USD143478S - Design for a clock - Google Patents

Design for a clock Download PDF


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USD143478S US D143478 S USD143478 S US D143478S
United States
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Harold Graeter
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H. GRAETER Des. 143,478
Jan@ s, 1946.Y
CLOCK Filed Sept. 20, 14945 wenn 18,1946 Ds. 143,478
UNITED STATES PATENT GFFICE DESIGN FOR A CLOCK Harold Graeter, Sherman, Conn., assignor to Cartier, Inc., New York, N. Y., a corporation of New York Application September 20, 1945, Serial No. 122,197
Term of patent 14 years (Cl. D42-7) Toallwhom it may concern: 'Ihe drawing is a perspective view of a clock Be it known that I, Harold Graeter, a citizen showing my new design.
of the United States of America, residing at Sher- The back of the clock is flat and plain.
man, in the county of Faireld and State of Con- I claim: Y
necticut, have invented a new, original, and orna- The ornamental design for a clock, as shown mental Design for a Clock, of which the following and described.
is a specication, reference being had to the ac- HAROLD GRAE'IER,
companying drawing forming part thereof. e



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