USRE2513E - Eansom cook - Google Patents

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USRE2513E US RE2513 E USRE2513 E US RE2513E
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Eansom Cook
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  • Figure 1 isan end View of an auger made onmy improved plan.
  • Figure 2 is a. sideview of the same. i v
  • Figure 3 a similar View, taken at right angles to fig. 2.
  • My invention consists in so eurvingor shaping the cutting lips of boring implements as to make the out diagonally across the grain of the wood, both vertically and horizontally, for'the purpose of making the cut both smoother and easier than with the boring implements as heretofore constructed.
  • the cutting edges a of the lips are thus curved in the vertical plane, they are also curved in the horizontal plane, as represented in figs. 1, 2, 5, and 7; In all these figures except iig. 5, the lips are so curved as to project forward as they recede from the centre outwards, as more clearly shown intig. 1.
  • their' cuttingcdges are made 'to cut diagonally across thegrain of the wood in that plane also, and thus there is given to the cutting edgesof the lips a compound curve, by which the cutting edgeis madeto assume a spiral form, ⁇ as may be seen by examining figs. 2, 3, and 7.


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RAN SOM COOK, Oli: SARATOGA SPRINGS, vNEW YORK. Letters Patent `No. 8,162, dated June 17, 1851; extended seven years; reissue No. 2,513, deniedA M'mci 19, 1867.
@te Srlgehule rentra it it time ettcts @non mit uniting .niet nf ilgc sii-mi.
Be it known that I, RANSOM COOK, of Saratoga Springs,in the county of Saratoga, and State off" New York, have invented a new and useful improvement in Boring Implements; and I do hereby declare the following to be a full and exact description thereof, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, making part of this specification, and to the letters of reference marked'othcreon.
Figure 1 isan end View of an auger made onmy improved plan.
Figure 2 is a. sideview of the same. i v
Figure 3, a similar View, taken at right angles to fig. 2.
Figures 4, 5, 6, and 7, side elevations, representing slight modifications in the shape of the cutting lips'.`
My invention consists in so eurvingor shaping the cutting lips of boring implements as to make the out diagonally across the grain of the wood, both vertically and horizontally, for'the purpose of making the cut both smoother and easier than with the boring implements as heretofore constructed.
To enable others skilled in the art toconstruct land use my invention, I will proceed to dcscrihoiit.
I first proceed to forge the blank for the too'l, `by-any of the usual methods, it being most readily accomplishcd by the use of dies, suitably constructed for that purpose. I In drawing 0r forging the blanks for twist angers made on my plan, the lips should project radially from the centre somewhat further than is customary.r in making augers with right-angled lips, and they should also project longitudinally or downwards from the handle, at their outer edges, in the form of a swallows tail, with the spur or point for`i'orming the screw at the centre. After theblank is thus prepared the lips are bent or curvedk upwards', as shown in figs. 2, 3, 4,- and 7, so as to produce a curved or gouge-shaped cutting PIP, tlic'eurve commencing at the screw and increasing gradually to the extreme point of the lip, as represented in figs. 2, 3, 5, and 7, or commencing some dista-nce from the screw und extending thence to the extremity of the lip, as shown in gs. 4 and 6. By this method ot' curving the euttingedge e of the lips in the vertical plane, they are made to cut diagonally of the grain of' thewood, as illustrated by lig. 3, where the horizontal lines represent the grain of the timber, with the auger cutting aholc at right angles to the grain, as is usually the case. lVhile the cutting edges a of the lips are thus curved in the vertical plane, they are also curved in the horizontal plane, as represented in figs. 1, 2, 5, and 7; In all these figures except iig. 5, the lips are so curved as to project forward as they recede from the centre outwards, as more clearly shown intig. 1. By this vcurving of the lips on the horizontal plane their' cuttingcdges are made 'to cut diagonally across thegrain of the wood in that plane also, and thus there is given to the cutting edgesof the lips a compound curve, by which the cutting edgeis madeto assume a spiral form, `as may be seen by examining figs. 2, 3, and 7. While this is the form of lip vthat I prefer, it is obvious ithat Y the form may be varied or modified without departing from the principle of my invention. In `fig. 5 the lips are shown sloping or inclined backward instead of forward, and in figs. 4 and 6 the curve of the lip inthe vertical plane is shown slightly altered, but the principle in all these forms is the same.
With a boring tool'thus constructed it will be seen that in Whatever direction it may he made to enter the wood in boring a hole, still the edge of the lip wiil always cut diagonally across. the `grain, and that' conse quently the cut will be easier made and thc hole more smooth when finished. With a tool constructed on my plan a hole can be bored into the vend of a stick iu line with the grain, or diagonally across the grain, with almost as much facility, accuracy, and ease as when boring into the side of a board or stick in the ordinary manner. A
It will of course -be understood that this `form of cutting lips may be applied'to twist bits and angers of all styles of twist,.and also to centre-bits, the gist of the invention being in the construction of the lip, so as to cause it to cut diagonally across the grain in the act of boring. Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 7 represent .the special form or style of lip that I deem best, and which I consider as embodying my invention more fully-and perfcctly than do the remaining figures, yet in some. cases it may be desirable to use the modified forms represented in figs.,4, 5, and 6, and still other modicationsmay be used without departing from the principle of my invention.
'y Having thusdescribcct my invention, what I claim is 1. Constructing boring implements with their lips or cutting edges as shown and described, that is, such lips commencing at the screw 'or point, and extcndingtherefroni nearly at right angles until about half way fromthe cent1-e to the outer point, und then curving upwards and forwards, said curve being continued until the outer portion of the lip is nearly semieireula, or until it turns within the periphery of the tool. I
2. I claim a. boring implement having its lips so formed as their cutting edges lshell form a. spiral line from the point where they begin ,to Curve to their outer extremity, whether the curved edge shall vincline for u ard or backward, substantially' :Ls shown and described. Y
3. I claim u boring implement haviug'ts lips or cutting edges curved, both in the horizontal :tmlvertical plnnes, substantially as herein shown and described.
RANsoM 0001;.
MILES T. Coon M. A. Looms.



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