SI25472A - Portable handle mechanism for nonelectrical drive means control - Google Patents

Portable handle mechanism for nonelectrical drive means control Download PDF


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SI25472A SI201700204A SI201700204A SI25472A SI 25472 A SI25472 A SI 25472A SI 201700204 A SI201700204 A SI 201700204A SI 201700204 A SI201700204 A SI 201700204A SI 25472 A SI25472 A SI 25472A
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control unit
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PrimoĹľ Kranjc
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Tajfun Planina Proizvodnja Strojev D.O.O.
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Application filed by Tajfun Planina Proizvodnja Strojev D.O.O. filed Critical Tajfun Planina Proizvodnja Strojev D.O.O.
Priority to SI201700204A priority Critical patent/SI25472A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2018/000015 priority patent/WO2019009816A1/en
Priority to EP18762408.5A priority patent/EP3544921B1/en
Priority to JP2019566826A priority patent/JP2020525370A/en
Priority to RU2020103739A priority patent/RU2020103739A/en
Publication of SI25472A publication Critical patent/SI25472A/en



    • B66C13/00Other constructional features or details
    • B66C13/52Details of compartments for driving engines or motors or of operator's stands or cabins
    • B66C13/54Operator's stands or cabins
    • B66C13/56Arrangements of handles or pedals
    • F15B13/00Details of servomotor systems ; Valves for servomotor systems
    • F15B13/02Fluid distribution or supply devices characterised by their adaptation to the control of servomotors
    • F15B13/04Fluid distribution or supply devices characterised by their adaptation to the control of servomotors for use with a single servomotor
    • F15B13/042Fluid distribution or supply devices characterised by their adaptation to the control of servomotors for use with a single servomotor operated by fluid pressure
    • F15B13/0422Fluid distribution or supply devices characterised by their adaptation to the control of servomotors for use with a single servomotor operated by fluid pressure with manually-operated pilot valves, e.g. joysticks
    • G05G9/00Manually-actuated control mechanisms provided with one single controlling member co-operating with two or more controlled members, e.g. selectively, simultaneously
    • G05G9/02Manually-actuated control mechanisms provided with one single controlling member co-operating with two or more controlled members, e.g. selectively, simultaneously the controlling member being movable in different independent ways, movement in each individual way actuating one controlled member only
    • G05G9/04Manually-actuated control mechanisms provided with one single controlling member co-operating with two or more controlled members, e.g. selectively, simultaneously the controlling member being movable in different independent ways, movement in each individual way actuating one controlled member only in which movement in two or more ways can occur simultaneously
    • G05G9/047Manually-actuated control mechanisms provided with one single controlling member co-operating with two or more controlled members, e.g. selectively, simultaneously the controlling member being movable in different independent ways, movement in each individual way actuating one controlled member only in which movement in two or more ways can occur simultaneously the controlling member being movable by hand about orthogonal axes, e.g. joysticks
    • G05G2009/04703Mounting of controlling member
    • G05G2009/04714Mounting of controlling member with orthogonal axes


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Fluid Mechanics (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Control Devices (AREA)
  • Transmission Devices (AREA)
  • Control And Safety Of Cranes (AREA)


Prenosni mehanizem (1) z ročico (2) za upravljanje neelektričnih pogonskih sredstev, na primer pri dvigalih, obsega ohišje (3), ki je pritrdljivo na vsakokrat razpoložljivo krmilno enoto (4) za krmiljenje vsakokratnega neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva in v katerem je okoli vsaj ene geometrijske osi (X-X; Y-Y) iz svojega prvega končnega položaja v svoj drugi končni položaj zasukljivo vgrajena ročica (2), ki je členkasto povezana z vsakokrat vsaj eno dvojico upravljalnih elementov (41, 42) vsakokratrazpoložljive krmilne enote (4) za krmiljenje vsakokratnega neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva dvigala. V ohišju (3) okoli vsaj ene geometrijske osi (Y-Y, X-X) zasukljiva in vsaj približno pravokotno glede na omenjeno os vrtenja (Y-Y, X-X) potekajoča ročica (2) je v notranjosti omenjenega ohišja (3) opremljena z vsaj eno dvojico vsakokrat pravokotno glede na omenjeno os (Y-Y, X-X) vsaksebi štrlečih in okoli osi (Y-Y, X-X) sočasno zasukljivih krakov (21, 22). Omenjena ročica (2) je z vsakokrat pripadajočodvojico upravljalnih elementov (41, 42) vsakokrat razpoložljive krmilne enote (4) za krmiljenje vsakokratnega neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva povezana preko dvojice vsaj uklonsko dovolj togih, med seboj vzporednih in v smeri prečno glede na os (Y-Y; X-X) ročice (2) razmaknjenih ter drug glede na drugega med premikanjem ročice (2) protismerno premakljivih prenosnih drogov (51, 52), izmed katerih je vsak na enem svojem koncu (51', 51") členkasto povezan z vsakokrat pripadajočim upravljalnim elementom(41, 42) krmilne enote (4), na preostalem koncu (51", 52") pa prav tako členkasto z vsakokrat pripadajočim krakom (21, 22) ročice (2).The transmission mechanism (1) with the handle for controlling non-electric propulsion means (2), for example, in elevators, comprises a housing (3) which is fastened to each available control unit (4) for controlling each non-electric propulsion means and in which it is at least one of the geometric axes (XX; YY) from its first end position into its second end position is a pivotally mounted lever (2) which is articulated with at least one pair of control elements (41, 42) of each available control unit (4) for controlling each non-electric propellant lifting means. In the housing (3) around the at least one geometric axis (YY, XX) is rotatable and at least approximately perpendicular to the said axis of rotation (YY, XX), the lever (2) in the interior of said housing (3) is equipped with at least one pair, respectively, perpendicular with respect to said axis (YY, XX) of protruding and around the axis (YY, XX) of concurrently rotatable legs (21, 22). Said handle (2) is connected to each of the control elements (41, 42) of the respective control unit (4) for controlling each non-electric propulsion means connected by at least two folds sufficiently rigid, parallel and transverse in relation to the axis (YY; XX) of the arms (2) are spaced apart and each other relative to each other during the movement of the lever (2) of the anti-displaceable transmission masts (51, 52), each of which is artically connected to each respective control element (41, 42) of the control unit (4), and at the other end (51, 52 ') also with the associated arm (21, 22) of the handle (2).


Prenosni mehanizem z ročico za upravljanje neelektričnih pogonskih sredstevTransmission mechanism with lever for operating non-electric propulsion means

Izum se nanaša na prenosni mehanizem z ročico za upravljanje neelektričnih pogonskih sredstev, na primer pri dvigalih. Če je izum apliciran na dvigalu, je po Mednarodni klasifikaciji uvrščen na področje transporta in dvigal, namreč h konstrukcijskim podrobnostim dvigal, t.j. k ročicam za upravljanje neelektričnih pogonskih sredstev pri dvigalih, in potemtakem v razred B 66 C 13/20.The invention relates to a transmission mechanism with a lever for controlling non-electric propulsion means, for example in lifts. If the invention is applied to an elevator, according to the International Classification, it is classified in the field of transport and elevators, namely to the construction details of elevators, i.e. to the levers for operating non-electric propulsion means for lifts, and therefore to class B 66 C 13/20.

Pri tem je izum osnovan na problemu, kako zasnovati prenosni mehanizem z ročico za upravljanje neelektričnih, npr. hidravličnih, pogonskih sredstev pri dvigalih, npr. mobilnih dvigalih, pri čemer naj bi v območju upravljanja razporejen prenosni mehanizem s pripadajočo ročico zagotavljal po eni strani natančen prenos potrebnih sil ter obenem tudi pravilno usmerjenih in ustrezno dolgih hodov z upravljalne ročice na upravljalni element vsakokrat razpoložljive izven območja upravljanja razporejene krmilne enote neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva, po drugi strani pa naj bi bili ne glede na oddaljenost omenjenega upravljalnega elementa krmilne enote neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva od omenjene upravljalne ročice kljub ohranitvi v bistvu nespremenjenih sil, potrebnih za premikanje ročice, največji potrebni hodi ročice občutno zmanjšani in navzlic poljubnemu povečanju oddaljenosti ročice od omenjenega upravljalnega elementa še vedno obdržani v okviru ergonomsko še sprejemljivega območja, ki uporabniku, na primer v kabini dvigala, med drugim tudi s pomočjo omenjene ročice omogoča neovirano in udobno upravljanje vsakokratne naprave, na primer dvigala.The invention is based on the problem of how to design a transmission mechanism with a lever for controlling non-electric, e.g. hydraulic, drive means for lifts, e.g. mobile lifts, whereby a transmission mechanism located in the control area with the associated lever should ensure, on the one hand, precise transmission of the necessary forces and at the same time correctly directed and appropriately long strokes from the control lever to the control element available outside the control area of the non-electric drive control unit. , on the other hand, regardless of the distance of said control element of the non-electric drive control unit from said control lever, despite maintaining essentially unchanged forces required to move the lever, the maximum required lever strokes are significantly reduced and despite any increase in lever distance from said the control element is still retained within the ergonomically acceptable range, which allows the user, for example in the elevator car, inter alia by means of said lever, to operate the device, such as the elevator, without hindrance and comfort.

Prenosni mehanizem z ročico za upravljanje neelektričnih pogonskih sredstev pri dvigalih je opisan v CN 203079563 U. Pri tem gre za sklop ročic za upravljanje krmilnih neelektričnih pogonskih sredstev pri dvigalih, namreč hidravličnih razvodnikov za krmiljenje hidravličnih tokokrogov, v katerih je poleg rezervoarja za hidravlični medij vgrajena vsaj ena črpalka za komprimiranje in transport hidravličnega medija skozi omenjene krmilne enote v obliki razvodnikov do posameznih hidravličnih pogonskih sredstev, v tem primeru hidravličnih cilindrov. Vsakokratna ročica je zavihtljivo uležiščena v primernem ohišju in mehansko povezana s krmilnim elementom pripadajoče upravljalne enote pogonskega sredstva. Vsak izmed omenjenih razvodnikov je v hidravlični tokokrog povezan s pomočjo hidravličnih cevi. Pri nekoliko kompleksnejših hidravličnih tokokrogih je potrebno krmiliti večje število razvodnikov. Ker je v obravnavanem primeru vsaka izmed ročic zasukljiva zgolj okoli ene osi, z njo lahko krmilijo en sam razvodnik. Zato je v opisanem primeru predvidenih več, vsaj npr. pet ali šest ročic, ki so nanizane druga ob drugi, v območju razvodnikov pa se neizogibno nahaja množica hidravličnih cevi. Omenjene cevi zavzemajo veliko prostora, s cevi se v okolico prenaša vročina, vedno pa vsaj načeloma tudi obstoji tveganje pojava netesnosti hidravličnega tokokroga skozi vsako izmed cevi in pripadajoče priključke oz. povezave. Zato je v praksi zaželeno, da so razvodniki nameščeni izven upravljalne kabine oz. na takem mestu, da uporabnik ni izpostavljen prej opisanim nevšečnostim. V opisanem primeru je odmikanje razvodnikov možno zgolj s podaljševanjem ročic. Podaljšanje ročice ima za posledico zmanjšanje sile, ki je potrebna za premikanje upravljalnega elementa, obenem pa tudi večjo natančnost pri premikanju upravljalnega elementa. Vendar pa niti eno niti drugo v resnici ni potrebno, ker sila za premikanje tako ali tako ni problematična, obenem pa gre predvsem za pretikanje upravljalnega elementa iz enega v drug končni položaj, tako da natančnost krmiljenja v vmesnih položajih ni problematična. Po drugi strani pa je vsakršno podaljševanje ročice povezano s proporcionalnim povečanjem hodov ročice, kar zaradi utesnjenosti v upravljalni kabini zelo hitro postane zelo resen problem. Upravljalec dvigala je v kabini namreč že tako ali tako razmeroma utesnjen, svoje delo pa opravlja v sedečem položaju. Predolgi hodi ročice - kadar jih razpoložljiv prostor v upravljalni kabini sploh dopušča - upravljalca dvigala pri delu ovirajo pri delu, razen tega pa terjajo nenehno spreminjanje njegovega položaja in mu s tem povzročajo dodatne napore, pa tudi zmanjšujejo pozornost bodisi zaradi zmanjševanja vidnih kotov ali pa že zgolj zaradi samega zadrževanja v prisilnem položaju.The transmission mechanism with the lever for controlling non-electric drive means for lifts is described in CN 203079563 U. This is a set of levers for controlling non-electric driving means for lifts, namely hydraulic distributors for controlling hydraulic circuits in which, in addition to the hydraulic medium tank, at least one pump for compressing and transporting the hydraulic medium through said control units in the form of manifolds to individual hydraulic drive means, in this case hydraulic cylinders. Each lever is hinged in a suitable housing and mechanically connected to the control element of the associated drive control unit. Each of these manifolds is connected to the hydraulic circuit by means of hydraulic hoses. For slightly more complex hydraulic circuits, a larger number of manifolds must be controlled. Since, in the present case, each of the levers is rotatable only about one axis, it can be used to control a single distributor. Therefore, in the described case, more are envisaged, at least e.g. five or six levers arranged side by side, and in the area of the manifolds there is inevitably a multitude of hydraulic hoses. These pipes take up a lot of space, heat is transferred from the pipes to the surroundings, but there is always, at least in principle, a risk of leakage of the hydraulic circuit through each of the pipes and the associated connections or. connections. Therefore, in practice it is desirable that the manifolds are installed outside the control cabin or. in such a place that the user is not exposed to the inconveniences described above. In the described case, the displacement of the distributors is possible only by extending the levers. Extending the lever results in a reduction in the force required to move the control, as well as greater accuracy in moving the control. However, neither is really necessary because the force to move is not problematic anyway, and at the same time it is mainly about moving the control element from one end position to another, so that the steering accuracy in intermediate positions is not problematic. On the other hand, any lengthening of the lever is associated with a proportional increase in lever strokes, which quickly becomes a very serious problem due to the tightness in the control cabin. The elevator operator is already relatively cramped in the cabin, and he performs his work in a sitting position. Too long lever strokes - when the available space in the control cabin allows them at all - hinder the lift operator's work, in addition to requiring constant change of his position and thus causing him additional efforts, as well as reducing attention either due to reduced viewing angles or already merely for the sake of being held in a forced position.

Nadaljnja rešitev mehanizma upravljalne ročice je opisana v CN 10583626 A. Tudi v tem primeru je ročica zavihtljivo vgrajena v ustreznem ohišju in mehansko povezana z vsaj dvema hidravličnima cilindroma, izmed katerih vsak poteka v eni izmed možnih smeri premikanja ročice in prečno glede na smer poteka same ročice. Če je torej ročica v nevtralnem položaju postavljena navpično, sta omenjena cilindra razporejena oz. so cilindri razporejeni v horizontalni ravnini. V tem primeru je vsak izmed omenjenih cilindrov preko hidravličnega voda povezan s krmilno enoto neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva. V takem primeru so sicer hidravlični vodi glavnega hidravličnega tokokroga lahko razporejeni izven upravljalne kabine dvigala in torej na primerni oddaljenosti od upravljalne ročice, vendar pa se hidravlični vodi, s katerimi so cilindri ob ročici povezani s krmilno enoto, še vedno nahajajo v bližini ročice. Po drugi strani pa prej opisana razporeditev hidravličnih cilindrov ob ročici spet terja veliko prostora, zato gre potrebo po njuni vgradnji v notranjost že tudi sicer utesnjene kabine npr. mobilnega kamionskega dvigala praktično nepredstavljiva.A further solution of the control lever mechanism is described in CN 10583626 A. In this case too, the lever is hingedly mounted in a suitable housing and mechanically connected to at least two hydraulic cylinders, each of which runs in one of the possible lever directions and transverse to the direction of travel. levers. Therefore, if the lever is placed vertically in the neutral position, said cylinders are arranged or. the cylinders are arranged in a horizontal plane. In this case, each of said cylinders is connected via a hydraulic line to the control unit of the non-electric drive means. In such a case, the hydraulic lines of the main hydraulic circuit may be arranged outside the control cabin of the lift and therefore at a suitable distance from the control lever, but the hydraulic lines to which the cylinders are connected to the control unit are still located near the lever. On the other hand, the previously described arrangement of hydraulic cylinders next to the lever again requires a lot of space, so the need for their installation in the interior of an already cramped cabin, e.g. mobile truck crane practically unimaginable.

Še nadaljnji znan in tačas uporabljan mehanizem z ročico je prikazan na Sl. 1.A further known and currently used lever mechanism is shown in FIG. 1.

Obravnavani izum se nanaša na prenosni mehanizem z ročico za upravljanje neelektričnih pogonskih sredstev, na primer pri dvigalih, še zlasti npr. hidravličnih progonskih sredstev pri mobilnih dvigalih. Tovrstni mehanizem obsega ohišje, ki je pritrdljivo na vsakokrat razpoložljivo krmilno enoto za krmiljenje vsakokratnega neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva, na primer pri dvigalu, in v katerem je okoli vsaj ene geometrijske osi iz svojega prvega končnega položaja v svoj drugi končni položaj zasukljivo vgrajena upravljalna ročica. Ta je členkasto povezana z vsakokrat vsaj eno dvojico upravljalnih elementov vsakokrat razpoložljive krmilne enote za krmiljenje vsakokratnega neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva.The present invention relates to a transmission mechanism with a lever for controlling non-electric propulsion means, for example in the case of lifts, in particular e.g. hydraulic propellants in mobile lifts. Such a mechanism comprises a housing which is attachable to a control unit for controlling each non-electric drive means, for example in a lift, and in which a control lever is pivotally mounted about at least one geometric axis from its first end position to its second end position. This is articulated to at least one pair of control elements of the control unit for the control of each non-electric drive means.

Po izumu je predvideno, daje v ohišju okoli vsaj ene geometrijske osi zasukljiva in vsaj približno pravokotno glede na omenjeno os vrtenja potekajoča ročica v notranjosti omenjenega ohišja opremljena z vsaj eno dvojico vsakokrat pravokotno glede na vsakokratno os vrtenja vsaksebi štrlečih in okoli osi vrtenja sočasno zasukljivih krakov. Nadalje je ročica z vsakokrat pripadajočo dvojico upravljalnih elementov vsakokrat razpoložljive krmilne enote za krmiljenje vsakokratnega neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva povezana preko dvojice vsaj uklonsko dovolj togih, med seboj vzporednih in v smeri prečno glede na os vrtenja ročice razmaknjenih ter drug glede na drugega med premikanjem ročice protismerno premakljivih prenosnih drogov. Vsak izmed omenjenih prenosnih drogov je na enem svojem koncu členkasto povezan z vsakokrat pripadajočim upravljalnim elementom omenjene krmilne enote, na preostalem koncu pa prav tako členkasto z vsakokrat pripadajočim krakom omenjene ročice.According to the invention, it is provided that in the housing about at least one geometric axis a rotatable and at least approximately perpendicular to said axis of rotation lever inside said housing is provided with at least one pair each time perpendicular to each axis of rotation and simultaneously rotating arms. . Furthermore, the lever is connected to the respective control unit for the control of each non-electric drive means by a pair at least deflectionly rigid, parallel to each other and in the direction transverse to the axis of rotation of the lever spaced apart from each other. portable poles. Each of said transmission rods is articulated at one end with the respective control element of said control unit, and at the other end also articulated with the respective arm of said lever.

Po izumu je nadalje predvidena možnost, da je vsak izmed omenjenih prenosnih drogov s primemo zračnostjo vstavljen v vodilu, ki je na voljo v omenjenem ohišju.According to the invention, it is further provided that each of said transmission rods with a suitable clearance is inserted in a guide provided in said housing.

Pri preprostejšem primeru izvedbe izuma je ročica v ohišju vgrajena tako, da je zasukljiva okoli ene same geometrijske osi. V takem primeru omenjena ročica obsega dvojico vsaksebi štrlečih in v smeri tako pravokotno glede na omenjeno os kot tudi glede na smer poteka same ročice vsaksebi štrlečih krakov, ki sta vsak zase členkasto povezana s pripadajočim koncem vsakokrat pripadajočega prenosnega droga, ki je na svojem preostalem koncu členkasto povezan z vsakokrat po enim upravljalnim elementom krmilne enote za krmiljenje delovanja neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva, na primer pri dvigalu.In a simpler embodiment of the invention, the lever in the housing is mounted so that it rotates about a single geometric axis. In such a case, said lever comprises a pair of mutually projecting and in the direction perpendicular to said axis as well as to the direction of the lever arms of each protruding arms, each of which is articulated to the corresponding end of the respective transmission rod at its remaining end. articulated in connection with each control element of the control unit for controlling the operation of the non-electric propulsion means, for example in the case of a lift.

Možna je tudi izvedba izuma, pri kateri ročica deluje kot komandna oz. igralna palica (angl. joystick). V takem primeru je ročica v ohišju tako vgrajena, da je zasukljiva okoli dveh tako med seboj kot tudi smiselno glede na smer poteka ročice pravokotnih osi, V ta namen pa tovrstna ročica za potrebe vihtenja okoli prve geometrijske osi obsega dvojico vsaksebi štrlečih in v smeri tako pravokotno glede na omenjeno os kot tudi glede na smer poteka same ročice vsaksebi štrlečih krakov, po drugi strani pa za potrebe vihtenja okoli druge geometrijske osi obsega nadaljnjo dvojico vsaksebi štrlečih in v smeri tako pravokotno glede na omenjeno drugo os kot tudi glede na smer poteka same ročice vsaksebi štrleča nadaljnja kraka. Pri tem je ročica v območju prvoomenjenih krakov členkasto povezana z dvojico med seboj v smeri prečno glede na os sukanja ročice razmaknjenih, vzporednih in med zasukom ročice protismemo premakljivih prenosnih drogov, ki sta po drugi strani vsak zase členkasto povezana s pripadajočima upravljalnima elementoma krmilne enote. Razen tega je upravljalna ročica v območju preostalih dveh krakov členkasto povezana z dvojico med seboj v smeri prečno glede na os sukanja ročice razmaknjenih, vzporednih in med zasukom ročice protismerno premakljivih prenosnih drogov, ki sta po drugi strani vsak zase členkasto povezana s pripadajočima nadaljnjima upravljalnima elementoma krmilne enote.It is also possible to carry out the invention in which the lever acts as a control or. joystick. In such a case, the lever in the housing is so built that it can be rotated about two both mutually and sensibly with respect to the direction of the lever of the rectangular axes. For this purpose, such a lever for twisting around the first geometric axis comprises a pair of protruding perpendicular to said axis as well as to the direction of the handle of the protruding arms, and on the other hand for the purposes of swirling around the second geometric axis comprises a further pair of protruding and in the direction both perpendicular to said second axis and the direction of the arms protrude from each other further arms. In the area of the first-mentioned arms, the lever is articulated to the pair in a direction transverse to the axis of rotation of the lever spaced apart, parallel and during the rotation of the lever counterclockwise movable transmission rods, which on the other hand are articulated to the control elements of the control unit. In addition, in the area of the remaining two arms, the control lever is articulated to the pair in a direction transverse to the axis of rotation of the lever spaced apart, parallel and counterclockwise during rotation of the lever, which on the other hand are articulated to the respective further controls. control units.

Izum bo v nadaljevanju podrobneje obrazložen s primerom izvedbe, ki je ponazorjen na priloženi skici, pri čemerThe invention will be explained in more detail below with an example of an embodiment, which is illustrated in the attached sketch, whereby

Sl. 1 kaže iz stanja tehnike znan, v narisu ponazorjen prenosni mehanizem z ročico za upravljanje neelektričnih pogonskih sredstev pri dvigalih;Sl. 1 shows a state-of-the-art transmission mechanism with a lever for controlling non-electric propulsion means in lifts;

Sl. 2 kaže prenosni mehanizem z ročico za upravljanje neelektričnih pogonskih sredstev pri dvigalih po izumu, in sicer prav tako v narisu, medtem koSl. 2 shows a transmission mechanism with a lever for controlling non-electric propulsion means in lifts according to the invention, also in a sketch, while

Sl. 3 kaže prenosni mehanizem z ročico po Sl. 2, tokrat v izometriji in v prerezu v vzdolžni centralni ravnini.Sl. 3 shows a lever transmission mechanism according to FIG. 2, this time in isometry and in cross section in the longitudinal central plane.

Po izumu je predviden izpopolnjen prenosni mehanizem 1 z ročico 2 za upravljanje neelektričnih pogonskih sredstev, na primer pri dvigalih. Tovrstni mehanizem 1 obsega ohišje 3, ki je pritrdljivo na vsakokrat razpoložljivo krmilno enoto 4 za krmiljenje vsakokratnega neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva, na primer pri dvigalu.According to the invention, an improved transmission mechanism 1 with a lever 2 for controlling non-electric propulsion means, for example in the case of lifts, is provided. Such a mechanism 1 comprises a housing 3 which can be attached to the control unit 4 available at all times to control each non-electric drive means, for example at the lift.

Kot je razvidno na Sl. 1, je tovrsten mehanizem 1 v splošnem prirejen za krmiljenje neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva, ki poteka s pomočjo krmilne enote 4, ki obsega vsaj dva krmilna elementa 41, 42. Krmljenje se vrši s pomočjo upravljalne ročice 2, ki je okoli vsaj ene geometrijske osi Χ-Χ oz. Υ-Υ (Sl. 3) za kot a v eno ali drugo smer zasukljivo vgrajena v omenjenem ohišju 3. Ročica 2 je v tem primeru po stanju tehnike razporejena na oddaljenosti L od ohišja 3, njen hod med obema končnima položajema pa znaša BiAs can be seen in FIG. 1, such a mechanism 1 is generally adapted to control a non-electric drive means by means of a control unit 4 comprising at least two control elements 41, 42. The control is performed by means of a control lever 2 which is about at least one geometric axis Χ -Χ oz. Υ-Υ (Fig. 3) for angle a in one or the other direction is hinged in said housing 3. In this case, the lever 2 is arranged at a distance L from the housing 3 according to the state of the art, and its travel between the two end positions is Bi

Namen izuma je namreč bodisi pri nespremenjeni oddaljenosti L od ohišja 3 omenjeni hod Bi s prej omenjene vrednosti zmanjšati na B2 (Sl. 2) ali pa pri poljubno podaljšani razdalji L zaradi razporeditve krmilne enote čim dlje od upravljalne ročice 2 ohraniti dolžino omenjenega hoda B2 nespremenjeno, kar je zaželeno iz ergonomskih razlogov. Razen tega je vsaj pri dvigalih zaželeno, da se ročica 2 nahaja v notranjosti kabine dvigala, medtem ko naj bi bila krmilna enota 4 z vsemi pripadajočimi instalacijami po možnosti razporejena na primerni lokaciji izven omenjene kabine, kjer naj bi vsaj instalacije za upravljalca ne bile moteče.The purpose of the invention is either to reduce said stroke Bi from the aforementioned value to B 2 (Fig. 2) either at a constant distance L from the housing 3 or to maintain the length of said stroke B as far as possible from the control lever 2 due to the arrangement of the control unit. 2 unchanged, which is desirable for ergonomic reasons. In addition, at least for lifts, it is desirable that the lever 2 is located inside the lift cab, while the control unit 4 with all associated installations should preferably be located in a suitable location outside said cabin, where at least the operator installations should not be disturbing. .

V omenjenem ohišju 3 je okoli vsaj ene geometrijske osi Χ-Χ; Υ-Υ iz svojega prvega končnega položaja v svoj drugi končni položaj zasukljivo vgrajena ročica 2, ki je členkasto povezana z vsakokrat vsaj eno dvojico upravljalnih elementov 41, 42 vsakokrat razpoložljive krmilne enote 4 za krmiljenje vsakokratnega neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva.In said housing 3 there is about at least one geometric axis Χ-Χ; Υ-Υ from its first end position to its second end position a rotatably mounted lever 2, which is articulated to at least one pair of control elements 41, 42 of the currently available control unit 4 for controlling each non-electric drive means.

Krmilna enota 4 v prikazanem primeru predstavlja hidravlični razvodnik za krmiljenje delovanja hidravličnega cilindra, ki predstavlja neelektrično pogonsko enoto dvigala, v tem primeru npr. mobilnega oz. avtomobilskega dvigala, ki je prigradljivo na ogrodje tovornega vozila. Omenjena krmilna enota 4 oz. razvodnik obsega dva upravljalna elementa 41, 42, ki sta v tem primeru namenjena za alternativno odpiranje oz. zapiranje pretoka hidravličnega sredstva skozi ustrezna hidravlična voda, tako da lahko npr. en hidravlični vod dopušča dovajanje hidravličnega medija v hidravlični cilinder v prostor na eni strani bata, medtem ko po ostalem vodu hidravlični medij iz območja na nasprotni strani bata lahko neovirano izteka iz hidravličnega cilindra. Možne pa so seveda tudi drugačne aplikacije.The control unit 4 in the example shown represents a hydraulic distributor for controlling the operation of the hydraulic cylinder, which represents a non-electric drive unit of the lift, in this case e.g. mobile or a car lift that can be attached to the frame of a truck. Said control unit 4 oz. the distributor comprises two control elements 41, 42, which in this case are intended for alternative opening or closing the flow of hydraulic agent through the appropriate hydraulic water so that e.g. one hydraulic line allows the hydraulic medium to be fed into the hydraulic cylinder into the space on one side of the piston, while along the rest of the line the hydraulic medium from the area on the opposite side of the piston can flow freely from the hydraulic cylinder. Of course, other applications are also possible.

Pri prenosnem mehanizmu 1 po izumu (Sl. 2 in 3) je v ohišju 3 okoli vsaj ene geometrijske osi Υ-Υ, Χ-Χ zasukljiva in vsaj približno pravokotno glede na omenjeno os vrtenja Υ-Υ, Χ-Χ potekajoča ročica 2 v notranjosti omenjenega ohišja 3 opremljena z vsaj eno dvojico vsakokrat pravokotno glede na omenjeno osIn the transmission mechanism 1 according to the invention (Figs. 2 and 3), in the housing 3 about at least one geometric axis Υ-Υ, ljiva-Χ is a rotary lever 2 in at least approximately perpendicular to said axis of rotation Υ-Υ, Χ-Χ. the interior of said housing 3 provided with at least one pair each perpendicular to said axis

Υ-Υ, Χ-Χ vsaksebi štrlečih in okoli osi Υ-Υ, Χ-Χ sočasno zasukljivih krakov 21, 22. Omenjena ročica 2 je z vsakokrat pripadajočo dvojico upravljalnih elementov 41, 42 vsakokrat razpoložljive krmilne enote 4 za krmiljenje vsakokratnega neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva dvigala povezana preko dvojice vsaj uklonsko dovolj togih, med seboj vzporednih in v smeri prečno glede na os Υ-Υ; Χ-Χ vrtenja ročice 2 razmaknjenih ter drug glede na drugega med premikanjem ročice 2 protismemo premakljivih prenosnih drogov 51, 52.Υ-Υ, Χ-Χ mutually projecting and about the axis Υ-Υ, Χ-Χ simultaneously rotating arms 21, 22. Said lever 2 is with each associated pair of control elements 41, 42 each available control unit 4 for controlling each non-electric drive means lifts connected in pairs at least rigidly sufficiently rigid, parallel to each other and in a direction transverse to the Υ-os axis; Χ-Χ rotation of the lever 2 spaced apart and relative to each other during the movement of the lever 2 counteract the movable transmission rods 51, 52.

Vsak izmed omenjenih prenosnih drogov 51, 52 izmed katerih je vsak na enem svojem koncu 5Γ, 51 členkasto povezan z vsakokrat pripadajočim upravljalnim elementom 41, 42 krmilne enote 4, na preostalem koncu 51, 52 pa prav tako členkasto z vsakokrat pripadajočim krakom 21, 22 ročice 2.Each of said transmission rods 51, 52 each of which is articulated at one end 5 svojem, 51 articulated with the respective control element 41, 42 of the control unit 4, and at the remaining end 51, 52 also articulated with the respective arm 21, 22 handles 2.

Omenjena členkasta povezava prenosnih drogov 51, 52 je v obravnavanem primeru zagotovljena s pomočjo somikov, ki so na strokovnjaku razumljiv način tako vgrajeni, da potekajo po eni strani skozi vsakokraten prenosni drog 51, 52 in obenem po drugi strani skozi vsakokrat z omenjenim drogom 51, 52 členkasto povezan krak 21, 22 ročice 2 oz. upravljalni element 41, 42 krmilne enote 4.In the present case, said articulated connection of the transmission rods 51, 52 is provided by means of catfish which are arranged in a manner understood by a person skilled in the art to pass on the one hand through the respective transmission rods 51, 52 and at the same time through the respective rods 51, 52 articulated leg 21, 22 levers 2 or. control element 41, 42 of control unit 4.

Pri prednostni izvedbi prenosnega mehanizma 1 po izumu je vsak izmed omenjenih prenosnih drogov 51, 52 s primemo zračnostjo vstavljen v vodilu 31, 32, kije na voljo v omenjenem ohišju 3. Omenjeno vodenje prenosnih drogov 51, 52 med premikanjem sem ter tja v njuni/njihovi vzdolžni smeri je običajno zaželeno, ni pa neobhodno potrebno.In a preferred embodiment of the transmission mechanism 1 according to the invention, each of said transmission rods 51, 52 is inserted in the guide 31, 32 with a suitable clearance in said housing 3. Said guide rod 51, 52 during movement back and forth in their / their longitudinal direction is usually desirable, but not necessarily necessary.

Za prenos sil in premikov z ročice 2 na vsakokraten upravljalni element 41, 42 krmilne enote 4 namreč zadostuje že izpolnjevanje pogoja, da je vsakokraten prenosni drog 51, 52 tako dimenzioniran, daje zmožen prenašati silo, potrebno za premikanje upravljalnega elementa 41, 42 in da je pri tem upogibno in uklonsko vsaj toliko trden oz. stabilen, da so med prenosom sil preprečene prekomerne upogibne oz. uklonske deformacije droga 51, 52, ki bi lahko privedle do težav pri upravljanju krmilne enote 4 s pomočjo ročice 2.In order to transmit forces and displacements from the lever 2 to each control element 41, 42 of the control unit 4, it is sufficient to meet the condition that each transmission rod 51, 52 is dimensioned so that it is able to transmit the force required to move the control element 41, 42 and it is flexibly and deflectionally at least as strong or stable so that excessive bending or deflection deformations of the rod 51, 52, which could lead to problems in operating the control unit 4 by means of the lever 2.

Pri najbolj preprosti izvedbi prenosnega mehanizma 1 po izumu je ročica 2 v ohišju 3 vgrajena na tak način, daje zasukljiva okoli ene same geometrijske osi ΥΥ in obsega dvojico vsaksebi štrlečih in v smeri tako pravokotno glede na omenjeno os Υ-Υ kot tudi glede na smer poteka same ročice 2 vsaksebi štrleča kraka 21, 22, ki sta vsak zase členkasto povezana s pripadajočim koncem 51, 52 vsakokrat pripadajočega prenosnega droga 51, 52. Vsak izmed omenjenih prenosnih drogov 51, 52 je na svojem preostalem koncu 51', 52' členkasto povezan z vsakokrat po enim upravljalnim elementom 41, 42 krmilne enote 4.In the simplest embodiment of the transmission mechanism 1 according to the invention, the lever 2 in the housing 3 is mounted in such a way that it can be rotated about a single geometric axis ΥΥ and comprises a pair of protruding and perpendicular to said axis Υ-Υ as well as to the direction the lever 2 itself extends from each other protruding arms 21, 22, which are each articulated to the corresponding end 51, 52 of the respective transmission rod 51, 52. Each of said transmission rods 51, 52 is articulated at its remaining end 51 ', 52' connected to each control element 41, 42 of the control unit 4 at a time.

Po izumu je tudi predvidena možnost uporabe ročice, ki je zasukljiva okoli dveh osi Χ-Χ in Υ-Υ, pri čemer ročica funkcionira kot upravljalna palica (joystick), vendar tudi v tem primeru v okviru vnaprej določenih in omejenih hodov ne glede na oddaljenost krmilne enote 4 od ročice 2 za njeno upravljanje. V takem primeru je ročica 2 v ohišju 3 vgrajena na tak način, da je zasukljiva okoli dveh tako med seboj kot tudi smiselno glede na smer poteka ročice 2 pravokotnih osi Χ-Χ; Υ-Υ, pri čemer pa ročica 2 po eni strani za potrebe vihtenja okoli prve geometrijske osi Υ-Υ obsega dvojico vsaksebi štrlečih in v smeri tako pravokotno glede na omenjeno os Υ-Υ kot tudi glede na smer poteka same ročice 2 vsaksebi štrlečih krakov 21, 22, po drugi strani pa za potrebe vihtenja okoli druge geometrijske osi Χ-Χ obsega nadaljnjo dvojico vsaksebi štrlečih in v smeri tako pravokotno glede na omenjeno os Χ-Χ kot tudi glede na smer poteka same ročice 2 vsaksebi štrlečih nadaljnjih krakov. Pri tem je omenjena ročica 2 v območju prvoomenjenih krakov 21, 22 členkasto povezana z dvojico med seboj v smeri prečno glede na prvo os YY vrtenja ročice 2 razmaknjenih, vzporednih in med zasukom ročice 2 protismerno premakljivih prenosnih drogov 51, 52, ki sta po drugi strani vsak zase členkasto povezana s pripadajočima upravljalnima elementoma 41, 42 krmilne enote 4. Po drugi strani je omenjena ročica 2 v območju svojih preostalih dveh krakov členkasto povezana z dvojico med seboj v smeri prečno glede na drugo os Χ-Χ sukanja ročice 2 razmaknjenih, vzporednih in med zasukom ročice 2 protismerno premakljivih prenosnih drogov, ki sta po drugi strani vsak zase členkasto povezana s pripadajočima nadaljnjima upravljalnima elementoma upravljalne enote 4.According to the invention, it is also possible to use a lever which can be rotated about two axes Χ-Χ and Υ-Υ, where the lever functions as a joystick, but also in this case within predetermined and limited strokes regardless of the distance. control unit 4 from the control lever 2. In such a case, the lever 2 in the housing 3 is mounted in such a way that it is rotatable about the two both mutually and sensibly with respect to the direction of the lever 2 of the rectangular axes Χ-Χ; Υ-Υ, where the lever 2 on the one hand for the purpose of swirling around the first geometric axis Υ-Υ comprises a pair of mutually projecting and in the direction both perpendicular to said axis Υ-Υ as well as to the direction of the lever 2 itself protruding legs 21, 22, on the other hand, for the purpose of swirling around the second geometric axis Χ-Χ comprises a further pair of mutually projecting and in the direction both perpendicular to said axis Χ-Χ and to the direction of the lever 2 protruding further arms. In this case, said lever 2 is articulated in the region of the first-mentioned arms 21, 22 articulated to each other in a direction transverse to the first axis YY of rotation of the lever 2 spaced apart, parallel and counterclockwise during rotation of the lever 2. on the other hand, said lever 2 is articulated in the area of its remaining two arms articulated with the pair in a direction transverse to the other axis Χ-Χ of rotation of lever 2 spaced apart, parallel and during the rotation of the lever 2 of the counter-movable transmission rods, which on the other hand are each articulated with the corresponding further control elements of the control unit 4.

Strokovnjaku bo razumljivo, da se z vihtenjem ročice 2 okoli vsaj ene izmed omenjenih osi Χ-Χ in/ali Υ-Υ doseže vzporedno protismerno premikanje vsaj ene dvojice drogov 51, 52, povezanih z upravljalnima elementoma 41, 42 krmilne enote 4, s čimer se krmili delovanje neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva, na primer pri dvigalu.It will be appreciated by one skilled in the art that by rotating the lever 2 about at least one of said axes Χ-Χ and / or Υ-Υ, a parallel counter-movement of at least one pair of rods 51, 52 connected to the control elements 41, 42 of the control unit 4 is achieved. the operation of the non-electric propulsion means is controlled, for example in the case of a lift.

Claims (7)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Prenosni mehanizem (1) z ročico (2) za upravljanje neelektričnih pogonskih sredstev, obsegajoč ohišje (3), ki je pritrdljivo na vsakokrat razpoložljivo krmilno enoto (4) za krmiljenje vsakokratnega neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva in v katerem je okoli vsaj ene geometrijske osi (Χ-Χ; Υ-Υ) iz svojega prvega končnega položaja v svoj drugi končni položaj zasukljivo vgrajena ročica (2), ki je členkasto povezana z vsakokrat vsaj eno dvojico upravljalnih elementov (41, 42) vsakokrat razpoložljive krmilne enote (4) za krmiljenje vsakokratnega neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva, označen s tem, daje v ohišju (3) okoli vsaj ene geometrijske osi (Υ-Υ, Χ-Χ) zasukljiva in vsaj približno pravokotno glede na omenjeno os vrtenja (Υ-Υ, Χ-Χ) potekajoča ročica (2) v notranjosti omenjenega ohišja (3) opremljena z vsaj eno dvojico vsakokrat pravokotno glede na omenjeno os (Υ-Υ, Χ-Χ) vsaksebi štrlečih in okoli osi (Υ-Υ, Χ-Χ) sočasno zasukljivih krakov (21, 22) ter z vsakokrat pripadajočo dvojico upravljalnih elementov (41, 42) vsakokrat razpoložljive krmilne enote (4) za krmiljenje vsakokratnega neelektričnega pogonskega sredstva povezana preko dvojice vsaj uklonsko dovolj togih, med seboj vzporednih in v smeri prečno glede na omenjeno os (Υ-Υ; Χ-Χ) vrtenja ročice (2) razmaknjenih ter drug glede na drugega med premikanjem ročice (2) protismemo premakljivih prenosnih drogov (51, 52), izmed katerih je vsak na enem svojem koncu (5Γ, 51) členkasto povezan z vsakokrat pripadajočim upravljalnim elementom (41, 42) krmilne enote (4), na preostalem koncu (51, 52) pa prav tako členkasto z vsakokrat pripadajočim krakom (21, 22) ročice (2).A transmission mechanism (1) with a lever (2) for controlling non-electric propulsion means, comprising a housing (3) which is attachable to the control unit (4) for controlling each non-electric propulsion means available in each case and in which there is at least one geometric axis (Χ-Χ; Υ-Υ) a rotatably mounted lever (2) from its first end position to its second end position, which is articulated to at least one pair of control elements (41, 42) at each time of the control unit (4) available for each time. control of each non-electric drive means, characterized in that in the housing (3) about at least one geometric axis (Υ-Υ, Χ-Χ) is rotatable and at least approximately perpendicular to said axis of rotation (Υ-Υ, Χ-Χ) running the lever (2) inside the said housing (3) is provided with at least one pair each time perpendicular to the said axis (Υ-Υ, Χ-Χ) protruding and around the axis (Υ-Υ, Χ-Χ) simultaneously rotating arms (21 , 22) and with the corresponding pair of administrations the control elements (41, 42) of the control unit (4) available in each case for controlling each non-electric drive means connected via a pair of at least diffractively rigid, parallel to each other and transversely with respect to said axis (Υ-Υ); Χ-Χ) of rotation of the lever (2) spaced apart and relative to each other during the movement of the lever (2) we move the movable transmission rods (51, 52), each of which at one end (5Γ, 51) is articulated with the corresponding control element (41, 42) of the control unit (4), and at the remaining end (51, 52) also articulated with the corresponding arm (21, 22) of the lever (2). 2. Prenosni mehanizem po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da je vsak izmed omenjenih prenosnih drogov (51, 52) s primemo zračnostjo vstavljen v vodilu (31, 32), ki je na voljo v omenjenem ohišju (3).Transmission mechanism according to claim 1, characterized in that each of said transmission rods (51, 52) is inserted in the guide (31, 32) provided in said housing (3) with a suitable clearance. 3. Prenosni mehanizem po zahtevku 1 ali 2, označen s tem, daje ročica (2) v ohišju (3) vgrajena tako, daje zasukljiva okoli ene same geometrijske osi (Υ-Υ) in obsega dvojico vsaksebi štrlečih in v smeri tako pravokotno glede na omenjeno os (Υ-Υ) kot tudi glede na smer poteka same ročice (2) vsaksebi štrleča kraka (21, 22), ki sta vsak zase členkasto povezana s pripadajočim koncem (51, 52) vsakokrat pripadajočega prenosnega droga (51, 52), ki je na svojem preostalem koncu (5Γ, 52') členkasto povezan z vsakokrat po enim upravljalnim elementom (41, 42) krmilne enote (4).Transmission mechanism according to Claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the lever (2) is mounted in the housing (3) in such a way that it can be rotated about a single geometric axis (Υ-dvoj) and comprises a pair of protruding and perpendicular to on said axis (Υ-Υ) as well as with respect to the direction of the lever itself (2) of the protruding arms (21, 22), which are each articulated with the corresponding end (51, 52) of the respective transmission rod (51, 52) ), which at its remaining end (5Γ, 52 ') is articulated to each control element (41, 42) of the control unit (4). 4. Prenosni mehanizem po zahtevku 1 ali 2, označen s tem, daje ročica (2) v ohišju (3) vgrajena na tak način, da je zasukljiva okoli dveh tako med seboj kot tudi smiselno glede na smer poteka ročice (2) pravokotnih osi (Χ-Χ; Υ-Υ), pri čemer ročica (2) po eni strani za potrebe vihtenja okoli prve geometrijske osi (ΥΥ) obsega dvojico vsaksebi štrlečih in v smeri tako pravokotno glede na omenjeno os (Υ-Υ) kot tudi glede na smer poteka same ročice (2) vsaksebi štrlečih krakov (21, 22), po drugi strani pa za potrebe vihtenja okoli druge geometrijske osi (Χ-Χ) obsega dvojico vsaksebi štrlečih in v smeri tako pravokotno glede na omenjeno drugo os (Χ-Χ) kot tudi glede na smer poteka same ročice (2) vsaksebi štrleča nadaljnja kraka, pri čemer je ročica (2) v območju prvoomenjenih krakov (21, 22) členkasto povezana z dvojico med seboj v smeri prečno glede na os (Υ-Υ) sukanja ročice (2) razmaknjenih, vzporednih in med zasukom ročice (2) protismemo premakljivih prenosnih drogov (51, 52), ki sta po drugi strani vsak zase členkasto povezana s pripadajočima upravljalnima elementoma (41, 42) krmilne enote (4), in pri čemer je ročica (2) v območju svojih preostalih dveh krakov členkasto povezana z dvojico med seboj v smeri prečno glede na os (Χ-Χ) sukanja ročice (2) razmaknjenih, vzporednih in med zasukom ročice (2) protismemo premakljivih prenosnih drogov, ki sta po drugi strani vsak zase členkasto povezana s pripadajočima nadaljnjima upravljalnima elementoma upravljalne enote (4).Transmission mechanism according to Claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the lever (2) is mounted in the housing (3) in such a way that it can be rotated about two mutually and mutually according to the direction of the lever (2) of the rectangular axes (Χ-Χ; Υ-Υ), wherein the lever (2) comprises, on the one hand, a pair of mutually projecting and perpendicular directions with respect to said axis (Υ-Υ) as well as with respect to the first geometric axis (ΥΥ). on the direction of the lever (2) of the protruding arms (21, 22), on the other hand, for the purposes of swirling around the second geometric axis (Χ-Χ), it comprises a pair of protruding and in the direction so perpendicular to said second axis (Χ- Χ) as well as with respect to the direction of the lever itself (2) further legs protruding from each other, where the lever (2) in the area of the first-mentioned arms (21, 22) is articulated with the pair in the direction transverse to the axis (Υ-Υ ) of rotation of the lever (2) spaced apart, parallel and during the rotation of the lever (2) we move the movable transmission rods (51, 52), which are on the other hand, each articulated to the associated control elements (41, 42) of the control unit (4), and the lever (2) in the area of its remaining two arms is articulated to the pair in a direction transverse to the axis (Χ- Χ) rotation of the lever (2) spaced apart, parallel and during the rotation of the lever (2) we move the movable transmission rods, which on the other hand are each articulated with the corresponding further control elements of the control unit (4). 5. Prenosni mehanizem (1) po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 - 4, označen s tem, da predstavlja prenosni mehanizem (1) z ročico (2) za upravljanje neelektričnih pogonskih sredstev pri dvigalu.Transmission mechanism (1) according to any one of claims 1 - 4, characterized in that it represents a transmission mechanism (1) with a lever (2) for controlling non-electric drive means at the lift. 6. Prenosni mehanizem (1) po zahtevku 5, označen s tem, da predstavlja prenosni mehanizem (1) z ročico (2) za upravljanje hidravličnih pogonskih sredstev pri dvigalu.Transmission mechanism (1) according to claim 5, characterized in that it represents a transmission mechanism (1) with a lever (2) for controlling hydraulic drive means at the lift. 7. Prenosni mehanizem (1) po zahtevku 6, označen s tem, da predstavlja prenosni mehanizem (1) z ročico (2) za upravljanje hidravličnih pogonskih sredstev pri mobilnem dvigalu.Transmission mechanism (1) according to claim 6, characterized in that it represents a transmission mechanism (1) with a lever (2) for controlling hydraulic drive means in a mobile lift.
SI201700204A 2017-07-05 2017-07-05 Portable handle mechanism for nonelectrical drive means control SI25472A (en)

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PCT/SI2018/000015 WO2019009816A1 (en) 2017-07-05 2018-06-29 Transmission mechanism with a handle for controlling of non-electric driving means
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RU2020103739A RU2020103739A (en) 2017-07-05 2018-06-29 TRANSMISSION GEAR WITH NON-ELECTRIC DRIVE LEVER

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