SI22762A - Buoyancy engine - Google Patents

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Publication number
SI22762A SI200800089A SI200800089A SI22762A SI 22762 A SI22762 A SI 22762A SI 200800089 A SI200800089 A SI 200800089A SI 200800089 A SI200800089 A SI 200800089A SI 22762 A SI22762 A SI 22762A
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Marjan ZupanÄŤiÄŤ
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Marjan ZupanÄŤiÄŤ
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Application filed by Marjan ZupanÄŤiÄŤ filed Critical Marjan ZupanÄŤiÄŤ
Priority to SI200800089A priority Critical patent/SI22762A/en
Publication of SI22762A publication Critical patent/SI22762A/en



    • Y02E10/00Energy generation through renewable energy sources
    • Y02E10/20Hydro energy


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Subject of the invention is a buoyancy engine, which for its continuous operation utilizes the buoyancy force, caused by pumping gas to a lower level immersed in liquid. The buoyancy engine provides reliable continuous operation with a low energy consumption required for its operation. The buoyancy engine includes at least two inflatable balloons (1), a three-way valve (2), a compressor or fan (2); a pressure transducer (4), a compressor (5), a magnetic valve (6), a controller (7), an optical sensor (8), a shaft (9) and an engine enclosure (10). On the axis of the buoyancy engine there is a rotational part attached which is immersed into the container with liquid (11) and consists of two or more legs which feature inflatable balloons (1) while the weight is balanced around the rotating point. The inflatable balloon is filled with air or other neutral gas when in the lower position, while in the upper position the inflatable balloon (1) is empty




Področje tehnikeThe field of technology

Vzgonski motor; vzgon; črpanje plinaBuoyancy motor; buoyancy; pumping gas

Prikaz problemaView the problem

Na številnih tehničnih področjih se pojavlja potreba po varčnih, zanesljivo delujočih motorjih, katerih področje delovanja je pri majhnih vrtilnih hitrostih motorja. Znane so številne izvedbe motorjev, ki delujejo pri višjih vrtljajih (elektromotor, motorji z notranjim zgorevanjem).Za zmanjšanje vrtilne hitrosti obstoječih motorjev se uporabljajo reduktorji različnih izvedb (zobniški, planetni, jermenski ...), kar je povezano z visokimi stroški.In many technical areas, there is a need for economical, reliable engines whose operating range is at low engine speeds. Many engine designs are known to operate at higher rpm (electric motor, internal combustion engines). Reduction gears of various designs (gear, planetary, belt ...) are used to reduce the rotational speed of existing engines, which is associated with high costs.

Prav tako je v številnih industrijskih panogah (npr. živilski industriji, medicini, farmaciji ...) potrebno zagotoviti ekološko neoporečen motor, brez izpuščanja tekočin ali plinov, nastalih kot produkti zgorevanja ali zaradi mazanja .In many industries (eg food, medicine, pharmacy, etc.), an ecologically sound engine must be provided without the discharge of liquids or gases produced as combustion products or as a result of lubrication.

Motor zagotavlja zanesljivo kontinuirano delovanje ob majhni porabi energije potrebni za njegovo delovanje, pri čemer je delovanje motorja ekološko neoporečno.The engine provides reliable continuous operation with low energy consumption required for its operation, making the engine operation environmentally sound.

Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art

V literaturi ni zaslediti motorjev, ki bi kot princip svojega delovanja izkoriščali silo vzgona.Engines that use the force of buoyancy as a principle of their operation are not found in the literature.

Opis nove rešitveDescription of the new solution

Predmet izuma je vzgonski motor, ki za svoje kontinuirano delovanje izkorišča silo vzgona, povzročeno s prečrpavanjem plina iz napihljivega balona v zgornjem položaju v napihljiv balon v spodnjem nižje ležečem položaju, pri čemer so napihljivi baloni potopljeni v tekočini. Motor zagotavlja zanesljivo kontinuirano delovanje ob majhni porabi energije potrebni za njegovo delovanje.The object of the invention is a buoyancy motor which utilizes for its continuous operation the force of buoyancy caused by pumping gas from an inflatable balloon in the upper position into an inflatable balloon in a lower inferior position, the inflatable balloons being submerged in the liquid. The engine provides reliable continuous operation with low power consumption required for its operation.

Na osi motorja je pritrjen rotacijski del, kateri je potopljen v tekočino s čim višjo gostoto in čim nižjo viskoznostjo. Z višanjem gostote tekočine se učinek vzgonske sile povečuje, kar zmanjšuje potrebno velikost motorja.A rotary part is mounted on the motor axis, which is immersed in a fluid with the highest density and the lowest possible viscosity. As the fluid density increases, the buoyancy force increases, reducing the required motor size.

Rotacijski del je sestavljen iz več krakov, pri čemer je teža uravnotežena okrog vrtišča, da se med delovanjem motorja povzroča čim manjša dodatna sila in, da je delovanje motorja čim bolj enakomerno. Na vsakem kraku je nameščen napihljiv balon.The rotating part consists of several arms, the weight being balanced around the pivot, to produce as little additional force as possible during engine operation and to keep the engine running as evenly as possible. An inflatable balloon is mounted on each arm.

Napihljiv balon se v spodnjem položaju napolni z zrakom ali drugim nevtralnim plinom, pri čemer je nadtlak polnjenja oziroma nadtlak v balonu malo višji od hidrostatičnega tlaka, pri čemer je kot hidrostatični tlak mišljen tlak, ki ga povzroča stolpec tekočine na globini v kateri se nahaja napihljiv balon.The inflatable balloon is filled in the lower position with air or other neutral gas, with the overpressure or balloon overpressure being slightly higher than the hydrostatic pressure, the hydrostatic pressure being the pressure caused by the fluid column at the depth at which the inflatable is located. balloon.

Zaradi delovanja sile vzgona se potopljen rotacijski del vrti okrog svoje osi, pri čemer je naj višji moment okrog vrtišča povzročen s posameznim krakom v legi, ko je krak v horizontalni legi, saj je takrat ročica sile vzgona največja.Due to the action of the buoyancy force, the submerged rotating part rotates about its axis, the higher moment around the pivot being caused by a single leg in the position when the leg is in a horizontal position, since then the force of buoyancy is greatest.

V zgornji legi in pri poti balona navzdol, je balon izpraznjen, da sila vzgona ne povzroča negativnega momenta na os vrtenja. Pri praznjenju balona v zgornji legi je možno plin v balonu prečrpati v nižje ležeč balon ali pa izkoristiti ekspanzijsko delo plina pri praznjenju balona. Pri prečrpavanju plina iz balona v balon je poraba energije za polnjenje približno 50% nižja, kot v primeru, da se napihljivi baloni polnijo stalno z novim plinom.In the upper position and the downward movement of the balloon, the balloon is emptied so that the buoyancy force does not cause a negative momentum on the axis of rotation. When emptying the balloon in the upper position, it is possible to pump the gas in the balloon into a lower balloon or use the expansion work of the gas when emptying the balloon. When pumping gas from balloon to balloon, the energy consumption for filling is about 50% lower than when inflatable balloons are being filled constantly with new gas.

Ko je napihljiv balon v spodnjem položaju napolnjen, ga sila vzgona pomakne navzgor, tako, da dobimo krožno gibanje. V zgornjem položaju napihljiv balon izpraznimo in napolnimo balon v spodnjem položaju. Za svoje delovanje potrebuje motor vsaj dva napihljiva balona, lahko pa je število balonov poljubno, parno ali neparno. Z zvišanjem števila balonov se doseže enakomernejši kontinuiran moment na osi motorja in s tem mirnejše delovanje naprave. Čim višja je razdalja med zgornjo in spodnjo lego balona, tem boljši je izkoristek motorja. Prav tako je izkoristek naprave tem večji, čim gostejša je tekočina.When the inflatable balloon is inflated in the lower position, the buoyancy force moves it upwards, in a circular motion. In the upper position, inflate the balloon and fill the balloon in the lower position. The engine requires at least two inflatable balloons, but the number of balloons can be arbitrary, even or even. By increasing the number of balloons, a more continuous continuous torque on the motor axis is achieved, which results in a smoother operation of the device. The higher the distance between the upper and lower balloon positions, the better the engine efficiency. Also, the greater the utilization of the device, the denser the liquid.

Ohišje motorja je pritrjeno na posodo s tekočino. Gred motorja je tesnjena proti vdoru tekočine navzven, izvrtine v gredi pa so tesnjene, da ne pušča komprimiran plin, prednostno zrak. Smer vrtenja gredi motorja je odvisna od nastavljenega programa v regulatorju, kateri v točno določeni legi preklaplja tropotne ventile s čimer krmili polnjenje oziroma praznjenje napihljivih balonov, oziroma prečrpavanje zraka iz enega napihljivega balona v drugega. Tlak zraka ali drugega plina v sistemu se kontrolira s pretvornikom tlaka. Če tlak v sistemu pade, se ponovno zviša s kompresorjem.The motor housing is attached to the fluid container. The shaft of the engine is sealed against the ingress of fluid outwards, and the bores in the shaft are sealed to prevent compressed gas, preferably air. The direction of rotation of the motor shaft depends on the set program in the controller, which in a specific position switches the three-way valves, thus controlling the filling or emptying of inflatable balloons, or pumping air from one inflatable balloon to another. The pressure of the air or other gas in the system is controlled by the pressure transducer. If the system pressure drops, it rises again with the compressor.

Kompresor ali ventilator (v kolikor se ne izkorišča ekspanzijsko delo plina iz balona) prečrpava plin iz balona v zgornji legi v balon v spodnji legi. Ob uporabi frekvenčno vodenega motorja kompresorja ali ventilatorja se prihrani do 50 % potrebne električne energije, tako da v začetnem stanju deluje motor z minimalnim številom obratov, nakar se z večanjem tlaka obrati povečujejo do končnega tlaka. Če je tlak v sistemu dovolj velik je magnetni ventil zaprt, kompresor pa stoji.A compressor or fan (if no expansion work is made of the balloon gas) pumps the gas from the balloon in the upper position to the balloon in the lower position. Using a frequency-controlled compressor or fan motor saves up to 50% of the required electricity so that the engine starts at a minimum speed in its initial state and then increases the pressure to the final pressure by increasing the pressure. If the system pressure is high enough, the solenoid valve is closed and the compressor is stationary.

Za pozicioniranje gredi in s tem celotnega vrtljivega delaje vgrajeno tipalo, prednostno optično, katero stalno spremlja pozicijo gredi za zagotavljanje sinhronega delovanja vzgonskega motorja.For the positioning of the shaft and thus the whole rotating part, a sensor, preferably an optical one, is continuously monitored, which continuously monitors the position of the shaft to ensure the synchronous operation of the buoyancy engine.

Konstrukcija in izdelava motorja morata biti izvedeni tako, daje izkoristek motorja čim višji, pri čemer je ob zagotavljanju čim manjšega trenja posebno pozornost potrebno posvetiti tesnjenju komprimiranega plina.The design and construction of the engine must be carried out in such a way as to maximize the efficiency of the engine, paying particular attention to the sealing of the compressed gas while minimizing friction.

Napihljivi baloni so izdelani iz materiala, ki po praznjenju zavzame čim manjši prostor z majhno težo s čimer se poviša celotni izkoristek vzgonskega motorja. Oblika in razporeditev balonov sta lahko poljubna, napihujejo se v spodnji legi v smeri vrtenja, praznijo pa v zgornji legi v smeri vrtenja.The inflatable balloons are made of a material that, when emptied, occupies as little space as possible with low weight, thus increasing the overall efficiency of the buoyancy engine. The shape and arrangement of the balloons can be arbitrary, inflate in the lower position in the direction of rotation and empty in the upper position in the direction of rotation.

Po dolžini gredi je lahko pritrjenih več nosilcev za napihljive balone, ventili pa so povezani na vse balone na enaki poziciji (na primer na vrhu).Multiple inflatable balloon supports can be attached along the length of the shaft, and the valves are connected to all balloons in the same position (for example at the top).

Namesto napihljivih balonov je možno uporabiti druge izvedbe s katerimi se ob poenostavljenem delovanju motorja doseže podoben izkoristek, za kar so posebej zanimivi materiali z zelo majhnimi gostotami, ki imajo sposobnost hitrega širjenja oziroma krčenja v točno določenem trenutku.Instead of inflatable balloons, other designs can be used to achieve similar efficiency in simplified engine operation, for which materials with very low densities that have the ability to expand or shrink at a specific moment are particularly interesting.

Za hlajenje komprimiranega plina s se uporabljajo sistemi , ki izkoriščajo naravne vire hlajenja, kot na primer z zračno hlajenimi hladilniki, delno pa se plin ohladi v tekočini.Systems that utilize natural cooling sources, such as air-cooled refrigerators, are used to cool compressed gas s, and partially cool the gas in a liquid.

Podrobneje je bistvo izuma pojasnjeno v nadaljevanju z opisom izvedbenega primera in priloženih skic, pri čemer so skice del pričujoče patentne prijave in je na skicah prikazano:The essence of the invention is explained in more detail below with a description of an embodiment and the accompanying drawings, the drawings being part of the present patent application and the drawings show:

Skica 1 prikazuje napihljiv balon 1, tropotni ventil 2, kompresor ali ventilator 3, pretvornik tlaka 4, kompresor 5, magnetni ventil 6, regulator 7, optično tipalo 8, gred 9, ohišje motorja 10, posoda s tekočino 11.Figure 1 shows an inflatable balloon 1, a three-way valve 2, a compressor or fan 3, a pressure transducer 4, a compressor 5, a solenoid valve 6, a regulator 7, an optical sensor 8, a shaft 9, a motor housing 10, a container with liquid 11.

Skica 2 prikazuje napihljiv balon 1, posoda s tekočino 11.Figure 2 shows an inflatable balloon 1, a fluid container 11.

V prikazanem izvedbenem primeru je rotacijski del motorja, potopljen v tekočino sestavljen iz štirih krakov, na vsakem kraku pa je nameščen napihljiv balon 1. Napihljiv balon 1 se v spodnjem položaju napolni s plinom.In the embodiment shown, the rotary part of the engine immersed in the liquid consists of four arms, each having an inflatable balloon 1. The inflatable balloon 1 is filled with gas in the lower position.

Ko je napihljiv balon 1 v spodnjem položaju napolnjen, ga sila vzgona pomakne navzgor, kar povzroči krožno gibanje okrog osi motorja. V zgornjem položaju napihljiv balon 1 izpraznimo in napolnimo napihljiv balon 1 v spodnjem položaju.When the inflator 1 is inflated in the lower position, the buoyancy force moves it up, causing circular motion around the motor axis. In the upper position, inflate balloon 1 and empty the inflator 1 in the lower position.

Ohišje motorja 10 je pritrjeno na posodo s tekočino 11. Smer vrtenja gredi 9 je odvisna od nastavljenega programa v regulatorju 7, kateri v točno določeni legi preklopi tropotni ventil 2 s čimer krmili polnjenje oziroma praznjenje napihljivih balonov, oziroma prečrpavanje zraka iz enega napihljivega balona v drugega. Tlak plina v sistemu se kontrolira s pretvornikom tlaka 4. Če tlak v sistemu pade, se ponovno zviša s kompresorjem 5.The housing of the motor 10 is fixed to the container with fluid 11. The direction of rotation of the shaft 9 depends on the program set in the regulator 7, which in a specific position switches the three-way valve 2, which controls the filling or emptying of inflatable balloons, or pumping air from one inflatable balloon to the other. The gas pressure in the system is controlled by a pressure transducer 4. If the system pressure drops, it is raised again by the compressor 5.

Kompresor ali ventilator 3 prečrpava plin iz napihljivega balona 1 v zgornji legi v napihljiv balon 1 v spodnji legi. Če je tlak v sistemu dovolj velik je magnetni ventil 6 zaprt, kompresor pa stoji.The compressor or fan 3 pumps gas from the inflatable balloon 1 in the upper position to the inflatable balloon 1 in the lower position. If the system pressure is high enough, solenoid valve 6 is closed and the compressor is stationary.

Za pozicioniranje gredi in s tem celotnega vrtljivega delaje vgrajeno optično tipalo 8, katero stalno spremlja pozicijo gredi za zagotavljanje sinhronega delovanja vzgonskega motorja.Optical sensor 8 is installed for positioning the shaft and thus for the whole rotating part, which constantly monitors the position of the shaft to ensure the synchronous operation of the buoyancy engine.

Razumljivo je, daje mogoče opisano rešitev izvesti tudi v drugačni oblikovni izvedenki, ki ne spreminja bistva izuma.It is to be understood that the described solution can also be implemented in a different design that does not alter the essence of the invention.

Claims (13)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Vzgonski motor označen s tem, da je na osi motorja pritrjen v tekočino potopljen rotacijski del sestavljen iz vsaj dveh krakov, na koncu katerih so nameščeni napihljivi baloni.1. A buoyancy motor characterized in that a rotatable submersible rotary part is mounted on the motor axis consisting of at least two arms at the end of which inflatable balloons are mounted. 2. Izum po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da obsega vsaj dva napihljiva balona (1), tropotni ventil (2), kompresor ali ventilator (3), pretvornik tlaka (4), kompresor (5), magnetni ventil (6), regulator (7), optično tipalo (8), gred (9) in ohišje motorja (10).The invention according to claim 1, characterized in that it comprises at least two inflatable balloons (1), a three-way valve (2), a compressor or fan (3), a pressure transducer (4), a compressor (5), a solenoid valve (6) , regulator (7), optical sensor (8), shaft (9) and motor housing (10). 3. Izum po po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 2, označen s tem, da je teža rotacijskega dela uravnotežena okrog vrtišča.The invention according to any one of claims 1 to 2, characterized in that the weight of the rotary part is balanced around the pivot. 4. Izum po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 3, označen s tem, daje ohišje motorja pritrjeno na posodo s tekočino.The invention according to any one of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the motor housing is attached to a fluid container. 5. Izum po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 4, označen s tem, da je po dolžini gredi pritrjenih več nosilcev za napihljive balone, ventili pa so povezani na vse balone na enaki poziciji.5. The invention according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that a plurality of inflatable balloon supports are attached along the shaft and the valves are connected to all balloons in the same position. 6. Postopek delovanja vzgonskega motorja označen s tem, da za svoje kontinuirano delovanje izkorišča silo vzgona, povzročeno s prečrpavanjem plina iz napihljivega balona v zgornjem položaju v napihljiv balon v spodnjem nižje ležečem položaju, pri čemer so napihljivi baloni potopljeni v tekočini.6. A method of operating a buoyancy engine characterized in that it utilizes, for its continuous operation, a buoyancy force caused by pumping gas from an inflatable balloon in the up position to an inflatable balloon in a lower inferior position, the inflatable balloons being submerged in the liquid. 7. Postopek po zahtevku 6 označen s tem, da se plin iz napihljivega balona, ko le ta doseže zgornji položaj isprazni.Method according to claim 6, characterized in that the gas from the inflatable balloon is emptied when it reaches the upper position. 8. Postopek po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 6 do 7 označen s tem, da se pri praznjenju balona v zgornji legi izkoristi ekspanzijsko delo plina pri praznjenju balona.Method according to any one of claims 6 to 7, characterized in that the balloon emptying in the upper position utilizes the gas expansion work in the balloon emptying. 9. Postopek po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 6 do 8 označen s tem, daje smer vrtenja gredi motorja odvisna od nastavljenega programa v regulatorju, kateri v točno določeni legi preklaplja tropotne ventile s čimer krmili polnjenje oziroma praznjenje napihljivih balonov.A method according to any one of claims 6 to 8, characterized in that the direction of rotation of the motor shaft depends on the program set in the controller, which in a specified position switches the three-way valves to control the filling or emptying of the inflatable balloons. 10. Postopek po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 6 do 9 označen s tem, da se tlak plina v sistemu kontrolira s pretvornikom tlaka.A method according to any one of claims 6 to 9, characterized in that the gas pressure in the system is controlled by a pressure transducer. 11. Postopek po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 6 do 10 označen s tem, da se plin iz balona v zgornji legi prečrpava v balon v spodnji legi s kompresorjem ali ventilatorjem.Process according to any one of claims 6 to 10, characterized in that the gas from the balloon in the upper position is pumped into the balloon in the lower position by a compressor or a fan. 12. Postopek po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 6 do 11 označen s tem, da je za pozicioniranje gredi vgrajeno tipalo, prednostno optično, katero stalno spremlja pozicijo gredi za zagotavljanje sinhronega delovanja vzgonskega motorja.Method according to any one of claims 6 to 11, characterized in that a shaft, preferably an optical sensor, is installed for positioning the shaft, which continuously monitors the position of the shaft to ensure synchronous operation of the buoyancy motor. 13. Postopek po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 6 do 12 označen s tem, da se namesto napihljivih balonov uporabijo materiali z majhnimi gostotami, ki imajo sposobnost hitrega širjenja oziroma krčenja v točno določenem trenutku.Method according to any one of claims 6 to 12, characterized in that low-density materials that are capable of rapidly expanding or shrinking at a specific time are used instead of inflatable balloons.
SI200800089A 2008-04-11 2008-04-11 Buoyancy engine SI22762A (en)

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SI200800089A SI22762A (en) 2008-04-11 2008-04-11 Buoyancy engine

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SI200800089A SI22762A (en) 2008-04-11 2008-04-11 Buoyancy engine

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2014209240A1 (en) 2013-06-28 2014-12-31 Silvano Bizjak Multi-stage hydraulic power plant with compressor

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2014209240A1 (en) 2013-06-28 2014-12-31 Silvano Bizjak Multi-stage hydraulic power plant with compressor

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