200521052 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關於一種物件傳送裝置,特別地係有關於 一種傳送一物件至一沿著一軌道移動之軌道移動主體與一 沿著該軌道設置的置物架。 【先前技術】 依照傳統方式,自動化倉庫往往係使用於一些工廠或 倉庫內,其目的是要縮減該些工廠或倉庫的儲存空間或者 是有效使用儲存空間。該自動倉庫已裝設有一用於裝載及 卸載物件之高架存取車。 例如,第7圖所示之一高架存取車50具有一移動式車 架5 3以及一車架5 5。該移動式車架5 3係於一地板上沿著 一移動軌道5 1以及於一天花板上沿著一移動軌道5 2向 前、後移動。該車架5 5係沿著一對由該移動式車架5 3延 伸之桅桿5 4上、下移動。 該車架55包括一滑動叉車56,其係可以朝一置物架 57移動或移離置物架57操作,如第8圖所示。該滑動叉車 5 6係作爲一物件傳送裝置而且可以傳送一物件w至該置物 架57與該車架55之間。 如第8圖所示,具多板設置之該些置物架67皆被設置 於該高架存取車50之該些對應端面上以利容納一具預定 尺寸之物件W於該些置物架上57。 用於容納該些物件W之該置物架5 7係藉由直立式支撐 柱58以及數對相互並列於該些支撐柱58之置物架部分59 來施以分段處理。任何一對置物架部分5 9之間的間隙設置 係用以防止上、下移動之滑動叉車56與該對置物架部分59 200521052 之間的干擾。 雖然在該軌道上移動的高架存取車56之目前位置是被 一編碼器監控及測定以及其他因素,但是該高架存取車50 有時候即於該位置之外稍微停住,於該位置停住是因爲滑 行至該高架存取車50與該些移動軌道51、52之間所致。 當該物件W被該滑動叉車56傳送至該置物架57或由該置 物架57傳送出去時,即需要確認該高架存取車50是否對 應該置物架5 7被制止於一適當位置處。 於第8圖之該先前技術中,一支撐柱感應器60係被設 置於該車架5 5,用以偵測一指定支撐柱5 8,又,面朝該高 架存取車50因此測定出對應該置物架57之高架存取車50 的位置。當該支撐柱5 8被該支撐柱感應器60偵測時,即 認爲該高架存取車50係位在該滑動叉車56可以操作之位 置。另一方面,當該支撐柱58無法被該支撐柱感應器60 偵測時,即認爲該高架存取車50係位於無法適當對應該置 物架57的位置,於該位置處之滑動叉車56係被禁止操作。 該技術係被揭露,例如,於編號第5-97207號之未審查的 曰本專利發表之第2頁及第3頁、以及第1圖。 然而’因爲支撐柱感應器60僅偵測上述該物件傳送裝 置中的置物架57之支撐柱58的位置,因此在容納複數個 物件W對應該置物架5 7並行之情形下,當該些物件w由 該置物架57傳送出去時,就應避免該置物架57中之該些 物件W與該物件傳送裝置發生碰撞。 此外,因爲該習知物件傳送裝置無法直接確認是否有 該物件W存在於該置物架57,因此該置物架57之該些支 200521052 撐柱5 8必須應有一恆定之間隔距離以及該置物架5 7與該 物件W必須應具有一特定結構,而使提供的該些物件w尺 寸大小達到均等。因此,當該些物件係由其中容納複數個 物件之置物架傳送出去時,一物件傳送裝置就已經要有防 止置物架中之物件與該物件傳送裝置發生碰撞。 【發明內容】 依據本發明,一物件傳送裝置具有一物件保持裝置以 及一感應器,用以傳送一物件至一用於移動至一軌道上之 軌道移動主體與一沿該軌道所設置之置物架之間。該物件 保持裝置係針對該軌道移動主體而設置。該物件保持裝置 可以移向該軌道及遠離該置物架,沿著該軌道容納複數個 物件。該感應器係針對該物件保持裝置而設置,用以確認 是否有該物件存在,該物件保持裝置沿著該路徑移向該置 物架。 以下將配合附圖之實例來詳細說明本發明之其他要項 及優點。 【實施方式】 以下將參閱第1圖至第4圖說明一依據本發明之物件 傳送裝置1 0的第一較佳具體例。 依據該第一較佳具體例之物件傳送裝置1 〇係被引導至 位在一高架存取車或一軌道移動主體15與一置物架12之 間的自動倉庫1 1內之移動物件W,以便容納該些物件W 於此處。第1圖及第2圖之該自動倉庫11包括該高架存取 車1 5 ’其係相互沿著一軌道移動,以及設置於該高架存取 車1 5之該些對應端面上的多板置物架1 2。該置物架1 2包 200521052 括以預定間隔而設置之支撐柱1 3以及許多水平設置於兩 〜 個相鄰支撐柱1 3之間的置物架部分1 4。該些置物架部分 1 4均由矩形板製成,分別容納物件於其上。此外’各置物 架部分1 4係沿著該高架存取車1 5之軌道縱向延伸’因此 複數個物件W線列係沿著該置物架部分1 4上之軌道而 走。 以下將說明該高架存取車或該軌道移動主體15° 該高架存取車15被導引裝載及卸載該置物架12,其可 以沿著設置於地板上之一移動軌1 6及天花板上之一移動 φ 軌1 7之構成軌道相互移動。該高架存取車1 5之主要組件 包括一移動車架18、一對桅桿19、一車架20、以及一對夾 合臂21。 如第2圖所示,一對直立桅桿1 9皆被設置於該移動車 架18之前、後方對應端面上,而且該車架20係以可移動 式直立於該些桅桿1 9之間。該些桅桿1 9之頂端均被天花 板上之移動軌17所引導之一引導主體22連接在一起。 該移動車架18包括一對設置於其中之前、後端的車輪 $ 23、一驅動馬達24、以及一控制單元25。該些車輪23沿 著該地板上之移動軌1 6滾動。該驅動馬達24驅動該移動 車架1 8沿著該移動軌1 6相互移動。該控制單元2 5係控制 一用以升降該車架20之升降馬達(圖略)以及該高架存取車 15之各種裝置。 另一方面,可沿著該些桅桿19上、下移動之車架20 包括一對可以移向該置物架12及移離該置物架12之夾合 臂或物件保持裝置2 1。 200521052 一對夾合臂21係可以操作以移向及移離該些置物架 -1 2,該些置物架1 2皆設置於該高架存取車1 5之該些對應 端上。該對夾合臂2 1及感應器26將敘述於下文中,其形 成該物件傳送裝置10,該裝置10具有傳送物件W至該高 架存取車1 5與該置物架1 2之間之執行功能。該夾合臂2 1 可以藉由相互移動或移離來開啓以及關閉以利將一物件W 固定於其間。爲達到更具體說明,該些個別的夾合臂2 1之 外層內部表面係藉由關閉或相互移動使該物件W固定於其 間。再者,該些成對的夾合臂2 1之不同孔或不同間距即可 · 使一不同尺寸的物件W固定。該對夾合臂2 1可以使物件W 固定於該些置物架部分1 4上以利將其均傳送至該車架20 上,而且也可以使物件W固定於該車架20上以利將其均 傳送至該置物架部分14上。該些夾合臂21之開啓/關閉及 向前/向後移動均受到一驅動源(圖略)而影響,即一開啓/ 關閉移動機構以及一向前/向後移動機構。該些夾合臂21 之每一個具有該感應器26於其之頂端。 以下將說明該感應器26。 φ 該感應器26可以在一物件W位於該感應器26之可偵 測區域S內時產生一指示信號。於該第一較佳具體例中, 其中該些夾合臂21可以移向或移離設在該高架存取車15 之該些對應端面上的該些置物架12,該些成對的夾合臂21 總共包括有四個感應器26。 於該第一較佳具體例中,一屬於非接觸型之漫射反射 (diffus e-ref lectio η)式感應器被用來作爲該感應器26。設置 於該夾合臂2 1之各頂端處的感應器26可以將其之可偵測 200521052 區域S設定在該夾合臂21以第3圖之箭頭方向前進至該置 物架1 2的周圍路徑。 如第3圖所不,該感應器之可偵測區域s所具有之一 寬度相當於該夾合臂21之寬度,以及該區域S所具有之一 長度相當於該前進夾合臂21上述路徑內的感應器26之一 預定起始距離。該感側器26可以發射一光線並且藉由接收 物件W所反射之該光線來偵測是否有物件w位在該偵測器 26之可偵測區域S ·內。此外,該感測器26之動作受到控 制以致於只有在可以於該置物架周圍沿路移動之該高架存 取車1 5停止時或者是該些夾合臂2 1於其之非夾合位置範 圍內伸展時,該感應器26才可以偵測到。因此,在該些夾 合臂2 1由一接近位於特定置物架部分1 4上的物件w位置 移至該置物架12內之前,即可以於該些夾合臂21延伸至 該置物架1 2沿路路徑偵測並確認是否有任何物件w存在 於該些感應器2 6之可偵測區域S內。 以下將參閱第3圖及第4圖說明第一較佳具體例之該 物件傳送裝置1 0的動作。 位置資訊或有關於從該置物架1 2取出之一物件W的資 訊係被傳送至該控制單元2 5。依據該物件W之位置資訊, 該高架存取車1 5係沿著該軌道移動,而該車架20係往上 或往下移動。當該車架20移至面朝一物件W之位置且該 物件W被固定於一特定置物架部分1 4上時,即停止該高 架存取車20之移動以及該車架20之往上或往下移動。此 時’該些夾合臂2 1皆係依據該物件W尺寸(平行於該軌道 之表面長度)而擴展。 -10- 200521052 隨後,面朝該置物架部分14之該些感應器26皆被啓 動以於該些夾合臂2 1之移動路徑偵測並確認是否有物件w 存在於該些感應器2 6之可偵測區域s內。 s該些感應益未偵測到時,如第3圖所不,該些感應 器2 6即確認沒有任何物件W存在於該些夾合臂2 1移至該 置物架1 2沿路路徑的可偵測區域S內。也就是說,並沒有 物件W存在於第3圖所示之該些感應器2 6所偵測的可偵 測區域S內。因此,該些夾合臂2 1皆向前移進該置物架} 2 並藉由夾入該物件W,將該物件W固定於該物件部分丄4 上。然後,固定該物件W之該些夾合臂21因此向後移動, 將該物件W夾至該車架20上。 另一方面,當該些感應器26之至少其中之一針對是否 有物件存在做出反應時,即確認出有一物件W係存在於該 路徑,而使該些夾合臂21向前移進至該置物架12內。也 就是說,該物件W係存在於該些感應器2 6所偵測的可偵 測區域S內。因此,該感應器26所產生之一信號被傳送至 該控制單元25,其顯示出如該物件W存在於該置物架i 2 係不正常情形以及該情形使該些夾合臂2 1移離該置物架 1 2,因此防止了該些夾合臂2 1與物件W之間的碰撞。 依據該第一較佳具體例,即獲得下列有利的效果。 (1) 因爲用於感應物件W是否存在於該置物架12內 之感應器26係針對各夾合臂21而設置,所以就 可使該感應器26於該些夾合臂21實際移進該置 物架1 2內之前,就可偵測並確認是否有一物件W 存在於該些夾合臂21之移動路徑,即可靠防止該 -11- 200521052 置物架1 2內之物件與該些夾合臂2 1碰撞。 (2) 因爲該可偵測區域S之寬度相當於各夾合臂21之 寬度且藉由該感應器26而設置於該置物架丨2,因 此是否有一物件W存在於移向該置物架12之該 些夾合臂的移動路徑是由可偵測該物件W之感應 器26來做確認,如果有任何物件存在於該可偵測 區域S內,則該感應器26即可確認出。當該可偵 測區域S內沒有物件W存在時,若該些夾合臂2 1 向前移進該置物架12內,則不會與一物件W發 生碰撞。 (3) 因爲該感應器26可以在該高架存取_車15停止以 及該些夾合臂2 1於非夾合位置內擴展之情況下 產生動作,因此在該些夾合臂21向前移至該置物 架12之前就確認出是否有一物件W存在於該些 移向該置物架12之夾合臂21的移動路徑。當該 可偵測區域S內沒有任何物件W存在時,即能立 即將該些夾合臂21向前移進該置物架12內,因 此即降低不必要的時間耗損。 (4) 因爲該夾合臂21之感應器26係直接確認是否有 一物件W存在於該置物架1 2內,因此不需以一 恆定間隔距離設置支撐柱1 3而且不需將該些物 件W尺寸達到標準化。所以,該物件W及該置物 架1 2之結構上的限制皆大幅降低,因而使該物件 W之自由度(degree of freedom)以及該置物架12 之活動性大幅改善。 -12- 200521052 以下將參閱第5圖及第6圖說明一依據本發明之物件傳 送裝置30的第二較佳具體例。該第二較佳具體例之物件傳 送裝置30係一應用於一軌道車架或一軌道移動主體15之 實例。 如第5圖所示,設置之一循環軌道31係使複數個軌道 車架35移動於其上,以及設置有三個物件運送裝置36a、 36b、及36c均靠近該軌道車架31。 該些物件運送裝置36a、36b、及36c之設計係要傳送物 件W以及得以反向運作以利裝載一物件w於該軌道車架3 5 上以及由該軌道車架35卸載一物件W。 一多板置物架32係被設置於另一沿著該循環軌道3 1之 位置以便容納該些物件W。該置物架3 2與該第一較佳具體 例之置物架1 2 —樣,包括支撐柱3 3以及置物架部分3 4, 而且該些置物架部分3 4均屬於矩形板。此外,該些個別的 置物架部分3 4之縱向係沿著該軌道車架3 5之循環軌道3 1 延伸,因此複數個放置於該些置物架部分3 4之物件W均 沿著該循環軌道3 1並列放置。 以下將說明該軌道車架3 5。 該軌道車架35係透過一接觸線(contactwire)(圖略)獲得 電力,其係沿著該循環軌道3 1而設置以利於該循環軌道3 i 上移動。該軌道車架35可以用來裝載一物件w。於該第二 較佳具體例中,物件W均透過該軌道車架於該物件運送裝 置36a、36b、及36c與該置物架32之間接收及傳送。 一對夾合臂或物件固定裝置38係設置於該軌道車架35 之一車架主體37上’其可用來移向及移離該置物架32或 -13- 200521052 是沿著該循環軌道31而設置的該些物件運送裝置36a、 _ 3 6 b、及 3 6 c 〇 如同在該第一較佳具體例中,該對夾合臂3 8均係部分 配有感應器3 9之物件傳送裝置3 〇,下文將做說明,其係傳 送物件W至該軌道車架35與該置物架32之間。該些夾合 臂3 8抓住一位於該置物架3 2內之物件w並且將該物件W 傳送至該軌道車架35上,或者抓住一被裝載於該軌道車架 3 5上之物件W並且將該物件w夾至該空載的置物架部分 3 4。此外’於該第二較佳具體例中,該物件傳送裝置3 〇可 肇 做該些物件運送裝置36a、36b、及36c與該軌道車架35的 物件W裝載及卸載。該些夾合臂38之每一個具有該感應 器39於其之頂端。 以下將說明該感應器39。 該感應器3 9可以在該感應器3 9所設定之可偵測區域S 內產生一物件W存在之一指示信號。於該第二較佳具體例 中,各夾合臂38具有該感應器39於其之頂端,藉此產生 該感應器3 9之可偵測區域S於該夾合臂3 8之移動路徑。 φ 於該第二較佳具體例中,該些夾合臂38不僅可移向及 移離沿著該軌道車架35之循環軌道而設置的置物架32,還 可以移向及移離該些物件運送裝置36a、36b、及36c。 該感測器3 9之可偵測區域S完全同等於該第一較佳具 體例,因此而省略該第一較佳具體例之可偵測區域S說 明。 另外,該感應器39只有在該軌道車架35停止於該循環 軌道3 1以及於該些夾合臂3 8伸展以增加其間距時才可運 • 14 - 200521052 作。因此,當該些夾合臂38面朝該置物架32時,於該些 夾合臂38實際向前移進該置物架32之前就確認是否有一 物件W存在於該路徑,使夾合臂38移進該置物架32。 依據該第二較佳具體例之物件傳送裝置30,即使複數個 物件W被放置於該置物架3 2之架子部分3 4,還是能於該 些夾合臂38向前移動之前確認出是否有一物件W存在於 該些移向置物架3 2之夾合臂3 8的移動路徑,因此即防止 該置物架3 2內之一物件W與該夾合臂3 8之間的碰撞發 生’當該些夾合臂38抓住該置物架32內之物件及由其中 將物件夾出時,即有可能發生碰撞。因此實現與該第一較 佳具體例一樣的有利效果。 本發明未受限於上述之該些具體例但是得修改爲下列 該些替代具體例。 於該第一及第二較佳具體例中,該夾合臂具有該感應器 於其之頂端,但是該感應器之位置未受限於該頂端。於一 替代具體例中,一感應器係針對一夾合臂而設置以致設定 一可偵測區域於該夾合臂移向及移進一置物架之沿路路 徑。 該第一及第二較佳具體例係使用一非接觸型之漫射反 射式感應器。於一替代具體例中,該感應器係一接觸型。 因此,該接觸型感應器係移進該置物架。在一非接觸型感 應器無法順利偵測置物架內物件時,該接觸型感應器之偵 測就能做有利使用。 因此,本發明之該些實例以及具體例皆被認定爲例證說 明而且不是限定例證,以及本發明未受限於此處之詳細說 -15- 200521052 明但是得於申請專利範圍內做修改。 【圖示之簡單說明】 本發明之該些特性具新穎性,其將詳述於申請專利範 圍中。藉由本發明之該些較佳具體例及該些附圖的說明即 可完全淸楚了解本發明以及其之目的與優點,其中: 第1圖係一自動倉庫之一前端圖,一物件傳送裝置係 依據本發明之一第一較佳具體例應用於該自動倉庫; 第2圖係一依據本發明之一第一較佳具體例的物件傳 送裝置之平面圖; 第3圖係一物件依據本發明之該第一較佳具體例未於 一夾合臂移向一置物架的路徑狀態之平面示意圖; 第4圖係一物件依據本發明之該第一較佳具體例於一 夾合臂沿該路徑移向該置物架的狀態之平面示意圖; 第5圖係依據本發明之一第二較佳具體例的一物件傳 送裝置應用之一軌道車架及一循環軌道的平面圖; 第6圖係依據本發明之一第二較佳具體例的物件傳送 裝置之一側視圖; 第7圖係依據先前技術之一高架存取車或一軌道移動 主體的透視圖;以及 第8圖係依據先前技術之一物件傳送裝置的平面圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 10、30、36a、36b、36c…物件傳送裝置 1 1 ···自動倉庫 U、57···置物架 U、33、58…支撐柱 -16- 200521052 14、34、59···置物架部分 _ 15…軌道移動主體 16、17···移動軌 18…移動車架 19、 54…桅桿 20、 55…車架 21…夾合臂 22…引導主體 23…車輪 參 24…驅動馬達 2 5…控制單元 26、39···感應器 31…循環軌道 32…多板置物架 35…軌道車架 37…車架主體 38…夾合臂 φ 50…高架存取車 51、52···移動軌道 53…移動式車架 56…滑動叉車 60…支撐柱感應器 W…物件 -17-200521052 IX. Description of the invention: [Technical field to which the invention belongs] The present invention relates to an object conveying device, and in particular, to an orbit moving body that conveys an object to a movement along a track and a setting along the track Shelf. [Previous technology] According to traditional methods, automated warehouses are often used in some factories or warehouses, the purpose of which is to reduce the storage space of those factories or warehouses or to effectively use the storage space. The automated warehouse is already equipped with an overhead access truck for loading and unloading items. For example, an overhead storage vehicle 50 shown in FIG. 7 has a mobile frame 5 3 and a frame 5 5. The mobile frame 5 3 is moved forward and backward on a floor along a moving rail 51 and on a ceiling along a moving rail 5 2. The frame 5 5 is moved up and down along a pair of masts 54 extending from the movable frame 5 3. The frame 55 includes a sliding forklift 56 that can be moved toward and away from a shelf 57, as shown in FIG. 8. The sliding forklift 56 is used as an object transfer device and can transfer an object w between the rack 57 and the frame 55. As shown in FIG. 8, the racks 67 with a multi-plate arrangement are all arranged on the corresponding end faces of the elevated access cart 50 to accommodate an object of a predetermined size W on the racks 57 . The racks 5 7 for accommodating the objects W are processed in sections by upright support columns 58 and a plurality of pairs of rack portions 59 juxtaposed to the support columns 58. The gap setting between any pair of rack portions 59 is to prevent interference between the sliding forklift 56 that moves up and down and the pair of rack portions 59 200521052. Although the current position of the overhead storage vehicle 56 moving on the track is monitored and determined by an encoder and other factors, the overhead storage vehicle 50 sometimes stops slightly outside the position and stops at that position. It is caused by taxiing between the elevated access vehicle 50 and the moving rails 51, 52. When the object W is transferred to or from the shelf 57 by the sliding forklift 56, it is necessary to confirm whether the overhead storage vehicle 50 is stopped at a proper position corresponding to the shelf 57. In the prior art of FIG. 8, a support post sensor 60 is provided on the frame 5 5 to detect a designated support post 5 8. In addition, it is determined to face the elevated access vehicle 50. The position of the overhead storage car 50 corresponding to the rack 57. When the support column 58 is detected by the support column sensor 60, the overhead storage truck 50 is considered to be in a position where the sliding forklift 56 can be operated. On the other hand, when the support post 58 cannot be detected by the support post sensor 60, it is considered that the overhead storage truck 50 is located at a position that cannot properly correspond to the shelf 57 and the sliding forklift 56 at this position The operation is prohibited. The technology is disclosed, for example, on pages 2 and 3 of the unexamined Japanese Patent Publication No. 5-97207, and on Figure 1. However, 'because the support post sensor 60 only detects the position of the support post 58 of the shelf 57 in the object conveying device described above, when a plurality of objects W are stored corresponding to the shelf 5 7 in parallel, when the objects When w is transferred from the rack 57, the objects W in the rack 57 should be prevented from colliding with the object transfer device. In addition, since the conventional object conveying device cannot directly confirm whether the object W exists in the shelf 57, the 2005200552 stays 5 of the shelf 57 must have a constant separation distance and the shelf 5 7 and the object W must have a specific structure so that the sizes of the objects w provided are equal. Therefore, when the objects are transferred out of a rack containing a plurality of objects, an object transfer device must already prevent the objects in the rack from colliding with the object transfer device. [Summary of the Invention] According to the present invention, an object transfer device has an object holding device and a sensor for transferring an object to a track moving body for moving to a track and a rack provided along the track between. The object holding device is provided for the track moving body. The object holding device can be moved toward the track and away from the rack, and a plurality of objects can be accommodated along the track. The sensor is provided for the object holding device to confirm whether the object exists, and the object holding device moves along the path to the shelf. In the following, other features and advantages of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the examples of the accompanying drawings. [Embodiment] A first preferred specific example of an object transfer device 10 according to the present invention will be described below with reference to FIGS. 1 to 4. The object conveying device 10 according to the first preferred embodiment is guided to a moving object W in an automatic warehouse 11 between an overhead access vehicle or a track moving body 15 and a shelf 12, so that Hold these objects here. The automatic warehouse 11 of FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 includes the overhead storage vehicle 15 ′, which is moved along a track with each other, and a plurality of plate objects disposed on the corresponding end faces of the overhead storage vehicle 15 Shelf 1 2. The shelf 12 includes 200521052, including support columns 13 arranged at predetermined intervals, and a plurality of shelf sections 14 horizontally disposed between two to three adjacent support columns 13. The rack sections 14 are all made of rectangular plates, which respectively receive objects thereon. In addition, 'each shelf portion 14 is extended longitudinally along the track of the overhead access vehicle 15', so the plurality of objects W line array is along the rail on the shelf portion 14. The following will describe the elevated access vehicle or the track moving body 15 °. The elevated access vehicle 15 is guided to load and unload the shelf 12, which can be moved along one of the moving rails 16 on the floor and on the ceiling. The constituent orbits of a moving φ orbit 17 are moved to each other. The main components of the elevated access vehicle 15 include a mobile frame 18, a pair of masts 19, a frame 20, and a pair of clamping arms 21. As shown in Fig. 2, a pair of upright masts 19 are provided on the corresponding end faces of the front and rear of the mobile frame 18, and the frame 20 is movably upright between the masts 19. The top ends of the masts 19 are connected together by a guide body 22 guided by a moving rail 17 on the ceiling. The moving frame 18 includes a pair of front and rear wheels $ 23, a drive motor 24, and a control unit 25. The wheels 23 roll along the moving rails 16 on the floor. The driving motor 24 drives the moving frame 18 to move along the moving rail 16. The control unit 25 controls a lifting motor (not shown) for lifting and lowering the frame 20 and various devices of the overhead storage vehicle 15. On the other hand, the frame 20 that can be moved up and down along the masts 19 includes a pair of clamping arms or object holding devices 21 that can be moved toward and away from the rack 12. 200521052 A pair of clamping arms 21 can be operated to move toward and away from the racks-12, and the racks 12 are all disposed on the corresponding ends of the overhead storage cart 15. The pair of clamping arms 21 and the sensor 26 will be described below, which form the object transfer device 10, which has the function of transferring the object W to the overhead storage vehicle 15 and the shelf 12 Features. The clamping arm 2 1 can be opened and closed by moving or removing each other to facilitate fixing an object W therebetween. To achieve a more specific explanation, the inner surfaces of the outer layers of the individual clamping arms 21 are fixed or closed by moving the objects W therebetween. Furthermore, different holes or different spacings of the paired clamping arms 21 can be used to fix an object W of a different size. The pair of clamping arms 21 can fix the objects W on the rack parts 14 to transfer them to the frame 20, and can also fix the objects W on the frame 20 to facilitate They are all transferred to the shelf portion 14. The opening / closing and forward / backward movement of the clamping arms 21 are affected by a driving source (not shown), that is, an opening / closing moving mechanism and a forward / backward moving mechanism. Each of the clamping arms 21 has the sensor 26 on the top thereof. The sensor 26 will be described below. φ The sensor 26 can generate an indication signal when an object W is located in the detectable area S of the sensor 26. In the first preferred embodiment, the clamping arms 21 can be moved toward or away from the racks 12 and the paired clamps provided on the corresponding end faces of the elevated access truck 15. The joint arm 21 includes a total of four sensors 26. In the first preferred embodiment, a non-contact diffuse e-reflectio n sensor is used as the sensor 26. The sensors 26 provided at the tops of the clamping arms 21 can detect the 200521052 area S. The clamping arm 21 advances in the direction of the arrow in FIG. 3 to the surrounding path of the rack 12 . As shown in FIG. 3, a width of the detectable area s of the sensor is equivalent to the width of the clamping arm 21, and a length of the area S is equivalent to the above path of the forward clamping arm 21. One of the inner sensors 26 has a predetermined starting distance. The side sensor 26 can emit a light and detect whether an object w is located in the detectable area S · of the detector 26 by receiving the light reflected by the object W. In addition, the motion of the sensor 26 is controlled so that only when the elevated access vehicle 15 which can move along the road around the stop is stopped, or when the clamping arms 21 are in the non-clamping position range. The sensor 26 can only detect when it is extended inside. Therefore, before the clamping arms 21 are moved from the position of the object w located on the specific shelf portion 14 into the shelf 12, the clamping arms 21 can be extended to the shelf 1 2 Detect and confirm whether any object w exists in the detectable area S of the sensors 26 along the path. The operation of the object transfer device 10 according to the first preferred embodiment will be described below with reference to Figs. 3 and 4. The position information or information about an object W taken out of the rack 12 is transmitted to the control unit 25. According to the position information of the object W, the overhead storage vehicle 15 moves along the track, and the frame 20 moves up or down. When the frame 20 is moved to a position facing an object W and the object W is fixed on a specific rack portion 14, the movement of the elevated access vehicle 20 and the upward movement of the frame 20 or Move down. At this time, 'the clamping arms 21 are expanded according to the W size of the object (parallel to the surface length of the track). -10- 200521052 Subsequently, the sensors 26 facing the rack section 14 are all activated to detect and confirm whether an object w exists in the sensors 2 6 in the movement path of the clamping arms 2 1 Within the detectable area s. s When these sensors are not detected, as shown in Figure 3, the sensors 26 confirm that there are no objects W in the clamping arms 2 1 and move to the shelf 1 2 along the path. Within the detection area S. In other words, no object W exists in the detectable area S detected by the sensors 26 shown in FIG. 3. Therefore, the clamping arms 21 are moved forward into the rack} 2 and the object W is fixed on the object part 丄 4 by clamping the object W. Then, the clamping arms 21 holding the object W are thus moved backward, and the object W is clamped to the frame 20. On the other hand, when at least one of the sensors 26 responds to the presence of an object, it is confirmed that an object W is present in the path, and the clamping arms 21 are moved forward to Inside the rack 12. That is, the object W exists in the detectable area S detected by the sensors 26. Therefore, a signal generated by the sensor 26 is transmitted to the control unit 25, which shows that if the object W exists in the shelf i 2, it is abnormal and the clamping arms 21 are moved away from the situation. The rack 12 prevents collision between the clamping arms 21 and the object W. According to this first preferred specific example, the following advantageous effects are obtained. (1) Since the sensors 26 for sensing whether the object W exists in the rack 12 are provided for each clamping arm 21, the sensor 26 can be actually moved into the clamping arms 21 You can detect and confirm if there is an object W in the movement path of the clamping arms 21 before placing it in the rack 12, that is, to prevent the 11-200521052 objects in the rack 12 and the clamping arms reliably. 2 1 collision. (2) Because the width of the detectable area S is equal to the width of each clamping arm 21 and is set on the shelf 丨 2 by the sensor 26, therefore, is there any object W moving toward the shelf 12 The movement paths of the clamping arms are confirmed by a sensor 26 that can detect the object W. If any object exists in the detectable area S, the sensor 26 can confirm. When no object W exists in the detectable area S, if the clamping arms 21 are moved forward into the rack 12, there will be no collision with an object W. (3) Because the sensor 26 can move when the overhead access _ car 15 stops and the clamping arms 21 expand in a non-clamping position, the clamping arms 21 move forward It is confirmed before the shelf 12 whether there is an object W in the movement path of the clamping arms 21 moving toward the shelf 12. When no object W exists in the detectable area S, the clamping arms 21 can be immediately moved forward into the rack 12, thereby reducing unnecessary time loss. (4) Because the sensor 26 of the clamping arm 21 directly confirms whether an object W exists in the shelf 12, it is not necessary to set the support columns 13 at a constant interval and the objects W are not required. The size is standardized. Therefore, the structural restrictions of the object W and the shelf 12 are greatly reduced, thereby greatly improving the degree of freedom of the object W and the mobility of the shelf 12. -12- 200521052 A second preferred specific example of the object transfer device 30 according to the present invention will be described below with reference to FIGS. 5 and 6. The object transfer device 30 of the second preferred embodiment is an example applied to a rail frame or a rail moving body 15. As shown in FIG. 5, one of the circulation rails 31 is provided so that a plurality of rail frames 35 are moved thereon, and three article transport devices 36a, 36b, and 36c are provided near the rail frame 31. The object transport devices 36a, 36b, and 36c are designed to transfer the object W and to be operated in the reverse direction to facilitate loading of an object w on the rail frame 35 and unloading of an object W from the rail frame 35. A multi-plate rack 32 is provided at another position along the circulation track 31 to accommodate the objects W. The rack 32 is the same as the rack 12 of the first preferred embodiment, and includes a support post 33 and a rack section 34, and the rack sections 34 are rectangular plates. In addition, the longitudinal directions of the individual rack sections 3 4 extend along the circulation track 3 1 of the rail frame 35, so that the plurality of objects W placed on the rack sections 34 are all along the circulation track. 3 1 placed side by side. The rail frame 35 will be described below. The rail frame 35 obtains power through a contact wire (not shown), and is arranged along the circulation track 31 to facilitate movement on the circulation track 3 i. The rail frame 35 can be used to load an object w. In the second preferred embodiment, the objects W are received and transmitted between the object transporting devices 36a, 36b, and 36c and the rack 32 through the rail frame. A pair of clamping arms or object fixing devices 38 are provided on one of the frame main bodies 37 of the rail frame 35, which can be used to move toward and away from the shelf 32 or -13- 200521052 is along the circulation track 31 The object conveying devices 36a, 36b, and 3c are provided. As in the first preferred embodiment, the pair of clamping arms 3 8 are partly provided with sensors 39 The device 30, which will be described below, transfers the object W between the rail frame 35 and the rack 32. The clamping arms 3 8 grasp an object w located in the rack 32 and transfer the object W to the rail frame 35, or grasp an object loaded on the rail frame 35. W and clamp the object w to the unloaded rack portion 34. In addition, in the second preferred embodiment, the article conveying device 30 can load and unload the articles W of the article conveying devices 36a, 36b, and 36c and the rail frame 35. Each of the clamping arms 38 has the sensor 39 on its top. The sensor 39 will be described below. The sensor 39 can generate an indication signal of the presence of an object W in the detectable area S set by the sensor 39. In the second preferred embodiment, each clamping arm 38 has the sensor 39 on its top, thereby generating a movement path of the detectable area S of the sensor 39 in the clamping arm 38. φ In the second preferred embodiment, the clamping arms 38 can be moved not only toward and away from the racks 32 provided along the circulation track of the rail frame 35, but also toward and away from the racks 32. The article transport devices 36a, 36b, and 36c. The detectable area S of the sensor 39 is exactly the same as the first preferred embodiment, so the description of the detectable area S of the first preferred embodiment is omitted. In addition, the sensor 39 can be operated only when the rail frame 35 stops on the circulation track 31 and the clamping arms 38 extend to increase the distance between them. 14-200521052. Therefore, when the clamping arms 38 face the rack 32, before the clamping arms 38 actually move forward into the rack 32, it is determined whether an object W exists in the path, so that the clamp arms 38 Move into the rack 32. According to the object transfer device 30 of the second preferred embodiment, even if a plurality of objects W are placed on the rack portion 34 of the rack 32, it is possible to confirm whether there is one before the clamping arms 38 are moved forward. The object W exists in the moving paths of the clamping arms 38 to the rack 32, so that a collision between an object W in the rack 32 and the clamping arm 38 is prevented. The clamping arms 38 may collide when the objects in the rack 32 are grasped and clamped out by the clamping arms 38. Therefore, the same advantageous effect as that of the first preferred embodiment is achieved. The present invention is not limited to the above specific examples but may be modified to the following alternative specific examples. In the first and second preferred embodiments, the clamping arm has the sensor at its top end, but the position of the sensor is not limited to the top end. In an alternative embodiment, a sensor is provided for a clamping arm so that a detectable area is set along the path of the clamping arm toward and into a shelf. The first and second preferred embodiments use a non-contact diffuse reflection sensor. In an alternative embodiment, the sensor is a contact type. Therefore, the touch sensor is moved into the shelf. When a non-contact sensor cannot detect the objects in the rack smoothly, the detection of the contact sensor can be used favorably. Therefore, the examples and specific examples of the present invention are considered as illustrative examples and are not limited examples, and the present invention is not limited to the detailed description here -15-200521052 but may be modified within the scope of the patent application. [Brief description of the drawings] These features of the present invention are novel and will be detailed in the patent application scope. The present invention and its objects and advantages can be fully understood through the description of the preferred specific examples of the present invention and the drawings, wherein: FIG. 1 is a front view of an automatic warehouse, and an object transfer device FIG. 2 is a plan view of an object transfer device according to a first preferred embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 2 is a plan view of an object transfer device according to a first preferred embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 3 is an object according to the present invention The first preferred embodiment is a schematic plan view of a path state where a clamping arm moves to a rack; FIG. 4 is an object according to the first preferred embodiment of the present invention along a clamping arm. A schematic plan view of a state in which a path moves to the rack; FIG. 5 is a plan view of a rail frame and a circulation track according to an object transfer device application according to a second preferred embodiment of the present invention; and FIG. 6 is based on A side view of an object transfer device according to a second preferred embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 7 is a perspective view of an elevated access vehicle or a track moving body according to the prior art; and FIG. 8 is a view according to the prior art One Transfer plan view of an element. [Description of Symbols of Main Components] 10, 30, 36a, 36b, 36c ... Object conveying device 1 1 ·· Automatic warehouse U, 57 ··· Shelf U, 33, 58 · Support column-16- 200521052 14, 34, 59 ·· Shelf section _ 15 ... Rail moving body 16, 17 ·· Moving rail 18 ... Moving frame 19, 54 ... Mast 20, 55 ... Frame 21 ... Clamping arm 22 ... Guide body 23 ... Wheel reference 24 ... drive motor 2 5 ... control unit 26, 39 ... sensor 31 ... circulation track 32 ... multi-plate rack 35 ... rail frame 37 ... frame body 38 ... clamping arm φ50 ... overhead access truck 51 , 52 ... Moving rail 53 ... Mobile frame 56 ... Forklift truck 60 ... Support post sensor W ... Article-17-