SI22253A - Winch with enhanced hydraulic block for clutch and break control - Google Patents

Winch with enhanced hydraulic block for clutch and break control Download PDF


Publication number
SI22253A SI200600224A SI200600224A SI22253A SI 22253 A SI22253 A SI 22253A SI 200600224 A SI200600224 A SI 200600224A SI 200600224 A SI200600224 A SI 200600224A SI 22253 A SI22253 A SI 22253A
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Slovenian (sl)
PAN Iztok Ĺ
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Tajfun Planina Proizvodnja Strojev, D.O.O.
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Priority claimed from SI200600097A external-priority patent/SI22252A/en
Priority claimed from SI200600148A external-priority patent/SI22295A/en
Priority claimed from SI200600212A external-priority patent/SI22324A2/en
Application filed by Tajfun Planina Proizvodnja Strojev, D.O.O. filed Critical Tajfun Planina Proizvodnja Strojev, D.O.O.
Priority to SI200600224A priority Critical patent/SI22253A/en
Priority to DE200720005267 priority patent/DE202007005267U1/en
Priority to AT0023107U priority patent/AT10055U1/en
Publication of SI22253A publication Critical patent/SI22253A/en



    • B66D1/00Rope, cable, or chain winding mechanisms; Capstans
    • B66D1/28Other constructional details
    • B66D1/40Control devices
    • B66D1/42Control devices non-automatic
    • B66D1/44Control devices non-automatic pneumatic of hydraulic
    • B66D5/00Braking or detent devices characterised by application to lifting or hoisting gear, e.g. for controlling the lowering of loads
    • B66D5/02Crane, lift hoist, or winch brakes operating on drums, barrels, or ropes
    • B66D5/24Operating devices
    • B66D5/26Operating devices pneumatic or hydraulic


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Braking Arrangements (AREA)


For winding or unwinding of the pulling rope (970) with a winch (99) there is a winding drum (4) provided which is freely rotating applied to axis (3) embedded within the enclosure. The drum is shiftable along the axis (3) by way of hydraulic cylinder (552) and a piston (553) inside of it being integral parts of the hydraulic circuit of the hydraulic generator (50). This hydraulic generator (5) including a reservoir (510) for the hydraulic media, a piston pump (500) for pressuring or suction of the pressure media, a pressure accumulator (520) and required control elements feature technologically not very demanding parts, small size and high hydraulic efficiency rate as well as small quantity of hydraulic media, required for a smooth operation of the winch (99). This way the installation of the hydraulic generator (5) directly into the winch (99) enclosure (97) is enabled, while at the same time among other problems the problem linked to overheating and decomposition of the hydraulic media is avoided thanks to the small quantity of the hydraulic media but also hazards to the environment in the case of defects or damages to the winch (99).


Vitel z izboljšanim hidravličnim sklopom za upravljanje sklopke in zavoreWinch with improved hydraulic clutch and brake control

Izum je na področju delovnih postopkov in transporta uvrščen k vitlom, še zlasti k pogonskim elementom pri gozdarskih vitlih, ki so predvideni za prenos moči s pogonskega sredstva na navij alni boben, sočasno pa se izum še vedno v okviru transporta navezuje tudi na hidravlične naprave za upravljanje vitla. Po drugi strani je izum lahko na področju strojništva uvrščen na področje strojnih elementov za zagotavljanje strojev in naprav, konkretno h cilindrom in batom, obenem pa tudi na področje hidravličnih sistemov, ki obsegajo tlačni akumulator.The invention relates to winches, in particular in the field of working procedures and transport, in particular to the drive elements for forestry winches, which are intended to transfer power from the drive means to the winding drum, but at the same time, the invention also relates to hydraulic devices for transport. winch control. In the field of mechanical engineering, on the other hand, the invention can be classified in the field of mechanical elements for the provision of machinery and equipment, in particular cylinders and pistons, as well as in the field of hydraulic systems comprising a pressure accumulator.

Namen izuma je zasnovati vitel, ki bi bil še zlasti uporabljiv kot gozdarski vitel, katerega hidravlični sklop za upravljanje zavore in sklopke naj bi obsegal kar najmanj sestavnih delov, ki morajo biti preprosti za izdelavo, za obratovanje pa naj potreboval karseda majhno količino hidravličnega fluida, s čimer bi bilo po eni strani zagotovljeno zanesljivo delovanje in preprosto vzdrževanje, po drugi strani pa bi bilo tudi tveganje ekološkega onesnaženja v primeru poškodb ali okvar pri delu na terenu v znatni meri manjše kod doslej.The purpose of the invention is to design a winch that would be particularly useful as a forestry winch, whose hydraulic brake and clutch control assembly should comprise as few components as possible, which must be simple to manufacture and require as little hydraulic fluid as possible to operate, This would ensure reliable operation and easy maintenance on the one hand, and the risk of ecological contamination in the event of injuries or malfunctions in the field work would be substantially less so far.

Pri doslej znanih gozdarskih vitlih je v okrovu vitla skupaj s pripadajočo osjo uležiščen navijalni boben, ki je predviden za navijanje in skladiščenje vlečne vrvi. Boben je na omenjeni osi prosto vrtljiv in je na obodni površini opremljen z zavoro, na eno od čelnih površin pa je nameščena ena torna plast sklopke, katere preostala torna plast se nahaja na gnanem verižnem kolesu verižnega prenosnika, katerega pogonsko kolo je povezano s kardansko gredjo traktorja, h kateremu je med uporabo priključen vitel. Zavora in sklopka delujeta izmenično, kar pomeni, da se ob deaktiviranju zavore vključi sklopka, ki z verižnega kolesa prenaša vrtilni moment na boben, ki se prične vrteti, pri tem pa se nanj navija vrv. Ob deaktiviranju sklopke se pogon bobna prekine boben zaustavi, sočasno pa se aktivira zavora, ki odtlej preprečuje vsakršen nadaljnji zasuk bobna do ponovnega aktiviranja sklopke. Sam upravljalni sklop za koordinacijo delovanja zavore in sklopke je opisan v objavljeni slovenski patentni prijavi SI-P-200400342 oz. patentu št. SI 21947. V tem primeru gre za mehansko delujoč sklop, ki sicer omogoča alternativno oz. medsebojno izključujoče aktiviranje zavore ali sklopke. Sklop je sicer razmeroma preprost in pri tem bodisi ročno upravljiv ali pa za upravljanje potrebuje dodatna hidravlična ali električna pogonska sredstva in pripadajoče krmilne enote. Vendar pa je zanesljivost delovanja sklopa v marsičem povezana z vestnim vzdrževanjem vsakokratnega uporabnika, s čimer v praksi pogosto ni mogoče računati.For the previously known forestry winches, a winding drum is mounted in the winch housing together with the associated axle, which is intended for winding and storing the tow rope. The drum is freely rotatable on the said axis and is provided with a brake on the circumferential surface, and one friction layer of the clutch is mounted on one of the front surfaces, the remaining friction layer of which is located on a driven chainring of a gearbox whose drive wheel is connected to a PTO shaft tractor to which a winch is connected during use. The brake and clutch operate alternately, which means that when the brake is deactivated, a clutch is engaged which transfers the torque from the chain wheel to the drum, which begins to rotate, while the rope is supported by it. When the clutch is deactivated, the drum drive is interrupted and the brake is stopped, which simultaneously activates the brake, which then prevents any further rotation of the drum until the clutch is reactivated. The control unit itself for the coordination of the brake and clutch operation is described in published Slovenian patent application SI-P-200400342 or. patent no. SI 21947. In this case, it is a mechanically operated assembly which otherwise provides alternative or mutually exclusive actuation of the brake or clutch. The assembly is relatively simple, either manually operated or requiring additional hydraulic or electric propulsion and associated control units to operate. However, the reliability of the assembly is in many respects related to the diligent maintenance of the individual user, which is often not counted in practice.

Nadalje je v še tačas še neobjavljeni slovenski patentni prijavi št. P-2006000148 opisan sklop za upravljanje sklopke pri gozdarskem vitlu, ki sestoji iz soosno zasnovanih, drug v drugega vstavljenih in medsebojno tesnjenih delov, namreč notranjega dela v funkciji bata in zunanjega dela v funkciji cilindra, med katerima je na voljo primerna z votlina z dovodom hidravličnega medija, s pomočjo katerega sta omenjena dela drug glede na drugega v aksialni smeri premakljiva, pri čemer je fiksni notranji del oprt na okrovu ali vsaj delu slednjega, medtem ko je zahvaljujoč hidravličnemu mediju in proti sili ustrezne vzmeti ali zahvaljujoč slednji premakljivi zunanji del sklopa bodisi neposredno ali posredno pritisnjen proti bobnu. Pri tem je zunanji del sklopa lahko proti bobnu pritisnjen preko distančnika, še bolj prednostno pa preko distančnika in aksialnega ležaja, ki je nameščen med bobnom in distančnikom. Pri doslej znanih rešitvah iz stanja tehnike je vsaj eden od omenjenih drug v drugega soosno vstavljenih in med seboj tesnjenih delov, ki sta bila sicer tudi doslej na voljo v funkciji bat-cilinder, kompleksen oz. sestavljen iz več elementov. Omenjeni sklop je pri tem nameščen na osi, na kateri so sicer nameščeni tudi verižno kolo z eno torno oblogo sklopke, navijalni boben s preostalo torno oblogo sklopke, in vzmet, s pomočjo katere sta omenjeni boben in verižno kolo držana na medsebojnem razmiku, kadar sta pri deaktivirani sklopki torni oblogi razmaknjeni, medtem ko je omenjeni sklop cilindra in bata predviden za medsebojno primikanje tornih oblog na bobnu in verižnem kolesu proti sili omenjene vzmeti. Za primikanje tornih oblog je potreben razmeroma kratek hod, obenem pa je tudi zaželeno, da so izmere obeh delov zaradi neposrednega vpliva na izmere celotnega vitla karseda majhne. Pri doslej znanih rešitvah je sklop bata in cilindra tako zasnovan, da je na omenjeni osi nameščena puša, ki dejansko predstavlja del cilindra in ki je na enem koncu opremljena z zunanjim navojem, na katerem je privita matica za, ki predstavlja naslon na omenjeni puši nameščenega cilindra. Puša je na svoji notranji površini prirejena za naleganje na zunanji površini omenjene osi, medtem ko je zunanja površina puše prirejena za sodelovanje z batom in preostalim delom cilindra, ki je - opremljen s priključkom za dovod hidravličnega medija - na voljo v funkciji glave cilindra. V ta namen je zunanja površina puše stopničasto izvedena, tako daje omenjena glava namestljiva na stopničasto območje manjšega premera, ki predstavlja nased, na katerem je glava držana s pomočjo matice, privite na zunanji navoj puše. Tudi omenjena glava cilindra je zasnovana kot puša, in sicer s stopničasto notranjo površino, katere notranji premer v območju ob omenjenem navoju na puši, v bližini katerega glava nalega na puši, ustrezno manjši kot na preostalem koncu glave. V obravnavanem območju je med pušo in notranjo površino glave predvideno vsaj eno tesnilo, obenem pa je omenjeno območje glave omejeno z dvema čelnima površinama, ki potekata prečno glede na vzdolžno geometrijsko os omenjene glave. Zunanja čelna površina je prirejena za naleganje na omenjeni matici, ki je privita na zunanjem navoju puše, notranja čelna površina glave pa predstavlja aktivno tlačno površino, ki je izpostavljena tlačnemu mediju, ki preko ustreznega priključka vstopa v notranjost cilindra prav v območju te notranje čelne površine glave cilindra. Na preostalem koncu glave cilindra je notranja površina glave sicer prav tako cilindrična, vendar pa je v tem območju glave cilindra notranji premer večji. V tem območju je med zunanjo površino puše in notranjo površino glave vstavljen kot puša oz. prstan zasnovan bat, ki je na svoji notranji površini tesnjen proti zunanji površini puše, na svoji zunanji površini pa proti notranji površini glave. Notranja čelna površina omenjenega bata, ki je obrnjena proti omenjeni glavi, predstavlja aktivno tlačno površino, ki je izpostavljena pritisku hidravličnega medija, ki se ga dovaja v prostor med batom in cilindrom, t.j. sestavom omenjenih glave in puše. Zunanja površina bata je prirejena za sodelovanje z notranjo površino pripadajočega območja glave cilindra, pri čemer je med glavo in batom vstavljeno vsaj eno tesnilo, obenem pa je glava v stiku z zunanjo površino bata opremljena tudi z vsaj enim brisalcem, ki varuje bat pred nečistočami in drugimi vplivi, ki bi lahko poslabšali kakovost tesnenja in vodenja bata. Kot rečeno, pri tovrstni rešitvi sklop bata in cilindra sestoji iz več delov ki morajo biti vsi zelo precizno izdelani, še zlasti zaradi razmeroma majhne dolžine v osni smeri in s tem problematičnega medsebojnega vodenja. Temu primemo visoki so tudi stroški izdelave. Vendar pa navzlic skrbni izdelavi in upoštevanju vseh potrebnih toleranc npr. že po razmeroma kratkotrajnem delovanju zaradi minimalne obrabe delov lahko pride do resnih problemov v zvezi z vodenjem in tudi tesnenjem delov, ki so zaradi majhnih dolžin naleganja v vzdolžni smeri in temu ustreznih tendenc pogosto izpostavljeni medsebojnemu zagozdenju. Vsakršno povečanje izmer sklopa v vzdolžni smeri, ki bi sicer lahko pripomoglo k postopni eliminaciji tovrstnih težav, neposredno vpliva na izmere celotnega vitla, kar pa je povezano z drugimi pogosto še bolj neugodnimi učinki in zato običajno ne pride v poštev.Furthermore, Slovenian patent application no. P-2006000148 described clutch control assembly for a winch consisting of coaxially designed, mutually inserted and mutually sealed parts, namely the piston inner part and the cylinder outer cylinder, between which there is a suitable inlet cavity a hydraulic medium by means of which said parts are movable relative to each other in the axial direction, the fixed inner part being supported on the casing or at least part of the latter, while thanks to the hydraulic medium and against the force of the corresponding spring or thanks to the latter, the movable outer part of the assembly either directly or indirectly pressed against the drum. The outer part of the assembly may be pressed against the drum by a spacer, and more preferably by a spacer and an axial bearing placed between the drum and the spacer. With the prior art solutions, at least one of the coaxially inserted and sealed parts, which were also previously available in the function of a piston cylinder, are complex or complex. consisting of several elements. Said assembly is mounted on an axis on which the chain wheel with one friction clutch lining, a winding drum with the remaining friction clutch lining, and a spring by means of which said drum and chain wheel are kept at a distance from each other, are also provided. in the case of a deactivated clutch, the friction linings are spaced apart, said cylinder and piston assembly being provided for the mutual friction of the friction linings on the drum and chain wheel against the force of said spring. A relatively short stroke is required to move the friction linings, but it is also desirable that the dimensions of the two parts are as small as possible due to the direct influence on the dimensions of the entire winch. With the prior art solutions, the piston and cylinder assembly is so designed that there is a bushing on said axis that is actually part of the cylinder and is provided at one end with an external thread on which a nut is screwed on to support the said bushing. cylinder. The sleeve on its inner surface is adapted to fit on the outer surface of said axis, while the outer surface of the sleeve is adapted to engage with the piston and the rest of the cylinder, which - provided with a hydraulic medium inlet - is available as a cylinder head. For this purpose, the outer surface of the sleeve is stepped in such a way that said head is adjustable to a stepped area of smaller diameter, which represents the seat on which the head is held by a nut, screwed onto the outer thread of the sleeve. The cylinder head is also designed as a bush, with a stepped inner surface whose inner diameter in the area along said thread on the bush, near which the head rests on the bush, is correspondingly smaller than at the rest of the head. In the area considered, at least one gasket is provided between the sleeve and the inner surface of the head, and at the same time said head area is limited by two front surfaces extending transversely to the longitudinal geometric axis of said head. The outer front surface is adapted to fit on said nut, which is screwed on the outer thread of the bush, and the inner front surface of the head represents the active pressure surface exposed to the pressure medium, which enters the inside of the cylinder through the proper connection in the area of that inner front surface. cylinder heads. At the remaining end of the cylinder head, the inner surface of the cylinder head is also cylindrical, but in this area of the cylinder head the inner diameter is larger. In this area, between the outer surface of the sleeve and the inner surface of the head is inserted as a sleeve or sleeve. ring-shaped piston, which is sealed against the outer surface of the bush on its inner surface and against the inner surface of the head on its outer surface. The inner face of said piston facing toward said head represents an active pressure surface which is subjected to pressure from a hydraulic medium which is fed into the space between the piston and the cylinder, i.e. the composition of said heads and bushings. The outer surface of the piston is adapted to cooperate with the inner surface of the corresponding area of the cylinder head, with at least one gasket inserted between the head and the piston, and at the same time the head in contact with the outer surface of the piston is provided with at least one eraser protecting the piston against impurities and other impacts that may impair the quality of the piston sealing and guiding. That said, in this kind of solution, the piston and cylinder assembly consists of several parts, all of which must be very precisely fabricated, especially because of the relatively small length in the axial direction and thus the problematic mutual guidance. In addition to this, manufacturing costs are high. However, despite careful production and consideration of all the necessary tolerances, e.g. Even after relatively short periods of operation, minimal wear and tear can cause serious problems with the handling and sealing of the parts, which are often exposed to interlocking due to the short lengths of bearing in the longitudinal direction and the corresponding tendencies. Any increase in the dimension of the assembly in the longitudinal direction, which could otherwise contribute to the gradual elimination of such problems, directly affects the measurements of the whole winch, which is related to other often more unfavorable effects and is therefore not normally considered.

Nadalje so na področju gozdarskih vitlov znani hidravlični agregati za krmiljenje zavore in sklopke. Upravljanje zavore in sklopke je načeloma izvedljivo tudi s pomočjo električnih ali drugačnih krmilnih sklopov in naprav, kar pa je v pri uporabi vitla na terenu zaradi nedosegljivosti potrebne energije praviloma neizvedljivo oz. preveč zapleteno. Vitlu je možno prigraditi ustrezen hidravlični agregat, katerega črpalka je lahko tako kot omenjeni boben gnana z motorjem traktorja, zato so bili tudi v praksi že realizirani tovrstni primeri krmiljenja delovanja zavore in sklopke. Hidravlični tokokrog za krmiljenje sestoji iz črpalke, ki preko ustreznih ventilov oz. razvodnikov - odvisno od vsakokratnega položaja oz. nastavitve le-teh - črpa hidravlični medij bodisi v cilinder za krmiljenje zavore ali v cilinder za krmiljenje sklopke, pri čemer se višek hidravličnega medija vrača nazaj v rezervoar oz. k črpalki. Zaradi omenjenega načina delovanja je bila pri doslej realiziranih tokokrogih - vsaj kolikor je prijavitelju znano - v ta namen uporabljana izključno zobniška črpalka. Tovrsten agregat sicer lahko zagotavlja potreben nadtlak hidravličnega medija v sistemu, vendar pa mora biti zaradi dovolj hitrega preklopa krmilja zavore ali sklopke zmožna zelo hitro dovesti dovolj hidravličnega medija za zapolnitev vsakokrat ustreznega cilindra, zato so pretočne količine prečrpavanja razmeroma visoke. Črpalka mora vseskozi črpati razmeroma veliko količino hidravličnega medija, pri čemer so hidravlične izgube zaradi znanega fenomena cirkulacije in vrtinčenja hidravličnega medija (kar je strokovnjakom znano pod izrazom »lekaža«, angl. »leakage«) razmeroma visoke, kar skupaj z razmeroma visokim tlakom, ki je potreben, pogosto privede do močnega segrevanja ali celo pregrevanja hidravličnega sistema, kar ima za posledico slabšanje kakovosti hidravličnega medija in veliko obremenitev tesnil ter s tem povezano tveganje glede možnosti pojava motenj in okvar pri obratovanju. Razen tega je tovrsten hidravličen agregat ne zgolj zaradi razmeroma zahtevnih in obsežnih ventilov, marveč tudi zaradi velike količine hidravličnega medija in temu primernega rezervoarja razmeroma obsežen. Povrhu vsega hidravlični sistem vsebuje razmeroma veliko količino hidravličnega medija, kar v primeru poškodbe hidravličnega sklopa pri delu na terenu, npr. v gozdu, lahko privede do neugodnih posledic za okolje.Furthermore, hydraulic generators for controlling the brakes and clutches are known in the field of forestry winches. In principle, the operation of the brake and the clutch is also feasible with the help of electrical or other control assemblies and devices, which is generally impracticable or impossible to use when using the winch in the field. too complicated. The winch can be fitted with a suitable hydraulic unit, the pump of which can be driven like a drum by a tractor engine, so in practice such control examples of brake and clutch operation have already been realized. The hydraulic control circuit consists of a pump which, through appropriate valves or valves. of manifolds - depending on the respective position or position. their settings - the hydraulic medium is pumped into either the brake control cylinder or the clutch control cylinder, with the excess hydraulic fluid flowing back into the tank or. to the pump. Due to the above-mentioned mode of operation, only a gear pump was used for the circuits realized so far - at least, as far as the applicant is aware. Although such an aggregate may provide the required hydraulic medium overpressure in the system, it must be able to supply enough hydraulic fluid to fill the relevant cylinder very quickly due to the fast changeover of the brake or clutch controls, so the flow rates are relatively high. The pump must pump a relatively large amount of hydraulic fluid at all times, and the hydraulic losses due to the well-known phenomenon of circulation and swirling of the hydraulic fluid (known to those skilled in the art as "leakage") are relatively high, together with relatively high pressure, when necessary, it often results in severe overheating or even overheating of the hydraulic system, resulting in deterioration of the hydraulic medium and high load on the seals and the associated risk of malfunctions and malfunctions. In addition, this type of hydraulic power unit is not only relatively large and complex valves, but also because of the large amount of hydraulic medium and the suitable tank, it is relatively large. On top of that, the hydraulic system contains a relatively large amount of hydraulic medium, which in the case of damage to the hydraulic assembly when working in the field, e.g. in the forest, can lead to adverse environmental effects.

Še nadalje so tudi v patentni literaturi, npr. iz FR 2.116.693, JP 58121306A, JP 60263710, JP63083405A, JP 2004176698 ali JP 2004360300A, znani različni hidravlični tokokrogi za različne delovne stroje in naprave, ki pa so vsi po vrsti razmeroma zapleteni in vsebujejo številne komponente, na osnovi česar prijavitelj meni, da tovrstne rešitve niso niti neposredno niti posredno uporabljive za rešitev uvodoma zastavljenega problema.They are also further mentioned in the patent literature, e.g. from FR 2.116.693, JP 58121306A, JP 60263710, JP63083405A, JP 2004176698 or JP 2004360300A, known different hydraulic circuits for different working machines and devices, all of which are relatively complex and contain many components, on the basis of which the applicant considers that that such solutions are neither directly nor indirectly applicable to the solution of the problem posed initially.

Predmet pričujočega izuma je vitel z izboljšanim hidravličnim sklopom za upravljanje sklopke in zavore, pri čemer tovrstni vitel v osnovi sestoji iz okrova z zaščitno mrežo in vsaj eno vrvenico za vodenje vlečne vrvi, za katere navijanje oz. odvijanje je na voljo v omenjenem okrovu razpoložljiv navijalni boben. V okrovu vitla je namreč nameščena os, na kateri je okoli slednje prosto vrtljivo in glede na omenjeno os aksialno nepremakljivo nameščeno s pomočjo vsakokrat razpoložljivega traktorskega pogona gnano verižno kolo, na katerem je nameščena ena torna obloga sklopke medtem ko je ob omenjenem verižnem kolesu na taisti osi prosto vrtljivo in v aksialni smeri bodisi proti sili ustrezne vzmeti ali zahvaljujoč slednji sem ter tja premakljivo nameščen boben. Na tisti čelni stranici omenjenega bobna, ki je obrnjena proti omenjenemu verižnemu kolesu, je nameščena za sodelovanje s prej omenjeno prvo torno oblogo sklopke prirejena druga torna obloga sklopke. S tem je po aktiviranju sklopke zahvaljujoč vzpostavitvi stika oz. sodelovanja med omenjenima tornima oblogama boben na osi vrtljiv skupaj z verižnim kolesom. Po deaktiviranju sklopke se zahvaljujoč sili omenjene vzmeti torni oblogi samodejno razmakneta. Obenem je boben premakljiv s pomočjo cilindra, ki je vključen v hidravličnem agregatu, ki načeloma obsega vsaj rezervoar hidravličnega medija, črpalko za zagotavljanje potrebnega tlaka hidravličnega medija in krmilni sklop, sestoječ iz vsaj enega krmilnega ventila in vsaj enega cilindra s pripadajočim batom.The object of the present invention is a winch with an improved hydraulic assembly for controlling the clutch and the brakes, wherein such a winch consists essentially of a casing with a safety net and at least one rope to guide the tow rope for which winding or bending. unwinding is provided in said casing an available winding drum. Namely, in the winch housing, an axle is mounted on which it is freely rotatable about the latter and, with respect to the said axle, is mounted axially stationary with the aid of the tractor tractor which is available at all times, with one friction clutch liner mounted while the chain wheel is mounted on the same one. the axes rotate freely and axially, either against the force of the corresponding spring or, thanks to the latter, a drum which is movably mounted there. On the front face of said drum facing the said chain wheel, a second friction clutch assembly is arranged to cooperate with the aforementioned first clutch friction liner. This means that after the clutch is activated thanks to contact or of the co-operation between said thorn pads, the axial drum rotates together with the chain wheel. After the clutch is deactivated, the friction linings automatically disengage due to the force of said spring. At the same time, the drum is movable by means of a cylinder included in the hydraulic aggregate comprising in principle at least a hydraulic medium reservoir, a pump to provide the required hydraulic medium pressure and a control assembly consisting of at least one control valve and at least one cylinder with associated piston.

Po izumu je vitel tako zasnovan, da je na osi navijalnega bobna nameščen sestav soosno drug v drugega vstavljivih hidravličnega bata in cilindra, ki sta razporejena med bobnom in okrovom vitla, pri čemer je cilinder preko dovoda hidravličnega medija vključen v hidravlični tokokrog hidravličnega agregata, v katerem je vključena batna črpalka. Ta je po eni strani preko protipovratnega ventila, ki prepušča hidravlični medij v smeri vstran od črpalke, v smeri proti črpalki pa ne, povezana s krmilnim sklopom in rezervoarjem hidravličnega medija, po drugi strani pa bodisi preko preklopnega ventila, ki obsega protipovratni ventil, ki prepušča hidravlični medij v smeri proti črpalki, v nasprotni smeri pa ne, zaporedno povezana v hidravlični tokokrog skupaj s tlačnim akumulatorjem in prej omenjenim protipovratnim ventilom, ali pa je omenjena črpalka v primeru prekoračitve vnaprej določenega tlaka zahvaljujoč samodejnemu prekrmiljenju preklopnega ventila vključena v hidravlični tokokrog, ki obsega omenjeno črpalko, preklopni ventil, krmilni sklop in omenjeni protipovratni ventil v zaporedni vezavi.According to the invention, the winch is designed in such a way that on the axis of the winding drum is mounted an assembly of hydraulic pistons and cylinders coaxially inserted into each other, which are arranged between the drum and the winch housing, the cylinder being included in the hydraulic circuit of the hydraulic unit via the hydraulic medium supply, which includes a piston pump. On the one hand, it is connected to the control assembly and the hydraulic medium reservoir via a non-return valve which passes the hydraulic medium away from the pump, but not to the pump, and on the other, either through a switch valve comprising a non-return valve which Leaks the hydraulic medium in the direction of the pump, but not in the opposite direction, connected in series with the hydraulic circuit together with the pressure accumulator and the aforementioned non-return valve, or, in the event of a predetermined pressure due to the automatic control of the switching valve, the pump is switched on in the hydraulic circuit comprising said pump, switching valve, control assembly and said non-return valve in series connection.

Nadalje je pri vitlu po izumu v omenjeni cilinder na osi navijalnega bobna soosno s cilindrom vstavljiv bat, ki je zasnovan kot enovita stopničasta cilindrična puša z osrednje razporejeno, z osjo bobna vitla soosno osrednjo cilindrično luknjo, in obsega cilindrično zunanjo površino večjega premera, prav tako cilindrično zunanjo površino manjšega premera in med omenjenima obodnima zunanjima površinama razporejeno čelno površino. Pri tem pa prav tako kot enovita stopničasta puša zasnovan cilinder obsega notranjo cilindrično površino manjšega premera, notranjo cilindrično površino večjega premera in med slednjima razporejeno čelno površino, v območju katere je predviden dovod hidravličnega medija. Omenjena notranja površina cilindra je opremljena z vsaj enim tesnilom in prirejena za sodelovanje z omenjeno zunanjo površino bata, medtem ko je preostala notranja površina cilindra opremljena z vsaj enim tesnilom in vsaj enim brisalcem ter prirejena za sodelovanje z omenjeno zunanjo površino bata. Na ta način je delovni prostor, v katerega je možno dovesti hidravlični medij, omejen z zunanjo površino in čelno površino bata z manjšim premerom po eni strani ter z notranjo obodno površino večjega premera in notranjo čelno površino cilindra po drugi strani. Pri tem sta prednostno obe zunanji obodni površini bata gladki, še zlasti kromirani in polirani. Pri prednostni izvedbi izuma je na čelni površini omenjenega cilindra v območju dovoda hidravličnega medija predvidena poglobitev, ki je še zlasti prednostno na voljo kot obodno potekajoč utor, dovod tlačnega medija v delovni prostor med cilindrom in batom pa je povezan z obodno zunanjo površino cilindra, ki je pri tem bodisi neposredno ali posredno, še zlasti npr. preko distančnika in aksialnega ležaja, oprt na proti njemu obrnjeni čelni površini proti njemu s pomočjo vzmeti pritisnjenega navijalnega bobna.Furthermore, in the winch according to the invention, a piston is inserted into said cylinder on the axis of the winding drum, which is coaxially shaped with the cylinder, designed as a single stepped cylindrical sleeve centrally arranged, with the axis of the winch axially centered a cylindrical hole, and comprises a cylindrical outer surface of a larger diameter, thus having cylindrical outer surface of smaller diameter and frontal surface arranged between said circumferential outer surfaces. In the same way, as a single stepped sleeve, the designed cylinder comprises an inner cylindrical surface of smaller diameter, an inner cylindrical surface of larger diameter and a front face arranged between the two, in the area of which a hydraulic medium inlet is provided. Said inner surface of the cylinder is provided with at least one gasket and adapted to engage with said outer piston surface, while the remaining inner surface of the cylinder is provided with at least one gasket and at least one wiper and adapted to cooperate with said outer piston surface. In this way, the working space into which the hydraulic medium can be fed is limited by the outer surface and the face of the piston with a smaller diameter on the one hand and the inner circumferential surface of the larger diameter and the inner face of the cylinder on the other. Preferably, the two outer circumferential surfaces of the piston are smooth, especially chrome plated and polished. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, a recess is provided on the front surface of said cylinder in the area of the hydraulic medium inlet, which is particularly preferably available as a circumferential groove, and the supply of the pressure medium to the working space between the cylinder and the piston is connected to the circumferential outer surface of the cylinder, which it is either directly or indirectly, in particular e.g. via a spacer and an axial bearing, supported on the front face facing it by means of a spring of a pressed winding drum.

Po drugi strani je bat omenjenega cilindra oprt ob regulacijsko matico, ki je zaradi varovanja proti vrtenju oblikosklepno povezana z okrovom vitla in je smiselno vgrajena v delu tega okrova, pri čemer je omenjena matica privita na navoju, ki je na voljo na skozi bat potekajočem koncu osi. Pri prednostni izvedbi izuma je omenjena matica izvedena kot šesterokotna matica, ki je ohlapno prilegajoče se vstavljiva v šesterokotno luknjo v odvihtljivem ali drugače položajno spremenljivem delu okrova vitla.On the other hand, the piston of said cylinder is supported by a regulating nut, which is for the purpose of protection against rotation formally connected to the winch housing and is reasonably mounted in a part of this housing, said nut being screwed on a thread available at the piston running through. axis. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, said nut is designed as a hexagon nut, which is loosely fitable into a hexagonal hole in the swivel or otherwise variable part of the winch housing.

Nadalje vitel po izumu obsega hidravlični agregat, pri katerem je značilna batna črpalka, ki sestoji iz ohišja, v katerem je nameščena ojnica, ki je preko sornika zavihtljivo povezana z batom, ki je s pomočjo tesnila s pripadajočim brisalcem vstavljen v cilindru, ki smotrno predstavlja del omenjenega ohišja in obsega ustrezen hidravlični priključek za dovod oz. hidravličnega medija v cilinder črpalke oz. v območje ob čelni površini bata črpalke oz. od ondod. Pri tem je omenjeni ekscenter lahko mehansko povezan z eno od gredi reduktorja vitla po izumu.. Preklopni ventil hidravličnega agregata vitla po izumu obsega protipovratni ventil, ki je vgrajen v ohišju preklopnega ventila in prepušča hidravlični medij v smeri prti črpalki, v nasprotni smeri pa ne, kot tudi bat, ki je s pomočjo vzmeti, ki je podprta z na ohišju ventila privito regulacijsko matico, pritisnjen v smeri proti omenjenemu protipovratnemu ventilu, pri čemer je omenjeni preklopni ventil opremljen s tremi hidravličnimi priključki za vstop in/ali izstop hidravličnega medija v oz. iz ventila, in sicer prvi hidravlični priključek, ki je predviden v območju protipovratnega ventila preklopnega ventila in dopušča zgolj izstop hidravličnega medija iz ohišja preklopnega ventila navzven, nadalje drugi hidravlični priključek, ki je predviden v območju običajnega položaja bata preklopnega ventila ko je omenjeni bat zahvaljujoč vzmeti pomaknjen bližje protipo vratnemu ventilu, medtem ko je tretji hidravlični priključek preklopnega ventila razporejen v območju, ki ustreza položaju proti sili vzmeti iz prej omenjenega položaja v smeri vstran od protipovratnega ventila premaknjenega bata. Pri tem je omenjena vzmet preklopnega ventila prednostno na voljo kot tlačna vijačna vzmet.The winch of the invention further comprises a hydraulic unit, characterized by a piston pump, comprising a housing in which a connecting rod is mounted, which is pivotally connected to a piston via a bolt, which is inserted into the cylinder by means of a gasket with the associated wiper. part of said housing and comprising a suitable hydraulic inlet connection. hydraulic medium into the cylinder of the pump or. into the area near the front surface of the pump piston or. from there. Said eccentric may be mechanically connected to one of the winch gearbox shafts according to the invention. The winch hydraulic unit switching valve according to the invention comprises a non-return valve which is mounted in the switching valve housing and passes the hydraulic medium in the direction of the pump direction, but not in the opposite direction. , as well as a piston, which is pressed in the direction of said non-return valve by means of a spring supported by a valve body supported by a valve body, said switching valve being provided with three hydraulic ports for the entry and / or exit of the hydraulic medium in oz. from the valve, namely the first hydraulic connection provided in the area of the non-return valve of the changeover valve and allowing only the hydraulic medium to exit from the changeover valve housing outwards, further the second hydraulic connection provided in the area of the normal position of the changeover valve piston when said piston is thanks to the springs are moved closer to the non-return valve, while the third hydraulic connection of the changeover valve is arranged in a region corresponding to the force against the spring from the aforementioned position in the direction away from the non-return valve of the displaced piston. Said spring of the changeover valve is preferably available as a pressure screw spring.

Omenjeni preklopni ventil hidravličnega agregata vitla po izumu je v območju svojega prvega hidravličnega priključka hidravlično povezan s črpalko in hkrati preko samostojnega protipovratnega ventila tako s krmilnim sklopom kot tudi s tlačnim akumulatorjem, ki je obenem hidravlično povezan s tretjim hidravličnim priključkom preklopnega ventila. Nadalje je omenjeni preklopni ventil v območju svojega drugega hidravličnega priključka hidravlično povezan z rezervoarjem hidravličnega medija in sočasno tudi s krmilnim sklopom, medtem ko je povezava omenjenega priključka s črpalko in/ali prvim priključkom onemogočena zahvaljujoč protipovratnemu ventilu.Said winch hydraulic unit switching valve according to the invention is hydraulically connected to the pump in the area of its first hydraulic connection and simultaneously via a stand-alone non-return valve to both the control assembly and the pressure accumulator, which is also hydraulically connected to the third hydraulic connection of the changeover valve. Furthermore, said switch valve in the region of its second hydraulic port is hydraulically connected to the hydraulic medium reservoir and simultaneously to the control assembly, while the connection of said connection to the pump and / or the first connection is prevented by the non-return valve.

Hidravlični agregat vitla po izumu po izbiri lahko obsega tudi vsaj en merilnik tlaka, ki je vgrajen v hidravličnem tokokrogu med tlačnim akumulatorjem in preklopnim ventilom, namreč tretjim priključkom le-tega.The hydraulic winch assembly of the invention may optionally also comprise at least one pressure gauge mounted in the hydraulic circuit between the pressure accumulator and the changeover valve, namely the third connection thereof.

Krmilni sklop hidravličnega agregata sestoji iz krmilnega ventila in vsaj enega hidravličnega cilindra, ki je preko omenjenega krmilnega ventila povezljiv s hidravličnim tokokrogom, v katerem je neposredno ali posredno preko tlačnega akumulatorja vključena batna črpalka. Pri gozdarskem vitlu krmilni sklop hidravličnega agregata sestoji iz vzporedno hidravlično vezanih cilindra za krmiljenje zavore gozdarskega vitla in cilindra za krmiljenje sklopke gozdarskega vitla, ki sta z vsakokrat ustreznim hidravličnim tokokrogom, v katerem je neposredno ali posredno preko tlačnega akumulatorja vključena batna črpalka, povezljiva preko krmilnega ventila. Pri tem je krmilni ventil hidravličnega agregata lahko na voljo bodisi kot električno ali mehansko krmiljen 4/3 razvodnik, namreč kot tripoložajni ventil s štirimi hidravličnimi priključki.The control unit of the hydraulic unit consists of a control valve and at least one hydraulic cylinder which is connected to said hydraulic circuit through said control valve, in which a piston pump is directly or indirectly connected via a pressure accumulator. In the case of a winch, the control unit of the hydraulic unit consists of a parallel hydraulic coupled cylinder for controlling the brake of the forestry winch and a cylinder for controlling the clutch of the forestry winch, which are connected with a piston pump directly or indirectly via a pressure accumulator via a pressure accumulator. of the valve. In this case, the hydraulic valve control valve can be available either as an electrically or mechanically controlled 4/3 manifold, namely as a three-way valve with four hydraulic connections.

Primer izvedbe vitla po izumu bo v nadaljevanju podrobneje obrazložen s primerom izvedbe, kije prikazan na priloženi skici, kjer kažejo Sl. 1 shematično ponazorjen vitel med uporabo, v perspektivi;The embodiment of the winch according to the invention will now be explained in more detail with the embodiment shown in the accompanying drawing, where FIG. 1 is a schematically illustrated winch in perspective;

Sl. 2 podrobnejši prikaz krmilnega hidravličnega agregata v okrovu vitla po sl. 1; Sl. 3 vitel, tokrat v prerezu v diametralni ravnini osi navijalnega bobna;FIG. 2 is a more detailed view of the control hydraulic unit in the winch housing according to FIG. 1; FIG. 3 winches, this time in cross section in the diametrical plane of the axis of the winding drum;

Sl. 4 podrobnost A po sl. 3, namreč cilinder za premikanje bobna in s tem upravljanje sklopke v enem končnem položaju;FIG. 4 is the detail A of FIG. 3, namely a cylinder for moving the drum and thereby controlling the clutch in one end position;

Sl. 5 cilinder po sl. 4 v preostalem končnem položaju;FIG. 5 is a cylinder according to FIG. 4 in the remaining final position;

Sl. 6 podrobnost B po sl. 5;FIG. 6 is a detail B in FIG. 5;

Sl. 7 shematično prikazan hidravlični agregat vitla v sesalnem režimu delovanja črpalke;FIG. 7 is a schematic illustration of a hydraulic winch unit in the suction mode of pump operation;

Sl. 8 shematično prikazan hidravlični agregat vitla v sesalnem režimu delovanja črpalke;FIG. 8 is a schematic illustration of a hydraulic winch unit in the suction mode of pump operation;

Na sl. 1 je izključno v ilustrativne namene ponazorjen vitel 99 med obratovanjem, ko je s pomočjo neprikazanega klasičnega traktorskega mehanizma prigrajen k traktorju 991 in gnan preko prav tako klasičnega in na skici neprikazanega traktorskega kardanskega pogona. Vitel 99 sestoji iz okrova 97, v katerem so zaprti vsi ključni funkcionalni deli, ki bodo podrobneje obravnavani v nadaljevanju, vključno z reduktorjem 98 ter zavoro in sklopko 5, zaščitne mreže 94 in takoimenovane deske 93, proti kateri vlečna vrv 970 preko zgornje vrvenice 971 in po izbiri tudi preko spodnje vrvenice 972 vleče vsakokratno breme, ki na skici ni prikazano.In FIG. 1 is for illustrative purposes only a winch 99 illustrated during operation when, by means of a non-shown classic tractor mechanism, it is mounted on the tractor 991 and driven via a similarly classic and not shown tractor drive shaft. The winch 99 consists of a housing 97 in which all the key functional parts are closed, which will be discussed in more detail below, including the gearbox 98 and the brake and clutch 5, the safety net 94, and the so-called boards 93, against which the tow rope 970 via the upper rope 971 and optionally through the lower rope 972 also pulls the load not shown in the sketch.

Na sl. 2 so v narisu ponazorjeni navzven vidni deli, ki so nameščeni na okrovu 97 vitla 99 in bodo podrobneje opisani v nadaljevanju, medtem ko je na sl. 3 okrov 97 ponazoijen v prerezu v ravnini osi 3, na kateri je nameščen boben 4 za navijanje oz. odvijanje omenjene vlečne vrvi 970. Na osi 3, ki je na ustrezen način uležiščena v okrovu 97 vitla 99, je s pomočjo ležajev 31, 32 prosto vrtljivo uležajen boben 4, katerega obodna površina 41 na eni steni 42 je lahko predvidena npr. za sodelovanje z neprikazano zavoro, medtem ko je na preostali steni 43 nameščena prva torna obloga 51 sklopke 5. Preostala torna obloga 52 sklopke 5 je nameščena na verižnem kolesu 6, ki je s pomočjo v pestu 60 razpoložljivega ležajnega sklopa 61 tako kot npr. boben 4 prosto vrtljivo uležajeno na osi 3. Verižno kolo 6 je na osi 3 nameščeno na tak način, da je v aksialni smeri glede na os 3 nepremakljivo, medtem ko je boben 4 za določeno razdaljo v aksialni smeri premakljiv po osi 3.In FIG. 2 shows the outwardly visible portions in the outline, which are mounted on the housing 97 of the winch 99 and will be described in more detail below, while in FIG. 3, the housing 97 is illustrated in cross-section in the plane of the axis 3 on which the winding drum 4 is mounted. unwinding of said tow rope 970. On the axis 3, which is suitably positioned in the housing 97 of the winch 99, by means of bearings 31, 32, the drum 4 is freely rotatable, the circumferential surface 41 of which on one wall 42 may be provided e.g. for engaging with the non-shown brake, while the first wall 43 is provided with a first clutch friction liner 51. The remaining clutch friction liner 52 is mounted on a chain wheel 6 which, by means of the hub 60 of the available bearing assembly 61, is similar to e.g. the drum 4 is freely rotatably mounted on the axis 3. The chain wheel 6 is mounted on the axis 3 in such a way that it is fixed in the axial direction relative to the axis 3, while the drum 4 is movable along the axis 3 for a certain distance in the axial direction.

Premikanje bobna 4 v aksialni smeri t.j. vzdolž osi 3 je po izumu izvedljivo s pomočjo krmilnega cilindra 552 in pripadajočega bata 553, ki je soosno vstavljen v omenjenem cilindru 552.The movement of the drum 4 in the axial direction i.e. along the axis 3 according to the invention it is feasible by means of the steering cylinder 552 and the associated piston 553 coaxially inserted into said cylinder 552.

Pri tem je omenjeni bat 553 zasnovan kot stopničast valj z v osni smeri potekajočo cilindrično skoznjo luknjo 5530, obsegajoč cilindrično zunanjo površino 5531 večjega premera, nadalje prav tako clindrično zunanjo površino 5532 manjšega premera in kot koncentričen kolobar izvedeno, načeloma piano čelno površino 5533, kije na voljo med omenjenima cilindričnima površinama 551, 5532.Said piston 553 is designed as a stepped cylinder in the axial direction of a cylindrical through hole 5530, comprising a cylindrical outer surface 5531 of a larger diameter, further a cylindrical outer surface 5532 of a smaller diameter, and as a concentric ring, in principle a piano front surface 5533, which is in principle a piano front surface 5533. available between said cylindrical surfaces 551, 5532.

Po drugi strani je cilinder 552 zasnovan kot stopničasta puša, ki obsega cilindrično notranjo površino 5531 večjega premera in cilindrično notranjo površino 5522 manjšega premera, med katerima je na voljo čelna površina 5523, ki je obrnjena proti čelni površini 5533 bata 553, kadar je ta vstavljen v cilindru 552.The cylinder 552, on the other hand, is designed as a stepped sleeve comprising a cylindrical inner surface 5531 of a larger diameter and a cylindrical inner surface 5522 of a smaller diameter, between which there is a front surface 5523 facing the front surface 5533 of a piston 553 when inserted. in cylinder 552.

Cilindrična površina 5532 manjšega premera na batu 553, ki je ustrezno gladka in v ta namen prednostno kromirana in polirana, je prirejena za sodelovanje z notranjo površino 5522 cilindra 552, kije zaradi potrebnega tesnenja opremljena z vsaj enim tesnilom 5524.The cylindrical surface 5532 of a smaller diameter on the piston 553, which is suitably smooth and preferably chrome plated and polished, is adapted to cooperate with the inner surface 5522 of the cylinder 552, which is provided with at least one gasket 5524 due to the required sealing.

Cilindrična površina 5531 večjega premera na batu 553, ki je ustrezno gladka in v ta namen prednostno kromirana in polirana, je prirejena za sodelovanje z notranjo površino 5521 cilindra 552, ki je zaradi potrebnega tesnenja opremljena z vsaj enim tesnilom 5525, obenem pa tudi z vsaj enim brisalcem 5526.The cylindrical surface 5531 of larger diameter on piston 553, which is suitably smooth and preferably chrome plated and polished, is adapted to cooperate with the inner surface 5521 of cylinder 552, which is provided with at least one gasket 5525 due to the required sealing and at least one single wiper 5526.

Na zunanji površini 552 cilindra 552 je predviden dovod 5528 hidravličnega medija v delovni prostor med batom 553 in cilindrom 552, namreč med čelnima površinama 5523, 5533 in cilindričnima površinama 5522, 5532 manjšega premera. Na notranji čelni površini 5523 cilindra 552 je v območju dovoda 5528 hidravličnega medija prednostno na voljo poglobitev 5529, ki je na najbolj preprost način izvedena kot obodno potekajoč utor, s čimer je omogočen neoviran vstop oz. izstop hidravličnega medija vključno z enakomerno porazdelitvijo le-tega po celotnem obodu delovnega prostora med batom 553 in cilindrom 552.On the outer surface 552 of the cylinder 552, an inlet 5528 of the hydraulic medium is provided in the working space between the piston 553 and the cylinder 552, namely between the front surfaces 5523, 5533 and the cylindrical surfaces 5522, 5532 of smaller diameter. On the inner face 5523 of the cylinder 552, a recess 5529 is preferably provided in the area of the inlet 5528 of the hydraulic medium, which is in the simplest way designed as a circumferential groove, thereby allowing unobstructed entry or entry. the outlet of the hydraulic medium including its even distribution throughout the circumference of the work space between piston 553 and cylinder 552.

V stanju po sl. 4 je v delovnem prostoru zahvaljujoč tlačnemu mediju na voljo pritisk, ki bat 553 odriva od čelne površine 5523 cilindra 552. Po drugi strani je na sl. 5 ponazorjeno stanje, ko je bat 553 pomaknjen v notranjost cilindra 552 in se razen tega nahaja v sestavu s preostalimi elementi v okrovu 97 vitla 99, namreč nameščen na osi 3 tako, da je cilinder 552 proti bobnu 4, na katerem je sicer na voljo torna obloga 51 sklopke 5 (sl. 3), pritisnjen s pomočjo distančnika 9, položaj omenjenih delov na osi 3 pa je možno vsaj do določene mere regulirati z maticoIn the state of FIG. 4, thanks to the pressure medium, pressure is exerted in the work space which pushes the piston 553 away from the front surface 5523 of the cylinder 552. On the other hand, in FIG. 5 is an illustrated state when the piston 553 is moved inside the cylinder 552 and furthermore is in the assembly with the remaining elements in the winch box 99, namely, positioned on the axis 3 such that the cylinder 552 is against the drum 4 on which it is otherwise available. friction clutch 51 clutch 5 (Fig. 3), pressed by spacer 9, and position of said parts on axis 3 can be adjusted at least to a certain extent by a nut


Bat 553 je voden v cilindru 552 praktično po svoji celotni dolžini, in sicer tako v območju svoje površine 5531 kot tudi v območju svoje površine 5532. S tem je navzlic izjemni preprostosti izvedbe bata 553 in cilindra 552 doseženo ugodno vodenje bata 553 brez sleherne težnje po zagozdenju. Razen tega sta oba dela, bat 553 in cilinder 552, izvedljiva na dokaj preprost način, npr. z mehansko obdelavo, pri kateri po vpetju obdelovanca brez vsakršne potrebe po odstranitvi iz stroja med posameznimi fazami in potem ponovnem vpenjanju možno izvesti praktično vse korake, ki vplivajo na končne izmere in tolerance izdelka. Na ta način je navzlic zmanjšanju števila sestavnih delov in poenostavitvi le-teh možno računati z visoko kakovostjo in majhnim tveganjem v smislu zanesljivosti delovanja.The piston 553 is guided in the cylinder 552 practically along its entire length, both in the area of its surface 5531 and in the area of its surface 5532. This, despite the extreme simplicity of the piston 553 and the cylinder 552, achieves favorable guidance of the piston 553 without any tendency to jamming. In addition, both parts, piston 553 and cylinder 552, are feasible in a fairly simple manner, e.g. mechanical machining, in which, after clamping the workpiece, without any need to remove from the machine between phases and then re-clamping, practically all steps that affect the final dimensions and tolerances of the product can be performed. In this way, despite the reduction in the number of components and their simplification, high quality and low risk in terms of reliability can be counted.

Nastavitev vsakokrat želene razdalje med tornima oblogama 51, 52 sklopke 5 je omogočena na preprost način s pomočjo navoja 33, ki je na voljo na izven okrova 97 segajočem koncu 34 osi 3, in matice 20, ki je privita na omenjeni navoj 33 in oblikosklepno povezana z okrovom 97 vitla 99, tako da je smiselno vgrajena v okrov 97. Kadar je namreč okrov 97 ali vsaj del le-tega v bližini osi 3 začasno odstranljiv, je možno s sukanjem matice 20 v aksialni smeri premikati os 3 in s tem uravnati razdaljo med tornima oblogama 51, 52 sklopke 5 na bobnu 4 in verižnem kolesu 6. Po nastavitvi želene razdalje med oblogama 51, 52 sklopke 5 matico 20 zavarujemo proti premikanju z vzpostavitvijo oblikosklepne povezave med matico 20 in okrovom 97, npr. z vstavitvijo šesterokotne matice 20 v šesterokotno luknjo 974 v okrovu 97, nakar je matici 20 preprečen vsakršen zasuk. V ta namen je okrov 97 v območju prejema matice 20 npr. zavihtljivo zasnovan in v ta namen lahko obsega zavihtljiv pokrov ali vrata ali drug zavihtljiv ali položajno spremenljiv del 975 z vgrajeno šesterokotno odprtino 974 za prejem vanjo ohlapno prilegajoče se matice 20.Adjustment of the desired distance between the clutch pads 51, 52 of the clutch 5 is made possible simply by means of a thread 33, which is provided at the outside of the housing 97 of the extending end 34 of the axis 3, and of the nut 20, which is screwed onto said thread 33 and connected in a locked manner. with the housing 97 of the winch 99, so that it is reasonably mounted in the housing 97. When the housing 97 or at least part of it near the axis 3 is temporarily removable, it is possible to move the axis 3 axially in order to adjust the distance by twisting the nut 20 in an axial direction. between the friction linings 51, 52 of the clutch 5 on the drum 4 and the chain wheel 6. After adjusting the desired distance between the clutches 51, 52 of the clutch 5, the nut 20 is secured against movement by forming a locking connection between the nut 20 and the housing 97, e.g. by inserting the hex nut 20 into the hex hole 974 in the housing 97, and then preventing the nut 20 from rotating. For this purpose, the housing 97 in the receiving area of the nut 20, e.g. swivel-shaped and for this purpose may comprise a swivel cover or door or other swivel or position-adjustable portion 975 with a hexagonal opening 974 incorporated to receive a loosely adjustable nut 20.

Za doslej opisano delovanje vitla 99, namreč za premikanje bobna 4 vzdolž osi 3 s pomočjo cilindra 552 in bata 553, je potreben ustrezen hidravlični tokokrog oz. hidravlični agregat 50, ki je shematično ponazorjen na sl. 7 in 8 in omogoča alternativno krmiljenje delovanja zavore in sklopke 5 vitla 99. Ne glede na to, da zavora kot taka na skici ni posebej prikazana, bo vsakemu povprečnemu strokovnjaku nedvomno razumljivo, da je po izbiri uporabljiva poljubna izvedba bodisi tračne, kolutne ali druge zavore, ki jo je možno bodisi aktivirati ali deaktivirati s pomočjo cilindra 551, kije shematično ponazorjen na sl. 7 in 8.The operation of the winch 99 described so far, namely to move the drum 4 along the axis 3 by means of a cylinder 552 and a piston 553, requires a suitable hydraulic circuit or a. hydraulic unit 50, which is schematically illustrated in FIG. 7 and 8 and allows alternative control of the operation of the brake and clutch 5 of the winch 99. Whatever the brake as such is not shown separately in the sketch, it will no doubt be understood by any average expert that an optional embodiment of either a band, disc or other is applicable. a brake which can either be actuated or deactivated by means of a cylinder 551, which is schematically illustrated in FIG. 7 and 8.

Hidravlični agregat 50 vitla 99 po izumu, kakršen je prikazan na sl. 2, 7 in 8 in ki je vgradljiv neposredno v okrov 97 vitla 99, v prikazanem primeru pa je s pomočjo ustrezne prirobnice 96 in vijakov 95 pritrjen na verižnem prenosniku oz. reduktorju 98 (sl. 2), se očitno odlikuje po svoji preprosti izvedbi in priročnosti ter izjemno majhnih izmerah, in sicer navzlic temu, da omogoča npr. doseganje in vzdrževanje nadtlaka 100 bar in pretok hidravličnega medija 2 1/min pri pogonu črpalke s 540 miri1.The hydraulic unit 50 of the winch 99 according to the invention as shown in FIG. 2, 7 and 8, which can be mounted directly into the housing 97 of the winch 99 and, in the example shown, is secured to the chain gear or to the chain gear by means of a suitable flange 96 and screws 95. reducer 98 (Fig. 2) is clearly distinguished by its simple design and convenience and extremely small dimensions, despite the fact that it allows for e.g. achieving and maintaining an overpressure of 100 bar and a flow of hydraulic medium of 2 1 / min at pump operation with 540 mi 1 .

Kot je razvidno na sl. 2 in še zlasti tudi na sl. 7 in 8, hidravlični agregat 50 vitla 99 obsega batno črpalko 500, rezervoar 510 hidravličnega medija, tlačni akumulator 520, preklopni ventil 530 s protipovratnim ventilom 535, protipovratni ventil 540 in krmilni sklop 550, po izbiri pa tudi ustrezen merilnik tlaka oz. manometer 560. Pri tem so omenjeni sestavni deli med seboj hidravlično povezani na način, ki bo podrobneje opisan v nadaljevanju.As can be seen in FIG. 2 and in particular in FIG. 7 and 8, the hydraulic unit 50 of the winch 99 comprises a piston pump 500, a hydraulic medium reservoir 510, a pressure accumulator 520, a switch valve 530 with a non-return valve 535, a non-return valve 540 and a control assembly 550, and optionally a suitable pressure gauge or valve. manometer 560. The said components are hydraulically connected to each other in the manner described in more detail below.

Batna črpalka 500 sestoji iz ohišja 501, v katerem je na ekscentru 502, ki je v danem primeru povezan z neprikazano gredjo reduktorja 98 vitla 99, nameščena ojnica 503, ki je preko somika 504 zavihtljivo povezana z batom 505, ki je s pomočjo tesnila 506 s pripadajočim brisalcem 507 vstavljen v cilindru 508, ki smotrno predstavlja del omenjenega ohišja 501 in obsega ustrezen hidravlični priključek 509, skozi katerega v cilinder 508 oz. v območje ob čelni površini bata 505 vstopa ali izstopa hidravlični medij.The piston pump 500 consists of a housing 501 in which a crankcase 503 is mounted on the eccentric 502, which is optionally connected to the unspecified shaft of the reducer 98 of the winch 99, which is pivotally connected to the piston 505 by means of a seal 504, which is sealed by the seal 506 with the associated wiper 507 inserted in cylinder 508, which conveniently forms part of said housing 501 and comprises a corresponding hydraulic port 509 through which it is inserted into cylinder 508 or. hydraulic medium enters or exits into the area adjacent to the front surface of the piston 505.

Črpalka 500 je v območju omenjenega hidravličnega priključka 509 po eni strani preko protipovratnega ventila 540, ki prepušča hidravlični medij vstran od črpalke 500 proti slednji pa ne, hidravlično povezana tako z rezervoarjem 510 hidravličnega medija kot tudi s krmilnim sklopom 550, po drugi strani pa s preklopnim ventilom 530, in sicer preko njegovega protipovratnega ventila 535, ki prepušča hidravlični medij v smeri proti črpalki 500, v nasprotni smeri pa ne.The pump 500 is hydraulically connected to both the reservoir 510 of the hydraulic medium and the control unit 550 on the one hand via the non-return valve 540, which passes the hydraulic medium away from the pump 500 towards the latter. switch valve 530, through its non-return valve 535, which passes the hydraulic medium in the direction of the pump 500, but not in the opposite direction.

Preklopni ventil 530 obsega omenjen protipovratni ventil 535, ki je vgrajen v ohišju 531 preklopnega ventila 530, kot tudi bat 532, ki je s pomočjo vzmeti 533, v danem primeru tlačne vijačne vzmeti, pritisnjen v smeri proti omenjenemu protipovratnemu ventilu 535, pri čemer je omenjena vzmet 533 podprta z regulacijsko matico 534, ki je privita na ohišju 531. Preklopni ventil 530 je opremljen s tremi hidravličnimi priključki 536, 537, 538 za vstop/izstop hidravličnega medija v/iz ventil(a) 530. Prvi hidravlični priključek 536 je predviden v območju protipovratnega ventila 535 in dopušča zgolj izstop hidravličnega medija iz ohišja 531 ventila 530 navzven. Drugi hidravlični priključek 537 preklopnega ventila 530 je predviden v območju običajnega položaja bata 532, ko je slednji zahvaljujoč vzmeti 533 pomaknjen bližje protipovratnemu ventilu 535. Tretji hidravlični priključek 538 preklopnega ventilaThe switching valve 530 comprises said non-return valve 535 which is mounted in the housing 531 of the switching valve 530, as well as a piston 532, which is pressed in the direction of said non-return valve 535 by means of a spring 533, optionally a pressure screw spring. said spring 533 supported by a regulating nut 534 screwed onto the housing 531. The switch valve 530 is provided with three hydraulic ports 536, 537, 538 for entering / exiting the hydraulic medium into / from valve (a) 530. The first hydraulic port 536 is provided in the area of the non-return valve 535 and permits only the outlet of the hydraulic medium from the housing 531 of the valve 530. The second hydraulic port 537 of the switching valve 530 is provided in the area of the normal position of the piston 532 when, due to the spring 533, the latter is moved closer to the non-return valve 535. The third hydraulic port 538 of the switching valve

530 je razporejen v območju, ki ustreza položaju proti sili vzmeti 533 iz predhodno obravnavanega položaja v smeri vstran od protipovratnega ventila 535 premaknjenega bata 532.530 is arranged in the region corresponding to the force position of the spring 533 from the previously considered position in the direction away from the non-return valve 535 of the displaced piston 532.

Preklopni ventil 530 je v območju svojega prvega hidravličnega priključka 536 na predhodno že opisan način hidravlično povezan s črpalko 500 in hkrati preko protipovratnega ventila 540 tako s krmilnim sklopom 550 kot tudi s tlačnim akumulatorjem 520, ki je obenem hidravlično povezan s tretjim hidravličnim priključkom 538 preklopnega ventila 530. Nadalje je preklopni ventil 530 v območju svojega drugega hidravličnega priključka 537 hidravlično povezan z rezervoarjem 510 hidravličnega medija in sočasno tudi s krmilnim sklopom 550, medtem ko je povezava omenjenega priključka 537 s črpalko 500 in/ali prvim priključkom 536 onemogočena zahvaljujoč protipovratnemu ventilu 540.The switching valve 530 is hydraulically connected to the pump 500 in the area of its first hydraulic port 536 as previously described, and simultaneously to the control assembly 550 as well as to the pressure accumulator 520, which is hydraulically connected to the third hydraulic connection 538 of the switching valve 540. furthermore, the switching valve 530 is hydraulically connected to the reservoir 510 of the hydraulic medium and simultaneously to the control assembly 550 in the area of its second hydraulic port 537, while the connection of said port 537 to the pump 500 and / or the first port 536 is prevented by a non-return valve. 540.

Agregat 50 je v obravnavanem primeru opremljen tudi z merilnikom nadtlaka hidravličnega medija oz. manometrom 560, ki je vgrajen v hidravličnem tokokrogu med tlačnim akumulatorjem 520 in preklopnim ventilom 530, namreč tretjim priključkom 538 le-tega.In this case, the unit 50 is also equipped with a hydraulic pressure gauge or a hydraulic pressure gauge. pressure gauge 560, which is mounted in the hydraulic circuit between the pressure accumulator 520 and the switching valve 530, namely the third connection 538 thereof.

Za delovanje agregata 50 pri prej opisanem tlaku in pretoku hidravličnega medija načeloma zadostuje, če je kot protipovratni ventil 540 izbran standardni ventil G 1/4, kot protipovratni ventil 535 v preklopnem ventilu 530 pa standardni protipovratni ventil G 3/8.In principle, it is sufficient for the operation of the unit 50 at the pressure and flow of the hydraulic medium described above if a standard valve G 1/4 is selected as the non-return valve 540 and the standard non-return valve G 3/8 as the non-return valve 535 in the switching valve 530.

Krmilni sklop 550 v obravnavanem primeru sestoji iz cilindra 551 za krmiljenje zavore in cilindra 552 za krmiljenje sklopke, ki sta z relevantnimi deli hidravličnega agregata 50 vitla po izumu - kot bo to obrazloženo v nadaljevanju 18 povezana preko ustreznega krmilnega ventila oz. razvodnika 555, ki je na sl. 7 in 8 prikazan v izvedbi 4/3, t.j. s štirimi priključki in tremi možnimi položaji.The control assembly 550 in the present case consists of a brake control cylinder 551 and a clutch control cylinder 552, which are connected to the relevant parts of the hydraulic unit 50 of the winch according to the invention - as will be explained below 18 via a corresponding control valve or. of the manifold 555 in FIG. 7 and 8 shown in embodiment 4/3, i.e. with four connectors and three possible positions.

V obravnavanem hidravličnem agregatu 50 je batna črpalka 500 predvidena bodisi za sesanje ali tlačenje hidravličnega medija ali za vzdrževanje vnaprej določenega tlaka v ustreznem hidravličnem tokokrogu.In the hydraulic unit 50 under consideration, a piston pump 500 is provided for either suction or compression of the hydraulic medium or for maintaining a predetermined pressure in the corresponding hydraulic circuit.

Delovanje črpalke 500 v režimu sesanja hidravličnega medija je na sl. 7ponazorjeno s črtkano črto. Bat 505 v cilindru 508 ustvari podtlak, ki povzroči odprtje protipovratnega ventila 535 v preklopnem ventilu 530, kar privede do sesanja hidravličnega medija iz rezervoaija 510 skozi drugi priključek 537 preklopnega ventila 530 v smeri proti črpalki 500.The operation of the pump 500 in the suction mode of the hydraulic medium is shown in FIG. 7displaced by the dashed line. The piston 505 in cylinder 508 generates a pressure that causes the non-return valve 535 to open in the switch valve 530, which causes the hydraulic medium to be sucked out of the reservoir 510 through the second port 537 of the switch valve 530 toward the pump 500.

V režimu tlačnega delovanja črpalke 500 je pot hidravličnega medija na sl. 8 ponazorjena s črtkano črto. Bat 505 črpalke 500 v cilindru 508 komprimira hidravlični medij, ki skozi protipovratni ventil 540 vstopa v tlačni akumulator 520. Ko tlak v sistemu doseže vnaprej določeno vrednost, npr. 100 bar, ki se jo nastavi s pomočjo regulacijske matice 534 oz. prednapetja vzmeti 533 v preklopnem ventilu 530, pride do samodejnega prekrmiljenja oz. preklopa ventila 530, pri čemer se bat 532 proti sili vzmeti 533 premakne v smeri proti matici 534 oz. vstran od protipovratnega ventila 535.In the pressure mode of pump 500, the hydraulic medium path in FIG. 8 illustrated with a dashed line. The piston 505 of the pump 500 in cylinder 508 compresses the hydraulic medium which enters the pressure accumulator 520 through the non-return valve 540. When the pressure in the system reaches a predetermined value, e.g. 100 bar, which can be adjusted by means of the adjusting nut 534 or. pre-tensioning the spring 533 in the switching valve 530; switching valve 530, whereby the piston 532 against the spring force 533 moves in the direction of the nut 534 or. away from the check valve 535.

Ko je v hidravličnem tokokrogu dosežen vnaprej določen tlak, lahko s premikanjem krmilnega ventila 555, ki je v splošnem lahko mehansko ali električno ali drugače električno krmiljen, po izbiri dovajamo hidravlični medij enemu ali drugemu porabniku oz. cilindru 551, 552 oz. ta medij od ondod vračamo v hidravlični tokokrog. Kadar ni aktiviran noben potrošnik, t.j. cilinder 551 ali 552, je zaradi tlaka v sistemu protipovratni ventil 535 preklopnega ventila 530 odprt, hidravlični medij pa teče v taisti smeri kot v primeru sesalnega režima črpalke po sl. 7. V tem primeru sicer zaradi nenehnega oscilatomega gibanja bata 505 v cilindru 508 črpalke 500 gladina hidravličnega medija v rezervoarju 510 sicer stalno niha, kar pa na delovanje agregata nima nikakršnega vpliva. Razen tega je omenjeno nihanje gladine mogoče v znatni meri ublažiti s preprostim ukrepom, namreč s preprostim predimenzioniranjem hidravličnih vodov. Po drugi strani v agregatu 50 praktično ni hidravličnih izgub, še zlasti pa nikakršnega segrevanja ali pregrevanja hidravličnega medija, ki bi po eni strani vodilo k razgradnji oz. staranju hidravličnega medija in s tem slabšanju njegovih karakteristik in po drugi strani k izpostavljenosti tveganjem poškodb in okvar delov agregata 50.When a predetermined pressure is reached in the hydraulic circuit, by moving the control valve 555, which can generally be mechanically or electrically or otherwise electrically controlled, the hydraulic medium can optionally be supplied to one or the other consumer or. cylinder 551, 552 oz. this medium is then returned to the hydraulic circuit. When no consumers are activated, i.e. cylinder 551 or 552, due to the system pressure, the non-return valve 535 of the switching valve 530 is open and the hydraulic medium is flowing in the same direction as in the case of the suction mode of the pump according to FIG. 7. In this case, due to the constant oscillatory motion of the piston 505 in the cylinder 508 of the pump 500, the level of the hydraulic medium in the tank 510 otherwise fluctuates, which in no way affects the operation of the unit. In addition, said surface fluctuations can be substantially mitigated by a simple measure, namely by simple over-dimensioning of hydraulic lines. On the other hand, there is virtually no hydraulic loss in the 50 unit, and in particular no heating or overheating of the hydraulic medium that would, on the one hand, lead to decomposition or failure. aging of the hydraulic medium, thereby impairing its characteristics and, in turn, exposing it to the risk of damage and damage to the parts of the unit 50.

Zgolj v ponazoritev prednosti tovrstne zasnove prijavitelj tudi navaja, da hidravlični agregat 50 za krmiljenje cilindra 551 zavore in cilindra 552 sklopke pri gozdarskem vitlu 99, pri čemer je v hidravličnem tokokrogu agregata 50 predviden tlak 100 bar, črpalka 500 s kapaciteto prečrpavanja 2 1 hidravličnega medija v minuti pa je gnana z gredjo, ki se vrti s 540 vrtljaji v minuti, za nemoteno delovanje potrebuje vsega 0,5 1 hidravličnega medija. Vse te značilnosti predloženega izuma vodijo k rešitvi, ki je tako z vidika dimenzij, števila sestavnih delov in količine hidravličnega medija izjemno primerna ne le a uporabo pri gozdarskih vitlih, marveč tudi npr. za krmiljenje drugih naprav preko razmeroma skromnih porabnikov hidravličnega medija.For the sake of illustration of the advantages of such a design, the applicant also states that hydraulic unit 50 for controlling the brake 551 and clutch cylinder 552 at the winch 99, where a pressure of 100 bar is provided in the hydraulic circuit of unit 50, a pump 500 with a pumping capacity of 2 1. however, it is driven by a shaft rotating at 540 rpm and requires only 0.5 1 hydraulic medium to run smoothly. All of these features of the present invention lead to a solution which, in terms of dimensions, number of components and amount of hydraulic medium, is extremely suitable not only for use in forestry winches, but also e.g. for controlling other devices through relatively modest consumers of hydraulic media.

Claims (23)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Vitel z izboljšanim hidravličnim sklopom za upravljanje sklopke in zavore, pri čemer tovrstni vitel (99) v osnovi sestoji iz okrova (97) z zaščitno mrežo (94) in vsaj eno vrvenico (971, 972) za vodenje vlečne vrvi (970), za katere navijanje oz. odvijanje je na voljo v omenjenem okrovu (97) razpoložljiv navijalni boben (4), in sicer je v okrovu (97) nameščena os (3), na kateri je okoli slednje prosto vrtljivo in glede na omenjeno os (3) aksialno nepremakljivo nameščeno s pomočjo vsakokrat razpoložljivega traktorskega pogona gnano verižno kolo (6), na katerem je nameščena ena torna obloga (52) sklopke (5) medtem ko je ob omenjenem verižnem kolesu (6) na taisti osi (3) prosto vrtljivo in v aksialni smeri bodisi proti sili ustrezne vzmeti (7) ali zahvaljujoč slednji sem ter tja premakljivo nameščen boben (4), na katerega proti omenjenemu verižnemu kolesu (6) obrnjeni čelni stranici (42) je nameščena za sodelovanje s prej omenjeno prvo torno oblogo (52) sklopke prirejena druga torna obloga (51) sklopke (5), tako da je po aktiviranju sklopke (5) z vzpostavitvijo stika med tornima oblogama (51, 52) boben (4) na osi (3) vrtljiv skupaj z verižnim kolesom (6), po deaktiviranju sklopke (5) pa se zahvaljujoč sili omenjene vzmeti (7) torni oblogi (51, 52) samodejno razmakneta, in pri čemer je boben (4) premakljiv s pomočjo hidravličnega agregata (50), ki obsega vsaj rezervoar (510) hidravličnega medija, črpalko (500) za zagotavljanje potrebnega tlaka hidravličnega medija in krmilni sklop (550), sestoječ iz vsaj enega krmilnega ventila (555) in vsaj enega cilindra (551, 552) s pripadajočim batom (553), označen s tem, da je na osi (3) nameščen sestav soosno drug v drugega vstavljivih hidravličnega bata (553) in cilindra (552), ki sta razporejena med bobnom (4) in okrovom (97) vitla (99), pri čemer je cilinder (552) preko dovoda (5528) hidravličnega medija vključen v hidravlični tokokrog hidravličnega agregata (50), v katerem je vključena batna črpalka (500), ki je po eni strani preko protipovratnega ventila (540), ki prepušča hidravlični medij v smeri vstran od črpalke (500), v smeri proti črpalki (500) pa ne, povezana s krmilnim sklopom (550) in rezervoaijem (510) hidravličnega medija, po drugi strani pa bodisi preko preklopnega ventila (530), ki obsega protipovratni ventil (335), ki prepušča hidravlični medij v smeri proti črpalki (500), v nasprotni smeri pa ne, zaporedno povezana v hidravlični tokokrog skupaj s tlačnim akumulatorjem (520) in prej omenjenim protipovratnim ventilom (540), ali v primeru prekoračitve vnaprej določenega tlaka zahvaljujoč samodejnemu prekrmiljenju preklopnega ventila (530) v hidravlični tokokrog, ki vključuje omenjeno črpalko (500), preklopni ventil (530), krmilni sklop (550) in omenjeni protipovratni ventil (540) v zaporedni vezavi.A winch with an improved hydraulic assembly for controlling the clutch and the brake, wherein such a winch (99) consists essentially of a housing (97) with a safety net (94) and at least one rope (971, 972) for guiding the tow rope (970) , for which winding or. the winding drum (4) is available in said casing (97); an axle (3) is mounted in the casing (97) on which the latter is freely rotatable and axially fixed with respect to said axis (3). by means of a tractor drive actuator, a drive chain wheel (6) on which one friction clutch (52) of the clutch (5) is mounted, while at the said chain wheel (6) it is freely rotatable in the axial direction (3) or in the axial direction or anti-axially by means of a suitable spring (7) or, thanks to the latter, a drum (4) movably mounted thereon, to which a second clutch face (52) is arranged against said chain wheel (6) facing the front face (42) to engage with the aforementioned first clutch friction liner (52) the friction clutch (51) of the clutch (5), so that after the clutch (5) is actuated by contacting the friction cladding (51, 52), the drum (4) on the axle (3) is rotated together with the chain wheel (6), after deactivation the clutches (5), thanks to the force of the mentions the springs (7) of the friction liner (51, 52) are automatically spaced apart, and the drum (4) is movable by means of a hydraulic unit (50) comprising at least a reservoir (510) of a hydraulic medium, a pump (500) to provide the required pressure hydraulic medium and control assembly (550), comprising at least one control valve (555) and at least one cylinder (551, 552) with associated piston (553), characterized in that the assembly (3) is arranged coaxially with each other in a second insertable hydraulic piston (553) and a cylinder (552) disposed between the drum (4) and the winch (99) housing (99), the cylinder (552) being included in the hydraulic circuit of the hydraulic medium via the hydraulic medium inlet (5528) an aggregate (50) comprising a piston pump (500) which, on the one hand, is not through the non-return valve (540), which passes the hydraulic medium away from the pump (500), but not in the direction towards the pump (500); connected to the steering assembly (550) and the hydraulic reservoir (510) by means of a medium, on the other hand, either by means of a switching valve (530) comprising a non-return valve (335) which passes the hydraulic medium in the direction of the pump (500) but not in the opposite direction, connected in series with the hydraulic circuit together with the pressure accumulator (520) and the aforementioned non-return valve (540), or in the event of a predetermined pressure exceeding due to the automatic switching of the switching valve (530) into a hydraulic circuit including said pump (500), switching valve (530), control unit (550) and said non-return valve (540) in series connection. 2. Vitel po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, daje v cilinder (552) s slednjim soosno vstavljiv bat (553) zasnovan kot enovita stopničasta cilindrična puša z osrednje razporejeno, z osjo (3) bobna (4) vitla (99) soosno osrednjo cilindrično luknjo (5530), in obsega cilindrično zunanjo površino (5531) večjega premera, prav tako cilindrično zunanjo površino (5532) manjšega premera in med omenjenima površinama (5531, 5532) razporejeno čelno površino (5533), in da kot enovita stopničasta puša zasnovan cilinder (552) obsega notranjo cilindrično površino (5522) manjšega premera, notranjo cilindrično površino (5521) večjega premera in med slednjima razporejeno čelno površino (5523), v območju katere je predviden dovod (5528) hidravličnega medija, pri čemer je omenjena notranja površina (5522) cilindra (552) opremljena z vsaj enim tesnilom (5524) in prirejena za sodelovanje z omenjeno zunanjo površino (5532) bata (553), medtem ko je preostala notranja površina (5521) cilindra (552) opremljena z vsaj enim tesnilom (5525) in vsaj enim brisalcem (5526) ter prirejena za sodelovanje z omenjeno zunanjo površino (5531) bata (553), tako da je delovni prostor, v katerega je možno dovesti hidravlični medij, omejen z zunanjo površino (5532) in čelno površino (5533) bata (553) po eni strani ter z notranjo površino (5521) in notranjo čelno površino (5523) cilindra (552) po drugi strani.Winch according to claim 1, characterized in that the coaxially insertable piston (553) is designed as a single stepped cylindrical sleeve centrally arranged with the axle (3) of the winch (99) coaxially central in the cylinder (552) with the latter. a cylindrical hole (5530), comprising a cylindrical outer surface (5531) of a larger diameter, also a cylindrical outer surface (5532) of a smaller diameter and a front surface (5533) arranged between said surfaces (5531, 5532), and designed as a single stepped bush. the cylinder (552) comprises an inner cylindrical surface (5522) of a smaller diameter, an inner cylindrical surface (5521) of a larger diameter, and a front face (5523) arranged between the two, in the area of which a hydraulic medium inlet (5528) is provided, said internal surface (5522) of the cylinder (552) provided with at least one seal (5524) and adapted to cooperate with said outer surface (5532) of the piston (553) while the remaining inner surface (5521) is ndra (552) provided with at least one seal (5525) and at least one eraser (5526) and adapted to cooperate with said outer surface (5531) of the piston (553) so that the working space into which the hydraulic medium can be fed is restricted with the outer surface (5532) and the face (5533) of the piston (553) on the one hand, and the inner surface (5521) and the inner face (5523) of the cylinder (552) on the other. 3. Vitel po zahtevku 2, označen s tem, da sta zunanji površini (5531, 5532) bata (553) gladki, še zlasti kromirani in polirani.Winch according to claim 2, characterized in that the outer surfaces (5531, 5532) of the piston (553) are smooth, in particular chromed and polished. 4. Vitel po zahtevku 2 ali 3, označen s tem, da je na čelni površini (5523) cilindra (552) v območju dovoda (5528) hidravličnega medija predvidena poglobitev (5529).A winch according to claim 2 or 3, characterized in that a recess (5529) is provided on the front surface (5523) of the cylinder (552) in the area of the inlet (5528) of the hydraulic medium. 5. Vitel po zahtevku 4, označen s tem, da je poglobitev (5529) na voljo kot obodno potekajoč utor.The winch according to claim 4, characterized in that the recess (5529) is available as a circumferential groove. 6. Vitel po enem od zahtevkov 2 do 5, označen s tem, da je dovod (5528) tlačnega medija v delovni prostor med cilindrom (552) in batom (553) povezan z obodno zunanjo površino (5527) cilindra (552).The winch according to one of claims 2 to 5, characterized in that the inlet (5528) of the pressure medium into the working space between the cylinder (552) and the piston (553) is connected to the circumferential outer surface (5527) of the cylinder (552). 7. Vitel po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označen s tem, daje cilinder (522) oprt na proti njemu obrnjeni čelni površini proti njemu s pomočjo vzmeti (7) pritisnjenega navijalnega bobna (4).Winch according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the cylinder (522) is supported on the front face facing it by means of a spring (7) of a pressed winding drum (4). 8. Vitel po zahtevku 7, označen s tem, da je cilinder (522) posredno oprt na proti njemu obrnjeni čelni površini proti njemu s pomočjo vzmeti (7) pritisnjenega navijalnega bobna (4).The winch according to claim 7, characterized in that the cylinder (522) is indirectly supported on the front face facing it by means of a spring (7) of a pressed winding drum (4). 9. Vitel po zahtevku 8, označen s tem, da je cilinder (522) vsaj preko distančnika (9) oprt na proti njemu obrnjeni čelni površini proti njemu s pomočjo vzmeti (7) pritisnjenega navijalnega bobna (4).The winch according to claim 8, characterized in that the cylinder (522) is supported, at least through a spacer (9), facing the front surface against it by means of a spring (7) of a pressed winding drum (4). 10. Vitel po zahtevku 9, označen s tem, da je cilinder (522) vsaj preko ustreznega distančnika (9) in aksialnega ležaja (9) posredno oprt na proti njemu obrnjeni čelni površini proti njemu s pomočjo vzmeti (7) pritisnjenega navijalnega bobna (4).The winch according to claim 9, characterized in that the cylinder (522) is indirectly supported on the front facing surface by means of a spring (7) of a pressed drum (7) at least through a suitable spacer (9) and an axial bearing (9). 4). 11. Vitel po enem od zahtevkov 5 do 10, označen s tem, daje bat (553) cilindra (552) oprt ob regulacijsko matico (20), ki je zaradi varovanja proti vrtenju oblikosklepno povezana z okrovom (97) vitla (99) in je smiselno vgrajena v delu (975) tega okrova (97), pri čemer je omenjena matica (20) privita na navoju (33), kije na voljo na skozi bat (553) potekajočem koncu (34) osi (3).Winch according to one of Claims 5 to 10, characterized in that the piston (553) of the cylinder (552) is supported against the adjusting nut (20), which is connected to the casement (97) of the winch (99) in order to protect against rotation. is reasonably mounted in part (975) of this housing (97), said nut (20) being screwed onto a thread (33), which is available at the through end (34) of the axis (3) through the piston (553). 12. Vitel po zahtevku 11, označen s tem, da je matica (20) izvedena kot šesterokotna matica, ki je ohlapno prilegajoče se vstavljiva v šesterokotno luknjo (974) v odvihtljivo ali drugače položajno spremenljivega dela (975) okrova (97) vitla (99).A winch according to claim 11, characterized in that the nut (20) is made as a hexagon nut, which is loosely fitable into a hexagonal hole (974) in the swivel or otherwise variable part (975) of the winch housing (97). 99). 13. Vitel po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označen s tem, da batna črpalka (500) hidravličnega agregata (50) sestoji iz ohišja (501), v katerem je nameščena ojnica (503), ki je preko somika (504) zavihtljivo povezana z batom (505), ki je s pomočjo tesnila (506) s pripadajočim brisalcem (507) vstavljen v cilindru (508), ki smotrno predstavlja del omenjenega ohišja (501) in obsega ustrezen hidravlični priključek (509) za dovod oz. hidravličnega medija v cilinder (508) oz. v območje ob čelni površini bata (505) oz. od ondod.A winch according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the piston pump (500) of the hydraulic unit (50) consists of a housing (501) in which a connecting rod (503) is mounted, which is pivotally connected to the screw (504). a piston (505) which is inserted into a cylinder (508) by means of a gasket (506) with an associated wiper (507), which conveniently represents part of said housing (501) and comprises a suitable hydraulic connection (509) for the inlet or outlet. hydraulic medium into the cylinder (508) or. into the area near the front surface of the piston (505) or. from there. 14. Vitel po zahtevku 13, označen s tem, da je omenjeni ekscenter (502) mehansko povezan z eno od gredi reduktorja (98) vitla (99).Winch according to claim 13, characterized in that said eccentric (502) is mechanically connected to one of the shafts of the reducer (98) of the winch (99). 15. Vitel po enem zahtevku 13 ali 14, označen s tem, da preklopni ventil (530) hidravličnega agregata (50) obsega protipovratni ventil (535), ki je vgrajen v ohišju (531) preklopnega ventila (530) in prepušča hidravlični medij v smeri prti črpalki (500), v nasprotni smeri pa ne, kot tudi bat (532), ki je s pomočjo vzmeti (533), kije podprta z na ohišju (531) privito regulacijsko matico (534), pritisnjen v smeri proti omenjenemu protipovratnemu ventilu (535), pri čemer je omenjeni preklopni ventil (530) opremljen s tremi hidravličnimi priključki (536, 537, 538) za vstop in/ali izstop hidravličnega medija v oz. iz ventila (530), kjer jeWinch according to one of Claims 13 or 14, characterized in that the switching valve (530) of the hydraulic unit (50) comprises a non-return valve (535) which is mounted in the housing (531) of the switching valve (530) and passes the hydraulic medium into not in the direction of the pump (500), but not in the opposite direction, as well as the piston (532), which is pressed in the direction of said anti-return nut by means of a spring (533) supported by a screwed-in control nut (534) on the housing (531). valve (535), said switching valve (530) being provided with three hydraulic ports (536, 537, 538) for entering and / or leaving the hydraulic medium in or out. from the valve (530) where - prvi hidravlični priključek (536) predviden v območju protipovratnega ventila (535) in dopušča zgolj izstop hidravličnega medija iz ohišja (531) preklopnega ventila (530) navzven,- the first hydraulic connection (536) is provided in the area of the non-return valve (535) and allows only the hydraulic medium to exit from the housing (531) of the changeover valve (530) outwards, - drugi hidravlični priključek (537) ventila (530) je predviden v območju običajnega položaja bata (532), ko je slednji zahvaljujoč vzmeti (533) pomaknjen bližje protipovratnemu ventilu (535), medtem ko je- the second hydraulic connection (537) of the valve (530) is provided in the region of the normal position of the piston (532), when the latter is moved closer to the non-return valve (535) by virtue of the spring (533), - tretji hidravlični priključek (538) ventila (530) razporejen v območju, ki ustreza položaju proti sili vzmeti (533) iz prej omenjenega položaja v smeri vstran od protipovratnega ventila (535) premaknjenega bata (532).- a third hydraulic connection (538) of the valve (530) arranged in a region corresponding to the force against the spring force (533) from the aforementioned position in the direction away from the non-return valve (535) of the displaced piston (532). 16. Vitel po zahtevku 15, označen s tem, da je vzmet (533) na voljo kot tlačna vijačna vzmet.Winch according to claim 15, characterized in that the spring (533) is available as a pressure coil spring. 17. Vitel po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 13 do 6, označen s tem, daje preklopni ventil (530) hidravličnega agregata (50) v območju svojega prvega hidravličnega priključka (536) hidravlično povezan s črpalko (500) in hkrati preko protipovratnega ventila (540) tako s krmilnim sklopom (550) kot tudi s tlačnim akumulatorjem (520), ki je obenem hidravlično povezan s tretjim hidravličnim priključkom (538) preklopnega ventila (530).A winch according to any one of claims 13 to 6, characterized in that the switching valve (530) of the hydraulic unit (50) is hydraulically connected to the pump (500) and simultaneously via a non-return valve (540) in the area of its first hydraulic connection (536). with both the control assembly (550) and the pressure accumulator (520), which is simultaneously hydraulically connected to the third hydraulic connection (538) of the switching valve (530). 18. Vitel po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 13 do 17, označen s tem, daje preklopni ventil (530) hidravličnega agregata (50) v območju svojega drugega hidravličnega priključka (537) hidravlično povezan z rezervoarjem (510) hidravličnega medija in sočasno tudi s krmilnim sklopom (550), medtem ko je povezava omenjenega priključka (537) s črpalko (500) in/ali prvim priključkom (536) onemogočena zahvaljujoč protipovratnemu ventilu (540).A winch according to any one of claims 13 to 17, characterized in that the switching valve (530) of the hydraulic unit (50) is hydraulically connected to the reservoir (510) of the hydraulic medium and simultaneously to the control assembly in the area of its second hydraulic connection (537). (550), while the connection of said port (537) to the pump (500) and / or the first port (536) is disabled due to the non-return valve (540). 19. Vitel po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 13 do 18, označen s tem, da hidravlični agregat (50) obsega vsaj en merilnik (560) tlaka, ki je vgrajen v hidravličnem tokokrogu med tlačnim akumulatoijem (520) in preklopnim ventilom (530), namreč tretjim priključkom (538) le-tega.19. A winch according to any one of claims 13 to 18, characterized in that the hydraulic unit (50) comprises at least one pressure gauge (560) which is mounted in the hydraulic circuit between the pressure accumulator (520) and the switch valve (530), viz. the third connector (538) thereof. 20. Vitel po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 13 do 19, označen s tem, da krmilni sklop (550) hidravličnega agregata (50) sestoji iz krmilnega ventila (555) in vsaj enega cilindra (551, 552), ki je preko omenjenega ventila (555) povezljiv s hidravličnim tokokrogom, v katerem je neposredno ali posredno preko tlačnega akumulatorja (520) vključena batna črpalka (500).Winch according to any one of claims 13 to 19, characterized in that the control unit (550) of the hydraulic unit (50) consists of a control valve (555) and at least one cylinder (551, 552) which is via said valve (555) ) connected to a hydraulic circuit in which a piston pump (500) is connected directly or indirectly through a pressure accumulator (520). 21. Vitel po zahtevku 20, označen s tem, da krmilni sklop (550) hidravličnega agregata (50) sestoji iz vzporedno hidravlično vezanih cilindra (551) za krmiljenje zavore gozdarskega vitla (99) in cilindra (552) za krmiljenje sklopke (5) gozdarskega vitla (99), ki sta z vsakokrat ustreznim hidravličnim tokokrogom, v katerem je neposredno ali posredno preko tlačnega akumulatorja (520) vključena batna črpalka (500), povezljiva preko krmilnega ventila (555).A winch according to claim 20, characterized in that the control unit (550) of the hydraulic unit (50) consists of a parallel hydraulic cylinder (551) for controlling the brake of the forestry winch (99) and a cylinder (552) for controlling the clutch (5). a winch (99), each being provided with a suitable hydraulic circuit in which a piston pump (500), directly or indirectly via a pressure accumulator (520), is connected via a control valve (555). 22. Agregat po zahtevku 21, označen s tem, da je krmilni ventil (555) hidravličnega agregata (50) na voljo kot električno krmiljen 4/3 razvodnik, namreč kot tripoložajni ventil s štirimi hidravličnimi priključki.The unit according to claim 21, characterized in that the control valve (555) of the hydraulic unit (50) is available as an electrically controlled 4/3 manifold, namely as a three-position valve with four hydraulic connections. 23. Agregat po zahtevku 21, označen s tem, da je krmilni ventil (555) hidravličnega agregata (50) na voljo kot mehansko krmiljen 4/3 razvodnik, namreč kot tripoložajni ventil s štirimi hidravličnimi priključki.The unit according to claim 21, characterized in that the control valve (555) of the hydraulic unit (50) is available as a mechanically controlled 4/3 manifold, namely as a three-position valve with four hydraulic connections.
SI200600224A 2006-04-14 2006-09-27 Winch with enhanced hydraulic block for clutch and break control SI22253A (en)

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SI200600224A SI22253A (en) 2006-04-14 2006-09-27 Winch with enhanced hydraulic block for clutch and break control
DE200720005267 DE202007005267U1 (en) 2006-04-14 2007-04-10 Winch with improved hydraulic assembly for clutch and brake control

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SI200600097A SI22252A (en) 2006-04-14 2006-04-14 Winch, in particular forestry winch with enhanced winding drum axis clamping
SI200600148A SI22295A (en) 2006-06-16 2006-06-16 Hydraulic assembly for controlling the clutch and the brake of a forestry winch
SI200600212A SI22324A2 (en) 2006-06-16 2006-09-15 Hydraulic assembly for moving the clutch with a forestry winch
SI200600224A SI22253A (en) 2006-04-14 2006-09-27 Winch with enhanced hydraulic block for clutch and break control

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SI25547B (en) * 2017-11-10 2022-01-31 Tajfun Planina Proizvodnja Strojev, D.O.O. Hydraulic control for steering the winding drum with a clutch and brake in the forestry winch

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