Inventia se refera la o masina de sudat materiale plastice prin frecare, folosind oscilatii plan unghiulare de joasa frecventa face parte din domeniul constructiilor de masini si rezolva sudarea reperelor din masa plastica, prin transformarea lucrului mecanic de frecare în caldura, folosind oscilatii plan unghiulare de joasa frecventa, sub actiunea unei forte de apasare. Producerea oscilatiilor de joasa frecventa se realizeaza pe cale mecanica utilizînd un motor electric care transmite miscareade rotatie unui cuplaj electromeganetic, turatie care multiplicata printr-un subansamblu de roti si curele trapezoidale este transmisa unui ax apoi unei biele manivele care transforma miscarea de rotatie unui cuplaj electromagnetic, turatie care multiplicata printr-un subansamblu de roti si curele trapezoidale este transmisa unui ax apoi unei biele manivele care transforma miscarea de rotatie unui cuplaj electromagnetic, turatie care multiplicata printr-un subansamblu de roti si curele trapezoidale este transmisa unui ax apoi unei biele manivele care transforma miscarea de rotatie într-o miscarea oscilanta plan unghiulara, unui suport superior în care s-a introdus unul din reperele de sudat, tar cel de-al doilea reper se fixeaza în suportul inferior care sub actiunea cilindrului pneumatic realizeaza forta de apasare necesara frecarii celor doua repere respectiv sudarii lor. Masina de sudat materiale plastice poate fi aplicata în intreprinderile industriale si cooperativele de productie care au de sudat repere din masa plastica, aceste masini pretîndu-se la o automatizare completa.The invention relates to a machine for welding plastics by friction using low angle angular oscillations is part of the machine construction field and solves the welding of the plastic parts by transforming the mechanical friction work into the heat using low angle angular oscillations frequency, under the action of a pushing force. The production of low frequency oscillations is done mechanically using an electric motor that transmits rotational motion to an electromechanical coupling, a speed multiplied by a subassembly of wheels and trapezoidal belts is transmitted to an axle then to a white crank that transforms the rotation motion into an electromagnetic coupling , a speed multiplied by a subset of wheels and trapezoidal belts is transmitted to an axle then to a white crank that turns the rotational motion into an electromagnetic coupling, a speed multiplied by a wheel set and trapezoidal belts is transmitted to an axle then a white crank which turns the rotational movement into an angular plan oscillating motion onto a top bracket in which one of the welding parts is inserted, and the second mark rests in the lower support which, under the action of the pneumatic cylinder, achieves the force of pressing required for the friction of the two respect points in their welders. The plastic welding machine can be applied in industrial enterprises and production cooperatives that have welded plastic parts, these machines being converted to complete automation.