HRP970032A2 - Process and device for the free centrifuging of mineral fibres - Google Patents

Process and device for the free centrifuging of mineral fibres


Publication number
HRP970032A2 HRP970032A HRP970032A2 HR P970032 A2 HRP970032 A2 HR P970032A2 HR P970032 A HRP970032 A HR P970032A HR P970032 A2 HRP970032 A2 HR P970032A2
Prior art keywords
gas stream
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Croatian (hr)
Alain Yang
Original Assignee
Alain Yang
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Alain Yang filed Critical Alain Yang
Priority to HRP970032 priority Critical patent/HRP970032A2/en
Publication of HRP970032A2 publication Critical patent/HRP970032A2/en



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  • Coloring Foods And Improving Nutritive Qualities (AREA)


Izum se odnosi na postupak za takozvano vanjsko centrifugiranje ili postupak slobodnog centrifugiranja za proizvodnju mineralnih vlakana, a pobliže na puhanje namijenjeno odnošenju vlakana i dobavi veziva koje ih međusobno spaja. The invention relates to the process for the so-called external centrifugation or the free centrifugation process for the production of mineral fibers, and more specifically to the blowing intended for removing the fibers and supplying the binder that joins them together.

Izum se odnosi na postupak proizvodnje kamene vune koja se upotrebljava kao, na primjer, osnovni materijal za toplinsku i/ili zvučnu izolaciju proizvoda. Pobliže, izum se odnosi na poboljšanje postupka fibrilacije materijala visokog tališta koji se može izvlačiti u niti, koji sadrži, na primjer, bazaltno staklo i troske iz visokih peći ili druge ekvivalentne materijale, po kojem se materijal za fibrilaciju u rastaljenom stanju izlije na obodnu traku centrifugalnih, rotirajućih prstenova, oni ga ubrzaju, odvaja se od njih i djelomično se pretvara u vlakna zbog djelovanja centrifugalne sile, struja plina, koja ide tangencijalno prema obodu prstenova, odvaja vlakna od nefibriliranog materijala, i tako oblikovana vlakna odvodi prema prihvatnoj jedinici. The invention relates to the process of producing stone wool, which is used as, for example, the basic material for thermal and/or sound insulation of products. More particularly, the invention relates to an improvement in the process of fibrillating high-melting material that can be drawn into strands, comprising, for example, basalt glass and blast furnace slag or other equivalent materials, by which the fibrillation material is poured in a molten state onto a circumferential strip centrifugal, rotating rings, they accelerate it, it separates from them and partially turns into fibers due to the action of the centrifugal force, the gas stream, which goes tangentially towards the circumference of the rings, separates the fibers from the non-fibrillated material, and the fibers thus formed lead to the receiving unit.

Gornji kratko opisani postupak fibrilacije poznat je, na primjer, iz europskih patentnih prijava 59 152 i 195 725, nazvan je samo postupak slobodnog centrifugiranja, iz čega se ne vidi da se rastaljeno staklo dijeli u nizove pojedinačnih traka (unutarnje centrifugiranje) niti da se izlaže izvlačenju izazvanom plinom, pomoću plina velike brzine i visoke temperature. Taj postupak fibrilacije vrlo je koristan, posebno stoga jer se, uz sve namijene i svrhe, samo on može koristiti pod uvjetima zanimljivim s gospodarstvenog stajališta za materijale kao što su bazaltne troske, koje obilježavaju osjetna viša tališta od običnih stakala koja sadrže natrijev oksid. The fibrillation process briefly described above is known, for example, from European patent applications 59 152 and 195 725, it is called only the free spin process, from which it is not seen that the molten glass is divided into series of individual strips (internal spin) nor that it is exposed gas-induced extraction, using high-velocity, high-temperature gas. This fibrillation process is very useful, especially since, for all intents and purposes, it alone can be used under economically interesting conditions for materials such as basalt slag, which are characterized by significantly higher melting points than ordinary glasses containing sodium oxide.

U tom procesu fibrilacije vlakna se vode od najbližeg stroja za fibrilaciju pomoću tangencijalne struje plina, koja dolazi obodom centrifugalnih prstenova, u smjeru koji je uglavnom paralelan s osima prstenova; ubrzanje uzrokovano centrifugalnim prstenovima podaje još uvijek nefibriliranim česticama, prisutnim među vlaknima, brzinu dovoljnu da obodna plinska struja značajno utječe na stazu tih čestica, što dovodi do razdvajanja vlakana koja se inače otklanjaju zbog njihove niže relativne gustoće i manje brzine. In this process of fibrillation, the fibers are guided away from the nearest fibrillation machine by means of a tangential stream of gas, which comes along the periphery of the centrifugal rings, in a direction which is generally parallel to the edges of the rings; the acceleration caused by the centrifugal rings gives the still unfibrillated particles, present between the fibers, a speed sufficient for the peripheral gas stream to significantly affect the path of these particles, which leads to the separation of the fibers that are otherwise removed due to their lower relative density and lower speed.

Izum se odnosi na uređaj u skladu s onim koji je opisan u europskom patentu EP-B 439 385. Taj uređaj uključuje niz centrifugalnih prstenova raspoređenih u sklop koji njihove obodne površine dovodi jednu blizu druge, pri čemu se ti prstenovi brzo okreću pomoću motora koji se nalaze na jednoj strani, izvan sklopa kojeg tvori niz centrifugalnih prstenova, i koji tjeraju spomenute prstenove pomoću mehaničkog prijenosnika smještenog tako, da je područje u sredini niza centrifugalnih prstenova čisto. Na stazi materijala koji se fibrilizira dva uzastopna prstena okreću se u suprotnom smjeru, a jedinica za dobavu rastaljenog materijala montirana je tako da omogućuje izlijevanje spomenutog materijala na vanjsku površinu prvog centrifugalnog prstena; prvi ventilator stvara struju plina oko niza centrifugalnih prstenova, paralelnu s osima rotacije spomenutih centrifugalnih prstenova, a drugi ventilator stvara pomoćnu plinsku struju malo pomaknutu od centrifugalnih prstenova i uglavnom u sitom smjeru s glavnom plinskom strujom. The invention relates to a device in accordance with that described in European patent EP-B 439 385. This device includes a series of centrifugal rings arranged in an assembly which brings their peripheral surfaces close to each other, these rings being rapidly rotated by means of a motor which located on one side, outside the assembly formed by a series of centrifugal rings, and which drive said rings by means of a mechanical transmission located in such a way that the area in the middle of the series of centrifugal rings is clean. In the path of the material to be fibrillized, two consecutive rings rotate in opposite directions, and the unit for supplying the molten material is mounted so as to allow the said material to be poured onto the outer surface of the first centrifugal ring; the first fan creates a gas stream around a series of centrifugal rings, parallel to the axis of rotation of said centrifugal rings, and the second fan creates an auxiliary gas stream slightly offset from the centrifugal rings and mostly in the same direction as the main gas stream.

Uređaji gornjeg tipa opremljeni su sa sistemom za dovod tekućeg veziva predviđenog da nakon sušenja i/ili polimerizacije mehanički međusobno spoji vlakna i da se tako dobije vlaknasta hasura. Devices of the above type are equipped with a system for supplying a liquid binder designed to mechanically connect the fibers to each other after drying and/or polymerization and to obtain a fibrous mesh.

Važan problem je razdioba veziva unutar hasure. Bilo je preporučeno nekoliko postupaka za dobavu veziva i za njegovu jednačenu razdiobu između vlakana. Tako europski patent EP-B-59 152 preporuča dovod tekućeg veziva u središte centrifugalnih prstenova i njegovo izbacivanje centrifugalnom silom iz kružnog raspora na istoj udaljenosti od oboda prstena. tako radijalno izbačene kapljice veziva susreću vlakna koja su i sama izbačena paralelno s osi prstena. taj sistem je vrlo učinkovit, ali ima i svoja ograničenja. S druge strane, iskorištenje nije maksimalno, tako da se može reći da je postotak stvarno iskorištenog veziva uglavnom manji od 100. To je zbog toga što vlakna još nisu stvorena i izvučena preko ulaznog oboda centrifugalnih prstenova - općenito, ona zauzimaju tek najviše tri četvrtine oboda. Vezivo izbačeno preko preostale četvrtine ima vrlo slabu priliku susreta s vlaknima. Drugo ograničenje ovog postupka je vrlo kratko vrijeme tijekom kojeg postoji vjerojatnost da kapljice veziva susretnu jednu ili više niti. Dok su dvije struje slične foliji, ona od kapljica veziva i ona od niti, okomite i tanke, područje gdje se one sijeku zauzima vrlo mali volumen. Zadatak izuma je poboljšanje postupka opisanog u patentu EP-B 59 152. An important problem is the distribution of the binder within the hasure. Several procedures have been recommended for supplying the binder and for its equal distribution among the fibers. Thus, the European patent EP-B-59 152 recommends feeding the liquid binder into the center of the centrifugal rings and ejecting it by centrifugal force from the circular gap at the same distance from the ring's rim. thus radially ejected binder droplets meet fibers that are themselves ejected parallel to the axis of the ring. that system is very effective, but it also has its limitations. On the other hand, the utilization is not maximal, so it can be said that the percentage of binder actually used is generally less than 100. This is because the fibers have not yet been created and drawn over the inlet rim of the centrifugal rings - in general, they only take up three quarters of the rim at most . Binder ejected over the remaining quarter has a very low chance of meeting the fibers. Another limitation of this procedure is the very short time during which the binder droplets are likely to encounter one or more strands. While the two foil-like currents, that of the binder droplets and that of the threads, are vertical and thin, the area where they intersect occupies a very small volume. The task of the invention is to improve the process described in patent EP-B 59 152.

Europski patent EP-B-439 385 opisuje postupak slobodnog centrifugiranja po kojem se pomoćna struja plina, koja naročito izbija iz prstena s mlaznicama, dodaje glavnoj struji plina koja izbija iz kružnih proreza, one djelomično oplakuju obod centrifugalnih prstenova. Taj postupak je vrlo koristan za vrlo preciznu kontrolu uvjeta transporta niti do prihvatnog dijela, što ima za posljedicu poboljšanje kakvoće hasure od dobivenog izolacijskog materijala sa dva stajališta: smanjenje količine nefibriliranih čestica i povećanje toplinske impendancije. Međutim, u tom dokumentu nije prikazano proučavanje razdiobe isteklog veziva, zbog centrifugiranja, iz kružnog procjepa na prednjoj strani površine centrifugalnog prstena. Cilj izuma je poboljšanje te razdiobe. European patent EP-B-439 385 describes a process of free centrifugation by which an auxiliary stream of gas, which emerges in particular from a ring with nozzles, is added to the main stream of gas emerging from circular slits, which partially cover the periphery of the centrifugal rings. This procedure is very useful for very precise control of the transport conditions of the threads to the receiving part, which has the effect of improving the quality of the insulation material obtained from two points of view: reducing the amount of non-fibrillated particles and increasing the thermal impedance. However, the study of the separation of the spent binder, due to centrifugation, from the circular gap on the face of the surface of the centrifugal ring is not presented in that document. The aim of the invention is to improve this distribution.

Bili su predloženi postupci za kontrolu razdiobe veziva u raznim slojevima koji tvore hasuru od vlakana. Procedures have been proposed to control the distribution of the binder in the various layers that form the fiber tow.

Europska patentna prijava EP-A-374 112 predlaže da se izvoru veziva u središtu rotora dodaju cijevi smještene na određenim posebnim mjestima tako, da određena područja "suspenzija niti nastala tijekom procesa", a koja odgovaraju pojedinačnim slojevima u hasuri, primaju naročite količine ili posebne tipove veziva, uzrokujući pojavu nejednolike razdiobe veziva u hasuri, pri čemu su određeni slojevi, naročito s vanjske strane hasure, na primjer, prevučeni s većim dijelom veziva, dok ostali dijelovi, kao što je središnji dio, dobivaju manje veziva. Cilj izuma je postići suprotno onome u EP-A-374 112, jer se ovo odnosi na postizanje maksimalno moguće ujednačene razdiobe veziva kroz cijelu debljinu hasure. European patent application EP-A-374 112 proposes that the source of the binder in the center of the rotor be added to pipes located in certain special places so that certain areas of the "suspension of threads formed during the process", which correspond to individual layers in the mesh, receive special amounts or special types of binders, causing the appearance of uneven distribution of the binder in the hashura, whereby certain layers, especially on the outside of the hashura, for example, are coated with a larger portion of the binder, while other parts, such as the central part, receive less binder. The aim of the invention is to achieve the opposite of that in EP-A-374 112, because this refers to achieving the maximum possible uniform distribution of the binder throughout the entire thickness of the grid.

Općenito, ako razdioba veziva u hasuri od takozvanih kamenih ili staklenih mineralnih vlakana nije ujednačena, to dovodi do opadanja kakvoće s dva stajališta - kakvoće izgleda i mehaničke kakvoće. In general, if the binder distribution in the so-called stone or glass mineral fiber screed is not uniform, it leads to a decrease in quality from two points of view - appearance quality and mechanical quality.

Upotrebljavaju se smole koje su općenito obojene i one svakom proizvedu daju posebnu boju proizvođača, čak štoviše, omogućuju promatranje razdiobe veziva između vlakana tijekom proizvodnje. Resins are used that are generally colored and they give each product a special manufacturer's color, even more, they allow observing the distribution of the binder between the fibers during production.

Ako razdioba nije zadovoljavajuća, u gotovoj hasuri mogu se vidjeti svjetlija područja, koja odgovaraju skupina nepovezanih niti. To predstavlja očit nedostatak koji, međutim, u određenim slučajevima, može imati tehničke posljedice: na mjestima gdje je nedostatak veziva najveći kohezija niti je nedovoljna i za hasuru postoji veća opasnost da se lako delaminira. Cilj izuma je poboljšati ujednačenu razdiobu veziva u harusi. If the distribution is not satisfactory, lighter areas can be seen in the finished hashura, which correspond to groups of unconnected strands. This represents an obvious disadvantage which, however, in certain cases can have technical consequences: in places where the lack of binder is the greatest, the thread cohesion is insufficient and there is a greater risk for the hasura to delaminate easily. The aim of the invention is to improve the uniform distribution of the binder in the harus.

Da bi se postiglo, izumom se predlaže postupak za tvorbu mineralnih vlakana, kojim se rastaljen materijal lijeva na obod centrifugalnih prstenova, koji imaju uglavnom vodoravne osi, gdje se vlakna oblikuju centrifugiranjem, a zatim se izbacuju, u smjeru uglavnom paralelnom s osima, djelovanjem glavne plinske struke preko barem dijela oboda prstena, u kojem se stvara pomoćna plinska struja, uglavnom istog smjera kao i glavna plinska struja, i kojom se tekuće vezivo izbacuje na vlakna, i pri čemu se pomoćna struja plina sastoji od pojedinačnih struja, od kojih su posebno neke rotacijske struje. In order to achieve this, the invention proposes a process for the formation of mineral fibers, by which molten material is cast on the rim of centrifugal rings, which have mainly horizontal axes, where the fibers are formed by centrifugation and then ejected, in a direction mainly parallel to the axes, by the action of the main gas belt over at least part of the circumference of the ring, in which an auxiliary gas stream is created, generally in the same direction as the main gas stream, and by which the liquid binder is ejected onto the fibers, and wherein the auxiliary gas stream consists of individual streams, of which special some rotating currents.

Te rotacijske struje uglavnom poboljšavaju razdiobu veziva izbačenog iz stjenke centrifugalnih prstenova na hasuru i kroz njenu debljinu, kao i stvarnu strukturu hasure. These rotating currents mainly improve the distribution of the binder ejected from the wall of the centrifugal rings on the casing and through its thickness, as well as the actual structure of the casing.

Ponajprije, rotacijske pomoćne struje plina usmjerene su konvergentno u odnosu prema osima rotora. First of all, the rotary auxiliary gas currents are directed convergently in relation to the axis of the rotor.

Da se dobije još bolju razdiobu, izum dodatno omogućuje uvođenje tekućeg veziva posebno u neke od rotacijskih pomoćnih plinskih struja. Međutim, glavni dio tekućeg veziva uvodi se ponajprije u središte centrifugalnih prstenova i dijeli se centrifugalnom silom, dok se otprilike 30% tekućeg veziva uvodi preko unutrašnjih pomoćnih plinskih struja, a ostatak ide kroz središte centrifugalnih prstenova. In order to obtain an even better distribution, the invention additionally enables the introduction of a liquid binder especially in some of the rotary auxiliary gas streams. However, the main part of the liquid binder is introduced primarily into the center of the centrifugal rings and is divided by centrifugal force, while approximately 30% of the liquid binder is introduced via internal auxiliary gas streams, and the rest goes through the center of the centrifugal rings.

Izum također predlaže uređaj za provedbu postupka. To je uređaj za oblikovanje mineralnih vlakana, koji uključuje centrifugalne prstenove koji imaju uglavnom vodoravne osi. Rastaljen materijal izlijeva se na obod prstenova. Uređaj zatim uključuje raspon na obodu prstena koji se napaja, barem lokalno, pomoću izvora plina i mlaznica, koje se također napajaju s izvorom plina, a nalaze se oko raspora, dok sistem za dobavu veziva izbacuje vezivo radijalno u središte centrifugalnih prstenova. Neke od mlaznica uređaja, koje se posebno nalaze oko raspora, uključuju rotacijsko vodilo. The invention also proposes a device for carrying out the procedure. It is a device for forming mineral fibers, which includes centrifugal rings having mainly horizontal axes. The molten material is poured onto the rim of the rings. The device then includes a range on the periphery of the ring which is fed, at least locally, by a gas source and nozzles, also fed with a gas source, located around the gap, while the binder supply system ejects the binder radially into the center of the centrifugal rings. Some of the nozzles of the device, which are specifically located around the gap, include a rotary guide.

Data su tri primjera vodila, koja mogu biti ili okretni vijci ili mogu biti izrađeni od spiralne šipke ili čak mogu uključiti lopaticu s rotacijskim pogonom. Three examples of guides are given, which can be either rotary screws or can be made from a helical rod or can even include a rotary driven vane.

Također je data cijev za dobavu veziva ugrađena u rotacijsko vodilo. Also provided is a binder supply tube built into the rotary guide.

Izum također predlaže postupak za proizvodnju mineralnih vlakana, po kojem se rastaljen materijal lijeva na obod centrifugalnih prstenova, koji imaju uglavnom vodoravne osi, pri čemu se vlakna oblikuju centrifugiranjem i zatim se, u smjeru koji je uglavnom paralelan s osima, pomoću glavne struje plina izbacuju preko barem dijela oboda prstena, u kojem se stvara pomoćna struja plina uglavnom istog smjera kao i glavna struja plina i s kojom se tekuće vezivo izbacuje na vlaknu, pri čemu se vezivo dovodi s pomoćnom strujom plina. The invention also proposes a process for the production of mineral fibers, by which the molten material is cast on the periphery of centrifugal rings, which have mainly horizontal axes, whereby the fibers are formed by centrifugation and then, in a direction which is generally parallel to the axes, they are ejected by the main stream of gas over at least part of the circumference of the ring, in which an auxiliary gas stream is created in substantially the same direction as the main gas stream and with which the liquid binder is ejected onto the fiber, whereby the binder is supplied with the auxiliary gas stream.

Dobava veziva s pomoćnom plinskom strujom odvija se korisno uglavnom ispod centrifugalnih prstenova koji oblikuju vlakna. Međutim, korisno je da se glavni dio veziva uvede u središtu centrifugalnih prstenova i razdijeli centrifugalnom silom. Čak štoviše, otprilike 30% tekućeg veziva uvodi se s unutrašnjom pomoćnom strujom plina, a ostatak ide kroz središte centrifugalnih prstenova. The delivery of the binder with an auxiliary gas stream advantageously takes place mainly under the centrifugal rings which form the fibres. However, it is useful to introduce the bulk of the binder in the center of the centrifugal rings and distribute it by centrifugal force. Even more, approximately 30% of the liquid binder is introduced with the internal auxiliary gas stream and the rest goes through the center of the centrifugal rings.

Opis i slike omogućit će razumijevanje i ocjenu prednosti izuma. Pri tome The description and figures will facilitate an understanding and appreciation of the advantages of the invention. Thereby

slika 1 prikazuje stroj za vanjsko centrifugiranje u skladu s izumom, figure 1 shows an external centrifugation machine according to the invention,

slika 2 prikazuje napravu za dobavu veziva, i figure 2 shows the device for supplying the binder, i

slika 3 prikazuje isti uređaj s dodatnom napravom puhanje prema izumu. Figure 3 shows the same device with an additional blowing device according to the invention.

Postrojenje za proizvodnju mineralnih vlakana slobodnim centrifugiranjem općenito uključuje slijedeće elemente: peć za taljenje sirovog materijala, iz koje izlazi jedna ili više okomitih traka rastaljenog staklastog materijala, jedan ili više uređaja za izvlačenje vlakana, od kojih se u svaki uređaj uvodi traku taline, te uređaj u kojem se stvaraju vlakna i praskaju s tekućim vezivom. Vlakna se hvataju na transportnu traku i, ako se oblikuje hasura, idu u peć u kojoj se vezivo otvrdnjava. A plant for the production of mineral fibers by free centrifugation generally includes the following elements: a furnace for melting the raw material, from which one or more vertical strips of molten vitreous material exit, one or more fiber extraction devices, from which a strip of melt is introduced into each device, and a device in which fibers are formed and burst with a liquid binder. The fibers are caught on a conveyor belt and, if a tangle is formed, they go into a furnace where the binder hardens.

Peć za taljenje je obično kupolna peć koju se puni s prirodnim kamenom i industrijskim proizvodima kao što su troske iz visoke peći. U toj kupolnoj peći nastaje staklo pri temperaturi od otprilike 1500ºC. Struja teče u uređaj za fibrilaciju na slici 1 i kaplje na prvi centrifugalni prsten 1 od kojeg se rastaljen materijal izbacuje prema prstenu broj 2. Prvi prsten, kao i ostali, okružen je s rasporom 3 na samom uređaju, kroz koji izlazi plin. On služi za hlađenje prstena 1. Prsten 2 hvata dio rastaljenog materijala i odvraća ga sa svoje površine pomoću zračne struje koja izlazi iz raspora 4 i oblikuje vlakna koja se odbacuju u smjeru koji je uglavnom paralelan s osi centrifugalnog prstena 2. Zaostali materijal, koji se nije pretvorio u vlakna, izbacuje se prema centrifugalnom prstenu 5, i tako dalje. Kao prsten 2, svaki od prstenova 5 i 6, odnosno 7 i 8, ima raspor, kroz koji se plin izbacuje tengencijalno prema obodu prstena da se izvuku i odbace vlakna, pri čemu je brzina plinova otprilike 100 m/sek. Ti plinovi oko centrifugalnih prstenova 2, 5 6 tvore glavnu plinsku struju koja odvodi vlakna na transportnu traku, gdje se ona skupljaju i oblikuju podlogu od vlakana, Ta podloga od vlakana tvori konačnu hasuru, ili barem jedan njen dio. A smelting furnace is usually a cupola furnace that is filled with natural stone and industrial products such as blast furnace slag. Glass is formed in this dome furnace at a temperature of approximately 1500ºC. Current flows into the fibrillation device in Figure 1 and drips onto the first centrifugal ring 1, from which the molten material is ejected towards ring number 2. The first ring, like the others, is surrounded by a gap 3 on the device itself, through which the gas escapes. It serves to cool the ring 1. The ring 2 captures part of the molten material and repels it from its surface using the air current coming out of the gap 4 and forms fibers that are thrown in a direction that is generally parallel to the axis of the centrifugal ring 2. The remaining material, which not converted into fibers, it is ejected towards the centrifugal ring 5, and so on. Like ring 2, each of rings 5 and 6, respectively 7 and 8, has a gap, through which gas is expelled tangentially to the periphery of the ring to draw out and discard the fibers, the velocity of the gases being approximately 100 m/sec. These gases around the centrifugal rings 2, 5 6 form the main gas stream that takes the fibers to the conveyor belt, where they are collected and form a base of fibers. This base of fibers forms the final hasura, or at least one part of it.

Na slici 1 s brojem 9 su označene mlaznice iz kojih pušu plinovi koji stvaraju pomoćnu plinsku struju. te mlaznice čine prsten i, kako je objašnjeno u patentu EP-B-439 385, pomoćna plinska struja omogućuje postizanje dobre razdiobe i dobre usmjerenosti vlakana na prihvatnoj traci. In Figure 1, the number 9 shows the nozzles from which the gases that create the auxiliary gas stream blow. these nozzles form a ring and, as explained in the patent EP-B-439 385, the auxiliary gas stream makes it possible to achieve a good distribution and a good orientation of the fibers on the receiving belt.

Vezivo namijenjeno-kad otvrdne-za mehaničko međusobno spajanje vlakana, obično se izbacuje iz samih centrifugalnih prstenova kroz središnje raspore. 10, 11, 12. The binder intended - when hardened - to mechanically join the fibers together, is usually ejected from the centrifugal rings themselves through the central slits. 10, 11, 12.

Naprava prema izumu koristi se u mlaznicama 9. Ta naprava uključuje dva elementa od kojih svaki uzastopce doprinosi rezultatu. To su rotacijska vodila i ona dovode vezivo. The device according to the invention is used in nozzles 9. This device includes two elements, each of which successively contributes to the result. These are rotary guides and they feed the binder.

Razmotrimo najprije ovo drugo. To su cijevi koje su uglavnom koncentrične s nekom od mlaznica 9 prstena pomoću plinske struje. Slika 2 prikazuje takovu mlaznicu opremljenu sa cijevi za dobavu veziva. Mlaznica 13 montirana je svojim krajem 14 na stroj za fibrilaciju. Cijev ima promjer, na primjer, 40 mm i iz nje se izbacuju plinovi brzinom otprilike 70 m/sek. Cijev 16, ponajprije na osi izlaza 15 mlaznice, omogućuje dobavu veziva u sredinu plinske struje koja teče kroz mlaznicu 13. Let's consider the latter first. These are pipes that are mostly concentric with one of the nozzles of the 9 rings by means of a gas stream. Figure 2 shows such a nozzle equipped with a binder supply tube. The nozzle 13 is mounted with its end 14 on the fibrillation machine. The pipe has a diameter of, for example, 40 mm and gases are ejected from it at a speed of approximately 70 m/sec. The tube 16, preferably on the axis of the outlet 15 of the nozzle, enables the supply of binder in the middle of the gas stream flowing through the nozzle 13.

Provedeni su pokusi da se vezivo dovede na različita mjesta u prstenu pomoću plinske struje na slici 1. Opaženo je, da je razdioba veziva u hasuri od vlakana značajno poboljšana ako se sekundarna dobava veziva vrši ispod rotora 2, 5 i 6, koji tvore vlakna, posebno ispod prvog 2 i drugog 5. Takav dovod veziva, koji je povezan s nekima od mlaznica u prstenu, ne služe za dobavu sekundarnog veziva. Opaženo je da su najbolji uvjeti oni kad se samo 30% veziva dovede na prsten, a ostatak se izbacuje na konvencionalan način od središta prstenova 10, 11, 12. Experiments were carried out to bring the binder to different places in the ring using the gas stream in Figure 1. It was observed that the distribution of the binder in the fiber bundle is significantly improved if the secondary supply of the binder is made below the rotors 2, 5 and 6, which form the fibers, especially below the first 2 and the second 5. Such binder supply, which is connected to some of the nozzles in the ring, does not serve to supply the secondary binder. It was observed that the best conditions are those when only 30% of the binder is applied to the ring, and the rest is ejected in a conventional way from the center of the rings 10, 11, 12.

Slika 3 prikazuje mlaznicu opremljenu s vlastitom dobavom veziva i s rotacijskim vodilom. Te dvije naprave su neovisne i svaka djeluje za sebe. Rotacijsko vodilo namijenjeno je za rotaciju pomoćne plinske struje koja izlazi iz mlaznice kao što je ona 9 na slici 1. Sistem prikazan na slici 3 spada u tip "vadičepa", to jest metalna šipka 17 u obliku spirale stavljena je unutar mlaznice koncentrično s potonjom. Kad plinovi protječu kroz mlaznicu susreću se sa spiralnom šipkom pri velikoj brzini (na primjer 70 m/s), i oni se okreću oko osi mlaznice. Ispitani su i drugi ekvivalentni uređaji, naročito okretni vijak, čija os se podudara s osi mlaznice, pa čak i sistem koji je uključivao lopaticu koja se je okretala oko osi mlaznice, pri čemu je lopatica imala blagi spiralni oblik, koji je omogućio njeno okretanje kad se je brzina plinske struje stabilizirala. Svi ti rotacijski uređaji omogućuju rotaciju barem nekih od pomoćnih plinskih struja. Figure 3 shows a nozzle equipped with its own binder supply and with a rotary guide. These two devices are independent and each works independently. The rotary guide is intended for the rotation of the auxiliary gas stream coming out of the nozzle such as the one 9 in Figure 1. The system shown in Figure 3 belongs to the "corkscrew" type, that is, a metal rod 17 in the form of a spiral is placed inside the nozzle concentrically with the latter. When the gases flow through the nozzle they meet the spiral rod at high speed (for example 70 m/s), and they rotate around the axis of the nozzle. Other equivalent devices were also tested, in particular a rotating screw, whose axis coincides with the axis of the nozzle, and even a system that included a blade that rotated around the axis of the nozzle, whereby the blade had a slight spiral shape, which allowed it to rotate when the speed of the gas stream stabilized. All of these rotary devices enable the rotation of at least some of the auxiliary gas streams.

Za procjenjivanje učinkovitosti gornjih sredstava provedeni su mnogi usporedbeni pokusi. Za svako sredstvo, rotacijsko vodilo s jedne strane, i središnju dobavu veziva, s druge strane, kao i za kombinaciju obaju sredstava, pod istim uvjetima proizvedene su velike količine kamene vune i uspoređeni su rezultati. To evaluate the effectiveness of the above means, many comparative experiments were conducted. For each means, the rotary guide on the one hand, and the central supply of binder, on the other hand, as well as for the combination of both means, large quantities of stone wool were produced under the same conditions and the results were compared.

Bitni parametri proizvodnje koji se moraju odražavati jednakim u dva pokusa namijenjena usporedbi bili su: stupanj izvlačenja, gustoća krajnje hasure, količina veziva i značajke, promjer i duljina pojedinačnih vlakana. The essential production parameters that must be reflected equally in the two experiments intended for comparison were: the degree of extraction, the density of the final weave, the amount of binder and the features, the diameter and the length of the individual fibers.

Ispitivanja namijenjena procijeni razdiobe veziva u krajnjem proizvodu, to jest usporedbi rezultata ispitivanja, bila su dva tipa, od kojih je jedno vizualno opažanje, a drugo je ispitivanje trganjem. The tests intended to evaluate the distribution of the binder in the final product, that is to compare the test results, were of two types, one of which was a visual observation and the other was a tear test.

Vizualni izgled ocijenjen je mjerenjem boje na površini gotove hasure. Boja je mjerena pomoću trikromatskih koordinata L*,a*, b*. Kolorimetar koji mjeri refleksiju na kružnoj površini promjera 8 mm bio je tip CR 100 tvrtke MINOLTA. 30 jednoliko razmaknutih mjernih točaka odabrano je na ploči veličine 1 m x 1 m. Budući da vezivo daje proizvod žute boje, mjerene su samo koordinate L* (luminacija) i b* (plavo). Mjerenje se sastoji u izračunavanju postotka izmjerenih točaka za koje je L* veće od 0,62, a b* je manje od 0,20. Te granice su one koje razdvajaju područje u kojem nema veziva ("bijela traka") i područje u kojem je vezivo položeno normalno. Izračunati postotak daje "sadržaj bijele trake". The visual appearance was evaluated by measuring the color on the surface of the finished hasura. The color was measured using the trichromatic coordinates L*,a*, b*. The colorimeter measuring the reflectance on a circular surface with a diameter of 8 mm was a CR 100 type from the MINOLTA company. 30 evenly spaced measurement points were selected on a 1 m x 1 m panel. Since the binder produces a yellow product, only the L* (luminance) and b* (blue) coordinates were measured. The measurement consists in calculating the percentage of measured points for which L* is greater than 0.62 and b* is less than 0.20. These boundaries are those that separate the area where there is no binder ("white strip") and the area where the binder is laid normally. The calculated percentage gives the "white bar content".

Ispitivanje trganjem služi određivanju vlačne čvrstoće krajnjeg proizvoda okomito prema površini hasure i provodi se u skladu s normom CEN/TC 88. Sa širine proizvodne linije uzeto je 16 uzoraka 10 x 10 cm jednoliko raspoređenih po cijeloj širini. Pripremak debljine 10 mm povezan s ljepilom sa svake strane. Zatim, kad je ljepilo otvrdnulo, uzorci su stavljeni jedan po jedan u INSTRON tenzometar i očitana je sila u trenutku popuštanja. Pri tome jedna je strana uzorka bila učvršćena, dok se druga strana povlačilo. The tear test serves to determine the tensile strength of the end product perpendicular to the surface of the grid and is carried out in accordance with the CEN/TC 88 standard. From the width of the production line, 16 samples of 10 x 10 cm were taken, uniformly distributed over the entire width. 10 mm thick preparation connected with glue on each side. Then, when the glue had hardened, the samples were placed one by one in an INSTRON strain gauge and the yield force was read. At the same time, one side of the sample was fixed, while the other side was pulled.

Prekidna čvrstoća u kN/m2, σ, j: Breaking strength in kN/m2, σ, j:

σ = 10-3 F/S σ = 10-3 F/S

gdje F je sila izmjerena u njutnima, a S je površina (0,01 m2). where F is the force measured in newtons, and S is the area (0.01 m2).

Mjerenje "sadržaja bijele trake" provedeno je na tri različita uzorka i na usporednoj hasuri. Proizvodna hasura bila imala je gustoću 45,5 kg/m2, količina veziva u krajnjem proizvedu bila je 3,1%, a sadržaj bijele trake bio je 22%. The measurement of the "white band content" was performed on three different samples and on a comparative sample. The production mesh had a density of 45.5 kg/m2, the amount of binder in the final product was 3.1%, and the content of white tape was 22%.

Pod slijedećim uvjetima provedena su tri pokusa u skladu s izumom Under the following conditions, three experiments were carried out in accordance with the invention

1.) Sama rotacija 1.) The rotation itself

Sve mlaznice u prstenu bile su opremljene s rotacijskim vodilom koje se je sastojalo od spiralne šipke sa slike 3, vezivo je dovedeno konvencionalno kroz središte centrifugalnih prstenova 10, 11 i 12. All nozzles in the ring were equipped with a rotary guide consisting of a spiral rod in Figure 3, the binder was fed conventionally through the center of the centrifugal rings 10, 11 and 12.

2.) Dovod veziva u mlaznice 2.) Supply of binder to the nozzles

Nijedna od mlaznica 9 nije imala rotacijsko vodilo. Cijevi za dovod veziva bile su učvršćene u svim mlaznicama koje su se nalazile između osme i petnaeste i između dvadesttreće i dvadesetpete mlaznice, koje su na slici 1 označene brojevima u pozitivnom smjeru počevši od lijevog vrha na slici. 70% veziva dovedeno je kroz središte centrifugalnih prstenova, a 30% kroz mlaznice. None of the nozzles 9 had a rotary guide. The binder supply pipes were fixed in all nozzles located between the eighth and fifteenth and between the twenty-third and twenty-fifth nozzles, which are numbered in the positive direction in Figure 1 starting from the top left of the figure. 70% of the binder was supplied through the center of the centrifugal rings, and 30% through the nozzles.

3. Rotacija i dovod veziva u mlaznice 3. Rotation and supply of binder to the nozzles

To je kombinacija dvaju gornjih sredstava; sve mlaznice opremljene su s rotacijskim vodilom i mlaznice 8 do 15 i 23 do 25 imale su cijevi za dovod veziva (istih izmjera kao gore). It is a combination of the two above means; all nozzles were equipped with a rotary guide and nozzles 8 to 15 and 23 to 25 had binder feed tubes (same dimensions as above).

Rezultati su navedeni u tablici. The results are listed in the table.

[image] [image]

Ovi rezultati pokazuju da je svako od dva predložena sredstva, rotacija i vanjska dobava, učinkovito samo za sebe (poboljšanje od 32%, odnosno 41%), a da njihova kombinacija daje daljnje poboljšanje (stvaran nestanak "bijelih traka"). These results show that each of the two proposed means, rotation and outsourcing, is effective on its own (improvement of 32% and 41%, respectively), and that their combination gives a further improvement (actual disappearance of "white bands").

Čak štoviše, odlični rezultati dobiveni s kombinacijom dvaju sistema bili su potvrđeni provedbom ispitivanja trganjem u slijedećim pokusima, u kojima je gustoća bila dvostruko veća od gornje. Even more, the excellent results obtained with the combination of the two systems were confirmed by performing tear tests in the following experiments, in which the density was twice the above.

Rezultati su također zbirno prikazani u tablici. The results are also summarized in a table.

[image] [image]

Kod ispitivanja trganjem opaženo je poboljšanje za 16%. In the tear test, an improvement of 16% was observed.

Provedbom postupka prema izumu dobiveno je dakle značajno poboljšanje oboje, izgled (sadržaj bijele trake) i mehanička svojstva (trganje). By carrying out the procedure according to the invention, a significant improvement was obtained in both appearance (white strip content) and mechanical properties (tear).

Ta bolja razdioba veziva, dodatno uz mehaničko ponašanje gotove hasure, ima i drugu prednost: ona daje oblikovanu hasuru bolje kohezije. To je naročito korisno, ako se hasure proizvode u dvije faze, izradom primarnog tkanja, što je tanjeg mogućeg, i zatim stavljanjem nekoliko debljina primarnog tkanja, cik cak, okomito na os kretanja hasure. Što je veći broj primarnih tkanja, a sve ostale stvari su jednake, pojedinačna debljina je manja i svojstva krajnje hasure su bolja. This better distribution of the binder, in addition to the mechanical behavior of the finished hashura, has another advantage: it gives a shaped hashura with better cohesion. This is especially useful, if the hems are produced in two stages, by making the primary weave, as thin as possible, and then placing several thicknesses of the primary weave, zig zag, perpendicular to the axis of movement of the hem. The higher the number of primary weaves, all other things being equal, the smaller the individual thickness and the better the final weave properties.

ovi pokusi su pokazali da tamo, gdje je su slučaju površinske gustoće primarnog tkanja normalna proizvodnja hasure bila ograničena na nizak rezultat, (ispod te minimalne vrijednosti tkanje se trga i nastaju šupljine), pod sitim proizvodnim uvjetima izum vrlo lako omogućuje sniženje do vrijednosti koje su barem za 30% niže, to jest, primarno tkanje tanje je za 30%, i omogućuje bitno poboljšanje kakvoće gotove hasure. these experiments showed that where, in the case of the surface density of the primary weave, the normal production of hasura was limited to a low result, (below this minimum value the weave tears and cavities are formed), under full production conditions the invention very easily allows a reduction to values that are at least 30% lower, that is, the primary weave is thinner by 30%, and enables a significant improvement in the quality of the finished hasur.

Claims (10)

1. Postupak za proizvodnju mineralnih vlakana, kojim se rastaljen materijal lijeva na obod centrifugalnih prstenova, koji imaju uglavnom vodoravne osi, pri čemu se vlakna oblikuju centrifugiranjem i zatim se s glavnom plinskom strujom odbacuju u smjeru koji je uglavnom paralelan s osima, barem preko dijela oboda prstenova u kojima se stvara pomoćna plinska struja uglavnom istog smjera kao i glavna plinska struja i s kojom se na vlakna izbacuje vezivo, naznačen time, da se vezivo dovodi u pomoćnu plinsku struju.1. A process for the production of mineral fibers, by which the molten material is cast on the rim of centrifugal rings, having generally horizontal axes, the fibers being formed by centrifugation and then thrown with the main gas stream in a direction generally parallel to the axes, at least over a part the circumference of the rings in which an auxiliary gas stream is created, mostly in the same direction as the main gas stream, and with which the binder is thrown onto the fibers, indicated by the fact that the binder is fed into the auxiliary gas stream. 2. Postupak prema zahtjevu 1, naznačen time, da se vezivo dovodi u pomoćnu plinsku struju uglavnom blizu centrifugalnih prstenova koji oblikuju vlakna.2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the binder is fed into the auxiliary gas stream mainly close to the centrifugal rings that form the fibers. 3. Postupak prema zahtjevu 1 ili zahtjevu 2, naznačen time, da se glavni dio veziva dovodi u središte centrifugalnih prstenova i dijeli se centrifugalnom silom.3. The method according to claim 1 or claim 2, characterized in that the main part of the binder is brought to the center of the centrifugal rings and is divided by centrifugal force. 4. Postupak prema zahtjevu 3, naznačen time, da se otprilike 30% tekućeg veziva dovodi pomoću unutrašnjih pomoćnih plinskih struja, a ostatak se dovodi kroz središte centrifugalnih prstenova.4. The method according to claim 3, indicated by the fact that approximately 30% of the liquid binder is supplied by means of internal auxiliary gas streams, and the rest is supplied through the center of the centrifugal rings. 5. Postupak prema bilo kojem od prethodnih zahtjeva, naznačen time, da se pomoćna plinska struja sastoji od pojedinačnih tokova od kojih su posebno neki rotacijski.5. The method according to any of the preceding claims, characterized in that the auxiliary gas flow consists of individual flows, some of which are rotary in particular. 6. Uređaj za izradu mineralnih vlakana koji obuhvaća prstenove, koji imaju uglavnom vodoravne osi, na čiji obod se izlijeva rastaljen materijal, ide u raspor na obodu prstenova, barem mjestimice pomoću plina i mlaznica, koje se također napajaju iz plinskog izvora, koje se nalaze oko raspora, dok ga sistem za dobavu veziva, u središte centrifugalnih prstenova, izbacuje ga radijalno, naznačen time, da neke mlaznice, koje se nalaze oko raspora, uključuju cijevi za dovod tekućeg veziva.6. A device for the production of mineral fibers comprising rings, having generally horizontal axes, on the periphery of which the molten material is poured, goes into a gap on the periphery of the rings, at least in places by means of gas and nozzles, which are also fed from a gas source, located around the gaps, while the binder supply system, in the center of the centrifugal rings, ejects it radially, indicated by the fact that some nozzles, which are located around the gaps, include pipes for supplying liquid binder. 7. Uređaj prema zahtjevu 6, naznačen time, da neke mlaznice uključuju naročita rotacijska vodila.7. Device according to claim 6, characterized in that some nozzles include special rotary guides. 8. Uređaj prema zahtjevu 7, naznačen time, da su vodila izrađena u obliku spiralne šipke.8. Device according to claim 7, characterized in that the guides are made in the form of a spiral rod. 9. Uređaj prema zahtjevu 7, naznačen time, da su vodila okretni vijci.9. Device according to claim 7, characterized in that the guides are rotating screws. 10. Uređaj prema zahtjevu 7, naznačen time, da vodilo uključuje lopaticu s rotacijskim pogonom.10. Device according to claim 7, characterized in that the guide includes a blade with a rotary drive.
HRP970032 1997-01-16 1997-01-16 Process and device for the free centrifuging of mineral fibres HRP970032A2 (en)

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