CA1184307A - Method and device for generating check bits protecting a data word - Google Patents

Method and device for generating check bits protecting a data word


Publication number
CA1184307A CA000402489A CA402489A CA1184307A CA 1184307 A CA1184307 A CA 1184307A CA 000402489 A CA000402489 A CA 000402489A CA 402489 A CA402489 A CA 402489A CA 1184307 A CA1184307 A CA 1184307A
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French (fr)
Volkmar Gotze
Gunther Potz
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International Business Machines Corp
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International Business Machines Corp
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Publication of CA1184307A publication Critical patent/CA1184307A/en
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Single error correction and double error detection with byte-wise generation of check bits. The individual bytes of the data word are successively applied via a byte selection logic to a bit selection logic comprising gates which pass on to a byte parity generation logic the data bits required in accordance with the code used. In this logic, one parity bit is generated to one respective switched data byte. The parity bits of the individual successively switched bytes are summed up in an accumulation logic, and supply the desired check bit after the last byte. The gates in the bit selection logic are controlled by a code implementing logic representing the respectively used check code. An error detecting and localizing logic detects the type of error, and defines the error location in case of a single error.




Check bits are used e. g. for protecting data words against errors in data processing systems. When the data word is read into the storage of the system, check bits are generated in accordance with a predetermined code rule, and stored in the storage toge-ther with the data word. Whel1-the data word is read out, check bits for the read-out data word are again generated and compared with the oriqinally stored check bits~ The comparison of cor-responding check bits supplies the so-called syndrome bits.
If all syndrome bits are Zero, -the data word read corre-sponds to the one that has been written in. If one or severa] syndrome bits are not Zero, there is an error, and depending on the code used one or several errors can be detec-ted, and a limited number of errors can be cor-rected, by decoding the syndrome bit pattern. Devices forerror de-tection and correction of the above specified type are described e. g. in US Patents 3 623 155, 3 648 239, and 3 755 797, and they are usually called "ECC" devices.

bependtng on whether the data bits arrive serially or in parallel, the check bits are generated serially or in para:llel, too. ~ serial check bit generation is effected mainly in connection with serial recording devices, as e, CJ . mac1netic tape ~5 torages. Depending on the type of ~ead~ c~ devicc?, tlle clleck bits can also be generated in ti~e hyte-serial mode (~lS Patents 3 851 306 and 3 868 632).

The disadvantage of al~ those known devic2s is that they are designed for one specific purpose. Once an ECC device is designed it can be used for one specific code only, and is furthermore applicable either for serial or for par~llel operation only. Regarding the number of bytes in GE 980 03~


the data word, and the nurnber of bits per byte the ~nown devices are also designed for predetermined numbers only.
When the ECC device is implemented on a semiconductor chip an existing ECC device can therefore not be adapted to altered circumstances. In fac-t, a new ECC chip will have to be developed, which involves far too much time for many purposes. `

It is therefore the object of the present invention to provide a method and a device for generating check bits in such a manner that it can be applied universally.

The byte-serial manner of generating check bits according to -the invention permits a structuring of the ECC device which is of a highly universal application. Generating a parity bit to one respective byte is not code-dependent, which means that standardized units can be provided for that purpose. The same applies for the byte-serial applic-ation of the data bytes to the parity bit generators.
Finally, the parity bit accumulation device does not depend on the code, either, so that the only code-dependent feature is the selection of the data bits required for the generation of a byte parity bit. However, this selection can be advantageously effected in that gates are provided which are controlled by a control logic, so that the respective code used merely determines -the charac-teristics of the control logic.

According to an advantag~ous irnplementation for such acontrol logic, -to give an example, a read-only storage tROS, ROM) is provided which can also be of a prograrnmable design. For such a programmable read-only storage (PROM, EAROM, ERROM, etc.) numerous forms oE implementation are known. Programmable logic arrays (PLA) are possible, -too.

~8~ D7 Since according to the invention the check bit generation is effected in a byte-serial mode, there is a certain dis-advantage as to speed compared with the fully parailel devices, but for many uses, as e. g. in printers or dis~
play terminals this is of no importance. Compared with a fully serial device cperating with shift registers, the speed according to the present invention is much improved.
Of course, the amount of cost and hardware required is much lower than in the fully parallel devices mostly consisting of comple~ Excl~sive-Or trees.

Particu:larly the possible use in peripherals, as e. g. in the above-mentioned printers or display terminals shows that the invention offers a protection of the data to be tran~ferred to these devices as realized up to now only in connection with storages of a data processing system. De-ve:lopill~J an ECC device suitable for a printer has always taken too much time, so that in such peripherals the data words could be protected through simple parity bi-ts only.
~lo~everl this permits the detection but not the correction of a single error. With the invention, a very rapid adap-tation of the ECC device to the respective purpose can be efEected, with the consequence that the few components of the device as disclosed by the invention which depend on 2r, the code or on the width of the transfer paths, can be quic~c]y initializecl. An entirely novel development of ~n ECC se~ .conductor chip, and the production of this chip for dlfferellt purposes has been rendered super-fluous by the present invention.
An embodiment of the invention will now be descrlbed with reference to the dra~ings, which show the following:

Fig. 1 the basic strvcture of an error correcting device connected to a storage, 3~

Fiy. 2 the basic circuit arrangement of an embodi-ment of the invention, Fiy~ 3 a code matrix, Fig. 4 a detailed representation of the circuit arrangement depicted in Fig. 2, Fig. 5 details of the time control of the arrange ment in accordance with Fig. 4, Fig. fi a survey of bit selection signals.

It '~7i.11 first be shown with reference to Fig. 1 how an error correcting device~ (ECC device) 2 is connected to a storc-)ge 1 for the writing-in and reading-out of data. ~pon wrikinc3 in, check bits are generated in device 2 for data .suppLied by a peripheral unit 3 or by a processor 4 via a bus 6. 'rogether with the respective data, these check bits are read :Lnto storage 1 via bus 5. Upon the read-out, device 2 once more generates check bits for the read-out data according to the same rule, and these check bits are compared with the stored check bits. The comparison of two corresponding check bits results in the so-called syndrome hit. IE call syndro~e bits are 0 it can be assumed that the read-out c1ata are tdentieal with the previously read-in data, i. e~. that ~hf' data have no-t be~t-~n atlverst-~ly affectetl on b.~lS S or in storage 1. I one~ or several syndrome bits are no~ 0, thi.s :lndicates a single error or a douhle error c1epel1ding on the encoding rule selected for yenerating the check bits. Most ECC devices are structured in such a manner that single e~rrors can be eorrected, double errors detected, but errors of a still higher order can be neither detected nor corrected. If there is a single error, it can be local~
ized al~d corrected tnrough the decoding of the syndrome bit pattern. Subsequently, the corrected data are emitted to the addressed unit via bus 6.

The structure of the ECC devices depends on the number of data bits in a data word, i. e. on ~he width of the trans-fer buses 5 and 6, and it is furthermore influenced by the f~ct whether storage 1 is word-organized, halfword-org;~nizecl or byte-organized. ECC device 2 can be struc-turally combinecl with units 1, 3, or 4.
~i~. 2 represents a bclsic circuit arrangement of an embodi-ment of the present invention. The data to be encoded or checked are applied to a byte seleetion logic 10. Aeeording to the invention, the check bits are generated byte-wise, ~s will be deseribed below in detail in eonneetion with Figs. 3 and 4. For better understanding of the generation of check bits, reference is now made to Fig. 3 showing a code matrix~ also ealled "H-matrix". In the present case, the data word is to comprise eight data bytes having eight data bits eaeh. To this data word, a eheck byte is gene-ratecl, t. e. eight eheck bi-ts C1 - C8 are produced. To give an example: Check bit C1 is generated by an addition modulo
2 of all data bits given with a dash in the first line of -the nlatrix according to Fig. 3. Sinee in the present ease the overall nu~lber of -the bits per storage loea-tion in ~orage 1 is 72, and sinee 64 bits thereof are data bi.ts I~Q - ~63, the preser1t code will be called a 72/64 code. ~s clemol1straked by row I o~ the matrix, a total oE 32 data bits are usec1 Eor gerleratil1q check bit C1, i. e. bits O - 15, 30 32, 36 - 38, 40, 44 - 46, 48, 52 - 54, 56, and 60 - 62.
herefore, check bit C1 eould be generated by an Exelusive-OR gate having 32 inp-lts, or through a modulo 2 adder to whiel1 the respeetive 32 bits are applied suecessively.

ll Tl1e invention makes a new approach in that parity bits are successively generated to the individual data bytes, and in ~l~at these byte parities are accumulated in the modulo ~ mode. Tlle accumula~ion results will then correspond to a parlty hit over the respective data bits of -the eight data bytes, i. e. in tlle above example over the 32 data -bits mentioned. Fiy. 2 provides for this purpose byte selection logic 10 which from the read-in data word successively seLects the individual data bytes for the generation o~ the check bit. In accordance with the data bi~s Marked in the matrix of Fig. 3 a following bit selection logic 12 selects for each data byte those data bits ~hich are to be used for generating the check bit.
For the remaining bits of the byte zeros are passed on. The given byte parity bit is generated by byte parity generation logic 14 depicted in Flg. 2. The individual byte parities are summed up modulo 2 in the subsequent accumulation logic 16. ~t tl1e output of logic 16 therefore check bits C1 - C~
are available. If in a read operation the check bits to the ~o read-out data are once more generated and compared with the equally read-out check bits, accumulation logic 16 supplies syndrome bits S1 - S8 in the manner described below. An error detecting and localizing logic 18 supplies the re-qulred error data by decoding the syndrome bits. The syndrome bit decoding unit in logic 18 depends of course on the code used. ~lowever, as this code is al.tered only rarely a read-only storage can e. g. be used Eor logic 18. Similar-ly the data bits ~ised for generating a check bit can be selected by means oE a code implementation logic 20 for which a read-only storaye can be employed too.

For tlle time control of the device a clock control 8 is provided. However, this time control strongly depends on the amount of data bytes provided in a data word, and on tl1e type of storage organization. The corresponding control ~8~3~'7 signa~s representing tl~e storage organi~ation and the hus ~iidt~ are thus to be applied to clock control 8 as control signals. Via a line 80 the storage organization is entered, i. e. the nu~)er of bytes per storage location (generally 1, 2, ~ or 8 bytes). It is thus taken into account for how many bytes per storage operation check bits will have to be generated.

Via 1ine 82 con-trol signals are entered which define the ~-idth of the buses (serially, or 1, 2 t 4, 8 bytes) con-nected to the ECC device 2. The width of bus 5 general~y corresponds to the capacity of a storage location~

~urtl1ermore, code implementing logic 20 receives via lines 86 and 88 control signals which define the number of re-quired clock signals depending on the number of bytes, and the number of data bits per data byte.

~or controlling the other functional units 10 - 18 of ~ig. 2, clock control 8 is connected to these units via a control bus 84.

Fig. 4 is a detailed representation of the basic circuit arrangelnent of Fig. 2~ The left side of the Figure shows t}1e various data inputs. Serially arriving data bits are read via line 23 into a shift register 26 for serial-parallel conversion. Vata arriving in parallel are read into blls 32 via bus 24 and gating circuit 30. With a nla~ilnuln word :lel1g~ of 64 data bits t this bus 32 has a
3~ width of 64 blts, too. Via bus 27 and gating circuit 30, shift register 26 ca~l ~lso be connected to bus 32. In a read operation, i. e. in an operation where a data word and the associated check bits are read out of the storage, there has to be a comparison with the newly generated check bits, as described above. ~or that purpose a gating circuit 28 is 3~

prov;ded ~ia w}-l:ich either the check byte in the case of a read operation, or a byte consisting of zeros in the case of a re~d operation can be entered via bus 29 into the accumulation :Logic. In a serial read-out operation, such input is effected via shift register 26, bus 27, and gate 28.

~s descrlbed above, accumulation logic 16 generates check ~lts C1 - C8 in a write operation and syndrome bits S1 -S8 in a read operation. The check bits reach the storage via bus 64. The respec~ive data bits applied to bus 24 can reach storage 1 by bypassing the ~CC device. For that purpose buses 24 and 64 are connected to bus 5 (Fig. 1).

In a reaci operation, the check byte from the storage is to be entered into the ECC device via bus 22, and the data ~-its ei ther via line 23 or bus 24. For this process, the above--mentioned lines are to be conneced also to bus 5 via suitab]e gates controlled by a read or write signal. For implemel1ting the possible connections of Fig. 1 suitable gates bet-~een buses 5 and 6 on the one hand, and buses 22, 23, 24 and 64 on the other are therefore to be provided whicl1 are suitably controlled by read or write control signals.
Byte selection logic 10 of Fig. 2 consists of a series oE
Inultiplexors MP~ IPX8. At a first clock time, each multiplexor passes on byte B0, at A second clock time byte B1, etc. up to byte l37, to bit selection logic 12. Logic 12 provides for each multiplexor a series of AND gates; e. g.
eight ~ND gate~ 36 t 37...38 are provided for multiplexor ~IPX1, AND gates 40, 41...42 for ~PX2, and finally ~ND gates 44, 45...46 for ~-lP~8. The first inputs of the AND gates are ; connected with one respective data bit output of the multi-plexors. The respective second inputs of these AND gates :

3~7 .' '-I

are connected ~ia a hus 34 to code implementing logic 20.
Sincc there is a total of 64 AND gates 36 - 46, bus 34 is 64 bits ~ide. Code implementing logic 20 is structured in acc~rdclnce with the matrix of Fig. 3. At the time when byte 0 :is passed on by the eight multiplexors MPX1 - MPX8 the above-mentioned ~ND gates therefore receive the following signals:

AND gates 36 - 38 conr1ected to MPX1 are all switched througl1 (enablecl) at the second input in accordance with the first row, field "byte 0" of Fig. 3. Of the AND gates connected to multiplexors MPX2 and MPX3, none is switched in accordance with the second and third row in the field "byte 0" of the matrix in Fig. 3. In accordance Wit}1 the fourth ~o~ however all AND gates connected to ~X4 are s~itched. Of the AND gates connected to MPX5, those be-longing to data bits D0, D4, D5 and D6 are switched. The switching of the AND gates connected to multiplexors 6 and 7 is given analogously in Fig. 3, rows 6 and 7 of fields 20 "byte 0~A Finally, of the AND yates (44, 45.. 46) connected to multiplexor 8 the AND gates belonging to data bits D3, D5, D6 and D7 are switched through.

In the ne.Y-t cloc}~ period, when byte 1 of the read-in data word ls passed on by all multiplexors, AND gates 36 - 46 are switched in accordance with the data bits marked in the fieEd "byte 1". For eight data bytes, the operation of the device is continued in the manner described, until byte 7 has been switclled tllrough bit selection logic 12.
The data bits passed on by AND gates 36 - 46 reach a respective byte parity generator BPG 1 - BPG 8, with reference nul~ers 50, 52 and 54 being provided therefor in Fig. 4. Each BPG consists e. g. of a read-only storage with 25G inputs addressed by the data bits, and one single 3~7 output. Since the bi~ary data byte to which the parity bit is to ~e generated consists of a maximum of eight bits, 256 inputs are to be provided. On the other hand, gene-rators 50, 52 and 54 have to supply one bit only, i. e.
the pI1rity bit, so that only one single output is to be pro~ided.

The parity bit supplied by each genera-tor BPG1 - BPG8 reaches a modulo 2 adder circuit in accumulation logic 1~ 16. Tlle modulo 2 adder circuit provided for each byte parity generator consists according to Fig. 4 of a flip-flop l,T1 - LT8, and an associated Exclusive-OR gate 56, 57...5~. The output of the flipflop is connected to one input of the Exclusive-OR gate, and the other input of I5 this gate is connec-ted to the output of the corresponding byte parity generator. The output of the Exclusive-OR gate is connected to the set input of flipflop LT. Owing to the accumul.1tion of the parity bits received for the eiyht data hy-tes, check bits C1 - C8 can be directly received after the eighth data byte at the output of each flipflop.

The above speciEication of the embodiment has shown that for generating each one of the eight check bits there is one respective set of functional units. Accordingly, the fol~owing is provided for the generation of check bit C1:
multiplexor MPX1; the series of AND gates 36, 37, 38; byte parity geIlerator BPG1; Exclusive-OR gate 56, and flipflop 60. Referring to the first row of the matrix of Fig. 3 which is associated to multiplexor MPX1, ~ytes BO to B7 consequently reach bit selection logic 12 via multiplexor ~PX1. AND circuits 36 to 38 shown in this logic 12 permit the passing of those data bits only which in the first row of the matrix are m~rked with a dash. The binary signals reaching byte ~arity generator 50, and whose value for the non-switcI1ed AND gates is 0, and which -for the data bits `;~


s;~ltc}led in accordance with a first row of the matrix of Fig. 3 assume the value of the switched data bits, are de-coded as an address, and the bit at the respective address in generator 50 is read out to accumulation logic 16.

If the parity bit read out to the Exclusive-OR gate (e. g.
56) equals the bits contained in the flipflop (e. g. 60), two eql~al binary signals are applied at the input of gate 56 so that a Zero is set in flipflop 60. If both inputs to gate 56 are non~equal, a One is set in flipflop 60. This operation corresponds to a rnodulo 2 addition.

For carrying out the comparison necessary in a read oper-ation between a newly generated check bit and the check bit stored in storage 1, the read-out check bit is set in the flipflop via bus 22, gating circuit 28 and bus 29 at the beginnirlg of the check bit generation. There consequently remains a zero in the flipflop if the newly generated check bit C1 equals the read-out check bit C. Otherwise, there remains a One in the flipflop. The bits which after the re-net~ed check bit generation, i. e. after the comparison, re-main in the flipflops and which as specified above are called "syndrome bits" (S1 - S8) are read via a bus 64 into an error detecting and localizing logic 18. This logic 18 can also be designed as a read-only storage, the eight syndrome bits presenting 256 addresses, and e. g. 10 bits being stored at eaci1 address. The meaning of these bits is the follo-~ing:

NE: ~ll syndrome bits are zero, there is no error.

SE: A single error has been decoded. According to the code of Fig. 3, the single error is in a check bit if one single syndrome bit has the value One, and there is a single error among the data bits if three or five 3~7 sync1rome bits have the value One. Depending on which syndrome bits have the value One the position of the single error can be localized through decoding in logic 18.

D~: There is a double error whi_h by using the code of Fig. 3 can be detected but not corrected.~ In the case of a double error, an even number (2, 4 or 6) of syndrome bits have the value One.
Ihe rern~ining seven bits read out of logic 18 indicate the error location for the single error bit of a total of 72 bits.

The e~ecution with respect to time in the production of the check and syndrome bits will now be described in detail with reference to Figs. 5 and 6. Fig. S refers in partlcular to the generation of the first check or syndrome bit, C1 and S1, i. e. to the first row in the matrix of Fig. 3.
For generating check bit C1, the 64 data bits DO - D63 are applied at the input of the ECC device, and for the original setting of the flipflops LT1 - LT8 a zero byte (8 zero bits) is applied, or the flipflops are reset. During clock TO, the zero'th level of the multiplexor MPX1 is switched, and at the output of the multiplexors data bits DO - D7 are thus availakle. The signals supplied by code implementing logic 20 to AND gate.s 36 - 38 consist of nothing but One's, according to -the first row in Fig. 5. Accordingly, all eight 30 ` data bits DO - D7 are applied to the input of parity genera-tor BPG1, and the value of each individual data bit can of course be Zero or One. At the output of generator 50 .~ .
~ parity bit PO is available, whereas at this time a zero ; still re.nains in flipf~op l.T1.

, F,ig. 5 ln the next r~)w represents the processes at cloc~
time T1. The Eirst level of the multiplexor is switched through, and ti1e second data byte B1 with bits D8 - D15 is passed on to the series of AND gates 36 - 38. According to tl~e fist row in Fig. 3, all these AND gates are switched throuc~l1, and conse~uently all eight data bits D8 - D15 are applied to the input of generator 50. At the output of the generator, parity bit P1 is obtained a-t this time, while in the meantime parity bit P0 had been added to the original ~ero in flipflop 60, so that the contents of LT1 now equal p3rity blt P0.

During the subsequent clock periods T2 -to T7, one respective further level of multiplexor MPX1 is switched, and thus an-1~ other data byte is passed on. The CRL switching signalsgenerated according to the first row of the matrix of Fig. 3 hy code implementing logic 20, for AND gates 36 to 38, as wel], as the data bits passed on accordingly to the input of generator 50 are given in the two corresponding fields of E'ig. 5. The next column "LT1" of Fig. 5 indicates the moduLo 2 added parity signals for the respective contents of flipflop LT1. In the last clock period T8, parity bit P7 generated in the preceding clock period T7 is added to the contents of flipflop 60, so that after the expiration of c]ock period T8, check bit C1 is contained in this flip-flop.

In a read operation, the above described process is exe-cuted analogously, wlth the exception that prior to the starting of the parity bit accumulation, check bit C1' from the storage is set into the respective flipflop. For that purpose, the read-out check byte is read, via bus 22, gating circui.t 28, and bus 29 into flipflops LT1 - LT8 prior to the generation of the check bits. After the expiration of clock period T8 therefore the flipflop contains syndrome bit S1.

llB43q~'7 Eig. 6 once more clear:ly shows the bi-t selectlon signals generated by code implementing logic 20. The eight rows oE ~ig. 6 correspond to the eight clock periods TO - T7.
One row of Fig. 6 therefore represents the binary signals suppliecl during the respective clock period by code im~
p1ementing logic 20, for s~itching the AND gates of bit selection logic 12. Since in the glven example eight data bytes ha~-e to be switched, logic 20 also has to generate 8 x 64 control bits for switching the AND gates. It is an essel1tial feature of the present invention that the re-spectively used code has an effect only on code implemen-t-ing logic 20 and on error detecting and localizing logic 18. I.ogic devices 18 and 20 can be advantageously designed as read-only storages (ROS, ROM, EAPROM, EAROM, PLA, etc.), these devices being initialized prior to the starting of the ECC device. All other devices of Fig. 4 do not de-pend on the code used, so that the device of Fig. 4 can easily be made in series production and, as described be-low, on one single semiconductor chip.
,If the maximuM word width of eight data bytes is not re-quired (:Lines 80, 82, Fig. 2) the number of clock signals is reduced accordingl~ (lines 86, Fig. 2). This means that not aLl levels of ~he multiplexors, not all AND gates of the hit selection logic, and not all sets of functional units according to Eig. 4 are used, since with a sma]ler nulnber of data bits (lll1es 88, Fig. 2) the number of check bits can be srnaller, too. The following practical values can e. g. be used:
1 data byte : 5 check bits ? bytes: 6 check bits
4 bytes: 7 or 8 check bits I' 8 bytes: B check bits.

So the device speclfied in the embodiment of the present invention is applicable for up to a maximum of 64 data bits and eight addltional check bits. The device can also be used for any smaller n~lmber of data or check bits by cor-respondingly reducing the clock periods, and by corre-spondingly not using logic circuits shown in Fig. 4, and non-required sets of functional units. The device as dis-closed by the invention thus guarantees a maximum universal ~-lppl-i(abi:lity with su~stantially standardized structure of the individual functional units.

'rhe piilS required for a semiconductor chip with the ECC
device as disclosed by the invention comprise e. g. 101:

10 control connections for clock control 8 (Fig. 2), and for code implementing logic 20 (Fig. 2), 72 data input connections (buses 22 and 24), 1 serial data input 23, 8 check bit outputs (bus 64), lO outputs of error detecting and localizing logic 18.

The abo~e-melltiolled number of 101 chip connections can be tecllllologically realized.
With the integration densities realizable at present the houslllg of the device of Fig. 2 on one single semicon-ductor chip is no technological problem, either. Housing on one single chip is possible in the end through the b~te-~ise generation of check bits and syrldrome bits, in 3~7 acc-!r-d~nce willl the invention. This operation permits for mally uses a pclrtlcularly advantageous compromise between a fulLy serial mode whlch requires few circuits but is ratlle~ ;low, alld fuJ:L~ parallel operation requirlng a gre(lt amount o~ har~ware.

GE 9~0 034

Claims (13)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:
1. Method of generating check bits protecting a data word in a device for single error correction and double error detection, characterized by the following steps required for generating one specific of all check bits:

a) The data word is divided into successive data bytes, b) for each byte, the data bits required for generating the check bit in accordance with the matrix of the check code used (H-matrix) are selected, c) a parity bit is generated for the selected bits of one respective byte, and d) the individual parity bits are summed up modulo 2.
2. Method as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that the process steps are executed successively, and that process steps b) to d) are executed simultaneously for all check bits.
3. Method as claimed in claim 1, wherein check bits newly generated when the data word is read out of the storage are compared with the check bits which are generated when the word is read into the storage and are also stored, characterized in that in step d) the also stored check bits are also summed up.
4. Device for single error correction and double error detection in a data word protected by check bits, with an arrangement for generating check bits in accordance with the code matrix of the check code used, and with an arrangement indicating type and location of the error (ECC device), characterized in that per check bit (e. g. C1) to be generated the following devices are provided - a multiplexer (MPX1) for the successive passing-on of the individual data bytes (B0 - B7) of the data word, - a gating circuit (36 - 38) for selecting the data bits required in accordance with the check code, of the byte just passed on, - a byte parity generator (50) to generate a parity to the data bits selected, and - an adder (56, 60) for the modulo 2 summing up of the parity bits, and in that for the joint control of the gating circuits (36 - 46) belonging to the individual check bits (C1 - C8) a code implementing logic (20) is provided which is structured in accordance with the check code applied.
5. Device as claimed in claim 4, characterized in that the code implementing logic (20) is designed as a read-only storage, and connected via a bus (34) to the gating circuits (36 - 46) belonging to the in-dividual check bits (C1 - C8).
6. Device as claimed in claim 4, characterized in that the gating circuits per check bit comprises a series of AND gates (36 - 38).
7. Device as claimed in claim 4, with a clock control, characterized in that the clock control (8) receives control signals (80, 82, Fig. 2) for defining the data word width, and that it supplies a number of clock pulses (T0 - T7, Fig. 5) corresponding to the number of bytes of a data word, for controlling each multiplexor (MPX1 - MPX8), so that only those levels (0 - 7) of the multiplexors are enabled to which data bytes are applied.
8. Device as claimed in claims 6 or 7, characterized in that the code implementing logic (20) receives control signals (86, 88, Fig. 2) for defining the number of bits per data byte, and that it emits to the AND gates (36 - 38) a number of gate control signals per clock period corresponding to this bit number, so that only those AND gates of a series are enabled to which data bits are applied.
9. Device as claimed in claim 4, characterized in -that the adders belonging to the individual check bits (C1 - C8) each comprise a flipflop (LT1 - LT8) fed back via an Exclusive-OR gate (56 - 58), and the set inputs of all flipflops are connected to a common bus (29).
10. Device as claimed in claim 9, wherein during the write operation of the data word in a storage (1) check bits are generated to the data words, and stored together with the data word, and wherein during a read operation the data word is read out together with the stored check bits, and new check bits are generated to the read-out data word, and compared with the previously stored check bits, characterized in that during a write operation a Zero is set via the bus (29) in all flipflops (LT1 -LT8), or all flipflops are reset, and that in a read operation the stored check bits are set via the bus (29) in the corresponding flipflops (e.g. C1 in LT1), in such manner that after the renewed generation of the check bits error syndrome bits (S1 - S8) are contained in the flipflops.
11. Device as claimed in claim 10 characterized in that the outputs of all flipflops (LT1 -LT8) are connected via a common bus (64) to an error detecting and localizing logic (18), and that this logic (18) is designed as a read-only storage.
12. Device as claimed in claims 5 or 11, characterized in that the code implementing logic (20) and the error detecting and localizing logic (18) are designed as personalizable semiconductor storages.
13. Device as claimed in claim 10, characterized in that the ECC device (2) comprises the following inputs and outputs:
- a bus input (22) connected with the storage bus (5), for applying the check byte stored in the storage, - a serial input (23) for applying serially trans-ferred data bits, this input (23) being connected to a series-parallel converter (26), and the output (27) of this converter as well as the first-mentioned bus (22) being connectable via a gate (28) to the bus (29) for the flipflops (60 - 62), - a bus (24) for the parallel application of the bytes (BO - B7) of the data word, the output (27) of the converter (26), and the last-mentioned bus (24) being connected via a gating circuit (30) to a bus (32) connected to the in-puts of all multiplexors (MPXl - MPX8), the serial input line (23) and the byte supply bus (24) being connectable to the bus (5) from the ECC
device (2) to the storage, as well as to the bus (6) to input and output devices (3), or to a processor (4).
CA000402489A 1981-06-05 1982-05-07 Method and device for generating check bits protecting a data word Expired CA1184307A (en)

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US9347448B2 (en) 2010-04-16 2016-05-24 Knorr-Bremse Systeme Fur Schienenfahrzeuge Gmbh Control valve for an oil-injected screw-type compressor

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