SI24790A - Mobile training device and system for man-portable weapon - Google Patents

Mobile training device and system for man-portable weapon Download PDF


Publication number
SI24790A SI201400287A SI201400287A SI24790A SI 24790 A SI24790 A SI 24790A SI 201400287 A SI201400287 A SI 201400287A SI 201400287 A SI201400287 A SI 201400287A SI 24790 A SI24790 A SI 24790A
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training device
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SI24790B (en
Primož Peterca
Harald Struck
Original Assignee
Guardiaris D.O.O.
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Application filed by Guardiaris D.O.O. filed Critical Guardiaris D.O.O.
Priority to SI201400287A priority Critical patent/SI24790B/en
Priority to PCT/SI2015/000022 priority patent/WO2016024921A1/en
Publication of SI24790A publication Critical patent/SI24790A/en
Publication of SI24790B publication Critical patent/SI24790B/en



    • G09B9/00Simulators for teaching or training purposes
    • G09B9/003Simulators for teaching or training purposes for military purposes and tactics
    • F41WEAPONS
    • F41A33/00Adaptations for training; Gun simulators
    • F41WEAPONS
    • F41G3/00Aiming or laying means
    • F41G3/26Teaching or practice apparatus for gun-aiming or gun-laying
    • F41WEAPONS
    • F41G3/00Aiming or laying means
    • F41G3/26Teaching or practice apparatus for gun-aiming or gun-laying
    • F41G3/2616Teaching or practice apparatus for gun-aiming or gun-laying using a light emitting device
    • F41G3/2694Teaching or practice apparatus for gun-aiming or gun-laying using a light emitting device for simulating a target
    • G09B19/00Teaching not covered by other main groups of this subclass
    • G09B19/24Use of tools
    • G09B9/00Simulators for teaching or training purposes
    • G09B9/006Simulators for teaching or training purposes for locating or ranging of objects


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Theoretical Computer Science (AREA)
  • Business, Economics & Management (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Educational Administration (AREA)
  • Educational Technology (AREA)
  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Radar, Positioning & Navigation (AREA)
  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation (AREA)
  • Aiming, Guidance, Guns With A Light Source, Armor, Camouflage, And Targets (AREA)
  • Processing Or Creating Images (AREA)
  • Toys (AREA)


Izum se nanaša na mobilno napravo in sistem za urjenje za prenosno orožje, ki ne potrebuje dodatnega prikazovalnika, napajanja ali komunikacijskega sredstva razen tistih, ki so integrirani v maketi orožja ali na njej. Naprava za urjenje je primerna za vsa prenosna orožja, ki imajo vgrajeno optično namerilno napravo in sprožilec. Naprava za urjenje je funkcionalna kombinacija makete orožja, ki je natančna replika dejanskega orožja ali zunanjega ohišja dejanskega orožja, prilagojene računalniške strojneopreme, senzorja za sledenje gibanja, prilagojene programske opreme za navidezno resnično okolje ter miniaturnega monitorja; vse to pa je integrirano v eno napravo. Vse strojne komponente so nameščene v ohišju makete orožja ali prednostno integrirane v ogrodje na tak način, da elektromagnetni valovi posameznih strojnih komponent ne motijo delovanja gibalnega senzorja. V ohišje dejanske namerilne naprave je vgrajen miniaturen monitor, ki prikazuje navidezno resnično okolje. Sprožilo je prilagojeno na taknačin, da se sprožitev orožja sporoči integriranemu računalniku. Na ta način naprava za urjenje omogoča namerjanje, izbiranje tarč, pripravo na strel in streljanje z maketo orožja v tarčo v navidezno resničnem okolju z več urjenčevih položajev, in sicer brez dodatnih sredstev za vizualni prikaz razen tistih, ki so integrirana v maketi orožja in na njej.The invention relates to a mobile device and a training system for a weapon that does not require an additional display, power supply or communication means other than those integrated in or on the weapon model. The training device is suitable for all portable weapons with a built-in optical target device and trigger. The training device is a functional combination of a weapon model that is a precise replica of the actual weapon or external shell of the actual weapon, personal computer hardware, motion sensor tracking, custom software for a virtual real environment, and a miniature monitor; all this is integrated into one device. All hardware components are mounted in the array model of the weapon or preferably integrated into the frame in such a way that the electromagnetic waves of individual hardware components do not interfere with the motion of the motion sensor. A miniature monitor, which displays a virtual real environment, is integrated into the body of the actual target device. The trigger is adapted to the way that the weapon is released to the integrated computer. In this way, the training device allows you to target, select targets, prepare for a shot, and shoot with an array of weapons in a target in a virtual real environment with multiple shotgun positions, with no additional means of visual representation other than those integrated in the weapon model and her.


Mobilna naprava in sistem za urjenje za prenosno orožjeMobile device and portable weapon training system


Pričujoči izum sodi na področje mobilnih rešitev in sistemov za urjenje v vojaški panogi. Natančneje, pričujoči izum se nanaša na novo funkcionalno kombinacijo makete vojaškega orožja v naravnem merilu (»mock-up«), računalniške strojne opreme in prikazovalnika navidezno resničnega okolja, pri čemer se dejanska fizična orientacija urjenca na usposabljanju in njegova dejanja odražajo na navidezno resničnem okolju.The present invention relates to the field of mobile solutions and training systems in the military industry. More specifically, the present invention relates to a new functional combination of a mock-up of a military weapon model on a natural scale, computer hardware and a display of a seemingly real environment, whereby the actual physical orientation of the trainee and his actions are reflected in a seemingly real environment. .

Ozadje izumaBackground of the invention

Obstoječi sistemi za urjenje s prenosnimi orožji uporabljajo velike, v temnicah nameščene projekcijske zaslone in/ali kupole. Omenjeni sistemi omogočajo urjenje postopkov rokovanja s prenosnimi orožji od pregleda in priprave orožja do polnjenja, repetiranja, merjenja in streljanja. Vendar pa uporaba velikih zaslonov in kupol znatno dvigne ceno sistemu in mu zmanjša funkcionalno uporabnost, ker se taki sistemi težko premeščajo na druge lokacije, njihovo vzdrževanje pa je drago.Existing portable weapon training systems use large, dark projection screens and / or turrets. These systems enable the training of portable weapons handling procedures from the inspection and preparation of weapons to loading, rehearsing, measuring and firing. However, the use of large screens and domes significantly raises the price of the system and reduces its functional usability because such systems are difficult to move to other locations and are expensive to maintain.

V patentni prijavi WO213/111146 je na primer podan sistem za izvajanje postopka urjenja med usposabljanjem z orožjem v navideznem okolju. Sistem vključuje eno ali več bojnih postaj, eno ali več naprav za sledenje gibanja, ki sledijo telesnim gibom urjenca s šolskimi orožji, eno ali več procesnih enot in enega ali več prikazovalnih sistemov, pri čemer prikazovalni sistem vključuje enega ali več projektorjev in zaslonov, ki obdajajo operativno vidno polje, ter projicira navideznega človeškega borca in omogoča vživljiv prikaz navideznega okolja. Bojne postaje so omrežno povezane in omogočajo, da se navidezni človeški borec preslika na enega ali več urjencev v različnih bojnih postajah.Patent application WO213 / 111146, for example, provides a system for carrying out a training procedure during training in weapons in a virtual environment. The system includes one or more battle stations, one or more motion tracking devices that track the body movements of a trainee with school weapons, one or more processing units, and one or more display systems, the display system including one or more projectors and screens they surround the operational field of view, and project a virtual human fighter and enable a vivid depiction of the virtual environment. Battle stations are networked and allow a virtual human fighter to be mapped to one or more trainees in different battle stations.

Nadaljnji primer obstoječe rešitve je podan v patentni prijavi W0 2014/018561, kjer je uporabnik opremljen z naglavno prikazovalno napravo, ki brezžično sprejema video signale v realnem času, katere oddaja radijski oddajniksprejemnik, povezan z računalnikom, ki je ločen od orožja in urjenca. Računalnik generira video podobe v realnem času, ki se po brezžični povezavi posredujejo naglavni prikazovalni napravi.A further example of an existing solution is given in patent application WO 2014/018561, where the user is equipped with a head-mounted display device that wirelessly receives real-time video signals transmitted by a radio transmitter connected to a computer separate from the weapon and trainee. The computer generates real-time video images, which are transmitted wirelessly to the main display device.

Kot sledi iz povedanega, obstaja potreba po zelo mobilni napravi in sistemu za urjenje, ki bi omogočala hitro postavitev ter zagotavljala preprosto montažo in nizke vzdrževalne stroške.As follows from the above, there is a need for a highly mobile device and training system that would allow for quick installation and ensure easy installation and low maintenance costs.

Povzetek izumaSummary of the invention

Predmet in cilj pričujočega izuma je podati mobilno napravo za urjenje s prenosnimi orožji, za katero se bo v nadaljevanju uporabljal izraz naprava za urjenje, ki omogoča hitro postavitev, preprosto montažo in nizke vzdrževalne stroške.The object and object of the present invention is to provide a mobile training device with portable weapons, for which the term training device will be used in the following, which enables quick installation, easy installation and low maintenance costs.

Nadaljnji cilj izuma je slediti urjenčevim rotacijam v resničnem svetu in jih prevajati v podatke, relevantne za navidezno resničnost, ki se lahko nato uporabijo za izračun navidezno resničnega okolja in balistike v realnem času ter za prikaz navideznega okolja urjencu.It is a further object of the invention to track a student's real-world rotations and translate them into virtual reality-relevant data, which can then be used to calculate the virtual-real environment and ballistics in real time and to display the virtual environment to the student.

Še en nadaljnji cilj je omogočiti več urjencem na isti ali na različnih fizičnih lokacijah, da se urijo istočasno v istem ali v različnih navideznih okoljih. To se doseže s povezavo več naprav za urjenje v sistem.Another further goal is to allow multiple trainees in the same or different physical locations to train simultaneously in the same or different virtual environments. This is achieved by connecting multiple training devices to the system.

Navedeni cilji in prednosti so doseženi z napravo in sistemom za urjenje po izumu. Naprava za urjenje je primerna za vsa prenosna orožja, ki imajo vgrajeno optično namerilno napravo in sprožilec. Naprava za urjenje je funkcionalna kombinacija makete orožja, ki je natančna replika dejanskega orožja ali zunanjega ohišja dejanskega orožja, prilagojene računalniške strojne opreme, senzorja za sledenje gibanja, za katerega se bo v nadaljevanju uporabljal izraz gibalni senzor, prilagojene programske opreme za navidezno resnično okolje ter miniaturnega monitorja; vse to pa je integrirano v eno napravo.The stated objectives and advantages are achieved by the device and training system according to the invention. The training device is suitable for all portable weapons that have a built-in optical sighting device and a trigger. A training device is a functional combination of a weapon model that is an exact replica of an actual weapon or external actual weapon case, customized computer hardware, a motion tracking sensor, hereinafter referred to as a motion sensor, custom software for a virtual real environment, and miniature monitor; all of which is integrated into one device.

Vse strojne komponente, vključno z integriranim namensko izdelanim računalnikom, za katerega se bo v nadaljevanju uporabljal izraz integrirani računalnik, so nameščene v ohišju makete orožja; prednostno so integrirane v ogrodje, ki lahko služi tudi kot hladilnik, če je izdelano iz kovine, prednostno iz aluminija. Opcijsko lahko ogrodje služi tudi kot nosilec za druge komponente, to se pravi za gibalni senzor, okrov baterije in ločen hladilnik. Vse strojne komponente so nameščene v ohišju makete orožja ali prednostno integrirane v ogrodje na tak način, da elektromagnetni valovi posameznih strojnih komponent ne motijo delovanja gibalnega senzorja. V ohišje dejanske namerilne naprave je vgrajen miniaturen monitor, ki prikazuje navidezno resnično okolje. Sprožilo je prilagojeno na tak način, da se sprožitev orožja sporoči integriranemu računalniku. Na ta način naprava za urjenje omogoča namerjanje, izbiranje tarč, pripravo na strel in streljanje z maketo orožja v tarčo v navidezno resničnem okolju z več urjenčevih položajev, in sicer brez dodatnih sredstev za vizualni prikaz razen tistih, ki so integrirana v maketi orožja in na njej.All hardware components, including the integrated dedicated computer, hereinafter referred to as the integrated computer, shall be housed in the weapon model housing; they are preferably integrated into a frame which can also serve as a refrigerator if it is made of metal, preferably aluminum. Optionally, the frame can also serve as a holder for other components, ie for the motion sensor, battery cover and separate cooler. All machine components are mounted in the housing of the weapon model or preferably integrated into the frame in such a way that the electromagnetic waves of the individual machine components do not interfere with the operation of the motion sensor. A miniature monitor showing the seemingly real environment is built into the housing of the actual sighting device. The trigger is adjusted in such a way that the trigger of the weapon is communicated to the integrated computer. In this way, the training device allows aiming, selecting targets, preparing for a shot and shooting with a model of a weapon at a target in a seemingly real environment with several training positions, without additional means of visual display other than those integrated in the model of the weapon and her.

Gibalni senzor ne sledi vzporednim premikom urj enca in makete orožja;The motion sensor does not follow the parallel movements of the trainee and the mock-up of the weapon;

sledi samo rotacijam naprave za urjenje okrog vsaj ene osi, prednostno okrog treh osi.follows only the rotations of the training device about at least one axis, preferably about three axes.

Z opcijskim dodajanjem strojne opreme za brezžično Wi-Fi povezljivost napravi za urjenje se lahko omogoči povezava z računalniškim strežnikom, pri čemer se računalniški strežnik uporabi za sledenje in shranjevanje urjenja za kasnejšo ponovitev ali proučevanje, ali pa za spreminjanje parametrov navideznega okolja med samim urjenjem. Poleg tega programska oprema za večigralsko komunikacijo, integrirana v programsko opremo za navidezno resnično okolje, omogoča več urjencem, opremljenim vsak s svojo napravo za urjenje, da se usposabljajo istočasno v istem navideznem okolju bodisi na isti bodisi na različnih fizičnih lokacijah.Optionally adding hardware for Wi-Fi wireless connectivity to the training device can enable connection to a computer server, using the computer server to track and save the training for later retry or study, or to change the virtual environment parameters during the training itself. In addition, multiplayer communication software integrated into virtual real environment software allows multiple trainees, each equipped with their own training device, to train simultaneously in the same virtual environment either in the same or in different physical locations.

Kratek opis slikShort description of the pictures

Izum bo natančneje opisan v nadaljevanju s pomočjo slik, od katerih:The invention will be described in more detail below with the aid of figures, of which:

slika 1 prikazuje napravo za urjenje s prenosnimi orožji po izumu;Figure 1 shows a portable weapon training device according to the invention;

slika 2 prikazuje poglavitne komponente, ki so integralni del naprave za urjenje po pričujočem izumu;Figure 2 shows the main components that are an integral part of the training device according to the present invention;

slika 3 je shematski prikaz gibalnega senzorja po pričujočem izumu;Figure 3 is a schematic representation of a motion sensor according to the present invention;

slika 4 shematsko prikazuje, kako so različne komponente povezane med seboj, da sestavljajo polno funkcionalen integriran računalnik po pričujočem izumu;Figure 4 schematically shows how the various components are interconnected to form a fully functional integrated computer according to the present invention;

slika 5 prikazuje navidezno resnično okolje v perspektivi, kakor ga vidi urjenec;Figure 5 shows the seemingly real environment in perspective as seen by the trainee;

slika 6 je shematska risba sistema po pričujočem izumu, kjer je več naprav za urjenje povezanih v omrežje med izvajanjem večigralske vaje.Figure 6 is a schematic drawing of a system according to the present invention, where several training devices are connected to a network during the execution of a multiplayer exercise.

Podroben opis izumaDetailed description of the invention

Kot je prikazano na slikah 1 in 2, je naprava za urjenje izdelana v maketi orožja 10, ki je natančna replika dejanskega orožja ali ohišja dejanskega orožja. Integrirani računalnik 13 je nameščen znotraj makete orožja 10, prednostno v ogrodju 20, ki je izdelano namensko, tako da se prilega v maketo orožja 10. Ogrodje 20 lahko služi kot hladilnik, če je izdelano iz kovine, prednostno iz aluminija. Miniaturni monitor lla je integriran v ohišje namerilne naprave 11 in povezan z integriranim računalnikomAs shown in Figures 1 and 2, the training device is made in a mock-up of the weapon 10, which is an exact replica of the actual weapon or the actual weapon housing. The integrated computer 13 is mounted inside the model of the weapon 10, preferably in the frame 20, which is purposely designed to fit into the model of the weapon 10. The frame 20 can serve as a cooler if it is made of metal, preferably aluminum. The miniature monitor lla is integrated into the housing of the sighting device 11 and connected to the integrated computer

13. Ko urjenec pogleda v namerilno napravo 11, v resnici gleda v miniaturni monitor lla, ki prikazuje navidezno resnično okolje 33, generirano z integriranim računalnikom13. When the trainee looks at the sighting device 11, he is in fact looking at a miniature monitor lla showing the virtual real environment 33 generated by the integrated computer


Sprožilo 12 je prav tako natančna replika dejanskega sprožilca orožja; v resnici pa je sprožilo 12 povezano z integriranim računalnikom 13 in je prilagojeno na tak način, da se sprožitev orožja prek senzorjev 43 sporoči integriranemu računalniku 13. Sprožilo 12 ima integriran gumb za vklop 18, ki služi le za vklop naprave za urjenje. Gibalni senzor 14 se nahaja v maketi orožja 10 ali na njej, prednostno je montiran na ogrodju 20, povezan je z integriranim računalnikom 13. Baterija 15 je edini vir napajanja za vse električne komponente naprave za urjenje in zagotavlja do 4 ure avtonomije z energijo. Baterija 15 se nahaja v maketi orožja 10, prednostno na ogrodju 20 na zadnjem koncu makete orožja 10. Baterija 15 se lahko vstavi skozi vstavno režo v baterijski okrov 19, kar omogoča enostavno in hitro menjavo baterije.Trigger 12 is also an exact replica of the actual trigger of the weapon; in fact, the trigger 12 is connected to the integrated computer 13 and is adapted in such a way that the triggering of the weapon via sensors 43 is communicated to the integrated computer 13. The trigger 12 has an integrated power button 18, which serves only to turn on the training device. The motion sensor 14 is located in or on the weapon model 10, preferably mounted on the frame 20, connected to the integrated computer 13. The battery 15 is the only power source for all electrical components of the training device and provides up to 4 hours of autonomy with energy. The battery 15 is located in the model of the weapon 10, preferably on the frame 20 at the rear end of the model of the weapon 10. The battery 15 can be inserted through the insert slot into the battery housing 19, which allows easy and quick replacement of the battery.

Na zgornjo stran ogrodja 20, prednostno na njegov osrednji del, se lahko namesti dodaten hladilnik 21, zasnovan tako, da uravnava primeren pretok zraka in zagotavlja ustrezno hlajenje komponent. Urjenec je lahko opremljen tudi s slušalkami 17, povezanimi z integriranim računalnikom 13, da se mu s slušnimi dražljaji omogoči še boljše vživetje v navidezno resnično okolje 33.An additional cooler 21 can be mounted on the upper side of the frame 20, preferably on its central part, designed to regulate the adequate air flow and ensure adequate cooling of the components. The trainee may also be equipped with a headset 17 connected to an integrated computer 13 to enable him to become even more immersed in the seemingly real environment through auditory stimuli 33.

Gibalni senzor 14 je lahko kakršen koli poznan senzor po stanju tehnike, zmožen zaznati rotacije okrog vsaj ene, prednostno pa okrog treh osi. Kot je razvidno iz slike 3, je v prednostni izvedbi gibalni senzor 14 sestavljen iz vsaj enega, prednostno treh ločenih zaznavnih elementov, iz enote za analogno-digitalno vzorčenje ter iz računskega in izhodnega bloka 23.The motion sensor 14 may be any prior art sensor capable of detecting rotations about at least one, and preferably about three, axes. As can be seen from Figure 3, in a preferred embodiment, the motion sensor 14 consists of at least one, preferably three separate sensing elements, an analog-digital sampling unit and a calculation and output unit 23.

Vsak posamezni zaznavni element zaznava rotacijo okrog ene izmed osi, tako da vsi trije zaznavni elementi v kombinaciji zaznavajo natančno orientacijo 22 makete orožja okrog osi »X«, »Y« in »Z«. Os »X« predstavlja rotacijo okrog vodoravne vzdolžne osi makete orožja 10, ki ga drži urjenec, »Y« predstavlja rotacijo okrog prečne vodoravne osi makete orožja 10, os »Z« pa predstavlja rotacijo makete orožja 10 okrog navpične osi.Each individual sensing element detects rotation around one of the axes, so that all three sensing elements in combination detect the exact orientation 22 of the weapon model around the "X", "Y" and "Z" axes. The "X" axis represents the rotation about the horizontal longitudinal axis of the weapon model 10 held by the trainee, the "Y" axis represents the rotation about the transverse horizontal axis of the weapon model 10, and the "Z" axis represents the rotation of the weapon model 10 around the vertical axis.

Gibalni senzor 14 pošlje podatke integriranemu računalniku 13. Ko urjenec premakne maketo orožja 10, gibalni senzor 14 zazna rotacije makete orožja 10 v resničnem svetu in jih sporoči integriranemu računalniku 13, kjer se te rotacije prevedejo v navidezno resnično okolje 33, ki je prikazano na miniaturnem monitorju lla.The motion sensor 14 sends data to the integrated computer 13. When the trainee moves the weapon model 10, the motion sensor 14 detects the rotations of the weapon model 10 in the real world and communicates them to the integrated computer 13, where these rotations are translated into a virtual real environment 33. monitor lla.

Enota za analogno-digitalno vzorčenje pretvori analogni signal posameznih zaznavnih elementov v digitalni signal visoke integritete in točnosti. Analogni nizkoprepustni filter zagotavlja odpravljanje »aliasing« napak, visokofrekvenčnega šuma, minimizira medkanalne zamike in odstrani visokofrekvenčne komponente. Digitalni nizkoprepustni filter se uporabi za preprečitev »aliasing« interferenc v signalu, ko se signal prevzorči na nižjo ločljivost v digitalni domeni.The analogue-to-digital sampling unit converts the analogue signal of individual sensing elements into a digital signal of high integrity and accuracy. The analog low-pass filter ensures the elimination of "aliasing" errors, high-frequency noise, minimizes inter-channel delays and removes high-frequency components. A digital low-pass filter is used to prevent "aliasing" interference in the signal when the signal is converted to a lower resolution in the digital domain.

Računski in izhodni blok 23 opravlja točno numerično izračunavanje integriranih količin kotne hitrosti in pospeška s kompenzacijo t.i. »coning« in »sculling« napak. Gibalni senzor 14 je integriran v/na ogrodju 20 in lahko zaznava urjenčevo orientacijo, ne da bi ga moral urjenec nositi na telesu.The computational and output block 23 performs accurate numerical calculation of the integrated quantities of angular velocity and acceleration by compensating t.i. "Coning" and "sculling" errors. The motion sensor 14 is integrated in / on the frame 20 and can detect the trainee's orientation without the trainee having to wear it on the body.

Na sliki 4 je prikazano, kako so različne komponente povezane z integriranim računalnikom 13, pa tudi to, kako je integrirani računalnik 13 strukturiran v prednostni izvedbi izuma.Figure 4 shows how the various components are connected to the integrated computer 13, as well as how the integrated computer 13 is structured in a preferred embodiment of the invention.

Integrirani računalnik 13 je sestavljen iz matične plošče 25, plošče za obdelavo 30, plošče polnilnika 27, plošče USBI 28, računalniške plošče 26, video plošče 31, računske plošče 29 in konektorske plošče 32.The integrated computer 13 consists of a motherboard 25, a processing board 30, a charger board 27, a USBI board 28, a computer board 26, a video board 31, a computer board 29, and a connector board 32.

Matična plošča 25 je povezana z gibalnim senzorjem 14, baterijo 15, računalniško ploščo 26 z manjšim hladilnim ventilatorjem, ploščo polnilnika 27, ploščo USBI 28 in ploščo za obdelavo 30. Integrirani računalnik 13 in baterija 15 sta lahko narejena iz komponent, ki se dobijo v prosti prodaji, in prednostno montirana na ogrodje 20. Komponente morajo ležati tako, da elektromagnetni valovi posameznih strojnih komponent ne interferiraj o z delovanjem gibalnega senzorja 14.The motherboard 25 is connected to a motion sensor 14, a battery 15, a computer board 26 with a smaller cooling fan, a charger board 27, a USBI board 28 and a processing board 30. The integrated computer 13 and battery 15 may be made of components obtained in available for sale, and preferably mounted on a frame 20. The components must lie in such a way that the electromagnetic waves of the individual machine components do not interfere with the operation of the motion sensor 14.

Matična plošča 25 krmili vse komponente, da zagotovi polno funkcionalnost integriranega računalnika 13, kot je izrisovanje in izračunavanje navidezno resničnih okolij 33 in simulacij.The motherboard 25 controls all components to provide the full functionality of the integrated computer 13, such as plotting and calculating virtual real environments 33 and simulations.

Plošča polnilnika 27 omogoča polnjenje baterije 15, ko je baterija priključena na matično ploščo 25.The charger plate 27 allows the battery 15 to be charged when the battery is connected to the motherboard 25.

Računalniška plošča 26 je povezana z računsko ploščo 29, ki opravlja vse računske postopke, da pravilno izračuna orientacijo in rotacijski položaj makete orožja 10 v resničnem svetu in jo prevede v navidezno resnični svet. Opravlja tudi vse računske postopke programske opreme za navidezno resnično okolje, kot so fizikalna in balistična simulacija itd. Računalniška plošča 26 je povezana tudi z video ploščo 31, ki opravlja vse izračune za prikaz na miniaturnem monitorju lla. Video plošča 31 je nadalje povezana s konektorsko ploščo 32, ki skrbi za dejanski prikaz navidezne resničnosti v miniaturnem monitorju lla.The computer board 26 is connected to a computer board 29 which performs all computational procedures to correctly calculate the orientation and rotational position of the weapon model 10 in the real world and to translate it into the virtual world. It also performs all software computational procedures for the virtual real environment, such as physical and ballistic simulation, and so on. The computer board 26 is also connected to a video board 31, which performs all calculations for display on a miniature monitor lla. The video board 31 is further connected to the connector board 32, which provides an actual virtual reality display in the miniature monitor lla.

Plošča za obdelavo 30 je lahko razdeljena na dva dela zaradi prostorskih omejitev. Plošča za obdelavo 30 je povezana tudi z gumbom za vklop 18, s perifernimi zvočnimi napravami, ki so v prednostni izvedbi slušalke 17, ter s senzorji 43, izmed katerih eden zaznava sprožilno aktivnost sprožilca na sprožilu 12. Drugi senzorji 43 se lahko uporabijo za zaznavanje stanja varovala orožja in razna druga stanja orožja, ki se tičejo sprožilne aktivnosti.The processing plate 30 can be divided into two parts due to space constraints. The processing plate 30 is also connected to a power button 18, to peripheral audio devices in the preferred embodiment of the handset 17, and to sensors 43, one of which detects the trigger activity of the trigger on the trigger 12. The other sensors 43 can be used to detect weapons security situations and various other weapons conditions related to triggering activity.

Plošča USBI 28 omogoča povezljivost integriranega računalnika 13 s perifernimi napravami, kot so tipkovnica, miška in druge, potrebnimi za vzdrževanje naprave za urj enj e.The USBI board 28 enables the integration of the integrated computer 13 with peripheral devices, such as a keyboard, mouse and others, necessary for the maintenance of the training device.

Programska aplikacija za navidezno resnično okolje je zasnovana tako, da se v realnem času izračunavajo vse potrebne simulacije, kot so balistika izstrelka, umetna inteligenca, zvočni učinki, vizualni učinki, fizika predmetov, destruktivna fizika in položaj ter orientacija urj enca.The virtual real-world software application is designed to calculate all necessary simulations in real time, such as missile ballistics, artificial intelligence, sound effects, visual effects, object physics, destructive physics and position, and the orientation of the trainee.

V eni od prednostnih izvedb je maketa orožja 10 maketa prenosnega lansirnika raketnih granat. Vključuje vse zgoraj omenjene komponente, poleg tega pa lahko ima na zadnjem koncu makete orožja 10 ultrazvočni senzor udarnega vala 16 za zaznavanje ovir in/ali oseb zadaj, kakor je tudi pri dejanskem orožju.In one preferred embodiment, the weapon model is a 10 model rocket launcher. It includes all the above-mentioned components, and in addition, at the rear end of the weapon model 10, it may have an ultrasonic shock wave sensor 16 for detecting obstacles and / or persons in the rear, as in the case of the actual weapon.

Slika 5 prikazuje navidezno resnično okolje 33, kot ga vidi urjenec v miniaturnem monitorju lla, integriranem v ohišju namerilne naprave 11 in povezanem z integriranim računalnikom 13. Miniaturni monitor lla, ki je video prikazovalnik, prikazuje vidno polje, tako kot ga vidi urjenec, ko se nahaja na določenem položaju v navidezno resničnem okolju 33. V prednostni izvedbi je namerilni križ 34 namerilne naprave 11 replika namerilnega križa v namerilni napravi lansirnika raketnih granat. Na predstavljeni sliki je orožje namerjeno v tarčo 35, postavljeno v navidezno resničnem okolju 33.Figure 5 shows the virtual real environment 33 as seen by the trainee in the miniature monitor lla integrated in the housing of the sighting device 11 and connected to the integrated computer 13. The miniature monitor lla, which is a video display, shows the field of view as seen by the trainee when is located in a certain position in a seemingly real environment 33. In a preferred embodiment, the reticle 34 of the reticle 11 is a replica of the reticle in the reticle of the rocket grenade launcher. In the picture presented, the weapon is aimed at target 35, placed in a seemingly real environment 33.

Možnosti urjenja z napravo za urjenje so bolj raznolike, če se na integrirani računalnik 13 prek plošče USBI 28 opcijsko priključi omrežna kartica Wi-Fi 40. V prednostni izvedbi je omrežna kartica Wi-Fi 40 mini kartica za omrežna pasova 2,4 GHz in 5 GHz, s certifikati 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n in združljiva s PCI, CISP, FIPS in FISMA. S pomočjo omrežne kartice Wi-Fi 40 integrirani računalnik 13 in programska oprema za navidezno resnično okolje komunicirata z računalniškim strežnikom 36, ki služi tudi kot glavna kontrolna postaja za urjenje in inštruktorju omogoča, da v realnem času spreminja različne parametre navidezno resničnega okolja, kot so vidljivost, vreme, veter, lokacija in tarče, ter nalaga in/ali odstranjuje posamezne scenarije ter izvaja izčrpno analizo po akciji (After Action Review, AAR).The training options with the training device are more diverse if a Wi-Fi 40 network card is optionally connected to the integrated computer 13 via the USBI 28 board. In the preferred embodiment, the Wi-Fi 40 network card is a mini card for 2.4 GHz and 5 network bands. GHz, 802.11 ac / a / b / g / n certified and compatible with PCI, CISP, FIPS and FISMA. With the help of the Wi-Fi 40 network card, the integrated computer 13 and the virtual real environment software communicate with the computer server 36, which also serves as the main control station for training and allows the instructor to change various parameters of the virtual real environment in real time. visibility, weather, wind, location and targets, and uploads and / or removes individual scenarios and performs a comprehensive Post-Action Review (AAR).

Na sliki 6 je prikazan sistem za urjenje, ki omogoča več urjencem, da se vsak s svojo napravo za urjenje usposabljajo istočasno v istem navideznem okolju bodisi na isti bodisi na različnih fizičnih lokacijah. V prednostni izvedbi se lahko do štiri makete orožja 10 povežejo po omrežju Wi-Fi z računalniškim strežnikom 36, ki je prenosni ali namizni računalnik. S priključitvijo omrežne kartice Wi-Fi 40 na integrirani računalnik 13 in z dodajanjem večigralskih komunikacijskih zmogljivosti programski opremi za navidezno resnično okolje se omogoči povezava z računalniškim strežnikom 36. Računalniški strežnik 36 ima monitor 37, ki vključuje video zaslon 38, na katerem se lahko vidi navidezno resnično okolje 33, ki vsebuje računalniško podprto urjenje. Isto navidezno resnično okolje 33 vidi urjenec na miniaturnem monitorju lla,Figure 6 shows a training system that allows multiple trainees to each train with their own training device simultaneously in the same virtual environment either in the same or in different physical locations. In a preferred embodiment, up to four weapon models 10 can be connected via a Wi-Fi network to a computer server 36, which is a laptop or desktop computer. By connecting a Wi-Fi 40 network card to the integrated computer 13 and adding multiplayer communication capabilities to the virtual real-world software, a connection to the computer server 36 is enabled. The computer server 36 has a monitor 37 that includes a video screen 38 a virtual real environment 33 that includes computer-assisted training. The same seemingly real environment 33 is seen by a trainee on a miniature monitor lla,

- 12 povezanem z integriranim računalnikom 13. Povezava se vzpostavi s pomočjo omrežne Wi-Fi kartice 40, integrirane v vsaki maketi orožja 10, in usmerjevalnika 41, nabavljenega v prosti prodaji. Edini dve komponenti, ki sta neposredno priključeni v vir napajanja 42, sta računalniški strežnik 36 z monitorjem 37 in usmerjevalnik 41.- 12 connected to an integrated computer 13. The connection is established by means of a network Wi-Fi card 40 integrated in each mock-up of the weapon 10 and a router 41 purchased over the counter. The only two components that are directly connected to the power supply 42 are the computer server 36 with the monitor 37 and the router 41.

Claims (9)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. 1. Naprava Device za urjenje for training za for prenosna portable orožja, ki weapons that vklj učuj e includes maketo model orožja (10) weapons (10) sprožilo triggered (12) ter (12) ter namerilno intentionally napravo device (11), označena (11), marked s tem, da: by: - se - se v maketi in the model orožja (10) weapons (10) i nahaja and located integriran integrated
računalnik (13),computer (13), - je maketa orožja (10) natančna replika dejanskega orožja ali ohišja dejanskega orožja,- the mock-up of the weapon (10) is an exact replica of the actual weapon or the housing of the actual weapon, - je sprožilo (12) povezano z integriranim računalnikom (13), tako da se sprožitev sporoči integriranemu računalniku (13),- the trigger (12) is connected to the integrated computer (13) so that the trigger is communicated to the integrated computer (13), - je v ohišje namerilne naprave (11) integriran miniaturni monitor (lla) in povezan z integriranim računalnikom (13),- a miniature monitor (11a) is integrated into the housing of the sighting device (11) and connected to the integrated computer (13), - se v maketi orožja (10) ali na njej nahaja gibalni senzor (14), povezan z integriranim računalnikom (13).- there is a motion sensor (14) connected to the integrated computer (13) in the model of the weapon (10) or on it.
2. Naprava za urjenje po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da so komponente integriranega računalnika (13), baterijski okrov (19) z baterijo (15) ter gibalni senzor (14) integrirani v ogrodje (20).Training device according to claim 1, characterized in that the components of the integrated computer (13), the battery housing (19) with the battery (15) and the motion sensor (14) are integrated in the frame (20). 3. Naprava za urjenje po zahtevku 2, označena s tem, da je ogrodje (20) izdelano namensko, tako da se prilega v maketo orožja (10), narejeno pa je iz kovine in služi kot hladilnik.Training device according to Claim 2, characterized in that the frame (20) is specially designed to fit into the model of the weapon (10) and is made of metal and serves as a cooler. 4. Naprava za urjenje po predhodnik zahtevkih, označena s tem, da je gibalni senzor (14) sestavljen iz vsaj enega, prednostno treh ločenih zaznavnih elementov, ki zaznavajo rotacije okrog treh osi, iz enote za analogno-digitalno vzorčenje ter iz računskega in izhodnega bloka (23).Training device according to the preceding claims, characterized in that the motion sensor (14) consists of at least one, preferably three separate sensing elements detecting rotations about three axes, an analogue-digital sampling unit and a computational and output block (23). 5. Naprava za urjenje po predhodnih zahtevkih, označena s tem, da je integrirani računalnik (13) sestavljen iz:Training device according to the preceding claims, characterized in that the integrated computer (13) consists of: - matične plošče (25),- motherboards (25), - plošče za obdelavo (30),- treatment plates (30), - plošče polnilnika (27),- charger plates (27), - plošče USBI (28),- USBI boards (28), - računalniške plošče (26),- computer boards (26), - video plošče (31),- video discs (31), - računske plošče (29) tercalculation boards (29), and - konektorske plošče (32);- connector plates (32); pri čemer je matična plošča (25) povezana z gibalnim senzorjem (14), baterijo (15), računalniško ploščo (26), ploščo polnilnika (27), ploščo USBI (28) in ploščo za obdelavo (30); plošča za obdelavo (30) je povezana tudi z gumbom za vklop (18), perifernimi zvočnimi napravami in senzorji (43), izmed katerih eden zaznava sprožilno aktivnost sprožilca na sprožilu (12); računalniška plošča (26) je povezana tudi z video ploščo (31) in računalniško ploščo (29); video plošča (31) je nadalje povezana s konektorsko ploščo (32); konektorska plošča je povezana z miniaturnim monitorjem (lla); medtem ko matična plošča (25) krmili vse komponente, da zagotovi polno funkcionalnost integriranega računalnika (13); plošča polnilnika (27) omogoča polnjenje baterije (15), ko je baterija priključena na matično ploščo (25); plošča USBI (28) omogoča povezljivost integriranega računalnika (13) s perifernimi napravami; video plošča (31) opravlja izračune za prikaz na miniaturnem monitorju (lla); računska plošča (29) izračunava orientacijo in rotacijski položaj makete orožja (10) v resničnem svetu in jo prevaja v navidezno resnični svet, vključno z računskimi postopki programske opreme za navidezno resnično okolje; konektorska plošča (32) skrbi za dejanski prikaz navidezne resničnosti v miniaturnem monitorju (lla).wherein the motherboard (25) is connected to a motion sensor (14), a battery (15), a computer board (26), a charger board (27), a USBI board (28), and a processing board (30); the processing plate (30) is also connected to a power button (18), peripheral audio devices and sensors (43), one of which detects the trigger activity of the trigger on the trigger (12); the computer board (26) is also connected to the video board (31) and the computer board (29); the video board (31) is further connected to the connector board (32); the connector board is connected to a miniature monitor (lla); while the motherboard (25) controls all components to ensure the full functionality of the integrated computer (13); the charger board (27) allows charging the battery (15) when the battery is connected to the motherboard (25); the USBI board (28) allows the integration of the integrated computer (13) with peripherals; the video board (31) performs calculations for display on a miniature monitor (lla); a calculation board (29) calculates the orientation and rotational position of the weapon model (10) in the real world and translates it into the virtual world, including the calculation procedures of the virtual real environment software; the connector board (32) takes care of the actual virtual reality display in the miniature monitor (lla). 6. Naprava za urjenje po predhodnih zahtevkih, označena s tem, da je prenosno orožje prenosni lansirnik raketnih granat, ki na zadnjem koncu makete orožja (10) vključuje ultrazvočni senzor udarnega vala (16) za zaznavanje ovir in/ali oseb zadaj.Training device according to the preceding claims, characterized in that the portable weapon is a portable rocket grenade launcher which includes at the rear end of the weapon model (10) an ultrasonic shock wave sensor (16) for detecting obstacles and / or persons in the rear. 7. Naprava za urjenje po predhodnih zahtevkih, označena s tem, da je na integrirani računalnik (13) prek plošče USBI (28) priključena omrežna kartica Wi-Fi (40).Training device according to the preceding claims, characterized in that a Wi-Fi network card (40) is connected to the integrated computer (13) via a USBI board (28). 8. Naprava za urjenje po zahtevku 6, označena s tem, da je s pomočjo omrežne kartice Wi-Fi (40) integrirani računalnik (13) povezan z računalniškim strežnikom (36), kar računalniškemu strežniku (36) omogoča, da služi kot glavna kontrolna postaja za urjenje in omogoča spreminjanje različnih parametrov navidezno resničnega okolja v realnem času, nalaganje in/ali odstranjevanje posameznih scenarijev ter izvajanje analize po akciji (After Action Review).Training device according to claim 6, characterized in that the integrated computer (13) is connected to a computer server (36) by means of a Wi-Fi network card (40), which allows the computer server (36) to serve as a master control station for training and enables changing of various parameters of the seemingly real environment in real time, loading and / or removal of individual scenarios and performing analysis after the action (After Action Review). 9. Naprava za urjenje za prenosna orožja, označena s tem, da se vsaj dve napravi za urjenje po zahtevku 6 povežeta z računalniškim strežnikom (36) po omrežju Wi-Fi, programski opremi za navidezno resnično okolje pa se dodajo večigralske komunikacijske zmogljivosti, s čimer se omogoči več urjencem, da se vsak s svojo napravo za urjenje usposabljajo istočasno v istemPortable weapons training device, characterized in that at least two training devices according to claim 6 are connected to a computer server (36) via a Wi-Fi network, and multiplayer communication capabilities are added to the virtual real environment software, with thus allowing several trainees to each train with their own training device at the same time in the same - 16 navideznem okolju bodisi na isti bodisi na različnih fizičnih lokacijah.- 16 virtual environment either in the same or in different physical locations.
SI201400287A 2014-08-14 2014-08-14 Mobile training device and system for man-portable weapon SI24790B (en)

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