SI21760A - Hanger for adjustable wall-mounting of furniture, particularly hanging one and procedure of hanging furniture onto it - Google Patents

Hanger for adjustable wall-mounting of furniture, particularly hanging one and procedure of hanging furniture onto it Download PDF


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SI21760A SI200500114A SI200500114A SI21760A SI 21760 A SI21760 A SI 21760A SI 200500114 A SI200500114 A SI 200500114A SI 200500114 A SI200500114 A SI 200500114A SI 21760 A SI21760 A SI 21760A
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Slovenian (sl)
Vojko Tavčar
Miloslav Kranjc
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Al D.O.O.
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Application filed by Al D.O.O. filed Critical Al D.O.O.
Priority to SI200500114A priority Critical patent/SI21760A/en
Publication of SI21760A publication Critical patent/SI21760A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2006/000010 priority patent/WO2006112799A1/en



    • A47B95/00Fittings for furniture
    • A47B95/008Suspension fittings for cabinets to be hung on walls


  • Supports Or Holders For Household Use (AREA)
  • Holders For Apparel And Elements Relating To Apparel (AREA)


The hanger for adjustable wall-mounting of furniture is aimed at mounting wall furniture to the wall, while providing simple and precise three-dimensional adjustment of its position and thus compensation of irregularities of the holes for the fastening screws as well as wall smoothness. The hanger according to the invention consists of two basic parts: a wall part (1), steadfastly attached to the wall (4) and a furniture part (2), steadfastly attached to the furniture (3) along the external back so that it does not interfere with it and does not affect its interior. With the help of (at least) two furniture parts (2) the wall furniture can be attached to the corresponding wall parts (1) thus attaching furniture to the required location on the wall. The furniture part (2) includes a mechanism which enables a fine adjustment of its position and thus the position against the wall part (1) in the vertical direction as well as the direction perpendicular to the wall (3). The fine adjustment in the horizontal direction is provided by hanging the furniture part (2) to the wall part (1) hung movably in the horizontal direction.



Predmet izuma je obešalo, ki služi pritrjevanju pohištva, zlasti visečega, npr. visečih kuhinjskih elementov, na stene. V te namene so v uporabi različne izvedbe pritrdil oziroma obešal, vsem skupen pa je vijak, privit v steno oz. bolj točno v vložek iz plastičnega materiala, vtaknjen v za to narejeno izvrtino v zidu. Pri montaži omenjenega stenskega pohištva je torej treba najprej v steno zvrtati ustrezno število lukenj, v katere se nato vstavi omenjene plastične vložke. Ker se vrtanje izvaja praviloma z ročnimi električnimi vrtalnimi strojčki, je točnost pozicioniranja izvrtin problematična, saj sveder med vrtanjem zlahka za nekaj milimetrov zanese. Posledica takšne netočnosti pa je, da so stenski pohištveni elementi montirani netočno, in sicer tako v smislu vodoravnosti, kakor tudi v smislu medsebojnega bočnega prileganja ter prileganja po višini. Zaradi teh problemov so se na tržišču uveljavili pritrdilni elementi, ki omogočajo kompenzacijo določene mere netočnosti zvrtanih lukenj za plastične vložke. Eden takšnih elementov je kotnik za pritrjevanje pohištva po patentu SE 408451 (prijavitelj IKEA SVENSKA AB, izumitelj VVeberg B.). Večina obstoječih pritrdilnih elementov pa ne more kompenzirati neravnosti površine stene, na katero pohištvo pritrjujemo, torej ti elementi ne omogočajo prilagoditve pohištva v smeri pravokotno na steno. Tisti, ki to omogočajo, pa so komplicirane izvedbe, neestetskega videza, zavzemajo razmeroma veliko prostora, ter kot taki dragi.The object of the invention is a hanger that serves to fasten furniture, especially hanging furniture, e.g. hanging kitchen elements on the walls. For this purpose, different versions of fasteners or hangers are used, and all of them have a screw, screwed into the wall or. more precisely into a plastic material insert plugged into a hole made in the wall. When installing said wall furniture, it is therefore necessary to first drill a sufficient number of holes into the wall, into which said plastic inserts are then inserted. Because drilling is generally done with manual electric drill bits, the accuracy of the positioning of the holes is problematic, since the drill bit can easily fall by a few millimeters during drilling. The consequence of such inaccuracy is that the wall furniture elements are mounted inaccurately, both in terms of horizontal, as well as in terms of lateral and lateral alignment. Due to these problems, fasteners have been introduced on the market to compensate for a certain degree of inaccuracy in the holes for plastic inserts. One such element is the furniture mounting bracket according to patent SE 408451 (Applicant IKEA SVENSKA AB, inventor of VEberg B.). However, most existing fasteners cannot compensate for the unevenness of the wall surface to which the furniture is fastened, so these elements do not allow the furniture to be adjusted in a direction perpendicular to the wall. Those who do, however, have complicated designs that are aesthetically pleasing, take up a great deal of space, and are expensive as such.

Obešalo za pritrjevanje pohištva na stene po izumu navedene pomanjkljivosti odpravlja, torej omogoča kompenzacijo tako netočnosti izvrtin za pritrdilne vijake, kakor tudi neravnosti površine stene (tridimenzionalna, v nadaljevanju 3D, nastavitev lege pohištva), pri čemer je kompaktne izvedbe, zaradi česar je v primerjavi z obstoječimi obešali bistveno manjših dimenzij, tako da je povsem skrito med pohištvom in steno in ne posega v estetsko podobo pohištva. Poleg tega na enostaven način omogoča zelo natančno in zvezno 3D nastavitev lege pohištva ter njegovo pritrditev na steno.According to the invention, the hanger for fixing the furniture to the walls eliminates the aforementioned disadvantages, thus compensating for the inaccuracies of the holes for the fastening screws as well as the unevenness of the wall surface (three-dimensional, hereinafter referred to as 3D, adjusting the position of the furniture), which makes it compact in comparison. with existing hangers of significantly smaller dimensions, so that it is completely hidden between the furniture and the wall and does not interfere with the aesthetic appearance of the furniture. In addition, the 3D positioning of the furniture and its attachment to the wall are very easy and precise in a simple way.

Izum bo podrobneje opisan na izvedbenem primeru in prikazan na skicah, ki prikazujejo:The invention will be described in more detail in the embodiment and shown in the drawings showing:

Sl. 1 Pogled od zadaj (s strani stene) na obešalo po izumu;FIG. 1 Rear view (from the side of the wall) of the hanger according to the invention;

Sl. 2 Prerez po liniji A-A s Sl. 1;FIG. 2 is a cross-section along line A-A of FIG. 1;

Sl. 3 Stenski del (1) obešala po izumu v prerezu po liniji C-C s Sl. 5;FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of the wall portion (1) of the invention in cross-section along line C-C of FIG. 5;

Sl. 4 Pogled od zgoraj na stenski del obešala po izumu;FIG. 4 is a top view of the wall portion of the hanger according to the invention;

Sl. 5 Prerez po liniji B-B preko stenskega dela obešala po izumu.FIG. 5 Section B-B cross-section through the wall section of the hanger according to the invention.

Sl. 6 Vzdolžni prerez prerez sklopa ekscenter-vreteno;FIG. 6 Longitudinal section cross-section of the eccentric spindle assembly;

Sl. 7 Cilindrično matico (12) v vzdolžnem prerezu.FIG. 7 Cylindrical nut (12) in longitudinal section.

Obešalo po izumu za nastavljivo pritrjevanje pohištva na stene je sestavljeno iz dveh osnovnih delov: stenskega dela (1), nepremično pritrjenega na steno (4) ter pohištvenega dela (2), nepremično pritrjenega na pohištvo (3), in sicer ob zunanjo stran njegove hrbtne stene, tako da ne posega vanj in ne moti njegove notranjosti. S pomočjo (vsaj) dveh pohištvenih delov (2) obesimo stensko pohištvo na odgovarjajoča stenska dela (1) in ga tako pritrdimo na želeno mesto na steni. Pohištveni del (2) vsebuje mehanizem, ki omogoča fino nastavitev svoje lege - in s tem lege pohištva - napram stenskemu delu (1) v vertikalni smeri ter v smeri, pravokotni na steno (3). Fina nastavitev v horizontalni smeri pa je omogočena s tem, da je pohištveni del (2) na stenski del (1) obešen pomično v horizontalni smeri.The hanger according to the invention for adjustable mounting of furniture to the walls consists of two basic parts: a wall part (1) fixed to the wall (4) and a furniture part (2) fixed to the furniture (3), on the outside of its the back wall so that it does not interfere with or interfere with its interior. Using (at least) two pieces of furniture (2), we hang the wall furniture to the corresponding wall pieces (1) and secure it to the desired place on the wall. The furniture part (2) contains a mechanism which allows fine adjustment of its position - and thus the position of the furniture - against the wall part (1) in the vertical direction and in the direction perpendicular to the wall (3). Fine adjustment in the horizontal direction is made possible by hanging the furniture part (2) on the wall part (1) in a horizontal direction.

Stenski del (1) je izveden iz dveh pločevin, ploskoma postavljenih druga ob drugo: prednje pločevine (1.1) ter zadnje pločevine (1.2). Na steno (3) je stenski del (1) pritrjen, prednostno privijačeno tako, da je zadnja pločevina (1.2) ob steno postavljena ploskoma. Prednja pločevina (1.1) ima v svojem središčnem delu vertikalno orientiran utor (5), ki sega z zgornjim koncem do zgornjega roba (1.1.1) stenskega dela (1), s spodnjim koncem pa prehaja v horizontalni utor (6) z zaobljenima koncema (6.1) in (6.2). Pomembno je, da sta omenjeni pločevini na svojem osrednjem delu nekoliko, za nekaj milimetrov (reda velikosti 3 mm) razmaknjeni, s čimer je med njima vzpostavljena špranja (10), kar je možno izvesti na različne načine, najsmotrneje pa je izvedljivo tako, da je prednja pločevina (1.1) na tem delu izbočena. Pod horizontalnim utorom (6) in vzporedno z njegovim spodnjim robom je na zadnji strani prednje pločevine (1.1) izvedena polička (9).The wall part (1) is made of two sheets, side by side: the front panels (1.1) and the rear panels (1.2). The wall part (1) is fixed to the wall (3), preferably screwed so that the rear sheet (1.2) is placed flat against the wall. The front plate (1.1) has a vertically oriented groove (5) in its central part extending from the upper end to the upper edge (1.1.1) of the wall portion (1) and extending into the horizontal groove (6) with rounded ends with the lower end. (6.1) and (6.2). It is important that said sheets are spaced slightly apart at a few millimeters (3 mm in size), thus creating gaps (10) between them, which can be done in various ways, but most preferably by the front plate (1.1) is convex in this part. A shelf (9) is made below the horizontal groove (6) and parallel to its lower edge at the rear of the front sheet (1.1).

Fino nastavitev lege stenskega pohištva v navpični smeri omogoča ekscenter (7). Ekscenter, prednostno izdelan iz jeklene pločevine, je vrtljivo, okrog geometrijske osi (8), pritrjen na pohištveni del (2), ta pa je pritrjen na hrbtno stran viseče omarice, oz. bolj točno ob enega od obeh njenih zgornjih vogalov, pri čemer je ob sosednjem zgornjem vogalu pritrjen še en takšen element (kot je že bilo navedeno, sta za pritrditev enega kosa visečega pohištva potrebna dva obešala po izumu). Visečo omarico na steno pritrdimo tako, da jo z vsakokratnim ekscentrom (7) obesimo na odgovarjajoče obešalo, pritrjeno na ustrezno mesto na steni. Ekscenter (7) pri tem vpade v omenjeno špranjo (10) ter se spusti vse do poličke (9), na katero se nasloni in preko katere se prenaša na obešalo teža stenskega pohištva. Pri tem vertikalni utor (5) omogoča prehod vretena (11) ekscentra (7), vrtljivo pritrjenega v pohištvenem delu (2). Sukanje vretena (11) in s tem ekscentra (7) povzroči premikanje pohištvenega dela (2) in z njim viseče omarice v vertikalni smeri, pri čemer je velikost največjega možnega pomika enaka dvojni vrednosti ekscentričnosti (e). Sukanje vretena (11) je najlaže izvedljivo s ključem za vijake imbus. V ta namen ima vreteno (11) na svojem prostem koncu (to je konec, ki ni spojen z ekscentrom (7)) šestrobo votlino (11.1).Fine adjustment of the position of the wall furniture in a vertical direction is enabled by the eccentric (7). The eccentric, preferably made of sheet steel, is rotatably mounted around the geometric axis (8) to the furniture part (2), which is attached to the back of the hanging cabinet, respectively. more precisely at one of its two upper corners, with another such element attached to the adjacent upper corner (as previously stated, two hangers according to the invention are required to secure one piece of suspended furniture). Attach the hanging cabinet to the wall by hanging it with the respective eccentric (7) on the appropriate hanger, which is attached to the appropriate place on the wall. The eccentric (7) thus falls into said slot (10) and drops down to the shelf (9) on which it rests and through which the weight of the wall furniture is transferred to the hanger. In this case, the vertical groove (5) allows passage of the spindle (11) of the eccentric (7), which is pivotally fixed in the furniture part (2). Twisting the spindle (11) and thus the eccentric (7) causes the furniture part (2) and the cabinet to be moved in the vertical direction, with the maximum displacement being equal to twice the eccentricity value (e). Twisting of the spindle (11) is easiest with the Allen wrench. For this purpose, the spindle (11) has a hexagonal cavity (11.1) at its free end (i.e., the end not connected to the eccentric (7)).

Fino nastavitev lege stenskega pohištva v vodoravni smeri vzporedno s steno, na katero je pohištvo pritrjeno, omogoča utor (6) na prednji pločevini (1.1) obešala (1). Pohištveni del (2) se namreč lahko prosto premika vzdolž celotnega omenjenega utora, pri čemer ekscenter (7), ki kot je že bilo navedeno sloni na polički (9), drsi po njej. Da utor (6) ne bi omejeval opisane vertikalne nastavitve, je njegova širina, torej dimenzija v vertikalni smeri, enaka ali večja od vsote premera vretena (11) in maksimalnega možnega hoda pri vertikalni nastavitvi.The fine adjustment of the position of the wall furniture in a horizontal direction parallel to the wall to which the furniture is attached allows the groove (6) on the front panel (1.1) of the hanger (1). Namely, the furniture part (2) can be moved freely along the entire groove mentioned, with the eccentric (7) sliding on the shelf (9), as already mentioned. In order that the groove (6) does not restrict the vertical adjustment described, its width, that is, the dimension in the vertical direction, is equal to or greater than the sum of the diameter of the spindle (11) and the maximum possible stroke in the vertical adjustment.

Da bi bila omogočena fina nastavitev lege pohištva tudi v smeri, pravokotni na steno, s čimer se kompenzira njeno neravnost, je vreteno (11) in z njim ekscenter (7), v omenjeni smeri gibljivo napram pohištvenemu delu (2). V ta namen ima vreteno (11) na svojem prostem koncu zunanji navoj (11.2), s katerim je privito v cilindrično matico (12). Ta je vrtljivo vstavljena med pločevini (13 in 14), ki tvorita pohištveni del (2). Dolžina navoja (L) matice (12) je za razliko od standardnih matic manjša od višine matice (H), torej navoj (12.1) ne poteka skozi vso matico, pri čemer z iztekom omenjenega navoja votlina preide z okroglega v prerez oblike pravilnega n-terokotnika, prednostno šesterokotnika (12.2), katerega višina (S) je manjša od najmanjšega premera navoja (12.1). Na ta način je globina uvitja vretena (11) v matico (12) omejena in sicer z dolžino (L) navoja (12.1). Omenjena šesterokotna votlina matice je namenjena uporabi ključa za vijake Imbus za sukanje matice (12), s čimer se privija oz. odvija vreteno (11), kar povzroči primikanje viseče omarice k steni oz. odmikanje od nje, odvisno od smeri sukanja vretena, torej fino nastavitev njenega položaja v smeri, pravokotni na steno.In order to allow fine adjustment of the position of the furniture also in the direction perpendicular to the wall, which compensates for its unevenness, the spindle (11) and with it the eccentric (7) move in the said direction towards the furniture part (2). To this end, the spindle (11) at its free end has an outer thread (11.2) which is screwed into the cylindrical nut (12). It is rotatably inserted between the sheets (13 and 14) forming the furniture part (2). Unlike standard nuts, the thread length (L) of the nut (12) is smaller than the height of the nut (H), so the thread (12.1) does not pass through the entire nut, and by the expiry of said thread the cavity passes from a circular cross section to the shape of the regular n- a hexagon, preferably a hexagon (12.2) whose height (S) is smaller than the minimum thread diameter (12.1). In this way, the depth of twist of the spindle (11) into the nut (12) is limited by the length (L) of the thread (12.1). Said hexagon nuts is used to use the Allen wrench to twist the nuts (12) to tighten or tighten the nuts. unscrews the spindle (11), which causes the drift cabinet to move towards the wall or. moving away from it, depending on the direction of rotation of the spindle, ie fine-tuning its position in the direction perpendicular to the wall.

Poleg fine nastavitve lege stenskega pohištva, naprava po izumu ponuja tudi možnost fiksiranja pozicije pohištva. Predvsem zaradi dejstva, da eksceter (7) lahko prosto drsi po polički (9) vzdolž celotnega utora (6), je treba pohištvo po fini nastavitvi njegove lege v horizontalni in vertikalni smeri, v želenem položaju fiksirati. Za doseganje tega cilja je vreteno (11) votlo, v njegovi votlini pa je izveden notranji navoj (16), v katerega je uvit navojni zatič (15). Slednji ima svoj konec v smeri stene, na katero je pritrjeno stensko pohištvo, izoblikovan v ostro konico (15.1). Omenjeno fiksiranje se izvede tako, da navojni zatič (15) privijemo ob zadnjo steno (1.2) obešala (1), tako da obnjo s konico (15.1) močno pritisne oziroma se celo nekoliko zabode vanjo.In addition to fine-tuning the position of the wall furniture, the device according to the invention also offers the possibility of fixing the position of the furniture. Due to the fact that the exciter (7) can slide freely on the shelf (9) along the entire groove (6), the furniture must be fixed in the desired position after the fine adjustment of its position in the horizontal and vertical direction. To achieve this, the spindle (11) is hollow, and an internal thread (16) is provided in its cavity, into which a threaded pin (15) is wound. The latter has its end in the direction of the wall to which the wall furniture is attached, shaped into a sharp tip (15.1). The said fixing is carried out by screwing the threaded pin (15) against the back wall (1.2) of the hanger (1), so that it can be pressed firmly with the tip (15.1) or even slightly inserted into it.

Postopek obešanja stenskega pohištva in fine nastavitve njegove lege z uporabo naprave po izumu, je sledeč:The process of hanging wall furniture and fine-tuning its position using the device according to the invention is as follows:

1. Stenski del (1) pritrdimo na steno, pohištveni del (2) naprave po izumu pa na zunanjo stran zadnje stene omarice, katero želimo pritrditi na zid. Pri tem mora biti stenski del (1) orientiran z zadnjo pločevino (1.2) k steni, ustje utora (5) pa obrnjeno navzgor. Pohištveni del (2), v katerega je že vstavljeno vreteno (11) z ekscentrom (7) je orientiran z ekscentrom proti steni oz. proti stenskemu delu (1). Logično je, da se za vsak pohištveni element rabi dva ali v posebnih primerih več naprav po izumu, vendar bo postopek, ki je za vsako od njih enak, zaradi enostavnosti opisan le za en kos.1. Attach the wall part (1) to the wall and the furniture part (2) of the device according to the invention to the outside of the back wall of the cabinet to be mounted on the wall. The wall part (1) must be oriented with the back plate (1.2) towards the wall and the mouth of the groove (5) facing upwards. The furniture part (2), in which the spindle (11) with the eccentric (7) is already inserted, is oriented with the eccentric against the wall or. against the wall part (1). It is logical that two or more devices according to the invention are used for each furniture element, but the procedure, which is identical for each of them, will be described for the sake of simplicity only for one piece.

2. Pohištveni element obesimo tako, da ekscenter (7) sede v utor (5).2. Hang the furniture element so that the eccentric (7) sits in the groove (5).

3. Fina nastavitev lege pohištva v vertikalni smeri: Izvede se tako, da sukamo ekscenter (7), pri čemer se pohištvo dviga ali spušča, dokler ne dosežemo želene višine lege.3. Fine adjustment of the furniture position in the vertical direction: Proceed by twisting the eccentric (7), with the furniture lifting or lowering until the desired height is reached.

4. Fino nastavitev lege pohištva v horizontalni smeri vzporedno s steno izvedemo tako, da ga v tej smeri enostavno premaknemo v želeni položaj. Pri tem se vreteno (11) premika v horizontalnem utoru (6), ekscenter (7) pa drsi po polički (9).4. To fine-tune the position of the furniture in the horizontal direction, parallel to the wall, by simply moving it in the desired position in this direction. The spindle (11) moves in a horizontal groove (6) and the eccentric (7) slides on the shelf (9).

5. Ko pohištvo zavzame želeno lego kot je bilo opisano v 3. in 4. točki, ga je v tej legi treba fiksirati, sicer bi se lahko premikalo horizontalno ob steni po vsej dolžini horizontalnega utora (6). Fiksiranje izvedemo s pomočjo navojnega zatiča (15), tako da ga privijemo ob zadnjo pločevino 1.2 obešala (1), pri čemer se zatič (15) s konico (15.1) nekoliko zarine v omenjeno pločevino in tako onemogoči premikanje pohištvenega dela (2) vzporedno s pločevino (1.2) in s tem premikanje pohištva vzporedno s steno.5. When the furniture occupies the desired position as described in points 3 and 4, it must be fixed in this position, otherwise it could move horizontally along the wall along the entire length of the horizontal groove (6). The fixing is carried out by means of a threaded pin (15) by screwing it to the rear plate 1.2 of the hanger (1), the pin (15) with the tip (15.1) being slightly inserted into said sheet, thus preventing the furniture part (2) from moving in parallel with the sheet (1.2) and thus moving the furniture parallel to the wall.

6. Fina nastavitev oddaljenosti pohištva od stene: Izvedemo jo s sukanjem matice (12), za kar v njeni prednostni izvedbi potrebujemo ključ Imbus.6. Fine adjustment of the distance of the furniture from the wall: It is made by twisting the nut (12), which in its preferred embodiment requires an Allen key.

Vse operacije, opisane v točkah 3. do 6. izvajamo iz notranjosti pohištva skozi izvrtino v njegovi hrbtni steni. Kot je že bilo omenjeno, je pohištveni del (2) pritrjen ob zunanjo stran hrbtne stene pohištva, tako da je na vidni, torej notranji strani hrbtne stene vidna le izvrtina premera reda velikosti 10 mm, ki omogoča dostop, sicer pa je notranjost pohištva tako vizualno kot tudi fizično povsem neokrnjena, torej naprava po izumu, poleg tega, da omogoča zelo precizno in enostavno 3D nastavitev lege pohištva, tudi pripomore k njegovemu boljšemu estetskemu videzu.All operations described in points 3 to 6 are performed from the inside of the furniture through a hole in its back wall. As mentioned above, the furniture part (2) is attached to the outside of the back wall of the furniture, so that only a hole of 10 mm diameter is visible on the inside of the back wall, allowing access, otherwise the interior of the furniture is thus visually as well as physically completely intact, the device according to the invention, in addition to providing a very precise and easy 3D adjustment of the position of the furniture, also contributes to its better aesthetic appearance.

Claims (7)

1. Obešalo za nastavljivo pritrjevanje pohištva, zlasti visečega, na stene označeno s tem, da je sestavljeno iz dveh osnovnih delov: stenskega dela (1), nepremično pritrjenega na steno (4) ter pohištvenega dela (2), nepremično pritrjenega na pohištvo (3), in sicer ob zunanjo stran njegove hrbtne stene, tako da ne posega vanj in ne moti njegove notranjosti, pri čemer pohištveni del (2) vsebuje mehanizem, ki omogoča fino nastavitev svoje lege - in s tem lege pohištva - napram stenskemu delu (1) v vertikalni smeri ter v smeri, pravokotni na steno (3), fina nastavitev v horizontalni smeri pa je omogočena s tem, da je pohištveni del (2) na stenski del (1) obešen pomično v horizontalni smeri.A hanger for adjustable mounting of furniture, in particular hanging items, to walls, characterized in that it consists of two basic parts: a wall part (1) fixed to the wall (4) and a furniture part (2) fixed to the furniture ( 3), on the outside of its back wall, so that it does not interfere with or interfere with its interior, the furniture part (2) having a mechanism allowing fine adjustment of its position - and thus the position of the furniture - against the wall part (3). 1) vertically and perpendicularly to the wall (3), and fine adjustment in the horizontal direction is made possible by hanging the furniture part (2) on the wall part (1) in a horizontal direction. 2. Obešalo po prvem zahtevku, označeno s tem, da je stenski del (1) izveden iz dveh pločevin, ploskoma postavljenih druga ob drugo: prednje pločevine (1.1) ter zadnje pločevine (1.2), pri čemer je na steno (3) pritrjen, prednostno privijačeno tako, da je zadnja pločevina (1.2) ob steno postavljena ploskoma, nadalje da ima prednja pločevina (1.1) v svojem središčnem delu vertikalno orientiran utor (5), ki sega z zgornjim koncem do zgornjega roba (1.1.1) stenskega dela (1), s spodnjim koncem pa prehaja v horizontalni utor (6) z zaobljenima koncema (6.1) in (6.2), da sta omenjeni pločevini na svojem osrednjem delu nekoliko, za nekaj milimetrov (reda velikosti 3 mm) razmaknjeni, s čimer je med njima vzpostavljena špranja (10), kar je prednostno izvedeno tako, da je prednja pločevina (1.1) na tem delu izbočena, ter da je pod horizontalnim utorom (6) in vzporedno z njegovim spodnjim robom na zadnji strani prednje pločevine (1.1) izvedena polička (9).Hanger according to the first claim, characterized in that the wall part (1) is made of two sheets, side by side: the front panels (1.1) and the rear panels (1.2), while being fixed to the wall (3) preferably screwed in such a way that the rear sheet (1.2) is flat against the wall, further that the front plate (1.1) has a vertically oriented groove (5) in its central part extending from the upper end to the upper edge (1.1.1) of the wall (1), and with the lower end, it passes into the horizontal groove (6) with the rounded ends (6.1) and (6.2) so that said sheets are spaced slightly, at a few millimeters (order of 3 mm), at their central part, thereby there is a slit (10) between them, which is preferably arranged so that the front sheet (1.1) is convex in this part and that it is below the horizontal groove (6) and parallel to its lower edge at the rear of the front sheet (1.1). derived shelf (9). 3. Obešalo po prvem zahtevku, označeno s tem, da fino nastavitev lege stenskega pohištva v navpični smeri omogoča ekscenter (7), ki je vrtljivo, okrog geometrijske osi (8), pritrjen na pohištveni del (2), saj sukanje vretena (11) in s tem ekscentra (7) povzroči premikanje pohištvenega dela (2) in z njim viseče omarice v vertikalni smeri, kajti viseča omarica je na steno pritrjena tako, da je z vsakokratnim ekscentrom (7) obešena na odgovarjajoče obešalo (za pritrditev ene omarice sta potrebna vsaj dva obešala po izumu), pritrjeno na ustrezno mesto na steni, pri čemer kscenter (7) pri vpade v špranjo (10) ter se spusti vse do poličke (9), na katero se nasloni in preko katere se prenaša na obešalo teža stenskega pohištva, pri čemer vertikalni utor (5) omogoča prehod vretena (11) ekscentra (7), vrtljivo pritrjenega v pohištvenem delu (2).Hanger according to the first claim, characterized in that the fine adjustment of the position of the wall furniture in a vertical direction enables an eccentric (7) to be rotated about the geometric axis (8) attached to the furniture part (2) as the spindle (11) rotates ) and thus the eccentric (7) causes the furniture part (2) to move and the cabinets with it in a vertical direction, because the hanging cabinet is attached to the wall by hanging with the respective eccentric (7) on the corresponding hanger (for attaching one cabinet) at least two hangers (according to the invention) are required, attached to a suitable place on the wall, with the xcenter (7) sliding into the slit (10) and lowering to the shelf (9) on which it rests and through which it is carried to the hanger. the weight of the wall furniture, wherein the vertical groove (5) allows passage of the eccentric spindle (11) (7) pivotally secured in the furniture part (2). 4. Obešalo po prvem zahtevku, označeno s tem, da fino nastavitev lege stenskega pohištva v vodoravni smeri vzporedno s steno, na katero je pohištvo pritrjeno, omogoča utor (6) na prednji pločevini (1.1) obešala (1), saj se pohištveni del (2) namreč lahko prosto premika vzdolž celotnega omenjenega utora, pri čemer ekscenter (7), ki kot je že bilo navedeno, sloni na polički (9), po njej drsi.Hanger according to the first claim, characterized in that the fine adjustment of the position of the wall furniture in a horizontal direction, parallel to the wall to which the furniture is attached, allows a groove (6) on the front sheet (1.1) to hang (1), since the furniture part (2) it can move freely along the entire groove, with the eccentric (7) sliding on the shelf (9), as already mentioned, sliding thereon. 5. Obešalo po tretjem zahtevku, označeno s tem, da je je vreteno (11) in z njim ekscenter (7), v smeri, pravokotni na steno gibljivo napram pohištvenemu delu (2), s čimer je omogočena fina nastavitev lege pohištva v omenjeni smeri, zaradi česar ima vreteno (11) na svojem prostem koncu zunanji navoj (11.1), s katerim je privito v cilindrično matico (12), ta je vrtljivo vstavljena med pločevini (13 in 14), ki tvorita pohištveni del (2), pri čemer je dolžina navoja (L) matice (12) manjša od višine matice (H), torej navoj (12.1) ne poteka skozi vso matico, pri čemer z iztekom omenjenega navoja votlina preide z okroglega v prerez oblike pravilnega n-terokotnika, prednostno šesterokotnika (12.2), katerega višina (S) je manjša od najmanjšega premera navoja (12.1), tako daje globina uvitja vretena (11) v matico (12) omejena in sicer z dolžino (L) navoja (12.1).5. The hanger according to the third claim, characterized in that the spindle (11) and with it the eccentric (7) are in a direction perpendicular to the wall moving towards the furniture part (2), thus allowing the furniture to be fine-tuned in said which causes the spindle (11) at its free end to have an external thread (11.1) which is screwed into the cylindrical nut (12), which is rotatably inserted between the sheets (13 and 14) forming the furniture part (2), wherein the length of the thread (L) of the nut (12) is less than the height of the nut (H), so the thread (12.1) does not pass through the entire nut, with the expiry of said thread the cavity passes from a circular cross-section to the shape of a regular n-triangle, preferably the hexagon (12.2), whose height (S) is less than the minimum thread diameter (12.1), so that the depth of twist of the spindle (11) into the nut (12) is limited by the length (L) of the thread (12.1). 6. Obešalo po petem zahtevku, označeno s tem, da je omenjena šesterokotna votlina matice namenjena uporabi ključa za vijake imbus za sukanje matice (12), s čimer se privija oz. odvija vreteno (11), kar povzroči primikanje viseče omarice k steni oz. odmikanje od nje, odvisno od smeri sukanja vretena, torej fino nastavitev njenega položaja v smeri, pravokotni na steno.Hanger according to the fifth claim, characterized in that said hexagonal cavity of the nut is intended to be used by a hexagon socket wrench to twist the nut (12), thereby tightening or tightening. unscrews the spindle (11), which causes the drift cabinet to move towards the wall or. moving away from it, depending on the direction of rotation of the spindle, ie fine-tuning its position in the direction perpendicular to the wall. 7. Postopek obešanja stenskega pohištva in fine nastavitve njegove lege z uporabo naprave po izumu, označen s tem, da poteka sledeče:7. The method of hanging wall furniture and fine-tuning its position using the device according to the invention, characterized in that it proceeds as follows: a) vsakokratni stenski del (1) pritrdimo na steno, odgovarjajoči pohištveni del (2) naprave po izumu pa na zunanjo stran zadnje stene omarice, katero želimo pritrditi na zid, pri čemer mora biti stenski del (1) orientiran z zadnjo pločevino (1.2) k steni, ustje utora (5) pa obrnjeno navzgor, pohištveni del (2), v katerega je že vstavljeno vreteno (11) z ekscentrom (7) pa je orientiran z ekscentrom proti steni oz. proti stenskemu delu (1);a) the respective wall part (1) is fixed to the wall, and the corresponding furniture part (2) of the device according to the invention to the outside of the back wall of the cabinet to be fixed to the wall, the wall part (1) being oriented with the back panel (1.2) ) towards the wall, the mouth of the groove (5) facing upwards, and the furniture part (2) into which a spindle (11) with an eccentric (7) is already oriented with the eccentric towards the wall or. against the wall part (1); b) pohištveni element obesimo tako, da ekscenter (7) sede v utor (5);b) hang the furniture element so that the eccentric (7) sits in the groove (5); c) fino nastavitev lege pohištva v vertikalni smeri se izvede tako, da sukamo ekscenter (7), pri čemer se pohištvo dviga ali spušča, dokler ne dosežemo želene višine lege;c) fine positioning of the furniture in the vertical direction is made by twisting the eccentric (7), the furniture being raised or lowered until the desired height is reached; d) fino nastavitev lege pohištva v horizontalni smeri vzporedno s steno izvedemo tako, da ga v tej smeri enostavno premaknemo v želeni položaj pri čemer se vreteno (11) premika v horizontalnem utoru (6), ekscenter (7) pa drsi po polički (9);d) fine positioning of the furniture in the horizontal direction parallel to the wall is carried out in such a way that it is easily moved to the desired position whereby the spindle (11) moves in the horizontal groove (6) and the eccentric (7) slides on the shelf (9 ); e) ko pohištvo zavzame želeno lego kot je bilo opisano v predhodnih točkah, ga v tej legi fiksiramo, sicer bi se lahko premikalo horizontalno ob steni po vsej dolžini horizontalnega utora (6), fiksiranje izvedemo s pomočjo navojnega zatiča (15), tako da ga privijemo ob zadnjo pločevino 1.2 obešala (1), pri čemer se zatič (15) s konico (15.1) nekoliko zarine v omenjeno pločevino in tako onemogoči premikanje pohištvenega dela (2) vzporedno s pločevino (1.2) in s tem premikanje pohištva vzporedno s steno;e) when the furniture occupies the desired position as described in the previous points, it is fixed in this position, otherwise it could move horizontally along the wall along the entire length of the horizontal groove (6), fixing by means of a threaded pin (15), so that it is screwed onto the back plate 1.2 of the hanger (1), the pin (15) with the tip (15.1) being slightly inserted into said sheet, thus preventing the furniture part (2) from moving parallel to the sheet (1.2), and thus moving the furniture parallel to steno; f) fino nastavitev oddaljenosti pohištva od stene izvedemo s sukanjem matice (12), za kar v njeni prednostni izvedbi potrebujemo ključ imbus.f) Fine adjustment of the distance of the furniture from the wall is made by twisting the nut (12), which in its preferred embodiment requires an Allen key.
SI200500114A 2005-04-18 2005-04-18 Hanger for adjustable wall-mounting of furniture, particularly hanging one and procedure of hanging furniture onto it SI21760A (en)

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