CA1301581C - Heatable flexible hair curlers - Google Patents

Heatable flexible hair curlers


Publication number
CA1301581C CA000494412A CA494412A CA1301581C CA 1301581 C CA1301581 C CA 1301581C CA 000494412 A CA000494412 A CA 000494412A CA 494412 A CA494412 A CA 494412A CA 1301581 C CA1301581 C CA 1301581C
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Expired - Fee Related
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French (fr)
Loretta D. Goeller
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Remington Corp LLC
Original Assignee
Bristol Myers Squibb Co
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Application filed by Bristol Myers Squibb Co filed Critical Bristol Myers Squibb Co
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1301581C publication Critical patent/CA1301581C/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
Expired - Fee Related legal-status Critical Current



    • A45D2/00Hair-curling or hair-waving appliances ; Appliances for hair dressing treatment not otherwise provided for
    • A45D2/12Hair winders or hair curlers for use parallel to the scalp, i.e. flat-curlers
    • A45D2/14Hair winders or hair curlers for use parallel to the scalp, i.e. flat-curlers of single-piece type, e.g. stiff rods or tubes with or without cord, band, or the like as hair-fastening means
    • A45D2/18Flexible curlers
    • A45D4/00Separate devices designed for heating hair curlers or hair-wavers
    • A45D4/16Independent devices characterised by heating the hair-curling or hair-waving means before use


  • Hair Curling (AREA)



An elongated flexible hair curler having a central core molded within a pliable viscoelastic polymer heat-retaining body.
The hair curler comprises a generally elongated structure having rounded ends and is capable of being bent into a plurality of positions including being bent through an angle of substantially 180° back upon itself in order to retain a hair tress wound thereon without the aid of hair clips. The heat-retaining body is capable of being heated by an external means to a predetermined temperature and able to retain the heat for a predetermined time in order to facilitate the setting of curls in hair.





Field of the Invention This invention relates to hair curlers for having hair tresses wound thereon in order to impart a curl to the hairO In particular, this invention relates to elongated flexible hair curlers.

Description of the Prior Art Elongated flexible hair curlers have been known for quite ~o~e time. Such curlers generally comprise cylindrical bodie~ ~ade of resilient material such as foam or sponge rubber and have a wire ~r soft metal core embedded within the body along the axis ~f the curler. An elongated flexible curler is much longer than an inflexible curler in order to enable it to be bent over on itself to retain a hair tress wound thereon. This avoids the necessity of a clip to hold the hair as is required with inflexible curlers.
Elongated flexible curlers also may be bent in a variety of positions after hair is wou~d thereon and thus ~ay impart a variety of waves to the hair. The metal core enables the curler to be bent and to retain the position it is placed in until it is bent into another position.


Examples of one type of elongated flexible curler are ~hown in U.S. Patent Nos. 1 619 743 and Re. 15 3~3 showing a wire core within a cylindrical pliable rub-ber coveriny encased in a fibrous ~over. U.S. Patent Nos. 2 061 817 and 2 542 601 show flexible hair curl-ers ~aving a central metal core and a compressible ~ponge rubber solid natural or synthetic rubber body molded around the core. More r~cent prior art is shown in U.K. Patent Application No. GB 2 111 382 disclosing an elongated curler having a central wire core ~urrounded by a sleeve and polyethylene foam jacket and having end caps covering the wire ends.
U.K. patent application GB 2 067 898 shows a curler having a pipe cleaner core element extending beyond the curler body in order to enable the ends to be bent back over the body.

None o~ the aforementioned prior art elongated flexible curlers is identified as being suitab:le for being heated and for retaining sufficient heat for a sufficient time period to facilitate setting a curl in the hair. Foam rubber curlers are unsuitable ~or heat retention becau6e they have an open-celled structure with many air pockets which do not retain heat well.
While ~ome relatively solid material is required to enhance heat retention solid rubber curlers are unsuitable because they are relatively hard to the touch inflexible and continued exposure to heat would tend to deteriorate the rubber. Natural and synthetic rubber like that used in the curler referred to in U.S. Patent No. 2 542 601 generally has duro-meter reading on the order of 30-100 Shoxe A. This amount of hardness makes the material not sufficiently flexible or elastic for sati6factory curler applica-tions and causes the body material to tend to ~traighten t~le wire. Because of the hardness of the body material the core wire must ~e relatively large to overcome the inflPxibility of the rubber. Al~o, the rubber curler disclosed in 2,542,601 does not address the issue of fla~mability of the body material because that curler is not designed t~D be heated. In a heatable curler nonflammability is important. There is no sugge~tion in thi~ patent of what material may be used which has all of the desirable characteris-tics. Furthermore, there i8 no suggestion in the aforementioned prior art patents as to how to overcome the well-known heat-aging propensity of rubber-based compounds.

U.S. Patent No. 2,074,816 shows an elongated flexible hair curler having an absoxbent casing filled with a material uch as calcium oxide which when moistened generate heat. The curler disclosed in this patent is incapable of generating heat in use with dry hairn Additionally, the use of a discrete chemical composition within the curler requires extra effort and expense to insure integrity of the calcium oxide compartment throughout the life of the curler.

It is an object of this invention to provide an elongated flexible curler capable of being heated and retaining sufficient heat for a sufficient time to facilitate setting a curl in hair wound on the curler.

It is a further object of this invention to pro-vide an elongated flexible curler capable of being heated dry and of retaining heat for a sufficient time i3~'LSi~l in use with either dry or dampened hair to ~acilitate ~etting a curl in the hair.

It i6 yet anothex object of thi~ invention to pro-viae a heatable elongated fle~ible curler capable o repeated-and continued exposure to high hair curling temperatures without significant deterioration, eapable of being bent substantially 180 and xetaining such bent position, and having a durometer reading of approximately 30-70 Shore 00 SVMMARY OF THE I~VENTION

These and other objects of this invention are achieved by improvement~ in a Elexible hair curler having a central elongated core capable of being bent into a plurality of positions and of retaining any ~uch position, the improvement compriæing a vi~co-elastic polymer body molded about said core and the ends thereof, said body being heatable by external means to a predetermined temperature and able to retain heat for a predetermined ti~e. The product of the invention may/ because the viscoelastic polymer i8 sufficiently ~upple, be bent into an infinite number of positions with the relative stiffness of the wire holding each position as desired.

In ~he preferred embodiment the central core is a wire having a predetermined ~i~e on the order 16 gauge the ends of which are bent into loops in order to aæsist in the retention of the wire within the molded body and in order to inhibit ~ovement ~f the wire :~3r~

within the body to prevent the wire from penetrating the end6 thereof.

In alternate embodi~ent6, this invention may al~o compriee a structure having a central elongated core surrounded by an open-celled foam impregnated with a predetermined gel having good heat retention qualities and encased within a flexible tube in order to pre-fierve integrity of the impregnated foam/gel composi-tion~


Figure 1 shows a plan view of a flexible hair cur-ler constructed in accordance with the principles of this invention.

Figure 2 shows a side elevational view of Figure 1.

Figure 3 shows a cross-sec$ional view of Figure 2 taken along the line 3-3.

Figure 4 is a sketch showing several possible con-figurations into which the flexible hair curlers may be bent in actual u~e.

Figures 5A and 5B are end and side cross-sections of an altarnate embodiment of the invention.



Referring n~w to Figure 1 there i~ ~hown a plan view of the preferred embodiment of the invention æhowing a fle~ible hair curler 10 in an elongated unbent po ition. By reference to Figure 4 it will be understood that, in operation, after a hair tre~6 is wound upon the curler it be bent baek upon it elf or in a variety of positions in order to xetain the hair tress thereon without the aid of clips.

Curler 10 includes a central wire core 12 (shown in phantom in Figures 1 and 2) the ends of which are bent into loops 14 and 16. Wire 12 i~ embedded within body 18 and may be either bare or coated with vinyl or the like. Curler 10 is manufactured in a mold ~not shown) by having wire 12 retained upon core pins (not shown) while body 18 i8 injected or cast into the mold. After body 18 has set, curler 10 is removed from the mold. The removal of the core pins leave~
apertures 20 and 22 which may remain or may be filled with a auitable plug material. The core pin~ have a ~emi-circular recess (the complement of which is best seen in Figur 3) within which wire 12 is held while the mold sets.

It will be understood that the body 18 must be ~ade of a pliable heat-retaining material able to be heated by an external means to a predetermined temper-ature suitable for hair setting and able to retain the heat for a predetermined time sufficient to set a curl in the hair wouna upon the curler 10. It has been found that ~uch a material should be able to r~peat-edly withstand high temperatures of approximately 100 centigrade ~or relatively long period~ of time and must be able to withstand repeated exp~sure to Quch t~mperatures without ~ignificant deterioration. Sueh material ~hould al ~ be relatively nonflammable and nontoxic in oxder to be ~uitable ~or con~umer use.
Additionally, ~he ~aterial shvuld have a nonsticky 6urface and be 6ufficiently flexible and pliable in ~rder to enable it to be bent into a vari~_ty of po6i-tion~ including being bent back up~n it~e:Lf to retain the haar wound thereupon.~ The mat`erial hould be a relatively solid mater;~l (i.e. nDn-absorbent)rat ~ ~ a ~oam structure in order to have the foregoing beneficial characteris-tic6 and als~ have a high heat capacity and be able to retain ~he heat for a significant period of time while conducting it to the hair wound upon the curler. Rub-ber alone, which was disclosed in the prior art, is not soft enough or flexible enough to achieve these functions. Even if it is so~tened with plasticizers the combination remains unsuitable for consumer use because the flammability increafies and the plasti-cizers are extremely corrosive to materials with which the roller may come in ~ontact (for example, varnish on wo~d surface~). The material must have all of the aforementioned characteristic~ and in addition ~hould feel ~oft to the user to enhance comfort and facili-tate handling.

It has been found that certain polyurethane based compounds possess all of the aforementioned desirable propertie~ and are ~uitable f~r use in flexible hair curlers. Because of their l~w durometer readings and vi~coelastic properties, these materials enable u~e of Gmaller diameter wire than prior art rubber curlers.
For example, the compound S~rboth~ne~ available from ~3~

Sorbothane, Inc., 2144 State Route 59, P.O. Box 178, Kent, Ohio 44240 i6 a vi6c~ela~tic polymer which has a very low durometer reading of 30-70 Shore 00.
SQrbothane~ i~ generally de~cribed in U.S. Patent No. 4~346,205. Other polyurethane comp~und~ may be ~uitable. For example, Mearthane Products Corp., 70 Glen Road, Cran~ton, R.I. 02920 manufaclture~ a Yi6Co-elastic polymer known aE Mearthane~ which i~ ~imilar to So~bothane~.

The curler is intended to be used with an external heat source such as that described in a copending ap-plication entitled Hairsetter For Flexible Hair Curlers filed concurrently herewith and assigned to the assignee hereof, now U.S. Patent No. 4,584,462.
After the curlers are heated in such an external heat source they may be used to curl hair in the conventional manner, some examples of which are shown in Figure 4.

It will be under~tood that, while the preferred embodiment of the invention compri~e~ essentially two parts -- a core wire and a heatable polyurethane ba~ed composition -- the advantages of the invention are achievable by other embodiments. For instance, the central core wire may have an elongated casing or c~ating surrounding the wire with end portisns covering the ends of the wire.
The casing or coating may have a heat-retaining, pliable material embedded substantially throughout it for being heated and for retaining heat for a period of time sufficient to enable the curler to be used to curl hair and for communicating the heat to the casing or coating. Thus,as shown in Figure~ 5A and 5B the c~ntral core wire could be em-bedded in a conventional open-~elled ~ylindri~al foam ~hell 30 w~ich could be i~pregnated with a heatable gel or other comp~siti~n and the entire curler could then be enca~ed in, for example, a silicone rubber tube 32 or other 60ft, pliable liquid imperviou6 casing material~. The gel could alternatively be in-jection molded with the foam and covered with a plas ti801 or other coating by 6praying or dipping.
It will be under6tood by tho6e ~killed in the art that nu~erou~ other improvement6 and modification~ may be made to the preferred embodi~ent of the invention diæclo~ed herein without depar~ing from the ~pirit and ~cope here~f. For esample, the ~urface of any of the embodiment6 di6closed herein may be coated with flock-ing ~aterial to enhance the soft feel Df the curlers and tv as~ist in gripping the hair. I'he principle6 of this invention could also be embodied in hair ~urler~
of various cros~-sectional ~hapes (elliptical, polygonal, etc.) and various overall ehape~ ~toroidal, elliptical, etc.). For example, a hair curler could incorporate a spiral ~roove or ridge along it~ length or varying diameter along it~ length.

Claims (7)

1. A flexible hair curler having a central core, said curler capable of being bent into a plurality of positions and of retaining any such bent position, the curler having a non-porous body of pliable, flexible material molded about said core, said body having a non-absorbent external surface, said body being of a polyurethane-based composition and having a durometer reading on the Shore 00 scale of approximately 30-70, said material being capable of being repeatedly heated by external means to temperatures of approximately 100° Centigrade without significant deterioration of said material's flexibility and pliability characteristics, and capable of repeatedly retaining said temperatures for predetermined periods of time sufficient to enable said curler to be used to curl hair.
2. A curler for curling hair comprising a core of wire or the like capable of being bent into a plurality of positions and capable of thereafter substantially maintaining the position without additional force, an elongated. non-absorbent casing or coating surrounding said core and having end portions covering the ends thereof, a pliable material filling said casing or coating, the curler having a heat-retaining material embedded substantially throughout said pliable material for being heated from an external source and for retaining heat for a period of time sufficient to enable said curler to be used to curl hair and for communicating said heat to said casing or coating.
3. The curler according to claim 1 wherein said body is totally encased within a pliable casing or coating which defines said external surface.
4. The curler according to claim 1 wherein the surface of said body is flocked.
5. The curler according to claim 2 wherein said casing or coating is flocked.
6. In a method of curling hair with a flexible hair curler having a dry, non-absorbent external surface, said flexible hair curler comprising a non-porous body of pliable, flexible material molded about an axial core, said curler capable of being bent into a plurality of positions and retaining any such bent position, said curler further capable of retaining heat for a predetermined time, the improvement comprising the steps of:
heating said flexible hair curler by external heating means prior to use; and then curling hair onto said flexible hair curler while the latter is dry.
7. In a method of curling hair with a flexible hair curler having a dry, non-absorbent external surface, said flexible hair curler comprising a non-porous body of pliable, flexible material capable of being bent into a plurality of positions and retaining any such bent position, said curler further capable of retaining heat for a predetermined time, the method comprising curling hair onto said flexible hair curler and bending the latter into a selected one of said positions in order to thereby retain the hair curled about said flexible hair curler, the improvement comprising the step of:
heating said flexible hair curler by external heating means prior to use.
CA000494412A 1984-11-14 1985-11-01 Heatable flexible hair curlers Expired - Fee Related CA1301581C (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US67115784A 1984-11-14 1984-11-14
US671,157 1984-11-14

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CA1301581C true CA1301581C (en) 1992-05-26



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CA000494412A Expired - Fee Related CA1301581C (en) 1984-11-14 1985-11-01 Heatable flexible hair curlers

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FR2572908A1 (en) 1986-05-16
IT8522813A0 (en) 1985-11-13
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IT1186064B (en) 1987-11-18
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