SI26068A - Belt brake with control mechanism for controlled and gradual change of braking force - Google Patents

Belt brake with control mechanism for controlled and gradual change of braking force Download PDF


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SI26068A SI202000158A SI202000158A SI26068A SI 26068 A SI26068 A SI 26068A SI 202000158 A SI202000158 A SI 202000158A SI 202000158 A SI202000158 A SI 202000158A SI 26068 A SI26068 A SI 26068A
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David Kozinc
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Tajfun Planina Proizvodnja Strojev, D.O.O.
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Application filed by Tajfun Planina Proizvodnja Strojev, D.O.O. filed Critical Tajfun Planina Proizvodnja Strojev, D.O.O.
Priority to SI202000158A priority Critical patent/SI26068A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2021/000002 priority patent/WO2022055435A1/en
Publication of SI26068A publication Critical patent/SI26068A/en



    • B66D5/00Braking or detent devices characterised by application to lifting or hoisting gear, e.g. for controlling the lowering of loads
    • B66D5/02Crane, lift hoist, or winch brakes operating on drums, barrels, or ropes
    • B66D5/06Crane, lift hoist, or winch brakes operating on drums, barrels, or ropes with radial effect
    • B66D5/10Crane, lift hoist, or winch brakes operating on drums, barrels, or ropes with radial effect embodying bands
    • B66D5/00Braking or detent devices characterised by application to lifting or hoisting gear, e.g. for controlling the lowering of loads
    • B66D5/02Crane, lift hoist, or winch brakes operating on drums, barrels, or ropes
    • B66D5/24Operating devices
    • B66D5/26Operating devices pneumatic or hydraulic
    • F16D49/00Brakes with a braking member co-operating with the periphery of a drum, wheel-rim, or the like
    • F16D49/08Brakes with a braking member co-operating with the periphery of a drum, wheel-rim, or the like shaped as an encircling band extending over approximately 360 degrees
    • F16D49/12Brakes with a braking member co-operating with the periphery of a drum, wheel-rim, or the like shaped as an encircling band extending over approximately 360 degrees fluid actuated


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Braking Arrangements (AREA)


Namen izuma je zasnovati tračno zavoro, ki bo prirejena za sodelovanje z navijalnim bobnom gozdarskega vitla, tako da bo z njeno pomočjo možno vrtenje bobna zaustavljati v različnih vnaprej izbranih režimih, namreč bodisi v režimu hitrega in temu primerno sunkovitega zaustavljanja ali pa v režimu postopnega in nesunkovitega zaustavljanja vnaprej izbrane intenzitete, pri čemer naj bi bilo še zlasti možno zagotoviti tudi postopno in natančno kontrolirano zmanjševanje zavorne sile in s tem popuščanje zavore.Zavorni mehanizem (3) zavore po izumu poleg primarnega aktuatorja (32) obsega tudi sekundami aktuator (34), ki je zasnovan kot enosmerno delujoč hidravlični cilinder (340) z batom (341), batnico (342) in ustreznim hidravličnim priključkom (343) za dovod hidravličnega medija za potiskanje bata (341) vzdolž cilindra (340) proti sili v notranjosti cilindra (340) pred batom (341) razpoložljive tlačne vzmeti (344). Batnica (342) je v aksialni smeri premakljivo vstavljena v izven cilindra (341) razpoložljivemvodilu (345), v območju katerega je cilinder (341) pritrjen na omenjeni vzvod (31) v osrednjem območju (313) le-tega. Prvi krak (21) okoli zavornega koluta (1) ovitega zavornega traku (2) je priključen na vzvod (31) zavornega mehanizma (3), preostali krak (22) zavornega traku (2) pa je povezan s prostim koncem (342') batnice (342) sekundarnega aktuatorja (34).The purpose of the invention is to design a belt brake, which will be adapted to cooperate with the winding drum of the forestry winch, so that it will be possible to stop the rotation of the drum in various pre-selected modes, namely in fast and appropriately jerky mode non-jerky stopping of a predetermined intensity, in which it should be possible to ensure a gradual and precisely controlled reduction of the braking force and thus the release of the brake. The brake mechanism (3) , designed as a one-way hydraulic cylinder (340) with a piston (341), a piston (342) and a corresponding hydraulic connection (343) for supplying hydraulic piston pushing medium (341) along the cylinder (340) against the force inside the cylinder 340) available compression springs (344) in front of the piston (341). The piston rod (342) is movably inserted in the axial direction in the guide (345) available outside the cylinder (341), in the area of which the cylinder (341) is attached to said lever (31) in the central area (313) thereof. The first leg (21) around the brake disc (1) of the wrapped brake belt (2) is connected to the lever (31) of the brake mechanism (3), and the remaining arm (22) of the brake belt (2) is connected to the free end (342 ') piston rods (342) of the secondary actuator (34).


Tračna zavora z regulacijskim mehanizmom za kontrolirano in postopno spreminjanje zavorne sileBand brake with regulation mechanism for controlled and gradual change of braking force

Izum se nanaša na tračno zavoro z regulacijskim zavornim mehanizmom, ki je načeloma prirejena za uporabo pri gozdarskem vitlu, gnanem s z mehanskimi ali hidravličnimi pogonskimi sredstvi preko kardanske gredi traktorja, h kateremu je tovrsten vitel prigradljiv. Temu ustrezno je izum na področju delovnih postopkov in transporta uvrščen k pogonskim sklopom naprav za dviganje, zlasti na področje gozdarskih vitlov, povsem konkretno pa spada k pripravam za zaviranje ali upočasnjevanje, ki so uporabljive pri rokovanju z vsakokratnim bremenom. Po mednarodni patentni klasifikaciji so tovrstni izumi v kontekstu transporta uvrščeni v razred B 66 D 5/10, v splošnem kontekstu strojništva pa v razred F 16 D 49/12.The invention relates to a band brake with a regulating brake mechanism, which is, in principle, adapted for use with a forestry winch driven by mechanical or hydraulic drive means via the cardan shaft of a tractor, to which this type of winch can be attached. Accordingly, in the field of work procedures and transport, the invention is classified as a drive assembly of lifting devices, especially in the field of forestry winches, and quite concretely it belongs to braking or deceleration devices that are useful when handling any load. According to the international patent classification, such inventions in the context of transport are classified in class B 66 D 5/10, and in the general context of mechanical engineering in class F 16 D 49/12.

Izum temelji na problemu, kako zasnovati tračno zavoro, ki bo prirejena za sodelovanje z navijalnim bobnom gozdarskega vitla in bo z njim bodisi integralno izvedena ali pa z njim togo, namreč vsaj brez možnosti medsebojnega sukanja mehansko povezana, tako da bo z njeno pomočjo možno vrtenje bobna zaustavljati v različnih vnaprej izbranih režimih, namreč bodisi v režimu hitrega in temu primerno sunkovitega zaustavljanja ali pa v režimu postopnega in nesunkovitega zaustavljanja vnaprej izbrane intenzitete, pri čemer naj bi bilo še zlasti možno zagotoviti tudi postopno in natančno kontrolirano zmanjševanje zavorne sile in s tem popuščanje zavore, kar bi med uporabo gozdarskega vitla znatno olajšalo vleko in popuščanje bremena zlasti na zahtevnejših terenih.The invention is based on the problem of how to design a band brake that will be adapted to cooperate with the winding drum of a forestry winch and will either be integrally implemented with it or rigidly connected to it, i.e. at least mechanically connected without the possibility of mutual twisting, so that rotation will be possible with its help to stop the drums in different pre-selected regimes, namely either in the regime of rapid and accordingly jerky stopping or in the regime of gradual and non-jerky stopping of pre-selected intensity, whereby it should be possible to ensure a gradual and precisely controlled reduction of the braking force and thus loosening of the brake, which would significantly facilitate the towing and loosening of the load during the use of the forestry winch, especially on more demanding terrain.

Tračna zavora kot taka je znana in v osnovi sestoji iz zavornega koluta z gladko obodno površino, na kateri je nameščen okoli koluta napet zavorni trak. S prižemanjem traku k oz. proti omenjeni obodni površini se med slednjo in zavornim trakom ustvari silo trenja in temu ustrezen zavorni moment, ki je odvisen od sile pritezanja, tornega količnika, premera koluta in velikosti območja naleganja traku na površini. Potrebno napetost traku se doseže bodisi s fiksiranjem enega kraka traku in pritezanjem preostalega kraka ali pa s sočasnim pritezanjem obeh krakov. Od razporeditve točk vpetja krakov traku in vzvodov, s katerimi se vsakokrat vrši potrebno napenjanje traku, je odvisno, če zavora deluje v eno ali drugo smer vrtenja zavornega koluta, ki je pri tem bodisi ustrezno povezan z vsakokrat zaviranim sklopom, pri gozdarskem vitlu torej z navijalnim bobnom, ali pa predstavlja kar integralni del tovrstnega sklopa.A band brake as such is known and basically consists of a brake disc with a smooth peripheral surface on which a tensioned brake band is placed around the disc. By pressing the tape to or against the mentioned peripheral surface, a frictional force is created between the latter and the brake band and the corresponding braking torque, which depends on the tightening force, the friction coefficient, the diameter of the disc and the size of the area where the band rests on the surface. The required belt tension is achieved either by fixing one arm of the belt and tightening the remaining arm, or by simultaneously tightening both arms. It depends on the arrangement of the attachment points of the belt arms and the levers with which the necessary belt tensioning is performed each time, whether the brake works in one or the other direction of rotation of the brake disc, which is either properly connected to the assembly that is braked each time, in the case of a forestry winch, i.e. with winding drums, or it is an integral part of this type of assembly.

Tračne zavore so opisane npr. v AT-98564, DE-OS 2 309 740 in DE-OS 1 531 297 in SI 22837 A, po mnenju prijavitelja najbolj relevantna zavora pa je opisana v SI 25548 A oz. WO 2019/093972 Al.Band brakes are described e.g. in AT-98564, DE-OS 2 309 740 and DE-OS 1 531 297 and SI 22837 A, and according to the applicant, the most relevant brake is described in SI 25548 A or WO 2019/093972 Al.

Značilnost znane zavore iz SI 22837 A je ta, da upravljanje vsakokratne napetosti zavornega zraku pri vrtenju zavornega koluta v eno smer omogoča učinkovito zaviranje in doseganje za popolno zavrtje bremena potrebne sile trenja in temu ustreznega vrtilnega momenta, po sprostitvi zavore in vrtenju zavornega koluta v nasprotno smer pa je omogočeno zaviranje z vnaprej nastavljivim in natančno določenim vrtilnim momentom, ki npr. zadostuje za zadrževanje vrvi pri navijanju le-te na ustrezen boben, pri čemer pa je pritisk traku po celotni dolžini naleganja traku na kolutu karseda enakomerno porazdeljen. Tovrstna tračna zavora sestoji iz vrtljivega zavornega koluta, ki lahko predstavlja kar del obodne površine navijalnega bobna, in zavornega traku, ki je nameščen vzdolž gladke obodne površine po obodu omenjenega zavornega koluta in ki ga je možno pritezati ali popuščati s pomočjo zaviralnega mehanizma, s katerim sta povezana oba kraka omenjenega zavornega traku. Zaviralni mehanizem pri tovrstni zavori sestoji iz upravljalnega vzvoda in napenjalnega sklopa, ki je v osrednjem območju v točki preko puše priključen k omenjenemu upravljalnemu vzvodu. Zavorni trak je z enim svojim krakom pripet na upravljalnem vzvodu, s preostalim krakom pa na napenjalnem sklopu mehanizma. Pri tem je upravljalni vzvod z enim svojim koncem zasukljivo uležiščen v fiksnem vrtišču, na nasprotnem koncu pa obsega upravljalni krak za premikanje upravljalnega vzvoda okoli omenjenega vrtišča. Obenem je na upravljalnem vzvodu na lokaciji med vrtiščem in pušo ekscentrično glede na vrtišče pripet krak zavornega traku. Nadalje napenjalni sklop obsega steblo, ki poteka skozi omenjeno pušo, tako da je glede na pušo na enem koncu stebla v pritrdišču k napenjalnemu sklopu pripet krak traku, medtem ko je na steblu med omenjenim pritrdiščem in pušo nataknjena tlačna vzmet za vračanje mehanizma v izhodiščni položaj po deaktiviranju zavore. Na nasprotnem koncu omenjenega stebla je med pušo in matico vpeta tlačna vzmet za vzdrževanje v odvisnosti od položaja omenjene matice na steblu vnaprej določene prednapetosti traku po deaktiviranju zavore. Pri tem vsaj eno od omenjenih vzmeti prednostno predstavlja tlačna vijačna vzmet, razen tega pa je upravljalni krak upravljalnega vzvoda prednostno prirejen za povezavo s primernim prestavljalnim sredstvom, še zlasti hidravličnim cilindrom. Zavora sicer omogoča zaviranje do take mere, da je doseženo zadrževanje vlečne vrvi med navijanjem le-te na navijalni boben. Vendar pa se vsakokratno zaviranje med vleko bremena izvrši precej hitro in pogosto tudi sunkovito, kar je razmeroma neugodno in otežuje natančno in predvidljivo manipulacijo z bremenom, neugodno pa je tudi z vidika generiranja mehanskim obremenitev, katerim so pri tem izpostavljeni deli gozdarskega vitla, vlečni elementi in posredno seveda tudi samo breme.The characteristic of the known brake from SI 22837 A is that the management of the brake air tension each time when the brake disc is rotated in one direction enables effective braking and the achievement of the necessary friction force and the corresponding torque for complete rotation of the load, after releasing the brake and rotating the brake disc in the opposite direction direction, braking is enabled with a pre-adjustable and precisely determined torque, which e.g. is sufficient to hold the rope when winding it on the appropriate drum, while the pressure of the tape is evenly distributed over the entire length of the tape on the reel of the karsed. This type of band brake consists of a rotating brake disc, which can represent a part of the peripheral surface of the winding drum, and a brake band, which is placed along a smooth peripheral surface around the circumference of the mentioned brake disc and which can be tightened or loosened with the help of a braking mechanism with which both arms of said brake band are connected. The braking mechanism of this type of brake consists of a control lever and a tensioning assembly, which is connected to said control lever in the central area at a point via a bushing. The brake strap is attached with one of its legs to the control lever, and with the other leg to the tensioning assembly of the mechanism. In this case, the control lever is rotatably located in a fixed pivot at one end, while the opposite end includes a control arm for moving the control lever around the aforementioned pivot. At the same time, an arm of the brake band is attached eccentrically to the pivot point on the control lever at the location between the pivot point and the bushing. Furthermore, the tensioning assembly comprises a stem passing through the said bushing, so that with respect to the bushing, at one end of the stem, a strap arm is attached to the tensioning assembly in the anchorage, while a compression spring is placed on the stem between the said anchorage and the bushing to return the mechanism to its starting position after deactivating the brake. At the opposite end of said stem, a compression spring is clamped between the bushing and the nut to maintain, depending on the position of said nut on the stem, a predetermined pretension of the tape after deactivating the brake. In this case, at least one of the mentioned springs is preferably a compression coil spring, and apart from that, the control arm of the control lever is preferably adapted for connection with a suitable shifting means, especially a hydraulic cylinder. The brake otherwise enables braking to the extent that the traction rope is held while winding it onto the winding drum. However, each time the braking is done while pulling the load, it is done rather quickly and often jerkily, which is relatively unfavorable and makes it difficult to accurately and predictably manipulate the load, and it is also unfavorable from the point of view of generating mechanical loads to which parts of the forestry winch, traction elements are exposed and indirectly, of course, the burden itself.

Tračna zavora z regulacijskim zavornim mehanizmom za uporabo pri gozdarskem vitlu, ki je opisana v SI 25548 A oz. WO 2019/093972 Al, obsega okoli svoje rotacijske osi vrtljiv zavorni kolut z ravno in gladko cilindrično obodno površino, ki po izbiri lahko predstavlja kar integralni del navijalnega bobna za navijanje vlečne vrvi pri omenjenem vitlu. Razen tega obsega tudi gibek, prožen in primerno natezno trden zavorni trak, ki je nameščen okoli omenjene obodne površine zavornega koluta in katerega konca sta med s pomočjo zavornega mehanizma seboj povezana v smiselno ovalno zanko. Omenjen zavorni mehanizem obsega primemo tog zaviralni vzvod, ki je s svojim prvim krakom zavihtljivo uležiščen v vrtišču, s svojim preostalim krakom pa je členkasto povezan s primarnim aktuatorjem, ki po izbiri predstavlja hidravlični cilinder ali podobno sredstvo za ustvarjanje sile v vnaprej določeni smeri, Omenjen zavorni mehanizem nadalje obsega tudi po svoji dolžini spremenljiv regulacijski sklop za uravnavanje prednapetosti zavornega traku, omenjen regulacijski sklop pa je členkasto povezan z omenjenim zavornim vzvodom v osrednjem območju le-tega med omenjenima krakoma. Prvi konec zavornega traku je priključen k omenjenemu vzvodu zavornega mehanizma v območju prvega kraka in v bližini vrtišča vzvoda, drugi konec zavornega traku pa je povezan z regulacijskim sklopom, tako da je z uravnavanjem dolžine regulacijskega sklopa možno uravnavati tudi prednapetost zavornega traku, z vihtenjem vzvoda okoli vrtišča v eno ali drugo smer pa zavorni trak pritezati k omenjeni obodni površini zavornega koluta oz. ga popuščati, od česar je potem odvisna torna sila in posledično zavorni moment. Zavorni mehanizem pa poleg omenjenega z drugim krakom vzvoda členkasto povezanega primarnega aktuatorja obsega tudi sekundami aktuator, kije skupaj z regulacijskim sklopom za uravnavanje prednapetosti zavornega traku členkasto povezan z omenjenim vzvodom v njegovem osrednjem območju med prvim krakom, v območju katerega se nahaja vrtišče, v bližini katerega je na omenjen zavorni vzvod priključen prvi krak zavornega traku, in drugim krakom, s katerim je členkasto povezan primarni aktuator, tako da je vzvod okoli svojega vrtišča zasukljiv tako s pomočjo primarnega aktuatorja kot tudi s pomočjo sekundarnega aktuatorja, ki je pri eni od izvedb lahko na voljo kot hidravlični cilinder. Aktiviranje tako zasnovane zavore se vrši z zasukom zaviralnega vzvoda v nasprotni smeri urinih kazalcev, kar je izvedljivo bodisi pri aktivnem ali neaktivnem sekundarnem aktuatorju. Kadar je sekundami aktuator neaktiven in zaviranje poteka s pomočjo primarnega aktuatorja na smiselno enak način kot pri ostalih še pred tem znanih zavorah iz stanja tehnike, torej hitro in sunkovito. V tem primeru pa se po primerni nastavitvi oddaljenosti pritrdišča zavornega traku na zavornem mehanizmu in ob aktiviranju sekundarnega aktuatorja geometrija zavornega mehanizma v odnosu na zavorni trak spremeni, zato je samo zaviranje lahko temu ustrezno blažje in nesunkovito. To pa žal ne pomeni, daje s tem obenem blažje in nesunkovito tudi popuščanje zavore. V primerih, kadar je navijalni boben zavrt, breme pa je pripeto na vrvi in se nahaja v položaju, v katerem bi se pri nezavrtem bobnu vrv z njega odvijala, je sproščanje zavore popolnoma nekontrolirano, kar pomeni, da je od trenutka sprostitve zavore boben popolnoma nezavrt, hitrost odvijanja vrvi pa je v takem primeru odvisna zgolj od hitrosti oz. tendence premikanja bremena, ki lahko po pobočju zgolj drsi, v naj slabšem primeru pa lahko tudi kar prosto pada. V takem primeru je sicer načeloma možno kontrolirati drsenje ali padanje bremena, in sicer z občasnim oz. sukcesivnim aktiviranjem in popuščanjem zavore, vendar pa je v takem primeru zaviranje in popuščanje sunkovito in lahko tudi nekontrolirano, tovrsten proces pa je zaradi inercije bremena in tudi raztezanja in prilagajanja vlečnih elementov, torej vlečne vrvi, verig in povezovalnih členov, razmeroma nenatančen, neredko celo tvegan ali nevaren, saj je v primerih manipulacije bremena v zahtevnih terenskih pogojih celo s strani usposobljenega uporabnika lahko povezan tudi s tveganjem nehotenih preobremenitev in poškodb.Band brake with regulating brake mechanism for use with a forestry winch, which is described in SI 25548 A or WO 2019/093972 Al, comprises a brake disc rotating around its rotation axis with a flat and smooth cylindrical peripheral surface, which can optionally be an integral part of the winding drum for winding the towing rope in the mentioned winch. Apart from this, it also includes a flexible, flexible and suitably tensile brake tape, which is placed around the aforementioned peripheral surface of the brake disc and whose ends are connected to each other by means of the brake mechanism in a meaningful oval loop. Said braking mechanism comprises a rigid brake lever, which is pivotally mounted with its first arm in a pivot, and with its remaining arm is articulated with the primary actuator, which optionally represents a hydraulic cylinder or similar means for generating force in a predetermined direction. the brake mechanism also includes a length-variable regulation assembly for regulating the pretension of the brake band, and said regulation assembly is articulated with said brake lever in the central region of the same between said arms. The first end of the brake band is connected to the aforementioned lever of the brake mechanism in the area of the first leg and near the pivot of the lever, while the other end of the brake band is connected to the control assembly, so that by adjusting the length of the control assembly, it is also possible to adjust the pretension of the brake tape, by turning the lever around the pivot in one or the other direction, tighten the brake tape to the aforementioned peripheral surface of the brake disc or loosen it, which then depends on the friction force and consequently the braking torque. The brake mechanism, in addition to the primary actuator articulated with the second leg of the lever, also comprises a seconds actuator, which, together with the control unit for adjusting the pretension of the brake band, is articulated with the aforementioned lever in its central area between the first arm, in the area of which the pivot is located, in the vicinity to which the first arm of the brake band is connected to the mentioned brake lever, and to the second arm, with which the primary actuator is articulated, so that the lever can be rotated around its pivot both with the help of the primary actuator and with the help of the secondary actuator, which in one of the versions is may be available as a hydraulic cylinder. Activation of the brake designed in this way is done by turning the brake lever counterclockwise, which is possible either with an active or inactive secondary actuator. When the actuator is inactive for seconds and braking takes place with the help of the primary actuator in the same way as with other previously known brakes from the state of the art, i.e. quickly and jerkily. In this case, however, after the appropriate adjustment of the distance of the brake band anchorage on the brake mechanism and when the secondary actuator is activated, the geometry of the brake mechanism in relation to the brake band changes, so the braking itself can be correspondingly softer and less jerky. Unfortunately, this does not mean that the release of the brake is softer and less jerky. In cases where the winding drum is twisted, and the load is attached to the rope and is in a position in which the rope would unwind from it if the drum were not twisted, the release of the brake is completely uncontrolled, which means that from the moment the brake is released, the drum is completely untwisted, and the speed of unwinding the rope in such a case depends only on the speed or the tendency of the load to move, which can only slide down the slope, but in the worst case it can also fall freely. In such a case, it is in principle possible to control the sliding or falling of the load, namely with periodic or by successively activating and releasing the brake, however, in such a case braking and releasing is jerky and can also be uncontrolled, and this kind of process is relatively imprecise, often even risky or dangerous, because in cases of manipulation of the load in demanding field conditions, even by a qualified user, it can also be associated with the risk of unintentional overloading and injuries.

Predlagani izum se nanaša na tračno zavoro z regulacijskim zavornim mehanizmom, zlasti za uporabo pri gozdarskem vitlu, pri čemer je omenjen regulacijski zavorni mehanizem prirejen za kontrolirano in postopno spreminjanje zavorne sile. Tovrstna zavora obsega okoli svoje rotacijske osi vrtljiv zavorni kolut z ravno in gladko cilindrično obodno površino, ki po izbiri predstavlja kar integralni del navijalnega bobna za navijanje vlečne vrvi pri gozdarskem vitlu, kot tudi gibek, prožen in primerno natezno trden zavorni trak, ki je nameščen okoli omenjene obodne površine zavornega koluta in katerega kraka sta med seboj s pomočjo zavornega mehanizma povezana v glede na krožen kolut na obeh straneh tangencialno zaključeno zanko. Pri tem pa omenjen zavorni mehanizem obsega primemo tog zavorni vzvod, ki je s svojim prvim krakom zavihtljivo uležiščen v vrtišču, na svojem preostalem prostem kraku pa je členkasto povezan s primarnim aktuatorjem, ki predstavlja sredstvo za ustvarjanje sile v vnaprej določeni smeri, medtem ko je sekundarni aktuator, ki je skupaj z regulacijskim sklopom za uravnavanje prednapetosti zavornega traku, na omenjeni vzvod pritrjen v njegovem osrednjem območju, torej med prvim krakom z vrtiščem, v bližini katerega je na vzvod priključen prvi krak zavornega traku, in drugim krakom, s katerim je členkasto povezan primarni aktuator. Temu ustrezno je potem vzvod okoli svojega vrtišča po izbiri zasukljiv bodisi s pomočjo primarnega aktuatorja ali pa s pomočjo sekundarnega aktuatorja.The proposed invention relates to a band brake with a regulating braking mechanism, especially for use with a forestry winch, wherein said regulating braking mechanism is adapted for a controlled and gradual change of the braking force. This type of brake includes a rotating brake disc with a flat and smooth cylindrical peripheral surface around its axis of rotation, which optionally represents an integral part of the winding drum for winding the towing rope in a forestry winch, as well as a flexible, flexible and suitably tensile brake band, which is installed around the mentioned peripheral surface of the brake disc and whose arm is connected to each other by means of the brake mechanism in a tangentially closed loop on both sides with respect to the circular disc. In this case, the mentioned brake mechanism includes a rigid brake lever, which is pivotally located in the pivot with its first arm, and is articulated on its remaining free arm with a primary actuator, which represents a means of generating force in a predetermined direction, while the secondary actuator, which, together with the regulation assembly for adjusting the pretension of the brake band, is attached to the said lever in its central region, i.e. between the first leg with the pivot, near which the first leg of the brake band is connected to the lever, and the second leg, with which articulated primary actuator. Correspondingly, the lever is then rotatable about its pivot either with the help of the primary actuator or with the help of the secondary actuator.

Po izumu je predvideno, da je sekundami aktuator zasnovan kot enosmerno delujoč hidravlični cilinder z batom, batnico in ustreznim hidravličnim priključkom za dovod hidravličnega medija za potiskanje bata vzdolž cilindra proti sili v notranjosti cilindra pred batom razpoložljive tlačne vzmeti, pri čemer je batnica v aksialni smeri premakljivo vstavljena v izven cilindra razpoložljivem vodilu, v območju katerega je cilinder pritrjen na omenjeni vzvod v osrednjem območju le-tega. Vsakokraten položaj batnice in posredno celotnega cilindra glede na vzvod je vnaprej nastavljiv s pomočjo regulacijskega mehanizma, s prostim koncem batnice pa je povezan drugi krak zavornega traku, katerega prvi krak je povezan z omenjenim vzvodom v bližini vrtišča, in sicer na primerni oddaljenosti od slednjega v smeri proti drugemu kraku vzvoda.According to the invention, it is envisaged that in seconds the actuator is designed as a unidirectional hydraulic cylinder with a piston, a piston rod and a suitable hydraulic connection for the supply of hydraulic medium to push the piston along the cylinder against the force inside the cylinder in front of the piston of the available compression spring, with the piston rod in the axial direction movably inserted into a guide available outside the cylinder, in the area of which the cylinder is attached to said lever in the central area thereof. Each time the position of the piston rod and indirectly the entire cylinder in relation to the lever is adjustable in advance with the help of a regulation mechanism, and the second leg of the brake band is connected to the free end of the piston rod, the first leg of which is connected to the mentioned lever near the pivot, namely at a suitable distance from the latter in direction towards the other arm of the lever.

V sekundarnem aktuatorju je batnica zaradi učinkovanja tlačnega medija na bat in elastične deformabilnosti pred batom razpoložljive tlačne vzmeti vzdolž vodila premakljiva v smeri vstran od vzvoda, sočasno z batnico pa je v smeri vstran od vzvoda premakljiv tudi na njenem prostem koncu nanjo pritrjen drugi krak zavornega traku, katerega napetost pri tem temu ustrezno popušča. Pri tem omenjeno tlačno vzmet prednostno predstavlja krožnikasta vzmet, še zlasti pa sklop vsaj dveh med seboj soosno razporejenih krožnikastih vzmeti.In the secondary actuator, due to the effect of the pressure medium on the piston and the elastic deformability of the pressure spring available in front of the piston, the piston rod is movable along the guide in the direction away from the lever, and at the same time as the piston rod, the other leg of the brake band attached to it is also movable in the direction away from the lever at its free end , the tension of which relaxes accordingly. In this case, the aforementioned compression spring is preferably a disc spring, and in particular a set of at least two disc springs arranged coaxially with each other.

Pri eni od izvedb izuma omenjen primarni aktuator predstavlja v smeri proti drugemu kraku zavornega vzvoda v smislu napenjanja zavornega traku delujočo tlačno vzmet. Pri tem je omenjena vzmet prednostno vijačna tlačna vzmet, ki je vgrajena v primernem ohišju in/ali vodena v/na primernem vodilu. Omenjena vzmet je prirejena za ustvarjanje vnaprej določene sile, s katero je primarni aktuator pritisljiv proti drugemu kraku okoli vrtišča zasukljivega vzvoda in ki pri neaktivnem sekundarnem aktuatorju zadostuje za potrebno napenjanje zavornega traku za zagotavljanje zadostne torne sile med zavornim kolutom in zavornim trakom in s tem vsakokrat za zaviranje potrebnega zavornega momenta.In one of the embodiments of the invention, the mentioned primary actuator represents a pressure spring working in the direction towards the second arm of the brake lever in terms of tensioning the brake band. In this case, said spring is preferably a helical compression spring, which is installed in a suitable housing and/or guided in/on a suitable guide. Said spring is adapted to generate a predetermined force with which the primary actuator is pressed against the second arm around the pivot of the pivoting lever and which, when the secondary actuator is inactive, is sufficient for the necessary tensioning of the brake band to ensure sufficient frictional force between the brake disc and the brake band and thus each time to brake the required braking torque.

Pri nadaljnji možni izvedbi izuma pa omenjen primarni aktuator predstavlja hidravlični cilinder, ki je prirejen za ustvarjanje vnaprej določene sile, s katero je primarni aktuator pritisljiv proti drugemu kraku okoli vrtišča zasukljivega vzvoda in ki pri neaktivnem sekundarnem aktuatorju zadostuje za potrebno napenjanje zavornega traku za zagotavljanje zadostne torne sile med zavornim kolutom in zavornim trakom in s tem vsakokrat za zaviranje potrebnega zavornega momenta.In a further possible implementation of the invention, the mentioned primary actuator is a hydraulic cylinder, which is adapted to generate a predetermined force with which the primary actuator can be pressed against the second arm around the pivot of the pivoting lever and which, when the secondary actuator is inactive, is sufficient for the necessary tensioning of the brake band to ensure sufficient frictional forces between the brake disc and the brake band and thus the required braking torque every time.

Izum bo v nadaljevanju podrobneje obrazložen na osnovi primera izvedbe, ki je ponazorjen na priloženi skici, kjerIn the following, the invention will be explained in more detail on the basis of an example of implementation, which is illustrated in the attached sketch, where

Sl. 1 kaže tračno zavoro po izumu v narisu;fig. 1 shows a band brake according to the invention in a drawing;

Sl. 2 povečano zavoro po Sl. 1 v aktiviranem t.j. zavrtem stanju in prav tako v narisu;fig. 2 increased brake according to Fig. 1 in the activated i.e. rotate the state and also in the drawing;

Sl. 3 prav tako povečano zavoro po Sl. 1, vendar v deaktiviranem stanju, namreč med postopnim popuščanjem, prav tako v narisu.fig. 3 as well as the increased brake according to FIG. 1, but in a deactivated state, namely during gradual relaxation, also in the drawing.

Na Sl. 1 shematično ponazorjen primer izvedbe tračne zavore z regulacijskim zavornim mehanizmom 3 za kontrolirano in postopno spreminjanje zavorne sile je prirejen zlasti za uporabo pri gozdarskem vitlu. Zavora obsega okoli svoje rotacijske osi vrtljiv zavorni kolut 1 z ravno in gladko cilindrično obodno površino 11, ki po izbiri predstavlja kar integralni del navijalnega bobna za navijanje vlečne vrvi pri gozdarskem vitlu, lahko pa je z navijalnim bobnom povezan na nerazstavljiv ali razstavljiv način, vsekakor pa tako, da se vrtilni moment z navijalnega bobna v celoti prenaša na zavorni kolut 1 ali obratno. Poleg omenjenega zavornega koluta 1 in zavornega mehanizma 3 zavora obsega tudi gibek, prožen in primemo natezno trden zavorni trak 2, ki je nameščen okoli omenjene obodne površine 11 zavornega koluta 1, tako da sta kraka oz. prosta konca 21, 22 traku 2 med seboj s pomočjo zavornega mehanizma 3 povezana v glede na krožen kolut 1 z obeh strani tangencialno zaključeno zanko.In FIG. 1 schematically illustrated example of the implementation of a band brake with a regulation brake mechanism 3 for controlled and gradual change of the braking force is adapted especially for use with a forestry winch. The brake comprises a rotating brake disc 1 with a flat and smooth cylindrical peripheral surface 11 around its axis of rotation, which optionally represents an integral part of the winding drum for winding the towing rope in a forestry winch, but it can be connected to the winding drum in a non-detachable or detachable manner, in any case so that the torque from the winding drum is fully transmitted to the brake disc 1 or vice versa. In addition to the mentioned brake disc 1 and the brake mechanism 3, the brake also includes a flexible, flexible and grippy tensile brake band 2, which is placed around the mentioned peripheral surface 11 of the brake disc 1, so that the arms or the free ends 21, 22 of the tape 2 are connected to each other with the help of the brake mechanism 3 in a loop closed tangentially from both sides with respect to the circular reel 1.

Omenjen zavorni mehanizem 3 obsega primemo tog in v prikazanem primeru dvokrak zavorni vzvod 31, ki je s svojim prvim krakom 311 zavihtljivo uležiščen v vrtišču 310, na svojem preostalem kraku 312 pa je členkasto povezan s primarnim aktuatorjem 32, ki predstavlja sredstvo za ustvarjanje vnaprej določene sile v vnaprej določeni smeri.Said brake mechanism 3 comprises a rigid grip and, in the case shown, a two-arm brake lever 31, which with its first arm 311 is pivotally located in the pivot 310, and on its remaining arm 312 is articulated with the primary actuator 32, which represents a means of creating a predetermined forces in a predetermined direction.

Zavorni mehanizem 3 nadalje obsega tudi sekundarni aktuator 34, ki je skupaj z regulacijskim sklopom 33 za uravnavanje prednapetosti zavornega traku 2, na omenjeni vzvod 31 pritrjen v njegovem osrednjem območju 313 med prvim krakom 311 z vrtiščem 310, v bližini katerega je na vzvod 31 priključen prvi krak 21 zavornega traku 2, in drugim krakom 312, s katerim je členkasto povezan primarni aktuator 32, tako daje vzvod 31 okoli svojega vrtišča 310 potem po izbiri zasukljiv bodisi s pomočjo primarnega aktuatorja 32 ali pa s pomočjo sekundarnega aktuatorja 34.The brake mechanism 3 further comprises a secondary actuator 34, which, together with the regulation assembly 33 for adjusting the pretension of the brake band 2, is attached to the said lever 31 in its central region 313 between the first arm 311 and the pivot point 310, near which it is connected to the lever 31 the first arm 21 of the brake band 2, and the second arm 312, with which the primary actuator 32 is articulated, so that the lever 31 around its pivot point 310 can then optionally be rotated either with the help of the primary actuator 32 or with the help of the secondary actuator 34.

Že tako zasnovana zavora vsaj v smislu zaviranja in popuščanja načeloma deluje če le primarni aktuator 32 v smeri proti prostemu koncu drugega kraka 312 zavornega vzvoda 31 zagotavlja silo zadostne jakosti, ki s pomočjo intenzitete pritiskanja zavornega traku 2 po obodu zavornega koluta 1 ustvarja zadostno torno silo oz. zadosten zavorni moment. Potrebno prednapetost zavornega traku 2 glede na razpoložljiv hod primarnega aktuatorja 32 je možno uravnavati s sekundarnim aktuatorjem 34 in njegovim regulacijski mehanizmom 33. V takem primeru bi bilo možno potem tudi jakost zavorne sile uravnavati z intenziteto sile na primarnem aktuatorju 32, podobno kot se to vrši pri zavorah iz stanja tehnike. Vendar pa bi v takem primeru problem nekontroliranega delovanja zavore ob popuščanju le-te ostal v celoti nerešen.The already designed brake works in principle, at least in terms of braking and releasing, if only the primary actuator 32 in the direction towards the free end of the second leg 312 of the brake lever 31 provides a force of sufficient strength, which, with the help of the intensity of the pressure of the brake band 2 on the circumference of the brake disc 1, creates a sufficient frictional force or sufficient braking torque. The necessary pre-tension of the brake band 2 in relation to the available stroke of the primary actuator 32 can be regulated with the secondary actuator 34 and its regulation mechanism 33. In such a case, it would also be possible to regulate the strength of the braking force with the intensity of the force on the primary actuator 32, similar to how it is done for brakes from the state of the art. However, in such a case, the problem of uncontrolled operation of the brake when it is released would remain completely unsolved.

Temu nasprotno pa je pri zavori po izumu predvideno, da je sekundarni aktuator 34 zasnovan kot enosmerno delujoč hidravlični cilinder 340 z batom 341, batnico 342 in ustreznim hidravličnim priključkom 343 za dovod hidravličnega medija za potiskanje bata 341 vzdolž cilindra 340 proti sili v notranjosti cilindra 340 pred batom 341 vstavljene tlačne vzmeti 344. Batnica 342 je v svoji aksialni smeri premakljivo vstavljena v izven cilindra 341 razpoložljivem vodilu 345, v območju katerega je cilinder 341 pritrjen na omenjeni vzvod 31 v njegovem osrednjem območju 313.In contrast to this, in the brake according to the invention, it is envisaged that the secondary actuator 34 is designed as a unidirectional hydraulic cylinder 340 with a piston 341, a piston rod 342 and a corresponding hydraulic connection 343 for the supply of hydraulic medium to push the piston 341 along the cylinder 340 against the force inside the cylinder 340 compression springs 344 inserted in front of the piston 341. The piston rod 342 is movably inserted in its axial direction in a guide 345 available outside the cylinder 341, in the area of which the cylinder 341 is attached to the mentioned lever 31 in its central area 313.

Vsakokraten izhodiščni položaj batnice 342 in posredno celotnega cilindra 340 glede na vzvod 31, npr. pri izhodiščnem položaju bata 341 v cilindru 340 in nepovečanem tlaku tlačnega medija ter razbremenjeni tlačni vzmeti 344, je tudi po izumu vnaprej nastavljiv s pomočjo regulacijskega mehanizma 33. Z izven cilindra 340 segajočim prostim koncem batnice 342 je povezan drugi krak 22 zavornega traku 2, katerega prvi krak 21 je povezan z vzvodom 31 v bližini vrtišča 310, in sicer na primerni oddaljenosti od slednjega v smeri proti drugemu kraku 312 vzvoda 31.Each time the starting position of the piston rod 342 and indirectly of the entire cylinder 340 with respect to the lever 31, e.g. with the initial position of the piston 341 in the cylinder 340 and the unincreased pressure of the pressure medium and the unloaded pressure spring 344, it is also pre-adjustable according to the invention with the help of the regulation mechanism 33. The second leg 22 of the brake band 2 is connected to the free end of the piston rod 342 extending outside the cylinder 340, which the first arm 21 is connected to the lever 31 near the pivot 310, namely at a suitable distance from the latter in the direction towards the second arm 312 of the lever 31.

Temu ustrezno je potem v sekundarnem aktuatorju 34 batnica 342 zaradi učinkovanja tlačnega medija na bat 341 in elastične deformabilnosti pred batom 341 razpoložljive tlačne vzmeti 344 vzdolž vodila 345 premakljiva v smeri vstran od vzvoda 31, sočasno z batnico 342 pa je v smeri vstran od vzvoda 31 premakljiv tudi na njenem prostem koncu 342' nanjo pritrjen drugi krak 22 zavornega traku 2, katerega napetost pri tem temu ustrezno popušča. Ko namreč z učinkovanjem primarnega aktuatorja 32 na drugi konec 312 okoli vrtišča 310 zasukljivega vzvoda 31 zavorni trak 2 napnemo do te mere, da je zagotovljena zavorna sila, v takem stanju z aktiviranjem sekundarnega aktuatorja 34 in premikom bata 341 proti sili vzmeti 344 in posledično potem premikom batnice 342 popustimo na batnici 342 pritrjen drugi krak 22 zavornega traku 2, kar privede do blagega in zelo postopnega popuščanja zavore.Accordingly, in the secondary actuator 34, due to the effect of the pressure medium on the piston 341 and the elastic deformability in front of the piston 341 of the available pressure spring 344 along the guide 345, the piston rod 342 is movable in the direction away from the lever 31, and at the same time as the piston rod 342 is in the direction away from the lever 31 also movable at its free end 342', the second arm 22 of the brake band 2 is attached to it, the tension of which accordingly relaxes. Namely, when, by acting on the other end 312 of the pivot 310 of the pivoting lever 31, the brake band 2 is tensioned to the extent that the braking force is ensured, in such a state, by activating the secondary actuator 34 and moving the piston 341 against the force of the spring 344, and consequently then by moving the piston rod 342, the second arm 22 of the brake band 2 attached to the piston rod 342 is loosened, which leads to a slight and very gradual loosening of the brake.

Po izumu je nadalje predvideno, da predvsem zaradi velikih obremenitev in razmeroma majhnih potrebnih premikov pod obremenitvijo omenjeno tlačno vzmet 344 predstavlja krožnikasta vzmet, zaradi prilagodljivosti in uravnavanja občutljivosti sklopa pa je še zlasti prednostno, če tlačno vzmet 344 predstavlja kar sestav oz. sklop vsaj dveh med seboj soosno razporejenih krožnikastih vzmeti.According to the invention, it is further provided that, mainly due to high loads and relatively small necessary movements under load, the aforementioned compression spring 344 represents a circular spring, and for the sake of flexibility and adjustment of the sensitivity of the assembly, it is especially preferable if the compression spring 344 represents the assembly or assembly of at least two disc springs arranged coaxially with each other.

Kadar je uporaba zavore predvidena na tistih področjih tehnike, kjer je pričakovana potreba po spremenljivosti intenzitete zaviranja, primarni aktuator 32 lahko predstavlja hidravlični cilinder, kije prirejen za ustvarjanje vnaprej določene sile, s katero je primarni aktuator 32 pritisljiv proti drugemu kraku 312 okoli vrtišča 311 zasukljivega vzvoda 31 in ki pri neaktivnem sekundarnem aktuatorju 34 zadostuje za potrebno napenjanje zavornega traku 2 za zagotavljanje zadostne torne sile med zavornim kolutom 1 in zavornim trakom 2 in s tem za zaviranje potrebnega zavornega momenta.When the use of the brake is foreseen in those technical areas where the need for variable braking intensity is expected, the primary actuator 32 can represent a hydraulic cylinder adapted to generate a predetermined force with which the primary actuator 32 can be pressed against the second arm 312 around the pivot 311 of the rotatable lever 31 and which, when the secondary actuator 34 is inactive, is sufficient for the necessary tensioning of the brake band 2 to ensure sufficient frictional force between the brake disc 1 and the brake band 2 and thus to brake the necessary braking torque.

Na določenih področjih tehnike, npr. pri gozdarskih vitlih, v večini primerov pravzaprav ni potrebe po sprotnem prilagajanju zavorne sile. Zavora namreč zavira vrtenje navijalnega bobna in deluje alternativno s sklopko, preko katere se na boben prenaša vrtilni moment s pogonskega sredstva. Kadar se boben vrti, je zavora popolnoma odvrta in je boben gnan preko aktivirane sklopke. Ob deaktiviranju sklopke se pogon prekine, vendar je treba v istem trenutku boben zavreti, ker bi v nasprotnem primeru lahko prišlo do odvijanja vrvi z bremenom že zaradi same teže bremena. V taki situaciji zato načeloma zadostuje, če lahko primarni aktuator ustvari zadostno silo na prosti konec 312 zavornega vzvoda 31, ki zagotavlja hitro in zanesljivo aktiviranje zavore in ki se potem tudi permanentno ohranja in vzdržuje zavoro v aktiviranem stanju, zavorni kolut 1 in z njim tudi navijalni boben pa v zavrtem stanju. Ko pa v taki situaciji z dovajanjem potrebne količine aktiviramo sekundarni aktuator 34, ob premiku batnice 342, napetost zavornega traku 2 postopoma popušča. Količino dovajanja hidravličnega medija skozi priključek 343 hidravličnega cilindra 340 je namreč možno zelo natančno kontrolirati s pomočjo primernega ventila in krmilnega sklopa, zato je lahko tudi popuščanje zavorne sile mogoče zelo natančno krmiliti.In certain areas of technology, e.g. with forestry winches, in most cases there is actually no need for real-time adjustment of the braking force. Namely, the brake slows the rotation of the winding drum and works alternatively with the clutch, through which the torque from the drive means is transmitted to the drum. When the drum is rotating, the brake is fully disengaged and the drum is driven via an activated clutch. When the clutch is deactivated, the drive is interrupted, but the drum must be boiled at the same time, otherwise the rope with the load could unwind due to the weight of the load itself. In such a situation, it is therefore in principle sufficient if the primary actuator can generate sufficient force on the free end 312 of the brake lever 31, which ensures quick and reliable activation of the brake and which then also permanently maintains and maintains the brake in the activated state, the brake disc 1 and with it also and the winding drum is in the rotated state. However, when in such a situation the secondary actuator 34 is activated by supplying the necessary amount, the tension of the brake band 2 gradually relaxes as the piston rod 342 moves. The amount of hydraulic medium supplied through the connection 343 of the hydraulic cylinder 340 can be controlled very precisely with the help of a suitable valve and control unit, so the relaxation of the braking force can also be controlled very precisely.

V obravnavanem primeru izvedbe izuma in v primeru uporabe izuma na področju naprav z nespremenljivo silo zaviranja pa torej lahko primarni aktuator 32 predstavlja kar vzmet 323. V prikazanem primeru je vzmet 323 vgrajena v primernem ohišju 321 in/ali vodena na primernem vodilu 322 in je prirejena za ustvarjanje vnaprej določene sile, s katero je primarni aktuator 32 pritisljiv proti drugemu kraku 312 okoli vrtišča 311 zasukljivega vzvoda 31 in ki pri neaktivnem sekundarnem aktuatorju 34 zadostuje za potrebno napenjanje zavornega traku 2 za zagotavljanje zadostne torne sile med zavornim kolutom 1 in zavornim trakom 2 in s tem za zaviranje potrebnega zavornega momenta. Kot tlačna vzmet 323 je lahko uporabljena vijačna vzmet, ki je pri zavori gozdarskega lahko prednastavljena npr. na 120% potrebne zavorne sile in zagotavlja permanentno zaviranje zavore navijalnega bobna, pri čemer pa je možno to zavorno silo potem po izbiri začasno deloma ali povsem odpraviti z aktiviranjem sekundarnega aktuatorja 34, in sicer bodisi zaradi omogočanja vrtenja koluta 1 in navijalnega bobna vitla v eno smer zaradi navijanja vrvi med vlečenjem bremena ali pa v drugo smer med odvijanjem vrvi zaradi vlečenja le-te do bremena ali pa zaradi popuščanja napetosti vlečne vrvi zaradi manipulacije z bremenom in podobno.In the considered example of the implementation of the invention and in the case of the application of the invention in the field of devices with a constant braking force, the primary actuator 32 can therefore represent a spring 323. In the example shown, the spring 323 is installed in a suitable housing 321 and/or guided on a suitable guide 322 and is modified to create a predetermined force with which the primary actuator 32 is pressed against the second arm 312 around the pivot 311 of the swivel lever 31 and which, with the secondary actuator 34 inactive, is sufficient for the necessary tensioning of the brake band 2 to ensure sufficient frictional force between the brake disc 1 and the brake band 2 and thus to brake the required braking torque. As a pressure spring 323, a helical spring can be used, which can be pre-set, e.g. to 120% of the required braking force and ensures permanent brake braking of the winder drum, whereby this braking force can then be temporarily partially or completely eliminated by activating the secondary actuator 34, either by enabling the rotation of reel 1 and the winder drum of the winch as one direction due to the winding of the rope while pulling the load or in the other direction during the unwinding of the rope due to pulling it to the load or due to loosening of the tension of the towing rope due to manipulation with the load and the like.

Claims (7)

1. Tračna zavora z regulacijskim zavornim mehanizmom (3) za kontrolirano in postopno spreminjanje zavorne sile, zlasti za uporabo pri gozdarskem vitlu, obsegajoča okoli svoje rotacijske osi vrtljiv zavorni kolut (1) z ravno in gladko cilindrično obodno površino (11), ki po izbiri predstavlja kar integralni del navijalnega bobna za navijanje vlečne vrvi pri gozdarskem vitlu, kot tudi gibek, prožen in primemo natezno trden zavorni trak (2), ki je nameščen okoli omenjene obodne površine (11) zavornega koluta (1) in katerega konca (21, 22) sta med seboj s pomočjo zavornega mehanizma (3) povezana v glede na krožen kolut (1) z obeh strani tangencialno zaključeno zanko, pri čemer omenjen zavorni mehanizem (3) obsega primerno tog vzvod (31), kije s svojim prvim krakom (311) zavihtljivo uležiščen v vrtišču (310), na svojem preostalem prostem kraku (312) pa je členkasto povezan s primarnim aktuatorjem (32), ki predstavlja sredstvo za ustvarjanje sile v vnaprej določeni smeri, medtem ko je sekundami aktuator (34), ki je skupaj z regulacijskim sklopom (33) predviden za uravnavanje prednapetosti zavornega traku (2), na omenjeni vzvod (31) pritrjen v njegovem osrednjem območju (313) med prvim krakom (311) z vrtiščem (310), v bližini katerega je na vzvod (31) priključen prvi konec (21) zavornega traku (2), in drugim krakom (312), s katerim je členkasto povezan primarni aktuator (32), tako daje vzvod (31) okoli svojega vrtišča (310) potem po izbiri zasukljiv bodisi s pomočjo primarnega aktuatorja (32) ali pa s pomočjo sekundarnega aktuatorja (34), označena s tem, da je sekundarni aktuator (34) zasnovan kot enosmerno delujoč hidravlični cilinder (340) z batom (341), batnico (342) in ustreznim hidravličnim priključkom (343) za dovod hidravličnega medija za potiskanje bata (341) vzdolž cilindra (340) proti sili v notranjosti cilindra (340) pred batom (341) razpoložljive tlačne vzmeti (344), pri čemer je batnica (342) v aksialni smeri premakljivo vstavljena v izven cilindra (341 ) razpoložljivem vodilu (345), v območju katerega je cilinder (341) pritrjen na omenjeni vzvod (31) v osrednjem območju (313) le-tega, in pri čemer je vsakokraten položaj batnice (342) in posredno celotnega cilindra (340) glede na vzvod (31) vnaprej nastavljiv s pomočjo regulacijskega mehanizma (33), s prostim koncem batnice (342) pa je povezan drugi krak (22) zavornega traku (2), katerega prvi krak (21) je povezan z vzvodom (31) v bližini vrtišča (310), in sicer na primerni oddaljenosti od slednjega v smeri proti drugemu kraku (312) vzvoda (31).1. A band brake with a regulating brake mechanism (3) for controlled and gradual change of the braking force, especially for use with a forestry winch, comprising a rotating brake disc (1) with a flat and smooth cylindrical peripheral surface (11) around its axis of rotation, which choice is an integral part of the winding drum for winding the towing rope in the forestry winch, as well as the flexible, flexible and tensile-resistant brake strap (2), which is placed around the mentioned peripheral surface (11) of the brake disc (1) and whose end (21 , 22) are connected to each other by means of a brake mechanism (3) in a tangentially closed loop on both sides with respect to the circular disc (1), whereby the mentioned brake mechanism (3) comprises a suitably rigid lever (31) which sticks with its first arm (311) is pivotally mounted in a pivot (310) and is articulated on its remaining free arm (312) with a primary actuator (32) which represents a means of generating a force in a predetermined direction, while a second ami actuator (34), which, together with the regulation assembly (33), is intended for regulating the pretension of the brake band (2), attached to the mentioned lever (31) in its central area (313) between the first arm (311) and the pivot (310) , near which the first end (21) of the brake band (2) is connected to the lever (31), and the second arm (312), with which the primary actuator (32) is articulated, so that the lever (31) rotates around its pivot ( 310) then optionally rotatable either with the help of the primary actuator (32) or with the help of the secondary actuator (34), characterized by the fact that the secondary actuator (34) is designed as a unidirectional hydraulic cylinder (340) with a piston (341), the piston rod (342) and the corresponding hydraulic connection (343) for the supply of hydraulic medium for pushing the piston (341) along the cylinder (340) against the force inside the cylinder (340) in front of the piston (341) of the available compression spring (344), whereby the piston rod (342) movably inserted in the axial direction outside the cylinder (341 ) ext extendable guide (345), in the area of which the cylinder (341) is attached to said lever (31) in the central area (313) thereof, and wherein the respective position of the piston rod (342) and indirectly of the entire cylinder (340) with respect to the lever (31) adjustable in advance by means of the regulating mechanism (33), and the second leg (22) of the brake band (2) is connected to the free end of the piston rod (342), the first leg (21) of which is connected to the lever (31) nearby pivot (310), namely at a suitable distance from the latter in the direction towards the second arm (312) of the lever (31). 2. Tračna zavora po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da je v sekundarnem aktuatorju (34) batnica (342) zaradi učinkovanja tlačnega medija na bat (341) in elastične deformabilnosti pred batom (341) razpoložljive tlačne vzmeti (344) vzdolž vodila (345) premakljiva v smeri vstran od vzvoda (31), sočasno z batnico (342) pa je v smeri vstran od vzvoda (31) premakljiv tudi na njenem prostem koncu (342') nanjo pritrjen drugi krak (22) zavornega traku (2), katerega napetost pri tem temu ustrezno popušča.2. The band brake according to claim 1, characterized by the fact that in the secondary actuator (34) there is a piston (342) due to the effect of the pressure medium on the piston (341) and the elastic deformability in front of the piston (341) of the available pressure spring (344) along the guide ( 345) is movable in the direction away from the lever (31), and at the same time as the piston rod (342) is also movable in the direction away from the lever (31) at its free end (342'), the second leg (22) of the brake band (2) is attached to it. , the tension of which relaxes accordingly. 3. Tračna zavora po zahtevku 1 ali 2, označena s tem, da omenjeno tlačno vzmet (344) predstavlja krožnikasta vzmet.3. A band brake according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that said pressure spring (344) is a disk spring. 4. Tračna zavora po zahtevku 1 ali 2, označena s tem, da tlačno vzmet (344) predstavlja sklop vsaj dveh med seboj soosno razporejenih krožnikastih vzmeti.4. A band brake according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the pressure spring (344) represents a set of at least two circular springs arranged coaxially with each other. 5. Tračna zavora po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1-4, označena s tem, da primarni aktuator (32) predstavlja v smeri proti drugemu kraku (312) zavornega vzvoda (31) v smislu napenjanja zavornega traku (2) delujočo tlačno vzmet (323).5. Band brake according to any one of claims 1-4, characterized in that the primary actuator (32) represents a pressure spring (323) operating in the direction towards the second arm (312) of the brake lever (31) in terms of tensioning the brake band (2). . 6. Tračna zavora po zahtevku 5, označena s tem, da obsega vijačno tlačno vzmet (323), kije vgrajena v primernem ohišju (321) in/ali vodena v/na primernem vodilu (322) nameščeno in je prirejena za ustvarjanje vnaprej določene sile, s katero je primarni aktuator (32) pritisljiv proti drugemu kraku (312) okoli vrtišča (310) zasukljivega vzvoda (31) in ki pri neaktivnem sekundarnem aktuatorju (34) zadostuje za potrebno napenjanje zavornega traku (2) za zagotavljanje zadostne torne sile med zavornim kolutom (1) in zavornim trakom (2) in s tem za zaviranje potrebnega zavornega momenta.6. A band brake according to claim 5, characterized in that it comprises a helical pressure spring (323), which is installed in a suitable housing (321) and/or guided in/on a suitable guide (322) and is adapted to generate a predetermined force , with which the primary actuator (32) can be pressed against the second arm (312) around the pivot (310) of the swivel lever (31) and which, when the secondary actuator (34) is inactive, is sufficient for the necessary tensioning of the brake band (2) to ensure sufficient frictional force between brake disc (1) and brake bands (2) and thus to brake the necessary braking torque. 7. Tračna zavora po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1-4, označena s tem, da primarni aktuator (32) predstavlja hidravlični cilinder, ki je prirejen za ustvarjanje vnaprej določene sile, s katero je primarni aktuator (32) pritisljiv proti drugemu kraku (312) okoli vrtišča (310) zasukljivega vzvoda (31) in ki pri neaktivnem sekundarnem aktuatorju (34) zadostuje za potrebno napenjanje zavornega traku (2) za zagotavljanje zadostne torne sile med zavornim kolutom (1) in zavornim trakom (2) in s tem za zaviranje potrebnega zavornega momenta.7. A band brake according to any one of claims 1-4, characterized in that the primary actuator (32) is a hydraulic cylinder adapted to generate a predetermined force by which the primary actuator (32) can be pressed against the second arm (312). around the pivot (310) of the swivel lever (31) and which, when the secondary actuator (34) is inactive, is sufficient for the necessary tensioning of the brake band (2) to ensure sufficient frictional force between the brake disc (1) and the brake band (2) and thus for braking required braking torque.
SI202000158A 2020-09-11 2020-09-11 Belt brake with control mechanism for controlled and gradual change of braking force SI26068A (en)

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SI202000158A SI26068A (en) 2020-09-11 2020-09-11 Belt brake with control mechanism for controlled and gradual change of braking force
PCT/SI2021/000002 WO2022055435A1 (en) 2020-09-11 2021-03-29 Belt brake with regulating mechanism enabling controlled and gradual braking force adjustment

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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