SI21445A - Chair-ladder - Google Patents

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Publication number
SI21445A SI200300058A SI200300058A SI21445A SI 21445 A SI21445 A SI 21445A SI 200300058 A SI200300058 A SI 200300058A SI 200300058 A SI200300058 A SI 200300058A SI 21445 A SI21445 A SI 21445A
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JANČIČ Jadranka
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Application filed by JANČIČ Jadranka filed Critical JANČIČ Jadranka
Priority to SI200300058A priority Critical patent/SI21445A/en
Publication of SI21445A publication Critical patent/SI21445A/en



  • Ladders (AREA)


The subject of the invention is a chair-ladder, i.e. a furniture element which can, by a simple operation, change its function from the chair to the ladder and vice versa. The chair-ladder according to the invention can be used as a double-purpose furniture element. The chair-ladder according to the invention is composed of the first and the second part which are linked by a hinge (11). The first part comprises a pair of extremities (1) combined stiffly with another pair of extremities (2) at a sharp angle. The pair of extremities (2) is connected with a horizontal plate (4) at the half of its height approximately and the two connection points of the pairs of extremities (1, 2) are linked to a horizontal plate (6). The second part comprises a pair of assemblies (3) where the upper parts of the assemblies (3) are linked together at their upper part by a crossbar (9) and the assemblies (3) themselves also by a horizontal plate (7), while the lower parts of the assemblies (3) are linked together by a crossbar (10) at their lower part. The chair-ladder may be made of wood, metal, plastics or their combination.



Predmet izuma je stol-lestev, to je pohištvni element, ki z enostavno operacijo spremeni funkcijo iz stola v lestev in obratno. Stol-lestev po izumu se uporablja kot dvonamenski pohištveni element.The object of the invention is a chair-ladder, which is a furniture element that, by simple operation, changes function from chair to ladder and vice versa. The ladder chair of the invention is used as a two-piece furniture element.

Tako v stanovanjskih kot poslovnih prostorih se pojavlja potreba po lestvi; nekateri pohištveni elementi so nameščeni tako visoko, da brez lestve niso dosegljivi. Sama lestev je sicer potrebna, vendar nima funkcije pohištva in je samo kot lestev obremenitev prostora.There is a need for ladders in both residential and commercial premises; some furniture components are mounted so high that they are not accessible without a ladder. The ladder itself is necessary, but it does not have the function of furniture and is just like a ladder a load of space.

Rešitev, da lestev pridobi funkcijo pohištva, predvsem stola je opisana v patentih US 4,258,827, US 4,557,350, US 4,130,316, US 2003/0015370, US 2,805,703, US 1,950,591 in GB 194,139. Opisane so konstrukcije, ki so same komplicirane, katerih pretvorba iz stola v lestev in obratno je komplicirana in ki tudi ne omogočajo estetskih rešitev.The solution that the ladder acquires the function of furniture, especially the chair, is described in patents US 4,258,827, US 4,557,350, US 4,130,316, US 2003/0015370, US 2,805,703, US 1,950,591 and GB 194,139. It describes structures that are complicated themselves, whose transformation from a chair to a ladder and vice versa is complicated, and which also do not allow aesthetic solutions.

Naloga in cilj izuma je takšna konstrukcija stola-lestve, ki bo enostavne konstrukcije, ki bo omogočala enostavno pretvorbo stola v lestev in obratno in ki bo omogočala estetsko oblikovanje stola-lestve.It is an object and object of the invention to provide a chair-ladder structure which will be of simple construction, which will allow easy conversion of the chair into a ladder and vice versa, and which will allow the aesthetic design of the chair-ladder.

Po izumu je naloga rešena s stolom-lestvijo po neodvisnem patentnem zahtevku.According to the invention, the task is solved by a chair-ladder according to an independent claim.

Izum bo opisna na osnovi izvedbenega primera in slik, ki prikazujejo:The invention will be descriptive on the basis of an embodiment and figures showing:

Sl. 1 Stol-lestev v projekcijskem risu v obliki stola,FIG. 1 Chair-ladder in a projection drawing in the form of a chair,

Sl. 2 Stol-lestev v projekcijskem risu v obliki lestve.FIG. 2 Ladder chair in projection line in ladder form.

Sl. 3 Stol-lestev v stranskem risu v obliki stola,FIG. 3 Chair-ladder in side-view in the shape of a chair,

Sl. 4 Stol-lestev v stranskem risu v pretvarjanju iz stola v lestev,FIG. 4 Side-ladder chair in conversion from chair to ladder,

Sl. 5 Stol-lestev v stranskem risu v nadaljnjem pretvarjanju iz stola v lestev,FIG. 5 Side-ladder chair ladder in further conversion from chair to ladder,

Sl. 6 Stol-lestev v stranskem risu v obliki lestve,FIG. 6 Side-ladder chair in ladder-shaped drawing,

Prvi del stola-lestve po sliki 1 sestavljajo par ekstremitet 1, ki je pod ostrim kotom prednostno med 50 in 70 stopnjami fiksno sestavljen s parom ekstremitet 2. Par ekstremitet 1 je približno na polovici svoje višine povezan s prečko 8. Par ekstremitet 2 je približno na polovici svoje višine povezan s horizontalno ploščo 4 tako, da je plošča 4 vpeta med ekstremiteti 2 in je prvi rob plošče 4 le svoj manjši del, to je približno 10% svoje širine preko roba ekstremitet 2 in je drugi rob plošče 4 do približno 50% svoje širine preko drugega roba ekstremitet 2. Stičišči parov ekstremitet 1 in 2 staThe first part of the chair-ladder according to Figure 1 consists of a pair of extremities 1, which is fixed at an acute angle between 50 and 70 degrees by a pair of extremities 2. A pair of extremities 1 is approximately halfway through its height. halfway through its height, it is connected to the horizontal plate 4 such that the plate 4 is clamped between the extremities 2 and the first edge of the plate 4 is only a small portion, i.e. about 10% of its width beyond the edge of the extremities 2 and the second edge of the plate 4 to about 50 % of its width across the other edge of the extremities 2. The junctions of pairs of extremities 1 and 2 are

-2-2povezani s horizontalno ploščo 6 tako, da je plošča 6 vpeta med stičišči parov ekstremitet 1 in 2 in je prvi rob plošče 6 le svoj manjši del, to je približno 10% svoje širine preko roba para ekstremitet in je drugi rob plošče 6 do približno 50% svoje širine preko roba para ekstremitet 2.-2-2 are connected to the horizontal plate 6 such that the plate 6 is connected between the junctions of pairs of extremities 1 and 2 and the first edge of plate 6 is only a small part, i.e. about 10% of its width beyond the edge of the pair of extremities and is the second edge of plate 6 up to approximately 50% of its width beyond the edge of the extremity 2 pair.

Drugi del stola-lestve po izumu predstavlja par sklopov 3. Sklop 3 je prednostno fiksno sestavljen iz dveh delov pod topim kotom, prednostno 110 do 130 stopimj. Gornja dela sklopov 3 sta v svojem gornjem delu povezana z prečko 9. Sklopa 3 sta v stiku svojih delov spojena s horizontalno ploščo 7 tako, da je plošča 7 vpeta med stika delov sklopa 3 in je prvi rob plošče 7 le svoj manjši del, to je približno 10% svoje širine preko roba sklopa 3 in je drugi rob plošče 6 do približno 25% svoje širine preko roba sklopa 3. Spodnja dela sklopov 3 sta v svojem spodnjem delu povezana s prečkoThe second part of the chair-ladder according to the invention is represented by a pair of assemblies 3. Assembly 3 is preferably fixedly composed of two parts at a warm angle, preferably 110 to 130 degrees. The upper parts of the assemblies 3 are connected in their upper part by the bar 9. The assemblies 3 are connected to the horizontal plate 7 in the contact of their parts so that the plate 7 is clamped between the contacts of the components of the assembly 3 and the first edge of the panel 7 is only a small part thereof, i.e. is about 10% of its width beyond the edge of assembly 3 and the second edge of panel 6 is up to about 25% of its width beyond the edge of assembly 3. The lower portions of assemblies 3 are connected in their lower part by a bar


Navedeni prvi in drugi del stola-lestve povezuje tečaj 11. Tečaj 11 je nameščen na stičišče plošč 6 in 7 tako, da omogoča obračanje plošče 7 preko plošče 6.The aforementioned first and second portions of the chair-ladder connect the hinge 11. The hinge 11 is mounted on the junction of panels 6 and 7 so that it can rotate panel 7 through panel 6.

Sestavine stola-lestve po sliki 1 v funkciji stola imajo sledeče vloge. Para ekstremitet 1 in 2 so noge stola, pravtako so noge stola spodnji deli para sklopa 3. Plošči 6 in 7 tvorita sedalo. Gornja dela sklopa 3 s prečko 9 so naslon.The components of the chair-ladder of Figure 1 in the function of the chair have the following roles. The extremity pairs 1 and 2 are the legs of the chair, and the legs of the chair are the lower parts of the pair of assembly 3. The panels 6 and 7 form the seat. The upper parts of assembly 3 with bar 9 are a backrest.

Pretvorba stola-lestve iz funkcije stola v funkcijo lestve je prikazana na slikah 3, 4, 5 in 6.The conversion of the chair-ladder from the chair function to the ladder function is shown in Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Opisani drugi del stola-lestve se v tečaju 11 obrača za 180 stopinj kot je fazno prikazano tako, da se gornja dela sklopa 3 postavita v paralelno lego z ekstremitetama 1.The second section of the chair-ladder is rotated 180 degrees in hinge 11 as shown in phase by placing the upper parts of assembly 3 in a parallel position with the extremities 1.

Sestavine stola-lestve v funkciji lestve po sliki 2 dobijo sledečo vlogo. Plošča 4 je prva stopnica, plošča 7 je druga stopnica, plošča 5 je tretja stopnica, prečka 10 je opora, spodnja dela sklopov in ekstremiteti 2 so lestev in ekstremiteti 1 ter gornja dela sklopa 3 so podpore lestve.The components of the chair-ladder in the function of the ladder of Figure 2 are given the following role. Panel 4 is the first step, panel 7 is the second step, panel 5 is the third step, the crossbar 10 is a support, the lower parts of the assemblies and the extremities 2 are ladders and extremities 1 and the upper parts of the assembly 3 are the supports of the ladder.

Razume se, da so v okviru izuma tudi izvedbe, kjer so medsebojno fiksno povezani elementi lahko izdelani kot en kos. Tako je v skrajnem primeru stol-lestev po izumu fizično izdelana le iz dveh delov, povezanih s tečajem (11).It is understood that within the scope of the invention there are also embodiments where the interconnected fixed elements can be made as a single piece. Thus, in the last resort, the chair-ladder of the invention is physically made of only two hinge-related parts (11).

Stol-lestev po izumu je lahko izdelana iz lesa, kovine ali plastike ali njihovih kombinacij.The ladder chair of the invention may be made of wood, metal or plastic, or combinations thereof.

Stol-lestev po izumu je konstrukcijsko in izdelavno enostavna in omogoča estetsko oblikovanje.The ladder chair according to the invention is simple in design and manufacture and allows for aesthetic design.

Claims (6)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Stol-lestev kot dvonamenski pohištveni element, označen s tem, da je sestavljen iz prvega in drugega dela, ki sta povezana s tečajem (11).1. A ladder chair as a two-piece furniture element, characterized in that it consists of a first and a second part connected to the hinge (11). 2. Stol-lestev po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da prvi del sestavljajo par ekstremitet (1) ki je pod ostrim kotom fiksno sestavljen s parom ekstremitet (2) in je par ekstremitet 2 je približno na polovici svoje višine povezan s horizontalno ploščo (4) ter sta stičišči parov ekstremitet (1,2) povezani s horizontalno ploščo (6), pri čemer drugi del sestavljajo par sklopov (3), in sta gornja dela sklopov (3) v svojem gornjem delu povezana z prečko (9) ter sta sklopa (3) spojena s horizontalno ploščo (7), ter sta spodnja dela sklopov 3 sta v svojem spodnjem delu povezana s prečko 10.Ladder chair according to claim 1, characterized in that the first part consists of a pair of extremities (1) which is fixed at an acute angle with a pair of extremities (2) and the pair of extremities 2 is connected about half of its height to the horizontal plate. (4) and the intersections of the extremity pairs (1,2) are connected to the horizontal plate (6), the second part being a pair of sets (3), and the upper parts of the sets (3) in their upper part are connected by a crossbar (9). and the assemblies (3) are connected to the horizontal plate (7), and the lower portions of the assemblies 3 are connected in their lower part by a bar 10. 3. Stol-lestev po zahtevku 2, označen s tem, da sta prvi in drugi del sestavljena iz fiksno povezanih elementov.Ladder chair according to claim 2, characterized in that the first and second parts are composed of fixedly connected elements. 4. Stol-lestev po zahtevku 2, označen s tem, da sta prvi in drugi del izdelana kot en kos.4. The ladder according to claim 2, characterized in that the first and second parts are made as one piece. 5. Stol-lestev po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da je izdelan iz lesa, kovine, plastike ali njihove kombinacije.Ladder chair according to claim 1, characterized in that it is made of wood, metal, plastic or a combination thereof. 6. Stol-lestev po zahtevku 2, označen s tem, da sta ekstremiteti (1,2) medsebojno v kotu prednostno 50 do 70 stopinj in sta gornji in spodnji del sklopa (3) medsebojno v kotu 110 do 130 stopinj.Ladder chair according to claim 2, characterized in that the extremities (1,2) are preferably 50 to 70 degrees to one another and the upper and lower parts of the assembly (3) are 110 to 130 degrees to each other.
SI200300058A 2003-03-03 2003-03-03 Chair-ladder SI21445A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI200300058A SI21445A (en) 2003-03-03 2003-03-03 Chair-ladder

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SI200300058A SI21445A (en) 2003-03-03 2003-03-03 Chair-ladder

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SI21445A true SI21445A (en) 2004-10-31



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
SI200300058A SI21445A (en) 2003-03-03 2003-03-03 Chair-ladder

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US7828117B2 (en) 2005-12-23 2010-11-09 Cole Kimberly J Foldable chair and ladder combination

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US7828117B2 (en) 2005-12-23 2010-11-09 Cole Kimberly J Foldable chair and ladder combination

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