
Publication number
DK161676B DK397382A DK397382A DK161676B DK 161676 B DK161676 B DK 161676B DK 397382 A DK397382 A DK 397382A DK 397382 A DK397382 A DK 397382A DK 161676 B DK161676 B DK 161676B
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Danish (da)
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DK397382A (en
DK161676C (en
Pedro Alamo Moreno
Original Assignee
Pedro Alamo Moreno
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Pedro Alamo Moreno filed Critical Pedro Alamo Moreno
Publication of DK397382A publication Critical patent/DK397382A/en
Publication of DK161676B publication Critical patent/DK161676B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK161676C publication Critical patent/DK161676C/en



    • C13B25/00Evaporators or boiling pans specially adapted for sugar juices; Evaporating or boiling sugar juices
    • C13B25/02Details, e.g. for preventing foaming or for catching juice
    • B01D3/00Distillation or related exchange processes in which liquids are contacted with gaseous media, e.g. stripping
    • B01D3/34Distillation or related exchange processes in which liquids are contacted with gaseous media, e.g. stripping with one or more auxiliary substances
    • B01D3/343Distillation or related exchange processes in which liquids are contacted with gaseous media, e.g. stripping with one or more auxiliary substances the substance being a gas
    • B01F23/00Mixing according to the phases to be mixed, e.g. dispersing or emulsifying
    • B01F33/00Other mixers; Mixing plants; Combinations of mixers
    • B01F33/40Mixers using gas or liquid agitation, e.g. with air supply tubes
    • B01F33/401Methods
    • B01F33/00Other mixers; Mixing plants; Combinations of mixers
    • B01F33/70Mixers specially adapted for working at sub- or super-atmospheric pressure, e.g. combined with de-foaming


  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis (AREA)
  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Biochemistry (AREA)
  • Organic Chemistry (AREA)
  • Vaporization, Distillation, Condensation, Sublimation, And Cold Traps (AREA)
  • Jellies, Jams, And Syrups (AREA)
  • General Preparation And Processing Of Foods (AREA)
  • Distillation Of Fermentation Liquor, Processing Of Alcohols, Vinegar And Beer (AREA)
  • Mixers With Rotating Receptacles And Mixers With Vibration Mechanisms (AREA)


DK 161676 BDK 161676 B

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Opfindelsen angår en fremgangsmåde til omrøring af væsker, især sukkerforstadier, som angivet i krav l's indledning, og denne fremgangsmåde er ejendommelig ved det i krav l's kendetegnende del anførte. Herved muliggøres en besparelse 5 af energi under forøgelse af effektiviteten og en bedre gennemførelse af de processer, hvorpå systemet anvendes.The invention relates to a method for stirring liquids, in particular sugar precursors, as set forth in the preamble of claim 1, and this method is characterized by the characterizing part of claim 1. This enables a saving of 5 energy while increasing efficiency and better execution of the processes on which the system is used.

Der opnås et mindre forbrug af energi.Less energy consumption is achieved.

10 En sukkerkogebeholder med mekanisk omrøring plejer at være udrustet med en motor på 20-50 HK, som under afviklingen af kogningen arbejder med 80% af sin nominelle ydeevne, men som ved at fungere i ro og mag i den første del af kogningen frembringer en betydelig reduktion i den elektriske in- 15 stallations cosinus, medens man i den sidste del af kogningen må stole på virkningen af de relæer, som overvåger intensiteten af motorens levetid med hensyn til overskudsforbrug.10 A sugar cooker with mechanical stirring is usually equipped with an engine of 20-50 hp, which during operation of the boiler operates at 80% of its nominal performance, but which, by working calmly in the first part of the boiling, produces a significant reduction in the electrical installation cosine, while in the latter part of the boiling must be relied on the effect of the relays which monitor the intensity of the engine's life with respect to excess consumption.

20 Under omrøringen med luft vil forbruget pr. sukkerkogebeholder være på 5-6 HK. Der er en forskel på 15-30 HK pr. sukkerkogebeholder i energiforbrug, hvilket ikke er ubetydeligt i en sukkerfabrik, hvis produktion altid er begrænset og næsten altid sparsom.During stirring with air, consumption per sugar canister can be 5-6 HP. There is a difference of 15-30 HP per year. sugar cane container in energy consumption, which is not insignificant in a sugar factory whose production is always limited and almost always sparse.


Opfindelsen medfører en mindre investering, idet sukkerko-gebeholderen med mekanisk omrøring næsten altid har en motor med dobbelt vikling, så at den kan arbejde med to forskellige hastigheder i afhængighed af massens konsistens.The invention involves a small investment, the sugar-stirring container with mechanical stirring almost always having a dual winding motor so that it can operate at two different speeds depending on the consistency of the mass.

30 Bortset fra den højere pris for denne motortype kommer dertil prisen for hastighedsreduktionsudvekslingen, som nødvendigvis er pladskrævende og bekostelig på grund af det betydelige reduktionsforhold, fra 1500 omdrejninger pr. minut til 40-60 omdrejninger pr. minut, som er omdrejnings- 35 tallet for omrøreren.30 Apart from the higher price for this type of engine, the price reduction speed, which is necessarily space consuming and expensive due to the significant reduction ratio, comes from 1500 rpm. per minute to 40-60 rpm. per minute, which is the speed of the stirrer.

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Der kendes indblæsning af trykluftstrømme, især fra USA patentskrift nr. 3.505.111, men forsøg har vist, at anvendelsen af en impulsagtig indblæsning af trykluftstrømmene giver en forbedret økonomi. , 5The supply of compressed air streams is known, in particular from United States Patent Specification No. 3,505,111, but experiments have shown that the use of an impulsive supply of compressed air streams provides an improved economy. , 5

Omrøreren er altid et håndværksmæssigt fremstillet emne af kostbart metal, som skal opfylde specifikke og meget skarpe IThe agitator is always a workmanship made of precious metal, which must meet specific and very sharp I

betingelser i henseende til kvaliteten af støbningen, og for at den skal være demonterbar i stykker eller dele, som 10 kan indføres på arbejdsstedet, må den være udført med meget omhyggeligt udførte mekaniske komponenter.conditions for the quality of the casting and for it to be removable in pieces or parts which can be introduced at the work site, it must be made with very carefully constructed mechanical components.

Transmissionsakslen i det indre af sukkerkogebeholderen må være kraftig og med stor diameter og med meget god kvali-15 tet af stålet og delt i to eller flere dele, som forenes ved hjælp af mekaniske komponenter, som er bekostelige.The transmission shaft in the interior of the sugar cooker container must be strong and of large diameter and of very good quality of the steel and divided into two or more parts which are joined by means of mechanical components which are expensive.

Den må i sukkerkogebeholderens indre have et eller flere lejer, som kræver automatisk afstandssmøring foruden oversprøjtning med vand under tryk til forebyggelse af, at mas-20 sen i sukkerkogebeholderen kommer ind i lejerne, som da hurtigt ville blive ødelagt. Trykvandet, som overrisler lejet, fordampes i sukkerkogebeholderen med deraf følgende dampforbrug.It must have one or more bearings in the interior of the sugar cooker which require automatic distance lubrication in addition to spraying with pressurized water to prevent the mass of the sugar cooker from entering the bearings, which would then quickly be destroyed. The pressurized water that irrigates the bed is evaporated in the sugar cooker vessel with the resulting steam consumption.

25 Tillukningen eller forseglingen af lejet, som bærer akslen ved udgangen af sukkerkogebeholderen og i den øverste del, må have perfekt tæthed, hvilket kræver en omhyggelig årlig reparation under fjernelse af reduktionsudvekslingsmekanismen. Dette kræver i den øverste del af sukkerkogebeholde-30 ren en bekostelig afstivning eller et stillads til installation af en fast passage over hver sukkerkogebeholder med omrører, som tillader demontage af reduktionsmekanismen og motoren. En fejl eller et svigt i forseglingen under kampagnen betyder en ukontrolleret luftadgang, hvis reparation 35 sætter den pågældende sukkerkogebeholder ud af drift i mange timer.The closure or seal of the bearing carrying the shaft at the exit of the sugar cooker container and in the upper portion must have perfect tightness, which requires careful annual repair while removing the reduction exchange mechanism. This requires, in the upper portion of the sugar cooker, an expensive bracing or scaffold to install a fixed passageway over each sugar cooker with agitator allowing disassembly of the reducing mechanism and engine. Failure or failure of the seal during the campaign means uncontrolled air access, whose repair 35 puts the sugar canister out of operation for many hours.

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Alle disse uheldige omstændigheder elimineres gennem den foreliggende opfindelse.All these unfortunate circumstances are eliminated by the present invention.

En anden fordel er alsidigheden.Another benefit is the versatility.

5 I virkeligheden kræver den mekaniske omrøring særlige suk-kerkogebeholdere, som må have et midterhul i deres rørlegeme, hvor man kan anbringe omrøreren, og dampafgang og dråbefanger skal ændres til installation af drivanordnin- 10 9en·5 In fact, mechanical stirring requires special sugary cookware containers which must have a center hole in their tubular body where the agitator can be placed, and the vapor outlet and dropper must be changed to install the drive device 10

Til gengæld tillader omrøringen af sukkerkogebeholderen med luft og/eller med en del af vanddampen med ringe besvær og minimal investering at afpasse omrøringen til sukkerkogebe-15 holderen til de mest forskellige modeller af rørlegemet: med svømmende cylinder, uden midterhul, med ringformet rum ved periferien, med plan overflade eller med større eller mindre hældning af den øverste rørformede plade osv.In contrast, the stirring of the sugar cooker with air and / or with a portion of the water vapor, with little hassle and minimal investment, allows the stirring of the sugar cooker to be adapted to the most different models of the tubular body: with a swimming cylinder, without center hole, with annular space at the periphery , with flat surface or with greater or lesser inclination of the upper tubular plate, etc.

2o Alt dette blot ved at man i hvert enkelt tilfælde studerer formen af sukkerkogebeholderen og indsætningen af injektorerne for luft og/eller med en del vanddamp i de mest egnede punkter til opnåelse af optimal omrøring. Dette forbedrer sukkerkornenes kvalitet.All this simply by studying the shape of the sugar cooker in each case and the insertion of the injectors for air and / or with some water vapor at the most suitable points for optimum stirring. This improves the quality of the sugar grains.


Det er velkendt i enhver sukkerfabrik, at omrøringen af massen medfører en reduktion i antallet af krystalkim og en betydelig forøgelse af størrelsen af enkeltkrystallerne.It is well known in any sugar mill that stirring of the pulp causes a reduction in the number of crystal germs and a significant increase in the size of the single crystals.

Dette betyder en reduktion i indeslutningen af saft mellem 30 krystalkimenes overflader og af tilbageholdelsen af saft i de spidse vinkler eller skarpe hjørner, som de sekundære krystaller danner på krystalkimene sammen med hovedkrystallen, hvilket medfører en reduktion i indholdet af aske i sukkerkrystallerne, som fås med samme sirup i en sukkerko-35 gebeholder med omrøring eller uden omrøring.This means a reduction in the containment of the juice between the surfaces of the crystal germs and the retention of the juice at the acute angles or sharp corners formed by the secondary crystals on the crystal germs together with the main crystal, resulting in a reduction in the content of ash in the sugar crystals obtained with the same syrup in a sugar-cane beaker with stirring or without stirring.

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Det samme sker med sukkerkrystallernes Icumsa-farve. Reduktionen i aske er af størrelsesordenen 35%, og reduktionen i farve på 30% for den her foreslåede fremgangsmåde.The same happens with the Icumsa color of the sugar crystals. The reduction in ash is of the order of 35% and the reduction in color of 30% for the method proposed here.

i 5 Ved omrøringen undgås der desuden uanset dennes type punkter med for stor overmætning og dermed dannelsen af falske .i 5 In addition, stirring is avoided irrespective of its type of points with excessive saturation and thus the formation of false.

korn under afviklingen af kogningen, hvilket forbedrer ensartetheden af størrelsen af de opnåede korn.grains during the course of cooking, which improves the uniformity of the size of the grains obtained.

10 Nedenfor kommenteres indvirkningen af denne forbedring på ensartetheden under centrifugeringen, hvilket forøger de opnåede fordele.10 The impact of this improvement on the uniformity during spin is commented below, which increases the benefits obtained.

Ligeledes opnås der en reduktion af kogetiden og af damp-15 forbruget.Also, a reduction in boiling time and steam consumption is achieved.

I virkeligheden sikrer omrøringen af kogebeholderne med luft og/eller en del vanddamp en reduktion i kogetiden på over 25 eller 30%. Denne effekt er mere udtalt i sukkerko-20 gebeholdere for det 2. og 3. produkt, altså med lav renhed, hvor dannelsen af bobler i den nederste del af massen aktiverer kogningen og i høj grad forbedrer varmeoverførslen, selv ved meget høj viskositet.In fact, stirring the cooking vessels with air and / or some water vapor ensures a reduction in the cooking time of more than 25 or 30%. This effect is more pronounced in sugar canister containers for the 2nd and 3rd products, i.e., low purity, where the formation of bubbles in the lower part of the pulp activates the cooking and greatly improves the heat transfer, even at very high viscosity.

25 i sukkerkogebeholderne kan man anslå, at dampforbruget er af størrelsesordenen 130% af det i dem fordampede vand på grund af varmetabene under massens langvarige ophold i dem.25 in the sugar cookers, it can be estimated that the steam consumption is on the order of 130% of the water evaporated in them due to the heat losses during the prolonged stay in them.

For hver 1000 ton behandlede roer kan dampforbruget i suk-30 kerkogebeholderne udtrykkes som:For every 1,000 tonnes of beet treated, the steam consumption in the sugar cane containers can be expressed as:

Damp til fordampning og inddampning ...... 107.700 kgVapor for evaporation and evaporation ...... 107,700 kg

Damp forbrugt under opholdet ............. 32.230 kgVapor consumed during the stay ............. 32,230 kg

Total .................................... 140.000 kg dampTotal .................................... 140,000 kg of steam

Hvis der sker en reduktion på 20% i kogetiden, så må der logisk ske en reduktion i forbruget i form af damptab i 35 - 5 -If there is a 20% reduction in the boiling time, then logically a reduction in consumption in the form of steam loss must occur in 35 - 5 -

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samme forhold, hvilket vil sige, at reduktionen i dampforbruget vil være 8.075 kg.the same ratio, which means that the reduction in steam consumption will be 8,075 kg.

Til denne dampbesparelse skal lægges den fornødne damp, 5 navnlig ved krystallisationen af produkter med lav renhedsgrad, til fordampning af det vand, som kogeren indfører i sukkerkogebeholderen til opretholdelse af kogningen eller bevægelsen i sukkerkogebeholderen, og som ikke skal anslås, men som det ikke vil være urimeligt at ansætte til 700 kg 10 for hver 1.000 ton bearbejdede roer.To this steam saving must be added the necessary steam, in particular in the crystallization of low purity products, to evaporate the water which the cooker enters into the sugar cooker to maintain the boiling or movement in the sugar cooker, and which is not to be estimated but which it will not. be unreasonable to employ up to 700 kg 10 for every 1,000 tonnes of processed beets.

Endnu en fordel er at der skabes større flydenhed i kogenes udvikling. Har man erfaring i kogeapparater, ved man, at skal man fylde et kogeapparat, der ikke har omrøring, 15 hurtigt af hensyn til fabrikkens drift, er det nødvendigt at fylde det "lukket," d.v.s. ret ufortyndet, fra bunden, for hvis man gør det under fortynding, hvorved man får bedre krystaller, så sker der det, at hvis man vil koncentrere, når kogeapparatet er fyldt, så er processen så 20 langsom, at det er vanskeligt at koncentrere koget, og det er så nødvendigt at nedlukke, d.v.s. udtømme, et meget flydende eller lidet koncentreret kog, hvorved der opnås et lavt udbytte i krystaller og en stor mængde melasse.Another advantage is that greater fluidity is created in the development of the cook. If you have experience in cookers, you know that if you need to fill a cooker that has no stirring, quickly for the sake of the factory operation, it is necessary to fill it "closed," i.e. quite undiluted, from the bottom, because if you do it under dilution to give better crystals, then it happens that if you want to concentrate when the cooker is full, then the process is so slow that it is difficult to concentrate the boiled , and it is then necessary to shut down, ie depletion, a very liquid or slightly concentrated boil, thereby obtaining a low yield in crystals and a large amount of molasses.

25 Omrøring, enten med luft eller mekanisk gør det muligt at lukke kogeapparatet i det rigtige øjeblik, hvorved der opnås en stor mængde krystaller og en bedre afmagret melasse.25 Stirring, either with air or mechanically, allows the cooker to close at the right moment, thereby obtaining a large amount of crystals and a better flattened molasses.

30 Fra formlen for krystaludbyttet: „ , i.-,..·,, ii- massens renhed - saftens renhed nn % krystaludbytte = -100 - saftens renhed- x 100 ser man, at ved en reduktion fra 79,5 til 78,5 af renheden af saften, idet massen har en renhed på 90,0, går krystal-35 udbyttet fra 51,22% til 53,49%, hvilket vil sige en forøgelse på 4,5% i krystalmængden.30 From the formula of the crystal yield: „, i .-, .. · ,, ii - the purity of the mass - the purity of the juice nn% crystal yield = -100 - the purity of the juice - x 100, it is seen that by a reduction from 79.5 to 78, 5 of the purity of the juice, with the mass having a purity of 90.0, the crystal yield goes from 51.22% to 53.49%, which is an increase of 4.5% in the crystal amount.

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Ved at holde koget flydende, dvs. lidet koncentreret, undgår man dannelsen af nye korn, efterhånden som niveauet i sukkerkogebeholderen stiger, hvilke korn senere vil vanskeliggøre centrifugeringen og forøge askeindholdet og farven c- af det opnåede sukker. Der opnås samtidig en reduktion i rumfanget af bundfaldet. i I en hel del af de eksisterende sukkerkogebeholdere tvinges man af nødvendigheden af at dække det rørformede kammer med sirup med henblik på koncentration og krystallisation til at tage et kogningsbundfald, som er alt for stort, hvilket frembringer nogle sukkerkrystaller med alt for stor finhed.By keeping the boiling liquid, ie. little concentrated, the formation of new grains is avoided as the level of the sugar canister increases, which grains will later complicate centrifugation and increase the ash content and color c- of the sugar obtained. At the same time, a reduction in the volume of the precipitate is obtained. In many of the existing sugar boiling containers, the necessity of covering the tubular chamber with syrup for concentration and crystallization is forced to take a boiling precipitate that is too large, producing some sugar crystals of excessive fineness.

Hvis der findes omrøring, som det anbefales ifølge opfin-•^5 delsen, kan dette bundfald reduceres betydeligt; thi skønt siruppen ikke er i stand til at dække det rørformede legeme helt, så vil den dog gøre det med den næsten konstante indførsel af et rumfang tilskudsluft, som vil bringe massen til at springe på den øverste rørformede 2o plade, hvorved man undgår lokal overhedning og påbrænding, som ville finde sted, hvis der ikke var omrøring.If there is stirring, as recommended by the invention, this precipitation can be reduced considerably; for although the syrup is not able to completely cover the tubular body, it will, however, do so with the almost constant input of a volume of supplemental air which will cause the mass to plunge on the upper tubular 2o plate, thereby avoiding local superheating and burning which would occur if there was no stirring.

En så betydelig reduktion i kogetiden tillader i særlige tilfælde en ny arbejdsmåde, som atter gør det muligt at op-25 nå sukkerkrystaller med større størrelse blot ved at bringe en sukkerkogebeholder til at frembringe krystallisation, idet man tager et kogebundfald fra den, som er praktisk taget dobbelt så stort som det normale, og idet man efter krystallisationen og klaringen overfører halvdelen 30 af dette bundfald til en anden beholder og fylder begge sukkerkogebeholdere på samme tid, eller idet man forsinker den ene en smule i forhold til den anden.Such a significant reduction in boiling time, in particular cases, allows a new mode of operation which again allows larger crystals of sugar to be obtained simply by bringing a sugar boiler container to produce crystallisation, taking a boiling precipitate from that which is convenient taken twice as much as normal, and after crystallization and clearing, half 30 of this precipitate is transferred to another container, filling both sugarcane containers at the same time, or delaying one slightly relative to the other.

Det er bemærkelsesværdigt, at dette letter indføringen af 35 saft.It is noteworthy that this facilitates the introduction of 35 juices.

I kogningen af det første produkt er det normal praksis, - 7 -In the cooking of the first product it is normal practice, - 7 -

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at man, når niveauet er højt, til sukkerkogebeholderen sætter den saft, som er opnået i de tidligere kogninger, normalt den med størst renhed eller med størst koncentration, hvorved det lykkes at udpine saften og at 5 nedsætte andelen af krystaller i massen, som bliver mere flydende, hvilket letter dens overførsel til centrifugerne.that when the level is high, the juice obtained in the previous boilings is added to the sugar boiling vessel, usually the one with the greatest purity or concentration, thereby succeeding in depleting the juice and reducing the proportion of crystals in the mass which becomes more fluid, facilitating its transfer to the centrifuges.

Men det er også velkendt, at det ikke altid er let at opnå en hurtig inkorporering af saften i resten af massen, idet lo der en tid opretholdes to adskilte faser. Det er i dette tidsrum, at de små krystaller, som altid ledsager saften, vokser. Hvis sukkerkogebeholderen har omrøring med luft og/eller en del vanddamp som ifølge opfindelsen, så vil man, når niveauet af mere flydende fyldmasse stiger i be- 15 holderen, opnå, at blandingen med saft er hurtig, og man kan opnå, at de ganske små krystaller forsvinder. Ved kogningen af produkter med lavere renhed tilsætter man ofte ved kogningens afslutning en saft af endnu lavere renhed for at opnå at udpine den, idet man koncentrerer koget, 2o samtidig med at man fremmer massens grad af letflydenhed. Hurtigheden af inkorporeringen af denne saft er fundamental for opnåelse af optimal udpining.But it is also well-known that it is not always easy to achieve a quick incorporation of the juice into the rest of the mass, since two separate phases were maintained for a time. It is during this time that the small crystals, which always accompany the juice, grow. If the sugar cook container is stirred with air and / or some water vapor as according to the invention, then when the level of more liquid filling mass increases in the container, the mixture with juice is obtained and they can be obtained quite quickly. small crystals disappear. When cooking products of lower purity, at the end of the boiling, a juice of even lower purity is often added to obtain it, concentrating the boiling, while also promoting the degree of mass flow of lightness. The speed of incorporation of this juice is fundamental to obtain optimum toning.

Der opnås ligeledes en let centrifugering.Easy centrifugation is also achieved.


Det er allerede nævnt ovenfor, at enhver type omrøring i en sukkerkogebeholder, idet den forebygger punkter med for stor overmætning, forebygger dannelsen af falske korn og krystalkim, idet man også opnår, at andelen af enkeltkry-30 staller i massen forøges betydeligt, og derved forøger krystallernes ensartethed.It has already been mentioned above that any type of stirring in a sugar cookie container, by preventing points of excessive saturation, prevents the formation of false grains and crystal germs, while also increasing the proportion of single crystals in the pulp significantly, thereby increases the uniformity of the crystals.

Idet man overfører denne masse med den største ensartethed af krystallerne til centrifugerne, dannes der en pude 35 eller krystalfiltermasse, hvis åbninger ikke opfanger mindre krystaller, og saften flyder derfor lettere.Dette gør det muligt at forøge mængden af masse pr. centrifuge, hvor- - 8 -By transferring this mass with the greatest uniformity of the crystals to the centrifuges, a pad 35 or crystal filter mass is formed whose apertures do not capture smaller crystals and the juice therefore flows more easily. This allows the amount of mass per unit to be increased. centrifuge, where - 8 -

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tidig afkorter den samlede centrifugeringstid.prematurely shortens the total spin time.

Det samme er tilfældet med vaskningerne, som kan afkortes uden forringelse af kvaliteten af det opnåede sukker, hvor-^ ved man reducerer vandmængden og således reducerer den mængde saft, som dannes, endnu mere.The same is true of the washings, which can be shortened without impairing the quality of the sugar obtained, thereby reducing the amount of water and thus reducing the amount of juice formed even more.

Idet der især henvises til centrifuger af·fabrikatet ASEA, som praktisk taget i tilfælde af Spanien udfører al centri-fugering af masse fra 1. produkt, så har disse en cyklus pr. centrifuge på ca. 145 sekunder. Reduktionen i denne cyklus på 7 sekunder, som er let at opnå under forbedring af ensartetheden af kornene som angivet ifølge opfindelsen, betyder en forøgelse på 5,2% af centrifugeringsydeevnen for 15 hver maskine, hvortil skal lægges, at mængden af masse i hver centrifuge er større.With particular reference to centrifuges of the ASEA brand, which practically performs all centrifugation of mass from the 1st product in Spain, they have one cycle per year. centrifuge of approx. 145 seconds. The reduction in this 7-second cycle, which is readily achievable while improving the uniformity of the grains according to the invention, means an increase of 5.2% of the centrifugation performance for each machine to be added to the amount of mass in each centrifuge. is bigger.

I tilfælde af kontinuerlige centrifuger, som i dag er udbredte til centrifugering af produkter med lav renhed, til-20 lader den større ensartethed af krystallerne opnåelsen af større kapacitet af maskinen, hvilket giver en større gennemstrømning af massen, medens det opnåede produkt ikke forringes, og man når ikke op på motorens belastningsgrænse.In the case of continuous centrifuges, which are widely used today for centrifugation of low-purity products, the greater uniformity of the crystals permits the attainment of greater capacity of the machine, which gives a greater flow of the mass while the product obtained is not degraded, and you do not reach the engine load limit.


Der opnås tillige et mindre forbrug af vand ved vaskningen af sukkeret. -Also, a smaller consumption of water is obtained in the washing of the sugar. -

Forbedringen i ensartetheden af kornene medfører tillige en 30 reduktion i vaskevandet for sukkerkornene.The improvement in the uniformity of the grains also results in a reduction in the washing water of the sugar grains.

Ved centrifugeringen af massen fra det 1. produkt giver fordelingsrøret på ASEA-centrifugerne en gennemstrømning på ca. 73 liter pr. minut. Den blotte reduktion på 2 sekunder 35 i vasketiderne på 14-15, som normalt benyttes, betyder en reduktion på - 9 -When centrifuging the pulp from the 1st product, the distribution tube on the ASEA centrifuges gives a flow rate of approx. 73 liters per minute. The mere 2 second reduction in the washing times of 14-15, which is normally used, means a reduction of - 9 -

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x 2 = 2,43 liter pr. turbinecyklus, som ved opløsning af krystallens ydre hinde vil omdannes til 5 1^1" = 12,15 kg saft på 80 Brix.x 2 = 2.43 liters per liter. turbine cycle which, upon dissolution of the outer membrane of the crystal, will be converted to 5 1 ^ 1 "= 12.15 kg of juice of 80 Brix.

Da der pr. 1.000 ton roer plejer at være 800 cykler, vil man opnå en reduktion i saften fra det 1. produkt på 800 x 12,15 kg = 9.620 kg saft.As per 1,000 tonnes of beets will usually be 800 cycles, a reduction in the juice from the first product of 800 x 12.15 kg = 9,620 kg of juice will be obtained.


Ved centrifugeringen af mellemprodukter (2. produkt, affineret mellemprodukt osv.) kan der opnås en reduktion af vandet i de kontinuerlige centrifuger på ca. 360 liter for hver 1.000 ton roer, og en tilsvarende mængde vil opnås i de centrifuger, som separerer slutmelassen. Idet man udtrykker dette i saft fra mellemprodukterne og i melasse på henholdsvis 83 og 84 Brix, får man: 'Reduktion i saft fra 2. produkt q-py = 2.118 kg saft 20 360By centrifugation of intermediates (2nd product, refined intermediate, etc.), a reduction of water in the continuous centrifuges of approx. 360 liters for every 1,000 tonnes of beets, and a corresponding amount will be obtained in the centrifuges separating the final molasses. Expressing this in juice from the intermediate products and in molasses of 83 and 84 Brix respectively, you get: 'Reduction in juice from 2nd product q-py = 2.118 kg juice 20 360

Reduktion i melasse fra 3. produkt g-p-g· = 2.250 kg melasse I dette sidste tilfælde betyder denne mindre mængde melasse med tilnærmelse mere end 0,1 kg saccharose mindre, som går 25 i melassen for hver 100 kg behandlede roer.Reduction in molasses from 3rd product g-p-g · = 2,250 kg molasses In this last case, this smaller amount of molasses with approximation means more than 0.1 kg sucrose less, which goes 25 in the molasses for every 100 kg treated beets.

En anden fordel består i den mere omfattende formaling i fabrikken.Another advantage is the more extensive milling at the factory.

30 Den betydelige investering, som sukkerafdelingen betyder i en fabrik, gør, at der er mange fabrikker med stor formalings- og fordampningskapacitet, som ser sig nødsaget til at beholde en betydelig del af siruppen i store depoter, så at de, når snifningen af roerne er afsluttet, med store 35 energiomkostninger omdanner denne sirup til krystallinsk sukker.30 The substantial investment that the sugar department makes in a factory means that there are many factories with large milling and evaporation capacities which seem to need to retain a significant portion of the syrup in large depots, so that when they are grinding the beets has ended, with huge 35 energy costs converting this syrup into crystalline sugar.

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Reduktionen i kogetiden for hver sukkerkogebeholder svarer til en tilsvarende udvidelse af sukkerafdelingen og således en forøgelse af kapaciteten i henseende til snitning og behandling af roerne, hvilket medfører en lidet bekostelig 5 form med beskedne midler.The reduction in the cooking time for each sugar cooker corresponds to a corresponding expansion of the sugar compartment and thus an increase in the capacity for cutting and treating the beets, which results in a little expensive form with modest means.

Enhver forbedring af slutproduktet, i dette tilfælde reduktionen i Icumsa-farven og indholdet af aske i sukkeret i forbindelse med den bedre kvalitet af kornene gør det mu-ligt at sælge lettere eller at sælge til en bedre pris.Any improvement of the final product, in this case the reduction in the Icumsa color and the content of ash in the sugar in connection with the better quality of the grains makes it possible to sell easier or to sell at a better price.

Til sammenfatning af det hidtil sagte vedrørende omrøringen af sukkerkogebeholderne med komprimeret luft og/eller med en del vanddamp kan følgende vurdering fremsættes: 15 1. Der kræves en middelstor investering i selve installationen, som kan udvides efter betingelserne i hver fabrik med installation af en ny vakuumpumpe og forøgelse 2° af samleorganet, som fører de ukondenserbare gasser fra den barometriske søjle til vakuumpumperne.To summarize the hitherto soft concerning the stirring of the sugar cookers with compressed air and / or with some water vapor, the following assessment can be made: 15 1. A medium investment is required in the installation itself, which can be expanded according to the conditions in each factory with the installation of a new vacuum pump and increase 2 ° of the collector, which feeds the uncondensable gases from the barometric column to the vacuum pumps.

2. En reduktion i den forbrugte energi mellem en sukkerko- 2 5 gebeholder med mekanisk omrøring og omrøring med luft efter forbruget i kW.2. A reduction in the energy consumed between a sugar canister with mechanical stirring and stirring with air after consumption in kW.

3. Reduktion af investeringen af størrelsesordenen 2-5 millioner pesetas pr. sukkerkogebeholder ved mekanisk omrøring til en investering på 0,9 - 1,3 ved omrøring med luft og/eller med en del vanddamp alt efter egenskaberne af den installation, som skal udføres.3. Reduction of investment of the order of 2-5 million pesetas per year. sugar canister by mechanical stirring for an investment of 0.9 - 1.3 by stirring with air and / or with some water vapor according to the characteristics of the installation to be performed.

35 4. Mulighed for omrøring af enhver type sukkerkogebeholder, hvor mekanisk omrøring ikke er nok.35 4. Possibility of stirring any type of sugar cooker container where mechanical stirring is not enough.

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5. Reduktion i forbruget af damp på 8.775 kg for hver 1.000 ton roer pr. dag, hvilket, idet man antager en fordampning i kedler på 12 kg damp pr. kg brændstof, damp til opvarmning af sukkerkogebeholderne fra den 2.5. Reduction in the consumption of steam of 8,775 kg for every 1,000 tonnes of beets per day. assuming an evaporation in boilers of 12 kg of steam per day. kg of fuel, steam for heating the sugar cookers from 2.

5 fordampningseffekt og en brændstofpris på 23 pesetas pr. kg, betyder en besparelse i pesetas pr. dag for hver 1.000 roer på: 8 775 1 —^— x Ϊ2 K 23 = 8.410 pesetas pr. dag.5 evaporation power and a fuel price of 23 pesetas per kg, means a saving in pesetas per daily for every 1,000 beets of: 8,775 1 - ^ - x Ϊ2 K 23 = 8,410 pesetas per day. day.

10 6. Ved bedre udpining af saften med 1 renhedspoint vurderer man i det 1. produkt forøgelsen af krystaller til 4,5%, som går fra 51,22% masse til 53,49%, dvs. en forøgelse på 2,27 kg krystaller pr. 100 kg masse. Dette betyder logisk en reduktion i saft på 2,27/0,785 = 15 2,89 kg saft med renheden 78,5%.10 6. For better depletion of the juice with 1 purity point, in the first product, the increase of crystals is estimated to 4.5%, which goes from 51.22% mass to 53.49%, ie. an increase of 2.27 kg of crystals per 100 kg mass. This logically means a reduction in juice of 2.27 / 0.785 = 2.89 kg of juice with purity 78.5%.

For hver 1.000 ton roer pr. dag vil vi have: 336.000 x 2,89/100 = 9.710 kg saft, „ som lagt til de 9.620 kg, hvormed saften reduceres ved min-20 dre vandforbrug til vaskningen af det hvide sukker, giver 18.330 kg, som ville være omdannet til masse i 2. produkt, hvilket giver ca. 17.100 kg, som atter ville have givet os, med renheder på 83,6% og 69,7% af henholdsvis massen og saften, 46% krystaller og 54/0,80 = 67,5 kg saft af 2. produkt. Omdannet til snitning af 1.000 ton roer pr. dag ville det være:For every 1,000 tonnes of beets per day. today we want: 336,000 x 2.89 / 100 = 9,710 kg of juice, "as added to the 9,620 kg, which reduces the juice by less water consumption for the washing of the white sugar, yields 18,330 kg, which would be converted to mass in the 2nd product, giving approx. 17,100 kg, which again would have given us, with purities of 83.6% and 69.7% of the mass and juice respectively, 46% crystals and 54 / 0.80 = 67.5 kg of juice of the 2nd product. Converted to cut 1,000 tonnes of beets per today it would be:

Reduktion af sukkerkrystaller til gensmeltning 17.100 x 0,46 = 7.860.Reduction of sugar crystals for gene melting 17,100 x 0.46 = 7,860.

Reduktion af 2. produkts saft til indkogning til 3. produkt 17.100 x 0,675 = 11.542.Reduction of 2nd product juice for boiling into 3rd product 17,100 x 0,675 = 11,542.

De sukkerkrystaller, som skal gensmeltes, giver opløst i saft eller vand 7.860/0,70 = 11.228 kg gensmeltet sirup, som ville gå til det 1. produkt og give 8.773 kg masse med 35 90° Brix.The sugar crystals to be re-melted give dissolved in juice or water 7.860 / 0.70 = 11.228 kg of re-melted syrup which would go to the 1st product and give 8.773 kg of pulp at 35 90 ° Brix.

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Dette vil sige, at mængden af masse på 336.000 kg for hver 1.000 ton roer reduceres til 327.270 kg, hvilket vil sige en reduktion på 2,6%. De 11.542 kg saft, som fås mindre, lagt sammen med de 2.188 kg på grund af mindre vandforbrug 5 i det 2. produkt, vil give 13.730 kg saft, som produceres mindre, og som vil give 11.828 kg masse mindre i det 3. produkt ved koncentrering fra 80 til 93° Brix.This means that the amount of mass of 336,000 kg for every 1,000 tonnes of beets is reduced to 327,270 kg, which is a reduction of 2.6%. The 11,542 kg of juice, which is less weighted, added to the 2,188 kg due to less water consumption 5 in the second product, will give 13,730 kg of juice which is produced less and which will give 11,828 kg mass less in the third product by concentration from 80 to 93 ° Brix.

Dette vil sige, at de 71.000 kg masse i det 3. produkt, som fremstilles under en antagelse af 71 kg pr. ton bearbejdede roer, vil reduceres til 71.000 - 11.828 = 59.200 kg masse af 3. produkt.That is, the 71,000 kg of mass in the 3rd product produced under an assumption of 71 kg per tonnes of processed beets will be reduced to 71,000 - 11,828 = 59,200 kg mass of 3rd product.

Af denne masse, som produceres mindre, vil vi have opnået, 15 hvis renheden er 73% i massen og 58,0% i slutsaften eller melassen, 35,7% krystaller og 64,3/0,84 = 76,5 melasse, dvs.:Of this mass, which is produced less, we would have obtained 15 if the purity is 73% in the mass and 58.0% in the final juice or molasses, 35.7% crystals and 64.3 / 0.84 = 76.5 molasses, i.e .:

Reduktion af krystaller til affinering fra 3. produkt 11.828 x 0,357 = 4.222.Reduction of crystals for refining from 3rd product 11.828 x 0.357 = 4.222.

20 Reduktion af melasse til tanken 11.828 x 0,765 = 9.048.20 Reduction of molasses to the tank 11,828 x 0.765 = 9.048.

Idet man til denne mængde melasse lægger de 2.250 kg, hvortil der reduceres ved det mindre vandforbrug i centrifuger-25 ne ved det 3. produkt, vil man få 11.298 kg for hver 1.000 ton roer, som undlader at gå i melassetanken.Adding 2,250 kg to this amount of molasses, which is reduced by the smaller water consumption in the centrifuges of the third product, will yield 11,298 kg for every 1,000 tonnes of beets which fail to enter the molasses tank.

Disse beregninger synes optimistiske ved første blik; man har antaget, at alt det vand, som kommer ind i centrifuger-3° ne, opløser sukker og ikke fortynder safterne, men man har ikke medregnet den indflydelse, som reduktionen i produktionen af masse har på de safter, som fås i produktet, med lavere renhed.These calculations seem optimistic at first glance; it has been assumed that all the water entering the centrifuge 3 ° dissolves sugar and does not dilute the juices, but does not take into account the effect of the reduction in mass production on the juices obtained in the product, with lower purity.

Kun ved medtagning af disse får man en generel idé om den betydning, som omrøringen af den masse, som koges i sukker-kogebeholdere med luft og/eller med en del vanddamp, kan - 13 -Only by including these do you get a general idea of the importance that the stirring of the mass boiled in sugar-boilers with air and / or with some water vapor can - 13 -

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give i den tekniske balance af resultaterne ved slutningen af en kampagne, som i den sidste ende bestemmer de forbedringer og ændringer, som skal foretages mellem kampagnerne.provide in the technical balance of the results at the end of a campaign, which ultimately determines the improvements and changes to be made between the campaigns.

5 I hovedsagen består opfindelsen i, at der tilføres en ny erfaring, som ikke kendes til dato på grund af den tilsyneladende uoverensstemmelse, som skyldes, at man aldrig har anset det for gunstigt, at man i et element, hvori der skabes et vakuum til bestemte operationer, indsprøjter luft 10 og/eller en del vanddamp.5 In the main, the invention consists in the addition of a new experience which is unknown to date due to the apparent discrepancy which is due to the fact that one has never considered it advantageous to use one in which a vacuum is created to certain operations, injecting air 10 and / or some water vapor.

I praksis gennemføres opfindelsen ved hjælp af inkorporeringen af passende mekaniske elementer, som er programmeret og underordnet en cyklus og anbragt i bestemte stillinger, 15 som er fordelagtige for kogeapparaterne, idet man fastlægger disse inkorporeringer i materialet, som skal behandles, og gennem impulser af luft og/eller en del vanddamp tilvejebringer elementerne den ønskede intensitet og varighed i omrøringen, hvorved der som en konsekvens af denne omrø-20 ring frembringes en stor hurtighed i fremstillingen af produktet.In practice, the invention is accomplished by the incorporation of appropriate mechanical elements which are programmed and subordinate to a cycle and placed in particular positions which are advantageous to the cookers, determining these incorporations in the material to be processed and by impulses of air and / or some water vapor, the elements provide the desired intensity and duration of the stirring, thereby producing a great speed in the preparation of the product.

Som det fremgår af det ovenfor sagte, har systemet stor alsidighed, idet der ikke er nogen begrænsninger i den meka-25 niske type for anvendelsen, som er mulig i en stor række industrielle processer og i lille målestok til forsøgsprocesser.As can be seen from the above soft, the system has great versatility as there are no limitations on the mechanical type of application which is possible in a wide variety of industrial processes and on a small scale for experimental processes.

De komponenter, som benyttes til indsprøjtningen af luft 30 og/eller luft blandet med vanddamp, samt dens inkorporering i de reaktorer, hvori den benyttes, er enten tilgængelige i handelen eller kan meget let fremstilles, hvilket gør det omhandlede system meget tiltalende at anvende, det er desuden robust og har lang levetid.The components used for the injection of air 30 and / or air mixed with water vapor, as well as its incorporation into the reactors in which it is used, are either commercially available or can be readily manufactured, making the system in question very attractive to use. it is also robust and has a long life.


Claims (4)

1. Fremgangsmåde til omrøring af væsker, især af sukkerforstadier eller tyksaft, i vakuum, idet der i behandlingsbeholderen dannes flere omrøringsstrømme i saften ved hjælp af fordelt indblæste trykluftstrømme, kendeteg- 5 net ved, at trykluftstrømmene indblæses impulsagtigt i det indre af beholderen gennem et antal dyseagtige injektorer.A method of stirring liquids, especially of sugar precursors or thick juices, in vacuo, forming several stirring streams in the juice by means of distributed inflated compressed air streams, characterized in that the compressed air streams are impulse-induced in the interior of the container through a number of nozzle-like injectors. 2. Fremgangsmåde ifølge krav 1, kendetegnet 10 ved, at omrøringsstrømmene styres tidsmæssigt eller temperaturmæssigt udefra.A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the stirring streams are controlled from the outside in time or temperature. 3. Fremgangsmåde ifølge krav 1 eller 2, kendetegnet ved, at den indblæste luft indføres tangentielt hen 15 over bundproduktet i beholderen.Method according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the blown air is introduced tangentially over the bottom product in the container. 4. Fremgangsmåde ifølge krav 1-3, kendetegnet ved, at der udføres en høj krystallisation og dannelse af et stort bundprodukt i en separat, som forkogekedel tjenen- 20 de kedel, hvorpå en del, især halvdelen af bundproduktet overføres til en anden separat kedel, hvorefter man arbejer med begge kedler samtidig eller med en kun ringe tidsforskel . 25 30 35Process according to claims 1-3, characterized in that a high crystallization and formation of a large bottom product is carried out in a separate, pre-boiler serving boiler, on which part, especially half of the bottom product is transferred to another separate boiler. , after which you work with both boilers at the same time or with only a slight difference in time. 25 30 35

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
ES508282 1981-12-22
ES508282A ES8302100A1 (en) 1981-12-22 1981-12-22 Method for the agitation of liquid masses under vacuum by means of pneumatic injection

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DK397382A DK397382A (en) 1983-06-23
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DK161676C DK161676C (en) 1992-01-20



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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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ES8606503A1 (en) * 1985-03-18 1986-04-01 Moreno Pedro Alamo Improvements made to a stirring plant for sugar-containing solutions, especially for application to the manufacture of sugar

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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DE89784C (en) *
DE192192C (en) *
US880629A (en) * 1907-06-14 1908-03-03 C Christianson Harry Method of crystallizing sugar.
GB558147A (en) * 1942-03-27 1943-12-23 Louis Rene Leon Bourgault Du C Improved process for the separation of sugar crystals from a solution thereof
FR1393567A (en) * 1964-02-14 1965-03-26 Method and device for the continuous concentration-crystallization of liquid solutions such as sweet syrups
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FR2109397A5 (en) * 1970-10-15 1972-05-26 Fives Lille Cail Sugar crystals continuous prodn - from sugar juices by vacuum evaporation

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