SI22303A - Glass door ironmongery and procedure of manufacture of the latter - Google Patents

Glass door ironmongery and procedure of manufacture of the latter Download PDF


Publication number
SI22303A SI200600146A SI200600146A SI22303A SI 22303 A SI22303 A SI 22303A SI 200600146 A SI200600146 A SI 200600146A SI 200600146 A SI200600146 A SI 200600146A SI 22303 A SI22303 A SI 22303A
Prior art keywords
surface treatment
door leaf
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Slovenian (sl)
Original Assignee
Alukomen Oprema D.D.
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Application filed by Alukomen Oprema D.D. filed Critical Alukomen Oprema D.D.
Priority to SI200600146A priority Critical patent/SI22303A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2007/000005 priority patent/WO2007145601A1/en
Publication of SI22303A publication Critical patent/SI22303A/en



    • E05D5/00Construction of single parts, e.g. the parts for attachment
    • E05D5/02Parts for attachment, e.g. flaps
    • E05D5/0246Parts for attachment, e.g. flaps for attachment to glass panels
    • E05D9/00Flaps or sleeves specially designed for making from particular material, e.g. hoop-iron, sheet metal, plastics
    • E05Y2800/00Details, accessories and auxiliary operations not otherwise provided for
    • E05Y2800/67Materials; Strength alteration thereof
    • E05Y2800/672Glass
    • E05Y2900/00Application of doors, windows, wings or fittings thereof
    • E05Y2900/10Application of doors, windows, wings or fittings thereof for buildings or parts thereof
    • E05Y2900/13Type of wing
    • E05Y2900/132Doors


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Securing Of Glass Panes Or The Like (AREA)


Ironmongery for reliable clamping and/or fixing and/or gripping and/or manipulation of a door wing (3) consisting entirely of a glass pane (33), is composed of two mutually complementary parts (1, 2; 1', 2'; 1", 2") which are connected to each other in a disassemblable manner in the area of transient holes (31) in the pane (33) by means of appropriate connecting elements (13', 130', 14', 24'; 13", 130", 14", 24"), where at the same time a part or assembly (4, 5), foreseen for the connection with the door wing (3), is connected with at least one of them each time in a disassemblable manner optionally. Such a kind of ironmongery consists essentially of only two main components (1, 2; 1', 2'; 1", 2") and can be carried out besides according to the procedure which enables an economical and effective execution of the surface finishing required to achieve a suitable aesthetical appearance of visible exterior surfaces (10, 20) of the component parts (1, 2; 1', 2'; 1", 2").


E 05 B 9/08E 05 B 9/08

Okovje za steklena vrata in postopek izdelave le-tegaGlass door fittings and manufacturing process

Izum se nanaša na okovje za steklena vrata, namreč za vrata, pri katerih je celotno krilo z izjemo pripadajočega okovja izvedeno iz steklene šipe.The invention relates to glass door fittings, namely to doors in which the entire sash, with the exception of associated fittings, is made of glass pane.

Tovrstni izumi v okviru gradbeništva in v okviru slednjega na področju okovja in ključavnic za vrata spadajo bodisi k ročajem za vrata iz trdnega materiala, ali na področje pritrjevanja ohišja ključavnice na vratno krilo, ali tudi na področje konstrukcij posameznih delov za pritrditev krila, zlasti okovja za krila s krakoma, ki sta pritrjena neposredno na vsakokratno krilo, ki je zavihtljivo okoli osi, ki se nahaja izven ravnine krila.Such inventions in the field of construction and the latter in the field of door fittings and door locks belong either to door handles made of solid material, or to the area of fixing of the lock housing to the door leaf, or also to the field of construction of individual parts for attaching the sash, in particular fittings for wings with arms that are attached directly to the respective wing, which is rotatable about an axis beyond the plane of the wing.

Izum je osnovan na problemu zasnove okovja za zanesljivo vpetje in/ali fiksiranje in/ali prijemanje in/ali upravljanje izključno iz steklene šipe sestoječega vratnega krila, pri čemer naj tovrstno okovje sestoji iz kar najmanjšega možnega števila sestavnih delov in naj bo primemo za montažo neposredno na stekleno šipo, obenem pa naj bo primemo za ekonomično in učinkovito izvedbo površinske obdelave, ki je potrebna za doseganje primernega in zelo pomembnega končnega zunanjega videza, in pri čemer je sočasno z zgoraj navedenimi zahtevami namen izuma zasnovati tudi najbolj ekonomičen postopek izdelave tovrstnega okovja.The invention is based on the problem of the design of fittings for securely mounting and / or fixing and / or gripping and / or operating solely from the glass pane of a standing door leaf, such fittings should consist of as few components as possible and should be suitable for mounting directly it should be suitable for the economical and efficient execution of the surface treatment necessary to achieve a suitable and very important final appearance, while at the same time as the above requirements, the purpose of the invention is to design the most economical process for the manufacture of such fittings.

Iz stanja tehnike so že znane nekatere rešitve, ki omogočajo pritrditev okovja na vratno krilo iz steklene šipe. Pri tem gre bodisi za zavihtljivo ali v splošnem tudi za drsno za vratno krilo, ki je izvedeno iz razmeroma debele steklene šipe in na mestu pritrditve vsakokratnega okovja, npr. ročaja ali ohišja ključavnice ali podobnega opremljeno s potrebnim številom ustrezno razporejenih skoznjih lukenj. Tovrstno okovje sestoji iz vsaj dveh pritrdilnih plošč, ki sta namestljivi vsaka na svojo strani krila in od katerih vsaka nadalje obsega po eno pokrivno ploščo. Pritrdilni plošči sta namenjeni za vpetje in/ali fiksiranje vratnega krila in po potrebi za prigraditev delov ali sklopov, s katerimi je po izbiri opremljeno krilo, npr. tečajev, ključavnice ali podobnega zapaha ali drugih. Pokrova sta namenjena izključno za doseganje primernega estetskega videza. Ena od znanih rešitev je opisana v DE 34 35 161 Al, kjer je na vsaki strani šipe predvidena še dodatno razmeroma tenka podložna plošča, ki je prirejena za naleganje na površini steklene šipe in je prav tako opremljena s skoznjimi luknjami, katerih razporeditev je usklajena s tistimi na šipi. Nadalje je na vsaki strani šipe preko omenjene podložne plošče nameščena debelejša pritrdilna plošča, ki spet obsega razporeditvi lukenj v šipi in podložnih ploščah ustrezno razporejene luknje, od katerih določeno število predstavljajo skoznje luknje, določeno število pa navojne luknje. Z vstavitvijo vijakov skozi skoznje luknje pritrdilne plošče na eni strani šipe je dana možnost privitja teh vijakov v pritrdilno ploščo na nasprotni strani šipe, medtem ko se skozi to nazadnje omenjeno ploščo potekajoče vijake privije v navojne luknje prvoomenjene pritrdilne plošče. Vsaka od omenjenih pritrdilnih plošč je bodisi nerazstavljivo ali s pomočjo vijakov povezana z ustreznim tečajem, načeloma pa lahko namesto tega obsega ustrezno vdolbino za prejem ključavnice. Preko vsake od omenjenih pritrdilnih plošč je nameščen pokrov oz. rozeta, ki npr. sestoji npr. iz aluminija ali medenine ali podobnega materiala, ki zahvaljujoč ustrezni površinski obdelavi zagotavlja okovju primeren estetski izgled.[0003] Some prior art are known in the art which allow the mounting of fittings to a glass pane door leaf. This is either a swivel or generally a sliding door leaf, which is made of relatively thick glass pane and at the point of attachment of the respective fittings, e.g. the handle or case of the lock or the like, provided with the required number of holes properly spaced. Such fittings consist of at least two fastening plates, each of which can be mounted on one side of the wing and each of which further comprises one cover plate. The fixing plates are intended for mounting and / or fixing the door leaf and, if necessary, for mounting parts or assemblies with which the wing is optionally fitted, e.g. hinges, locks or similar latch or other. The covers are intended solely to achieve a proper aesthetic appearance. One of the known solutions is described in DE 34 35 161 Al, where an additional relatively thin washer is provided on each side of the pile, which is adapted to fit on the surface of the glass pane and is also provided with holes through which the arrangement is aligned with those on the pile. Further, a thicker retaining plate is mounted on each side of the pile through said washer, which again comprises the arrangement of holes in the pile and the washers of holes appropriately spaced, a certain number of which are through holes and a certain number are threaded holes. Inserting the screws through the holes of the mounting plate on one side of the bar gives the possibility of screwing these screws into the mounting plate on the opposite side of the bar while screwing the threaded holes through the last mentioned plate into the threaded holes of the first mounting plate. Each of these mounting plates is either indivisible or screwed to a suitable hinge, but in principle may instead comprise a suitable recess to receive the lock. Each of these mounting plates is fitted with a cover or a cover. a rosette that e.g. consists of e.g. made of aluminum or brass or similar material, which, due to the proper surface treatment, gives the fittings a suitable aesthetic appearance.

Tovrstno okovje je sicer funkcionalno in v končnem in sestavljenem stanju nenazadnje tudi dosega potrebne estetske učinke, po drugi strani pa obsega veliko število sestavnih delov, kar je povezano z visokimi stroški izdelave, veliko porabo časa pri montaži in tudi z možnostjo zapletov pri montaži na terenu, do česar lahko pride npr. zaradi neusklajenosti delov ali preprosto zaradi nekompletnosti.This kind of hardware is functional and in its final and composite state, but also achieves the necessary aesthetic effects, on the other hand, it has a large number of components, which is associated with high production costs, high time consuming in installation and also with the possibility of complications in field installation. , which can happen e.g. due to mismatch of parts or simply due to incompleteness.

Sama tehnologija izdelave je vezana na postopke mehanske obdelave z odrezavanjem in na preoblikovanje pokrovov oz. rozet, ki se jih naknadno obdeluje bodisi z brušenjem, poliranjem ali drugimi površinskimi obdelovalnimi procesi.The manufacturing technology itself is related to the machining processes by cutting and to the transformation of the lids or the. rosettes which are subsequently treated by either grinding, polishing or other surface treatment processes.

Prijavitelju so sicer znani tudi nekateri poskusi, da bi okovje izvedli iz dveh aluminijastih delov, ki bi bila vsak zase realizirana po postopku tlačnega litja v kokile. Vendar pa se tovrstna tehnologija v praksi ne obnese iz preprostega razloga, ker po litju na ustrezno ekonomičen način preprosto ni mogoče realizirati površinske obdelave, ki bi na tak način proizvedenemu okovju zagotovila potreben estetski izgled.The applicant is also aware of some attempts to make the fittings of two aluminum parts which would each be realized by the molding process. However, this technology does not work in practice for the simple reason that after casting it is not economically feasible, it is simply not possible to realize a surface treatment that would provide the necessary aesthetic appearance to the fittings thus produced.

Pričujoči izum se nanaša na okovje za steklena vrata, namreč okovje za zanesljivo vpetje in/ali fiksiranje in/ali prijemanje in/ali upravljanje izključno iz steklene šipe sestoječega vratnega krila. Tovrstno okovje je prirejeno za pritrditev na šipo vratnega krila, ki je v ta namen opremljena z ustrezno izvedenemi in razporejenimi skoznjimi luknjami in/ali izrezi. Okovje po izumu sestoji iz dveh medsebojno komplementarnih delov, ki sta s pomočjo ustreznih povezovalnih elementov med seboj razstavljivo povezana v območju omenjenih skoznjih lukenj v šipi, obenem pa je po izbiri z vsaj enim od njiju razstavljivo povezan vsakokrat za povezavo z vratnim krilom predviden del ali sklop.The present invention relates to glass door fittings, namely fittings for securely securing and / or fixing and / or gripping and / or operating solely from the glass pane of a door leaf. Such fittings are adapted for attachment to a door leaf pile, provided for this purpose by means of appropriately designed and arranged holes and / or cutouts. The fitting according to the invention consists of two mutually complementary parts, which, by means of suitable connecting elements, are detachably interconnected in the region of said through holes in the pile, and optionally connected with each of the portions provided for connection with the door leaf at each time, or circuit.

Vsak od medsebojno komplementarnih delov obsega zunanjo površino vsakokrat želenega estetskega videza, razen tega pa sta omenjena medsebojno komplementarna dela med seboj razstavljivo povezana s pomočjo povezovalnih elementov, ki so izbrani izmed vijakov, še zlasti imbusnih vijakov, vijakov s šestrobo glavo, vijakov s cilindrično glavo, vijakov z vgrezno glavo, vijakov z lečasto glavo, stojnih vijakov, kot tudi somikov in navojnih zatičev. Po drugi strani je z vsaj enim od medsebojno komplementarnih delov razstavljivo povezan in vsakokrat za povezavo z vratnim krilom predviden del ali sklop izbran iz skupine, ki jo tvorijo tečaji, ključavnični sklopi, prijemala oz. ročaji, vodila, zapahi, varnostni zapahi, zaustavljalne priprave, omejevalniki hodov, samodejne naprave za odpiranje in/ali zapiranje, premikalne priprave, blokime priprave ali tipala. Nadalje je za okovje po izumu značilno, da vsak od obeh medsebojno komplementarnih delov okovja v celoti sestoji iz aluminija ali aluminijeve legure.Each of the complementary parts comprises the outer surface of the desired aesthetic appearance, except that said mutually complementary parts are interconnected by means of connecting elements selected from screws, in particular hexagon screws, hex head screws, cylindrical head screws , head screws, lens head screws, stand screws as well as catches and threaded pins. On the other hand, at least one of the complementary parts is individually connected and, in each case, the part or assembly intended to be connected to the door leaf is selected from the group consisting of hinges, lock assemblies, grips or. handles, guides, latches, safety latches, stop devices, stroke limiters, automatic opening and / or closing devices, moving devices, locking devices or sensors. Furthermore, the fittings according to the invention are characterized in that each of the two complementary parts of the fittings consists entirely of aluminum or aluminum alloy.

Predmet izuma je tudi postopek izdelave okovja, namreč postopek izdelave vsakega od medsebojno komplementarnih delov okovja, pri čemer postopek obsega korake priprave primernega polizdelka oz. surovca iz aluminija ali aluminijeve legure, stiskanja in s tem preoblikovanja omenjenega polizdelka oz. surovca v ustreznem orodju, in sicer v trdnem agregatnem stanju, s čimer se dobi vsaj v območju vidne zunanje površine vsaj po obliki dokončno oblikovan del okovja, po izbiri mehanska obdelava izključno za potrebe izvedbe navojev, nasedov ali podobnih območij za medsebojno povezavo delov ali za njuno povezavo z drugimi v območju krila nahajajočimi se deli ali sklopi, in po izbiri fino in dokončno površinsko obdelavo med uporabo navzven vidne površine vsakokratnega dela okovja.The subject of the invention is also a method of manufacturing fittings, namely a method of manufacturing each of the complementary parts of the fittings, the method comprising the steps of preparing a suitable semi-finished product or. a blank made of aluminum or aluminum alloy, compressing and thereby transforming said semi-finished product or. of the blank in a suitable tool, in solid state, thereby obtaining at least in the visible outer surface area at least in the form of a finely formed part of the hardware, optionally machining solely for the purpose of threading, stranding or similar areas for interconnecting parts or for their connection with other parts or assemblies located in the wing area, and optionally a fine and complete surface treatment when using the outwardly visible surface of each part of the hardware.

Pri tem se omenjeni korak stiskanja oz. preoblikovanja vrši bodisi pri sobni ali pri povišani temperaturi, korak fine in dokončne površinske obdelave med uporabo navzven vidne površine vsakokratnega dela pa vključuje peskanje in/ali poliranje in/ali plastificiranje in/ali barvanje in/ali nanašanje dodatne kovinske prevleke, še zlasti npr. s pomočjo galvanizacije.In doing so, the said compression step or. the transformation is carried out either at room or elevated temperature, and the step of fine and final surface treatment when using the exterior surface of each part involves sandblasting and / or polishing and / or plastifying and / or painting and / or coating an additional metal coating, in particular e.g. by means of galvanization.

Izum bo nadalje podrobneje obrazložen na osnovi nekaterih primerov izvedbe, ki so prikazani na priloženi skici, kjer kažejoThe invention will be further explained in detail based on some embodiments shown in the accompanying drawing, where they show

Sl. 1 okovje po izumu, namreč okovje za pritrditev tečajev na vratno krilo iz steklene šipe, v vgrajenem stanju in perspektivi;FIG. 1 fittings according to the invention, namely, hinges for mounting hinges to a glass pane door leaf, in an integrated state and perspective;

Sl.2 okovje po sl. 1, spet v vgrajenem stanju, tokrat v za 180° obrnjenem pogledu z nasprotne strani;Fig. 2 The fittings of Figs. 1, again in the integrated state, this time in a 180 ° inverted view from the opposite side;

Sl. 3 okovje v prerezu v ravnini III - III po sl. 2;FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of the planes III - III according to FIG. 2;

Sl. 4 okovje v prerezu v ravnini III - III po sl. 2;FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view in plane III-III of FIG. 2;

Sl. 5 nadaljnjo izvedbo okovja po izumu, namreč del prijemala oz. ročaja za prijemanje in odpiranje oz. zapiranje vratnega krila, razstavljenem stanju in v perspektivi;FIG. 5 is a further embodiment of the hardware according to the invention, namely a part of the gripper or device. grips for gripping and opening or opening. closing the door leaf, disassembled, and in perspective;

SL 6 delu po sl. 5 komplementarni del prijemala v narisu;6 is a view according to FIG. 5 is a complementary part of the gripper in the outline;

Sl. 7 del prijemala po sl. 5 v tlorisu;FIG. 7 shows a part of the gripper according to FIG. 5 in floor plan;

SL 8 prijemalo po sl. 5 do 7 v sestavljenem stanju in v tlorisu;FIG. 8 is a gripper according to FIG. 5 to 7 in folded condition and in plan;

Sl. 9 prijemalo po sl. 8 v pogledu od strani, namreč v vzdolžni smeri krila;FIG. 9 is a receiver according to FIG. 8 in a side view, namely in the longitudinal direction of the wing;

Sl. 10 nadaljnjo od možnih izvedbenih različic dela prijemala po sl. 5 ali 6;FIG. 10 further from the possible embodiments of the gripper portion of FIG. 5 or 6;

Sl. 11 še nadaljnjo izvedbo okovja po izumu, tokrat kot ohišje ključavnice, v vgrajenem stanju in v perspektivi;FIG. 11 a further embodiment of the hardware according to the invention, this time as a lock housing, in the integrated state and in perspective;

Sl. 12 okovje po sl. 11 v narisu, gledano iz nasprotne smeri;FIG. 12 is a fitting according to FIG. 11 in the outline, viewed from the opposite direction;

Sl. 13 okovje po sl. 11 v pogledu v vzdolžni smeri vratnega krila;FIG. 13 shows the fittings of FIG. 11 in view in the longitudinal direction of the door leaf;

Sl. 14 pa taisto izvedbo okovja po izumu v prerezu v ravnini XIV - XIV po sl. 12.FIG. 14 is a cross-sectional view of the fittings according to the invention in the plane XIV-XIV according to FIG. 12.

Pojem »med seboj komplementarna dela« v okviru razlage pričujočega izuma označuje kakršnakoli dela, ki sta drug drugemu prirejena do te mere, da ju je možno čvrsto povezati med seboj in obenem tudi s šipo vratnega krila. Omenjena dela sta načeloma lahko identična ali zrcalna ali pa se med seboj po obliki in konstrukcijski zasnovi bistveno razlikujeta, vsekakor pa sta medsebojno povezljiva v območju omenjenih lukenj. Razen tega je omenjena šipa vratnega krila pred vgradnjo okovja po izumu načeloma pripravljena na enak način kot za vgradnjo znanega okovja iz stanja tehnike, kar v praksi pomeni, da je šipa opremljena z vsakokrat potrebnim številom lukenj ali podobnih prehodov in/ali izrezov.The term "complementary works" within the meaning of the present invention means any work adapted to each other to such an extent that they can be firmly connected to each other and at the same time to the door leaf pile. The said parts may, in principle, be identical or mirror-like, or may differ significantly in shape and construction, but are in any case interconnected in the area of said holes. In addition, said door leaf pile prior to the installation of the hardware according to the invention is, in principle, prepared in the same way as for the installation of known hardware according to the prior art, which means in practice that the pile is provided with the required number of holes or similar passages and / or cutouts.

Na sl. 1 - 4 je ponazorjeno okovje, ki torej sestoji iz med seboj komplementarnih delov 1, 2, ki sta razporejena vsak na svoji strani šipe 33 vratnega krila 3. Tovrstno okovje omogoča povezavo šipe 33 oz. vratnega krila 3 z načeloma poljubnim izven krila 3 razporejenim delom ali sklopom, v prikazanem primeru pa s tečajem 4, pri čemer je na omenjenih sl. 1-4 prikazan zgolj v območju krila 3 nahajajoč se del 44 omenjenega tečaja 4. Med seboj komplementarna dela 1, 2, ki tvorita okovje po izumu, sta v obravnavanem primeru tako izvedena, da obsegata ustrezna povezovalna sredstva za zagotavljanje razstavljive medsebojne povezave med omenjenima deloma 1, 2 v območju omenjenih lukenj ali podobnih prehodov 31 in/ali izrezov 32 v šipi 33 krila 3, razen tega pa je eden od delov 1, 2, v tem primeru del 1, prirejen za povezavo z vsakokrat razpoložljivim delom ali sklopom za pritrditev in/ali fiksiranje vratnega krila 3, v obravnavanem primeru z delom 44 tečaja 4. Med montažo vratnega krila 3 v območju slednjega nahajajoč se del 44 tečaja 4 s pomočjo vijakov ali v splošnem tudi drugače v območju izreza 32 povežemo z enim od delov 1, 2, obenem pa v območju lukenj 31 ali lukenj ali podobnih prehodov 31 in/ali izrezov 32 v šipi 33 krila 3 prav tako s pomočjo vijakov ali drugih povezovalnih sredstev medsebojno povežemo oba dela 1, 2 okovja, ki sta potem sočasno tudi fiksirana na šipo 33 vratnega krila 3. Pri tem je pomembno, da je dosežen tudi ustrezen estetski videz zunanjih površin 10, 20, delov 1,2.In FIG. 1 to 4 is an illustrated fitting, which therefore consists of complementary parts 1, 2, which are arranged on each side of the pillar 33 of the door leaf 3. of the door leaf 3 with a part or assembly spaced apart from the wing 3 in principle and, in the example shown, with a hinge 4, with the aforementioned fig. 1-4, shown only in the wing area 3, located portion 44 of said hinge 4. The complementary parts 1, 2 forming the fittings according to the invention are, in the present case, so arranged that they comprise suitable connecting means for providing a detachable interconnection between said hinges. in part 1, 2 in the area of said holes or similar passages 31 and / or notches 32 in wing 33 pile 33, except that one of the parts 1, 2, in this case part 1, is adapted to be connected to the part or assembly available for each fixing and / or fixing the door leaf 3, in this case with part 44 of the hinge 4. During mounting of the door leaf 3 in the area of the latter, the hinge part 44 located 4 by means of screws or generally otherwise in the cutout area 32 is connected to one of the parts 1 , 2, and at the same time, in the area of holes 31 or holes or similar passages 31 and / or cutouts 32 in the wing 33 pile 3, also interconnect the two parts 1 by means of screws or other connecting means, 2 fittings, which are then simultaneously fixed to the pillar 33 of the door leaf 3. It is important that the appropriate aesthetic appearance of the outer surfaces 10, 20, parts 1,2 is achieved.

Na sl. 5 do 9 je okovje po izumu ponazorjeno v izvedbi prijemala oz. držala vratnega krila 3, ki spet sestoji iz dveh med seboj komplementarnih delov Γ, 2', od katerih je vsak izveden po postopku po izumu, ki bi opisan v nadaljevanju. Pri tej izvedbi sta dela Γ, 2' med seboj povezana s pomočjo skozi razpoložljivi luknji 31 v šipi 33 krila 3 potekajočih somikov 130', 130, ki sta vstavljiva v slepe luknje 13', 13; 23', 23, s katerima sta opremljena dela Γ, 2, in potem v tako vstavljenem stanju fiksirana s pomočjo vijakov oz. navojnih zatičev 14', 14; 24', 24.In FIG. 5 to 9, the fittings according to the invention are illustrated in the embodiment of the gripper. the door leaf holders 3, which again consists of two complementary parts “2”, each of which is made according to the method of the invention, which would be described below. In this embodiment, the parts 2, 2 'are interconnected by means of through holes available 31 in the pile 33 of the wing 3 of the running catfish 130', 130, which can be inserted into the blind holes 13 ', 13; 23 ', 23, with which the parts Γ, 2 are fitted, and then fixed in such an inserted state by means of screws or. threaded pins 14 ', 14; 24 ', 24.

Na sl. 10 je prikazana nadaljnja izvedbena različica enega od delov Γ, 2' prijemala 5 kot izvedbe okovja po izumu, pri čemer je vsaj ena luknja 13', 13 izvedena kot navojna luknja, tako da sta dela Γ, 2', namesto s pomočjo somikov 130', 130 med seboj povezana s pomočjo neprikazanih vijakov. Strokovnjaku bo razumljivo, da v tem primem delu Γ, komplementarni del 2' obsega luknjo za prejem stebla in prednostno tudi glave vijaka, nenazadnje pa domnevno tudi to, da npr eden od obeh komplementarnih delov Γ, 2' okovja lahko obsega po eno navojno luknjo 13', 13 in po eno gnezdo za prejem stebla in glave vijaka, kar seveda potem velja tudi za preostalega od delov Γ, 2'.In FIG. 10 shows a further embodiment of one of the parts 2, 2 'of the gripper 5 as an embodiment of the hardware according to the invention, wherein at least one hole 13', 13 is configured as a threaded hole such that the parts 2, 2 'instead of by means of catches 130 ', 130 interconnected by unscrewed screws. It will be understood by one skilled in the art that, in this prime part, "complementary portion 2" comprises a hole for receiving the stem and preferably screw heads, and not least that one of the two complementary parts "2," of the fittings may comprise one threaded hole 13 ', 13 and one socket for receiving the stem and head of the screw, which of course then also applies to the rest of the parts' 2'.

Na sl. 11 - 14 je ponazorjeno okovje, ki spet sestoji iz med seboj komplementarnih delov 1, 2, ki sta namestljiva vsak na svojo stran šipe 33 vratnega krila in prirejena za prejem v območju izreza 32 v šipi 33 nahajajočega se ključavničnega sklopa 5, ki v prikazanem primeru obsega takoimenovan ključavnični cilinder 51. Podobno kot pri prvoomenjeni izvedbi okovja po sl. 1-4 je tudi v tem primem ključavnični sklop 5 povezan z enim od delov 1, 2, ki sta s pomočjo ustreznih povezovalnih elementov med seboj povezana v območju lukenj 31 v šipi 33 in s tem čvrsto pritrjena na krilu 3, s čimer je sočasno na krilu 3 čvrsto pritrjen tudi sam ključavnični sklop 5.In FIG. 11 to 14 is an illustrated fitting consisting again of complementary parts 1, 2, which are each adjustable to the side of the door leaf pile 33 and adapted to receive in the region of cutout 32 in the pile 33 of the lock assembly 5 located in the case comprises a so-called lock cylinder 51. Similar to the first-mentioned fittings according to FIG. 1-4, also in this example, the lock assembly 5 is connected to one of the parts 1, 2, which are interconnected by means of suitable connecting elements in the area of the holes 31 in the bar 33, and thus firmly attached to the sash 3, thereby simultaneously the lock assembly 5 is also firmly attached to the wing 3.

V vseh obravnavanih primerih sta torej na šipi 33 vratnega krila 3 čvrsto pritrjena dva medsebojno komplementarna dela 1, 2; Γ, 2'; 1, 2, ki sta med seboj razstavljivo povezana v območju skozi šipo 33 potekajočih lukenj ali podobnih prehodov 31, sočasno pa je na enega od njiju pritrjen vsakokrat za povezavo s krilom 3 predviden del ali sklop 4, 6, ki je razporejen v območju skozi šipo 33 potekajočih lukenj ali podobnih prehodov 31 in/ali izrezov 32.In all the cases considered, therefore, two mutually complementary parts 1, 2 are firmly attached to the pile 33 of the door leaf 3; Γ, 2 ′; 1, 2, which are detachably interconnected in the region through a pier 33 of holes or similar passages 31, and at the same time a part or assembly 4, 6 arranged in the region through through is provided at each time for connection with the wing 3. a pile 33 of running holes or similar passages 31 and / or cutouts 32.

Po izumu je vsak od obeh delov 1, Γ, 1; 2', 2', 2 okovja izveden iz aluminija ali legure na osnovi aluminija, in sicer po postopku, ki vključujeAccording to the invention, each of the two parts is 1, Γ, 1; 2 ', 2', 2 fittings made of aluminum or aluminum-based alloy, by a process including

- korak priprave primernega aluminijastega polizdelka oz. surovca,- the step of preparing a suitable aluminum semi-finished product; the blanket,

- stiskanje in s tem preoblikovanje omenjenega aluminijastega polizdelka oz. surovca v ustreznem orodju, in sicer v trdnem agregatnem stanju bodisi pri sobni temperaturi ali pri povišani temperaturi, s čimer se dobi vsaj v območju vidne zunanje površine 10, 20 vsaj po obliki dokončno oblikovan del 1, Γ, 1; 2', 2', 2 okovja,- compressing and thereby transforming said aluminum semi-finished product; a blank in a suitable tool, in solid state, either at room temperature or at elevated temperature, thereby producing at least the shape of the finished part 1, Γ, 1 in the visible outer area 10, 20 at least; 2 ', 2', 2 shackles,

- po izbiri mehanska obdelava izključno za potrebe izvedbe navojev, nasedov ali podobnih območij za medsebojno povezavo delov 1, Γ, 1; 2', 2’, 2 ali za njuno povezavo z drugimi v območju krila nahajajočimi se deli ali sklopi 4, 5,6, in- Optional mechanical treatment solely for the purpose of threading, stranding or similar areas for interconnecting parts 1, Γ, 1; 2 ', 2', 2 or for their connection with other parts or assemblies in the wing area 4, 5,6, and

- po izbiri fino in dokončno površinsko obdelavo, zlasti npr. peskanje, poliranje, galvanizirani e in podobno, vidne površine 10, 20 vsakokratnega dela 1, Γ, 1; 2', 2', 2 okovja po izumu.- optionally fine and final surface treatment, in particular e.g. sandblasting, polishing, electroplating and the like, visible surfaces 10, 20 of each part 1, Γ, 1; 2 ', 2', 2 fittings according to the invention.

Claims (14)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Okovje za steklena vrata, namreč okovje za zanesljivo vpetje in/ali fiksiranje in/ali prijemanje in/ali upravljanje izključno iz steklene šipe (33) sestoječega vratnega krila (3), pri čemer je tovrstno okovje prirejeno za pritrditev na šipo (33) vratnega krila (33), ki je v ta namen opremljena z ustrezno izvedenemi in razporejenimi skoznjimi luknjami (31) in/ali izrezi (32), označeno s tem, da sestoji iz dveh medsebojno komplementarnih delov (1, 2; Γ, 2'; 1; 2), ki sta s pomočjo ustreznih povezovalnih elementov (13', 130', 14', 24'; 13 130, 14, 24) med seboj razstavljivo povezana v območju skoznjih lukenj (31) v šipi (33), obenem pa je po izbiri z vsaj enim od njiju razstavljivo povezan vsakokrat za povezavo z vratnim krilom (3) predviden del ali sklop (4, 5).1. Glass door fittings, namely fittings for securely clamping and / or fixing and / or gripping and / or operating solely from the glass pane (33) of the door leaf (3), wherein such fittings are adapted for attachment to the pane (33) ) a door leaf (33) provided for this purpose with properly constructed and arranged through holes (31) and / or cutouts (32), characterized in that it consists of two mutually complementary parts (1, 2; Γ, 2 '; 1; 2) interconnected by means of suitable connecting elements (13', 130 ', 14', 24 '; 13 130, 14, 24) in the region of the through holes (31) in the pile (33) , while optionally connected to at least one of them, a part or assembly (4, 5) is provided in each case for connection to the door leaf (3). 2. Okovje po zahtevku 1, označeno s tem, da vsak od medsebojno komplementarnih delov (1, 2; Γ, 2'; 1; 2) obsega zunanjo površino (10, 20) vsakokrat želenega estetskega videza,Fitting according to claim 1, characterized in that each of the complementary parts (1, 2; Γ, 2 '; 1; 2) comprises an outer surface (10, 20) of the desired aesthetic appearance, 3. Okovje po zahtevku 1 ali 2, označeno s tem, da sta medsebojno komplementarna dela (1, 2; Γ, 2'; 1; 2) med seboj razstavljivo povezana s pomočjo povezovalnih elementov (13', 130’, 14', 24'; 13 130, 14, 24), ki so izbrani izmed vijakov, še zlasti imbusnih vijakov, vijakov s šestrobo glavo, vijakov s cilindrično glavo, vijakov z vgrezno glavo, vijakov z lečasto glavo, stojnih vijakov, kot tudi somikov in navojnih zatičev.Fittings according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the complementary parts (1, 2; Γ, 2 '; 1; 2) are individually interconnected by means of connecting elements (13', 130 ', 14', 24 '; 13 130, 14, 24) selected from screws, in particular hexagon screws, hexagon head screws, cylindrical head screws, screw head screws, lens head screws, stand screws as well as somers and threaded screws of pins. 4. Okovje po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, označeno s tem, da je z vsaj enim od medsebojno komplementarnih delov (1, 2; Γ, 2'; 1; 2) razstavljivo povezan vsakokrat za povezavo z vratnim krilom (3) predviden del ali sklop (4, 5) izbran iz skupine, ki jo tvorijo tečaji (4), ključavnični sklopi (5), prijemala oz. ročaji, vodila, zapahi, varnostni zapahi, zaustavljalne priprave, omejevalniki hodov, samodejne naprave za odpiranje in/ali zapiranje, premikalne priprave, blokime priprave ali tipala.Fittings according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the at least one of the complementary parts (1, 2; Γ, 2 '; 1; 2) is individually connected to each other for connection with the door leaf (3), or assembly (4, 5) selected from the group consisting of hinges (4), lock assemblies (5), grips or handles, guides, latches, safety latches, stop devices, stroke limiters, automatic opening and / or closing devices, moving devices, locking devices or sensors. 5. Okovje po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, označeno s tem, da vsak od obeh medsebojno komplementarnih delov (1, Γ, 1; 2', 2’, 2) okovja v celoti sestoji iz aluminija ali aluminijeve legure.Fittings according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that each of the two complementary parts (1, Γ, 1; 2 ', 2', 2) of the fittings consists entirely of aluminum or aluminum alloy. 6. Postopek izdelave okovja po predhodnih zahtevkih, namreč postopek izdelave vsakega od medsebojno komplementarnih delov (1, Γ, 1; 2’, 2', 2) okovja, obsegajoč korake priprave primernega polizdelka oz. surovca iz aluminija ali aluminijeve legure, stiskanja in s tem preoblikovanja omenjenega polizdelka oz. surovca v ustreznem orodju, in sicer v trdnem agregatnem stanju, s čimer se dobi vsaj v območju vidne zunanje površine (10, 20) vsaj po obliki dokončno oblikovan del (1,V, 1; 2’, 2·, 2') okovja, po izbiri mehanska obdelava izključno za potrebe izvedbe navojev, nasedov ali podobnih območij za medsebojno povezavo delov (1, Γ, 1; 2', 2', 2) ali za njuno povezavo z drugimi v območju krila (3) nahajajočimi se deli ali sklopi (4, 5), in po izbiri fino in dokončno površinsko obdelavo med uporabo navzven vidne površine (10, 20) vsakokratnega dela (1, Γ, 1; 2', 2', 2) okovja.The method of manufacturing the hardware according to the preceding claims, namely the process of manufacturing each of the mutually complementary parts (1, Γ, 1; 2 ', 2', 2) of the hardware, comprising the steps of preparing a suitable semi-finished product, respectively. a blank made of aluminum or aluminum alloy, compressing and thereby transforming said semi-finished product or. of the blank in a suitable tool, namely in a solid state of aggregation, thereby obtaining, at least in the region of the visible outer surface (10, 20), at least the shape of the finished portion (1, V, 1; 2 ', 2 ·, 2') of the hardware , optionally machining solely for the purpose of performing threads, strands or similar areas for interconnecting parts (1, Γ, 1; 2 ', 2', 2) or for connecting them to others in the area of the wing (3), or assemblies (4, 5), and optionally fine and final surface treatment while using the outwardly visible surface (10, 20) of each part (1, Γ, 1; 2 ', 2', 2) of the hardware. 7. Postopek po zahtevku 6, označen s tem, da se korak stiskanja oz. preoblikovanja vrši pri sobni temperaturi.Method according to claim 6, characterized in that the compression step or. the transformation is carried out at room temperature. 8. Postopek po zahtevku 6, označen s tem, da se korak stiskanja oz. preoblikovanja vrši pri povišani temperaturi.A method according to claim 6, characterized in that the compression step or. performs the transformation at elevated temperature. 9. Postopek po enem od zahtevkov 6 do 8, označen s tem, da korak fine in dokončne površinske obdelave med uporabo navzven vidne površine (10, 20) vsakokratnega dela (1, Γ, 1; 2', 2', 2) vključuje peskanje.Method according to one of Claims 6 to 8, characterized in that the step of fine and final surface treatment during use of the outwardly visible surface (10, 20) of each part (1, Γ, 1; 2 ', 2', 2) includes blasting. 10. Postopek po enem od zahtevkov 6 do 8, označen s tem, da korak fine in dokončne površinske obdelave med uporabo navzven vidne površine (10, 20) vsakokratnega dela (1, Γ, 1; 2', 2', 2) vključuje poliranje.Method according to one of Claims 6 to 8, characterized in that the step of fine and final surface treatment while using the outwardly visible surface (10, 20) of each part (1, Γ, 1; 2 ', 2', 2) includes polishing. 11. Postopek po enem od zahtevkov 6 do 8, označen s tem, da korak fine in dokončne površinske obdelave med uporabo navzven vidne površine (10, 20) vsakokratnega dela (1, Γ, 1; 2', 2', 2) vključuje plastificiranje.Method according to one of Claims 6 to 8, characterized in that the step of fine and final surface treatment, when using the outwardly visible surface (10, 20) of each part (1, Γ, 1; 2 ', 2', 2), includes plastification. 12. Postopek po enem od zahtevkov 6 do 8, označen s tem, da korak fine in dokončne površinske obdelave med uporabo navzven vidne površine (10, 20) vsakokratnega dela (1, Γ, 1; 2', 2', 2) vključuje barvanje.Method according to one of Claims 6 to 8, characterized in that the step of fine and final surface treatment, when using the outwardly visible surface (10, 20) of each part (1, Γ, 1; 2 ', 2', 2), includes coloring. 13. Postopek po enem od zahtevkov 6 do 8, označen s tem, da korak fine in dokončne površinske obdelave med uporabo navzven vidne površine (10, 20) dela (1, Γ, 1; 2', 2', 2) okovja vključuje nanašanje dodatne kovinske prevleke.Method according to one of Claims 6 to 8, characterized in that the step of fine and final surface treatment while using the externally visible surface (10, 20) of part (1, Γ, 1; 2 ', 2', 2) of the hardware includes application of additional metal coating. 14. Postopek po zahtevku 13, označen s tem, da se korak fine in dokončne površinske obdelave med uporabo navzven vidne površine (10, 20) vsakokratnega dela (1, Γ, 1; 2', 2', 2) z nanašanjem dodatne kovinske prevleke izvrši s pomočjo galvanizacije.A method according to claim 13, characterized in that the step of fine and final surface treatment is applied to the exterior surface (10, 20) of each part (1, Γ, 1; 2 ', 2', 2) by applying additional metal make the coating by means of galvanization.
SI200600146A 2006-06-14 2006-06-14 Glass door ironmongery and procedure of manufacture of the latter SI22303A (en)

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