201028510 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之4術領域】 本發明係關於一種採用回收廢輪胎,不使用混凝土結合, 採用繩索、鋼條、螺絲、夾扣而能聯結成組件作為擋土牆或 保護海河床經得起财久沖刷。 【先前技術】 按,當趟風或豪雨來襲,常於短時間内降下巨額之雨量, 導致河川水量變大而水位上升’使得建造於此等河川上之橋 ❿樑基樁唪露或堤防被加以淘空,而有發生斷橋、潰堤…等意 外事故。然而,目前針對棊樁裸露所作之保護措施,僅在於 對基樁本身所作之結構補強,但此種方式之成效不彰,仍易 有發生斷橋之危機。 目前擋土牆或堤防或河床底,採用蛇籠(或稱石籠),以 鐵線格網填入石頭,鐵線細小及石頭成本也較高,且一定要 現場施工,耗費人工,工期也長,是為缺點。 φ 本人先前新型創作(申請案號:09721幻16),主要是防 止橋墩週圍河床及堤防附近基礎設施,防止其淘空,屬於河 道局部設施,需使用大量的混凝土,成品較高。 另案·本人發明(申請案號:09720744370) 〇丨可道的床 底全面要採用混凝土的結構來固定廢輪胎,而能耐沖刷。仍 有改善空間。 針對以上缺點,以下就發明的内容,提成本更低,更快 速的施工方法,讓審查人員更易明暸。 201028510 ζ發明内容】 有鑑於此,本發明之主要目的乃在於提供一種採用大簟廢 輪胎,能解決環你廢棄物的問題,所使用的廢輪胎租件固走結 構,不需使用石頭的蛇龍,人工财沖刷河床♦也可以不用混 凝土。 緣此,為_以上目的,結構相同,但用途可分成兩大項 來說明,配合圖示以方傅審查委員來瞭解,分別逾說如下·· 一種複數廢_胎,倆彳兩的胎肚緊密相鄰採用繩索、鋼條、螺絲穿孔或 ® 用粘璆連為一串的組件固定結構,其中: 兩側予以加蓋密封固定’廢輪船内可充填固體物; 或該組件豎立’廢輪船内可充填固體物作撞土結構; 或在河道的兩側設有基礎,可固定該組件成对床者; 說明如下: 參閱第-圏及第二圖,將直徑略等的(1 0 )單一廢輪胎複數個,倆 倆的(12)胎杜能緊密相鄰,其所謂(12)胎肚者,是指在非接 ❺.觸地面的(.11)船紋面的兩側鼓起如肚子者,可在工廠或工地組人 起來,採用(2 1)繩索、鋼條穿過(1 4)鋼絲圈孔,或(丄2 ) 胎肚上的(2 3)錢孔,也可採用(2 1C)粘膠及毛刷在廢輪胳的 (1 2)胎肚加粘膠,如此可連為一串,最後在(1 5)複數廢輪胳的 兩側,其中的一側先加上寸耐久及密封的平板物件的(2 & )封蓋, 例橡膠板塑膠板等,加以固定;固定方式為(3 4)鋼條螺牙加(2 5)墊片及(2 6)螺母鎖住,若是鋼索時用(2 7)鋼索失鎖住, 或用辞谬固定也可。單側密封後,固體.的無毒(2 9)廢棄物,可在 6' 201028510 雩 另側置入’在填充滿後,再以螺絲、墊片、鋼索夾等把(2 8)封蓋 鎖上。(2 8)封蓋若要更勞靠,可和(1 5)複數廢輪胎的兩側配合 (2 3)錢孔,如同機械的法欄,以便能更密合,使(2: 9)廢棄物 不外洩。此(2 9)廢棄物,若來源不足或太輕時,自可採用不被水 溶解的固體物,如砂土等。 在兩侧加封蓋予以密封固定的廢輪胎内充填無毒(2 9)廢棄物;如 此的廢輪胎组成堅實的長條狀(2 〇)成串的複數廢輪胎’其長度可 在一公尺至數公尺長,並可方便快速吊運工地場,g己合機具來施工, ❹其用途如同石頭蛇籠,其中(1 6)是石頭蛇籠部份示意,(1 7)鐵 絲網。 請參閱第三圖,若以(3 〇)橫躺廢輪離蛇嚴,取代(16)石頭蛇 壤,而能快速完成工程又節省人工,又比(17)鐵絲網更能对久, 組成的擋土牆,或放在河床上或河堤邊,將可耐河川砂石衝擊及沖刷。 此(3 0)橫躺廢輪船蛇籠’不使用(1 8)石頭填充,故可減少石 材的供應,即節省資源,同時解決兩種廢棄物,長期量大使用時,可 在乂蔽採用自動化及省人工快速生產,七地也節省人工,俠速施工。 ❹能省工,快速施工,省料又耐久,故能降低成本。若用(3 3)斜躺 廢輪籠結構’串連廢輪胎數較少時,可以完全豎立,上下兩側不 加封蓋,直择以工地的砂土來填充並壓實施工,各串的廢輪胳間加遽 水材,其排水效果會更好,向上側的土环以植生,可更接近自然生態。 另外,參閲第四圓,同法_成的固定結構,其長度要同等於(4 6) 人工河道宽度,以(21)繩索(最好是粗鋼索,拉力要足夠)或鋼 條,加上兩頭Y型又狀的(2 1A) Y型撐開支架,可把兩條(2工) 繩索揮開,並用(2 1 B )不锈鋼絲綁牢之,若(2 1)是鋼條時, 7 201028510 可、和(2 1A)的鐵條來鲜接 < 如此可組成(2 2 )樓紙结構(若採 用三支—的支_更_ ’並穿過(i 4)鋼關孔,可使柄俩相 臨廢輪胎的(1 2)胎肚緊臨,來組成直徑略等的一串廢輪胎。該廢 輪胎内可保持空的’不需填充(2 9 )廢棄物,以敝置在整平的(4 0 L人工河床底’以河道兩側可設(4 2)檔土牆或混凝土基杨以 固定’讓洪水可在(41)廢輪胎組成複數串的河床上通過d 為讓複數串的(2 0)唪串的複麟輪船,要形成面狀不被洪水沖散 開來’把要成隱定平面的床底,讓強大的含砂石的洪^通過,當在(2 ❿〇)成串的複祕輪胳固定的(2工)繩索、鋼條,成為橫向結構, 長期衝擊後’各串或會產生鬆緊不_情形,可用固 定的(4 5)鬆緊器加以調整,及在縱向可用工麟開廢輪胎,把(4 8)縱向的鋼條4鋼索’以(5^ )十字型鋼索夾加咖定之。如此, 將成格顿網狀結構’形舰定不會散_緊密的(4))廢輪驗 成複數串的$雜構’而河床巾不必獅大量的混凝土來結合,另外 ’ n形成積砂’增加廢輪胎的安定性。另外若有大石沖 擊時,也可被全面的網狀體及之廢輪胎的彈性吸收,而河床中無藏凝 • 土會被毁損的疑慮。 另,(51)十字型鋼索决,並無市售品可用,當可採用特製的單一大 螺絲的鐵管’做成(5 2)管狀十字溝槽,可讓繩索、鋼條置冬,上 方單一的(5 3)大螺母,即可套住並鎖緊,比一般的(之7)鋼索 夾’為一真線狀而且要鎖兩個螺絲τ將更省時方便。 為避免廢輪胎引出的(21)繩索、鋼條受沖刷,可另外加設具(4 7)人行孔的混凝土(4 2)擋土牆或基礎,也就是在河道岸邊做含 201028510 廢輪胎的稽土牆,可應用本人先前暫型創作(申讀案號: 097219216)·主要今防止橋墩及堤降周固附近被掏空的廢輪 胎及混凝土的組件做成豎立的擋土牆,該(44)擋土牆穿孔, 可讓廢輪舱引电的繩索、鋼條通過,引至牆外加設的(4 7 )人行孔 内,再以(4 5)鬆緊器抅住人行孔侧邊的(4 3)鋼圈上。 以上同結構的兩種產品’除河床上可用,海岸邊海床上也可運用。 ❹ ,9 201028510 【實施方式】 為使貴審查委員能對本發明之特徵與特點有更進一步 ^了解與認同’在發明内容已有說明時,將減少重覆,另就 說月的彡歹】舉以下較佳實施例加強補充並配合圖式說 明如下: 帛—圖為單“麼輪胎各部說明示意圖,(10)為單一的 廢輪脸,(1 1 )為胎紋面,(1 2)為胎肚,即有向外凸起部 伤’(1 3 )為鋼絲圈,(1 4 )為鋼絲圈孔。 ❹ 第二圖為複數的廢輪胎組成-串的示意圖,其中,可採 用穿過(14)鋼絲圈孔用組成(2 2)镎開結構,其中兩 條(2 1 )繩索、鋼條不會受擠壓變窄,也可採用穿過( 胎肚的鑽孔(2 3 )’則可使廢輪胎更為固定,其中繩索鋼 條、螺絲在示意圖是兩條,但也可以是三條以上,多條則固 定性較佳,材料及人卫自錄多,此##看施工的品質及固 定程度婆求而定。 帛三圓為廢輪胎蛇籠應用示意圖,如圖一成串(12)胎 料目接鄰能產生賴的輪胎内部,若兩侧加封以(28)封蓋, 即為(3 0)難廢輪麟籠,也可岐(3 3)斜鑛輪胳蛇籠, 狀在(31)河床战置,即可耐沖刷及财衝擊,如放置在如斜坡 上,即可成擋楼,如(3 2)斜坡剖面所示,也會是滲水良好的耐 久性的生_土牆。其中(3 3 )斜躺廢輪胎蛇籠,若不是絲串時, 是可以完全1:立,上卞_不加織,雄_場的砂土填充並壓實 施工,祐成為矮的擋土牆,其排水效。 第四圖為人工河道的組成示意圖,將第二周成串 的複絲輪#以(2 1)繩索、鋼條穿孔完成後,其延伸經(4 to 201028510 擋土牆穿?L,以(4 5 )鬆緊器抅住(4 7)人行孔内的(4 3 )鋼 圈,本實施例,將可應用在本人發明(申請案號:09720744370) 的直線河道。可提供另一種不需混凝土的对沖河床,將可節 省可觀的混凝Λ黉用,但需另建固定的擋土牆成基礎’其中 若廢輪胎若有損壞時,還可拆卸更換之。 第五圖為十字型鋼索夾示意圖及廢輪胎俩偭相臨採用螺絲固 定法示意圖,其中前後半的(54)剖開一半的廢輪胎示意,方便 看到各(2 3)鑽孔,以(2 4)鋼條螺牙即螺絲’(2 5)墊片,(2 ❹6)螺母等可將(1〇)單一廢輪胎倆倆互鎖戒(2 0)複數成串的 廢命胎。 以上所述實施例僅係為說明本發明之技術思想及特點,其目的在 使熟悉此項技藝之人士能夠瞭解本創作之内容並據以實施,當不能以 之限定本發明之專利範®,即大凡依本發明所揭示之精神所作之均等 變化或修飾’仍應涵蓋在本發明之專利範圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 ❿第‘圖為單一廢輪胎及部份石籠市意圖。 第二圖為複數的廢輪胎組成一串的示意圖。 第三圖為廢輪胎蛇籠應用示意圖。 第四圖為人工河道組成示意圖。 苐五圖為十字型鋼索夾及螺絲互鎖廢輪胎示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 (1 0)單一廢輪船 (1 2)胎肚 (1 4)鋼絲圈孔》 (11)胎紋面 (13)鋼絲圈201028510 IX. Description of the invention: [4 fields of invention] The present invention relates to a recycling waste tire, which can be joined as a retaining wall or protected by ropes, steel bars, screws, clips without using concrete. The seabed can withstand a long time. [Prior Art] According to the hurricane or heavy rain, the huge amount of rainfall is often reduced in a short period of time, resulting in a large amount of water in the river and an increase in the water level, which makes the piles of the bridges on the rivers or the embankments It was taken out of the air, and there were accidents such as broken bridges and broken dykes. However, the current protection measures for the bare piles are only to strengthen the structure of the pile itself, but the effectiveness of this method is not good, and it is still prone to the crisis of broken bridges. At present, the retaining wall or the embankment or the bottom of the river bed is made of a snake cage (or a stone cage). The iron wire mesh is used to fill the stone. The iron wire is small and the cost of the stone is high. It must be constructed on site, costing labor and long construction period. Is for the disadvantages. φ My previous new creation (application number: 09721 Fantasy 16) is mainly to prevent the infrastructure around the riverbed and embankment around the pier and prevent it from being emptied. It belongs to the local facilities of the river and requires a lot of concrete and high finished products. Another case · I invention (application number: 09720744370) The bed at the bottom of the road is to use a concrete structure to fix the waste tire and to be able to withstand flushing. There is still room for improvement. In view of the above shortcomings, the following inventions provide a lower cost and faster construction method, making it easier for reviewers to understand. 201028510 ζ ζ 内容 有 有 有 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 Dragons, artificial wealth can wash the riverbed ♦ You can also use concrete. Therefore, for the purpose of _ above, the structure is the same, but the use can be divided into two major items to explain, with the illustration of the Fang Fu review committee to understand, respectively, said the following: · A plural waste _ tire, two 胎 two fetal belly Tightly adjacent ropes, steel bars, screw perforations or ® bonded to a series of component fixing structures, where: both sides are sealed and sealed 'the waste ship can be filled with solids; or the assembly is erected 'waste ship The solid material can be filled into the earth-moving structure; or the foundation can be fixed on both sides of the river channel to fix the component to the bed; the description is as follows: Refer to the first and second figures, the diameter is slightly equal (1 0) There are a plurality of single waste tires, and the two (12) tires can be closely adjacent. The so-called (12) tire belly refers to the sides of the ship's surface that are not connected to the ground (.11). For those who are in the stomach, they can be used in the factory or on the construction site. (2 1) ropes, steel bars pass through (1 4) wire ring holes, or (丄 2) tire holes (2 3) money holes, also Use (2 1C) viscose and brush on the waste wheel (1 2) tire belly plus viscose, so that it can be connected as a string, and finally at (1 5) On both sides of the scrap wheel, one side is firstly provided with a (2 & ) cover of a durable and sealed flat object, such as a rubber sheet plastic plate, etc.; the fixing method is (3 4) steel strip Screws (2 5) washers and (2 6) nuts are locked. If the cable is used, (2 7) the cable is not locked, or it can be fixed with the word. After one-side sealing, the solid non-toxic (2 9) waste can be placed on the other side of the 6' 201028510 ' ' after filling, and then locked with screws, gaskets, steel cable clamps, etc. (2 8) on. (2 8) If the cover is to be more laborious, it can be matched with (1 3) the sides of the multiple waste tires (2 3) money holes, like the mechanical fence, so as to be more close, so (2: 9) Waste is not leaked. This (2 9) waste, if the source is insufficient or too light, can use solid materials that are not dissolved by water, such as sand. The waste tires sealed on both sides are sealed with non-toxic (29) waste; such waste tires form a solid long strip (2 〇) string of multiple waste tires, which can be one meter in length. It is a few meters long, and it can be conveniently and quickly lifted to the construction site. It is used for construction, and its use is like a stone snake cage. Among them, (1 6) is a part of the stone snake cage, (1 7) barbed wire. Please refer to the third picture. If you use (3 〇) to lie apart from the snake, instead of (16) stone snake soil, you can quickly complete the project and save labor, and it is more durable than (17) wire mesh. Retaining walls, or placed on riverbeds or river embankments, will be able to withstand the impact and erosion of river sand. This (3 0) horizontally lying waste ship snake cage 'does not use (1 8) stone filling, so it can reduce the supply of stone, that is, save resources, and solve two kinds of waste at the same time, when used for a long time, it can be automated in the blinding And the province's manual rapid production, the seven places also save labor, speed construction. It can save labor, quickly construct, save materials and be durable, so it can reduce costs. If the (3 3) reclining waste wheel cage structure is used, the number of waste tires in series can be completely erected, and the upper and lower sides are not covered, and the sand of the construction site is directly selected to be filled and pressed, and the strings are When the waste wheel is twisted with water, the drainage effect will be better, and the soil ring on the upper side will be planted, which is closer to the natural ecology. In addition, refer to the fourth circle, the fixed structure of the same method, the length of which is equal to (4 6) artificial river channel width, with (21) rope (preferably thick steel cable, sufficient pulling force) or steel bar, plus The upper two Y-shaped (2 1A) Y-shaped open brackets can be used to swing two (2 workers) ropes and fasten them with (2 1 B) stainless steel wires. If (2 1) is a steel bar , 7 201028510 can be, and (2 1A) iron bars are freshly connected < so can constitute (2 2) floor paper structure (if three branches - more _ ' and through (i 4) steel close hole The tires of the two sides of the scrap tires (1 2) are placed close to each other to form a string of waste tires of a slightly smaller diameter. The waste tires can be kept empty without the need to fill (2 9 ) waste to敝 Placed in the flat (40 L artificial riverbed bottom) can be set on both sides of the river (4 2) retaining wall or concrete base Yang to fix 'Let the flood can be passed on the (41) waste tires forming a plurality of riverbeds d In order to make the plural (20) 复 的 复 复 , , , , , , , , 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复 复At (2 ❿ 〇) A series of complex fixed wheel (2 workers) ropes and steel bars, which become a horizontal structure. After a long-term impact, the strings may be tight or not. It can be adjusted with a fixed (4 5) elastic. And in the longitudinal direction, the available tires can be used to open the waste tires, and the (4 8) longitudinal steel strips 4 steel cables are fixed by the (5^) cross-shaped steel cable clamps. Thus, the grid-shaped network structure will not be shaped. The scattered_close (4) waste wheel is inspected as a multi-string of the miscellaneous structure, while the riverbed towel does not have to be combined with a large amount of concrete by the lion, and the 'n formed sand" increases the stability of the waste tire. In addition, if there is a big stone impact It can also be absorbed by the elastic of the comprehensive mesh body and the waste tires, and there is no doubt that the riverbed will be damaged in the riverbed. In addition, (51) cross-shaped steel cable, there is no commercial product available, when The special double-screw iron pipe is made of (5 2) tubular cross groove, which can make the rope and steel strip winter, and a single (5 3) large nut on the top can be nested and locked. The (7) steel cable clamp 'is a true line and it is more convenient to lock the two screws τ. To avoid waste The (21) ropes and steel bars drawn from the tires are washed away, and a concrete (42) retaining wall or foundation with a walking hole (4 7) may be additionally provided, that is, a soil containing 201028510 waste tires on the bank of the river. Wall, can be applied to my previous temporary creation (application number: 097219216). Mainly prevent the piers and concrete components of the piers and embankments from being hollowed out to form an upright retaining wall. (44) The perforation of the retaining wall allows the ropes and steel bars that lead to the waste wheel well to pass through, and is led to the (4 7) pedestrian hole installed outside the wall, and then the side of the pedestrian hole is clamped by the (4 5) elastic device (4 3) On the steel ring. The above two products of the same structure 'can be used in addition to the river bed, can also be used on the seabed on the coast. ❹ , 9 201028510 [Embodiment] In order to enable your review board to further understand and agree with the features and characteristics of the present invention, 'when the invention has been described, it will reduce the repetition, and the other is to say the moon. The following preferred embodiment is supplemented and supplemented with the following description: 帛—The figure is a single “illustration of each part of the tire, (10) is a single waste wheel face, (1 1 ) is a tread surface, (1 2) is The fetal belly, that is, the outward convex part injury '(1 3 ) is the traveler, and (1 4) is the traveler hole. ❹ The second figure is a schematic diagram of the plural waste tire composition-string, in which (14) The wire ring hole is composed of (2 2) split structure, in which two (2 1 ) ropes and steel bars are not narrowed by extrusion, and can also be used to pass through (the bore of the fetal belly (2 3 ) 'The scrap tires can be fixed more. The steel bars and screws are two in the schematic, but they can be three or more. The multiple pieces are more fixed. The materials and people are self-recorded. The quality and the degree of fixation depend on the requirements. 帛三圆 is a schematic diagram of the application of the waste tire cage, as shown in Figure 1 12) The tire material can be connected to the inside of the tire. If both sides are sealed with (28) cover, it is (3 0) difficult to waste wheel cage, or 岐 (3 3) oblique mine wheel snake cage, In the (31) riverbed, it can withstand erosion and financial impact. If it is placed on a slope, it can be a block. As shown in the (3 2) slope section, it will also be a good durability of water seepage. _ soil wall. Among them (3 3 ) reclining waste tire snake cage, if it is not a string, it can be completely 1: vertical, upper 卞 _ no woven, male _ field sand filled and pressed to work, you can become short The retaining wall has its drainage effect. The fourth picture shows the composition of the artificial river channel. The second week is a series of multi-filament wheels. After the (2 1) rope and steel bars are pierced, the extension is extended (4 to 201028510). The earth wall is worn by L, and the (4 3) steel ring in the pedestrian hole is clamped by the (4 5 ) elastic device. In this embodiment, the straight channel of the invention (application number: 09720744370) can be applied. Another kind of hedged riverbed that does not require concrete can be provided, which will save considerable coagulation, but need to build a fixed retaining wall to form a foundation. If there is damage, it can be disassembled and replaced. The fifth picture shows the cross-shaped steel cable clamp and the scrap tires. The two sides of the front and the rear (54) cut off half of the waste tires, it is convenient to see For each (2 3) drilling, (2 4) steel thread screw, ie screw '(2 5) gasket, (2 ❹6) nut, etc. (1〇) single waste tire interlocking ring (2 0 The above-mentioned embodiments are merely illustrative of the technical idea and features of the present invention, and the purpose thereof is to enable those skilled in the art to understand the contents of the present invention and implement them according to It is to be understood that the invention is not limited to the scope of the invention as defined by the scope of the invention. [Simple description of the map] ❿The first picture shows the intention of a single waste tire and part of the city. The second picture is a schematic diagram of a series of waste tires. The third picture shows the application of the waste tire cage. The fourth picture is a schematic diagram of the composition of the artificial river. The fifth picture shows a cross-shaped steel cable clamp and a screw interlocking waste tire. [Main component symbol description] (1 0) Single waste ship (1 2) Tire belly (1 4) Wire ring hole (11) Tread surface (13) Travel ring
(1 5 )複數廢輪胎的兩俏1J 11 201028510 (1 6)石頭蛇籠部份示意 (18)石頭 (2 0)複數戍串的廢輪胎 (21A)Y型撐開支架 (2 1 C )粘膠及· (2 3)鑽孔 (2 5)墊片 © (2 7)鋼索夾 (2 9)廢棄物 (3 0)橫躺廢輪胎蛇籠 (3 2)斜坡剖面 (4 0)人工河床底 (4 2)擋土牆 ® (4 4)擋土牆穿孔 (4 6)人工河道宽度 (17)鐵絲網 (21)繩索、鋼條 (2 1 B)不锈鋼絲 (2 2)撐開結構 (2 4)鋼條螺牙 (2 6)螺母 (2 8)封蓋 (31)河床 (33)斜躺廢輪胎蛇籠 (41)廢輪胎組成複數串的河床 (4 3)固定孔 (45)鬆緊器 (4 7)人行孔 (4 8)緃向的鋼條 (51)十字鋼索夾 (5 2)管狀逢槽 (5 3)大螺母 (5 4)剖開一半的廢輪胎(1 5) Two pretty tires of the tires 1J 11 201028510 (1 6) Part of the stone snake cage (18) Stone (2 0) A number of waste tires (21A) Y-shaped bracket (2 1 C) Glue and (2 3) Drilling (2 5) Gasket © (2 7) Steel Cable Clamp (2 9) Waste (3 0) Horizontally lying tire tyre cage (3 2) Slope profile (40) Artificial river bed bottom (4 2) Retaining wall® (4 4) Retaining wall perforation (4 6) Artificial channel width (17) Barbed wire (21) Rope, steel bar (2 1 B) Stainless steel wire (2 2) Propping structure (2 4) Steel thread nut (2 6) nut (2 8) Cover (31) River bed (33) Reclining waste tire cage (41) Waste tires composed of multiple strings of riverbed (4 3) Fixing holes (45) Tensioner (4 7) Pedestrian hole (4 8) 钢 steel bar (51) cross cable clamp (5 2) tubular grooving (5 3) large nut (5 4) cut off half of the waste tire