CA1088916A - High production rate cutting fluid and coolant - Google Patents

High production rate cutting fluid and coolant


Publication number
CA1088916A CA264,958A CA264958A CA1088916A CA 1088916 A CA1088916 A CA 1088916A CA 264958 A CA264958 A CA 264958A CA 1088916 A CA1088916 A CA 1088916A
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Other languages
French (fr)
Thomas H. Webb
Hugh F. Vest
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Standard Oil Co
Original Assignee
Standard Oil Co
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Standard Oil Co filed Critical Standard Oil Co
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1088916A publication Critical patent/CA1088916A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Lubricants (AREA)



Abstract of the Disclosure A novel water-in-oil composition which allows for high production rates over long periods or time when used as lubricant-coolant in metal-cutting operations.


-This invention relates to a composition of matter ;
adapted for use both as a coolant and lubricating agent in metal cutting, and more particularly pertains to a superior cutting and cooling fluid which is based on non-petroleum oil and is a water-in-oil emulsion which is capable of sustaining high production rates for long periods of time.
In the machining of metals in operations such as cutting, threading, tapping, grinding, honing, lapping, milling, and the like, it is customary to flood the tool and work with a coolant to carry away heat from the tool and work, and normally such coolants are also so compounded as to lubricate the operation. Because of the high unit pressures involved, particularly in high-speed operations, the cutting fluid, if used also as a lubricant, must be an exceptionally capable lubricant. Many of such previously known fluids are petroleum oil-based fluids which are oil-in-water emulsions. The present invention relates to non-petroleum-based cutting fluids.
It is an object of this invention to provide a novel cutting and coolant fluid in the form of a water-in-oil emulsion capable of being used either as formed or in dilute form, preferably as formed, which will be effective as a coolant and lubricant under the conditions noted. Another object is to provide a composition which gives excellent lubrication and cooling in a single fluid through use of water-in-oil emulsions which lubricate by virtue of an ,~ .

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external oil phase and cool by heat capacity and by virtue of the heat of vaporization of water. Another object i5 to provide a stable, non-corrosive, rust-inhibiting, metal-processing lubricant and coolant which has excep-tionally long use life and can be degreased with water instead of conventional solvents. The cutting fluid embodied herein has been found to have an emollient effect on the hands of workers exposed to it.
The design of modern metal-cutting machines often requires that the lubricant be the coolant. In the present invention, the water is present in an invert emulsion which - means that the oil is the external phase to wet the metal surfaces and the cutting fluid provides lubrication superior to that of other emulsions. This overcomes the most common complaint of poor lubrication for soluble cutting fluid.
When approaching the problem of providing an . .
efficient and long-lasting lubricant-coolant, it must be remembered that the efficiency of a coolant is dependent upon its specific heat, i.e.., the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a unit weight of the material one degree at temperatures below the vaporization temperature and in some cases its heat of vaporization. While oils are known to be good lubricants, they generally are poor coolants as compared to water because the specific heat of mineral oil, for example, is only about 0.5 that of water. On the other hand, it is well known that except under special conditions, water is not a good lubricant. In the instant case, the fluid does not cool alone because of the specific .~

, (4883) !. 1(18~3916 - h~at Or the water it contalnsg lt provldeR ~uperlor cooling becawe th~ water 18 converted to ~tea~n, ab~orbing heat due to vaporiæ~ion Or the l~quld. It i~ thu~ required to add m~keup w~ter to ~he ~uld a~ it i8 belng u~ed ln the cutting 5 oper~tion by mean8 well known, Thc composltlon~ o~ thls in~ren~ion p~ d~ naximum lubrlcatlon prope~tles and at the s~ne tlme act as eff'icient coolan~. The compo8itlon8 oi~ thi~ lnvention maln~ain st~ility under ~lent and operating conditlon~ over ~
10 con~lderable range o~ water conte~t and worki~; conditlon~, The composltion~ of thi~ invention readlly re- emulsl~y water which i~ added as ~nakeup i':'or that lost by ~raporlz~tlon durlng the coolant functlon.
Th~ combination of ethoxylated ~a~tor oil and a , 15 ~atty a~id ~mide or dietha~ol ~mine constltute~ an e~flcient emul~ er ~y~t~m when used ln con~unction with an oily material o~ a ~p~cl~ic type. Awcil iary conv~r~tion~l emul~i~iers ~uch aB xosin ~cid ~alt~ ~nd sodl~ petroleum .~ 5Ul~Ollate can be u~ed as ad~unct~, but are not e~sentlal.
20 The o~ly mat~rial ~onnirlg the ~xternal pha~e o~ th~
COmpO8i~iOlU Q~ thi~ lnv~n~lon pre~rably 18 mad~ up o~
chemlc~l~ protridi~g activ~ ~peciea (S~, Cl) known to b~
ctlve lubrica~ing ag2nt~ in motal cuttlng (~ urlz~d ~st~r~,. sul:~uri~d lard oilg chlorln0.ted p~ra~ , etc. ~, : . 25 Natural ~at~, ~uch a~ re~ined lard oil, al~o c~n ba u~ed, Pr~f~rr~d are those oily materlals of the ~or~going typ~
whlch are of r~latively low ~riscosity (30-lO00 SSU at 100F) .
~ h~ composltlons Or thi~ in~ention ean also contaln the u~ nti~ t agentsJ, blocid~ fo~m lnhlbitors, and 30 the li~.
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~883) Typlc&l ~o~qnulatlon~ oi~ the composlt1one o~ thl~
inventlon w~ all within the follo~ring rsn~e~:

:Broad Pre~err~d low vi~co~lty lnactive 15-84 22-48 or active Eulhlrized e3ter o~ an ol~lnic ~tty acid ro~ln ~cid ~oap 0-10 3_6 el;hox~rlat~d castor o~ 8-25 10-20 amlde Or diethar~ol a~in~ 8-25 10~20 and h ~tty acid blocid~-:eunglcide 0_8 .1-5 c~orinated ~at or fa~ty 0-15 210 , ~cld e~ter E~mine-type ru~t inhibitor 0-10 0-7 Na N02 0-5 0-3, 5 rO~m lnhibitor 0_3 0-2 :1 wat~r (~lstilled or o-60 ~30 '! deiorllzed~

In the ~ollowir2g exa~ which wlll i~urtheP
lllu~trate thl~ lnverltiQn, the ~unt8 o~ lngr~di.ent~ ~re 5 expr~s~d ln p~rta by w~ight unles~ oth~ lndlc~te~4 A cuttln~ oil corltalnlng inactl~ ur ~nd chlorlne wa~l prepared u~ing the rollowing lnlsroGiont~:

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Ingredient Parts : low-viscosity aetive 20 sulfurized ester of an olefinic fatty acid low-viscosity synthetic27 fatty aeid ester ethoxylated castor oil13 amide of diethanol amine 13 and coconut fatty acid chlorinated synthetie 5 fatty acid ester (28.30% Cl) blown to 300 SUS at 100F
Na NO2 1.5 water (deionized) 20.5 :~

E_ample 2 A eutting oil was prepared using the following ingredients:
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Ingredient Parts low-viseosity inaetive 39.65 sulfurized fat ethoxylated castor oil 16 amide of diethanol amine 16 and coeonut aeid morpholine bioeide-fungieide 0.15 .. .
ehlorinated methyl stearate 7.5 (20% Cl) 1 Na NO2 0.2 ~ 30 water (deionized) 20.5 :

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8~L6 (4~83) ., Exampl 3 An actl~re~ ur cutt'Ln~s oil wa~ pr~r~d u~ing the ~ollowlrlg ~ngredle~t~:

hlghly stalfurlzed ~t~r 25. 91 Or an olerinlc rat~y acld ro~in acld 4 t KOH 0.2 neutralized, e~teriri~d 13 e~hoxylated c~stor oil .. eth~xylated ca~tor oil 4 amide o~ dlethanol hmin~ 13 and coconut acid ~orpholine-type 3~ 87 bioclde-funglcide chlorlnated m~t~ t~r~e 7. 5 trlethanol ~mlne 7 Na NO2 .
wat~r (d~mineralized) 20~, 5 i A pe~ um oil-b8~d cuttin~ o~l which i~ o~tsld~
th~ ~cop~ o~ th~ pre~ent inven~ior~ but lnclud~d ~or comp~ri~on 5 pu~po~ell wall prepared ~rom th~ ~ollowlng lngrl~dlemtll:

~ 6 :

~38~g~ 883) ~~di~nt P~rt~
lOO~ec. n~phthenlc oll 81, 84 500-~ec. n~phthen~ oll 9. 09 eulfur " 9 sul~urized terpenæ l. 72 sulfurized l~rd oil, viRcous 4 chlorinated wax (65,~ Cl) 0.45 polyisobutylene 2 .~
.,. ~ .

,4nother p~trol~um oil-ba~ed cutting oll outslde ~he ~cop~ or this lnv~tion which could ~e ~ lrl~a to ~
wat~r-in-oil emul~ion other~ slmil~r to that d~cP~ib~d ln l~le 1 w~ prepared ~rom the ~ollowing lngredi~nt~:
:' ~ P~
lO0-s~e. p~r~r~lnic 31. 44 neutral oll hlghly ~ uriz~d ol~inic 9.65 r~tty acld ~st~r ~ulfur 0. 19 sul~urlz~d terpene 2. 70 chlorgnated p~ra~in 0.43 ~odium petroleum sul~onat~ 15. 44 e~ul~lfier etho~rlat~d c~tor oil 5079 ami~e of dl~thanol ~ e 9"65 and coconut acid rosln acid 3 K~ 0 ,, ~7 N~ N02 1. 45 wo,t~r (deionized) l~, ?9 ;~

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883) ~08~9J~6 .~ ~le 6 The ~rlou~ cutting 0il8 described in the ;:; pr~cedin~ ~x~npl~ were evaluated on ~ te~t-cuttl~ D~c2~ine ~hlch was a 1 and 1~4-lnch.. 6-~lpindle ~ew Br~talrl Model 52 ~utomatic screw machlne whlch ~ra~ u~d to manur~ctur~ ~n 5 ASl~M part ~rom l-lnch b~r ~tock. Th~ test con~itlona o~
machlne operation were ~d,~usted 30 ~L8 to caus~ tool ~allure wlthin 0. 6- to 8-hour period (normal workin~ tim~ durlng on~
~hl~), Tool ~allure 18 cau~ed by the occurrulce o~ one or ~ore o~ three: (l) over~iz~ cut p~ c0,used by ~xc~sl~
; 10 tool wear3 (2) under~lze cut part c~used by wsld~illg of~ m t~l onto the tool cutting edge, e.nd (3) finl~h ~ailure on the p~rt. Thi~ 1~ exces~lve :I'OUghlle~811 on the ~urf~ce Or the part~, ., ~'A`. ~or each cutt1ng oil, th~ tool r~d an~ spindle peed o~ the nachine were adju~ted to give ~rom 6 to 8 hour~
15 of continuou~ operatlon b2fore tool fallure occurred. Th~
productlon rate wa8 than determlned. AdJu~tment~ were m~de in r~ed and ~peed ~o a~ to giv~ the hi~she~t po~ibl~ r~te o~
- production o~ part~ wlthin the 6_ to 8~hour p~riod ~or a gi~ren cutt1n~s oil. The productlon rate 1~ expr~ a ln p~l'td 20 per hour or, r~re pre~erably, in ~econd~ per p0.2~ und~r maximw~ productlon conditions a~ ~Qscr1bed ~bove.
The cutting oil~ were found to hav~ th~ l~ollowing m~xlmum cuttlng r~te3:

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Cutting Oil Seconds Per Part Example l Less than 11.8, more than 8.8.
Example 2 Less than 11.8.
Example 3 Less than 11.8.
Example 4 More than 19.5.
Example 5 Less than 13.7, more than 1108. .

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In accordance with the teachings of the Principal Disclosure, a water-in-oil emulsion is disclosed which is cap-able of sustaining high production rates as a coolant and lub-rica-ting agent in metal cutting. The combination of ethoxy-lated castor oil and a fatty acid amide of diethanol amine forms an efficient emulsifier system when used in conjunctio~ with an oily material of a specific type. Conventional auxiliary emulsifiers such as rosin acid salts and sodium petroleum sul-:j, fonate can be used as adjuncts. The oily material is preferably made up of chemicals providing active species (i.e. S, Cl) known to be effective lubricating agents in metal cutting.
Natural fats, such as refined lard oil, may also be used. The preferred oily materials are -those of relatively low viscosity (30-1000 SSU at 100F).
Now, and in accordance with the Supplementary Dis-closure teachings a metal-working fluid is disclosed which has a superior combination of properties with respect -to the known fluids and which enables production capacities in metal-shaping operation to be significantly enhanced compared with present ; production rates.
In order to obviate this difficultly, conventional oil-in-water emulsions have been widely used as metal-working fluids. The oil phase of such emulsions serves to lubricate the working parts while the water phase serves to absorb the `` heat generated by the working operation. Unfortunately, conventional oil-in-water emulsions exhibi-t relatively poor lubricity properties due to the external water phase. Poor lubricity results in premature tool failure due to abrasive ; 30 degradation when the emulsions are used.



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In addition to conventional oil-in-water emulsions, conventional water-in-oil emulsions have also enjoyed some use as metal-working fluids. Water-in-oil emulsions are similar to oil-in-water emulsions in that each has an oil phase for improving the lubricity of the bearing parts and an aqueous phase for absorbing heat generated by the working operation. However, conventional water-in-oil emulsions have -~
relatively high viscosities and therefore are unsuitable for many different uses, for example for use in automatic machines ~10 in which the cutting fluid is pumped and filtered. Also, con-, . .
ventional water-in-oil emulsions, like oil-in-water emulsions, are disadvantageous in that they are relatively unstable.
Hence, they must be exactly compounded and their compositions ~ -must be strictly maintained so that they remain in an emulsion state.
A still further suggestion had been to employ an oil-in-water micellar emulsion as a cutting fluid. As is known, a micellar emulsion is an emulsion in which the particle size of the emulsified particles is so small that the emulsion ~! 20 as a whole is thermodynamically stable. Such emulsions, however, exhibit comparatively poor lubricity properties due to the ~: ~
external water phase and hence exhibit many of the disadvantages discussed above in connection with conventional oil-in-water , , emulsions.
It is thus an aspect of the present invention to provide an improved metal-shaping process wherein the new metal-working fluid of the present invention is employed to lubricate and cool the parts being worked.

~ These and other aspect are accomplished in accordance ; 30 with the present invention wherein a water-in-oil micellar emul-sion is employed in a metal-shaping operation as the metal-working fluid.
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Because oil is the external phase of this type emulsion, the lubricity properties of the emulsion as a whole are very high and hence the production rate of the metal-working operation is not slowed due to poor lubricity. ~-Furthermore, the presence of the water keeps the temperature of the tool, chip, workpiece and metal-working fluid at a relatively low level since evaporation of the water in the metal-working fluid will remove much of the generated heat.
As a result of this combination of properties, it has been 10 found that production rates in conventional metal-working operations such as cutting can be increased on the average of at least 40% and as much as 70% and more compared with . conventional operating procedures using conventional metal-working fluid. Furthermore, the relatively low viscosities ~ of water-in-oil micellar emulsions (if appropriately com-: pounded) enables them to be pumped and filtered by conven-tional pumps and filters, which allows them to be used in ::
conventional automatic cutting machines without alteration.
Furthermore, because micellar emulsions are thermodynamic-2C ally stable, they are extremely easy to formulate and to maintain and hence use of micellar emulsions in accordance with the present invention is very convenient.
Thus, there is provided an improved metal-shaping process in which at least two parts bear against one another for shaping at least one of the parts, at least one of the parts being shaped being formed from a metal, a metal-working fluid being deposited on at of the parts for lubri-cating and cooling the parts during the metal-shaping operation, the improvement in accordance with the present invention wherein the metal-working fluid is a water~in-oil micellar emulsion.

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In addition, there is further provided a novel metal working fluid for use in the above process, especially in connection with shaping ferrous metals, the metal-working fluid comprising a water-in-oil micellar emulsion containing water, emulsifier and an oil phase, the oil phase exhibiting ferrous metals EP (extreme pressure) properties.
The present invention relates to all types of metal-shaping operations in which the shape of a metal work-piece is changed by means of a procedure in which the metal work-piece and a metal-working tool bear against one another.
In accordance with the invention, the inventive metal-shaping operation can be accomplished by means of chip removal (e.g. cutting) or by deformation without chip removal -(e.g. forgoing, cold heading). Examples of metal-shaping operations included within the purview of the present in-vention are cutting, grinding, rolling, drawing, blanking, broaching, slotting, milling, threading, drilling, tapping, forming, hobbing, reaming, spinning, forging, cold heading ~ and the like. Furthermore, the metal working tool used to .~ .,' .
shape the work-piece can be made from a metal or a non-metal such as a ceramic, cemented carbide and so forth. Also, all ` types of metal (e.g. iron, aluminum, magnesium, copper, etc.) can be shaped in accordance with the procedure of the present invention.
The metal-shaping operation is facilitated by con-, tacting the surfaces of the parts which bear against one an-! other during the metal-shaping operation (hereinafter referred ., ',7, - SD 13 -., .
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~8l39~6 ., to as "bearing surfaces") with a water-in-oil micellar emul-sion. The manner in which the micellar emulsion is contact-ed with the bearing surfaces of the parts being worked is unimportant, and any technique can be used. For example, the micellar emulsion can be directed at the bearing surfaces by means of suitable nozzles or the like, or the micellar emulsion can be manually deposited on the bearing surfaces before or during engagement of these surfaces in any con-ventional metal-working technique. In a particular embodi-ment of the present invention, the inventive micellar emul-sions are intended for use in automatic cutting machines which automatically direct one or more streams of cutting fluid at the bearing surfaces by means of a cutting fluid handling system including means for directing a stream of cutting fluid at the bearing surfaces, means for recovering cutting fluid from contact with the bearing surfaces, means for recycling the recovered cutting fluid for additional contact with the bearing surfaces and optionally and pre-ferably filter means for filtering the recycling cutting ' 20 fluid to remove chips and the like therefrom.
As the metal working fluid used in the inventive process, any water-in-oil micellar emulsion in which the oil phase exhibits lubricating properties can be employed.
Specific additives may be included to tailor the emulsion to the demands of a particular metal. As is known, a water-in-oil emulsion is an emulsion in which oil is the external phase and water is the internal phase. As is further knownv . ' .


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a micellar emulsion is an emulsion in which the particle siæe of the particles emulsified is so small that the emul-sion as a whole is thermodynamically stable. Thus, the metal-working fluids employed in the inventive process are emulsions in which particles of water are suspended in an external oil phase, the particles of water being so small that the emulsion as a whole is thermodynamically stable.
Micellar emulsions have been known for some time.
Many publications and patents have issued regarding the properties and composition of these materials. Sometimes they are referred to in the art as microemulsions, soluble -oils, swollen micelles and so forth. For a thorough dis- ;
cussion of these materials, see W. C. Tosch, "Technology of Micellar Solutions", Paper No. SPE 1847-b, Society of Petroleum Engineers of A. I. M. E., copyright 1967, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. Also note Prince, Emulsions and Emulsion Technology, - ~
copyright 1974 by Marcell Dekker, Inc., pages 125-179.
The water-in-oil micellar fluids employed in the present invention are characterized as being transparent or translucent but not milky-white. As is well known the change in appearance of an emulsion (be it oil-in-water or water-in-oil) from a transparent liquid through a trans-lucent liquid and to a milky-white opaque liquid (such as milk) is due to an increase in the particle size of the emulsified phase from a value at which substantially no defraction of light occurs to a value at which substantial defraction occurs. In accordance with the present inven-tion, the micellar fluids employed have sufficiently small emulsified particles so that they are either transparent or translucent but not milky white.
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Micellar emulsions in general are composed of three - different components, an oil phase, a water phase and an emulsifier. As the oil phase of the micellar emulsion used in the present invention, any material known as an "oil" (that is any of the numerous usually combustible substances that are liquid or easily liquifiable at room temperature by warming and are insoluble in water) can be employed. The derivation of the oil is unimportant, and any material, be it of animal, vegetable, mineral or synthetic derivation, can be employed. Moreover, the composition of the oil is also not critical, and materials of any composi-tion can be employed. For example, oils composed predom-inantly of hydrocarbons such as mineral oils and petroleum - oils can be employed as can oils composed predominantly of fatty acid esters (e.g. me~hyl esters and/or glycerides), fats and so forth. Silicone oils can also be employed. Of course, since the primary function of the oil phase of the micellar fluids is to lubricate the bearing parts, the materials selected to form the oil phase should exhibit lubricity properties, i.e. the ma-terials should have the capability of reducing friction between the bearing parts.
Also, it is well known that certain types of oils exhibit superior lubricity properties for particular types of met-als, and therefore the oil phase of a micellar water-in-oil emulsion selected for processing a particular metal should preferably be formulated with an oil exhibiting superior lubricity properties for that metal.
The oil phase of the micellar emulsions used in accordance with the present invention may also contain various ...
solids, such as waxes and the like, provided that the oil phase as a whole is liquid under the conditions of compounding ` - SD 16 -.: .: : : . : . .
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1~il8~6 and use (i.e. temperature and pressure) and further provided that the oil phase exhibits lubricity properties. The oil phase may also contain conventional solid additives which remain in a solid form such as graphite, molybdenum disulfide, - talc, etc.
It is also desirable in connection with working ferrous metal work pieces to formulate the oil phase of the - ' micellar emulsions of the present invention so that they have appropriate lubricity properties. In this regard, it , - 10 is well known to formulate cutting fluids intended for use ; , in working ferrous metal parts to have the property of EP ~' (extreme pressure). The property of EP is a measure of the ability of a lubricant to lubricate,bearing surfaces at the . . .
'~ extremely high pressures encountered after the hydrodynamic film of lubricant between the bearing surfaces has broken , `' down. In accordance with the present invention, the water-in-oil micellar emulsions intended for use in the working of ferrous metal parts are preferably compounded so as to have extreme pressure properties.
Formulation of the water-in-oil micellar emulsions of the present invention so as to have extreme pressure characteristics in connection with working ferrous metal parts can be accomplished in any conventional manner. Thus, ' , it is well known to employ chlorinated, sulfurized or sulfo- ~;
chlorinated organics such as hydrocarbon oils, fats, fatty oils, fatty esters and so forth in the compounding of metal-working fluids to impart ferrous-metal EP properties there-to. In accordance with the present invention, one or more of these materials can be employed as ingredients of the oil phase of the inventive micellar fluids in order to impart ferrous metal EP characteristics thereto.
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~ ill99~L6 Similarly, it is also known to add elemental sulfur to a cutting fluid as a ferrous metal EP additive, and in accordance with the present invention elemental sulfur can be added to the organic phase of the inventive micellar emulsions for this purpose.
In addition, it is also known to incorporate phosphorus into cutting fluids as a ferrous metal EP addi-tive, and phosphorus can be employed in the inventive mi-cellar emulsions as a ferrous metal EP additive. Incorpora-tion of phosphorus into the oil phase of the inventive micellar emulsions can be accomplished in any conventional manner such as by employing phospho-chlorinated organic materials (oils, fats and so forth) and/or phospho-sulfurized organic materials (oils, fats and the like) as an organic component of the oil phase or by adding various other organic phosphate compounds, such as amine phosphates, to the oil phase.
Certain fatty acids which are known to serve as EP
additives can also be directly added to the oil phase of the inventive micellar emulsions.
In each of the foregoing instances in which a sulfurized, chlorinated or phosphated organic is employed as the source of the EP-active chemical, the sulfurized, chlorinated or phosphorized organic can either be added to other organics for constituting the oil phase of the emul-sions or in the alternative can themselves constitute the entire organic constitutent of the oil phase. Also, the ; dlfferent ferrous metal EP additives as described above can ; be employed singly or in mixtures.

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The amount of EP additive contained in the oil phase of the micellar emulsions employed in accordance with the present invention for working ferrous metal work pieces can vary between wide limits in accordance with conventional practice. The minimal amount of EP additive is that which is neseccary to cause an increase in the lubricity prop-erties of the cutting oil under the conditions that the hydrodynamic film from the cutting oil has been broken down.
The maximum amount of EP additive is 100%, that is the oil phase can consist entirely of an oil which itself exhibits EP characteristics. Since use of too much of the wrong kind of EP additive can lead to excess degradation of the tool, the kind and amount of EP additive, of course, must be appropriately chosen.
When sulfur and/or chlorine is incorporated into the oil phase of the invention micellar emulsions for use in connection with working ferrous metal work pieces, it can be ,.
present either in active form or inactive form. Incorpora-i~ tion of sulfur and/or chlorine into a cutting fluid for use in connection with working ferrous metal work pieces in active or inactive form is well known. ~ctive sulfur or , ., chlorine forms iron sulfide or chloride during the metal-working operation thereby dirtying the bearing surfaces and hence preventing welding of the bearing surfaces. This is necessary when ductile ferrous metals are being processed.
Inactive sulfur and/or chlorine on the other hand does not ,!
form sulfides or chlorides at the temperature normally encountered in metal-working operation and hence no dirtying -of the bearing surface normally occurs. If extreme tempera-tures are encountered, inactive sulfur and/or chlorine will become active and dirty the bearing surfaces. Inactive - , ~: ' ' . ' ~

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sulfur and/or chlorine-containing cutting fluids are em-ployed when non-ductile steels are processed since welding of the bearing surface is not a problem. In accordance with the present invention, sulfur and/or chlorine can be in-corporated into the oil phase of the micellar emulsions of i the present invention either in active or inactive form.Specific examples of organic liquids found useful as ingredients of the oil phase of the micellar emulsions used in accordance with the present invention are lubricat-ing oils preferably petroleum-derived with viscosities between 20 and 500 Saybolt seconds at 100F, chlorinated and/or sulfurized fatty acid esters such as sulfurized methyl lardate, chlorinated methyl stearate, unsubstituted fatty esters such as refined lard oil, various fatty acid triglycerides (fats and oils) sulfurized hydrocarbons and chlorinated paraffin.
As the emulsifier component of the micellar fluids used in accordance with the present invention, any emulsi-fier can be employed whether nonionic, anionic, cationic or ~-amphoteric. In this regard, it is well known in the art of ` micellar emulsions that all emulsifiers are not effective in forming micellar emulsions from all types of organic liquids.
On the contrary, only relatively few emulsifiers of the very large group of known emulsifiers will be effective in forming a micellar emulsion from a particular organic liquid. There-; fore, it is necessary to select as the emulsifier or com-bination of emulsifiers to be used in a particular embodiment of the invention one which has the capability of forming a micellar emulsion from the organic liquid selected. Other than this, however, there is no limitation on the nature of the emulsifier to be used in accordance with the present nventlon .

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Selection of an emulsifier to be used for forming a micellar fluid from a particular organic liquid can be accomplished very easily by trail and error. A unique property of micellar emulsions is that they form thermo-dynamically stable emulsions very easily. Very little mixing is necessary to produce the emulsions. Micellar emulsions are thus different from conventional emulsions which normally require a great deal of mixing before an emulsified state is reached. Therefore, in determining whether or not a given emulsifier is suitable for forming a micellar emulsion from a particular organic liquid, a simple test in which the emulsifier, organic liquid and water are placed in a common beaker and subjected to slight mixing can be accomplished, formation of the micellar emulsion being readily apparent from the slight mixing operation.
More specifically, a convenient way to determine whether or not a particular emulsifier is effective in forming a water-in-oil micellar emulsion from a particular organic liquid is to carry out a water tolerance test in accordance with the following procedure. The organic phase of interest is placed in a beaker and the emulsifier to be tested if soluble in the organic phase is dissolved therein.
If the emulsifier is not soluble in the organic phase, then it is dissolved in water. The amount of the emulsifier dissolved in the organic phase or water is about 15-25 percent, preferably about 20 percent, based on the total weight of oil and emulsifier although the amount of emul-sifier can vary significantly. Next, the organic phase is slightly stirred and the water is slowly poured therein with slight mixing to an amount of 5 to 7%. If this initially added water forms an opaque milky white material with the ''' .
. ~ .

~LV~89~6 organic phase, a micellar emulsion obviously has not formed and the emulsifier can be rejected. If on the other hand the composition obtained is either transparent or trans-lucent, the emulsion is micellar. Normally, the composition obtained when water is first added to the oil phase will remain transparent, although it will be possible to observe density lines in the composition which disappear as the composition is mixed. As more and more water is added, the composition will remain transparent for a time and then pass through a haze point and become translucent. After becoming translucent, the composition will remain translucent as more water is added until it inverts to an oil-in-water emulsion.
In some situations, however, the composition will transform into an opaque milky white emulsion immediately prior to inversion. The water content at which the composition transforms from transparent to translucent (and optionally to opaque milky-white) and the water content at which the ~;
composition inverts to an oil-in-water emulsion depends upon the composition of the oil phase. In accordance with the present invention, the invention micellar emulsions should ;be able to tolerate at least about 12 percent, preferably at least 20 percent and optimally at least 40 percent, water before transforming into opaque milky white water-in-oil emulsions or inverting into oil-in-water emulsions.
Examples of emulsifiers which have been found useful in the formation of micellar emulsions in accordance with the present invention include fatty acid diethanol amides, ethoxylated fatty oils, such as ethoxylated castor oil, ethoxylated alkyl and dialkyl phenols in which the alkyl groups has from 6 to 22 preferably 8 to 12 carbon .
, ~08~39~6 atoms, sodium petroleum sulfonate, sodium dioctyl sulfo-succinate, synthetic sodium sulphonates, the isopropylamine salt or dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid, "Amphoterge KS " (a proprietary imidazoline derivate of Lonza, Inc.), oleic oxazoline acetate and other organic acid salts, oleyl and coco hydroxyethyl imadazolines and so forth. Oftentimes, it will be necessary to employ these as well as other emul-sifiers in combination in order to provide sufficient emulsification capacity to form a micellar emulsion from the oil phase of interest.
A particular emulsifier system which has been found especially useful is the combination of ethoxylated castor oil and a fatty acid amide of diethanol amine, as described hereinbefore in the Principal Disclosure. Although not specifically stated in the Principal Disclosure, the invert emulsions described therein are water-in-oil micellar emul-sions. Auxiliary conventional emulsifiers such as rosin acid salts and sodium petroleum sulfonate can be used as adjuncts to the emulsifier system based on the combination of ethoxylated castor oil and a fatty acid amide of diethanol amine, but such auxiliary conventional emulsifiers are not essential. When this combination is employed as the emul-sifier system, the oily materials forming the external phase of the emulsion is preferably made up of chemicals providing active species (S, Cl) known to be effective lubricating agents in metal cutting (sulfurized esters, sulfurized lard oil, chlorinated paraffins, etc.), as has been discussed above. Natural fats, such as refined lard oil, also can be used. Preferred are those oily materials of the foregoing *Trademark ~ \


types which are of relatively low viscosity (30-1000 SSU at 100F.). The oil phase in these emulsions can be composed of non-petroleum oils as discussed in the parent application, although petroleum oil can be added as discussed below.
Another emulsifier system which has been found to be especially useful is the combination of sodium petroleum sulfonate and nonylphenol ethoxylate. When this emulsifier system is used, the ratio of sodium petroleum sulfonate to nonylphenol ethoxylate is preferably between 25:1 to 1:3, more preferably between 8:1 and 3:1. Also, the amount of ethyl-ene and oxide with respect to the amount of nonylphenol in I ;
the nonylphenol ethoxylate is preferably between 4 and 20 on a molar basis. In a particularly preferred embodiment of the invention, it has been found desirable to use a mixture of nonylphenol ethoxylates having different ethylene oxide/nonyl-phenol ratios. For example, mixtures of "Ipegal C0-430"
(nonylphenol ethoxylated having 4 moles ethylene oxide per ~;~
mole of nonylphenol) and "Ipegal C0-850"** (nonylphenol ethoxy-late having 20 moles of ethylene oxide per mole of nonylphenol) have been found especially useful.
In addition to water, oil and an emulsifier, the micellar emulsions used in accordance with the present invention can also contain various additives to improve their properties. For example, the emulsions can contain biocides, fungicides, antioxidants, foam inhibitors, rust inhibitors, anti-wear agents and so forth.
The relative proportions of the various ingred ients in the micellar emulsions used in accordance with the present invention are not critical. Any relative proportion of ingredients can be employed so long as the composition as * Trademark **Trademark 89~

a whole is a water-in-oil micellar emulsion. In general, the water content of a water-in-oil micellar emulsion for use in a metal-working operation should range between greater than zero to about 72 weight percent, preferably 7 to 60 weight percent, most preferably 12 to 21 weight per-cent, while the emulsifier content should range between about 8 to 70 weight percent, preferably 12 to 40 weight percent, most preferably 22 to 32 weight percent, and the oil phase should range between about 20 to 80 weight per-cent, preferably 28 to 75 weight percent, most preferably 43 to 64 weight percent. It should, however, be appreciated that the permissible relative proportions of the various ingredients in a water-in-oil micellar emulsion vary depend-ing upon the particular oil and emulsifier selected to formulate the emulsion. Also, it should be appreciated that the foregoing compositional ranges refer to the water-in-oil micellar emulsions of the present invention when in an in-use condition.
In this regard, since the water-in-oil emulsions of the present invention are very easy to formulate, it is convenient in accordance with another aspect of the present invention to store and ship the compositions in a water-free state. sefore the compositions are to be used, they can be finally formulated by adding an appropriate amount of water thereto to produce the micellar water-in-oil emulsions discussed above. Thus, in another embodiment of the inven-tion, water-in-oil micellar emulsion-forming compositions are provided, these compositions comprising the same in-gredients in the same relative proportions discussed above except that water is absent from the composition.

9~6 In accordance with another feature of the present invention, it has been found possible to produce metal-working fluids having unusually high active sulfur contents and simultaneously relatively low viscosities very simply and economically. Conventional high active sulfur cutting oils are normally straight oils and are formulated using dissolved elemental sulfur to the solubility limit and high active sulfurized organics (esters, hydrocarbon, oils, ~
etc.) to the active sulfur predetermined value. Normally, ~ -the organics contain about 5-45~ active sulfur and the organic phase is formulated to include fat to provide the composition with the necessary lubricating characteristics.
Unfortunately, adding active sulfurized fat greatly in-creases the viscosity of the cutting fluid and undesirably high viscosities will be attained in the range of 1~2 to 2 percent active sulfur~ In addition, the color of the finished product becomes undesirably dark. If low viscosity blending stocks (base oils) are added to the fluids, flash points become undesirably low. Active sulfur boosters such as tertiary nonylpolysulfide and polysulfurized terpenes "(Anglamol 31)"* can be added to increase the active sulfur content without the attendant bad side effects, but these materials are very expensive.
In accordance with this aspect of the present invention, however, it has been discovered that cutting fluids having a high active sulfur content (defined as greater than 2% and preferably greater than 5~) and at the same time a low viscosity can be produced at low cost by using conventional high active sulfurized organics (i.e.
organics containing 5 to 45~ active sulfur and including sufficient fat to provide the necessary lubricating char-acteristics) in combination with a low viscosity base oil *Trademark stock as the oil phase and converting the fluid to a water-in-oil micellar emulsion. Addition of water eliminates the flash point problem associated with straight oils, thereby permitting the use of low flash base stocks to decrease the viscosity of the fluids while at the same time accommodating large amounts of active sulfur. Elemental sulfur can also be included in the organic phase up to the solubility limit.
In any event, it is possible in accordance with this aspect of the present invention to provide cutting fluids having a high concentration of active sulfur with low viscosities very simply and inexpensively.
In accordance with this aspect of the invention, any petroleum derived lubricating or base oil having a viscosity of 20 to 500 seconds at 100F, preferably 25 to 100 seconds at 100F can be employed for viscosity-lowering purposes. Examples of such hydrocarbon oils and "Factopure T-30,"* which is a petroleum distillate having a specific gravity of 60F of 0.778, SUS/100 = 30.5, pour point = -35F, flash point = 175F and a Saybolt Color of 30; Mineral Seal Oil, which is a petroleum distillate having a specific gravity of 0.8265, SUS/100 = 42, flash point c 270F, aniline point 190F and a pour point of 25F, and low viscosity Naphthenic Mineral Oil, which is a petroleum distillate having a viscosity of 60 SUS/100, specific gravity = 0.8967, aniline point ~ 156.5, flash point = 315F. and a pour point of less than -50F.
The amount of lubricating oil added to the oil phase should be sufficient to provide an emulsion having a viscosity of less than 300 Saybolt seconds at 100F, pre-ferably less than 200 Saybolt seconds at 100F and optimally about 100-150 Saybolt seconds at 100F. The relative amount * Trademark ~8~

of lubxicating oil which must be added to arrive at these viscosities depends upon the specific lubricating oil selected as well as the composition of the remaining ingred-ients in the oil phase. In general, however, the amount of lubricating oil should be from greater than 0 to 70 percent by weight, preferably 10 to 60 percent by weight, more preferably 20 to 46 percent by weight, the percents being based on the total weight of the composition, in order to -realize the viscosity reducing effect. Also, the amount of ~-high activated sulfurized organics in the emulsion should be about 5 to 40%, preferably 10 to 35%, most preferably 12.5 to 22.5%, while the amount of emulsifier should be 8 to 70%
preferably 12 to 40%, most preferably 15 to 35%. Flnally, the amount of water should be greater than zero to 90%, preferably 7 to 68%, most preferably 15 to 35%.
As in the other embodiment of the present inven-tion, the oil phase in this embodiment of the invention in which a lubricating oil is included for viscosity control purposes can also be composed of a wide variety of different chemical components. For example, unsaturated fatty acid esters, (methyl esters, triglycerides, etc.) organic phos phate esters, phosphoramides and the like can also be in-cluded in addition to the high active sulfur containing organics and lubricating oils.
As the emulsifier to be used in the foregoing embodiment of the invention in which a lubricating oil is included in the oil phase of the emulsions for viscosity-reducing purposes, any of the previously discussed emul-sifiers can be used. The preferred non-ionic emulsifiers are diethanolamides of fatty acids, ethyoxylated fatty oils, ethoxylated alkyl and dialkyl phenols in which the alkyl .

9~6 group have 8 to 12 carbon atoms. The preferred anionic emulsifiers are sodium petroleum sulfonate, sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate, synthetic sodium sulphonates and isopropyl-amine salt of dodecylbenzene sulfuric acid. The preferred cationic emulsifiers are oleic oxazoline acetate and other oleic oxazoline acid esters and oleo and coco hydroxyethyl imidazolines. The preferred amphoteric emulsifiers include "Amphoterge VS."*
Thus, the present invention provides metal-working compositions for use in various types of metal shaping operations, the compositions having formulations falling within the limits set forth in the following Table I.


Amount, weight percent based on -total weight of composition Ingredient Broad Preferred Optimal 1. Oil phase exhibiting 20-80 28-75 43-64 lubricity properties
2. Emulsifier 8-70 12-40 22-32
3. Water >0-72 7-60 12-21 In a more specific embodiment, metal-working com-positions for use in working ferrous metals are provided, these compositions being formulated in accordance with the foregoing Table I with the proviso that the oil phase of the compositions exhlbits ferrous metal EP characteristics. In this embodiment the oil phase preferably includes a satur-ated or unsaturated hydrocarbon and/or fatty acid ester (oil or fat) which contains chlorine or sulfur or both as well as mixtures of these materials.

*Trademark 1(~889~6 In another embodiment, the present invention pro~
vides high active sulfur metal-working compositions having viscosities of less than 300 Saybolt seconds at 100~F and compositions falling within the limi.ts set forth in the following Table II.
''' ' ' TABLE II

Amount, weight percent based on total weight of compositi.on . ~
Ingredient Broad Preferred Optimal . _ .... _ _ _ 1. Petroleum derived lubricat- 0-70*10-60 20-40 ing oil with a viscosity of 20-500, preferably 30-100, Saybolt seconds at 100F. .

2. High active sulfurized 5-40* 10-35 12.5-22.5 organics ~having about 5 to 45% active sulfur), the organics including -enough fat to provide sufficient lubricating -characteristics.

3. Water 0-727-68 12-28
4. Emulsifier 8-7012-40 15-35 * Ingredients 1 and 2 comprising at least 20 weight percent.
'' -In still another embodiment, the present invention :-provides specific metal-working compositions as described in the parent application having typical formulations falling within the ranges set forth in the following Table III.

- SD 30 - ' TABLE XII
Parts by Weight Ingredient sroad Preferred low-viscosity inactive or active 15-84 22-48 sulfurized ester of an olefinic fatty acid rosin acid soap 0-10 3~6 ethoxylated castor oil 8-25 10-20 amide of diethanol amine and a fatty 8-25 10-20 acid biocide-fungicide 0-8 ,1-5 chlorinated fat or fatty acid ester 0-15 2-lQ -~ ;
amine-type rust inhibitor 0-10 0-7 NO2 0-5 0-3.5 foam inhibitor 0-3 0-2 water (preferably distilled or 0-60 8-30 deionized) These compositions as indicated above make ideal metal-working fluids for use in various types of metal-working operations. Because oil is the external phase of a water-in-oil micellar emulsion, the lubricity properties of the emulsion as a whole are very high and hence the pro-duction rate of a metal-shaping operation is not slowed due to poor lubricity. Furthermore, the presence of the water keeps the temperature of the cutting fluid at a relatively low level since evaporation of the water in the cutting f~uid will remove much of the generated heat. This combina-tion of properties enables the micellar emulsions used in the inventive process to greatly increase the production capacity of a metal-shaping operation as compared to the 9~6 same operation in which straight oils or oil in-water emul-sions are used as the metal-working fluids since in water in-oil emulsions fluids water which has very poor lubricity properties is the external phase while straiyht oils in-herently have low heat transfer properties.
Furthermore, the relatively low viscosity of water-in-oil micellar emulsions especially when formulated to contain a viscosity-reducing lubricating oil as discussed above allows them to be conveniently handled (e.g. pumped and filtered) and thus allows them to be used in many applications (such as in an automatic cutting machine) wherein conventional water in oil emulsions with their high viscosities cannot be employed. Furthermore, the stable nature of the micellar emulsions used in the present inven-tion further facilitates their use in that the de-emul-sification problems associated with conventional emulsions are completely avoided. Also, the task of keeping the emulsions within proper concentration ranges by adding ;
makeup water as the emulsions are used, which is rather difficult when using conventional water-in-oil emulsions due to the vigorous mixing necessary to restore the lost water -in such emulsions and the sensitivity of such emulsions to compositional variations, is easy in accordance with the present invention since micellar emulsions readily form with little mixing at relatively wide concentrational ranges.
A still further advantage of the use of water-in-oil type micellar emulsions in accordance with the present invention is that these emulsions can be easily removed by simple water washing since they readily invert to oil-in-water emulsions. Furthermore, once the wash water becomes contaminated with excess oil removal from the parts, the 1~8~

oil can be recovered by adding the wash water to the sumps of other working machines as a source of water. Most importantly, this avoids a disposal problem which could otherwise result in environmental pollution. Further, if too mu~h makeup water is added to these emulsions during use causing them to invert to oil-in-water emulsions, great damage will not be done since oil--in-water emulsions still can serve as metal-working fluids, although they are not as effective as those of the present invention. And, when the excess water evaporates from these oil-in-water emulsions as they are used, they will readily revert to the water-in-oil micellar emulsions of the present invention due to the thermodynamic stability of these emulsions. Moreover, if the viscosity of the inverted high water emulsion should be excessive and the water content cannot be reduced in use, the fluid may be recovered by adding it to the sumps of other working machines as a source of water.
Still another advantage of the use of water-in-oil micellar emulsions in accordance with the present invention is that the emulsions are fireproof even though they may contain a significant amount of low flash point base oils.
This, of course, is a significant safety factor.
Still another advantage of the use of water-in-oil micellar emulsions is that they exhibit outstanding tolerance for hard water salts. For example, it has been found in many instances that water-in-oil micellar emulsions of the present invention can tolerate as much as 17,000 ppm hard water salts without significant adverse effect on the operating properties of the emulsions, although it was notices that water-in-oil emulsions with this high salt content would not form oil-in-water emulsions.

- \

A still further advantage of the use of water-in-oil micellar emulsions arises when the working tool employed is formed from a cemented carbide. In prior art metal-working processes using a cemented carbide tool and an oil-in-water metal-working fluid, at least a part of the cobalt binder of the cemented carbide working tool is leached by the metal-working fluid. In accordance with the present invention, this leaching problem is avoided when water-in-oil micellar emulsions are employed as the metal-working fluid.
Finally, a significant advantage of the trans-parent and almost transparent emulsions of the present invention is that they allow visual inspection of the work piece during the metal-shaping operation.
Additional water-in-oil micellar emulsion metal-working fluids in accordance with the present invention were produced. The compositions of these emulsions are set forth in the following Table IV. In Table IV, designations "A" to "E" refer to ingredients and have the following meanings:

Ingredient A - hydrocarbon petroleum oil having a viscosi-ty of 42 sec. at 100F

B - sulfurized methyl lardate having 10% total S, 0%
act~ive S, a viscosity of 79 sec. at 100F, acid #
of 0.8 and a saponification # of 165.

C - chlorinated methyl stearate having a viseosity of 23 centistokes at 100F and a ehlorine eontent of 20%.

D - ehlorinated paraffin having a viscosity of 85 see.
at 210F and 60% ehlorine.

E - 1 to 1 diethanol amide of eoeonut fatty aeid.
F - ethoxylated eastor oil.
G - sodium dioetyl sulfosueeinate.

H - sodium petroleum sulfonate having equivalent weight of 440-470 and ash content of 15.5% as Na2S04 .

.. . . .. .

I - nonyl ~henolethoxylate (4 moles ethvlene oxide ~er mQle of nonyl phenol).
J - nonyl phenole~hoxylate ~20 moles ethylene oxide per mole of nocyl phenol).
R - 1 to 1 diethanol amide of capric acid.
L - ~iocide/fu~gicide - mix~ure of co~plex amines"(Bioban M - Na~02. (rust inhibitor) *. *
N - defoa~ant("Hoda~ ~IG-89 *Trade~rErk ** Trademark ' ' ' .

C U~ o C' C C ., C .~ C
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o o o o o o U~ o U~ o .-NO ~1 Lr) O O O r-l O ~1 0 ,~:
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H ~C ~ *
* *

89~6 In order to determine the functional properties of the micellar fluids used in accordance with the present invention, a test procedure was conducted in accordance with which the emulsion of Example 7 was compared to a commer-cially available cutting fluid composed of a straight oil containing inactive sulfur, chlorine and an amine phosphate.
In this comparison, both the emulsion of Example 7 and the conventional cutting fluid were employed in separate test runs to facilitate a specific metal-working operation. In this test, an Acme Model FA-6 1 1/4" bar machine (which is an automatic cutting machine equipped with an automatic cutting fluid handling system for directing cutting fluid at the part being machined) was employed to make 3/4" hydraulic hose couplings from stock pieces comprising 3/4" cold drawn hexagonal bars (12L14 leaded free machining steel). In the metal-working operation, 65.0 weight percent of the metal of each bar was removed, most of the metal-working being done by drills.
The object of this comparison was to establish the change in production capacity made possible by the use oE
Emulsion no. 7 as compared to the use of the conventional cutting fluid based on the performance criteria that (1) the surface roughness and dimensional variations in the parts produced would be maintained within predetermined tolerances and (2) the automatic cutting machine could be operated for an entire 8 hour shift before shutdown to replace the cut-ting tools. The production rate for each fluid was adjusted to the maximum attainable without failing to meet the per-formance criteria noted above.

: .
: - , , . :
. : , .

Under these performance criteria, the machine was operated for five consecutive days, two 8-hour shifts a day, the machine being charged with the conventional cutting fluid. With ~his cuttin~ fluid, it was found that the maximum average production rate was 456 parts per hour, with a nominal production rate 576 parts per hour.
After the foregoing reference runs, the conven-tional cutting fluid was removed from the machine and the emulsion of Example 7 was installed therein. With this metal-working fluid, it was found that the maximum average production rate was 778 parts per hour with a nominal pro-duction rate of 831 parts per hour. Thus, it will be appreciated that the maximum average production rate was increased 70.6 percent by the use of a water-in-oil micellar emulsion as the cutting fluid.
The emulsions of Examples 25 and 28 when tested in a similar manner gave the same increase in production capacity. Furthermore, it was also found that the life of the tools`used in the machine was approximately doubled and the surface characteristics of the finished parts improved compared with the tool life and surface characteristics of the reference test.
Although only a few embodiments of the present invention-have been described above, it should be appreci-ated that many modifications can be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. All such modifications are intended to be included within the scope of the present invention, which is to be limited only by the following claims.

~ . , . ' ' . , . ., : ' ' . ' :. . , .. : : ~ .. . .

Claims (21)

1. A metal-cutting fluid which serves both as a coolant and lubricant, said cutting fluid having the following composition when water is present said fluid being a water-in-oil emulsion.
2. The composition of claim 1 wherein the low-viscosity sulfurized ester of the olefinic fatty acid is present in from 22 to 48 parts by weight.
3. The composition of claim 2 wherein the rosin acid is present in from 3 to 6 parts by weight.
4. The composition of claim 3 wherein the ethoxylated castor oil is present in from 10 to 20 parts by weight.
5. The composition of claim 4 wherein the amide or diethanol amine and fatty acid is present in from 10 to 20 parts by weight.
6. The composition of claim 5 wherein the water is present in from 8 to 30 parts by weight.
7. The composition of claim 6 wherein the chlorinated fat or fatty acid ester is present from 2 to 10 parts by weight,
8. The composition of claim 7 wherein the biocide-fungicide is present in from 0.1 to 5 parts by weight.

9. In a metal-shaping process in which at least two parts bear against one another for shaping at least one of the parts, at least one of the parts being shaped being formed from a metal, a metal-working fluid being deposited on at least one of the parts for lubricating and cooling the parts during the metal-shaping operation, the improvement wherein said metal-working fluid is a water-in-oil micellar emulsion, said emulsion being characterized by being transparent or translucent but not milky white.
10. The process of claim 9 wherein said micellar emulsion is composed of water, an oil phase and an emusifier, said oil phase exhibiting lubricating properties for the parts bearing against one another.
11. The process of claim 10 wherein said oil phase contains at least one of a hydrocarbon and a fatty acid ester.
12. The process of claim 10 wherein said oil phase exhibits ferrous metal EP properties.
13. The process of claim 12 wherein said oil phase includes organics containing at least one of chemically combined sulfur and chemically combined chlorine.
14. The process of claim 13 wherein the amount of chemically combined chlorine, sulfur or both in said organics is sufficient to cause an increase in the lubricity properties of said emulsion for working ferrous metals under the conditions that the hydrodynamic film from the emulsifier has broken down.
15. The process of claim 14 wherein said organics contain chemically combined sulfur, chlorine or mixture thereof in inactive form.
16. The process of claim 14 wherein said organics contain chemically combined sulfur, chlorine or both in active form.
17. The process of claim 16 wherein said organics contain 5-45% active sulfur, said organic phase further containing a petroleum derived lubricating oil having a viscosity of 20-500 Saybolt seconds at 100°F., said emulsion containing greater than 2% active sulfur and having a viscosity of less than 300 Saybolt seconds at 100°F.
18. The process of claim 10 wherein said emulsion contains 20-80 weight % oil phase, 8-70 weight % emulsifier and 7-60 weight % water.
19. The process of claim 18 wherein said emulsion comprises petroleum derived lubricating oil having a viscosity of
20-500 Saybolt seconds at 100°F. present in an amount of up to 70 weight %, 5-40 weight % high active sulfurized organics having about 5-45 weight % active sulfur, the sum of said petroleum derived lubricating oil and said high active sulfurized organics being at least 20 weight %, 7-60 weight % water and 8-70 weight % emulsifier, said emulsion having a viscosity of less than 300 Saybolt seconds at 100°F. and a total active sulfur content of greater than 2%.
20.The process of claim 19 wherein the metal part being worked is formed from a ferrous metal.
21.In a metal-shaping process in which at least two metal parts bear against one another for shaping at least one of said metal parts and further in which a metal-working fluid is deposited on at least one of said parts for lubricating and cooling said parts during the metal-shaping operation, the improvement wherein said metal-working fluid is a water-in-oil micellar emulsion, said emulsion being characterized by being transparent or translucent but not milky white.
CA264,958A 1975-12-05 1976-11-05 High production rate cutting fluid and coolant Expired CA1088916A (en)

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US637,887 1975-12-05
US79770877A 1977-05-17 1977-05-17
US797,708 1977-05-17

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CA264,958A Expired CA1088916A (en) 1975-12-05 1976-11-05 High production rate cutting fluid and coolant

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