DK165034B - Labelling device - Google Patents

Labelling device Download PDF


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DK165034B DK263590A DK263590A DK165034B DK 165034 B DK165034 B DK 165034B DK 263590 A DK263590 A DK 263590A DK 263590 A DK263590 A DK 263590A DK 165034 B DK165034 B DK 165034B
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DK263590D0 (en
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DK165034C (en
Lars Skarin
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Partex Fabriks Ab
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Publication of DK165034B publication Critical patent/DK165034B/en
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Publication of DK165034C publication Critical patent/DK165034C/en



    • H01B7/00Insulated conductors or cables characterised by their form
    • H01B7/36Insulated conductors or cables characterised by their form with distinguishing or length marks
    • H01B7/368Insulated conductors or cables characterised by their form with distinguishing or length marks being a sleeve, ferrule, tag, clip, label or short length strip
    • G09F3/00Labels, tag tickets, or similar identification or indication means; Seals; Postage or like stamps
    • G09F3/02Forms or constructions
    • G09F3/0295Labels or tickets for tubes, pipes and the like
    • G09F3/00Labels, tag tickets, or similar identification or indication means; Seals; Postage or like stamps
    • G09F3/04Labels, tag tickets, or similar identification or indication means; Seals; Postage or like stamps to be fastened or secured by the material of the label itself, e.g. by thermo-adhesion
    • G09F3/00Labels, tag tickets, or similar identification or indication means; Seals; Postage or like stamps
    • G09F3/04Labels, tag tickets, or similar identification or indication means; Seals; Postage or like stamps to be fastened or secured by the material of the label itself, e.g. by thermo-adhesion
    • G09F3/06Labels, tag tickets, or similar identification or indication means; Seals; Postage or like stamps to be fastened or secured by the material of the label itself, e.g. by thermo-adhesion by clamping action


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Theoretical Computer Science (AREA)
  • Insulated Conductors (AREA)
  • Labeling Devices (AREA)
  • Clamps And Clips (AREA)
  • Electric Cable Installation (AREA)
  • Installation Of Indoor Wiring (AREA)
  • Suspension Of Electric Lines Or Cables (AREA)
  • Manufacturing Of Electric Cables (AREA)


DK 165034 BDK 165034 B


Den foreliggende opfindelse vedrører en indretning til markering af elektriske ledninger eller lignende, hvilken indretning består af en integreret enhed, der fortrinsvis er fremstillet ved ekstrudering af et elastisk plastmateriale. Når indretningen ikke er monteret på en 5 ledning, har den i tværsnit en ydre del, der er formet som et uven-dende på hovedet eller en halvcirkel, hvilken dels ender går over i en indre del, der har to laterale ben og en central del, idet benene mellem sig og den nævnte ydre del afgrænser et rum til optagelse af ledningen ved aksial indføring af samme, hvorved indretningen holdes 10 fast på ledningen.The present invention relates to a device for marking electrical wires or the like, which device consists of an integrated unit which is preferably manufactured by extruding an elastic plastic material. When the device is not mounted on a 5 wire, it has in cross-section an outer portion shaped like an upside down head or a semicircle, the ends of which extend into an inner portion having two lateral legs and a central part, the legs between it and said outer part defining a space for receiving the conduit by axial insertion of the same, thereby holding the device 10 on the conduit.

I flere årtier har den kendte teknik omfattet to hovedtyper af sådanne markeringsindretninger, nemlig på den ene side indretninger, der svarer til en bøsning eller en ring, der skal trådes aksialt over en fri ende af ledningen, og på den anden side indretninger, der mon-15 teres på ledningen ved en radial bevægelse og fastholdelse på ledningen ved en låsevirkning. I monteret tilstand kan markerings indretningerne i overensstemmelse med den første type ikke utilsigtet forsvinde, medens dette ret ofte sker i forbindelse med indretninger af den anden type, fx under vibrationer eller utilsigtet forskydning.For several decades, the prior art has encompassed two major types of such marking devices, namely, on the one hand, devices corresponding to a sleeve or ring to be axially threaded over a free end of the line, and on the other hand devices which -15 is applied to the cord by a radial movement and retention of the cord by a locking action. In the mounted state, the marking devices in accordance with the first type cannot inadvertently disappear, while this is often done in connection with devices of the second type, for example during vibration or accidental displacement.

20 Af denne grund benyttes indretninger af den sidstnævnte type normalt kun, når ledningerne skal identificeres midlertidigt, fx i forbindelse med modifikations- eller reparationsarbejder, der udføres i et eksisterende apparat eller apparatur. Markeringsindretninger af den første type benyttes i sådanne installationer, hvor et tab af mar-25 keringsindretningerne ikke kan accepteres, hvilket ville resultere i, at identifikationsoverblikket ville blive ukomplet eller forkert.For this reason, devices of the latter type are usually used only when the wires are to be temporarily identified, for example in connection with modification or repair work carried out in an existing appliance or apparatus. Markers of the first type are used in such installations where a loss of the markers cannot be accepted, which would result in the identification overview being incomplete or incorrect.

I visse tilfælde eksisterer der imidlertid et behov for samtidigt med eller under forskellige faser af et monteringsarbejde at have adgang til begge de to ovennævnte markeringsalternativer, den permanente 30 såvel som den midlertidige. Formålet med opfindelsen er at tilvejebringe en markerings indretning, der opfylder denne betingelse på en sådan måde, at én og samme indretning kan monteres valgfrit permanent eller midlertidigt fastholdt i en låsevirkning. I overensstemmelse med opfindelsen opfyldes dette behov ved, at den nævnte centrale del 35 ved radial indføring af ledningen i rummet mellem benene er elastisk deformerbar, så at indretningen i monteret tilstand ved en snaplåse-In some cases, however, there is a need to have access to both of the two above-mentioned marking alternatives, the permanent as well as the temporary, simultaneously with or during different phases of assembly work. The object of the invention is to provide a marking device which meets this condition in such a way that one and the same device can be optionally mounted permanently or temporarily retained in a locking action. In accordance with the invention, this need is met by the fact that said central part 35, by radially introducing the conduit into the space between the legs, is resiliently deformable, so that the device in the mounted state by a snap lock

DK 165034 BDK 165034 B

2 virkning holdes på ledningen, der derefter langs en størstedel af sin periferi omsluttes af den nævnte del.2 effect is maintained on the line, which is then enclosed by said part along most of its periphery.

I det følgende vil der under henvisning til tegningen blive beskrevet én udførelsesform for markerings indretningen ifølge opfindelsen, på 5 hvilken tegning fig. 1 viser en markerings indretning konstrueret i overensstemmelse med opfindelsen vist i umonteret tilstand, set i perspektiv, fig. 2 indretningen monteret på en ledning på permanent måde og fig. 3 samme markerings indretning monteret på en ledning og fastholdt 10 ved en låsevirkning.In the following, one embodiment of the marking device according to the invention will be described with reference to the drawing, in which drawing fig. 1 is a perspective view of a marking device constructed in accordance with the invention shown in the unmounted condition; FIG. 2 shows the device permanently mounted to a conduit; and FIG. 3 shows the same marking device mounted on a wire and held 10 by a locking action.

Indretningen ifølge opfindelsen kan på i og for sig kendt måde fremstilles ved ekstrudering af et elastisk plastmateriale til en lang slange, som derefter ved transversale opskæringsoperationer deles i individuelle markerings indretninger. Hver sådan markerings indretning 15 har to hoveddele, nemlig en ydre del 1, der generelt er formet som et uvendende på hovedet, hvis centrale del omfatter et markeringssymbol 2, der er tilvejebragt på delens ydre væg, og en indre del 3. Den sidstnævnte del har to laterale ben 4 og 5 og en mellemliggende bælgformet del 6. Mellem denne del og den ydre del 1 er der afgrænset et 20 rum, der kan optage en ledning 7 på en sådan måde, at markerings indretningen i en aksial retning trådes over ledningen som vist i fig.The device according to the invention can be manufactured in a manner known per se by extruding an elastic plastic material into a long hose, which is then divided into individual marking devices by transverse cutting operations. Each such marking device 15 has two main parts, namely an outer part 1, generally formed as an upside down head, the central part of which comprises a marking symbol 2 provided on the outer wall of the part and an inner part 3. The latter part has two lateral legs 4 and 5 and an intermediate bellows portion 6. Between this portion and the outer portion 1 is defined a 20 compartment capable of accommodating a conduit 7 in such a way that the marking device is threaded across the conduit in an axial direction. as shown in FIG.

2. Som vist i fig. 2 monteres indretningen på en ledning med forholdsvis lille diameter, så at i alt væsentligt kun den velformede del 6 er deformeret. I overensstemmelse med samme princip tillader en 25 kontinuerlig deformation af hele markeringsindretningen, at denne ligeledes kan benyttes på væsentlig tykkere ledninger. Som man vil forstå, holdes markerings indretningen i overensstemmelse med dette monteringsalternativ på en i og for sig kendt måde på ledningen, så at markerings indretningen ikke utilsigtet kan fjernes.2. As shown in FIG. 2, the device is mounted on a relatively small diameter conduit such that substantially only the well-formed portion 6 is deformed. In accordance with the same principle, a continuous deformation of the entire marking device allows it to be applied to substantially thicker conduits as well. As will be appreciated, the marking device is held in accordance with this mounting alternative in a manner known per se on the cord so that the marking device cannot be unintentionally removed.

30 I fig. 1 er også vist, at der mellem benene 4 og 5 er afgrænset et andet rum, der i modsætning til det ovennævnte rum ikke er lukket i forhold til omgivelserne, men som er åben i bunden. Denne udformning gør det muligt i stedet at montere markeringsindretningen på en ledning som vist i fig. 3 ved, at markerings indretningen tvinges ned 35 over ledningen i radial retning. Det er tilsvarende klart, at marke-In FIG. 1, it is also shown that, between the legs 4 and 5, another space is defined which, unlike the above-mentioned space, is not closed relative to the surroundings, but which is open at the bottom. This configuration makes it possible to mount the marking device instead on a line as shown in FIG. 3 in that the marking device is forced down 35 over the line in the radial direction. It is similarly clear that

Claims (3)

1. Indretning til markering af elektriske ledninger og fremstillet fortrinsvis ved ekstrudering som en integreret del af et elastisk plastmateriale, hvilken indretning i sin umonterede tilstand har et 25 tværsnit, der omfatter en ydre del (1), der er udformet som et uven-dende på hovedet eller en halvcirkel, og hvis ender går over i en indre del (3), der har to laterale ben (4, 5) og en central del (6), og mellem hvilken del og hvilken ydre del der afgrænses et rum til optagelse af den nævnte ledning, på hvilken indretningen derved 30 beskyttes mod utilsigtet aftagning ved, at indretningen er trådet på ledningen i ledningens længderetning, kendetegnet ved, at den nævnte centrale del (6) ved radial indføring af ledningen i rummet mellem benene (4, 5) er elastisk deformerbar, så at indretningen i monteret tilstand ved en snaplåse- 4 DK 165034 B virkning holdes på ledningen, der derefter langs en størstedel af sin periferi omsluttes af den nævnte del (6).Apparatus for marking electrical wires and preferably manufactured by extrusion as an integral part of a resilient plastic material, which in its unmounted state has a cross-section comprising an outer part (1) formed as an upside down on the head or a semicircle, the ends of which passing into an inner portion (3) having two lateral legs (4, 5) and a central portion (6), and between which portion and outer portion a space is delimited; receiving said cord, on which the device is thereby protected against accidental removal by the device being threaded on the cord in the longitudinal direction of the cord, characterized in that said central part (6), by radially introducing the cord into the space between the legs (4, 5) is resiliently deformable so that the device is mounted on the cord by a snap-locking effect, which is then enclosed by said part (6) along a majority of its circumference. 2. Indretning ifølge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at den indre dels centrale del (6) på en 5 i og for sig kendt måde er udformet som en bælg med det formål at tillade brug af markerings indretningen på ledninger med forskellige diametre.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the central part (6) of the inner part is in a manner known per se known as a bellows for the purpose of permitting use of the marking device on wires of different diameters. 3. Indretning ifølge krav 1 eller 2, kendetegnet ved, at benene (4, 5) gr æns ende op til deres 10 overgange i den nævnte ydre del (1) har modstående fremspring (9) eller lignende til at forstærke snaplåsevirkningen til fastholdelse af indretningen.Device according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the legs (4, 5) adjacent the end of their 10 transitions in said outer part (1) have opposite projections (9) or the like for reinforcing the snap-locking effect for retaining device.
DK263590A 1988-05-03 1990-11-02 MARKING DEVICES DK165034C (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (4)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SE8801671 1988-05-03
SE8900240 1989-04-27
PCT/SE1989/000240 WO1989011153A1 (en) 1988-05-03 1989-04-27 A marking device

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DK263590D0 DK263590D0 (en) 1990-11-02
DK263590A DK263590A (en) 1990-11-02
DK165034B true DK165034B (en) 1992-09-28
DK165034C DK165034C (en) 1993-02-08



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DK263590A DK165034C (en) 1988-05-03 1990-11-02 MARKING DEVICES

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