用一相關供電網路部分(電 (NetzteU,英:咖心ρ〇·)應所 部分設在傢俱體外。 该網路 多構件Si的::早7^的缺點為:這種推出單元係利用許 夕構件裝在-傢俱部分上,故报㈣且因而成本偏高。 【發明内容】 本發明的目的在提供一種以可動 ,傢俱部分的推出單元,它可迅速簡==傢俱體 Μ,特别是也可加裝在既有的 ^裝在—傢俱 道係利用具有中請專利範„ 種目的達成之 ::動的方式保持在一傢俱體 :的像俱部分(它 請專利範圍第6項的特點的傢俱。以及具有申 201029601 本發明有利的進一步 的。 、.為申凊專利範圍附屬項的標 依本發明,該推出單元有―殼❹ 電網路共同裝設,如此,4 推出裝置與供 的形式使用。此外二:::出單元可特別呈個別裝置 廉價地裝設。 推出單-可比傳統的推出單元更 依-特別實施例,推出單元的殼 以連接到至少另一個推出單元插接裝置。 此推出單元連接到另°用簡單的手段將 置。該另-推出裝置可在設 丨刀的推出裝 由分別的端子(例如一個、_ 一 場口時丄 ,^ 一個、二個端子)而同步化。 本發明的傢俱的特點為中請專㈣圍第1〜第5項的一 種权在傢俱體上的推出端 推出單元的像俱,其中該推出單二有廉價的 俱中,特別是也可加裝在—個無推出單元的傢俱中。 部八Γ一較佳之變更實施例,該設有供電網路部分的殼體 h放入在傢俱體的底板中。如此,該「建入深度」(向 内建入到底板下方的自由空間中的深度)可減到最小。在 底板(例如在輕的構造板的場合)的對應厚度的場合也 可考慮不穿過底板的下蓋層而容納供電網路的方式。 依本發明另一較佳特,點’該推出單元固定在一個載鱧 π件上,載髏元件水平地置在傢㈣的㈣,這種載體元 件特別可卡合在傢俱體的側壁中的一孔卡合件中,如此該 推出單元可用簡單方式固定在傢俱體上不同高度處通常 201029601 類別的孔卡合件,舉例而言,有32毫米或 離。 耄未的孔距 以下利用附圖說明本發明的實施例β 在以下配合圖式的說明中,「j_ 「 卜」 右」「前丨 ❹ 「後」這些字係清一色地指在圖中所選用的該推出單元、 傢俱及其他物體·的圖例及位置的關係。這些字並不限=本 發明於所示方式’換言在不同的卫作位置或由於設計 成鏡像對稱或類似者’這些字都可改變。 如圖1到圖3所示,-推出單元⑴包含一殼體⑺其 中在-第二殼體部(13)中設有一推出裝置(3),它具有一推出 桿(4),而在第一殼體部(12)中設有供電網路部分(圖未示), 以供電給推出裝置(3) ’特別是供電給一電馬達它將推出 裝置(3)的推出桿(4)驅動。 在圖1〜圖3所示的推出單元〇)的實施例,推出單元 的殼體⑺設計成二部分式。在此,如上述,供電網路部分 設在第-殼趙部分(12)中’而推线置(3)設在第二殼趙部分 03)中。在此推出單元㈣更實施例中,在該設有供電網路 部分的第一殼體部分(12)與該設有推出裝置(3)的第二殼體 4为(13)之間設有一連接板(14),將二個殼體部分〇2)(13) 互相連接。在圖1〜圖3所示的變更實施例。此連接板(14) 沿第二殼體部分(13)的方向蓋住第一殼體部分(12),且因此 也呈該殼體部分(具有供電網路部分)的密封板的作用, 201029601 因此流出的液體不會侵入供電網路部分的構造空間中,如 此該推出單元可使用在水接頭附近的傢俱,例如在一沖洗 器(Spiile)下方。如此’推出單元可特別用於垃圾箱用的 抽屜與沖洗器具的抽屜。連接板⑽利用固定手段(31)(例 如螺絲)與第一殼體部分連接。 在圖1所示的變更實施例,推出單元(1)進入一傢俱體 (6) 的纟板(7)中,因此連接板(14)設成和一傢俱體⑹的底 板(7)的内表面平行。在此,連接板(14)的寬度尺寸和深度尺 寸比底板(7)的凹隙大,因此連接板將推出單元支持在底板 (7) 上,舉例而言,可利用連接板(14)中所設的孔洞(34)與底 板(7)螺合。 在圖2中所示的設置,第一殼體部分(12)設成平行倚靠 在傢俱體(6)的底板的下面上,且穿過底板(7)過去利用穿 過底板的固定手段(31)與第二殼體部分(12)〔特別是與連接 板(14)〕連接。由於利用固定手段(31)與底板(7)造成力量接 合成形狀嵌合方式的連接,因此如有必要,甚至可省卻利 用孔洞(34)的固定方式。在這種設置,一如圖丨及圖3的其 他设置,供電網路部分係經由至少二個導電的固定手段(3 ^) 以導電方式連接到推出裝置(3),該固定手段(31)造成從供電 網路部分中的接點路線(圖未示)接到連接板(14)之中或之 上的接點路線(圖未示)的導電連接。在連接板(14)之中或之 上的接點路線(圖未示)經由第二殼體部分(i 3)與推出襃置 呈導電連接,也可不用接點路線及電導線,經由固定手段(31) 建立從供電網路部分經電纜(30)到推出裝置(3)的導電連 201029601 接°此處,該電規(3G)可不經過底板⑺中之附加的孔,而宜 經過自橫截面較大的貫通孔經過底板⑺在固定手段 附近通過(圖未示)。 圊3顯示整個推出單元⑴平行於底板⑺之内侧表面設 不會有第—殼體部(12)侵人底板⑺中或穿過底板⑺ 的情事。此處可考慮經由固定在孔洞(34)上的角型鋼(角鐵) (圖未示)固定底# μ 維m 式’以在上述設置之實施例中 維持本發明之推出單元⑴之®卜3的唯-實施變更例的 圖”顯示推出單元⑴另一變更實施例此處該殼 ·==出裝置(3)及供電網路部分,它設計成一體式的 =⑺形式。在此,推出裝置在傢俱體⑹的—後側區域固 水平設在該處的載體元件(5)上。此推出單元⑴固 ⑦件⑺上的方式,宜使推出單元⑴可在載體元件 ()上水平移動然後可固定在所要之位置。 殼體(2)宜具有-插接裝置(29),以將 ,接,如此’在一像俱⑽只需建構一推出單:)裝 I具有-供電網路’且該視需要加設的附加 由推出單元⑴的此供電網路部分經由一電規州”。㈣ =出裝置可在設在相同平面上的場合經由電規(3。)將 圖=圖6顯I設在本發明的傢俱⑽中之可動傢俱 刀()(此處呈—抽㈣式)在不同操作位置之推出過 201029601 程’其中圖6中,抽屜(16)利用推出裝置的推出元件(4) 從傢俱體(6)推出來一定距離。 茲利用圖7〜圖12詳細說明一載體元件(5)的各種不同 變更例’推出單元(1)可固定在其上。在此,圖7〜圖10顯 示載體元件(5)的一第一較佳變更例。在此變更例中,載艎 元件(5)由一 c形橫截面的載體稜條(33)以及兩側設在端側 上的端件(17)構成,如圖7,8所示。載體元件(5)可利用端 件(17)固定在傢俱體的侧壁(8)(9)上。為此,在端件(17) 上,各設至少一連接銷(19),該連接銷(19)可插入在傢倶體 (6)的側壁(8)(9)上為此而設的凹隙(2 8)中。這些凹隙(2 8)宜 為傢俱壁中常見的孔卡合件,它們可使附加元件用簡單方 式固定在不同位置。如圖9及10所示,載體稜條的端區 域設有一 T形件(21),它可嵌入端件(17)上的一 τ型條(23) t ’連接銷(19)設在端件(17)之與T型條(23)對立的那一側 上。為了將載體棱條(5)確實固定在端件(17)上,故設有保持 元件(18) ’它們有一板(24)及一個可插入端件(17)的τ型條 (23)中的框條(25) ’且宜可經由保持元件(18)中的凹隙(2〇) 和端件(17)中的凹隙(22)互相螺合。在此,保持元件(18)的 板(24)將端件(17)的T型條(23)向傢俱體内部封閉,而該端 件(17)的T型條(23)的對立側則倚在傢俱體(6)的後壁上如 此’在保持元件(18)固定後,載體稜條(5)就確實保持在端件 (17)上。 圖11及12中顯示載體元件(5)的一變更實施例。此載 體元件在此處設計成伸縮桿(26)形式’它被保持件(a?)保在 201029601 像俱體(6)側壁(8)(9)上。在此,保持件(27)之一宜設計成具 多角形靡形’該廓形隨該伸縮桿(26)之對應設計的端件防止 伸縮桿(28)繞軸轉動。藉著使用伸縮管,要設計不同寬度的 傢俱’只要考慮載體元件的種類。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖 圖1〜圖3係本發明的推出單元的各種實施例的立體 ❹ 圖4係一傢俱體的立體圖,具有以可動方式保持在傢 倶體上之拿出來的傢倶分以及設在傢俱體中的推 實施例; f 捭在Γ 5及圖6係—体俱之不同的立體圖,以可動的方保 持在傢俱體上的傢俱部分係在—推出過程的不同位置 圖7係不具供電網路部分之固定i 的推出單元的立體圖; 定在料载體… 圖8係推出單元與載體元 剖面囷; 中所不的設置的側 圖9與圖10係用於固定在像俱 端件的分解圖; 璧上的载體7L件的 圖11與圖丨2係一設計成 體圖’它具有及不具固定在其的J式的載體元件的立 仕其上的推出單元。 【主要元件符號說明】 (1) 推出單元 201029601 (2) 殼體 (3) 推出裝置 (4) 推出元件 (5) 載體元件 (6) 傢俱體 ⑺ 底板 (8) 側壁 (9) 側壁 (10) 後壁 (11) 拉出導引件 (12) 第一殼體部分 (13) 第二殼體部分 (14) 連接板 (15) 傢俱 (16) 抽屜 (17) 端件 (18) 保持元件 (19) 連接銷 (20) 孔 (21) T形件 (22) 孔 (23) T型條 (24) 板 (25) 框條 201029601201029601 VI. Description of the invention: [Technical field to which the invention pertains] A quotation of a citation of the first item of the patent application garden, which is movably maintained in a specific ejecting unit and a citation of claim 6 Furniture. [Prior Art] ❹ ❹ To install a type of electric furniture for a movable furniture part (such as a drawer), it is advisable to install the Aluminiumtraverse in the furniture body and on the back wall. . These cross-frames allow the ejection device to be positioned in a height-free manner, such that different types of movable furniture parts (especially two can be moved away. The ejection device utilizes an associated power supply network part (electrical (NetzteU, English: 咖心ρ〇 ·) The part should be located outside the furniture. The shortcomings of the network multi-component Si:: early 7^: This kind of launching unit is installed on the furniture part by using the Xuxi component, so it is reported (4) and thus the cost is high. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The object of the present invention is to provide a push-out unit for a movable, furniture part, which can be quickly simplified ==home specific, and can also be retrofitted in an existing In the patent paradigm, the purpose of the project is: The moving method is maintained in a specific: the image part (it invites the furniture of the scope of the patent item 6) and has the advantage of the invention 201029601 further. According to the invention, the launching unit has a "shell" electric network co-installed, so that the 4 push-out device and the supply form are used. In addition, the second:::-out unit can be specially mounted individually. It is cheaper to install. It is more suitable than the conventional push-out unit. In particular, the housing of the unit is pushed out to connect to at least one other push-out unit. The push-out unit is connected to another unit. The push-out device can be synchronized by the push-out of the boring tool by separate terminals (for example, one, one _ one port, one one, two terminals). The furniture of the present invention is characterized by a medium (4) One of the rights of the first to fifth items is to launch the unit's image at the launching end of the home. The introduction of the single two has a cheaper one, and in particular, it can also be installed in a piece of furniture without a launching unit. In a preferred embodiment of the method, the housing h provided with the power supply network portion is placed in a specific floor of the home. Thus, the "depth of formation" (inwardly built into the free space below the bottom plate) The depth can be minimized. In the case of a corresponding thickness of the bottom plate (for example in the case of a lightweight construction plate), a way of accommodating the power supply network without passing through the lower cover layer of the bottom plate can also be considered. Jiate, point 'the push The unit is fixed on a 鳢-clamping member, and the carrier-carrying element is horizontally placed at (4) of the home (four). The carrier member is particularly engageable in a hole engaging member in a specific side wall of the home, so that the pushing unit can be easily used. The method is fixed at the height of the hole in the 201029601 category, which is usually 32 mm or away. For example, the embodiment of the present invention is described below with reference to the drawings. In the description, the words "j_" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" = The invention can be changed in the manner shown, in other words in different guard positions or due to the design of mirror symmetry or the like. As shown in Figures 1 to 3, the ejection unit (1) comprises a housing (7) An ejection device (3) is provided in the second housing portion (13), which has an ejection lever (4), and a power supply network portion (not shown) is provided in the first housing portion (12). , to supply power to the launch device (3) 'especially power supply An electric motor it will launch means (3) of the ejection rod (4) drive. In the embodiment of the ejection unit 〇) shown in Figures 1 to 3, the housing (7) of the ejection unit is designed in two parts. Here, as described above, the power supply network portion is disposed in the first-shell portion (12) and the push-wire portion (3) is disposed in the second shell portion 03). In this embodiment of the pushing unit (4), a first housing portion (12) provided with a power supply network portion and a second housing 4 provided with the pushing device (3) are provided with a (13) The connecting plate (14) connects the two housing portions 〇 2) (13) to each other. The modified embodiment shown in Figs. 1 to 3 is shown. The connecting plate (14) covers the first housing portion (12) in the direction of the second housing portion (13), and thus also acts as a sealing plate for the housing portion (having a power supply network portion), 201029601 The outflowing liquid therefore does not penetrate into the construction space of the supply network part, so that the ejection unit can use furniture in the vicinity of the water connection, for example under a squirrel. Such an 'extrusion unit' can be particularly used for drawers for waste bins and drawers for flushing appliances. The connecting plate (10) is coupled to the first housing portion by a fixing means (31) such as a screw. In the variant embodiment shown in Figure 1, the ejection unit (1) enters a concrete (6) raft (7), so that the connection plate (14) is arranged inside the base plate (7) of a specific (6) The surfaces are parallel. Here, the width dimension and the depth dimension of the connecting plate (14) are larger than the recess of the bottom plate (7), so that the connecting plate supports the push-out unit on the bottom plate (7), for example, in the connecting plate (14) The hole (34) is screwed into the bottom plate (7). In the arrangement shown in Figure 2, the first housing portion (12) is placed in parallel against the underside of the floor of the home appliance (6) and passes through the floor (7) in the past by means of fastening means through the floor (31) ) is connected to the second housing part (12), in particular to the connecting plate (14). Since the fixing means (31) and the bottom plate (7) are used to form a joint of a force-integrated shape fitting manner, the fixing manner of the hole (34) can be omitted even if necessary. In this arrangement, as shown in FIG. 3 and other arrangements of FIG. 3, the power supply network portion is electrically connected to the ejection device (3) via at least two conductive fixing means (3^), the fixing means (31) A conductive connection is made from a contact route (not shown) in the power supply network portion to a contact route (not shown) in or on the connection board (14). A contact route (not shown) in or on the connecting plate (14) is electrically connected to the push-out device via the second housing portion (i 3), and may also be fixed by a contact route and an electric wire. Means (31) establishing a conductive connection from the power supply network portion via the cable (30) to the ejection device (3). Here, the electrical gauge (3G) may pass through an additional hole in the bottom plate (7), and preferably A through hole having a large cross section passes through the bottom plate (7) in the vicinity of the fixing means (not shown).圊3 shows that the entire ejection unit (1) is arranged parallel to the inner side surface of the bottom plate (7) without the first housing portion (12) invading the bottom plate (7) or passing through the bottom plate (7). Here, it is conceivable to fix the bottom # μ dimension m ' through an angled steel (angle iron) (not shown) fixed to the hole (34) to maintain the push unit (1) of the present invention in the embodiment of the above arrangement. The diagram of the only-implementation modification of 3 shows the push-out unit (1). Another modified embodiment is that the shell·==out device (3) and the power supply network portion are designed in an integrated form of =(7). The ejection device is fixed on the carrier element (5) at the rear side of the home specific (6). The ejection unit (1) is fixed on the 7 piece (7) in such a manner that the ejection unit (1) can be horizontally on the carrier element () The movement can then be fixed at the desired position. The housing (2) should have a - plug-in device (29) to be connected, so that 'in a picture (10) only need to construct a launch single:) I have - supply network The road 'and the additional supply of the power supply network part of the push-out unit (1) via an electric gauge state. (4) = The output device can be placed on the same plane, via the electric gauge (3.), the figure = Fig. 6 is displayed in the furniture (10) of the movable furniture knife () (here is - pumping (four) type) In the different operating positions, the introduction of 201029601, in which the drawer (16) is pushed out from the home specific (6) by a certain distance using the push-out element (4) of the push-out device. A variety of different modifications of a carrier member (5) will be described in detail with reference to Figs. 7 to 12, and the ejection unit (1) can be fixed thereto. Here, Fig. 7 to Fig. 10 show a first preferred modification of the carrier member (5). In this modification, the carrier element (5) is composed of a carrier rib (33) having a c-shaped cross section and an end member (17) provided on both end sides, as shown in Figs. The carrier element (5) can be fastened to the specific side wall (8) (9) by means of the end piece (17). For this purpose, at the end piece (17), at least one connecting pin (19) is provided, which can be inserted into the side wall (8) (9) of the home body (6) for this purpose. In the gap (2 8). These recesses (28) are preferably hole snaps commonly found in furniture walls which allow the additional components to be held in different positions in a simple manner. As shown in Figures 9 and 10, the end region of the carrier rib is provided with a T-shaped member (21) which can be embedded in the end member (17) with a τ-shaped strip (23) t' connecting pin (19) provided at the end On the side of the piece (17) opposite the T-bar (23). In order to secure the carrier ribs (5) to the end piece (17), there are provided retaining elements (18) which have a plate (24) and a τ-type strip (23) into which the end piece (17) can be inserted. The frame strip (25) 'should be screwed to each other via a recess (2〇) in the retaining element (18) and a recess (22) in the end piece (17). Here, the plate (24) of the retaining element (18) closes the T-strip (23) of the end piece (17) towards the interior of the home, while the opposite side of the T-strip (23) of the end piece (17) On the rear wall of the home specific (6), the carrier rib (5) is indeed held on the end piece (17) after the holding element (18) is fixed. A modified embodiment of the carrier element (5) is shown in Figures 11 and 12. This carrier element is here designed in the form of a telescopic rod (26) which is held by the holder (a?) on the side wall (8) (9) of the body (6) of 201029601. Here, one of the retaining members (27) is preferably designed to have a polygonal dome shape which is designed to prevent the telescopic rod (28) from pivoting with the correspondingly designed end member of the telescopic rod (26). By using a telescopic tube, it is necessary to design furniture of different widths' as long as the type of carrier element is considered. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 to FIG. 3 are perspective views of various embodiments of the ejection unit of the present invention. FIG. 4 is a specific perspective view of a family member that is movably held on a body of a living body. Divided and set in the specific embodiment of the home; f 捭 Γ 5 and Figure 6 are different perspectives of the body, with the movable side to keep the furniture part of the home specific - different positions of the launch process 7 is a perspective view of the push unit of the fixed i without the power supply network part; the fixed material carrier... Fig. 8 is the outline of the push unit and the carrier element 囷; the side of the arrangement is not shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 for fixing An exploded view of the end piece; Fig. 11 and Fig. 2 of the carrier 7L on the cymbal are designed as a body diagram of the ejection unit of the J-type carrier element without the J-type carrier element fixed thereto . [Main component symbol description] (1) Push-out unit 201029601 (2) Housing (3) Push-out device (4) Push-out component (5) Carrier component (6) Home specific (7) Base plate (8) Side wall (9) Side wall (10) Rear wall (11) Pull out guide (12) First housing part (13) Second housing part (14) Connecting plate (15) Furniture (16) Drawer (17) End piece (18) Holding element ( 19) Connecting pin (20) Hole (21) T-piece (22) Hole (23) T-bar (24) Plate (25) Frame strip 201029601
(26) 伸縮桿 (27) 保持件 (28) 凹隙 (29) 插接裝置 (30) 電纜 (31) 固定手段 (32) 受控制的端子 (33) 載體棱條 (34) 孔洞(26) Telescopic rod (27) Holder (28) Recess (29) Plug-in device (30) Cable (31) Fixing means (32) Controlled terminal (33) Carrier rib (34) Hole