OA16676A - A lottery system and methods thereof. - Google Patents

A lottery system and methods thereof. Download PDF


Publication number
OA16676A OA1201300222 OA16676A OA 16676 A OA16676 A OA 16676A OA 1201300222 OA1201300222 OA 1201300222 OA 16676 A OA16676 A OA 16676A
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gaming server
chance units
communication device
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Ndonye Mackenzie
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Ndonye Mackenzie
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Application filed by Ndonye Mackenzie filed Critical Ndonye Mackenzie
Publication of OA16676A publication Critical patent/OA16676A/en



The invention relates to a system and methods of conducting a lottery, the system comprising a gaming server in communication with a wireless communication device associated with a wireless network, wherein the gaming server in response to receiving a request from a lottery subscriber, generates chance units by debiting an amount from a billing system associated with the wireless network, quantifies the debited amount into chance units and credits the chance units into a chance unit account. The chance units are used thereof by the lottery subscriber to submit entries in lotteries. The invention further provides for methods of registering lottery subscribers, submitting entries in lotteries and performing a lottery draw.


This invention relates generally to a lottery system and methods of operating the lottery system by wireless communication. More particularly the invention relates to a system for quantifying virtual money into chance units that can be used by subscribers of the lottery to participate in different types of lotteries or games of chance.
Background of the invention
The lottery industry or the gaming sector in general opérâtes under the control of gaming institutions; with lottery players having minimalor no say in as far as the probability of a win is concerned.Further, traditional methods of betting such as Casino Gaming, sports events and playing lottery games are increasingly being augmented with electronic forms of betting, most notably using the internet, where, casino services and betting services are already generating substantial revenues. Players in casino style games, for instance, are only able to use play chips/money, to play only within their respective games. The money/ chips hâve no value outside the spécifie games associated with them. Therefore, a player has no alternative use for any extra play money or chips remaining once he is through with playing- apart from changing back into chips orhard cash.
Summary of the invention
The first objective of the invention is to confer onto the players considérable latitude in how they participate in lotteries by quantifying a versatile unit of play known as a chance unit. This will allow a lottery subscriber to décidé how many chance units to purchase and how to purchase 25 them; when and how to expend the chance units; and even allows players to trade chance units with one another or with a group of players as well as earn bonus chance units. The invention further allows a group of players to corne together and pool their collective chance units, to enhance their probability of winning.
The virtual nature of chance units makes them versatile and enables them to assume many other rôles exclusively within and outside the realm of games of chance. Chance unitsîn accordance with the présent invention may act as an interniediary to facilitate the exchange from one form of virtual currency into another.
Chance units can also be utilized variously in games of chance as virtual tokens. Such games include lotteries, casino style games, and sports betting which encompasses placing bets in t
events. Chance units may also be used as a medium of exchange in which rôle they may facilitate the transfer of virtual currencies across wireless network providers and be stored in the 5 gaming server to earn interest in the form of bonus chance units.
The above objectives and many others will become apparent froin the various embodiments of the présent invention. In one embodiment of the invention there is provided a lottery system comprisinga gaming server in communication with a wireless communication device where the 10 gaming server includes a lottery registration module, a lottery database comprising at least one lottery, alottery draw module and a chance units account linked to the gaming server to deposit therein chance units for use by a lottery subscriber to participate in at least one lottery. In response to' receiving a request from the wireless communication device, the gaming server generates chance units by debiting an amount from a billing system associated with a wireless 15 network.The gaming server quantifies the debited amount into chance units and crédits the chance units into the chance units account.The chance units are thereafter used in the lottery system as a unit of play for various types of lotteries.
In another embodiment, the lottery system provides a system and method of registering 20 subscribers with the lottery system in which mobile phone users are able to subscribe to the system and participate in lotteries by submitting entries in various lotteries or games of chance, which hitherto would hâve required use of different types of tokens or play money to participate. The gaming server includes a number of components that manage various aspects of the lottery system. A registration module manages registration of lottery subscribers to the lottery system. 25 The lottery database is a depository of lotteries that can be accessed by subscribers and comprises at least one lottery that can be playcd by lottery subscribers. The lottery database contains a variety of lotteries from which lottery subscribers can select and participate in at least one lottery. The subscriber may select a particular lottery through a lottery menu in the wireless device or through the lottery website. A lottery draw module manages draws relating to sélection 30 of lottery winners. The gaming server comprises or is linked to a chance units account.
In another embodiment there is provided a registration method in which an individual wireless communication device user registers to use a lottery system of the invention. A lottery registration module manages registration of subscribers to the lottery system, in which a wireless 35 communication device user may be invited by the gaming server to subscribeto the lottery '· system. The gaming server is configured to monitor a billing system of the wireless network and upon which the gaming server receives confirmation of topping up of a subscriber’s airtime account with the wireless network. The gaming server thus periodically receives communication from the wireless network whenever a user’s account with the wireless network is updated. The 5 gaming server will then send an invitation to the user to subscribe to the lottery system. The system also provides for registration of lottery groups in that lottery subscribers can form lottery groups that may enable subscribers to eam bonus chance units and generally enhance chances of each group member to win in a lottery.
In another embodiment, the invention provides a method of generating chance units enabling subscribers to purchase chance units, which are then credited into the subscriber’s chanceunits account and thereafter used to submit entries in different lotteries.The method entails a subscriber s’ending a request to the gaming server for génération of a specified number of chance units. The subscriber’s request is sent using the lottery menu of the wireless communication device. The gaming server débits an amount équivalent to the requested number of chance units from a designated account. The gaming server then quantifies the debited amount into chance units which are thencreditedto the subscriber’s chance units account.
In yet another embodiment,the invention further provides a method by which lottery 20 subscriberscan submit entries inlotteries through the lottery system. In one aspect, the lottery subscriber sends a request to the gaming server, the request comprising identification of aparticular lottery for which the subscriber wants to submit entries and an indication of the number of entries to be submitted in that lottery. The gaming server évaluâtes the number of chance units commensurate with the requested number of entries and débits the chance units 25 from the subscriber’s chance units account. The gaming server then submits the requested number of entries in the lottery. In an alternative embodiment of submitting entries in a lottery, the subscriber may further submit entries by registering for periodic entries in a lottery- a socalled automatic method of submitting entries in a lottery. The method enables the subscriber to request the gaming server to submit periodic entries at a desired period. The desired period may 30 include a time period, or upon subscriber toppîng-up their mobile phone airtime, or at the occurrence of spécifie events.
In a further embodiment, the invention provides for a method of performing a lottery draw and notifying the subscribers of the outcome. The method entails the lottery draw module selecting
I winning entrîes according to the lottery draw rules. The gaming server then sends messages to the winners notifying them of the results of the lottery.
The term “lottery” or “game of chance”as used herein includes lotteries and games of chance such as casino type games, slot machines, card games, horseracing, poker, betting on sports events, gambling,raffles, sweepstakes, and similar games of chance. The terms “Playing,”“submitting entries”, “making an entry” or “participating” in a lottery shall be given 10 the relevant meaning in accordance with the convention of each game of chance or lottery as the circumstances dictâtes. For examplethe term “submittingentries,”when used with reference to a betting game means placing betsin the game, Likewise “submitting entries” or “participating” in casino type games means using chance units as play money or chips in the game.
The term “user” as herein used refers to a cellular téléphoné ownerwho has,where necessary subscribed, to a wireless network system.Whereasthe term a “subscriber”or “lottery subscriber”refers to a cellular mobile owner who has regîstered in or subscribed to the lottery system of the présent invention. The term “subscriber” may also refer to a group of people who hâve been recruited to register individually and in addition teamed up to register asa lottery 20 group in the lottery system in accordance with another embodiment of the présent invention.
A wireless communication device as used herein includes a cellular téléphoné, a mobile téléphoné or similar devices capable of communicating in a wireless network.
Brief Description of Drawings
Figure 1 is a schematic illustration of a preferred embodiment of a lottery system according to the invention.
Figure 2 is a flow chart illustrating aregîstration method according to a preferred embodiment of the invention.
Figure 3 is a flow chart illustrating a method for group registration according to a further embodiment of the invention.
Figure 4 is a flow chart illustrating a method for génération of chance units in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the invention.
Figure 5 is a flow chart of a method of submitting entries in a lottery in accordance with a 35 preferred embodiment ofthe invention.
Detailed description of preferred embodiments
Referring now to the drawings, figure l shows aschcmatic illustration of a preferred embodiment of a lottery system (ÎOO) according to the invention. In this preferred embodiment of the 5 invention there is provided alottery system(lOO) including a wireless communication device ( 120) and a billing system (126) associated with a wireless network (122) operated by a wireless network provider (124); a gaming server (130) which includes a lottery registration module (l 36), a lottery database (l 38),a lottery draw module (I37), and a chance units account (134). The lottery system may further include a payment network system (140), a prize database (132), 10 and a lottery website (150) that is accessible over the internet,for example from a computer (160). Whereas only one wireless network is illustrated, it will be appreciated that the lottery system can use more than one wireless network
A wireless communication device owner uses the wireless communication device (120) to 15 register in the lottery system (100) over the wireless network (122).Registration in the lottery system (100) through the registration module (136) enables the registered subscriber to participate in various lotteries offered by or through thelottery system (100). The wireless network (122) and the billing system (126) are operated by a wireless network provider (124). The billing system (126) associated with the network provider (130) managesbilling and 20 payments in relation to the usage of the wireless communication device, for both prepaid and post paid accounts of wireless network users.The billing system (126) manages individual user’s account s with respect to the user’s usage of the wireless communication device.
In the présent invention, the gaming server (130) and the associated databases and modules may 25 either be operated by an îndependent entity or hosted by a wireless network provider. As will become apparent from the various embodiments of the invention, preferably the gaming server (130) is operated by an îndependent entity.This arrangement in essence allows users domiciled in different countrîes and from across different Wireless Network Providers to registerand use the lottery system (100). Thus, the lottery system (100) of the présent invention may notbe restricted 30 to one country; rather it allows participation of subscribers from different countries. It also allows participation of many wireless network providers who collaborate with the lottery operator.
The gaming server (130) communicates with the wireless communication device (120) through 35 the wireless network (122).The gaming server (130) includes a number of components that manage various aspects of the lottery system (100). A registration module (136) manages registration Of lottery subscribers to the lottery system (lOO).The lottery database (138) is a depository of lotteries that can be accessed by subscribers and comprises at least one lottery that can be played by lottery subscribers.The lottery database (138) contains a variety of lotteries from which lottery subscribers can select and participate in at least one lottery.A subscriber may select a particular lottery through the lottery menu in the wireless device or through the lottery website. A lottery draw module(l37) manages draws relating to sélection of lottery winners. The gaming server (130) comprises or is linked to a chance units account (134).
Thechance units account(134) serves as a réservoir of chance units. Chance units are convertible units to be used by lottery subscribers to participate in different types of lotteries and games of chance.Chance units can be visualised as versatile units that can be used as virtual tokens,virtual play money, or chips. Because of their versatility, they can also be used in place of play money, tokens, or chips in casino style games and they can be converted into money whenever needed.
Upon subscription to the lottery system (100), each lottery subscriber will hâve an individual chance units account created and managed by the gaming server (130).The lottery system (100) will hâve an exchange rate in various currency dénominations for the chance units and once chance unitshave been purchased, they can therefore be converted into any currency. Chance units also act as an intermediary to facilitate the exchange from one form of virtual currency into another virtual currency without resort to real money. This is especially true in the case of virtual money offered by different wireless network providers where such monies are not directly interconvertible.The gaming server (130) is also configured to reconvert chance units into virtual
I money that can be redeemed in cash in designated outlets.Lottery subscribers canalso transfer or trade chance units with one another. A subscriber may use his own chance units to submit entries 25 on behalf of another subscriber, in which case any prizes subsequently won would be deemed as belonging to the other subscriber, as if the other subscriber were the one who had submitted the entries.
The lottery system (100) may further comprise a prize database for recording of various prizes 30 on offer in the lottery wherein the gaming server (130) updates the prize database upon a lottery subscriber redeeming a prize that has been won. This is relevant where the lottery is for example a raffle that may be offered by the lottery operator in collaboration with sponsoring agencies.
The prize dàtabase is then made accessible to such sponsoring agencies for purposes of vîewing and monitoring transactions details relating to redeeming of the prizes, more in relation to 35 replenishing the prizes. As the lottery system enables participants from different countries to
I participate in the lottery, prizes may accordingly be grouped and awarded country wise, région wise, continent wise and international. This means that the lottery system may enabie some sort of mini jackpots where prizes are grouped according to participants’ countries.
In another embodiment of the invention,in response to a request from a subscriber through the wireiess communication device,the gaming server (l30)generates chance units by debiting an amount from the subscriber’s account in the billing system(l26) of the wireiess network (122). The debited amount is quantified into chance units, which are then creditedto the subscriber’s chance units account (I34).ln an alternative embodiment, the gaming server (l30) may generate 10 chance units by debiting an amount from a payment network system (140) which is in communication with the gaming server (130). In this case, the payment network system is in communication with the subscriber’s other accounts. Such other accounts include a banking system account operatively in communication with the wireiess network provider, a money transfer system account, a crédit card system, top up scratch cards for the cellular téléphoné and 15 internet based money transfer Systems. The subscriber’s request to the gaming server (l 30) for génération of chance units will specify the number of chance units to be generated, and depending on the exchange rate, the gaming server (l 30) will débit the équivalent amount from the subscriber’s account and crédit the commensurate number of chance units into the subscriber’s chance units account (134). The chance units can then be used to submit entries in 20 the lottery.
Registration method
Figure 2 is a flow chart that illustrâtes the registration method in which an îndividual wireiess communication device user registers in the lottery system (l 00) of the invention. The lottery 25 registration module (136) manages registration into the lottery system.In one aspect, a wireiess communication device user may be invited by the gaming server (l 30)to subscribe to the lottery system (100). Thegaming server (l30)is configured to monitor the billing system (126) of the wireiess network (122), and therefore the gaming server (130)receivesconfirmation of toppîng up of a subscriber’s airtime account with the wireiess network (122). The gaming server (130)thus 30 periodically receives communication from the wireiess network (122) whenever a user’s account with the wireiess network (122), either prepaid or post paid, is updated either by topping up in case of prepaid account or payment of a bill in case of a post paid account. The gaming server (130) will then send an invitation to the user to subscribe to the lottery system (100).In a non-limiting example, the invitation to the user may be in the form of an SMS message.ln 35 another aspect, the lottery operator may also publicise the lottery,and specify the registration procedure. For example, potentiel subscribers may be required to send the registration request to a short codq prefix (for example 1234) that is usable across ail collaboratingwireless networks.A user upon agreeing to subscribe to the lottery will then send a registration request through the wîreless network (122) to the gaming server (l 30). Alternatively, the user may also be required 5 to dial the short code prefix on the wireless device. Upon receiving the registration request, the gaming server (130) will generateand record an identity (ID) code associated with user’s mobile phone number. The ID code for example may even be the same as mobile phone number itself.
The gaming server (130) will then activate a lottery interface to the subscriber’s device by sending or downloading a lottery menu to the subscriber’s device. The lottery menu becomes the 10 subscriber interface for communicating with the gaming server (130).Altematively, the subscriber may receive a link to a wireless application protocol (WAP) page referring to a corresponding lottery website where the subscriber can also access the lottery system (100). For l
security reasons the subscriber may be required to provide a personal identification number (PIN) for logging into the lottery system (100).
The gaming server (130) créâtes a chance units account (134) associated with the subscriber’s mobile phone number. Upon successfiil registration of a subscriber, the gaming server (130) may be conflgured to send a notification to the subscriber through the wireless network (122)on the status of the registration to the lottery system (100). For example, the notification may include 20 the subscriber’s PIN and statement of the chance units account (134). Registration in the lottery system (100)and the quantification of chance units enables participation by players from various network providers including players subscribing to wireless networks from other countries.
Registration of lottery groups
Figure 3 illustrâtes a further embodiment of the invention relatïng to registration of lottery groups where a lottery subscriber can recruit friends into the lottery systemto form a lottery group.Lottery groups can participate in the lottery in a manner similar tothe individual subscribers. Lottery groups will also assist the subscribers to earn bonus chance units and in the process enhance their individual chances of wînning prizes by operating as a group in the lottery.The formation and operations of lottery groupswill be enabled and facilitated through links between the lottery menu and the lottery website, the gaming server (130) and wireless network providers. A lottery subscriber may join a lottery group of his choice from the lottery website or throughthemobile phone. A lottery subscriber in a lottery group may also actively solicit for potentiallottery friendsusing the lottery website or the lottery menu in his mobile phone that enable him to place requests for and recruit new lottery friends. The prizes won by a lottery group will be distributed only amongst the lottery group members exïsting in the lottery group at the time of winning the prizes. Lottery group subscribers who were members of the t
lottery group but deregistered from it prior to the prize being won are not eligible for a share of the prize. The prize won by a lottery group will be divided amongst the lottery group members 5 depending upon the number of entries each lottery group member has submitted in a lottery.
Referring to figure 3 the method of registration (300) of lottery groups involves the steps of a lottery subscriber submitting a request (310) to the gaming server, the request comprising the proposed name of the lottery. The gaming server will then check (320) to ensure that no similar 10 group name is registered in the gaming server. The gaming server will then allocate (330) a group reference number, which reference number will be used as an ID for the lottery group and is used to identify the entries submitted by it in the lottery. Similarly, every lottery group is provided with a reference number upon registration. The gaming server will generate (340) and send a notification message to each member of the group to inform them of the lottery group’s 15 registration name. The gaming server will create (350) achance units accountfor the group. The lottery group is then activated (360) when members crédit chance units into the group’s chance units account. Every group member will then be required to crédit chance units in the group account according to the lottery’s rules governing lottery groups. The members can also participate in the lottery in tums, nieaning that every group member will be required to submit 20 entries in the lottery.
Method of generating chance units.
Figure 4 illustrâtes the flow chart of a method (400) of generating chance units. The method comprises a subscriber sending (410) a request to the gaming server for génération of a specified 25 number of chance units. The subscriber’s request is sent using the lottery menu of the wireless communication device. The subscriber may also use the lottery website to submit the request.
The request will designate the account from which the gaming server will débit the amount necessary to generate the chance units. Upon receiving the request for génération of a designated number of chance units, the gaming server will débit (420) an amount équivalent to the requested 30 number of chance units from the designated account. Thegaming server then quantifies (430) the debited amount into chance units andcredits(440) the chance units into the subscriber’s chance units account. The subscriber may then be informed (450), for example through an SMS to the wireless communication device of the génération of chance units and the total number of chance units in the account. In a manner similar to the method of registering users to the lottery, the 35 gaming server may be configured to detect activities in the wireless network (122)whenever the
I subscriber tops up or pays a bill relating to the wireless communication device account. Upon detecting sqch an activity, the gaming server sends a message to the subscriber asking whether the subscriber would want to generate chance units. If the subscriber’s response is positive, the subscriber will then be requîred to follow the method of generating chance units described 5 above.
In an alternative embodiment of generating chance units, the subscriber may submit a request to the gaming server for periodic génération of chance units. This method is similar to the method described below in relation to making manual lottery entries. The subscriber will register with 10 the gaming server for chance units to be generated periodically at a desired period. The desired period may include a time period, or upon subscriber topping-up their mobile phone airtime, or at the occurrence of spécifie events. The gaming server via the lottery menu or the lottery website will provide the available options. Upon the subscriber submitting their sélection of the available options, the gaming server will register the request, after which the gaming server will 15 be automatically generating chance units at the desired period. The periodic génération of chance units is premised on availability of sufficient finds in the subscriber’s designated account.
In a further embodiment, the gaming server is configured to generate free extra chance units as bonuses to be credited to eligible subscriber’s chance units account. Eligible subscribers may be 20 selected as a resuit of coïncidences of certain events from within and outside the subscriber’s wireless network provider. For example, a subscriber may eam extra chance units if the time at which he expends his chance units coïncides with that of another lottery subscriber terminating a phone call br SMS to a third lottery subscriber.Bonus chance units may also be earned by subscribers participating in lottery groups.
Method of submitting entries in alottery
Figure 5 illustrâtes the flow chart of a method (500) ofa lottery subscriber participating in a lottery by submitting entriesthroughthe lottery system. In one aspect, the method of submitting entries in a lottery comprises the following steps- so called manual method (510) of submitting 30 entries. From the lottery menu of the wireless communication device the lottery subscriber sends(520) a request to the gaming server, the request comprising identification of the lottery and an indication of the number of entries to be submittedin the lottery.The gaming server will evaluate(54Q) the number of chance units commensurate with the requested number of entries and débit the chance units from the subscriber’s chance units account. The gaming server will 35 then submit (550) the requested number of entries in the lottery. The gaming server will then send (560) a confirmation message to the wireless communication device of the subscriber, in which the confirmation message comprising information that identifies the lottery that has been entered, the number of entries submitted and the subscriber’s balance in the chance units account.
In an alternative embodiment of submitting entries in a lottery the subscribermay further submit entries by registering for periodic entries in a lottery- so called automatic method (515) of submitting entries in a lottery. The method is similar to the method described above in relation to making manual entries except that in this case the subscriber through the lottery menu or the 10 lottery website opts to submit periodic entries (530) in a particular lottery. The method includes the steps ofthe subscriber sending a request to the gaming server for entries to be submitted at a desired period.The desired period for making periodic entries may include a time period, or upon subscriber topping-up their mobile phone aîrtime, or at the occurrence of spécifie events. The available options will be provided by the gaming server via the lottery menu or the lottery 15 website. Upon the subscriber submitting their sélection of the available options the gaming server will register the request, after which the gaming server will automaticallybe submitting entries at the desired period.The submission of automatic entries in a lottery is premised on availabiiity of suffïcient chance units in the subscriber’s chance units account (134).
Method of performing a lottery draw and notifying subscribers
In a further embodiment, the invention relates to a method of performinga lottery draw and notifying the subscribers of the outcome. The method includes the steps of the lottery draw module selecting winning entries according to the lottery draw rules. The gaming server then sends messages to the winners notifying them of the results of the lottery. The method further 25 includes the step of paying prizes to the winners in which the payable prizes may be paid by credîting the prize into the subscriber’s chance units accountin the lottery system or into the subscriber’s account maintained by the payment network system or into the subscriber’s account maintained by the billing System (126) of the wireless network (122). In case of raffles, in which the prizes are goods rather than money,the winners may redeem their prizes in outletsas may be 30 designated by the lottery operator.
As described above,the lottery system may also be configured to enable participants from different countries to participate in the lottery, and prizes may accordingly be grouped and awarded country wise, région wise, continent wise and international. This means that the lottery 35 system will enable some sort of mini jackpots, where prizes are grouped according to the participant’^ country. The prîzes could also be awarded régional wise, continental wise and intemationally. Further, the lottery draw may be conducted in real time and instant prizes also awarded in real time, of whichthey will be redeemable instantly. Prizes may be paid in cash or in kind, including free airtime and chance units.
Various alternatives, modifications, and variations are encompassed in the spirit and scope ofthe invention in accordance with the following non-limiting examples.
The gaming server as a chance units Virtual Bank and Clearing House:
The gaming server may be configured to allow a subscriber or lottery group to open a second chance units accountfor depositing chance units that may not be of immédiate need. In retum, such a subscriber wouldperiodically eam free bonus chance units that would be credited into the same account.TheChance units in this interest eaming account may be used as security wheneverthe subscriber may require to borrow chance units to cover for shortfalls in the course of his play.Borrowing of chance units may be considered similar to borrowing chips or play money in casino games.The chance units may also be used for hedging, as is common in lotteries.
Advertis entent
The lottery system may be configured to allow advertsto be sent to lottery subscribers. For example, a particular message targeted at a lottery group may be received by each lottery group member in such a manner as to have the message received by each lottery group member being associated with an advert of a different brand or corporate.Messages sent to two lottery subscribers in separate countriesmay be accompanied by two different adverts each relevant to either country.
Subscriber reward
A subscriber reward system may be introduced to reward subscribers for expending their chance units, for exemple beyond a predetermined threshold within a defined time. the rewards may be in kind, mainly in the form of bonus chance units credited into the chance units accounts of such subscribers on a graduated scale with those expending more chance units beyond the threshold getting a higher bonus. Alternatively, this group of subscribers may also automatically become eligible to enter a mini-jackpot. These examples are indicative and do not in any way exhaust the various methods that can be used to design a subscrîber reward system.
It will be appreciated that many other alternatives, modifications, and variations will be apparent to those skilled in the art. Accordingly, the invention is intended to embrace ail such alternatives, 5 modifications, and variations without departing from the scope or spirit thereof.

Claims (50)

1. A lottery System comprising:
(a) a wireless communication device for use by a lottery subscriber to participate in a lottery;
(b) a billing systemassociated with the use of the wireless communication device over a wireless network;
(c) a gaming server in communication with the wireless communication device; the gaming server including:
(i) a lottery registration module;
(ii) a lottery database comprising at least one lottery;
(iii) a lottery draw module;
(d) achance units accountlinked to the gaming servertodeposittherein chance units for use by alottery subscriberto participate in at least one lottery, wherein in response to receiving a request from the wireless communication device, the gaming server generates chance units by debiting an amount from the billing system, quantifying the debited amount into chance units and creditîng the chance units into the chance units account.
2. The system of claim 1 wherein the wireless communication device comprises asubscriber interface for communicating with the gaming server.
3. The system of claim 2 wherein the subscriberinterface comprisesa lottery menu downloaded into the wireless communication device or is a WAP page link to the gaming server.
4. The system of claim 1 wherein the wireless communication device is a cellular téléphoné.
5. The system of claim 1 further comprising a payment network system in communication with the gaming server, the payment network system comprising an account from which, in response to receiving a request from the wireless communication device, the gaming server débits an amount which amount is quantîfied into commensurate chance units, of which the chance units arecreditedinto the chance units account.
6. The system of claim 5 wherein the payment network System is selected from the group comprising of a banking System operatively in communication with the wireless network provider, a money transfer system, a crédit card system, top up scratch cards for the cellular téléphoné and internet based money transfer Systems.
7. The system of claim l further comprising a lottery website configured to communicate with the gaming server.
8. The system of claim l further comprising a prize database for recording of various prizes on offer in the lottery wherein the gaming server updates the prize database upon a lottery subscriber redeemîng a prize that has been won.
9. The system of claim 8 wherein the prize database is accessible by third parties who may view and monitor the transactions details relating to redeemîng of the prizes,
10. The system of claim l wherein the lotterysubscribers cantransfer or trade chance units with one another.
11. The system of claim 1 wherein thelottery database comprisesa sélection of lotteries from which the lottery subscribers can select and participatein at least one lottery.
12. The system of claim 1 wherein the gaming server is configured to reconvert chance units into virtual qioney that can be redeemed in designated outlets.
13. The system of claim 1 wherein the registration module is configured to perform a registration method for registerîng subscribers to the lottery system, the registration method comprising the following steps :
(a) receiving a registration request;
(b) generatîng and recording an identification code associated with the user’s téléphoné number;
(c) activating a lottery interface;
(d) creating a chance units account associated with the subscriber’s mobile phone t
14. The system of claim 13 wherein the registration request comprises a user sending or dialiing a designated code on the wireless communication device.
15. The System of claim 14 wherein the subscriber is further required to provide a personal identification number (PIN) for logging to the gaming server.
16. The system of claim I4wherein the registration requestis sent in response to thewireless communication device user receiving an invitation to subscribe to the lottery.
17. The system of claim 16 wherein the invitation to subscribe to the lottery is sent in response to the wireless communication device user topping up airtime or paying a bill in relation to usage of the wireless communication device.
18. The system of claim 13 wherein the subscriber further receives notification on status of registration to the lottery system, including the PIN and statement of the chance units account.
19. The system of claim 13further configured to register lottery groups where a subscriber recruitsfriends into the lottery to establisha lottery group.
20. The system of claim l wherein the process of generating chance units comprises:
(a) receiving a request for génération of a designated number of chance units;
(b) debiting an amount équivalent to the requested number of chance units from a designated account;
(c) quantifying the debited amount into chance units and ;
(d) crediting the chance units into the subscriber’s chance units account.
21. The system of claim 20 wherein the request for génération of chance units is sent using the lottery menu of the wireless communication device or through the lottery website.
22. The system of claim 20 wherein the request for génération of chance units further comprises the subscriber registering with the gaming server for periodic génération of chance units.
23. The system of claim 22 wherein the request for periodic génération of chance units may be based on: a time period, or upon a subscriber topping-up or crediting theîr wireless communication device airtime, or at the occurrence of spécifie events.
24. The system of claim l wherein a lottery subscriber participâtes in a lottery by submitting entries in the lottery System in a method comprising:
(a) the subscriber sending a request to the gaming server via the wireless communication device, the request comprising identification of the lottery and an indication of the number of entries to be submitted thereof;
(b) the gaming server evaluating the number of chance units commensurate with the requested number of entries and debiting the chance units from the chance units account;
(c) the gaming server making the requested number of entries in the lottery;
(d) the gaming server sending a confirmation message to the wireless communication device, the confirmation message comprising information that identifies the lottery, the number of entries submitted and the subscriber’s balance in the chance units account.
25. The system of claims24wherein alottery subscriber submits entries in a lottery on behalf of another subscriber.
26. A method of conducting a lottery, the method comprising the steps of:
(a) providing a lottery system, the lottery system comprising (i) a wireless communication device;
(ii) a billing system associated with the use of the wireless communication device over a wireless network;
(iii) a gaming server in communication with the wireless communication device; the gaming server including a lottery registration module; a lottery database comprising at least one lottery; a lottery draw module; and a chance units account linked to the gaming server to deposit therein chance units for use by a lottery subscriber to participate in at least one lottery, wherein in response to receiving a request from the wireless communication device, the gaming server generates chance units by debiting an amount from the billing system, quantifying the debited amount into chance units and crediting the chance units into the chance units account;
(b) registering users in the lottery system;
(c) lottery subscribers participating in a draw in the lottery system by submitting entries;
(d) performing a lottery draw and notifying the lottery subscribers.
27. The method of claim 26 wherein the request for génération of chance units includes the subscriber sending a request for periodic génération of chance units, the request indicating the desired period for génération of the chance units.
28. The method of claim 27 wherein the desired period for the periodic génération of chance units include: a time period, or upon a subscriber topping-up or crediting their mobile phone airtime, or at the occurrence of spécifie events.
29. The method of claim 26 wherein the registration of users in the lottery system comprises:
I (a) a user sending a registration request to the gaming server over the wireless network;
(b) the gaming server, upon receipt of the request, generating and recording an identification code associated with the user’s téléphoné number;
(c) the gaming server sending a lotterysubscriber interface to the wireless communication device;
(d) creating a chance units account associated with the subscriber’s wireless communication device at the gaming server.
30. The method of claim and 29 wherein the request for registration is sent in response to the user receiving an invitation to subscribe to the lottery.
31. The method of claim 30 wherein the invitation to subscribe to the lottery is sent in response to a user topping up or paying a bill relating to the wireless communication device account.
32. The method of claim 30 wherein the invitation to subscribe to the lottery is an SMS message.
33. The method of claim 29 wherein the request for registration comprises sending or dialling a designated code on the wireless communication device.
34. The method of claim 29 wherein the identification code associated with the user’s téléphoné number jnay be the same as the user’s téléphoné number.
35. The method of claim 29 wherein the lottery subscriber interface is a lottery menu or WAP link to the lottery website.
36. The method of claim 29 wherein the subscriber is in addition required to provide a personal identification number (PIN) which may subsequently be used for verifying ail transactions with the gaming server.
37. The method of claim 29 wherein the subscriber receives notification on the status of registration to the lottery system, the notification including the PIN and statement of their chance units account.
38. The method of claim 29further enabling registration of lottery groups wherein a subscriber recruits other people into the lottery to form a lottery group.
39. The method of claim 38 wherein a lottery subscriber may join a lottery group from the lottery website or from the wireless communication device.
40. The method of claim 26 wherein participation în the lottery comprises:
(a) a lottery subscriber sending a request to the gaming server via the wireless communication device, the request comprising identification of the lottery and an indication of the number of entries to be submitted thereof;
(b) the gaming server evaluatîng the number of chance units commensurate with the requested number of entries and debiting the chance units from the chance units account;
(c) the gaming server making the requested number of entries in the lottery;
(d) the gaming server sending a confirmation message to the wireless communication device, the confirmation message comprising information that identifies the lottery, the number of entries submitted and the subscriber’s balance in the chance units account.
41. The method of claim 40 wherein the subscriber’s participation in a lottery draw by submitting entries further comprises the subscriber registering for periodic entries in a lottery. ·
42. The method of claim 41 wherein the method of making periodic entries includes the steps of:
(a) the subscriber sending a request for entries to be submitted at a desired period;
(b) registering the request at the gaming server;
(c) the gaming server automatically submitting entries at the desired period.
43. The method of claim 42 wherein the desired period for making periodic entries includes: a time period, or upon a subscriber topping-up or crediting their wireless communication device airtime, or at the occurrence of spécifie events.
44. The method of claim 26 wherein the performingof a lottery draw and notifying the subscribersincludes the steps of:
(a) The lottery draw module selecting winning entries according to the lottery draw rules;
(b) gaming server sending messages to ail winners notifying them of their win;
(c) paying prizes to the winners.
45. The method of claim 44 wherein the prizes are grouped and awarded country wise, région wise, continent wise and international.
46. The method of claim 44wherein the prize may be paid by crediting the prize into the subscriber’s chance units account in the lottery system or into the subscriber’s account maintained by the payment network system or into the subscriber’s account maintained by the billing system of the wireless network
47. The method of claim 44 wherein the winners may redeem their prizes in designated outlets.
48. The method of claim 26 wherein the gaming server is further configured to generate free extra chance units as bonuses to be credited to eligible subscribers’chance units accounts.
49. The method of claim 48 wherein the eligible subscribers may be selected as a resuit of coïncidences of certain events from within and outsidethe subscriber’s wireless network.
50. The method of any of the proceeding daims wherein the wireless communication device is a cellular téléphoné.
OA1201300222 2010-11-30 2011-11-30 A lottery system and methods thereof. OA16676A (en)

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KE2010/1193 2010-11-30
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