USRE6393E - Improvement in steam-pumps - Google Patents

Improvement in steam-pumps Download PDF


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USRE6393E US RE6393 E USRE6393 E US RE6393E
United States
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William Weight
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The Valley maghine Company
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  • One feature of this invention consists in the combination of a pump-cylinder, a bucketplunger tted therein, an air-chamber, a passage establishing communication between the pump-cylinder and air-chamber above the bucket-plunger, a channel or set of channels establishing communication between the said pump-cylinder and air-chamber below the bucket-plunger, and suitable induction and eduction or discharge valves, whereby each time the bucket-plunger ascends it will draw into the pump a large body of water, which will be discharged partly during the descent ot' the said bucket-plunger and partly during the next ascent of the same, and a more uniform and steady discharge is obtained than in bucket and plunger pumps ot the ordinary construction.
  • Another feature of the invention consists in a removable bottom plate, provided with induction and eduction or discharge passages, and induction and eduction or discharge valves, whereby said valves may be repaired or adjusted without disturbing the other working parts of the pump.
  • Another feature of the invention consists in the combination of a steam-cylinder, a pump-cylinder, a frame-work rigidly connecting the said cylinders, an air-chamber rigidly connected to said pump-cylinder, and suitable bearings upon the air-chamber for a crank-shaft, supported in such bearings, whereby a compact and very stable pump is obtained, and jarring almost entirely obviated.
  • FIG. 1 is a front elevation of such pump.
  • Fig. 2' is a sectional elevation taken centrally through the pump.
  • Fig. 3 is a horizontal section of the same taken on the plane of the dotted line m, Fig. l; and
  • Fig. 4 is a plan of the bottom plate.
  • A is the steanrcylinder, B its piston, and C the steam-chest, containing the valve, which is operated by an eccentric on the main or crank shaft.
  • E is the vertical frame for carryin g the several parts, including the journalbox c for the crank-shaft. This frame also has cast with it in one piece the steam-cylinder A, the pump-cylinder F, the stufling-box Gr for the gland H, and the induction-valve chamber I, all in the same line or plane, and has, turthcrmore, cast on or with it the air-chamber J K, which is represented as consisting ⁇ of two compartments, J and K, the former ot' which is provided with asecond crank-shaft bearing, b.
  • the compartment K of said air-charnber communicates' with the pump-cylinder above the plunger, through a space or channel, c.
  • Said frame also has cast in itthe suctionchannel L that communicates with a branch opening, L1, in the base of the frame, and is left open at either end for the reception of the suction pipe or pipes, and the compartment J of the air-chamber is similarly provided with discharge-nozzles M on either or opposite sides of it.
  • the bottom of said frame taken as a whole, or the lower face ofthe same above leg-extensions d thereto, is itted to receive a plate, N, which carries on its upper face the inductionvalve O and seat thereto 5 also the dischargevalveI and its seat; likewiseis provided with a channel, L2, to connect the suction-channel L, through the opening L1, with the space below the induction-valve O; and another channel or channels, Q, arranged to connect the induction-valve chamber I above the inductionvalve, and outside ot or around thesuctionchannel L2 with the space below the dischargevalve l).
  • This plate N is secured by flange and bolts to the lower face of the main frame above and inside of the leg-extensions d, which latter should project a sufficient distance below the bottom of the valve-plate N, to allow of the same being taken ott' and removed without disturbing other parts of the machine.
  • This arrangement of the induction and educt-ion valves in or on the removable plate N, taken in connection with the arrangement of the induction and discharge pipes or outlets in theI lixed portion ofthe frame, provides for repairing or adjusting the valves without disturbing the suction or discharge pipes at their joints, and without interfering with the working connections generally.
  • the plunger of the pump is represented in the drawing as and is so constructed as that the area of the trunk-portion S, in its whole area, is about one-half the area of the piston portion S.
  • This plunger of the pump is connected with the rod B of the steam-piston B by a yoke or frame, U, and it is also connected to a crank, D', to impart motion to the shaft D.
  • the drawing represents the yoke U connect ing the trunk portion S of the plunger with the rod B', and a pitman, T, connecting the piston portion S of the plunger with the crank D.
  • the water previously drawn into the pum p-cylinder below the pluu ger is discharged through the channel or channels Q, and through the discharge-valve P, into the compartment J of the air-chamber, which water serves-that is, about one-half ot' it-to keep up the supply above the plunger in the descent of the latter, and the other halt' to maintain the discharge through the nozzle or nozzles M.
  • the pump only draws in water during its upward stroke, but that it discharges during both strokes, each discharge being equal to about half the quantity drawn in, the same being effected with only one induction-valve or set ot induction-valves, and one eduction .or discharge valve or set of eduction or discharge valves, such valves opening but once during each up-and-down movement ofthe plunger combined.
  • the discharge though kept up during both strokes, is wholly maintained by the downstroke of the plunger, as the water is all drawn in below the plunger in its ascent, and in the descent of the latter is all discharged or driven back through the bottom of the pump or channel way or ways Q.
  • the pump-cylinder F in open communication, at or near its top, with the air-chamber J, above the discharge-valve I?, and in communication below, by a channel or passage, with the under side of said valve, in combination with the pump-plun ger and inductionvalve 0 to the inlet-passage of the pump, substantially as specified.
  • the removable valve-plate N with its induction and eduction or discharge valves O and l), inlet-passages L2, and outlet Q, in conibination with the induction channel or passage L, and eduction nozzle or nozzles M, arranged above in a fixed portion of the main frame, essentially as described.


To all whom it may concern Be it known that WILLIAM VVRGH'I, of the city, county, and State of New York, did invent new and useful Improvements in Steam-Pumps, of which the following is a full, clear, and exact description, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, which forms part of this specification.
One feature of this invention consists in the combination of a pump-cylinder, a bucketplunger tted therein, an air-chamber, a passage establishing communication between the pump-cylinder and air-chamber above the bucket-plunger, a channel or set of channels establishing communication between the said pump-cylinder and air-chamber below the bucket-plunger, and suitable induction and eduction or discharge valves, whereby each time the bucket-plunger ascends it will draw into the pump a large body of water, which will be discharged partly during the descent ot' the said bucket-plunger and partly during the next ascent of the same, and a more uniform and steady discharge is obtained than in bucket and plunger pumps ot the ordinary construction. Another feature of the invention consists in a removable bottom plate, provided with induction and eduction or discharge passages, and induction and eduction or discharge valves, whereby said valves may be repaired or adjusted without disturbing the other working parts of the pump. Another feature of the invention consists in the combination of a steam-cylinder, a pump-cylinder, a frame-work rigidly connecting the said cylinders, an air-chamber rigidly connected to said pump-cylinder, and suitable bearings upon the air-chamber for a crank-shaft, supported in such bearings, whereby a compact and very stable pump is obtained, and jarring almost entirely obviated.
The accompanying drawing represents the invention embodied in a pump whose plunger is provided with a trunk. Figure l is a front elevation of such pump. Fig. 2'is a sectional elevation taken centrally through the pump. Fig. 3 is a horizontal section of the same taken on the plane of the dotted line m, Fig. l; and Fig. 4 is a plan of the bottom plate.
Specilicaiion forming part of Letters Patent vl\Io.`100,-703, dated March 8, 1870 reissue No. 6,393, dated April 20, 1875 application filed March 25, 1875.
Similar letters of reference indicate corresponding parts in all the figures.
A is the steanrcylinder, B its piston, and C the steam-chest, containing the valve, which is operated by an eccentric on the main or crank shaft. E is the vertical frame for carryin g the several parts, including the journalbox c for the crank-shaft. This frame also has cast with it in one piece the steam-cylinder A, the pump-cylinder F, the stufling-box Gr for the gland H, and the induction-valve chamber I, all in the same line or plane, and has, turthcrmore, cast on or with it the air-chamber J K, which is represented as consisting` of two compartments, J and K, the former ot' which is provided with asecond crank-shaft bearing, b. The compartment K of said air-charnber communicates' with the pump-cylinder above the plunger, through a space or channel, c. Said frame also has cast in itthe suctionchannel L that communicates with a branch opening, L1, in the base of the frame, and is left open at either end for the reception of the suction pipe or pipes, and the compartment J of the air-chamber is similarly provided with discharge-nozzles M on either or opposite sides of it.
By thus arranging and casting all in one piece with the frame E, ot' which they may be said to form part, the steam-cylinder with its attachments, the pump-cylinder and stuingbox, the induction-valve chamber and suctionchannels, together with the air-chamber and bearin g or bearings to the crank-shaft, the rigidity and stability' of the pump are materially increased, and it is insured a steady operation, besides which the cost and labor ot' fitting are reduced.
The bottom of said frame, taken as a whole, or the lower face ofthe same above leg-extensions d thereto, is itted to receive a plate, N, which carries on its upper face the inductionvalve O and seat thereto 5 also the dischargevalveI and its seat; likewiseis provided with a channel, L2, to connect the suction-channel L, through the opening L1, with the space below the induction-valve O; and another channel or channels, Q, arranged to connect the induction-valve chamber I above the inductionvalve, and outside ot or around thesuctionchannel L2 with the space below the dischargevalve l). This plate N is secured by flange and bolts to the lower face of the main frame above and inside of the leg-extensions d, which latter should project a sufficient distance below the bottom of the valve-plate N, to allow of the same being taken ott' and removed without disturbing other parts of the machine.
It is preferred to use only a single induction-valve, and single eduction or discharge valve; but, of course, the same may be in pairs or sets.
This arrangement of the induction and educt-ion valves in or on the removable plate N, taken in connection with the arrangement of the induction and discharge pipes or outlets in theI lixed portion ofthe frame, provides for repairing or adjusting the valves without disturbing the suction or discharge pipes at their joints, and without interfering with the working connections generally.
The plunger of the pump is represented in the drawing as and is so constructed as that the area of the trunk-portion S, in its whole area, is about one-half the area of the piston portion S. This plunger of the pump is connected with the rod B of the steam-piston B by a yoke or frame, U, and it is also connected to a crank, D', to impart motion to the shaft D.
The drawing represents the yoke U connect ing the trunk portion S of the plunger with the rod B', and a pitman, T, connecting the piston portion S of the plunger with the crank D.
By this connection of the steam-piston, the pump plunger, and the crank shaft, much space is economized, and a direct action is secured from the steam-loilunger.
The operation is as follows: Supposin g the pump to be in working order, and the several channels or passages to be full of water, and the pump-plunger to have made its upward stroke, water will Yhave been caused to enter through the induction-valve O, and made to fill the pump-cylinder below the said plunger, that in such upward stroke will have displaced the water previously contained in the pumpcylinder above such plunger, and which in the example ot' my invention illustrated in the drawing is only equal to about one-half of the quantity of water drawn in through the induction-valve O.
The water thus displaced by the upper face of the plunger escapes by the passage c back into the compartment of the air-chamber K, thence into the compartment J thereof, and out through the discharge nozzle or nozzles M. In the return or down stroke of the pumpconsisting of a trunk-piston,y
plunger, the water previously drawn into the pum p-cylinder below the pluu ger is discharged through the channel or channels Q, and through the discharge-valve P, into the compartment J of the air-chamber, which water serves-that is, about one-half ot' it-to keep up the supply above the plunger in the descent of the latter, and the other halt' to maintain the discharge through the nozzle or nozzles M.
It will be Aobserved that the pump only draws in water during its upward stroke, but that it discharges during both strokes, each discharge being equal to about half the quantity drawn in, the same being effected with only one induction-valve or set ot induction-valves, and one eduction .or discharge valve or set of eduction or discharge valves, such valves opening but once during each up-and-down movement ofthe plunger combined. In one sense, the discharge, though kept up during both strokes, is wholly maintained by the downstroke of the plunger, as the water is all drawn in below the plunger in its ascent, and in the descent of the latter is all discharged or driven back through the bottom of the pump or channel way or ways Q. f
By this arrangement a much larger amount of space is secured alike for the induction and eduction or discharge valve or valves than where the water is passed through the bucket, and hence a greater working economy ensues.
What is here claimed, and desired to be secured by Letters Patent, is-
l. The pump-cylinder F, in open communication, at or near its top, with the air-chamber J, above the discharge-valve I?, and in communication below, by a channel or passage, with the under side of said valve, in combination with the pump-plun ger and inductionvalve 0 to the inlet-passage of the pump, substantially as specified. t
2. The removable valve-plate N, with its induction and eduction or discharge valves O and l), inlet-passages L2, and outlet Q, in conibination with the induction channel or passage L, and eduction nozzle or nozzles M, arranged above in a fixed portion of the main frame, essentially as described.
3. The combination of the main frame, the steam-cylinder, the pump-cylinder, the airchamber, and the bearings for the crank-shaft, all arranged substantially as specitied.
By JOHN MAYHER, Treasurer.



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