USRE1018E - Salmonbii - Google Patents

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USRE1018E US RE1018 E USRE1018 E US RE1018E
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  • Figure 1 of. the drawings represents au exterior vside elevation; Fig. 2, a vertical cut section ;Fig. 3 a plan view, with both rigid and ilexible covers removed.
  • Y Lettery A' represents a .variable chamber inclosed at the sides and bottom 'by the rigid vwalls A, and at top-by theA flexible cover c,
  • Letter C represents the induction-pipe. (Shown cutoff, but to be connected iu any-suitable manner with the gasholder or source of supply.)
  • the inductionpipe C connects with the variable chamber through the stop-cock F, letter e' being the gasway, and F' the handle of the stop-cock.
  • variable or movable part c of the variable chamber is acted on, anta gonistcally to the pressure of the gas admitted within the chamber, by the spring a, which is connected.
  • the action of the spring is to diminish the size of the variable chamber, and at the same time fopen the stop-cock.
  • the force of the gas acts to extend the variable chamber and close the stopcock. 1 Therefore the tension of the spring must be ance such a degree of pressure of the gas admitted within the variable chamber as is necessary tokeepup a proper average supply of gas tothe burners, and the cock must be so adjusted in connection with the movable part of the variable chamber controlled by the spring, that by its action the cock will vbe kept open or partially open so long as the pressure of the gas within the chamber does not exceed the force of the spring, varying the opening in proportion to the degree of excess of pressure of the admitted gas over and above the force of the spring.


f .UNITED STATES vErreur Ormes.
Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 91,-54-i, dated September 2l, 185B; Reissue No. 1,018, da'ed July 31, 1860. t
.To all whom, it may concern: wherein it is compressed frequently to the ex- Be it known that I, lSALMON B1D'WELL, tent of three hundrcdpounds to thc superformerly of the city of Chicago in the county flcial inch, because the movement ofthe valve of Cook and Stateof Illinois, but now residing increases or diminishes the size of the openin the city and county of New York, and State in too rapidly to admit of proper control. of New York, have invented anew and useful ly said improvement is vdesigned more Improvement iu Gas-Regulators; and I do especially -to remedy thisdcl'ect in regulators hereby declare' that the following isa full and used for the purpose of controlling the ow correct description thereof, reference being of gas under heavy pressure from portable had to the drawings annexed, making a part vessels; but it may also be used for ordinary of this specification, and to the'letters' of refpurposes by constructing and adjusting the erence thereon. parts with sufficient delicacy.
Various devices have been contrived and It consists in controlling the passage-way patented before my invention for the purpose or supply-pipe leading from the portable ves- `of regulating the ktlow of illuminating-gas tov sel or other source of supply to the variable the burners from a supply-pipe connected chamber by the act-ion'of a stop-cock forming with a gas holder or a portable vessel containa part of ysuch passage-wa y and connected in ing compressed gas. Some of these devices any suitable manner with the movable part have many things in common with my imof the variable chamber,.such movable part proved regulator. They have a variable or being controlled,antagouistically to the pressextensible chamber into which the gas is ad ure of the admitted gas, by a spring or its mitted, and through which 'it passes on its equivalent. By the use ot' a stopcock, propway to the burners. The movable part of the erly fitted', in this manner the passage-way, `variable'chamber is controlled, antagonisticand consequently the supply of admitted gas ally tothe pressure of the admitted gas, by a to the chamber, is very much more perfectly spring, or its equivalent, which permits only controlled than by the valve formerly used. 0f the extension of the size of the variable I am aware that a gate is described in conchamber when the pressure ofthe gas exceeds nection with a variable chamber iu the Engt-he force ot' the spring, or its equivalent, lish patent of H. F.l Bacon; but the gate bewhich is the governor or measure of the` ing employed only to control the' quantity of amount of pressure at which gas shall be unigas passing from the' variable chamber, int'ormly supplied to the .burnersl The movastead of controlling the passage from the ole part of such variable chambers has heretoportable ve'ssel or other source of supply to fore been connected to aconical plug or valve the variable chamber, the apparatus is in- .having a reciprocating motion in a passa-ge operative and useless for thc purpose of regconnecting the gas-holder with thefvariable ulating the iiow ot' gas under varying presschamber, the opening being provided with a ure, or under considerable pressure. reverse conical seat, against which the valve The pressure of gas compressed in portable takes whenclosed by the action of the variavessels constantly decreases in Ia ratio proble chamber. In some of the said formerl portiouate to the quantity consumed, and
cont-rivances the motion of the valve when therefore the regulator must be so constructedA closing or partially closing is in the direction as to gradually enlarge the passage from the of, and in others in an opposite direction to, portable vessel to the variable chamber, and the movement of the gas, and in some double at the same time have capacity to meet the or balanced valves are used for the purpose of fluctuations ot' pressure caused by varying preventing the gas from acting directly to the number of burners used or the quantity move the valve in either direction. Regulatof gas consumed by them. ing-valves so constructed aioid operated are The drawings illustrate the form of condefective and inoperative to a greatextent, struction I have adopted and consider best if not entirely, for the purpose (f regulating adapted to embody my invention but it will the ow ot illuminating-gas from vessels be evident toany skillful mechanic that variations and modifications in construction may' be made withoutV changing essentially the l character or utility of the apparatus.
Figure 1 of. the drawings represents au exterior vside elevation; Fig. 2, a vertical cut section ;Fig. 3 a plan view, with both rigid and ilexible covers removed. Y Lettery A' represents a .variable chamber inclosed at the sides and bottom 'by the rigid vwalls A, and at top-by theA flexible cover c,
which may be made of india-rubber or any suitable material, and confined to the rigid sides by the rigid cover B and washer d, as
l shown, or in any other suitable manner. Letv ter U' is the eduction-pipe. (Shown cut o, but
to be connected in any suitable manner with the gas-burners.) Letter C represents the induction-pipe. (Shown cutoff, but to be connected iu any-suitable manner with the gasholder or source of supply.) The inductionpipe C connects with the variable chamber through the stop-cock F, letter e' being the gasway, and F' the handle of the stop-cock.
The variable or movable part c of the variable chamber is acted on, anta gonistcally to the pressure of the gas admitted within the chamber, by the spring a, which is connected.
with the movable part by the rod b, and also with tlLe stationary or rigid part of the chamber by the adjustable screw-plug a',.which is approachable from the exterior for the purposeof regulating the tension of the spring through the screwhole D D, the orifice of which .is closed gas-tight by the screw-.stopper E'v andavrubber packing-ring e. The handle of the stop-cock is connected to therod b.
. The action of the spring is to diminish the size of the variable chamber, and at the same time fopen the stop-cock. The force of the gas acts to extend the variable chamber and close the stopcock. 1 Therefore the tension of the spring must be ance such a degree of pressure of the gas admitted within the variable chamber as is necessary tokeepup a proper average supply of gas tothe burners, and the cock must be so adjusted in connection with the movable part of the variable chamber controlled by the spring, that by its action the cock will vbe kept open or partially open so long as the pressure of the gas within the chamber does not exceed the force of the spring, varying the opening in proportion to the degree of excess of pressure of the admitted gas over and above the force of the spring. The precise manner in which a spring or its equivalent may be made to actuate the moving part of the variable chamber in antagonism to the pressure of the admitted gas is not a matter of importance so long as it i's .eectual and such movable part of a variable chamber is connected with-astop-cock through which the gas must pass on its way from the gas-holder or source of supply to the variable chamber.
I claim as my invention'and improvement- In gas-regulators a` stop-cock situated in, and controlling the passage-way from the gasholder or other sourceof supply to the variable chamber, in combination with the moving part of the variable chamber, substantially as described. f,
' Witnesses:`
sufficient to counterbal-



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