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FI85522C FI904260A FI904260A FI85522C FI 85522 C FI85522 C FI 85522C FI 904260 A FI904260 A FI 904260A FI 904260 A FI904260 A FI 904260A FI 85522 C FI85522 C FI 85522C
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Seppo Haavisto
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Tampella Oy Ab
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Publication of FI85522B publication Critical patent/FI85522B/en
Publication of FI904260A publication Critical patent/FI904260A/en
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Publication of FI85522C publication Critical patent/FI85522C/en



1 855221 85522

PuristintelaThe press roll

KeksinnGn kohteena on puristintela paperikoneen tai vastaavan puristinosaa vårten, jossa telassa on kiintea 5 runko, runkoon kytketty olennaisesti telan akselin suun-tainen kovera liukukenka, telan akselin ympSri pyGrivat pSSdyt ja rungon ymparilia pyGriva paatyihin niiden kanssa samanaikaisesti pyGrivaksi kytketty vaippa, joka on tar-koitettu erillisen vastatelan vaikutuksesta puristumaan ja 10 liukumaan koveraa liukukenkaa vasten.The invention relates to a press roll for a paper machine or a similar press part having a solid body, a concave sliding shoe connected to the body in a substantially axial direction of the roll, rounds rotating about the axis of the roll, and co-rotating, rotating by the action of a separate counter roll to compress and slide against the concave slide.

Tailaiset puristintelat ovat tunnettuja esim. jul-kaisuista DE 1 923 784, DE 3 239 954, DE 3 503 373, DE P 37 08 189.6, US 4 861 434. Kyseisissa julkaisuissa on esi-tetty ratkaisuja, joissa joustava vaippa ulottuu paadystå 15 toiseen ja on kiinnitetty suoraan paatyihin eri tavoin. TailGin vaipan reunat ovat aina pakotetut olemaan paatyjen muotoisia riippumatta siita, miten vaippa muuten muotoutuu telan pyOrimisen aikana.Such press rolls are known, for example, from DE 1 923 784, DE 3 239 954, DE 3 503 373, DE P 37 08 189.6, US 4 861 434. These publications disclose solutions in which a flexible jacket extends from one bed to another. and is attached directly to the ends in various ways. The edges of the TailGin jacket are always forced to be in the shape of the ends, regardless of how the jacket otherwise forms during the rotation of the roll.

Naissa ratkaisuissa on ongelmana vaipan paissa ole-20 va kengan ja paadyn vaiinen alue, jossa vaippa joutuu mu-kautumaan paadyn ulkokehan pyGrean liikeradan seka puris-tinkengan vaipalle maaraaman ja pyOreasta huomattavasti poikkeavan liikeradan vaiille. Liikeratojen valisen muoto-eron vuoksi vaippa joutuu taiia alueella monella tavalla 25 mutkille, jolloin se joutuu erilaisten taivutusten ja tai-pumien rasittamaksi ja lisaksi siina kohdistuu vaippaan myGs pituussuuntaisia veto- ja puristusrasituksia.In these solutions, the problem is the silent area of the shoe and the pad in the jacket, where the jacket has to adapt to the path of the pyGrea trajectory of the padded outer circumference and the trajectory of the puris-tinkering and significantly different from the pyOrea. Due to the difference in shape between the trajectories, the jacket is subjected to bends in the groove area in many ways, whereby it is stressed by various bends and joints and, in addition, is subjected to longitudinal tensile and compressive stresses on the jacket myGs.

Edelleen tailaisia puristinteloja on tunnettu jul-kaisuista WO 88/03191, EP 0 224 428. Naissa julkaisuissa 30 on paadyn ulkokehan pyOrean liikeradan ja vaipan ympyrara-dasta poikkeavan liikeradan aiheuttama sovitusvaikeus hoi-dettu kokoonpuristuvilla tiivisteilia, jotka sijaitsevat telan pituussuunnassa kengan yli yltavan vaipan ja vaippaa pienemman sateen omaavan pyGrivan paadyn vaiissa. Tasta ·*·.: 35 konstruktiosta aiheutuu tiivisteiden jaykkyydesta johtuvia 2 85522 momentteja vaipan paihin, mika rajoittaa hyvin taipuisien vaippojen tai hyvin jaykkien tiivisteiden kayttoa. Tailai-sissa tapauksissa vaippa taipuu tiivisteen ja puristinken-gan vaiiselta alueelta, koska joustava vaippa antaa perik-5 si ennen jaykkaa tiivistetta ja seurauksena on samoja on-gelmia kuin aiemmin mainituissa julkaisuissa. Lisaksi tas-ta voi aiheutua epatasaisesta kulumisesta aiheutuvia on-gelmia lahelia vaipan paita. Vaikeudet pahenevat vaipan pituuden vaihdellessa esim. lampcStilavaihtelujen takia.Furthermore, such press rolls are known from WO 88/03191, EP 0 224 428. In these publications 30, the difficulty of fitting caused by the trajectory of the pyOrea of the hardened outer circumference and the trajectory deviating from the circumferential trajectory of the jacket is maintained the mantle in the silence of a pyGriva bed with less rain. This · * · .: 35 constructions cause 2 85522 moments in the sheath due to the stiffness of the seals, which limits the use of very flexible sheaths or very rigid seals. In such cases, the jacket bends from the silent area of the seal and the press shoe, because the flexible jacket gives the pericles before the rigid seal and results in the same problems as in the previously mentioned publications. In addition, this can cause problems with uneven wear in the near-diaper shirt. The difficulties are exacerbated by varying the length of the jacket, e.g. due to variations in lamp mode.

10 Taman keksinndn tarkoituksena on aikaansaada sel- lainen puristintela, jossa koko pituudeltaan kengan tuke-malle vaipalle koveran puristinkengan ja paatyjen ympyra-maisen liikeradan aiheuttama sovitusvaikeus on hoidettu luotettavasti ja tiiviisti aiheuttamatta vaipalle sanotta-15 vassa maarin haitallisia aksiaalisuunnasta poikkeavia momentteja, mika mahdollistaa myds jaykkien vaippojen kay-tdn.It is an object of the present invention to provide a press roll in which the misalignment caused by the concave press shoe and the circular trajectory of the ends of the shoe supported along the entire length of the shoe is reliably and tightly treated without causing adverse axial damage to the sheath. diapers Kay-tdn.

Keksinndlle on ominaista, etta vaippa on paatyjen vaiista etaisyytta lyhyempi, etta vaippa on kummastakin 20 paastaan kytketty paatyyn vaipan paan ja paadyn vaiissa sijaitsevalla ja vaippaa joustavammalla tiivistevaipalla, joka on kiinni vaipan paassa ja vastaavasti kiinnitetty paatyyn. KeksinnOn olennainen ajatus on, etta varsinainen joustava vaippa on lyhyempi kuin paatyjen vaii niin, etta 25 se on olennaisesti puristuskengan mittainen ja etta jous-tavan vaipan ja paatyjen valiin on asennettu varsinaista vaippaa huomattavasti joustavammat ja mukautuvammat tii-vistevaipat, jotka sallivat varsinaisen vaipan taipua su-juvasti ja helposti puristuskengan pinnan muotoiseksi sa-30 malla, kun ne pitMvMt vaipan kytkettyna paatyihin ja nii-den pydrimisliikkeeseen.It is characteristic of the invention that the jacket is shorter than the distance of the soles of the ends, that the jacket is connected to each end 20 by a sealing jacket located in the jacket head and the jacket and more flexible than the jacket, which is attached to the jacket head and fixed to the jacket. The essential idea of the invention is that the actual resilient jacket is shorter than the tapped sleeves, so that it is substantially the length of the press shoe, and that much more flexible and adaptable sealing jackets are fitted between the resilient jacket and the troughs to allow the sleeve to bend -flexible and easily to the shape of the surface of the press shoe while they hold the sheath connected to the ends and their movement.

Keksintda selostetaan lahemmin oheisissa piirus-tuksissa, joissa kuvio 1 esittaa kaavamaisesti keksinndn mukaista 35 puristintelaa poikkileikattuna, li 3 85522 kuvio 2 esittaa keksinnOn mukaista puristintelaa keskilinjan kohdalta poikkileikattuna, kuvio 3 esittaa kaavamaisesti erasta keksinnOn mu-kaisen puristintelan sovellutusmuotoa tiivistevaipan kiin-5 nittamiseksi ja kuvio 4 esittaa kaavamaisesti erasta toista keksin-nOn sovellutusmuotoa tiivistevaipan muodostamiseksi.The invention will be described in more detail in the accompanying drawings, in which Figure 1 schematically shows a cross-section of a press roll 35 according to the invention, Fig. 3 shows a press roll according to the invention cross-section at the center line; 4 schematically shows another embodiment of the invention for forming a sealing jacket.

Kuviossa 1 on esitetty kaavamaisesti keksinnOn mu-kainen puristintela 1, joka muodostaa puristinnipin tavan-10 omaisen vastatelan 2 kanssa. Puristintelassa 1 on kiintea runko 3, joka ulottuu rakenteen lapi ja on asennettu pais-taan ei esitetyn ja sinansa tunnetun paperikoneen rungon suhteen pyiirimattOmasti sinansa tunnetulla tavalla. Run-koon 3 on edelleen kiinnitetty puristinkenka 4, joka muo-15 dostaa vastatelan 2 kanssa pidennetyn puristinvyOhykkeen sinansa tunnetulla tavalla. Rungon 3 ymparilia on joustava vaippa 5, joka on asennettu rungon 3 ympari pyOrivasti siten, etta se kulkee vastatelan 2 ja puristuskengdn 4 vå-lista.Fig. 1 schematically shows a press roll 1 according to the invention, which forms a press nip with a conventional counter roll 2. The press roll 1 has a rigid body 3 which extends through the structure and is mounted in a pan not relative to the body of a paper machine not shown and known per se in a manner known per se. A press shoe 4 is further attached to the run size 3, which forms an extended press zone with the counter roll 2 in a manner known per se. Around the body 3 there is a resilient jacket 5 which is mounted around the body 3 in such a way that it passes between the counter roll 2 and the compression shoe 4.

20 Kuviossa 2 on esitetty kaavamaisesti akselisuuntai- nen leikkaus keksinnOn mukaisesta puristintelasta. Rungos-sa 3 on paat 3a, joiden ymparille on telan akselin ympari pyOrivasti laakeroitu paadyt 6. Paadyt on laakeroitu si-nanså tunnetulla tavalla ja niiden laakerit on tiivistetty 25 niin, etta vaipan sisapuolella oleva voiteluneste ei paase valumaan laakereiden kautta vaipan sisapuolelta ulos. Vaippa 5 on kummastakin paastaan yhdistetty vastaavaan paatyyn 6 vaippaa 5 joustavammilla tiivistevaipoilla 7. Tiivistevaipat 7 on muodostettu varsinaista joustavaa 30 vaippaa 5 joustavammiksi, jolloin ne sallivat joustovai-pan taipua helposti kengan 4 muotoiseksi telan 1 ollessa vastatelan 2 kuormittamana. TailOin taipuma- ja muut rasi-tukset tulevat tiivistevaippojen 7 kohdalle eika varsinai-* ‘ nen joustovaippa olennaisesti rasitu niiden vaikutuksesta.Figure 2 schematically shows an axial section of a press roll according to the invention. The body 3 has ends 3a around which are rotatably mounted bearings 6 around the roll axis. The bearings are mounted in a manner known per se and their bearings are sealed so that the lubricating fluid inside the housing does not flow out of the housing. The sheath 5 is connected to the respective end 6 by sealing sheaths 7 more flexible than the sheath 5. The sealing sheaths 7 are formed more flexible than the actual sheath 30, allowing the resilient sheath to flex easily in the shape of a shoe 4 when the roll 1 is loaded by the counter roll 2. TailOin deflection and other stresses come to the sealing sheaths 7 and the actual flexible sheath is not substantially stressed by them.

35 Tiivistevaipat ovat kiinni vaipan paassa ja vastaavasti 4 85522 pSBdyissM nestetiiviisti siten, etta telan sisalla oleva neste ei paase purkautumaan niiden liitoskohdista ulos.35 The sealing sheaths are attached to the sheath end and 4 85522 pSBdyissM, respectively, in a liquid-tight manner so that the liquid inside the roll does not escape out of their joints.

Tiivistevaipan 7 kayttO vaipan 5 paissa mahdollis-taa suhteellisen jaykan ja myOskin paksuhkon materiaalin 5 kaytiin vaippana 5. Vaipan 5 raateriaalina voidaan taildin helposti kayttaa terasta tai kovempia muovilaatuja kuten esim. polyamidia tai polyasetaalia tai polyuretaanin ko-vempia laatuja. Teraksen sijasta voidaan kayttaa jotakin muutakin metallia. Muovit voivat olla erilaisilla kuiduil-10 la vahvistettuja ns. komposiittimateriaaleja.The use of a sealing jacket 7 on the jacket 5 allows a relatively rigid and also thick material 5 to be used as the jacket 5. As the raw material of the jacket 5, steel or harder plastic grades such as polyamide or polyacetal or harder grades of polyurethane can be easily used. Instead of steel, another metal can be used. Plastics can be so-called reinforced with different fibers. composite materials.

Tiivistevaippa 7 on paras tehda hyvin joustavasta materiaalista esim. kumista, polyuretaanista tai muusta elastomeerista.The sealing jacket 7 is best made of a very flexible material, e.g. rubber, polyurethane or other elastomer.

Kuviossa 3 on esitetty kaavamaisesti eras yksityis-15 kohtainen keksinndn mukaisen telan toteutusmuoto. Siinå on joustavan vaipan 5 paihin kiinnitetty tiivistevaippa 7. Tiivistevaippa 3 voidaan liittaa luotettavasti vaippaan 5 esim. liimaamalla tai vulkanoimalla. Liitoksen lujittami-seksi ja tiivistevaipan vasymisen vahentamiseksi voidaan 20 vaipan ulkopuolella asentaa erillinen tukirengas 8, joka tukee tlivistevaippaa. Tukirengas 8 voidaan kiinnittaa tiivistevaipan paaile esimerkiksi liimaamalla tai vulkanoimalla tai muulla sopivalla tavalla. Tukirenkaan 8 kay-t5n sijaan voidaan tiivistevaipan 7 paihin muodostaa pak-25 sunnokset, jotka ohenevat juoheasti tiivistevaipan keski-kohtaan pain. Paksunnos, joka vastaa tukirenkaan toimin-taa, voi olla viistottu myOs tiivistevaipan paissa lii-maussaumaan tulevien jannityksien vahentamiseksi, mika edelleen tukee tiivistevaippaa. Tiivistevaippa 7 voidaan 30 liittaa tiiviisti paatyyn 6 liimaamalla, vulkanoimalla tai paadyn ja tiivistevaipan ympari laitettavalla kiristysren-kaalla.Figure 3 schematically shows a specific embodiment of a roll according to the invention. It has a sealing jacket 7 attached to the locations of the flexible jacket 5. The sealing jacket 3 can be reliably connected to the jacket 5, e.g. by gluing or vulcanization. In order to strengthen the joint and reduce the flattening of the sealing jacket, a separate support ring 8 can be installed outside the jacket 20, which supports the sealing jacket. The support ring 8 can be attached to the sealing sheath, for example by gluing or vulcanization or in another suitable way. Instead of the support ring 8 Kay-t5n, pak-25 sunnels can be formed at the locations of the sealing jacket 7, which taper smoothly to the middle of the sealing jacket. The thickening corresponding to the operation of the support ring may be chamfered to the seal of the myOs sealing sheath to reduce the stresses on the adhesive joint, which further supports the sealing sheath. The sealing jacket 7 can be tightly connected to the bed 6 by gluing, vulcanizing or by means of a tightening ring placed around the bed and the sealing jacket.

Joustovaippa tailttin voidaan tehda myOs kuvion 4 mukaisesti siten, etta vain osa vaipan 5 materiaalista 35 paksuussuunnassa ulotetaan paatyihin 6 asti. Koska vaippa li 5 85522 5 koostuu normaalisti jåykemmåstå usein kudoksilla tuetus-ta pintakerroksesta 5a ja polyuretaanista tai vastaavasta koostuvasta joustavasta ja tavallisesti sileasta sisaker-roksesta 5b, joka tulee kenkaa vasten, voidaan tama tehda 5 esim. siten, etta jatetaan vaipan paista jaykempi kerros 5a pols joko jo valmistusvaiheessa tai mydhemmin se pois-tamalla, jolloin sisempi kerros 5b eli joustava polyure-taani tai vastaava joustava materiaali jaa tiivistevaipak-si 7.The flexible sheath tailter can be made according to Fig. 4 so that only a part of the material 35 of the sheath 5 in the thickness direction is extended to the ends 6. Since the diaper li 5 85522 5 normally consists of a stiffer often fabric-supported surface layer 5a and a flexible and usually smooth inner layer 5b of polyurethane or the like against the shoe, this can be done 5 e.g. by extending the stiffer layer 5 pols either already at the manufacturing stage or later by removing it, whereby the inner layer 5b, i.e. flexible polyurethane or a similar flexible material, divides into a sealing jacket 7.

10 Vaippa 5 voidaan tehda hieman lyhyemmaksi kuin ken- ka 4, jolloin se on koko pituudeltaan hyvin tuettu, eika epatasaisesta kulumisesta paissa tule ongelmia.The sheath 5 can be made slightly shorter than the shoe 4, so that it is well supported along its entire length, and there will be no problems with uneven wear on the sheath.

Runko 3 voidaan tehda vaippaa tukevaksi varsinkin liukukengan 4 tuntumassa ja taten voidaan vahentaa vaip-15 paan muuten syntyvia liiallisia taivutusmomentteja. Run-koon voidaan sinansa tunnetulla tavalla kiinnittaa erilai-sia vaippaa tukevia elimia kuten esim. listoja, liukuken-kia tai rullia. Vaipan tukeminen ja oikea muoto ovat tar-keita kaytettaessa jaykkia vaippoja, silia jyrkat mutkat 20 aiheuttavat liian suuria jannityksia, joista on seuraukse-na vaipan nopea rikkoutuminen vasytysmurtumien takia. Kek-sinndn mukainen rakenne tekee mahdolliseksi vaipan hyvin vapaan kulun, jossa sita ei sanottavasti tueta liukukengan ulkopuolisilla alueilla, vaan vaippa asettuu jaykkyytensa 25 ansiosta suhteellisen vakaaseen luonnollisen taipuman maa-raamaan muotoon. Mahdollisen varahtelyn vaimentamiseksi vaippa voi olla tuettu muutamilla tukikengilia tai rullil-la, joiden kiinnitys on joustava ja varahtelyja hyvin vai-mentava esim. pneumaattinen tai hydraulinen.The body 3 can be made to support the casing, especially in the vicinity of the sliding shoe 4, and in this way the excessive bending moments otherwise generated in the casing 15 can be reduced. Various casing supporting members, such as strips, slides or rollers, can be attached to the run size in a manner known per se. Sheath support and proper shape are necessary when using rigid sheaths. Silia sharp bends 20 cause excessive stresses, resulting in rapid shattering of the sheath due to iron fractures. The structure according to the invention allows a very free passage of the jacket, in which it is said not to be supported in the areas outside the slipper, but the jacket settles into a relatively stable natural deflection shape due to its rigidity. In order to dampen possible variation, the jacket can be supported by a few support shoes or rollers, the attachment of which is flexible and well dampens variations, e.g. pneumatically or hydraulically.

30 Vaikka tiivistevaipat 7 ovatkin joustavat tukevat ne vaippaa 5 hyvin sen pituussuunnassa, koska ne pitavat vaipan 5 vaiissaan påatyjen 6 keskivaiilia.Although the sealing sheaths 7 are flexible, they support the sheath 5 well in its longitudinal direction, since they hold the middle wedge of the ends 6 in their sheath.

Vaippa pyOrii liukukenkaa vasten melko suurella nopeudella ja vastatela aiheuttaa tahan valiin suuren pu-35 ristuspaineen, joten hyva voitelu on siina tarpeen. Voite- 6 85522 lu hoidetaan tavanomaisesti ruiskuttamalla vaipan sisSpin-taan voiteluttljya, joka tunkeutuu liikkeen ja kengfin 4 sopivan muotoilun ansiosta vaipan 5 ja kengån 4 v&liin, tai voiteluttljy pumpataan suoraan kengSn lapi. Osa voite-5 luttijysta joutuu paadyn 6 ja sen laakeroinnin tiivisteen valiseen tilaan, mika yhdessa nopean pyttrimisliikkeen vuoksi aiheuttaa painetta tiivisteen ja paadyn véliin, mika voisi olla haitallista vuotovaaran ja tiivisteen pul-listumisen takia. 01 jy voidaan kuitenkin poistaa tåsta 10 tilasta poistoputkien tai kaavareiden avulla. Oljytilana voidaan kayttaa rungon 3 onteloita.The jacket rotates against the slide at a fairly high speed and the counter-roller causes a high pu-35 crossing pressure at any time, so good lubrication is necessary there. The ointment 6 85522 lu is conventionally treated by spraying a lubricating oil on the inner surface of the sheath, which penetrates between the sheath 5 and the shoe 4 due to the suitable design of the movement and the shoe 4, or the lubricating oil is pumped directly through the shoe. Part of the ointment-5 pacifier enters the space between the seal 6 and its bearing seal, which together due to the rapid pythtration movement causes pressure between the seal and the seal between the seal, which could be detrimental due to the risk of leakage and bulging of the seal. However, 01 jy can be removed from these 10 spaces by means of exhaust pipes or scrapers. The cavities of the body 3 can be used as the oil compartment.

Liukukenka 4 voi olla tunnettuun tapaan hydrauli-sesti saadettavissa esim. kengttn ja rungon vaiisilia hyd-raulimannilia parhaan painetason ja jakauman aikaansaami-15 seksi. Kengttn saattt voidaan tehda kompensoimaan vastatelan ja rungon 3 taipumia, jolloin vastatelana ei tarvitse kayttaa kallista taipumakompensoitua telaa. Kenka 4 voi olla mytts kiinteasti kiinni rungossa 3, ja painesaattt hoidetaan koko telan sijaintia saatamaiia. Taipumakompensoin-20 ti voidaan hoitaa mytts tekemaiia kengasta sopivasti kupera pituussuunnassa.The sliding shoe 4 can be hydraulically obtainable in a known manner, e.g. by means of a silicone hydraulic mannil of the shoe and the body, in order to obtain the best pressure level and distribution. The shoe can be made to compensate for the deflections of the counter roll and the body 3, in which case it is not necessary to use an expensive deflection-compensated roll as the counter roll. The shank 4 can be firmly attached to the body 3, and the pressure transmission is maintained throughout the location of the roll. Deflection-20 ti can be treated mytts made of shoe suitably convex longitudinally.

Taman keksinnttn mukaisessa puristintelassa voidaan vaippa 5 tehda hyvinkin jaykasta materiaalista esim. te-raksesta, joka on kestava ja halpa materiaali.In the press roll according to the present invention, the jacket 5 can be made of a very rigid material, e.g. steel, which is a durable and inexpensive material.

25 Edelia selityksessa ja piirustuksissa on keksinttta selostettu esimerkin omaisesti eika sita miliaan tavalla ole rajoitettu siihen.In the foregoing description and drawings, the invention has been described by way of example and not limited thereto.


Claims (11)

1. Vals f6r pressdelen i en pappersmaskin eller liknande, vilken vals (1) har en stationér stomme (3), en 5 till stommen kopplad, vésentligen i riktning med valsens axel gående, konkav glidsko (4), kring valsens axel rote-rande gavlar (6) och en kring stommen roterande, till gav-larna (6) kopplad mantel (5) som roterar samtidigt med dessa, vilken mantel år avsedd att under inverkan av en 10 separat motvals (2) pressas och glida mot den konkava glid-skon (4), kénnetecknad dérav, att mantein (5) år kortare én avståndet mellan gavlarna (6), att mantein (5) ér vid bégge éndarna kopplad till gaveln (6) med hjélp av en mellan manteins (5) énde och gaveln (6) belégen tét-15 ningsmantel (7), som ér mera elastisk én mantein (5), vilken tétningsmantel ér fést i manteins (5) énde och på mot-svarande sétt i gaveln (6).1. A roller for the pressing member of a paper machine or the like, which roller (1) has a stationary body (3), a 5 connected to the body, substantially in the direction of the roller shaft, concave sliding shoe (4), rotating about the roller shaft gables (6) and a casing (5) rotating around the body (5) rotating simultaneously with the gables (6), which mantle is intended to be pressed and slide against the concave slide under the influence of a separate counter roll (2). -shoe (4), characterized therefrom, that the mantein (5) is shorter one distance between the gables (6), that the mantein (5) is at both ends connected to the gable (6) with the aid of one between the mantein (5) and the gable (6) located sealing sheath (7), which is more elastic one mantein (5), which sealing sheath is fixed in the end of the mantee (5) and in the opposite direction in the gable (6). 2. Vals enligt patentkravet 1, kånneteck-n a d dérav, att mantein (5) ér av stål, och tétningsman- 20 tein (7) ér av gummi eller annan elastomer.2. A roll as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that manteins (5) are made of steel, and sealing members (7) are made of rubber or other elastomer. 3. Vals enligt patentkravet 1, kénneteck-n a d dérav, att mantein (5) ér av plast eller ett av plast och fibrer bestående kompositmaterial, och tétnings-manteln (7) ér av gummi eller annan elastomer.3. A roll as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that manteins (5) are made of plastic or a composite material made of plastic and fibers, and the sealing jacket (7) is made of rubber or other elastomer. 4. Vals enligt patentkravet 1, kénneteck- n a d dérav, att mantein (5) och tétningsmanteln (7) ér utfiirda i samma material, men mantein (5) ér betydligt tjockare én tétningsmanteln (7).4. A roller as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that mantein (5) and the seal sheath (7) are made of the same material, but mantein (5) is considerably thicker than one seal sheath (7). 5. Vals enligt patentkravet 4, kénneteck-30 n a d dérav, att mantein (5) och tétningsmanteln (7) ér utformade vésentligen samtidigt, så att vid mantein (5) har anordnats flera materialskikt én vid tétningsmanteln (7).5. A roller according to claim 4, characterized in that the mantein (5) and the sealing sheath (7) are formed substantially simultaneously, so that several layers of material have been arranged one at the sealing sheath (7). 6. Vals enligt något av patentkraven 1 - 5, k é n -netecknad dérav, att som stéd f5r skarven mellan ; 35 tétningsmanteln (7) och mantein (5) har anordnats en styv- 10 85522 ningsring (8).6. A roller as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 5, characterized in that as a further step the joint between; The sealing jacket (7) and mantein (5) have provided a stiffening ring (8). 7. Vals enligt något av patentkraven 1-6, k a n -netecknad darav, att tatningsmanteln (7) ar an-sluten till mantein (5) medelst limning eller vulkanise- 5 ring.7. A roller as claimed in any one of claims 1-6, characterized in that the sealing sheath (7) is connected to the mantein (5) by gluing or vulcanizing. 8. Vals enligt något av patentkraven 1-7, k a n -netecknad darav, att i tatningsmanteln (7), vid skarven mellan densamma och mantein (5), har utformats en f Ort j ockning.8. A roller according to any one of claims 1-7, characterized in that in the sealing sheath (7), at the joint between the same and the manifold (5), a joint is formed. 9. Vals enligt något av de foregående patentkraven, kannetecknad darav, att tatningsmanteln (7) ar ansluten till gaveln (6) medelst limning eller medelst en pressring.Roller according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the sealing sheath (7) is connected to the end (6) by means of sizing or by means of a pressing ring. 10. Vals enligt något av de foregående patentkraven, 15 kannetecknad darav, att i langdriktningen ar mantein (5) kortare eller lika lång som glidskon (4).10. A roller according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that in the longitudinal direction mantees (5) are shorter or as long as sliding shoes (4). 11. Vals enligt något av de foregående patentkraven, kannetecknad darav, att stommen (3) ar utformad att stOda mantein (5) i narheten av glidskon (4). li11. A roller as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the body (3) is designed to support mantees (5) in the vicinity of the sliding shoe (4). li
FI904260A 1990-08-29 1990-08-29 Pressvals FI85522C (en)

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