USD143535S - Design for an embroidered trimming - Google Patents

Design for an embroidered trimming Download PDF


Publication number
USD143535S US D143535 S USD143535 S US D143535S
United States
Prior art keywords
embroidered trimming
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Application number
Fanny Kaufman
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Jan.15,1946. F. KAUFMAN Des. 143,535
EMBROIDERED TRIMMING I Filed Oct. 12, 1 945 57-7-0 IPA/5y Paienlecl Jan. 15, 1946 Des, 1434535 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 143,535 DESIGN FOR AN EMBROIDERED TRIMMING Fanny Kaufman, New York, N. Y. Application October 12, 1945, Serial No. 122,762
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: forming part thereof, wherein the figure is a plan Be it known that I, Fanny Kaufman, a citizen view of an embroidered trimming showing my of the United States of America, residing in New new design.
York city, county of New York, and State of New I claim: York, have invented a new, original, and orna- The ornamental design for an embroidered mental Design for an Embroidered Trimming, trimming, substantially as shown.
of which the following is a specification, refer- FANNY KAUFMAN. ence being had to the accompaning drawing,



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