200524571 七、指定代表圖: (一) 本案指定代表圖為··第(36 ) (二) 本代表圖之元件符號簡單說明: 1 本發明之魔墊 4 本發明之搬運體 9-2 :病床 9-4 病患卧姿 9-7 電動車 凡本案若有化學式時,請揭示最能顯示發明特徵的化學式:200524571 VII. Designated representative map: (1) The designated representative map in this case is (36) (II) The component symbols of this representative map are simply explained: 1 The magic pad of the present invention 4 The carrier of the present invention 9-2: Hospital bed 9-4 Patient lying position 9-7 Electric vehicle If there is a chemical formula in this case, please disclose the chemical formula that best shows the characteristics of the invention:
4E J\\> 九、發明說明:4E J \\ > IX. Description of the invention:
【發明所屬之技術領域I 本發明所屬之技術領域分為两部份,其一為獨特結構而具彎曲 特性之魔墊,舖墊在輪椅、病床或擔架上;其二為具有獨特結構與 多组油壓系統之搬運體,操控該搬運體油壓系統調整魔墊之伸縮、 彎曲舆升降,即可依病患原有之姿勢,將病患連同魔墊從輪椅、病 床或擔架上吊起來運走,達到搬運病患可不變動病患姿勢之目的。 尚因本發明之魔墊與搬運體相互配合之搬運病患可不變動病患姿勢 之裝置,其所具有多項特殊結構與油壓系統調節功能,更可使病患 在病床上缓慢地調整病患之坐姿、臥姿或舒適的姿勢,因而病患可 以兩脚落地坐在魔墊上靠近桌邊用餐、寫字或腳着地活動,更有助 病患更衣、冲澡,並可以抽出魔墊內部份魔墊棒而利病患入廁等多 項功能,對減低病患痛苦及工作人員之困擾,深具意義。 【先前技術】 病患搬運,無論從擔架搬到推車上;或從推車上搬到病床上; 200524571 或從輪椅上搬上搬下等種種搬動工作,必需將手或物件穿過病患臀 部或背部,找到適當的支撐點,才能幫助病患坐起或搬動,在這個 過程中,都可能碰觸或壓縮到病患肌肉、器官、骨骼或傷痛部位, 因而搬動或變更病患任何姿势,都會對病患產生疼痛,然而病患因 診察病情和生活上的需要,必需經常搬動;如抬起身軀、上下床、 更衣、沐浴、入廁、或在輪椅上搬上搬下等等,都要病患勉強起身 或強力變動病i姿勢而遭受痛苦,才能在人力協助下搬動;如果體 重較重的人,尚需多人協力搬動才行,因之,病患的搬運,經常困 擾醫護人員、家屬和病患本身。據所知,國內外的各種病患搬運器 具與方法,尚不能滿足當今社會上眾多參與病患搬運工作人員之需 要,發明人有鑑於此,經過長期的研究與反復論證,解决許多問題 和克服眾多困難與挫折,終於發明本「搬運病患可不變動病患姿勢 之裝置該搬運裝置係採用按鈕或遙控操作方式,自病患放在舖有 本發明魔墊之擔架上起,即可在不變動病患姿勢的情況下,從事病 患各種搬運工作;如:1.從担架上搬到推車上,2.從推車上搬運到 手術台上或病床上,3.從手術台上搬回病床上,又可在病床上,依· 病患的需要,將病患的頭抬起,放在枕頭上;或把病患的腳伸直或 彎曲或坐起,緩慢地找到病患舒適的姿勢,4.將病患從床上搬下 來,把脚踩在地上活動、脚落地坐着吃飯、寫字、更換衣服、淋浴 或擦乾身子〔淋浴時浴室或病房空間要夠大,可容納病患搬運裝置 在室內活動〕,以及在本搬運裝置上大小便或坐在抽水馬桶上等, 5.將病患自動放進輪椅,或從輪椅上自動升起來搬運到其他地方等 等,這些動作均可由一人照料操作,如病患熟稳操作方法,除了需 要預先抽出魔墊棒供入廁之需外,病患可自行遙控操作,並且可將 本發明之搬運髖安裝在電動車或推車上,由駕駛人操控全部工作, 相信這許多繁雜的工作,非一般病患搬運工具及先前技藝之各種工 具可以辦到。〔附呈所搜集到的部份國内外搬運病患的工具與方法 資料,敬請參考比較〕 200524571 【發明內容】 發明人有鑑於目前國内外病患搬運工具之眾多缺失,實有改 進之必要,經細心觀察醫院內病患之種種搬運情況,發現病患在搬 運的過程中,往往因搬運而必需改變病患原有姿勢,先從擔架上搬 上推椅,再從推椅搬上手術台或病床上等,如此搬來搬去,必需強 力挪動病患身軀,觸碰或壓縮病患的肌肉、骨骼、器官或病患傷痛 部位而產生種種疼痛,尤其是病患從輪椅上搬上搬下,以及爲病患 更衣、沖澡、入廁等等,除了病患必須忍受極大的痛苦外,對醫護 人員與家屬之困擾,不言而喻。發明人即着手硏究如何能使病患在 搬運過程中,保持原有姿勢不變,避免碰觸或壓縮病患身體的任何 部位,必能减少病患之痛苦,因之,發明人不眠不休地硏究,經過 長期奮鬥,克Μ種種困難與挫折,始解决不變動病患任何姿勢之各 種搬運難题。本搬運裝置除可因不變動病患任何姿勢而達到搬運之 目的外,尙因該搬運裝置之多項特殊結構與^}^,對减輕病患因搬 運而產生的痛苦與解决病患生活上活難題,以及减少醫護人員與病 患家屬諸多困擾,均有助益。本發明之「搬運病患可不變動病患姿 勢之裝置j主要係本發明之魔墊與搬運體相互配合而達成不變_ 患任何姿勢之搬運目的;更因魔墊與搬運體之其他多項輔助功能, 進一步有助病患如更衣、沖澡、地上活動及入廁等等,希望本發明 對社會有所貢獻。 【*施方式】 本發明之「搬運病患不變動病患姿勢之裝置L包括魔墊與搬 蓮體兩部份,兹就該兩部份所附圖式,分開逐項說明本發明之實施 方式;以便審査大員詳細了解本發明之特殊結構與其功能和特性> Α首先就魔垫部份,由圖一至圓十等圖式分別解說如下: 請參閱圖一與圖二,該等圖式係本發明魔墊之平面舆分解圖,從該 等圖式可以清楚看出其中1為組合各元件之魔墊總 成,簡稱魔墊1,該魔墊1係由多個魔墊棒1 —工排 列安裝在車鏈式魔墊架2之上;該車鏈式魔墊架2, 顧名思義,係利用車鏈之可彎曲特性,用以製作魔墊 之框架2 ,使魔墊χ可依病患之姿勢彎曲而保持病患 姿勢不變;而魔墊棒1一1係由魔墊棒之鋼管棒棒蕊 1一 3外包軟質發泡膠棉χ 一 2所製成,作為具有彈 性之墊褥;在本魔墊1之上,亦可加添其他醫院或病 患之墊褥;該魔墊棒1一1之兩端,其一端為魔墊棒 之鉤吊柄1~ 5,另一端為手柄1 一 4,從分解圖側 面可以看出,該魔墊架2之兩邊,其一邊裝置魔棒手 柄放置口 2 — 4及放置口之護蓋2 — 5,用以放置魔 墊棒1 一 1之手柄1 一 4,其作用係在病患入廁時, 可抽出病患臀部下方魔墊棒1一1之用;同一邊,亦 安裝車鏈式護欄固定架3 — 1之護欄3,可舆魔墊1 同步彎曲,以保護病患在任何姿勢情況下之安全;除 此之外,在車鐽式魔墊架2之適當部位,尚有安全扣. 帶2 — 7之裝置,雙重保護病患安全。該護欄3為摺 疊式,為防止該摺疊式護欄拉起使用時自動塌下來, 特備有活動支柱3 —4,該活動支柱3 —4固定在車 鏈式魔墊架2之上,並有轉動扣3 — 3,可在護欄3 摺疊時固定於護檷支柱固定扣2 — 8之上;該車鐽式 魔墊架2之另一邊,裝設魔棒鉤吊柄插入口2 — 6用 以插入魔墊棒鉤吊柄1-5 ;當魔墊棒鉤吊柄1一 5 被吊起時,該支魔墊棒1一1連帶車鐽式魔墊架2 , 亦即魔墊1被吊起而彎曲至貼近病患身體為止,因而 魔墊1托住病患之彎曲部位,保持病患之姿勢不變。 該車鏈式魔墊架2係用轉輪2 — 1及其連接片2 — 2 與螺絲及華司2 — 3所組成,或以焊接加固。該魔墊 1係放置在輪椅、病床或擔架上,配合本發明之搬運 200524571 體4使用,而能達到本發明之搬運病患不變動病患姿 勢及其他多種功能。 請参閱圖三、該圖式係本發明魔墊棒之鉤吊柄插入魔墊架鉤住魔墊 鉤吊柄之平面圖,從該圖可以清楚看出魔墊棒1 一1 之鉤吊柄1一5插入車鏈式魔墊架2之插入口 2 — 6 *之內,油壓伸縮吊桿6之吊鉤6 —4伸入車鏈式魔墊 架2釣住魔墊棒1一1之鉤吊柄1一 5。 請参閱圖四、該圖式係本發明之油壓伸縮吊桿在魔墊架內釣住魔墊 鉤吊柄之側面圖,從該圖式可以清楚看出油壓伸縮吊 桿6之吊鉤6 — 5,在魔墊架2內鉤住魔墊鉤吊柄1 一5;而該鉤吊柄上之吊鉤活動環6—4係使吊鉤6 一 5轉動而易於伸入魔塾架2内釣住魔塾釣吊柄1一 5之用,〔請參閱圖十八該吊鉤活動環6 — 4之詳細 說明〕;從該側面圖式,亦可看出魔墊棒1一1外包 之軟質發泡膠棉1 一 2之側面。 請参閱圖五、該圖式係本發明魔墊棒一端之手柄放置在車鏈式魔塾 框架之放置口上,扣上護蓋之平面圖,從該圖可以清 楚看出魔墊棒1一1之手柄1一 4放置在車鏈式魔墊 架2之放置口2—4之內,該放置口2—4之護藎2 一 5蓋妥之平面。 請参閱圖六、圖七、該等圖式係本發明魔墊部份魔墊棒一端之手柄, 從車鏈式魔墊框架上取出之示意與分解圖,從該兩圖 式可以清楚看出魔墊棒1一1之手柄1一 4放置在魔 塾架2 —邊之魔墊棒手柄放置口 2 — 4 ,該活動護蓋 2 — 5為打開狀,係顯示當病患需要準備入廁時,可 將需要取出之魔墊棒1一1之活動護蓋2 — 5掰開, 即可將手柄1一 4取出該支魔墊棒1一1,其他無需 ^ 取出之魔墊棒1 一 1,與護檷3仍在魔墊架2之上。 請参聞圖八、九、舆十,該等圖式係本發明魔墊框架上護檷升起與 9 200524571 疊起之平面圖、升起與疊起之側面圖,從該等圖式中 可以清楚看出魔墊1之護檷3,係以車鏈式魔墊框架 2同式之車鏈式護檷固定架3 — 1與多個摺疊式攔杆 3- 2與其活動鈕3-3所組成,因而護襴3與可魔 墊1可同步彎曲;兩片摺疊式攔杆3 — 2分別固定於 • ‘車鏈式魔墊架2與車鏈式護欄固定架3 — 1之兩邊, . 不使用時,摺疊於車鏈式魔墊架2之上,必要時向上 拉伸為護檷3;當護襴3拉起後,該護檷3之護檷固 定架3 — 1安裝之護橘支柱3 — 4,自動墜下,即可 扣於車鏈式魔_ 2之護襴支柱固定扣2 — 8上;同 * 理,護襴支柱3-4在護檷3摺疊時,可摺疊與扣緊 在車鐽式魔墊架2之上,因而不妨礙病患之上下魔墊 1〇 ☆再就搬運體部份,由圖Η至二Η等圖式分別說明其結徵功能、 舆操作方法如下: 請参閱圖十一、十二、十三及十四圖,該等圖式係本發明搬運體部 份之立體圖,其中包括搬運體吊掛槽上下升降、左右 延伸及同時上下升降與左右延伸等油壓系統之立體 φ 圖,從該等圖式可以看出,該搬運體4,包括總架4 —1平衡載重物4 —2、滾輪4 一 3、油壓總栗4 一 4、油壓系統儀表板及控制箱4 一 5、油壓及電路管 線4 一 6、油壓伸縮吊桿之吊掛槽5、延伸吊掛槽5 一2及伸縮6、上下升降7舆左右延伸8等油壓系統 ^ 所組成;其中吊掛槽5及其延伸吊掛槽5 — 2〔吊掛 一 槽之結構另圖詳細說明〕,係用以套掛多個油壓伸縮吊 桿6於其内銷管5—1之上;該油壓伸縮吊桿6,係 以其吊鉤6 — 5鉤住魔墊1之魔墊棒鉤吊柄1一 5於 魔墊架2之上,按該號油壓伸縮吊桿6之控制鈕6- 10 200524571 8,吊起該號魔塾棒1 — 1靠近病患身體;以此類推, 吊起病患幾個必要部位點,使魔墊1彎曲而托住病患 身體彎曲部份,保持病患之姿勢不變,俟吊起之魔墊 棒1一1與病患原有姿勢密合後,即可按鈕控制上下 升降油壓系統7,將吊掛槽5或其左右延伸吊掛槽5 ’·一2舉起,即連帶將伸縮吊桿6所吊掛之魔墊棒1一 . 1與坐臥在魔墊1上之病患一併升離輪椅與病床,即 可達到搬運病患可不變動病患姿勢之目的。從該等圖. 式可以清楚看出,由於魔墊1必需適合病床與輪椅, 以及病患坐姿與臥姿之不同長度,如加長吊掛槽5 , * 必因過長而影響本搬運體4之迴轉靈活度;如採用兩 截式吊掛槽5,又會在吊掛槽5中間之伸縮吊捍6無 法分配到病患身體中間部位,因而研究出在吊掛槽5 之頂上兩邊,各安裝與其同型之左右延伸之吊掛槽5 一 2 ;當吊掛槽5內之伸縮吊桿6不足以涵蓋病患身 長所需時,按左右延伸油壓系統8之按鈕,推動吊掛-槽5內之左右延伸吊掛槽5 — 2,並由其滑輪5 — 3 將左右延伸吊掛槽5—2內之伸縮吊桿6,延伸至病 患所需長度為止,因此,在左右延伸之吊掛槽5—2 參 延伸之同時,原吊掛槽5內,亦可吊掛油壓伸縮吊桿 6而分佈於病患身體中間部位,符合病患身體各部位 彎曲情況之需要。為顧及搬運體4及其油壓系統總栗 之重量不足以與載運病患之負荷平衡,在搬運體4之 底部安裝可調節適當重量之平衡物4 一 2 ,以確保搬 運病患之安全。 ^ 請参閱圖十五、十六、十七、十八、十九、二十及二Η —圖,該等 圖式係本發明吊掛槽與左右延伸吊掛槽之立體分解 圖、吊掛槽內部吊桿油壓系統之結構透視圖、吊掛槽 內之銅管套掛油壓吊捍之分解圖、油壓吊桿吊起魔墊 11 200524571 之分解圖、油壓系統吊桿負荷前後之侧面圖與油壓吊 桿吊起魔墊之示意圖,上述各圖乃吊掛槽5與延伸吊 槽5 — 2之詳細說明,從該等圖式可以清楚看出本發 明吊掛槽5與左右延伸吊掛槽5 — 2皆固定在上下升 降油壓系統7—1之焊接處7 — 2,該吊掛槽5與左 *右延伸吊掛槽5—2之內皆用油壓吊桿6之吊環6— 1套掛在該等吊掛槽内銅管5—1之上,因左右延伸 油壓系統8安裝在吊掛槽5之頂上,因而在左右延伸 吊掛槽5 — 2由左右延伸油壓系統8推出向左右延伸 之同時,該吊掛槽5內之吊掛油壓吊桿6,可控制病 患中間部位之姿勢;該等伸縮吊捍、上下升降與左右 延伸之控制按鈕6 — 8、7 — 3與8 — 3,在同一按 鈕内,安裝在吊掛槽5之兩邊,方便按鈕操控油壓系 統,其中包括吊桿6吊起魔墊棒1 一 1與病患身體彎 曲部位之密合動作;從其結構透視舆分解圖中,可以 清楚看出吊桿6之油壓筒掛環6 — 1,套掛在吊掛槽. 5與左右延伸吊掛槽5 —2內銷管5 — 1之上,由於 顧及到吊捍6之油壓筒掛環6 — 1,在無負荷時,必 需在銅管5 — 1之上靈活移動,以利移動到吊鉤6 — 5所需鉤住魔墊棒鉤吊柄1一5之位置,然而,當魔 棒1一1依病患姿勢被吊起時,這些掛環6—1又必 需在銷管5 — 1上停止而不會自行滑動而影響病患之 姿勢,因此,該掛環6—1採用彈性銅片等特殊材料 所製成,並在銷管5 — 1之表面作粗糙或齒形加工處 理5 — 4 ;當該油壓筒掛環6 — 1在銷管5 — 1上必 需隨意移動時,該掛環6 — 1為6 — 6之形狀,當該 油壓筒掛環6 — 1因負荷則變爲6 — 7之形狀而停止 在鋼管5 — 1之上而不動,更因該銅管5 一1之表面 作粗糙或齒形加工處理5 — 4,該油壓筒掛環6 — 1 12 200524571 負荷後,更無自由滑動之虞,確保病患之姿勢不變, 當無負荷時,該油壓筒掛環6 一 1即因其彈性放鬆而 恢復原狀,易於移動;為更清楚說明該油壓吊桿6操 作實際之情況,請參閱該等側面圖看出該吊掛槽5與 5 — 2内吊桿6之掛環6 — 1負荷前與後形狀之不 ‘同,以及示意圖中魔墊棒1 — 1吊起而固定於銅管5 —1鋸齒表面5 — 4之上之功能與操作情況。 ☆最後,就本發明「搬運病患可不變動病患姿勢之裝置」之實施例, 從圖二十二至圖三十六等圖式分別說明如下: 請参閱圖二十二、二十三、二十四、二十五、二十六舆二+七等 圖,該等圖式為本發明之魔墊放在輪椅或病床上、本 發明搬運體靠近舖有魔墊輪椅或病床,以及油壓伸縮 吊桿保持病患原有姿勢不變,再由上下油壓系統將病 患連同魔墊從輪椅或病床上升起,使病患升離輪椅或 病床而達到不變動病患姿勢而能搬運病患等示意圖, 從該等圖式可以看出本發明之魔墊1,依所需裝配魔 墊1之輪椅或病床規格尺寸,放置在輪椅或病床之 上;安全扣帶2 — 7舆防止魔墊滑動之掛飽1一 6安 裝在魔墊架2之適當位置。本發明之搬運體4移近病 患舖有魔墊1之輪椅9 一1或病床9 一 2 ,然後,握 住伸縮吊桿6之油壓筒6 — 2 ,移動該油壓筒6 — 2 之掛環6 — 1,使伸縮吊桿之吊鉤6 — 5,鉤住病患 適當部位之鉤吊柄1 — 5 ,按該號伸縮吊桿油壓控制 鈕6 — 8,將已鉤住之魔墊棒1 一 1吊起托住病患身 體,以保持病患原有姿勢不變;再按上下升降油壓控 制鈕7 — 3,上下升降油壓系統7將魔墊1連同其護 欄3,以及依照病患原有坐姿9 一 3,升離輪椅9 一 1,或依照病患原有臥姿9 一 4,升離病床9 一 2, 15 200524571 達到搬運病患可不變動病患姿勢之目的。 請参閱圖二十八、與二十九,該等圖係本發明搬運體油壓系統吊起 病患入廁及病患在地上活動之示意圖,從該等圖式可 以看出本發明搬運體4之油壓伸縮吊桿6鉤住坐在魔 墊1上之病患,上下升降油壓系統7將病患連同魔墊 〜1 一併吊起,在病患臀部下方之魔墊棒1 一 1,已經 從魔墊1抽出,病患可蹲在便器或馬桶9一5之上; 或坐着更衣及冲浴等動作;亦可坐在魔墊1之上架起 二郎腿、雙腿伸直或雙脚落舒適活動,更有靠近書桌 看書、寫字或用餐等功能。 請参閱圈三十,該圖係本發明搬運體油壓系統遙控操作之示意圖, 因油壓系統舆電動車輪之遙控技術相當普遍,本發明 搬運體4之油壓系統,包括油壓伸縮吊桿系統6、上 下升降油壓系統7及左右延伸油壓系統8,均可安裝 遙控裝置,以及搬運體之滾輪4 一 2安裝電動遙控式 滾輪,則病患在操作熟稔之情況下,可自行按遙控器 9 一 8操作本發明之各項功能而不需他人照料,惟抽 出病患臀部下方之魔墊棒1一1入廁,必需他人預先 安置妥當。 請参閱圖三十一、三十二舆三十三,該等圖式係本發明搬運體安裝 在推車之平面圖、搬運體安裝在推車上將病患從輪椅 上或病床上吊着升起搬運之實施例圖,從該等圖式可 以看出,本發明搬運體4安裝在推車9一6之上,其 油壓伸縮吊捍6吊住病患姿勢不變,油壓上下升降系 統7將魔墊1上之病患9 — 3與魔墊1一併從輪椅9 一 1或病床9 一 2升起,推車人操控各種功能。 請参閱圖三十四、三十五與三十六,該等圖式係本發明搬運體安裝 在電動車之平面圖、搬運體安裝在電動車上將病患從 輪椅上或病床上吊着升起搬運之實施例圖,從該等圖 /4 200524571 式可以看出,本發明搬運體4安裝在電動車9〜7之 上,其油壓伸縮吊桿6吊住病患姿勢不變,油壓上下 升降系統7 ,將魔墊1上之病患9 ~ 4與魔墊1一併 從輪椅9一1或病床9一2升起,電動車駕駛人操控 各種功能。 ☆綜合上述實施方式,兹特箇單扼要說明其操作程序如下: 1,本發明之搬運體靠近病患坐或躺臥在預先舖有魔墊〔魔墊 上亦可加墊或加蓋其他如毛氈或棉被等墊具或被蓋,以應 • 病患舒適之需要,本搬運體在操作時,只要掀開墊具遮蓋 魔墊架一端之鉤吊柄部份即可〕之輪椅、病床或擔架邊。 〔為保持搬運體因載重之需要,亦備有平衡載重物體 於本搬運體之底部,以備油壓泵等重量不足以負载人體時 之平衡,惟在本發明之搬運髅安裝在電動車或推車载體 上,則無需附加平衡载重物體〕 2,將油壓伸縮吊捍之吊鉤,鉤住適當部位魔墊架一端之魔墊-棒鉤吊柄,操作伸縮吊桿之油壓控制器,將該適當部位之 魔墊棒吊起以填實病患與病床或擔架之間的空隙部位。 〔為顧及病患身體長度之不同,亦備有另一組油壓延伸裝 φ 置,以利調整病患之姿勢;輪椅則無需該油壓延伸裝置, 且搬運體可縮短〕 3,按上下升降油壓系控制器或控制箱按鈕/將搬運體之吊掛 槽升離輪椅、病床或擔架,即可達到不變動病患任何姿勢 之搬運工作。 以上所呈各點,僅為本發明之較佳實施例而已,非因此而 侷限本發明之專利範圍,故奉凡運用本發明說明書及圖式內容所 爲之衡易修飾及等效結構變化,均應同理包含於本發明之專利範 圍內,合予陳明。本發明之「搬運病患可不變動病患姿勢之搬運 200524571 裝置」,確實有異舆國內外同類病患搬運之工具舆方法,方便適 用,並具有多種特殊功能,對病患、留議人員舆病患家屬均有寅 質上之助益,懇請審委諸公明察,惠賜核准專利,俾能早日付 之實施,對病患的搬運工作,創造出嶄新的一頁,至深感激! 【圖式簡單說明】 圖一、本發明魔墊之平面圖 圖二、本發明魔墊之分解圖 圖三、本發明魔墊棒一端鉤吊柄插入車鏈式魔墊框架之插入 口,油壓吊桿鉤住鉤吊柄之平面圖 圖四、本發明魔墊棒一端鉤吊柄插入車鏈式魔墊框架之插入 口,油壓吊桿鉤住鉤吊柄之側面圖 圖五、本發明魔墊棒一端之手柄放置在車鏈式魔墊框架之放置 口上,扣上護蓋之平面圖 圖六、本發明魔墊棒一端之手柄,從車鏈式魔墊框架上取出之 示意圖 圖七、本發明魔棒一端之手柄從車鏈式魔墊框架上取下之分解 圖 圖八、本發明魔墊護欄升起之平面圖 圖九、本發明魔墊護欄疊起之平面圖 圔十、本發明魔墊護襴升起與疊起之側面圖 圈十一、本發明搬運體之立體圖 圖十二、本發明搬運體上下升降油壓系統升起吊_ 之立體圖 圖十三本發明搬運體吊掛槽左右延伸之立體圖 _十四、本發明搬運體同時上下升降與左右延伸吊掛槽之立體圖 圖十五、本發明吊掛槽與左右延伸吊掛槽之立體分解圖 圖十六、本發明吊掛槽內部吊捍油壓系統之結構透視圖 圖十七、本發明吊掛槽內之銅管套掛油壓吊桿之分解圖 200524571 圈十八、本發明搬運體油壓吊桿吊起魔墊之分解圖 園十九、本發明搬運體油壓系統吊掉負荷前之侧面圖 鬮二十、本發明搬運體油壓系統吊捍負荷後之側面圖 圈廿一、本發明搬運體油壓吊捍吊起魔墊與護攔之示意圖 鬮廿二、本發明之魔墊放置在輪椅上之示意圖 _廿三、本發明之搬運體靠近舖有魔墊輪椅之示意圖 園廿四、本發明搬運體油壓系統將輪椅上病患與魔墊一併升起並 保持病患姿勢不變之示意圖 圖廿五、本發明之魔墊放置在病床上之示意圖 _廿六、本發明搬運體靠近舖有魔墊病床之示意圖 晒廿七、本發明搬運體油壓系統將魔墊彎曲以保持病患姿勢不變 並從病床上升起之示意圖 晒廿八、本發明搬運體油壓系統將病患吊着升起入廁之示意圖 ®廿九、本發明搬運體油壓系統將病患吊着升起在地上活動之示 意圖 園三十、本發明搬運體油壓系統遙控操作之示意圖 晒三十一、本發明搬運體安裝在上推車之平面圖 圖三十二、本發明搬運體安裝在推車上將病患與魔墊從輪椅上吊 着升起搬運而保持病患姿勢不變之實施例圖 _三十三、本發明搬運體安裝在推車上將病患與魔墊從病床上吊 着升起搬運而保持病患姿勢不變之實施例圖 鬮三十四、本發明搬運體安裝在電動車上之平面圖 圖三十五、本發明搬運體安裝在電動車上將病患與魔墊從輪椅上 吊着升起搬運而保持病患姿勢不變之實施例圖 圓三十六、本發明搬運體安裝在電動車上將病患與魔墊從病床上 吊着升起搬運而保持病患姿勢不變之實施例圖[Technical field to which the invention belongs I. The technical field to which the present invention belongs is divided into two parts, one is a magic pad with a unique structure and bending characteristics, which is laid on a wheelchair, a hospital bed or a stretcher; the other is a unique structure with multiple groups The carrier of the hydraulic system, the hydraulic system of the carrier is controlled to adjust the expansion and contraction of the magic pad, and the lifting and lowering of the bending pad can lift the patient and the magic pad from the wheelchair, bed or stretcher according to the original posture of the patient. To achieve the purpose of moving the patient without changing the patient's posture. The device that can not change the patient's posture due to the mutual cooperation of the magic pad and the carrier of the present invention, has a number of special structures and hydraulic system adjustment functions, which can make the patient slowly adjust the patient on the bed Sitting, lying or comfortable posture, so the patient can sit on the magic mat with both feet down to eat, write or foot on the table, and help the patient to change clothes, take a shower and pull out the magic mat. A number of functions, such as a magic pad stick and the convenience of the patient to the toilet, are of great significance to reduce the patient's pain and staff troubles. [Previous technology] Patients are transported, whether from a stretcher to a trolley; or from a trolley to a hospital bed; 200524571 or from a wheelchair, all kinds of moving work must be carried by the hand or object through the disease The patient's buttocks or back need to find appropriate support points to help the patient sit up or move. In the process, they may touch or compress to the patient's muscles, organs, bones or injured parts, and therefore move or change. Patients can cause pain to patients in any posture, but patients must be moved frequently due to their medical conditions and life needs; for example, lifting the body, getting out of bed, changing clothes, bathing, going to the toilet, or moving on a wheelchair Moving down, etc., the patient must stand up or suffer severe pain to change the posture of the patient and suffer pain before moving with the assistance of human power; if the weight is heavy, it requires multiple people to move together. Therefore, the disease The transportation of patients often plagues medical staff, family members and patients themselves. As far as we know, various domestic and international patient transport equipment and methods have not yet met the needs of many patients involved in patient transport in today's society. In view of this, the inventors have solved many problems and overcome them through long-term research and repeated demonstrations. Numerous difficulties and frustrations finally invented the "device for transporting patients without changing the patient's posture. The transport device uses a button or remote control operation mode. Since the patient is placed on a stretcher covered with the magic pad of the invention, In the case of changing the patient's posture, engage in various handling operations of the patient; such as: 1. Moving from a stretcher to a trolley, 2. Moving from a trolley to an operating table or bed, 3. Moving from an operating table Return to the bed, or on the bed, lift the patient's head and place it on the pillow according to the patient's needs; or straighten or bend the patient's feet or sit up, and slowly find the patient's comfort Position, 4. Remove the patient from the bed, step on the floor, sit with feet on the floor, eat, write, change clothes, shower or dry your body (the bathroom or ward space should be large enough to accommodate the shower Patient removal Placed indoors], urinate or sit on the toilet on this handling device, etc. 5. Put the patient into a wheelchair automatically, or lift it from the wheelchair to other places, etc. These actions can be performed by one person For the care operation, if the patient is familiar with the operation method, in addition to the need to withdraw the magic pad stick for the toilet in advance, the patient can remotely operate it by himself, and the carrying hip of the present invention can be installed on an electric car or cart. The driver controls all the work. I believe that this many complicated tasks can be performed by non-general patient transportation tools and various tools of previous skills. [Attach the collected tools and methods of patient transportation at home and abroad. Please refer to the comparison] 200524571 [Content of the invention] The inventor has the need for improvement in view of the many shortages of patient transportation tools at home and abroad at present. After carefully observing the various transportation conditions of patients in the hospital, it was found that the patients were in the process of transportation. It is often necessary to change the patient's original posture due to transportation, first push the push chair from the stretcher, and then move the push chair to the operating table or hospital bed, etc. To move around, you must move the patient's body strongly, and touch or compress the patient's muscles, bones, organs or the patient's painful area to cause all kinds of pain, especially when the patient is moved from a wheelchair to the patient, and for the patient Changing clothes, taking a shower, going to the toilet, etc., in addition to the patients must endure great pain, it is self-evident to the medical staff and their families. The inventor set out to find out how to keep the patients in the process of transportation, keep The original posture remains unchanged, avoiding touching or compressing any part of the patient ’s body will definitely reduce the patient ’s pain. Therefore, the inventor has been researching endlessly. After long-term struggle, he has overcome all kinds of difficulties and frustrations before he can solve them. Various transportation problems that do not change any posture of the patient. In addition to the fact that the transportation device can not be changed because of any posture of the patient, the transport device has many special structures and ^} ^ to reduce the patient's The pain caused by moving, solving the living problems of patients, and reducing the many problems of medical staff and patients' families can help. According to the present invention, "the device for transporting patients without changing the patient's posture j is mainly based on the mutual cooperation between the magic pad and the carrier of the present invention to achieve the same _ carrying purpose of suffering from any posture; it is also due to the many other aids of the magic pad and the carrier The function further assists patients such as changing clothes, showering, floor activities, toileting, etc. It is hoped that the present invention will contribute to society. [* Method] The present invention "the device for transporting patients without changing the patient's posture L Including the magic pad and the lotus body, we will separately explain the embodiments of the present invention in terms of the drawings of the two parts; in order to review the details of the special structure of the present invention and its functions and characteristics > Α Firstly, the parts of the magic pad are explained as follows from Figures 1 to 10: Please refer to Figures 1 and 2. These drawings are the exploded views of the magic pads of the present invention, which can be clearly seen from the drawings. Among them, 1 is a magic pad assembly that combines various components, referred to as magic pad 1. The magic pad 1 is composed of a plurality of magic pad sticks 1 and is arranged on the car chain magic pad frame 2; the car chain magic Pad frame 2, as the name suggests, is a bendable car chain The bending characteristics are used to make the frame 2 of the magic pad, so that the magic pad χ can be bent according to the posture of the patient to keep the patient's posture unchanged; and the magic pad rod 1 to 1 is made of the steel rod rod core of the magic pad rod. 3 Made of soft styrofoam χ 2 as an elastic mattress; on top of this magic pad 1, mattresses from other hospitals or patients can also be added; this magic pad stick 1 to 1 At both ends, one end is the hook hanging handle 1 ~ 5 of the magic pad stick, and the other end is the handle 1-4. As can be seen from the side of the exploded view, the two sides of the magic pad stand 2 are equipped with a magic stick handle placement opening 2 on one side. — 4 and the cover 2 of the placement mouth — 5, the handle 1 to 1 for placing the magic pad stick 1 to 1, its role is when the patient enters the toilet, the magic pad stick 1 to 1 under the patient's hip can be pulled out Use; the same side, also installed the car chain-type guardrail fixed frame 3-1 of the guardrail 3, can be demodulated synchronously to protect the patient's safety in any posture; in addition, There is still a safety buckle at the appropriate part of the cradle 2. With the devices of 2-7, it double protects the patient's safety. The guardrail 3 is a folding type to prevent the folding guardrail from being pulled up. It automatically collapses when in use. It is equipped with a movable pillar 3-4. The movable pillar 3-4 is fixed on the car chain magic cushion frame 2 and has a rotating buckle 3-1. It can be fixed to the protective fence when the fence 3 is folded.檷 pillar fixed buckle 2-8; the other side of the car 鐽 -style magic cushion frame 2 is equipped with a magic rod hook hanging handle insertion port 2-6 for inserting the magic rod rod hook hanging handle 1-5; when the magic cushion When the hook hook 1 to 5 is lifted, the magic pad stick 1 to 1 is coupled with a car-style magic pad frame 2, that is, the magic pad 1 is suspended and bent until it is close to the patient's body, so the magic pad 1 Support the patient's curved parts and keep the patient's posture unchanged. The car chain magic cushion frame 2 is composed of runners 2-1 and its connecting piece 2-2 with screws and washers 2-3, or Reinforced by welding. The magic pad 1 is placed on a wheelchair, a bed or a stretcher, and used in conjunction with the transporting 200524571 body 4 of the present invention, so that the transporting patient of the present invention can not change the patient's posture and other functions. Please refer to FIG. 3. This diagram is a plan view of the hook hanger of the magic pad stick of the present invention inserted into the magic pad frame and hooking the hook hanger of the magic pad. From this figure, the hook hanger of the magic pad stick 1 to 1 can be clearly seen. 1-5 Insert into the opening 2—6 of the car chain type magic cushion frame 2—within the hook 6—4 of the hydraulic telescopic boom 6 extends into the car chain type magic cushion frame 2 Of the hook hanging handle 1 to 5. Please refer to FIG. 4. This diagram is a side view of the hydraulic telescopic boom of the present invention catching the magic pad hook hanger handle in the magic cushion frame. From this diagram, the suspension of the hydraulic telescopic boom 6 can be clearly seen. Hooks 6-5, hook the magic pad hook hanging handles 1 to 5 in the magic pad holder 2; and the hook movable ring 6-4 on the hook hanging handle makes the hooks 6 to 5 rotate and easily extend into the magic urn. It is used for catching the magical fishing hooks 1-5 in the frame 2, [please refer to the detailed description of the hook movable ring 6-4 in FIG. 18]; from this side view, the magic pad rod 1- 1 can also be seen 1 Outer side of soft foamed cotton 1-12. Please refer to FIG. 5. This figure is a plan view of the handle of one end of the magic pad stick of the present invention placed on the placing mouth of the car chain-type magic wand frame, and the cover is fastened. From this figure, the magic pad stick 1-1 can be clearly seen. The handles 1 to 4 are placed in the placing openings 2 to 4 of the car chain type magic cushion frame 2, and the guards 2 to 5 of the placing openings 2 to 4 are covered with a flat surface. Please refer to FIG. 6 and FIG. 7. These drawings are schematic and exploded views of the handle of one end of the magic pad stick of the magic pad of the present invention, taken out from the car chain type magic pad frame, which can be clearly seen from the two drawings. The handles 1 to 1 of the magic pad stick 1 to 4 are placed on the magical yoke stand 2 — the side of the magic pad stick handles 2 to 4 are placed, and the movable cover 2 to 5 is open, which shows that when the patient needs to prepare to enter In the toilet, the movable cover 2-5 of the magic pad stick 1-1 that needs to be removed can be opened, and the handle 1-4 can be taken out of the magic pad stick 1-1; the other does not need to be removed ^ One 1, and guard 3 are still on the magic cushion frame 2. Please refer to Figures VIII, IX, and XI. These drawings are the plan view, the side view of the rise and the stack of the protector on the frame of the magic pad of the present invention, and the rise of 9 200524571. From these drawings, It can be clearly seen that the guard 3 of the magic pad 1 is a car chain type magic pad frame 2 which is the same type of the car chain guard fixing frame 3 — 1 and a plurality of folding bars 3- 2 and its movable button 3-3. Composition, so the guard 3 and the magic pad 1 can be synchronously bent; two folding rails 3-2 are respectively fixed on the two sides of the car chain type magic cushion frame 2 and the car chain guard frame 3-1,. When not in use, fold over the car chain-type magic cushion frame 2 and stretch upwards to protect the guard 3 when necessary; when the guard 3 is pulled up, the guard holder 3 of the guard 3-1 installed orange guard Pillars 3-4 can be automatically dropped, and can be buckled on the chain support devil 2-8 of the chain guard devil 2; similarly, when the protection pillar 3 is folded, the protection pillar 3-4 can be folded with It is fastened on the car-type magic cushion frame 2 so that it does not prevent the patient from moving up and down the magic cushion 1 ☆ ☆ Then the parts of the transport body are illustrated by the diagrams Η to Η Η and their functions and operations Methods as below: Please refer to Figures 11, 12, 13, and 14, which are perspective views of a portion of the carrier of the present invention, including lifting and lowering of the hanging groove of the carrier, extending left and right, and simultaneously lifting and lowering, and extending left and right. The three-dimensional φ diagram of the iso-hydraulic system, as can be seen from the diagrams, the carrier 4, including the main frame 4-1 balanced load 4-2, the roller 4-3, the total hydraulic pressure 4-4, oil Pressure system instrument panel and control box 4-5, oil pressure and circuit pipeline 4-6, suspension groove 5 for hydraulic telescopic boom, extension suspension groove 5-2 and telescopic 6, upward and downward 7 and left and right extension 8 and so on The hydraulic system ^ is composed of the hanging groove 5 and the extended hanging groove 5-2 [the structure of a groove is detailed in another figure], which is used to hang multiple hydraulic telescopic booms 6 therein. Above the pin tube 5-1; the hydraulic telescopic boom 6 is hooked with its hooks 6-5 to hook the magic pad stick hooks 1 to 5 on the magic pad frame 2 according to the number Control button 6- 10 200524571 8 of the hydraulic telescopic boom 6 lift the magic wand 1 — 1 close to the patient's body; and so on, lift a few necessary points of the patient so that Pad 1 is bent to support the curved part of the patient's body to keep the patient's posture unchanged. After lifting the magic pad stick 1 to 1 tightly with the patient's original posture, you can press the button to control the up and down hydraulic system. 7, lift the hanging groove 5 or the left and right extending hanging grooves 5 '-1 2, that is, together with the magic pad rod hanging by the telescopic boom 6 1.1, and the disease lying on the magic pad 1 When the patient is lifted away from the wheelchair and the bed together, the purpose of moving the patient without changing the patient's posture can be achieved. From these figures, it can be clearly seen that, because the magic pad 1 must be suitable for the bed and wheelchair, and different lengths of the patient's sitting and lying position, such as the extension of the hanging slot 5, * must be affected by the length of the carrying body 4 Rotational flexibility; if two-section suspension groove 5 is used, the telescopic suspension 6 in the middle of the suspension groove 5 cannot be allocated to the middle part of the patient's body. Therefore, two sides on the top of the suspension groove 5 have been studied. Install the same type of left and right hanging grooves 5 to 2; when the telescopic boom 6 in the hanging groove 5 is not enough to cover the length of the patient, press the button of the left and right extension hydraulic system 8 to push the hanging groove The left and right extension hanging grooves 5-2 within 5 and the pulley 5-3 extend the telescopic boom 6 inside the left and right extension hanging grooves 5-2 to the length required by the patient. Therefore, At the same time as the hanging groove 5-2 is extended, the original hanging groove 5 can also hang the hydraulic telescopic boom 6 and distribute it in the middle part of the patient's body, which meets the needs of the patient's body's bending situation. In order to take into account that the weight of the total weight of the carrier 4 and its hydraulic system is not enough to balance the load of the patient, a balance 4-2 that can adjust the appropriate weight is installed at the bottom of the carrier 4 to ensure the safety of the patient. ^ Please refer to Figures 15, 16, 17, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 22-these drawings are three-dimensional exploded views of the hanging grooves and the left and right extension hanging grooves of the present invention. Perspective view of the structure of the hydraulic system of the suspender internal hanger, exploded view of the copper pipe sleeve hanging in the suspender, exploded view of the hydraulic suspender, exploded view of the hydraulic suspender lifting magic pad 11 200524571, suspender load of the hydraulic system Front and rear side views and a schematic diagram of a magic pad lifting by a hydraulic boom. The above figures are detailed descriptions of the hanging groove 5 and the extension hanging groove 5-2. From these drawings, the hanging groove 5 of the present invention can be clearly seen. The left and right extension hanging grooves 5-2 are fixed at the welding point 7-2 of the up-down lifting hydraulic system 7-1. The hanging groove 5 and the left * right extension hanging grooves 5-2 are hydraulically suspended. The hanging rings 6—1 of the pole 6 are hung on the copper pipes 5-1 in the hanging grooves. Because the left and right extension hydraulic system 8 is installed on the top of the hanging grooves 5, the hanging grooves 5 and 2 are extended on the left and right. While being pushed out from the left and right extension hydraulic system 8 to extend to the left and right, the hanging hydraulic boom 6 in the hanging groove 5 can control the posture of the middle part of the patient; Control buttons 6—8, 7—3, and 8—3 for telescopic hoists, up and down, and left and right extensions are installed in the same button on both sides of the hanging groove 5 to facilitate the button to control the hydraulic system, including the boom 6 Lift the magic pad stick 1-1 closely to the curved part of the patient's body; from its structural perspective and exploded view, it can be clearly seen that the oil cylinder hanging ring 6 — 1 of the hanger 6 is hung on the hanger 5 and the left and right extension hanging grooves 5 — 2 internal pin pipe 5 — 1, because the oil cylinder hanging ring 6 — 1 of the hanging guard 6 is taken into account, when there is no load, it must be above the copper pipe 5 — 1 Move flexibly to facilitate the movement to the positions of the hooks 6 — 5 required to hook the magic rod stick hook handles 1 to 5. However, when the magic sticks 1 to 1 are hoisted in the patient's posture, these hanging rings 6 — 1 It is necessary to stop on the pin tube 5-1 without sliding on itself to affect the patient's posture. Therefore, the hanging ring 6-1 is made of special materials such as elastic copper sheet, and is placed on the pin tube 5-1. The surface is roughened or tooth-shaped processed 5-4; when the oil cylinder hanging ring 6-1 must move freely on the pin tube 5-1, the hanging ring 6-1 The shape of 6—6, when the hydraulic cylinder hanging ring 6—1 changes to the shape of 6—7 due to the load, it stops on the steel tube 5—1 without moving, and the surface of the copper tube 5—1 is roughened. Or tooth profile processing 5 — 4, the hydraulic cylinder hanging ring 6 — 1 12 200524571 After loading, there is no risk of free sliding, to ensure that the patient's posture remains unchanged. When there is no load, the hydraulic cylinder hanging ring 6 One is restored to its original state due to its elastic relaxation and easy to move; for a clearer explanation of the actual operation of the hydraulic boom 6, please refer to the side views to see the suspension grooves 5 and 5-2 inner boom 6 The shape of the hanging ring 6 — 1 before and after the load is different, as well as the function and operation of the magic pad 1 — 1 in the diagram, which is suspended and fixed on the copper pipe 5 — 1 serrated surface 5 — 4. ☆ Finally, the embodiments of the present invention "device for carrying a patient without changing the patient's posture" are illustrated as follows from Figs. 22 to 36: Please refer to Figs. 22 and 23 , Twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-six + seven, etc., the drawings are that the magic pad of the present invention is placed on a wheelchair or a hospital bed, and the carrier of the present invention is close to the wheelchair or hospital bed with a magic pad, and The hydraulic telescopic boom keeps the patient's original posture unchanged, and then the patient and the magic pad are lifted from the wheelchair or the bed by the upper and lower oil pressure system, so that the patient can lift the wheelchair or the bed to achieve the patient's posture without changing. Schematic diagrams of moving patients, etc. From these drawings, the magic pad 1 of the present invention can be seen. The wheelchair or bed with the size and size of the magic pad 1 assembled according to the requirements, placed on the wheelchair or bed; safety straps 2-7 The hanging pad 1 to prevent the sliding of the magic pad is installed in a proper position of the magic pad frame 2. The carrier 4 of the present invention is moved closer to a wheelchair 9-1 or a patient bed 9-2 with a magic pad 1. Then, the hydraulic cylinder 6-2 of the telescopic boom 6 is held, and the hydraulic cylinder 6-2 is moved. Hanging ring 6—1, make the hook 6—5 of the telescopic boom, hook the hook 1—5 of the appropriate part of the patient, press the number of the telescopic boom oil control button 6—8, and hook it The magic pad stick 1-1 lifts and supports the patient's body to keep the patient's original posture unchanged; then presses the up and down oil pressure control buttons 7-3, the up and down oil pressure system 7 puts the magic pad 1 with its guardrail 3, and according to the patient's original sitting position 9 to 3, lifted from the wheelchair 9 to 1, or according to the patient's original lying position 9 to 4, lifted from the bed 9 to 2, 15 200524571 to reach the patient can not change the patient's posture Purpose. Please refer to Figures 28 and 29. These figures are schematic diagrams of the lifting of the patient's toilet and the movement of the patient on the ground by the hydraulic system of the moving body of the present invention. The hydraulic telescopic boom 6 of the body 4 hooks the patient sitting on the magic pad 1, and the hydraulic system 7 is lifted up and down to lift the patient together with the magic pad ~ 1, and the magic pad rod 1 under the patient's hips -1, has been pulled out from the magic pad 1, the patient can squat on the toilet or toilet 9-5; or sit and change clothes and shower; etc. can also sit on the magic pad 1 to stand Erlang legs, legs straight Or comfortable activities with your feet down, more functions like reading, writing or dining near the desk. Please refer to circle 30. This figure is a schematic diagram of the remote operation of the hydraulic system of the carrier of the present invention. Because the remote control technology of the hydraulic system and electric wheels is quite common, the hydraulic system of the carrier 4 of the present invention includes a hydraulic telescopic crane. The rod system 6, the up and down hydraulic pressure system 7, and the left and right extension oil pressure system 8 can be equipped with remote control devices and rollers of the carrier 4-2 electric remote control type rollers. Press the remote control 9 to 8 to operate the functions of the present invention without others' care. However, the magic pad sticks 1-1 under the patient's buttocks are pulled out to enter the toilet, and others must be properly placed in advance. Please refer to Figures 31 and 32. These drawings are plan views of the carrier mounted on a trolley according to the present invention. The carrier is mounted on a trolley to lift a patient from a wheelchair or a hospital bed. It can be seen from the drawings that the carrier 4 of the present invention is installed on the trolley 9-6, and the hydraulic telescopic crane 6 keeps the patient's posture unchanged, and the hydraulic pressure rises up and down. The system 7 lifts the patients 9-3 on the magic pad 1 together with the magic pad 1 from the wheelchair 9-1 or the bed 9-2, and the carter controls various functions. Please refer to Figs. 34, 35, and 36. These drawings are plan views of the carrier of the present invention installed on an electric vehicle. The carrier is installed on an electric vehicle to lift a patient from a wheelchair or a hospital bed. It can be seen from the figure of the figure / 4 200524571 that the carrier 4 of the present invention is installed on electric vehicles 9 ~ 7, and the hydraulic telescopic boom 6 does not change the posture of the patient while holding the patient. Press the up and down lifting system 7 to lift the patients 9 to 4 on the magic pad 1 together with the magic pad 1 from the wheelchair 9-1 or the bed 9-2, and the electric vehicle driver controls various functions. ☆ To sum up the above-mentioned embodiment, the operation procedure is described briefly as follows: 1. The carrier of the present invention sits or lies close to the patient on a pre-paved magic pad (the magic pad can also be covered or covered with other materials such as felt Or pads or covers, such as quilts, in order to meet the needs of the patient ’s comfort. When the carrier is in operation, just open the pad to cover the hook hanging part of one end of the magic pad frame.) Wheelchair, bed or On the stretcher. [In order to maintain the load of the carrier due to the load, a balanced load object is also provided at the bottom of the carrier to prepare for the balance when the weight of the hydraulic pump, etc. is insufficient to load the human body, but the carrier of the present invention is installed in an electric vehicle or On the trolley carrier, there is no need to attach a balance load object. 2. Hook the hydraulic telescopic suspension hook, hook the magic pad-rod hook handle at one end of the magic cushion frame at the appropriate part, and operate the hydraulic control of the telescopic boom. Device, lift the magic pad of the appropriate part to fill the gap between the patient and the bed or stretcher. [In order to take into account the difference in the length of the patient ’s body, another set of hydraulic extension devices φ is also provided to facilitate the adjustment of the patient's posture; wheelchairs do not need the hydraulic extension device and the carrying body can be shortened] 3, press up and down The lifting hydraulic system controller or control box button / lift the lifting slot of the transport body away from the wheelchair, bed or stretcher, so as to achieve the transport work without changing any posture of the patient. The points presented above are only the preferred embodiments of the present invention, and do not limit the scope of the patent of the present invention. Therefore, any modifications and equivalent structural changes made by the use of the description and drawings of the present invention, Both should be included in the patent scope of the present invention by the same reason. The "moving device for transporting patients without changing the posture of the patient 200524571" of the present invention does have a tool method for transporting similar patients at home and abroad, which is convenient and applicable, and has a variety of special functions. Patients' families have qualitative help. I urge the public to inspect the public, grant patents, and implement them as soon as possible. I will create a new page for the patient's handling work. I am deeply grateful! [Brief description of the drawing] Figure 1. Plan view of the magic pad of the present invention. Figure 2. Exploded view of the magic pad of the present invention. Figure 3. Insert the hook hanger handle of the magic pad stick of the present invention into the insertion port of the chain-type magic pad frame. Plane view of the hook hanging on the hook suspension handle IV. One side of the magic pad stick of the present invention is inserted into the insertion opening of the car chain type magic pad frame, and the side view of the oil hydraulic hook hooking the hook hanging handle is shown in FIG. The handle of one end of the pad stick is placed on the placing mouth of the car chain type magic pad frame, and the cover is fastened. Figure 6. The schematic view of the handle of one end of the magic pad stick of the present invention taken out from the car chain type magic pad frame. Exploded view of the handle of one end of the invented magic stick removed from the car chain-type magic pad frame. Figure 8. Plan view of the raised up of the magic pad guardrail of the present invention. Figure 9. Plan view of the raised up of the magic pad guardrail of the present invention. Side view circle of guard raising and stacking XI. Perspective view of the moving body of the present invention. Figure 12. Perspective view of the lifting body of the present invention. Perspective view_14. The present invention Perspective view of the lifting body lifting up and down and left and right extension hanging grooves at the same time Figure 15. Exploded perspective view of the hanging groove and left and right extension hanging grooves of the present invention Figure 17: An exploded view of the copper pipe sleeve hanging hydraulic boom in the hanging groove of the present invention 200524571 circle 18. The exploded view of the magic body lifting magic pad of the carrier body of the present invention Side view of the hydraulic system before lifting the load 阄 20. Side view circle of the hydraulic system of the present invention after lifting the load 廿 1. Schematic diagram of lifting the magic pad and the guard of the hydraulic pressure of the carrier of the present invention阄 廿 Schematic diagram of placing the magic pad of the present invention on a wheelchair _ 廿 Ⅲ. Schematic diagram of the carrying body of the present invention near a wheelchair covered with a magic pad 廿 4. The hydraulic system of the carrying body of the present invention Schematic diagram of raising the pad together and keeping the patient's posture unchanged 廿 5. Schematic diagram of placing the magic pad of the present invention on a hospital bed_ 廿 6. The invention of the carrier hydraulic system will Schematic diagram of pads bent to keep the patient's posture unchanged and rising from the hospital bed. VIII. Schematic diagram of the carrier hydraulic system of the present invention to lift the patient into the toilet. 廿 IX. The carrier hydraulic system of the present invention will Schematic diagram of a patient lifting and moving on the ground. Park 30. Schematic diagram of remote control operation of the hydraulic system of the carrier of the present invention. 31. Plan view of the carrier of the present invention installed on a trolley. Figure of an embodiment of a patient mounted on a cart to lift the patient and the magic pad from a wheelchair while keeping the patient's posture unchanged_33. The carrier of the present invention is mounted on a cart to place the patient and the magic pad Example of lifting and carrying from a hospital bed while keeping the patient's posture unchanged Figure 34. Plan view of the moving body of the present invention mounted on an electric vehicle Figure 35. Mounting of the moving body of the present invention on an electric vehicle The patient and the magic pad are lifted and carried from a wheelchair to keep the patient's posture unchanged. Figure 36. The carrier of the present invention is installed on an electric vehicle, and the patient and the magic pad are lifted and carried from the bed. Keep the patient in a posture Variation of the embodiment diagram
U 200524571 【主要元件符號說明】 1 魔墊〔由多個魔墊棒安裝在車鏈式魔墊架上所組成〕 1 一 1魔墊棒 1 一 2魔墊棒外包之軟質發泡膠棉 1 一 3魔墊棒之鋼管棒蕊 1 一 4魔墊棒之手柄 1 一 5魔墊棒之鉤吊柄 1 一 6防止魔墊滑動之掛鉤U 200524571 [Description of main component symbols] 1 Magic pad [composed of multiple magic pad sticks mounted on a car chain-type magic pad stand] 1-1 magic pad stick 1-2 soft foamed cotton covered with magic pad stick 1 One steel rod rod core of 3 magic pad rods 1 one handle of 4 magic pad rods 1 5 hook handle of 5 magic pad rods 1 6 hook to prevent the magic pad from sliding
2 車鏈式魔_ 2 — 1車鏈式魔墊架之轉動輪 2 — 2車鏈式魔墊架轉動輪之連接片 2 — 3轉動輪之固定螺絲及華司(或焊接處〕 2 — 4魔棒手柄之放置口 2 — 5魔棒手柄放置口之護蓋 2 — 6魔棒鉤吊柄插入口 2 — 7病患之安全扣帶 2 — 8護欄支柱固定扣 3 護檷 3 — 1護橘之車鏈式固定架 3 — 2護欄之摺疊式襴杆 < 3 — 3護欄之活動鈕 3 — 4護欄支柱 4 搬運體 4—1搬運體之總架 4 一 2可調節重量之平衡載重物 4 一 3搬運體之滾輪 Ϊ8 200524571 4 一4油壓系統之總泵 4 一 5油壓系統之油壓儀表板及總控制箱 4 一 6油壓系統之油壓與電路管線 5 油壓伸縮吊桿之吊掛槽 5 — 1吊掛槽內部套掛油壓筒吊環之銅管 5 — 2左右延伸吊掛槽 5 — 3左右延伸吊掛槽之滑輪 5 — 4套掛油壓筒吊環銅管鋸齒形表面 6 油壓伸縮吊桿 6 — 1伸縮吊桿油壓筒之掛環 6 — 2伸縮吊桿之油壓筒 6 — 3油壓伸縮吊桿臂 6 — 4伸縮吊桿之活動環 6 —5伸縮吊桿臂之吊夠 6 — 6伸縮吊桿油壓筒之掛環負荷前之形狀 6 — 7伸縮吊桿油壓筒之掛環負荷後之形狀 6 — 8伸縮吊桿之油壓控制按鈕 7 上下升降油壓系統 7 — 1上下升降油壓筒 , 7 — 2上下升降油壓伸縮棒與吊掛伸縮吊捍之吊掛槽焊接處 7 — 3上下升降油壓系統之控制鈕 8 左右延伸油壓系統 8 — 1左右延伸油壓筒 8 —2左右延伸油壓伸縮棒與左右延伸吊掛槽之焊接處 8 — 3左右延伸油壓系統之控制鈕 200524571 9 本發明實施例之元件 9 — 1 9 一 2病床 9 一 3病患坐姿 9 一 4病患臥姿 9 一 5便器或馬桶 9一6推車 9-7電動車 9 一 8油壓系統之遙控器2 car chain type magic _ 2 — 1 car chain type magic pedestal rotation wheel 2 — 2 car chain type magic pedestal rotation wheel connection piece 2 — 3 rotation wheel fixing screw and washer (or welding place) 2 — 4 Placement of magic wand handle 2 — 5 Cover of place of magic wand handle 2 — 6 Insertion mouth of magic wand hook 2 — 7 Patient ’s safety buckle 2 — 8 Guardrail pillar fixing buckle 3 Guard 3 — 1 Orange car chain-type fixed frame 3 — 2 Folding poles of the guardrail < 3 — 3 Fence movable buttons 3 — 4 Fence pillars 4 Carrier 4—1 Main frame of the carrier 4 2 Adjustable weight balance Loads 4-3 rollers of the carrier 2005 8 200524571 4-4 master pump of the hydraulic system 4-5 hydraulic instrument panel and main control box of the hydraulic system 4 6 hydraulic pressure of the hydraulic system and circuit pipeline 5 hydraulic pressure Hanging grooves for telescopic booms 5 — 1 Copper pipes for hanging oil cylinder rings inside the hanging grooves 5 — 2 Hanging grooves for left and right extensions 5 — 3 Pulleys for extending hanging grooves for left and right 5 — 4 Hanging rings for oil pressure cylinders Copper pipe sawtooth surface 6 Hydraulic telescopic boom 6 — 1 Hanging ring of telescopic boom oil cylinder 6 — 2 Hydraulic cylinder of telescopic boom 6 — 3 Hydraulic extension Boom arm 6 — 4 movable ring of telescopic boom 6 — 5 telescopic boom arm suffices 6 — 6 telescopic boom oil cylinder hanging ring shape before load 6 — 7 telescopic boom oil cylinder hanging ring Shape after load 6 — 8 Hydraulic control button of telescopic boom 7 Up and down oil hydraulic system 7 — 1 Up and down oil cylinder, 7 — 2 Up and down oil hydraulic telescopic rods are welded to the hanging groove of the telescopic crane Position 7 — 3 Control buttons for lifting and lowering the hydraulic system 8 Left and right extension hydraulic system 8 — 1 Left and right extension hydraulic cylinders 8 — 2 Left and right extension hydraulic telescopic rods and left and right extension hangers Welding place 8 — 3 Left and right extension oil Control button of the system 200524571 9 Elements 9-1 9 of the embodiment of the present invention 9-2 bed 9-3 patient sitting position 9-4 patient lying position 9-5 toilet or toilet 9 6 cart 9-7 electric car 9 8 remote control for hydraulic system