SI26253A2 - Device for closing the container with a smoothing cap - Google Patents

Device for closing the container with a smoothing cap Download PDF


Publication number
SI26253A2 SI202200172A SI202200172A SI26253A2 SI 26253 A2 SI26253 A2 SI 26253A2 SI 202200172 A SI202200172 A SI 202200172A SI 202200172 A SI202200172 A SI 202200172A SI 26253 A2 SI26253 A2 SI 26253A2
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longitudinal axis
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Slovenian (sl)
Tobias Angetter
Jonas Krieger
Monika Fuhrmann
Original Assignee
Krones Ag
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Application filed by Krones Ag filed Critical Krones Ag
Publication of SI26253A2 publication Critical patent/SI26253A2/en



    • B67B3/00Closing bottles, jars or similar containers by applying caps
    • B67B3/02Closing bottles, jars or similar containers by applying caps by applying flanged caps, e.g. crown caps, and securing by deformation of flanges
    • B67B3/10Capping heads for securing caps
    • B67B3/18Capping heads for securing caps characterised by being rotatable, e.g. for forming screw threads in situ


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Sealing Of Jars (AREA)
  • Closures For Containers (AREA)
  • Pressure Vessels And Lids Thereof (AREA)


Naprava (1) za zapiranje vsebnika z zaporko za glajenje, prednostno za zapiranje vsebnika za pijače z zaporko za glajenje v polnilnici pijač, ki obsega dročnik (2) za izvajanje pritiska glave na zaporko za glajenje, ki jo je treba gladiti, nosilec (4), ki je vrtljiv glede na dročnik (2) okoli njegove vzdolžne osi (3), preoblikovalno roko (5, 5'), ki je zasukljivo razporejena na nosilcu (4), s preoblikovalnim valjem (6, 6'), ki je nameščen na preoblikovalni roki (5, 5') vrtljivo glede na preoblikovalno roko(5, 5'), za izdelavo oblike v stranski površini zaporke za glajenje, in aktuator (7), ki je razporejen na nosilcu (4) premično glede na preoblikovalno roko (5, 5') v smeri vzdolžne osi (3), za sukanje preoblikovalne roke (5, 5') v preoblikovalni položaj, pri čemer je aktuator (7) tvorjen zasukljivo okoli vzdolžne osi (3) med prožilnim položajem, v katerem aktuator (7) s premikanjem v smeri vzdolžne osi (3) povzroči sukanje preoblikovalne roke (5, 5'), in položajem prostega teka, v katerem aktuator (7) spreoblikovalno roko (5, 5') ne vprijema.A device (1) for closing a container with a smoothing cap, preferably for closing a beverage container with a smoothing cap in a beverage bottling plant, comprising a nozzle (2) for applying head pressure to the smoothing cap to be smoothed, a support (4 ), which is rotatable with respect to the handle (2) around its longitudinal axis (3), the transformation arm (5, 5') which is rotatably arranged on the support (4), with the transformation cylinder (6, 6'), which is mounted on the reshaping arm (5, 5') rotatably with respect to the reshaping arm (5, 5'), to produce a shape in the side surface of the smoothing shutter, and an actuator (7) arranged on the support (4) movably with respect to the reshaping the arm (5, 5') in the direction of the longitudinal axis (3), for twisting the transforming arm (5, 5') into the transforming position, wherein the actuator (7) is formed rotatably around the longitudinal axis (3) during the triggering position, in which the actuator (7) by moving in the direction of the longitudinal axis (3) causes the transformation arm (5, 5') to rotate, and the idle position in which the actuator (7) does not grip the transformation arm (5, 5').


Naprava za zapiranje vsebnika z zaporko za glajenjeDevice for closing the container with a smoothing cap

Tehnično področjeTechnical field

Pričujoči izum zadeva napravo za zapiranje vsebnika z zaporko za glajenje, na primer za zapiranje vsebnika za pijače z zaporko za glajenje v polnilnici pijač.The present invention relates to a device for closing a container with a smoothing cap, for example for closing a beverage container with a smoothing cap in a beverage bottling plant.

Stanje tehnikeState of the art

Znano je, da se steklenice za pijače zapirajo z zaporko za glajenje. Pri tem se predoblikovanec zaporke največkrat iz aluminija v obliki votlega valja, ki je na eni strani zaprt, natakne na ustje vsebnika z zunanjim navojem. Stranska površina/površina plašča votlega valja zaporke dobi končno obliko z navojem in po izbiri robljenim varovalnim obročem šele med postopkom zapiranja, potem, ko se predoblikovanec natakne na ustje vsebnika.Beverage bottles are known to be sealed with a smoothing cap. In this case, the preformed cap is usually made of aluminum in the form of a hollow cylinder, which is closed on one side, and is put on the mouth of the container with an external thread. The side/sheath surface of the hollow cylinder of the cap is only given its final shape with the thread and optionally the edged retaining ring during the closing process, after the preform has been fitted to the mouth of the container.

V ta namen se naprava, ki se imenuje tudi glava zapiralnika, krivuljno krmiljeno spusti na steklenico z nataknjeno zaporko, pri čemer naprava prek dročnika izvede vnaprej določen pritisk glave na čelno stran zaporke, ki ustreza njeni zgornji strani, s čimer se zagotovi, da se tesnilo, ki se vstavi med ustje vsebnika in zaporko, po zapiranju obdrži na ustju vsebnika tako, da tesni zaporko.For this purpose, the device, which is also called the capper head, is lowered in a curvilinear manner onto the bottle with the cap fitted, whereby the device exerts a predetermined pressure of the head on the face of the cap, corresponding to its upper side, through the handle, ensuring that the seal, which is inserted between the mouth of the container and the cap, remains on the mouth of the container after closing by sealing the cap.

Za izdelavo navoja in prirobka varnostnega obroča oziroma garancijskega traku v stranski površini zaporke ima naprava množico preoblikovalnih rok, ki so razporejene zasukljivo na nosilcu, ki je vrtljiv glede na dročnik okoli njegove vzdolžne osi, pri čemer imajo roke vsakokrat preoblikovalni valj za preoblikovanje oz. izdelavo oblike v stranski površini zaporke za glajenje. Pri tem je vsaj en preoblikovalni valj tvorjen kot valj za navoj za izdelavo navoja v stranski površini in vsaj en preoblikovalni valj tvorjen kot valj za robljenje za izdelavo prirobka v stranski površini zaporke za glajenje. Za izdelavo zgoraj omenjenih oblik se s spuščanjem aktuatorja, ki interagira s preoblikovalnimi rokami, preoblikovalni valji sukajo v smeri stranskih površin zaporke tako, da vsakokrat z vsakokrat vnaprej določeno silo preoblikujejo stransko površino zaporke. Pri tem se z vrtenjem nosilca preoblikovalni valji kotalijo po stranski površini v obodni smeri tako, da se navoj vtisne s spiralnim gibanjem valjev za navoj in varovalni obroč oziroma garancijski trak vtisne s krožnim gibanjem valjev za robljenje.For the production of the thread and flange of the safety ring or the warranty tape in the side surface of the shutter, the device has a plurality of transforming arms, which are arranged in a rotatable manner on a support that is rotatable with respect to the holder around its longitudinal axis, the arms each time having a transforming cylinder for transforming or making a shape in the side surface of the smoothing cap. Here, at least one transforming roller is formed as a threading roller for producing a thread in the side surface and at least one transforming roller is formed as an edging roller for producing a flange in the side surface of the smoothing cap. To produce the above-mentioned shapes, by lowering the actuator that interacts with the shaping arms, the shaping rollers are twisted in the direction of the side surfaces of the shutter so as to transform the side surface of the shutter each time with a predetermined force. In this case, with the rotation of the carrier, the transformation rollers roll on the side surface in a circumferential direction so that the thread is impressed by the spiral movement of the threading rollers and the protective ring or warranty tape is impressed by the circular movement of the edging rollers.

Zaporke za glajenje so, kot zgoraj omenjeno, lahko tvorjene s prirobkom ali brez njega, torej z garancijskim trakom oz. varovalnim obročem ali brez njega. Tako je pri zaporkah za glajenje, pri katerih je predviden garancijski trak oziroma varovalni obroč, potrebno vprijemanje valjev za robljenje na površini plašča zaporke za glajenje za vtiskovanje oziroma „robljenje“ garancijskega traku oziroma varovalnega obroča. Pri zaporkah za glajenje, pri katerih zgoraj omenjeno ni predvideno, valj za robljenje ne izdela prirobka. Tako je znano, da se glave zapiralnika za zaporke za glajenje tvorijo z valjem za robljenje ali brez njega, pri čemer so te vsakokrat primerne za obdelavo samo enega tipa, to je s prirobkom ali brez njega. Pri menjavi obdelave zapork za glajenje tipa s prirobkom z obdelavo zapork za glajenje tipa brez prirobka je temu ustrezno treba menjati glave zapiralnika na zapiralnem stroju in obratno. To vodi do ustrezno daljših časov za predelavo. Poleg tega je treba glave zapiralnika obeh tipov izdelati ločeno ter glave zapiralnika tipa, ki ni v uporabi, skladiščiti.Smoothing fasteners, as mentioned above, can be made with or without a flange, i.e. with a warranty tape or with or without a safety ring. Thus, in the case of smoothing shutters, where a warranty tape or a protective ring is provided, it is necessary to grip the edging rollers on the surface of the surface of the smoothing shutter in order to press in or "edge" the warranty tape or protective ring. For smoothing closures where the above mentioned is not provided, the edging roller does not produce a flange. Thus it is known that the heads of the smoothing shutters are formed with or without the edging roller, these being suitable for machining only one type at a time, i.e. with or without a flange. When changing the processing of flanged type smoothing shutters to the processing of flangeless type smoothing shutters, the shutter heads on the shuttering machine must be changed accordingly and vice versa. This leads to correspondingly longer processing times. In addition, the shutter heads of the two types must be manufactured separately and the shutter heads of the type not in use must be stored.

Znano je, da se omenjene slabosti odpravijo tako, da se pri zapiralnih strojih valji za robljenje aktivirajo ali deaktivirajo. Tak koncept je znan na primer iz patentnih dokumentov EP 2 217 392 B1, EP 2 197 605 B1 ali DE10 2005 023 067 A1. Taki zapiralni stroji pa nimajo glave zapiralnika, kot je opisana zgoraj, ampak obsegajo posebne priprave za vtiskovanje prirobka na zaporki.It is known that said disadvantages are eliminated by activating or deactivating the edging rollers in the closing machines. Such a concept is known, for example, from patent documents EP 2 217 392 B1, EP 2 197 605 B1 or DE10 2005 023 067 A1. Such closing machines, however, do not have a closing head, as described above, but include special devices for pressing the flange on the closure.

Predstavitev izumaPresentation of the invention

Izhajajoč iz znanega stanja tehnike je naloga pričujočega izuma zagotoviti izboljšano napravo za zapiranje vsebnika z zaporko za glajenje, prednostno za zapiranje vsebnika za pijače z zaporko za glajenje v polnilnici pijač.Starting from the known state of the art, the object of the present invention is to provide an improved device for closing a container with a smoothing cap, preferably for closing a beverage container with a smoothing cap in a beverage bottling plant.

Naloga je rešena z napravo za zapiranje vsebnika z zaporko za glajenje, prednostno za zapiranje vsebnika za pijače z zaporko za glajenje v polnilnici pijač z značilnostmi zahtevka 1. Prednostni dodatni izvedbeni primeri izhajajo iz odvisnih zahtevkov, opisa in slik.The task is solved with a device for closing a container with a smoothing cap, preferably for closing a beverage container with a smoothing cap in a beverage bottling plant with the features of claim 1. Preferred additional implementation examples follow from the dependent claims, description and pictures.

Tako je predstavljena naprava za zapiranje vsebnika z zaporko za glajenje, prednostno za zapiranje vsebnika za pijače z zaporko za glajenje v polnilnici pijač, ki obsega dročnik za izvajanje pritiska glave na zaporko za glajenje, ki jo je treba gladiti, nosilec, ki je vrtljiv glede na dročnik okoli njegove vzdolžne osi, preoblikovalno roko, ki je zasukljivo razporejena na nosilcu, s preoblikovalnim valjem, ki je nameščen na preoblikovalni roki vrtljivo glede na preoblikovalno roko, za izdelavo oblike v stranski površini zaporke za glajenje, in aktuator, ki je razporejen na nosilcu premično glede na preoblikovalno roko v smeri vzdolžne osi, za sukanje preoblikovalne roke v preoblikovalni položaj. Aktuator je tvorjen zasukljivo okoli vzdolžne osi med prožilnim položajem, v katerem aktuator s premikanjem v smeri vdolžne osi povzroči sukanje preoblikovalne roke, in položajem prostega teka, v katerem aktuator s preoblikovalno roko ne vprijema.Thus, there is presented a device for closing a container with a smoothing cap, preferably for closing a beverage container with a smoothing cap in a beverage bottling plant, comprising a lever for exerting head pressure on the smoothing cap to be smoothed, a support rotatable with respect to to the die about its longitudinal axis, a reshaping arm rotatably disposed on the support, with a reshaping roller mounted on the reshaping arm rotatably relative to the reshaping arm for forming a shape in the side surface of the smoothing shutter, and an actuator disposed on to the carrier movable relative to the transforming arm in the direction of the longitudinal axis, to rotate the transforming arm into the transforming position. The actuator is formed rotatably around the longitudinal axis between the trigger position, in which the actuator by moving in the direction of the longitudinal axis causes the transformation arm to rotate, and the idle position, in which the actuator does not engage with the transformation arm.

S tem, daje aktuatortvorjen zasukljivo okoli vzdolžne osi med prožilnim položajem, v katerem aktuator s premikanjem v smeri vdolžne osi povzroči sukanje preoblikovalne roke, in položajem prostega teka, v katerem aktuator s preoblikovalno roko ne vprijema, se ni treba vnaprej odločiti, ali zapiralni stroj mora biti tvorjen za zapiranje vsebnikov z zaporko za glajenje z izdelavo prirobka za tvorjenje varovalnega obroča oziroma garancijskega traku v zaporki za glajenje ali izdelava prirobka ni potrebna.By this, the actuator is rotatable about the longitudinal axis between the actuation position, in which the actuator causes the transformation arm to rotate by moving in the direction of the longitudinal axis, and the idle position, in which the actuator does not engage with the transformation arm, it is not necessary to decide in advance whether the closing machine it must be designed to close containers with a smoothing cap by making a flange to form a protective ring or a warranty tape in the smoothing cap, or the production of a flange is not necessary.

Na ta način zapiralni stroj ni omejen tako, da je že v fazi snovanja določen za obdelavo zapork za glajenje enega tipa, to je tipa s prirobkom ali tipa brez prirobka, kot je to primer pri običajnih zapiralnih strojih z običajnimi zapiralnimi glavami, in sicer zaradi velikih razlik pri vmesnikih med zapiralnim strojem in zapiralno glavo, ki so odvisni od vsakokratnega sistema. Iz tega razloga pri običajnih zapiralnih strojih ni bilo možno naknadno prigrajene zapiralne glave kar tako integrirati s preklopljivimi valji za robljenje.In this way, the capping machine is not limited to being determined at the design stage to process one type of smoothing closure, i.e. the flanged type or the flangeless type, as is the case with conventional capping machines with conventional capping heads, because large differences in the interfaces between the closing machine and the closing head, which depend on the respective system. For this reason, it was not possible to simply integrate the retrofitted closing head with the switchable edging rollers in conventional closing machines.

V nasprotju s tem je z zgoraj opisanim zasukljivim aktuatorjem možno tudi pri obstoječih zapiralnih strojih oziroma sistemih z opremljanjem z zgoraj omenjeno napravo, ki predstavlja zapiralno glavo ali je zapiralna glava, na enostaven način zagotoviti menjavo med aktiviranjem prirobka za izdelavo varovalnega obroča oziroma garancijskega traku, ko se obdelujejo zaporke za glajenje tipa z garancijskim trakom oziroma varovalnim obročem, in deaktiviranjem prirobka, ko se obdelujejo zaporke za glajenje tipa brez garancijskega traku oziroma varovalnega obroča.In contrast, with the rotary actuator described above, it is also possible for existing closing machines or systems equipped with the above-mentioned device, which represents a closing head or is a closing head, to easily ensure a change during the activation of the flange for the production of a safety ring or a guarantee tape, when smoothing shutters of the type with warranty tape or protective ring are processed, and deactivating the flange when smoothing shutters of the type without warranty tape or protective ring are processed.

Po nadaljnjem prednostnem izvedbenem primeru ima aktuator interakcijski odsek za proženje preoblikovalne roke pri premikanju aktuatorja v smeri vzdolžne osi, pri čemer je interakcijski odsek v prožilnem položaju glede na vzdolžno os v obodni smeri pozicioniran na višini preoblikovalne roke, pri čemer ima interakcijski odsek prednostno v smeri vzdolžne osi proč od preoblikovalne roke dvigajočo se radialno razširitev, in/ali ima aktuator vdolbino za sprejem preoblikovalne roke pri premikanju aktuatorja v smeri vzdolžne osi v položaju prostega teka. S tem se lahko na enostaven način menja med prožilnim položajem in položajem prostega teka in je poleg tega aktuator zgrajen enostavno ter je enostaven za izdelavo.According to a further preferred embodiment, the actuator has an interaction section for actuating the transformation arm when the actuator is moved in the direction of the longitudinal axis, wherein the interaction section in the actuation position relative to the longitudinal axis in the circumferential direction is positioned at the height of the transformation arm, wherein the interaction section preferably has in the direction longitudinal axis away from the reshaping arm a rising radial extension, and/or the actuator has a recess to receive the reshaping arm when moving the actuator in the longitudinal axis direction in the idle position. This allows for an easy change between the trigger position and the idle position, and in addition, the actuator is simple in construction and easy to manufacture.

Po nadaljnjem prednostnem izvedbenem primeru obsega nosilec aretirni element za aretiranje aktuatorja v prožilnem položaju ali v položaju prostega teka. Tako se lahko zagotovi, da aktuator ostane v predvidenem položaju in se med obratovanjem ne premika neželeno iz nastavljenega položaja. Prednostno je aretirni element tvorjen premično v smeri vzdolžne osi. Za preprečitev neželenega premikanja aktuatorja iz vsakokratne pozicije oziroma položaja je aretirni element lahko držan v aretirnem položaju in/ali je prednapet in je za sprostitev aretiranja premičen iz aretirnega položaja. Prednostno je aretirni element s pomočjo težnosti držan v aretirnem položaju. Dodatno ali alternativno je lahko predviden varovalni element, na primer elastično deformabilen varovalni element, na primer v obliki tesnilnega obroča iz elastomera in/ali termoplasta, ki preprečuje neželeno premikanje aretirnega elementa iz aretirnega položaja. Prednostno je varovalni element tvorjen tako, da se pri vnosu vnaprej določene sprostilne sile aretirni element lahko premakne prek varovalnega elementa navzven, s čimer se aretiranje ponovno sprosti.According to a further preferred embodiment, the support comprises a locking element for locking the actuator in the actuating position or in the idle position. In this way, it can be ensured that the actuator remains in the intended position and does not move undesiredly from the set position during operation. Preferably, the arresting element is formed to be movable in the direction of the longitudinal axis. In order to prevent unwanted movement of the actuator from each position, the arresting element can be held in the arresting position and/or pre-tensioned and moved from the arresting position to release the arresting. Preferably, the arresting element is held in the arresting position by means of gravity. Additionally or alternatively, a safety element can be provided, for example an elastically deformable safety element, for example in the form of a sealing ring made of elastomer and/or thermoplastic, which prevents unwanted movement of the arresting element from the arresting position. Preferably, the safety element is formed in such a way that when a predetermined release force is applied, the arresting element can be moved outwards via the safety element, whereby the arresting is released again.

Kot prednost se izkaže, če aretirni element obsega štrlino oziroma nastavek, ki ga je moč spraviti v vprijemanje ali iz njega, in sicer s prvim sprejemom, predvidenim na aktuatorju, prednostno v obliki žepa tvorjenim sprejemom, za sprejemanje nastavka v prožilnem položaju, in/ali z drugim sprejemom, predvidenim na aktuatorju, prednostno v obliki žepa tvorjenim sprejemom, za sprejemanje nastavka v položaju prostega teka.It turns out to be an advantage if the arresting element comprises a protrusion or a fitting that can be brought into or out of engagement, namely with the first reception provided on the actuator, preferably a pocket-shaped reception, for receiving the fitting in the trigger position, and/ or with another reception provided on the actuator, preferably a pocket-shaped reception, for receiving the bit in the idle position.

Po nadaljnjem prednostnem primeru je aretirni element integriran v sklopko za hitro menjavo za sklapljanje naprave z zapiralnikom za zapiranje vsebnikov z zaporko za glajenje. Na ta način pridemo do posebej enostavne konstrukcije naprave. Zlasti se lahko tako zagotovita dve funkcionalnosti - sklapljanje naprave z zapiralnikom oziroma sinonimom zanj, ..zapiralnim strojem, in zasukljivost akuatorja med prožilnim položajem in položajem prostega teka na aretirni način s sklopko za hitro menjavo.According to a further preferred example, the arresting element is integrated into the quick-change coupling for coupling the device with the closure of the containers with the smoothing cap. In this way, we arrive at a particularly simple construction of the device. In particular, two functionalities can be ensured in this way - the coupling of the device with the shutter or a synonym for it, ..the shutter machine, and the swiveling of the actuator between the trigger position and the idle position in an arresting manner with a quick-change clutch.

Še zlasti kot prednost se je izkazalo, če ima sklopka za hitro menjavo aretirni člen, ki je premičen v smeri vzdolžne osi in obsega prednostno aretirni zatič za aretiranje sklopke za hitro menjavo v sklopljenem položaju, pri čemer je aretirni element razporejen prednostno na aretirnem členu.It has proven particularly advantageous if the quick-change clutch has a locking member which is movable in the direction of the longitudinal axis and preferably comprises a locking pin for locking the quick-change clutch in the engaged position, wherein the locking element is preferably arranged on the locking member.

Po nadaljnjem prednostnem izvedbenem primeru obsega aretirni člen telo obroča, pri čemer je aretirni element tvorjen v obliki štrline na čelni strani telesa obroča, ki je obrnjena v smeri aktuatorja.According to a further preferred embodiment, the arresting element comprises the body of the ring, whereby the arresting element is formed in the form of a projection on the front side of the body of the ring, which faces in the direction of the actuator.

Prednostno obsega aktuator sprejem za sprejemanje aretirnega elementa v prožilnem položaju in/ali v položaju prostega teka, prednostno dva sprejema za sprejemanje aretirnega elementa, pri čemer je prednostno prvi sprejem, prednostno v obliki žepa tvorjeni sprejem, tvorjen za sprejemanje aretirnega elementa v prožilnem položaju, in/ali je drugi sprejem, prednostno v obliki žepa tvorjeni sprejem, tvorjen za sprejemanje aretirnega elementa v položaju prostega teka.Preferably, the actuator comprises a receiver for receiving the arresting element in the trigger position and/or in the idle position, preferably two receivers for receiving the arrester element, wherein the first receiver is preferably a pocket-shaped receiver formed to receive the arrester element in the trigger position, and/or the second reception, preferably in the form of a pocket, is a reception formed to receive the arresting element in the idle position.

Po prednostnem izvedbenem primeru je preoblikovalni valj tvorjen kot valj za navoj za izdelavo navoja v stranski površini zaporke za glajenje. Alternativno je preoblikovalni valj lahko tvorjen tudi kot valj za robljenje za izdelavo prirobka v stranski površini zaporke za glajenje.According to a preferred embodiment, the transformation roll is formed as a thread roll for producing a thread in the side surface of the smoothing cap. Alternatively, the reshaping roll can also be formed as an edging roll to produce a flange in the side surface of the smoothing cap.

Prednostno ima naprava množico preoblikovalnih valjev, pri čemer je prednostno vsaj en preoblikovalni valj tvorjen kot valj za navoj in je prednostno vsaj en preoblikovalni valj tvorjen kot valj za robljenje. Pri tem se je izkazalo za prednost, če ima naprava natanko dva valja za navoj in dva valja za robljenje.Preferably, the device has a plurality of forming rolls, wherein preferably at least one forming roll is formed as a threading roll and preferably at least one forming roll is formed as an edging roll. Here, it has proven to be an advantage if the device has exactly two threading rollers and two edging rollers.

Kratek opis slikA brief description of the images

Prednostni nadaljnji izvedbeni primeri izuma bodo podrobneje pojasnjeni z naslednjim opisom slik. Pri tem prikazuje:Preferred further embodiments of the invention will be explained in more detail with the following description of the drawings. It shows:

Slika 1 shematsko stranski pogled naprave za zapiranje vsebnika z zaporko za glajenje;Fig. 1 is a schematic side view of a device for closing a container with a smoothing cap;

Slika 2 shematsko stranski detajlni pogled delnega območja po sliki 1;Fig. 2 is a schematic side detailed view of a partial area according to Fig. 1;

Slika 3 shematsko tloris vzdolž vzdolžne osi po sliki 3;Figure 3 schematic floor plan along the longitudinal axis according to Figure 3;

Slika 4 shematsko nadaljnji stranski detajlni pogled delnega območja po sliki 2;Fig. 4 is a schematic further side detail view of a partial area according to Fig. 2;

Slika 5 shematsko tloris vzdolž vzdolžne osi po sliki 4;Figure 5 is a schematic floor plan along the longitudinal axis according to Figure 4;

Slika 6 shematsko nadaljnji stranski detajlni pogled delnega območja po slikah 2 in 4;Fig. 6 is a schematic further side detail view of a partial area according to Figs. 2 and 4;

Slika 7 shematsko sučno gibanje aktuatorja naprave po slikah od 1 do 6 iz prožilnega položaja v položaj prostega teka;Fig. 7 is a schematic axial movement of the actuator of the device according to Figs. 1 to 6 from the activated position to the idle position;

Slika 8 shematsko pogled od spodaj aktuatorja naprave za zapiranje vsebnika z zaporko za glajenje po nadaljnjem izvedbenem primeru; inFig. 8 is a schematic view from below of the actuator of the device for closing the container with a smoothing cap according to a further embodiment; and

Slika 9 shematsko nadaljnji pogled od spodaj aktuatorja po sliki 8.Figure 9 is a schematic further view from below of the actuator according to Figure 8.

Podrobni opis prednostnih izvedbenih primerovDetailed description of preferred embodiments

V nadaljevanju bodo s pomočjo slik opisani prednostni izvedbeni primeri. Pri tem bodo enaki, podobni ali enako delujoči elementi v različnih slikah opremljeni z enakimi sklicevalnimi oznakami, zato se v izogib nepotrebnim ponovitvam opisi teh elementov ne bodo ponovili.In the following, preferred implementation examples will be described with the help of pictures. In doing so, the same, similar or equally functioning elements in different images will be equipped with the same reference marks, therefore, to avoid unnecessary repetition, the descriptions of these elements will not be repeated.

Na sliki 1 je shematsko prikazan stranski pogled naprave 1 za zapiranje vsebnika z zaporko za glajenje, ki je izbirno tvorjena za zapiranje vsebnika za pijače z zaporko za glajenje v polnilnici pijač. Naprava 1 obsega dročnik 2 za izvajanje pritiska glave na zaporko za glajenje, ki jo je treba gladiti, nosilec 4, ki je vrtljiv glede dročnik 2 okoli njegove vzdolžne osi 3, in množico preoblikovalnih rok 5, 5', ki so zasukljivo razporejene na nosilcu 4 in imajo vsakokrat preoblikovalni valj 6, 6', ki je nameščen na preoblikovalni roki 5, 5‘ vrtljivo glede na preoblikovalno roko 5, 5‘, za izdelavo oblike v stranski površini zaporke za glajenje.Figure 1 schematically shows a side view of a device 1 for closing a container with a smoothing cap, which is optionally formed for closing a beverage container with a smoothing cap in a beverage bottling plant. The device 1 comprises a die 2 for applying head pressure to the smoothing block to be smoothed, a support 4 which is rotatable with respect to the die 2 about its longitudinal axis 3 and a plurality of transforming arms 5, 5' which are rotatably arranged on the support 4 and each have a shaping roller 6, 6' mounted on a shaping arm 5, 5' rotatably with respect to the shaping arm 5, 5', to produce a shape in the side surface of the smoothing shutter.

V pričujočem prednostnem izvedbenem primeru sta dva preoblikovalna valja 6, ki si ležita nasproti glede na vzdolžno os 3, tvorjena kot valja 6‘ za navoj za izdelavo navoja v stranskih površinah zaporke za glajenje in sta nadalje dva nadaljnja preoblikovalna valja 6, ki si ležita nasproti glede vzdolžno os 3, tvorjena kot valja 6 za robljenje za izdelavo prirobka v stranski površini zaporke za glajenje za tvorjenje varovalnega obroča oziroma garancijskega traku na zaporki za glajenje.In the present preferred embodiment, two reforming rollers 6, which lie opposite each other with respect to the longitudinal axis 3, are formed as threading rollers 6' for producing a thread in the side surfaces of the smoothing shutter, and there are further two further reforming rollers 6, which lie opposite each other with respect to the longitudinal axis 3, formed as a roller 6 for edging to produce a flange in the side surface of the smoothing cap for the formation of a protective ring or a guarantee tape on the smoothing cap.

Naprava 1 obsega nadalje aktuator 7, ki je razporejen na nosilcu 4 premično glede na preoblikovalne roke 5, 5' v smeri vzdolžne osi 3 za sukanje preoblikovalnih rok 5, 5‘ v preoblikovalni položaj.The device 1 further comprises an actuator 7, which is arranged on the support 4 movably relative to the transforming arms 5, 5' in the direction of the longitudinal axis 3 for turning the transforming arms 5, 5' into the transforming position.

Aktuator 7 je, kot je podrobneje pojasnjeno v zvezi s slikami od 2 do 9, tvorjen zasukljivo okoli vzdolžne osi 3 med prožilnim položajem, v katerem aktuator 7 s premikanjem v smeri vzdolžne osi 3 povzroči sukanje preoblikovalnih rok 5, ki obsegajo valje 6 za robljenje, in položajem prostega teka, v katerem aktuator 7 s preoblikovalnimi rokami 5, ki obsegajo valje 6 za robljenje, ne vprijema.Actuator 7, as explained in more detail in connection with Figures 2 to 9, is formed rotatably about the longitudinal axis 3 during the actuation position, in which the actuator 7, by moving in the direction of the longitudinal axis 3, causes the transformation arms 5, which comprise the edging rollers 6, to rotate , and the idle position, in which the actuator 7 does not engage with the transforming arms 5, which comprise the edging rollers 6.

Slika 2 prikazuje shematsko stranski detajlni pogled delnega območja nosilca 4 in aktuatorja 7 po sliki 1. Aktuator 7 obsega interakcijski odsek 8 za proženje preoblikovalnih rok 5, 5‘ pri premikanju aktuatorja 7 v smeri vzdolžne osi 3.Figure 2 shows a schematic side detailed view of a partial area of the support 4 and the actuator 7 according to Figure 1. The actuator 7 comprises an interaction section 8 for triggering the transformation arms 5, 5' when the actuator 7 is moved in the direction of the longitudinal axis 3.

Interakcijski odsek 8 je v prožilnem položaju glede na vzdolžno os 3 v obodni smeri gledano pozicioniran na višini preoblikovalnih rok 5, pri čemer ima interakcijski odsek 8 prednostno v smeri vzdolžne osi 3 proč od preoblikovalne roke dvigajočo se radialno razširitev. Radialna razširitev se začne pri prvem polmeru r in postopno narašča od njega proti drugemu polmeru R, ki je za vnaprej določeno mero Ar večji od prvega polmera r. Aktuator 7 ima nadalje dve vdolbini 9, ki si ležita nasproti glede na vzdolžno os 3, za sprejemanje preoblikovalne roke 5 pri premikanju aktuatorja 7 v smeri vzdolžne osi 3, ko se ta nahaja v položaju prostega teka.The interaction section 8 is positioned in the actuating position relative to the longitudinal axis 3 in the circumferential direction at the height of the transforming arms 5, whereby the interaction section 8 preferably has a rising radial extension in the direction of the longitudinal axis 3 away from the transforming arm. The radial expansion starts at the first radius r and gradually increases from it towards the second radius R, which is greater than the first radius r by a predetermined measure Ar. The actuator 7 further has two recesses 9, which lie opposite each other with respect to the longitudinal axis 3, for receiving the transforming arm 5 when moving the actuator 7 in the direction of the longitudinal axis 3, when it is in the idle position.

Na sliki 3 je shematsko prikazan tloris vzdolž vzdolžne osi 3 po sliki 2, pri čemer je s pomočjo sklicevalne oznake 10 prikazana usmerjenost vdolbine 9, ki je vidna na sliki 2, ko je aktuator 7 pozicioniran v prožilnem položaju.Figure 3 schematically shows the floor plan along the longitudinal axis 3 according to Figure 2, whereby the reference mark 10 shows the orientation of the recess 9 visible in Figure 2 when the actuator 7 is positioned in the trigger position.

Kot sledi iz slik 1 in 2, obsega nosilec 4 aretirni element 11 za aretiranje aktuatorja 7 v prožilnem položaju ali v položaju prostega teka. Aretirni element 11 je tvorjen tako, da je premičen v smeri vzdolžne osi 3. Aretirni element 11 je po tem izvedbenem primeru s pomočjo težnosti držan v aretirnem položaju, prikazanem na slikah 1 in 2. Alternativno ali dodatno je lahko aretirni element 11 prednapet tudi v aretirnem položaju. Za sprostitev aretiranja se lahko aretirni element 11 premakne iz aretirnega položaja nasproti težnosti v smeri vzdolžne osi 3.As follows from figures 1 and 2, the support 4 comprises the arresting element 11 for arresting the actuator 7 in the trigger position or in the idle position. The arresting element 11 is formed so that it is movable in the direction of the longitudinal axis 3. According to this embodiment, the arresting element 11 is held in the arresting position shown in Figures 1 and 2 with the help of gravity. Alternatively or additionally, the arresting element 11 can also be pre-tensioned in arrest position. To release the arrest, the arresting element 11 can be moved from the arresting position against gravity in the direction of the longitudinal axis 3.

V tem izbirnem izvedbenem primeru je aretirni element 11 integriran v sklopko 13 za hitro menjavo za sklapljanje naprave 1 z zapiralnikom za zapiranje vsebnikov z zaporko za glajenje. Sklopka 13 za hitro menjavo obsega aretirni člen 14, ki je premičen v smeri vzdolžne osi 3 in obsega aretirni zatič (ni prikazan) za aretiranje sklopke 13 za hitro menjavo v sklopljenem položaju, pri čemer je aretirni element 11 razporejen na aretirnem členu 14.In this optional embodiment, the arresting element 11 is integrated in the quick-change coupling 13 for coupling the device 1 with the closure for closing the containers with a smoothing cap. The quick-change clutch 13 comprises a locking member 14 which is movable in the direction of the longitudinal axis 3 and comprises a locking pin (not shown) for locking the quick-change clutch 13 in the engaged position, wherein the locking element 11 is arranged on the locking member 14.

Aretirni člen 14 obsega telo obroča oziroma je tvorjen kot telo obroča. Aretirni element 11 je tvorjen v obliki štrline na čelni strani telesa obroča, ki je obrnjena v smeri aktuatorja 7.The locking member 14 comprises the body of the ring or is formed as a body of the ring. The arresting element 11 is formed in the form of a protrusion on the front side of the ring body, which is turned in the direction of the actuator 7.

Aktuator 7 obsega sprejem 15, ki kaže v smeri aretirnega člena 14, za sprejemanje aretirnega elementa 11 v prožilnem položaju in nadaljnji sprejem 15‘ za sprejemanje aretirnega elementa 11 v položaju prostega teka, pri čemer je sprejem 15 za sprejemanje aretirnega elementa 11 v prožilnem položaju za vnaprej določeni kot v obodni smeri glede na vzdolžno os 3 razmaknjen od nadaljnjega sprejema 15' za sprejemanje aretirnega elementa 11 v položaju prostega teka.Actuator 7 comprises a receiver 15 pointing in the direction of the arresting member 14, for receiving the arresting element 11 in the trigger position and a further receiver 15' for receiving the arresting element 11 in the idle position, wherein the receiver 15 is for receiving the arresting element 11 in the triggering position spaced by a predetermined angle in the circumferential direction relative to the longitudinal axis 3 from the further reception 15' for receiving the arresting element 11 in the idle position.

Na sliki 4 je shematsko prikazan nadaljnji stranski detajlni pogled delnega območja nosilca 4 in aktuatorja 7 po sliki 2, pri čemer sta aretirni člen 14 in s tem aretirni element 11 premaknjena iz aretirnega položaja, prikazanega na slikah 1 in 2, pri čemer je aretirni člen 14 nasproti težnosti vzporedno z vzdolžno osjo 3 v smeri 16 dviganja dvignjen za vnaprej določeno razdaljo tako, da aretirni element 11 ne vprijema s sprejemom 15. Tako se lahko aktuator 7 v smeri 17, prikazani na sliki 5, zasuka okoli vzdolžne osi 3 iz prožilnega položaja, prikazanega na slikah od 1 do 3, kot je ponazorjeno na slikah 4 in 5.Figure 4 schematically shows a further side detail view of a partial area of the support 4 and actuator 7 according to Figure 2, wherein the arresting member 14 and thus the arresting element 11 are moved from the arresting position shown in Figures 1 and 2, the arresting member being 14 against gravity parallel to the longitudinal axis 3 in the lifting direction 16 is raised by a predetermined distance so that the arresting element 11 does not engage with the receiver 15. Thus, the actuator 7 in the direction 17 shown in Figure 5 can be rotated around the longitudinal axis 3 from the trigger position shown in Figures 1 to 3 as illustrated in Figures 4 and 5.

Slika 6 shematsko prikazuje nadaljnji stranski detajlni pogled delnega območja nosilca 4 in aktuatorja 7 po slikah 2 in 4, pri čemer je aktuator 7 zasukan v položaj prostega teka. Poleg tega je aretirni člen 14 spuščen v smeri težnosti g na aktuator 7 tako, da aretirni element 11 vprijema s sprejemom 15‘. S tem je aktuator 7 aretiran v položaju prostega teka. Kot opisano zgoraj, je v položaju prostega teka vdolbina 9 razporejena tako, da pri spuščanju aktuatorja 7 k preoblikovalnim rokam 5, 5' do preoblikovalne roke 5, na kateri je razporejen valj 6 za robljenje, sprejema, ne da bi prišlo do sukanja preoblikovalne roke 5 z interakcijo z aktuatorjem 7. Tako pride pri spuščanju aktuatorja 7 k preoblikovalnim rokam 5, 5‘ samo do sukanja preoblikovalnih rok 5', ki ga povzroči interakcija z interakcijskim odsekom 8 aktuatorja 7, za izdelavo navoja v zaporki za glajenje, a ne do robljenja garancijskega traku oziroma varovalnega obroča.Fig. 6 schematically shows a further side detail view of a partial area of the support 4 and the actuator 7 of Figs. 2 and 4, with the actuator 7 rotated to the idle position. In addition, the arresting member 14 is lowered in the direction of gravity g onto the actuator 7 so that the arresting element 11 engages with the receiver 15'. With this, the actuator 7 is arrested in the idling position. As described above, in the idle position, the recess 9 is arranged so that when the actuator 7 is lowered to the converting arms 5, 5' to the converting arm 5 on which the edging roller 6 is arranged, it receives without causing the twisting of the converting arm 5 by interacting with the actuator 7. Thus, when the actuator 7 is lowered to the transforming arms 5, 5', only the twisting of the transforming arms 5' occurs, caused by the interaction with the interaction section 8 of the actuator 7, to produce a thread in the smoothing plug, but not to edging of the warranty tape or protective ring.

Kot je nadalje razvidno s slike 1, je varovalni element predviden v obliki tesnilnega obroča 12, ki preprečuje neželeno premikanje aretirnega elementa 11 iz aretirnega položaja.As can further be seen from figure 1, the protective element is provided in the form of a sealing ring 12, which prevents unwanted movement of the arresting element 11 from the arresting position.

Na sliki 7 je shematsko prikazano sučno gibanje aktuatorja 7 okoli vzdolžne osi 3 za vnaprej določeni kot 19 sukanja iz prožilnega položaja, prikazanega s sklicevalno oznako 10, v položaj prostega teka, pri čemer je položaj oziroma usmerjenost vdolbine 9 v položaju prostega teka prikazana s sklicevalno oznako 18.Fig. 7 schematically shows the yaw movement of the actuator 7 around the longitudinal axis 3 for a predetermined yaw angle 19 from the trigger position, shown with the reference number 10, to the idle position, whereby the position or orientation of the recess 9 in the idle position is shown with the reference mark 18.

Slika 8 shematsko prikazuje pogled od spodaj aktuatorja 7 po nadaljnjem izvedbenem primeru, pri čemer se aktuator 7 nahaja v položaju prostega teka tako, da interakcijski odsek sicer vprijema s preoblikovalno roko 5‘, prikazano s črtkano črto tako, da se v zaporki za glajenje lahko tvori navoj, a ne s preoblikovalno roko 5, s katero se tvori prirobek za izdelavo garancijskega traku oziroma varovalnega obroča na zaporki za glajenje. Ker je aktuator 7 v položaju prostega teka, je glede na vzdolžno os 3 v obodni smeri gledano vdolbina 9 razporejena na višini aktuatorja 7. Položaj vdolbine 9 v položaju prostega teka je spet prikazan s sklicevalno oznako 10.Figure 8 schematically shows a bottom view of the actuator 7 according to a further embodiment, wherein the actuator 7 is located in the idle position so that the interaction section otherwise engages with the transformation arm 5', shown with a dashed line so that in the smoothing valve it can be it forms a thread, but not with the transformation arm 5, with which a flange is formed for the production of the warranty tape or the protective ring on the smoothing cap. Since the actuator 7 is in the free-running position, the recess 9 is arranged at the height of the actuator 7 in relation to the longitudinal axis 3 in the circumferential direction. The position of the recess 9 in the free-running position is again shown by reference number 10.

Slika 9 shematsko prikazuje nadaljnji pogled od spodaj aktuatorja 7 po sliki 8, pri čemer se aktuator 7 nahaja v prožilnem položaju. Položaj oziroma usmerjenost vdolbine 9 v prožilnem položaju je prikazana s sklicevalno oznako 18. V prožilnem položaju je aktuator 7 za kot 19 sukanja zasukan okoli vzdolžne osi 3. Tako pride pri spuščanju aktuatorja 7 k preoblikovalnim rokam 5, 5' do vprijemanja tako preoblikovalne roke 5' kot tudi preoblikovalne roke 5 z interakcijskim odsekom 8 aktuatorja 7. Vdolbina 9 je v prožilnem položaju razporejena tako, da pri spuščanju aktuatorja 7 v smeri vzdolžne osi k preoblikovalnim rokam 5, 5' nima vpliva na pozicioniranje preoblikovalnih rok 5, 5‘.Fig. 9 schematically shows a further bottom view of the actuator 7 according to Fig. 8, wherein the actuator 7 is located in the actuating position. The position or orientation of the recess 9 in the actuating position is shown by the reference symbol 18. In the actuating position, the actuator 7 is rotated around the longitudinal axis 3 by an angle 19 of rotation. Thus, when the actuator 7 is lowered to the transforming arms 5, 5', the transforming arm 5 is grasped. ' as well as the transforming arms 5 with the interaction section 8 of the actuator 7. In the trigger position, the recess 9 is arranged in such a way that when the actuator 7 is lowered in the direction of the longitudinal axis towards the transforming arms 5, 5' it has no influence on the positioning of the transforming arms 5, 5'.

Kolikor je smiselno, se lahko vse značilnosti, ki so predstavljene v izvedbenih primerih, med seboj kombinirajo in/ali izmenjajo, ne da bi to vplivalo na področje izuma.As far as is reasonable, all features presented in the embodiments may be combined and/or interchanged without departing from the scope of the invention.

Seznam sklicevalnih oznakList of reference marks

1 1 Naprava Device 2 2 Dročnik Dročnik 3 3 Vzdolžna os Longitudinal axis 4 4 Nosilec Carrier 5 5 Preoblikovalna roka Transforming hand 6 6 Preoblikovalni valj Transforming roller 7 7 Aktuator Actuator 8 8 Interakcijski odsek Interaction section 9 9 Vdolbina A recess 10 10 Usmerjenost vdolbine 9 v položaju prostega teka Orientation of recess 9 in idle position 11 11 Aretirni element Arresting element 12 12 Tesnilni obroč Sealing ring 13 13 Sklopka za hitro menjavo Quick change clutch 14 14 Aretirni člen Arrest clause 15 15 Sprejem Acceptance 16 16 Smer dviganja Lifting direction 17 17 Smer Direction 18 18 Usmerjenost vdolbine 9 v prožilnem položaju Orientation of recess 9 in trigger position 19 19 Kot sukanja The angle of twisting g Mr težnost gravity r d prvi polmer the first radius R R drugi polmer the second radius

Claims (6)

1. Naprava (1) za zapiranje vsebnika z zaporko za glajenje, prednostno za zapiranje vsebnika za pijače z zaporko za glajenje v polnilnici pijač, ki obsega dročnik (2) za izvajanje pritiska glave na zaporko za glajenje, ki jo je treba gladiti, nosilec (4), ki je vrtljiv glede na dročnik (2) okoli njegove vzdolžne osi (3), preoblikovalno roko (5,5‘), ki je zasukljivo razporejena na nosilcu (4), s preoblikovalnim valjem (6, 6‘), ki je nameščen na preoblikovalni roki (5,5‘) vrtljivo glede na preoblikovalno roko (5,5‘), za izdelavo oblike v stranski površini zaporke za glajenje, in aktuator (7), ki je razporejen na nosilcu (4) premično glede na preoblikovalno roko (5,5‘) v smeri vzdolžne osi (3), za sukanje preoblikovalne roke (5,5‘) v preoblikovalni položaj, značilna po tem, da je aktuator (7) tvorjen zasukljivo okoli vzdolžne osi (3) med prožilnim položajem, v katerem aktuator (7) s premikanjem v smeri vdolžne osi (3) povzroči sukanje preoblikovalne roke (5,5‘), in položajem prostega teka, v katerem aktuator (7) s preoblikovalno roko (5,5‘) ne vprijema.1. A device (1) for closing a container with a smoothing cap, preferably for closing a beverage container with a smoothing cap in a beverage bottling plant, comprising a handle (2) for applying head pressure to the smoothing cap to be smoothed, a support (4) which is rotatable with respect to the handpiece (2) around its longitudinal axis (3), the transforming arm (5,5'), which is rotatably arranged on the support (4), with the transforming cylinder (6, 6'), which is mounted on a reshaping arm (5.5') rotatably relative to the reshaping arm (5.5') to produce a shape in the side surface of the smoothing shutter, and an actuator (7) arranged on a support (4) movably with respect to to the transforming arm (5.5') in the direction of the longitudinal axis (3), for twisting the transforming arm (5.5') into the transforming position, characterized by the fact that the actuator (7) is formed rotatably around the longitudinal axis (3) between the trigger position, in which the actuator (7) by moving in the direction of the longitudinal axis (3) causes the transformation arm (5.5') to rotate, and the idle position, in which the actuator (7) with the transformation arm (5.5') does not grips. 2. Naprava (1) po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da ima aktuator (7) interakcijski odsek (8) za proženje preoblikovalne roke (5,5‘) pri premikanju aktuatorja (7) v smeri vzdolžne osi (3), pri čemer je interakcijski odsek (8) v prožilnem položaju glede na vzdolžno os (3) v obodni smeri gledano pozicioniran na višini preoblikovalne roke (5,5‘), pri čemer ima interakcijski odsek (8) prednostno v smeri vzdolžne osi (3) proč od preoblikovalne roke (5,5‘) dvigajočo se radialno razširitev, in/ali ima aktuator (7) vdolbino (9) za sprejem preoblikovalne roke (5,5‘) pri premikanju aktuatorja (7) v smeri vzdolžne osi (3) v položaju prostega teka.2. Device (1) according to claim 1, characterized in that the actuator (7) has an interaction section (8) for triggering the transforming arm (5.5') when the actuator (7) is moved in the direction of the longitudinal axis (3), at whereby the interaction section (8) in the actuating position relative to the longitudinal axis (3) in the circumferential direction is positioned at the height of the transforming arm (5.5'), whereby the interaction section (8) preferably has in the direction of the longitudinal axis (3) away from the transforming arm (5.5') a rising radial extension, and/or the actuator (7) has a recess (9) for receiving the transforming arm (5.5') when moving the actuator (7) in the direction of the longitudinal axis (3) in idling position. 3. Naprava (1) po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da ima nosilec (4) aretirni element (11) za aretiranje aktuatorja (7) v prožilnem položaju ali v položaju prostega teka, pri čemer je prednostno aretirni element (11) tvorjen premično v smeri vzdolžne osi (3), pri čemer je prednostno aretirni element (11) držan v aretirnem položaju in/ali prednapet in je za sprostitev aretiranja premičen iz aretirnega položaja.3. The device (1) according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the carrier (4) has an arresting element (11) for arresting the actuator (7) in the trigger position or in the idle position, wherein preferably the arresting element (11 ) formed to be movable in the direction of the longitudinal axis (3), wherein the arresting element (11) is preferably held in the arresting position and/or pre-tensioned and is movable from the arresting position to release the arresting. 4. Naprava (1) po predhodnem zahtevku, značilna po tem, da je aretirni element (11) integriran v sklopko (13) za hitro menjavo za sklapljanje naprave (1) z zapiralnikom za zapiranje vsebnikov z zaporko za glajenje.4. The device (1) according to the preceding claim, characterized in that the arresting element (11) is integrated in the quick-change clutch (13) for coupling the device (1) with a closure for closing containers with a smoothing closure. 5. Naprava (1) po predhodnem zahtevku, značilna po tem, da ima sklopka (13) za hitro menjavo aretirni člen (14), ki je premičen v smeri vzdolžne osi (3) in obsega prednostno aretirni zatič za aretiranje sklopke (13) za hitro menjavo v sklopljenem položaju, pri čemer je aretirni element (11) razporejen na aretirnem členu (14).5. Device (1) according to the preceding claim, characterized in that the quick-change clutch (13) has a locking member (14) which is movable in the direction of the longitudinal axis (3) and preferably comprises a locking pin for locking the clutch (13) for quick change in the closed position, whereby the arresting element (11) is arranged on the arresting link (14). 6. Naprava (1) po predhodnem zahtevku, značilna po tem, da aretirni člen (14) obsega telo obroča in je aretirni element (11) tvorjen v obliki štrline na čelni strani telesa obroča, ki je obrnjena v smeri aktuatorja (7).6. Device (1) according to the preceding claim, characterized in that the arresting member (14) comprises the body of the ring and the arresting element (11) is formed in the form of a projection on the front side of the body of the ring, which faces in the direction of the actuator (7).
SI202200172A 2021-09-07 2022-09-06 Device for closing the container with a smoothing cap SI26253A2 (en)

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DE202021104819.0U DE202021104819U1 (en) 2021-09-07 2021-09-07 Device for closing a container with a roll-on closure

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SI202200172A SI26253A2 (en) 2021-09-07 2022-09-06 Device for closing the container with a smoothing cap

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
JP4370976B2 (en) 2004-05-21 2009-11-25 澁谷工業株式会社 Seal load inspection device
ITPR20070074A1 (en) 2007-10-09 2009-04-10 Cft Packaging S P A ROTARY SEWER
ITPR20070075A1 (en) 2007-10-09 2009-04-10 Cft Packaging S P A ROTARY SEWER

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