CA2225563A1 - Method and arrangement for the transmitter-related detection of listener-related data - Google Patents

Method and arrangement for the transmitter-related detection of listener-related data Download PDF


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CA2225563A1 CA002225563A CA2225563A CA2225563A1 CA 2225563 A1 CA2225563 A1 CA 2225563A1 CA 002225563 A CA002225563 A CA 002225563A CA 2225563 A CA2225563 A CA 2225563A CA 2225563 A1 CA2225563 A1 CA 2225563A1
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entry unit
data entry
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French (fr)
Alexander Zeitelhack
Gert Zimmer
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Bci-Rundfunkberatung & Co Handels KG GmbH
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Publication of CA2225563A1 publication Critical patent/CA2225563A1/en
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    • H04H20/00Arrangements for broadcast or for distribution combined with broadcast
    • H04H20/28Arrangements for simultaneous broadcast of plural pieces of information
    • H04H60/00Arrangements for broadcast applications with a direct linking to broadcast information or broadcast space-time; Broadcast-related systems
    • H04H60/09Arrangements for device control with a direct linkage to broadcast information or to broadcast space-time; Arrangements for control of broadcast-related services
    • H04H60/14Arrangements for conditional access to broadcast information or to broadcast-related services
    • H04H60/23Arrangements for conditional access to broadcast information or to broadcast-related services using cryptography, e.g. encryption, authentication, key distribution


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Signal Processing (AREA)
  • Mobile Radio Communication Systems (AREA)
  • Circuits Of Receivers In General (AREA)
  • Radar Systems Or Details Thereof (AREA)
  • Management, Administration, Business Operations System, And Electronic Commerce (AREA)


The invention concerns a method and arrangement for the transmitter-related detection of listener-related data concerning a particular listener (2) of the transmitter (1) among a plurality of listeners (2). Coded transmission messages are emitted via a transmitter (1), in particular a radio transmitter, to the listeners (2). Via a data link (3), the transmitter (1) interrogates individual listeners (2) on the respective operating state of a listener-related data-input station (4) with reference to the coded transmission messages and a listener-related memory (6) is assigned given values as a function of the interrogation result.


Firma BCI-Rundfunkberatung ST-HeJ96240 Gm~H ~ Co. Handels XG
tRadio consultanc!~ C~ra~Y]

Tha presen~c invention is ba~ed o~ a method and an associated sy~tem for the transmitter-specific registration of listener-end data of a specific listener of a ~ransmitter amo~g a nu~ber of listener~.
In t}le field ~f tparticular) eales promotion o~
products through ad~ertising there is a g~ea~ deal of interest in registering and evalu~ting the reactions o~
the ta~get group by ~n adYertisement (that is to sa~
1~ th~ listeners of a -~pecific radio programme, ~or example~. Usually, random surveys are carried ou~ a~d a li~ited g~oup of people are questioned about speci~ic subj ects related to t~e advertisements. In this con~ext, 't is of particular interest ~het~er t~e person questioned ~inds an ad~ertisement appealing and persuasive and ~he~her ~his results, under cer~ain circums~ances, in a purch~sing transaction, ~ fter a seri~s of random surveys of relatively small and limited group of people has been evaluated, s~atistical me~hods can ~e used to arrive at conclusions regarding the ap~eal and e~fectiveness of advertisemcnts for customer~ and consumers as a ~hole and, if appropriate, the advertisement for promotin~
the sales of the respective p~oduc~ can be ~dapted to 30 the ~iches and requirernents, which have become clear during the surYey, of ~he t~rget group.
The described con~entional ~erhod for questio.~ling viewer~ is subject ~o a con~iderable degree of unrellability and lack of prognostic cla~ity owing ~o the use of sta~ ical methods. The reaction of the listener and potenti~l consumer can only be documented, and cannot ~e influenced. In addition, it is nol possible ~o influ~nce or maintain the a~tention of the listener during the transmission of the advertiseme~t.

US ~ 926 255 discloses a method and a sys~em in which a television subscriber can enter a ~eaction to a television station by ~eans of a keypad. The responso which has been entered is ~hen compared With a stored, "correct" response by means of a comparison circui~
located at the subscriber' 3 pre~uses. Given appropriate correspondence, ~his 1~ respectively stored at the subscsiber' s premises or pr~nted out on a corresponding certi~icate.
~he inve~tion is bas~d on the object of providing a method and a system uith ~hich t~e behaviour of the speclfic listener can be regis~ered and documented over the short ~erm and, especially, also over the long term, ant at the same ~ime the number o~ lis~eners and the listening frequency can be increased.
The object is achieved in term~ of ~he method by ~eans of the characterizing features of Patent Claim 1. Advantageou~ e~bodiments of the method are implamented by means of S~bclaims 2 - 8. ~ith regard ~o the system, the o~ject is achie~ed ~y m~ans o~ the charac~erizing par~ of Patent Claim 9 ~i~h ad~antageous embodiments in Claims 10 and 11.
In contrast to the prior axl, in ~he lnven~ion the direc~ comparison of the data ~hich is ente~ed with the desired ~alues and the interroga~ion of th~
liste~er-end credit account - both by means of the tran~mit~er - the actual state of thG lis~ener's re~ction can ~e ~gistered accurately ~oth over short and relativoly long pe~iods of ~ime With the method a~cording to t~e invention, ~irstly a transmitter is provided which broadcasts, ~ncrypted ~ransmis-~ion mess~ges in addition ~o th~
transmitted station, to a group of listene~s. The ~ransmi~ter may be a radio ~rancmutter or a television t ransmi t ter.
The encryption o~ the tra~smission messageS
co~sists, for example, in ~roadcasting codewords o~

sound patterns which are ln clea~ contrast to the rest of the s~ation' s ichedule The ~ransmitter is the~ connected via a data link to a series of listener-end da~a entry units ~or example PCs~, which can be used to register the ~perating states of these data entry units.
By means o~ entry comm~nds, thQ r2spective listener can change ~he operating ~tates of his da~a entry unit. These changes are registered by a data processing network which is connected bor~ to the listener's dara entry unit and to the t~ansmi~ter.
The listen4r-end tata entry unit can ~e connected to a group of further li~eners of any de~ired size and can exchange data ~y means o~ ~uch a data proCe-~sing unit.
If the encrypted transmission messages which the trcnsmitter broadcasts ~possibly at quite specific times) and which are received by the li~tener the~
consist ln the broadcasting of specific code~ords ~7hich are entered into the listener-end data entry unit irNnediately after the broadcas~, the ~istener-end data entry unit is switched into anothRr Operating st~e by the listener entering the appropriate codeword at the appropriate tim~.

If it is then determined that the data ent~red by the listener corresponds to the codeword broadcast by the transmitter, the opera~ing ~tate which has been bro~ght abo~t on the basis of the entry command~ which ha~e been entered is classified as "correct". The data processing net~ork determines ~hat the li~tener has detected the encrypted transmis~ion mesqage and has ini~iated corresponding entry c~m~ands ~it~ a resulting chan~e in the operatins st~te of the listener-end data entry unit.
In t~is ~ay, t~e ~thod according ~o the in~ention is capable of regis~erlng and documenting the reception by the listener of an encrypted transmission message by ~eans o~ the respec~i~e operating s~ates of the llstener-end tata entry unit Y~ich ha~e been brought ~out ~y the l~st~ner If the l~stener has react~d "correctly", and has accepted and processed the trans~ltted encry~ted message a~d conve~ted it into corresponding entry comm~nds at ~he listener-end data entry unit, the -des~red objecti~e is achie~ed and the trans~ission message ~as been actively percei~ed by the lis~ener.
By means of the method according to the inventio~, the indi~idual list~ner can then be "rewarded" by mean~ of "credits" to an info~mation unit (~or ~X~rle by ti~e ~nit5 in the ~orm of ''listen~r minutes~) in the memory ~hich has ~een set up in the listener-end data entry unit. It i5 there~ore possible 1~ to set up a "credit acc~unt" w~ich is credited a~ a ~unctior~ of the operating ~tates of the listener--specl~ic data entry unit. The listener can be "rewarded" for listening actively over a long period of time if he is givenr for example, such ~ "credi~
2~ accoun~ balance" (~or example 1~ the form of collec~ed "listening mlnute~") or is allowed to take part in a lotcery, for example.
0~ course, the "credit accoun~ balance" of the memory of the listener-end data ~ntry unit can als~ be interrogated by means of the data processing necwork, simp}y to p~ovide an over~i~w of the period uhich the listener spends on a particula~ transmission m~ssage, and this serve~ as an important aid for the registra~ion of the li~ener's rcaction uith re~pect ~o specific transmus~ion massage~.
In contrast to the prior art, direct on-linc access to the individual listene~ is thue possible.
Complex surveys of individuala using i mprecise sta~is~ical methods and subject to prognostic uncer~ainty can thus be avoided.
The extent to which the respective encrypted tr~nsmiscion messages are well r~cei~ed can be discerned directly from the operating stat~ of the llstener-end da~a entry units, and ~his level of reception can thus be ~mproved and optimize~ ~y changing the encrypted transmission ~essage~ and registering ~he operating states o~ the d~ta enlry units again. f~
S ~epending on the operating states of the respective da~a entry units, Ihe data processing ~et~ork, uhich is ar~anged ~etween the listener-end data e~ry unit and l~e transmitter, can bring aboue a fur~her connection of the re3pective listener-end data entry url~t to listeners who are also connected t~ a data network.
In order to implemen~ the method according lo the invention it is necesYary for ~he respecllve listener to activate the data entry unit assigned to hi~. This can be t~ne by en~ering keywords or by in3erting an enco~ed lden~ification ca~d. Only ~hen is ~he respective listener-end dzta entry unit c~nnec~ed to the centr21 d~a processing ~etwo~k and thus also conn~cte~ to ~he transmitter. Idcntification car~s which are in~egrated into commerc~211y a~ailable credit cards or ~uro-cheque cards are also suitable for activation using identifica~ion cards.
In addition, such an iden~fication card may be provided wit~ a storage mediu~ into which, for example, data of the memory which is integrated ~nto ~he listener-end data entsy u~it are input, ~h~s ena~ling, for ~xa~nple, the "credit accoun~ balance'' to be recorded dire~tly on the listener's ~.denti~ication card Interrog~tion of such an identificalion c~rd, pro~ided with a storao,~. medium~ in an external da~a ur-it permirs the memory informat~o~ ~h~e iden~i~ication card to ba evaluated ~c ~ ct~ o~
the location of the listener-end data entry unit.
Th~ ~ystem according ;o the invention provide~
no~. only a transmitter but also a d~ta processing ne~worlc Which is connect&d to listener-~nd data entry~
~nits for interroga~ing th~ operating states, and also has, and is capable of making, connections Lo ~urther listeners ~f an ~external) data net~ork. The oper~ting states of the lis~ener-end data entry units~are ch~nged by means of the entry cQmm~n~s ~hich are entered into the lisrener-end. data entry unit by the listener a~ a S function of the encrypte~ transml3~ion in~ormation, it being possible to register these changes by interrogation using the data processing network.
The tata ent~y unit can then be designed, on the one hand, as a ~ixad data entry -~tation (~or example PC) or, on the other hand, as a mobile entry unit, ~hich is realized, for example, in m~ niaturized form and can contlnuou~ly be carried around by the listener.
~artlcL~l~rly interesting embodimant~ emerge if such mobile ~ntry units are carried by the lis~ener on his person and entry co~nds c~n b~ inpu~ a~ any desired location at which a tr~nsmission message is ~eceiYed ~for example in ~aiting rooms or in a taxi).
A mo~ile entry element which has thus be~n "fed" uith entry com~nds can then ~e connected, for example, to a listener-end, flxed data entry st~lion for in~errogation of the data~ a~d operat~ng sta~es can ~e interrogated using the da~a processing ne~work.
A further embodi~ent conslsts in the mobile entry elemen~ haYi~g direct radlo contact with tbe data processing net~ork, and the entry command-~ of ~he ~obile entry element and the resulting operati~g s~ate3 being interrogat~d directly by .the data processing ne twork .
The method and system are explain~d in more detail with reference to exempla~y en~odiments in ,he figures or the dra~i~g, in which:

Fig. 1 shows a system with fixed data entry unit, and ~ig. 2 shows a system ~i~h mobile ent~y elements.

Fig. 1 s~o~s a ~ran~mutter 1 which ls c~nnected to a data proc~ssing net~ork 5 via a d~ta link 3. The data processing net~ork 5 is connected to a fixed, listener-end data entry unit 4 and ~co a serles of 5 f ~xther listeners T - T~. Further listener-end da ~a entry u~its 4 ' and 4'' can be connected, either in an activa'ced st~e ~r (as illustrated in Fig. 1) in a deacti~ated state, to the data processing network 5 and successively c~nnected intoo the circuit and~or slm~ltane~usly interrogated by means of the da~a processing network 5.
The listener 2 perceives a transmission m~ssage 7 of the transmitter a~d in r~sponse uses entry commands to place the data entry unit 4, which has been assigned to h~, in differ~nt operating states ~hich are interrog.ated by th~ data proces~ing net~ork 5 If the ent~y commands ente~ed by the llslen~r 2 correspond to encrypted information in the transmissio.
~essage 7, the data processing netuork 5 detects this s~ate of correspondence and feeds, in~o a memory 6 which i~ inteqrated into the data entry unit 4, an ite~
o~ in~ormation ~hich symbolizes, ~or ~xample, the "credi~ acc~unt balance" o~ the listener 2. Dependirg on the reaction of the listener 2 to ~he ~r~nsmission message 7, the listener 2 can place the data entry ~nit 4 mo~e ~ten into operating sta~es which are detected as being "correct", as a result of Yhich the listener 2 is "rewarded" by crediting th~ information unlt accour.
in the memory 6.
~he data processing network 5 aLso ser~es ~o make a direct connecti~n in order to exchange data wlt~
t~e listeners Tl - T~
While Fig. 1 shows fixed data ontry stations 4, 4' and 4" ~for example PCs), uhich are connected ~o the data proce~sing net~or~ 5 ~ia a cable link, in the exemplary embodiment according to Fig 2 mobile entry units 8, 8' and 8" are illustrated, uhich .units 8, 8' and 8" are connected ~o the da~a processing network a by broadcasting radio mess~ges 9 and can also b~

interrogated and adrn~nistered by thQ la~ter ~in principle similarly to a fixed datar ent~y unit 4 ) .
Such mobile entry elemen~s 8, 8 ' and 8" can be carried by the llstene~ 2 or~ his person without 5 di f f iculty .

Claims (11)

1. Method for transmitter-end registration of the reaction of a specific listener to a transmission message which is transmitted by a radio transmitter or television transmitter in addition to the transmitted station, having the following method steps;

a) the transmission message is reproduced audibly or visually by a radio or television set together with the transmitted station, b) in response to the transmission message, the listener (2) enters data into a listener-end data entry unit;

c) the radio transmitter or television transmitter (1) interrogates the data entry unit via a data link;

d) the data entered by the listener (2) are checked for correspondence to prescribed desired values which are assigned to the transmission message;

e) when the entered data correspond to the desired values, the radio transmitter or television transmitter (1) stores, in a listener-end memory (6), response data which constitute a reward to the listener (2);

f) the stored response data are collected in the form of a credit account;

g) the content of the credit account is, when necessary, interrogated by the transmitter (1) via the data link in order to register the listener's reaction;

h) a central data processing network (5) which connects the transmitter (1) to a plurality of listeners Tl - TN and the listeners Tl - TN to one another is provided as data link.
2. Method according to Claim 1, characterized in that the listener-end data entry unit is placed in different operating states by means of entry information from the listener.
3 Method according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the operating states of the listener-end data entry unit are detected and grouped as "correct" or "incorrect" by a programme of the data processing network (5) as a function of the correspondence or non-correspondence with the transmission message of the transmitter (1) to the listener (2).
4 Method according to Claim 3, characterized in that, when a "correct" operating state is detected, a time unit is entered into the memory (6) of the listener-end data entry unit, and in that the time units which have been collected in the memory (6) are classified by the data processing network (5) as listener-end "credit".
5. Method according to one of Claims 3 or 4, characterized in that the connection between the listener-end data entry unit and a listener (2) is made, or prohibited, as a function of the number of time units in the memory (6).
6. Method according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the connection between the listener-end data entry unit and the transmitter (1) or at least one listener (2) is made by the listener (2) activating the listener-end data entry unit by means of an identification card.
7. Method according to Claim 6, characterized in that the activation of the listener-end data entry unit is carried out by means of an identification card in integrated into a credit card.
8. Method according to one of Claims 6 or 7, characterized in that the data of the memory (6) of the listener-end data entry unit are input into a storage medium of the identification card, and in that the data which have been input into the storage medium of the identification card can be interrogated at an external data unit.
9. System for transmitter-specific registration of listener-end data according to the method according to one of Claims 1 - 8, characterized by the following features:

- a transmitter (1), in particular radio transmitter, for broadcasting encrypted transmitted messages together with the transmitted station to listener-end radio or television sets - a central data processing network (5) which is connected to the transmitter (1);

- at least one listener-end data entry unit which is connected to the data processing network (5) and is interrogated by the latter;

- a plurality of listeners Tl - TN which are connected to the data processing network (5) and between which and listener-end data entry units connections can be switched directly by means of the data processing network (5).
10. System according to Claim 9, characterized in that the listener-end data entry unit is designed as a fixed data entry unit (4).
11. System according to Claim 10, characterized in that the listener-end data entry unit is designed as a mobile data entry unit (8) and has a wire-free connection to the data processing network (5).
CA002225563A 1995-06-30 1996-06-27 Method and arrangement for the transmitter-related detection of listener-related data Abandoned CA2225563A1 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DE19523515A DE19523515C2 (en) 1995-06-30 1995-06-30 Process and system for the transmitter-related recording of listener-side data
DE19523515.0 1995-06-30

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CA2225563A1 true CA2225563A1 (en) 1997-01-23



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