SI20258A - Process of manufacture of hollow wooden articles - Google Patents

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SI20258A SI9900158A SI9900158A SI20258A SI 20258 A SI20258 A SI 20258A SI 9900158 A SI9900158 A SI 9900158A SI 9900158 A SI9900158 A SI 9900158A SI 20258 A SI20258 A SI 20258A
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Peter Lautar
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BREST-POHIŠTVO d.o.o. Cerknica, podjetje za proizvodnjo in
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Application filed by BREST-POHIŠTVO d.o.o. Cerknica, podjetje za proizvodnjo in filed Critical BREST-POHIŠTVO d.o.o. Cerknica, podjetje za proizvodnjo in
Priority to SI9900158A priority Critical patent/SI20258A/en
Publication of SI20258A publication Critical patent/SI20258A/en



A process of manufacture of hollow wooden articles, first of all furniture elements such as table legs, binding laths as well as various decoration boxes, such as packaging boxes e.g. for decoration pieces or presents, is enabling a cheaper and faster manufacture of articles of the same quality as those made of massive wood. The process according to the invention comprises several phases. First phase: manufacture of a flat semifinished article (1) consisting of two plates (2, 3) connected by laths (4), the spacing of their longitudinal axes being approximately equal to the width of the finished article (5), and with their ends closed by two transverse laths (6); second phase: cutting of the semifinished article (1) within the lath area (4) into finished articles (5); third phase: adjustment of the finished products (5) to the required length by cutting; fourth phase: fitting the side or cut planes of the dimensionally determined finished article (5) with a final material, preferentially veneer; fifth phase: surface finishing of the end article.



Cerknica, podjetje za proizvodnjo in promet pohištva ter opremeCerknica, a company for the production and marketing of furniture and equipment

Postopek izdelave votlih lesenih predmetovThe process of making hollow wooden objects

Predmet izumaThe subject of the invention

Predmet izuma je postopek izdelave votlih lesenih predmetov, zlasti pohištvenih elementov kot so noge miz, vezne letve, razen tega pa tudi razne okrasne škatle kot embalaža npr. za okraske in darila.The object of the invention is a method of making hollow wooden objects, especially furniture elements such as table legs, laths, and in addition, various decorative boxes such as packaging, e.g. for ornaments and gifts.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum je kako zasnovati tak postopek za izdelavo votlih predmetov iz lesa, zlasti takih, kakršni so navedeni v prvem odstavku tega opisa, da bo končni videz izdelka, kot daje izdelan iz masivnega lesa, pri čemer bo postopek primeren za velikoserijsko proizvodnjo v tehnološkem kot tudi cenovnem smislu.A technical problem solved by the invention is how to design such a process for the manufacture of hollow objects made of wood, in particular such as are mentioned in the first paragraph of this description, to give the final appearance of the product as if made from solid wood, making the process suitable for large-scale production in technological as well as in price terms.

Znano stanje tehnikeThe prior art

Ni znan tovrsten postopek. Za pohištvene lesene noge miz, vezne letve ipd. so do sedaj praviloma uporabljali le masivo za dosego videza naravnega lesa.No such procedure is known. For wooden furniture legs of tables, laths, etc. so far, as a rule, they have only used an array to achieve the appearance of natural wood.

Izdelava tovrstnih izdelkov iz masivnega lesa najprej zahteva namenski rez najkvalitetnejše hlodovine zaradi izkoristka lesa za že znano dimenzijo izdelkovThe production of such solid wood products first requires a dedicated cut of the highest quality logs to utilize the wood for the already known product dimension

26889/VI-99/D20-Vr npr. nog miz. Ne moremo si namreč privoščiti reza nestandardnih dimenzij na zalogo, ker bi bilo preveč odpadkov in vezanih denarnih sredstev, kar bi privedlo do nerentabilne proizvodnje. Če hočemo skrajšati že tako dolg proizvodni ciklus, sušimo pospešeno, kar pa privede do razpok, zaskorjenosti, obarvanosti, zvitosti poizdelkov. Vsaka od tek anomalij pri vede do povečanega izmeta.26889 / VI-99 / D20-Vr e.g. foot tables. Namely, we cannot afford to cut non-standard dimensions into stock, because there would be too much waste and cash, which would lead to unprofitable production. In order to shorten the already long production cycle, the drying process is accelerated, which in turn leads to cracks, stains, discoloration, and bending of the products. Each of the running anomalies leads to increased droppings.

Razen tega je pričakovati pri uporabi masivnega lesa za predmete večjih izmer dodaten izmet zaradi grč in drugih napak v lesu.In addition, the use of solid wood for larger objects is expected to result in additional ejection due to cramps and other defects in the wood.

Iz povedanega sledi velika potreba po novem tonameskem postopku, ki bo zagotavljal izdelavo enakovrednih izdelkov tako v pogledu trdnosti kot tudi v estetskem in cenovnem smislu.From the above, there is a great need for a new tonnesmaking process that will ensure the production of equivalent products in terms of strength as well as in aesthetic and price terms.

Rešitev tehničnega problemaThe solution to a technical problem

Opisani tehnični problem je rešen s postopkom po izumu s tem, da izdelamo polizdelek iz dveh, prednostno furniranih plošč, ki sta med seboj na hrbtiščih povezani z letvami, ki potekajo v razmiku, pri čemer je ta sendvič lahko zaprt na obeh koncih letev s prečnima letvama. Razmik med vzporedno potekajočimi letvami je usklajen s širino oziroma debelino, dolžina teh letev pa z dolžino končnega izdelka, npr. noge za mizo.The described technical problem is solved by the method according to the invention by making a semi-finished product of two, preferably veneered panels, which are connected to each other on the backs by spaced laths, this sandwich being closed at both ends of the laths with transverse laths. The spacing between parallel running strips is in line with the width or thickness and the length of these strips with the length of the finished product, e.g. legs at the table.

Tako sendvič ploščo nato razrežemo vzdolž po sredini vzporedno potekajočih letev ter po potrebi še prečno na predvideno mero končnih izdelkov. Kot je bilo navedeno, sta plošči polizdelka že furnirani ali drugače oplaščeni, da sta po razrezu tudi dve nasprotiležni ploskvi končnega izdelka že dokončani. Preostali drugi dve nasprotiležni ploskvi končnega izdelka pa oplaščimo, npr. furniramo posebej na vsakem končnem izdelku. Po površinski obdelavi, npr. barvanju ipd., je izdelek končan.The sandwich plate is then cut along the middle of parallel strips and, if necessary, transversely to the intended dimension of finished products. As mentioned, the semi-finished panels are already veneered or otherwise coated, so that after the cutting, the two opposite faces of the finished product are already finished. The remaining two opposite surfaces of the final product are coated, e.g. we veneer separately on each finished product. After surface treatment, e.g. painting, etc., the product is finished.

26889/VI-99/D20-Vr26889 / VI-99 / D20-Vr

Glede na naravo končnega izdelka ni nujno, da je sendvič plošča zaprta na obeh koncih. Lahko namreč izvedemo tudi na enem koncu odprt izdelek, ki predstavlja posodo, škatlo ipd.Given the nature of the finished product, the sandwich plate may not necessarily be closed at both ends. We can also carry out at one end an open product that represents a container, a box, etc.

Če pa predvidevamo, da bodo na končnem izdelku nameščeni še drugi elementi, npr. na mizni nogi pohištveno kolesce ali vijačni spojni element za povezavo z mizno ploščo, lahko končni element, ki zapira vzporedno potekajoče letve, izvedemo s primemo debelino, ki omogoča vgreznjeno montažo teh veznih elementov ali pa uporabo daljših lesnih vijakov.However, if we assume that other items will be installed on the finished product, e.g. on the table leg a furniture wheel or a screw connection element for connection to the table board, the end element, which closes the parallel running strips, can be made with a suitable thickness that allows the mounting of these connecting elements in a threaded manner or the use of longer wood screws.

S postopkom po izumu dosežemo bistveno hitrejšo serijsko izdelavo votlih lesenih predmetov z uporabo masivnih surovcev manjših dimenzij, tudi sicer že odpadnih kosov. Ni potrebno skrbeti za zalogo dimenzijsko posebnega masivnega lesa, ki bremeni denarna sredstva. Ker površino furniramo, je lahko notranja masiva poljubne vrste lesa, ki mora ustrezati samo v trdnostnem in tehnološkem smislu, ne pa estetskem. Poraba lesa se bistveno zmanjša. Za notranje letve je lahko uporabljen poleg masive tudi drug material: iverka, lesonit, vezana plošča, ipd. Za oplaščenje pa razen furnirja tudi folije iz drugih umetnih materialov, papirja ipd.The process according to the invention achieves significantly faster batch production of hollow wooden objects by using massive, smaller pieces, including already scrapped pieces. There is no need to worry about stockpiling specialty solid wood that loads cash. Because the surface is veneered, the internal massif can be of any kind of wood, which only has to be solid and technological, not aesthetic. Consumption of wood is significantly reduced. In addition to the massif, other materials can also be used for interior slats: chipboard, hardboard, plywood, etc. For coating, in addition to veneer, foils of other plastic materials, paper, etc.

Podrobneje bo bistvo izuma pojasnjeno v nadaljevanju z opisom izvedbenega primera in priložene risbe, na kateri kaže sl. 1 perspektivni pogled polizdelka z delnim prerezom, sl. 2 perspektivni pogled polizdelka pri razrezu, sl. 3 perspektivni pogled končnega izdelka pri oplaščenju.The essence of the invention will be explained in more detail below with a description of an embodiment and the accompanying drawing, in which FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a semi-finished semi-finished product, FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a semi-finished product in a cutting, FIG. 3 perspective view of the final product in the coating.

Postopek izdelave votlih lesenih predmetov obsega več faz. Najprej je izdelan pločat polizdelek 1, ki sestoji iz dveh plošč 2, 3, ki sta med seboj povezani naThe process of making hollow wooden objects comprises several stages. First, a flattened semi-finished product 1 is made, consisting of two plates 2, 3, which are interconnected at

26889/VI-99/D20-Vr hrbtiščih z med seboj približno vzporedno potekajočimi letvami 4, katerih razmik vzdolžnih osi je približno enak širini posameznega končega izdelka 5, medtem ko je debelina polizdelka 1 enaka debelini končnega izdelka 5. Plošči 2, 3 sta na licu že izvedeni z dokončnim materialom, kakršen je predviden na končnem izdelku26889 / VI-99 / D20-Vr backs with approximately parallel extending laths 4, the spacing of the longitudinal axes being approximately equal to the width of the individual finished product 5, while the thickness of the semi-finished product 1 is equal to the thickness of the finished product 5. The panels 2, 3 are at cheeks already made with the finishing material as intended on the finished product

5. Prednostno je to furnir. Po potrebi je vsaj ena stran koncev letev 4 zaprta s prečno letvijo 6, katere širina ustreza predvideni morebitni nadaljnji namestitvi drugih sklopov oziroma poljubni povezavi končnega izdelka 5 z drugimi pohištvenimi sklopi, kot npr.: pohištvnenega kolesca, vijašnih zvez ipd, ki niso prikazani na slikah.5. Preferably, it is veneer. If necessary, at least one side of the ends of the lath 4 is closed by a transverse lath 6 whose width corresponds to the intended eventual further installation of other assemblies or to any connection of the finished product 5 with other furniture assemblies, such as: furniture rollers, screw ties, etc. not shown on pictures.

Sledi razrez polizdelka 1 v območju letev 4 po črti 7 v končne izdelke 5. Po potrebi lahko nato končne izdelke 5 prikrajšamo na zahtevano dolžino.This is followed by cutting the semi-finished product 1 in the area of the laths 4 along the line 7 into the finished products 5. If necessary, the finished products 5 can then be reduced to the required length.

Dimenzijsko določen končni izdelek 5 nato oplaščimo še na preostalih dveh stranskih ploskvah oziroma na ploskvah razreza z dokončnim materialom 8, običajno furnirjem. Sledi površinska obdelava končnega izdelka: brušenje, barvanje, lakiranje ipd.The dimensioned finished product 5 is then coated on the remaining two lateral surfaces or on the cutting surfaces with the final material 8, usually veneer. The following is the surface treatment of the finished product: grinding, painting, varnishing, etc.

Dimenzije ploščatega polizdelka in končnih izdelkov so pogojene samo s tehnološko zmogljivostjo strojne opreme. Vsi opisani posamezni postopki rezanja, lepljenja, površinske obdelave so sami po sebi znani.The dimensions of flat semi-finished and finished products are only conditioned by the technological capacity of the hardware. All the individual cutting, gluing, surface treatment processes described are known per se.

Opisani postopek je možno še nadgraditi z dodatni postopki npr. frezanjem, razrezom pod koti, ipd., da bi dobili dodatne oblikovne značilnosti, ki pa ne spreminjajo bistva izuma.The described procedure can be further upgraded by additional procedures e.g. milling, angled, etc. to give additional design features that do not alter the essence of the invention.



Cerknica, podjetje za proizvodnjo in promet pohištva ter opreme:Cerknica, a company for the production and marketing of furniture and equipment:

Claims (3)

1. Postopek izdelave votlih lesenih predmetov, zlasti pohištvenih elementov kot so noge miz, vezne letve, pa tudi škatle ipd., označen s tem, da obsegaA method of making hollow wooden objects, in particular furniture elements such as table legs, laths, as well as boxes, etc., characterized in that it comprises - prva faza izdelavo ploščatega polizdelka (1), ki sestoji iz dveh plošč (2, 3), ki prilegata v razmiku s hrbtiščema in so v razmiku nameščene med seboj prednostno približno vzporedno potekajoče letve (4), katerih razmik vzdolžnih osi je približno enak širini posameznega končega izdelka (5), medtem ko je debelina polizdelka (1) enaka debelini končnega izdelka (5), pri čemer sta plošči (2, 3) na licu izvedeni z dokončnim materialom, kakršen je predviden na končnem izdelku (5), prednostno furnirjem, in je lahko vsaj ena stran koncev letev (4) zaprta s prečno letvijo (6),- the first stage of manufacturing a flat semi-finished product (1), consisting of two plates (2, 3) that fit at a spacing with the backs and are spaced preferably spaced approximately parallel to the running strips (4), the spacing of the longitudinal axes being approximately equal the width of each finished product (5), while the thickness of the semi-finished product (1) is equal to the thickness of the finished product (5), the plates (2, 3) on the face being made with the final material as intended on the finished product (5), preferably veneers, and at least one side of the ends of the laths (4) may be closed by a transverse lath (6), - druga faza razrez polizdelka (1) po črti (7) v območju letev (4) v končne izdelke (5),- the second phase cutting the semi-finished product (1) along the line (7) in the area of the laths (4) into finished products (5), - tretja faza po potrebi prirez končnih izdelkov (5) na zahtevano dolžino,- the third stage, if necessary, trimming the finished products (5) to the required length, - četrta faza oplaščenje dimenzijsko že določenega končnega izdelka (5) na preostalih dveh stranskih ploskvah oziroma na ploskvah razreza z dokončnim materialom (8), prednostno furnirjem, in- the fourth stage coating the dimensioned final product (5) on the remaining two lateral surfaces or on the cutting surfaces with the final material (8), preferably veneer, and - peta faza površinsko obdelavo končnega izdelka (5).- fifth stage surface treatment of the finished product (5). 2. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da so oboji konci letev (4) zaprti s prečnima latvama (6).The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the two ends of the strips (4) are closed by the transverse laths (6). 3. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, daje material (8) za oplaščanje poljubna folija, furnir, umetna masa, papir.Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the coating material (8) is any foil, veneer, plastic, paper.
SI9900158A 1999-06-11 1999-06-11 Process of manufacture of hollow wooden articles SI20258A (en)

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SI9900158A SI20258A (en) 1999-06-11 1999-06-11 Process of manufacture of hollow wooden articles

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SI9900158A SI20258A (en) 1999-06-11 1999-06-11 Process of manufacture of hollow wooden articles

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SI9900158A SI20258A (en) 1999-06-11 1999-06-11 Process of manufacture of hollow wooden articles

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
SE543813C2 (en) * 2020-02-12 2021-08-03 Ikea Supply Ag Method for producing a veneered structural element, structural element and a piece of furniture

Cited By (4)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
SE543813C2 (en) * 2020-02-12 2021-08-03 Ikea Supply Ag Method for producing a veneered structural element, structural element and a piece of furniture
SE2050151A1 (en) * 2020-02-12 2021-08-03 Ikea Supply Ag Method for producing a veneered structural element, structural element and a piece of furniture
WO2021162618A1 (en) * 2020-02-12 2021-08-19 Ikea Supply Ag Method for producing a structural element, structural element and a piece of furniture
CN115038562A (en) * 2020-02-12 2022-09-09 宜家供应有限公司 Method for producing a structural element, structural element and furniture part

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