US3233213A - Transducer - Google Patents

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US3233213A US22646A US2264660A US3233213A US 3233213 A US3233213 A US 3233213A US 22646 A US22646 A US 22646A US 2264660 A US2264660 A US 2264660A US 3233213 A US3233213 A US 3233213A
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Expired - Lifetime
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Wilbur T Harris
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Harris Transducer Corp
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Harris Transducer Corp
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Application filed by Harris Transducer Corp filed Critical Harris Transducer Corp
Priority to US22646A priority Critical patent/US3233213A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of US3233213A publication Critical patent/US3233213A/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
Expired - Lifetime legal-status Critical Current




    • G01S1/00Beacons or beacon systems transmitting signals having a characteristic or characteristics capable of being detected by non-directional receivers and defining directions, positions, or position lines fixed relatively to the beacon transmitters; Receivers co-operating therewith
    • G01S1/72Beacons or beacon systems transmitting signals having a characteristic or characteristics capable of being detected by non-directional receivers and defining directions, positions, or position lines fixed relatively to the beacon transmitters; Receivers co-operating therewith using ultrasonic, sonic or infrasonic waves


  • thiS type of exciter llnit together vvith its Sheathing boot 87, iS SnLlg1y Teceived v1,ithin 11oLISing )offion 91 Which haS a fectangulaT cfoSSSectfon coTfeSponding fo the peripheTal Shape of the excitef unit 79, the unit 79 being held in place by f1exible Inefal stfapS Z SecuTed to the houSing poftion 91 by IneanS of bo1ts 3.
  • TUbu1aT 11otn-1ike hoUSing poftion 94 is SecIlfed to the houSing poTtion 91 by the bo1tS 93, the Tadiating face 88 of the exciter [1Tlit 79 being difocted tovVafd the iIlteTiof of the hofn 4 and Se )arated fhel-effon1 on1y by the strap Z, Which iS acoustica11y tfanSparent at the ffequencieS involved.
  • the hoUS- ing poftionS 1 and 4 are Stiff and acouSticaHy opaq at thoSe fTeqnencieS.
  • the horn 9 is open both phySca1- 1y and acoustica1ly af itS end 5, and thefefore iS adapted to be filled vZfth 1he liquid IIlediun1in Which the transducer iS adapted to be in1TnefSed, thaf Hquid 11Hing being deS1g nated 9o.
  • the liquid o will thefefoTe be Seen to con Stitllte a co1un1n extending essentia11y ffonl the Tadiating face 88 of the exciteT unit to the opon hofn end 5.
  • the length of the nqoid co1umn 95 is a n1inof ffaction, and pTefefably noInfnally on the of(1er of one-qnafter, of the wave 1ength in the 1iquid of the vibrationS produced by the exciter Unft, and the dian1- eter of the open end 95 iS on the SaIne ofdef of Inagni tudo, and Teferably iS SoIneWhat less than the length of the 1iqUid co1uInn.
  • L1So aS in the pfeCeding eInbodi nentS, the 1ength of the ex cite1 11nit is leSS than the
  • Wi11 be Telafive1y nogligib1e becauSe of the poof loading at that area, that 1oading SoI1etiIneS being 1eSS than 1 (Z ef cn.
  • the vaTiable position exciter unit of FIG, 12 is specincaHy that diS- c1oSd in Iny Patent 2,822,48Z of FebruaTy 4, 19S8, en fitled, 1/afiable-PoSition Transducer, that eXcitef lInit con1pfiSing the statof n1ass aTea 81 and the arInatuTe maSS aroa 8Z having opposed pole faceS S3 and 84 Te Spective1y and connecfed by eSi1ient connecting IneanS 35. Biasing and eneTgiZing WindingS Boo and 8oZ) are pfovided.
  • the eXciter unit 97 which Inay We11 coInpfise the vaTab1e position type of unit Shown in F1GS, 11 and 12, iS located 2Vif11 ifS fadiating SurfaceS 88 and 89 Spaced TeSpectively fTon1 the open ho11Sng ends and 19, thefeby, When the ends of the houSing tube 8 becol1Te ooded Wiff1 w o pfoducing 1oding 1iquid columnS at both S1des of the exciter unit 7.
  • Vvi11 be acoUSfica11y confained vvithin tho Sufrounding strI1cf11re viff1 a high degfee of effectiveneSS.
  • Thefe has now been deScfibed a bas1c and Wholly nove1 Concept of a tfanSdncer doSigned fof 11ndefvafer app1ica tionS.
  • the nove1 tTanSducefS do nof confain any Soft pfeSSurefe1eaSe n1atefial and, thefefofe, their o efatng charactefisticS afe not SubStantially alteTed by high an1bienf pfeSSul-e variations.
  • vVhile the fofegoing description SetS foTfh the pTi11- ciploS of the invention in connection vVith Specific ap paTafuS it is to bo cleafly Undefstood that thiS deScriP- tion iS nlade on1y by Way of exanlple and not as a 1in1ita tion of the Scope of the invention aS Set fofth in the fo1 loWing clain1S.
  • a traTLsduceT fof undeTwater acouStic energy rop agation coInpTSing a houSing having a, Cha nber vith TSt and second pafts, leoch of Said chaTnbef partS being subStantiaHy flled with a liquid, IT1eanS in Said HTSt chaInber part for cauSing the liquid t he1 ein fo vibTafe at a given freqllency vVhich is the fesonant frequency of said Ineans, IneanS for operatively connecting the liquid in each of said chan1beT )aTtS fof vibration tranSIniSSion theTebotween, and IneanS fof tTansn1itting the liquid vibra tions in Said chanlber to the exteTioT of said housing, Said hoosing StrI1ctu1e being eSSentially
  • the tTanSducer of olaiIn 17, in vvhioh Said second chan1ber part has an acoustioal length Such in coniuncfion With Sad first chamber paTt aS to folIn a Hqufd column having an effective acoIISticaf length Telative to Said vi brationcaI1 Sing n1eaJnS vvhich is SubStantiHy one-quarter of the vvave length in Said ohaTnbeT of vibrations at said given frequency.


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Computer Networks & Wireless Communication (AREA)
  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Radar, Positioning & Navigation (AREA)
  • Remote Sensing (AREA)
  • Diaphragms For Electromechanical Transducers (AREA)


W. T. HARRls Feb, 1, 1966 TRANSDUCBR 4 SheetSSheet 1 Filed A ri1 15. 1960 Feb. 1, 1966 Fi1ed A ri1 15, 1960 w. T. HARRIs RANSDUcER 4 SheetsSheet 2 INVENToR Feb.1, 1966 w. T. HARRIS 3,233,213
RANSDUcBR F11ed A ri1 15. 1960 4 Sheets-Sheet by an aco1lsficaHy tTanSpaTent rubbef boof 87. The unit in qUeStion haS Tadiating faceS 88 and 89, a11 aS de scTibod in gTeatef detail in the aforen1enfioned Fatent Z,713,1Z7. In accordance With the pTeSent invention thiS type of exciter llnit, together vvith its Sheathing boot 87, iS SnLlg1y Teceived v1,ithin 11oLISing )offion 91 Which haS a fectangulaT cfoSSSectfon coTfeSponding fo the peripheTal Shape of the excitef unit 79, the unit 79 being held in place by f1exible Inefal stfapS Z SecuTed to the houSing poftion 91 by IneanS of bo1ts 3. TUbu1aT 11otn-1ike hoUSing poftion 94 is SecIlfed to the houSing poTtion 91 by the bo1tS 93, the Tadiating face 88 of the exciter [1Tlit 79 being difocted tovVafd the iIlteTiof of the hofn 4 and Se )arated fhel-effon1 on1y by the strap Z, Which iS acoustica11y tfanSparent at the ffequencieS involved. The hoUS- ing poftionS 1 and 4 are Stiff and acouSticaHy opaq at thoSe fTeqnencieS. The horn 9 is open both phySca1- 1y and acoustica1ly af itS end 5, and thefefore iS adapted to be filled vZfth 1he liquid IIlediun1in Which the transducer iS adapted to be in1TnefSed, thaf Hquid 11Hing being deS1g nated 9o. The liquid o will thefefoTe be Seen to con Stitllte a co1un1n extending essentia11y ffonl the Tadiating face 88 of the exciteT unit to the opon hofn end 5. Th1S 1iquid colun1n CorfeSpondS to the liq11id co1UfnnS in the eInbod1Inents of the TeSent invention deScTibed above. AS i11 those embodiments, the length of the nqoid co1umn 95 is a n1inof ffaction, and pTefefably noInfnally on the of(1er of one-qnafter, of the wave 1ength in the 1iquid of the vibrationS produced by the exciter Unft, and the dian1- eter of the open end 95 iS on the SaIne ofdef of Inagni tudo, and Teferably iS SoIneWhat less than the length of the 1iqUid co1uInn. L1So aS in the pfeCeding eInbodi nentS, the 1ength of the ex cite1 11nit is leSS than the over aH length of tho houSing 1, 94.
Since both of the StfapS Z aTe acouStica11y tfanSpaTent at the ffeqUencies invo1ved, the exciter unit 7 in the en1 bodiInent of EIG. 11 wi11 tend to Topagate vibrationS ffon1 both of itS Tadiating Surfaces 83 and 89, to tho Tight and to the left TeSpectively aS vievved in tho dravingS. 1adiation to the left, ffon1 the face 89, thiS corfeSponding to the back of the oveTa11 aSSeInbly, Wi11 be Telafive1y nogligib1e becauSe of the poof loading at that area, that 1oading SoI1etiIneS being 1eSS than 1 (Z ef cn. The preSence of the 1iqt1id co111 nn o at the ight hand end of tho exciter Unif vi11, however, 1oad that end InUCh fnoTe high1y, and a liquid-11ned hofn 94 Which haS a Q of leSS than 4 may TeSulf in a loading of aS high aS 810 c pef cII1. 1 `fS a Te Sult the llnit vvi1l have a high Tad1ative oI1t put ffom the mouth of the hoTn and Wi11 exhibit e1cient tranSdncing )o eTties over a felatively bfoad band of ffequencies.
The eInbodiInent diSc1osed in FIG. 12 iS eSSentia11y fhe SaIne aS thaf diSc1oSed in FIG. 11, and feference nuInera1S as uSed in FIG. 11 ale also appHed to FIG. 12 to deSig nate comparab1e structura1 paftS. fIoweveT, the vaTiable position exciter unit of FIG, 12 is specincaHy that diS- c1oSd in Iny Patent 2,822,48Z of FebruaTy 4, 19S8, en fitled, 1/afiable-PoSition Transducer, that eXcitef lInit con1pfiSing the statof n1ass aTea 81 and the arInatuTe maSS aroa 8Z having opposed pole faceS S3 and 84 Te Spective1y and connecfed by eSi1ient connecting IneanS 35. Biasing and eneTgiZing WindingS Boo and 8oZ) are pfovided. S iS deScfibed in n1ofe detai1 in IT1y afofeInentioned Patent Z 82Z,48Z, the faceS deSignated 88 and 89 afe the Tadiating faceS of the llnit.
1 13 diSc1oSeS in SeIT1i-SchoInatic Inanner the poSi tioning of an exciter llnit genefa1ly deSignafed 7 Wit11in an acouSficany opaqUe e1ongafed houSing tube fhat tube having acoustica11y tfanspaTent open endS 99 and 10o. The eXciter unit 97, Which Inay We11 coInpfise the vaTab1e position type of unit Shown in F1GS, 11 and 12, iS located 2Vif11 ifS fadiating SurfaceS 88 and 89 Spaced TeSpectively fTon1 the open ho11Sng ends and 19, thefeby, When the ends of the houSing tube 8 becol1Te ooded Wiff1 w o pfoducing 1oding 1iquid columnS at both S1des of the exciter unit 7. By varying the poSitfon of the unit 9 within the tube 3 and by vaTying the length of the tube 98 in accofdance vith the vve11 Tecognized weighting and phaSing pfopefties the anlonnt of Tadia fion pfopagated both to the right and fo the left as viewed in FG- 13 Inay be contTOHed and adjusted.
Fof a11 of the inuStfated enbodiInentS it iS pfefeTTed that none of the st1-I1ct]JTe except the exciting 11nit (vibfa tioncaL1Sing n1eanS) and the 1iquid colL[nn TeSonate ex cept at frequencieS nluch higher than those of the pro doced vibTafionS. IIence the 11L1id in the chaInber, including fifSt and Second chambef paftS hen fesent, Vvi11 be acoUSfica11y confained vvithin tho Sufrounding strI1cf11re viff1 a high degfee of effectiveneSS.
Thefe has now been deScfibed a bas1c and Wholly nove1 Concept of a tfanSdncer doSigned fof 11ndefvafer app1ica tionS. In addition to the advantageS deScribed above concerning sn1a11 Size and 1ow Q, the nove1 tTanSducefS do nof confain any Soft pfeSSurefe1eaSe n1atefial and, thefefofe, their o efatng charactefisticS afe not SubStantially alteTed by high an1bienf pfeSSul-e variations. In the en1bodin1entS utiHZng an inSU1ating 1iquid, the eXciter unt 11ouSng iS SIna11 Telative to the 1iquid co1Unln, So that the TeSonant freqlTency iS only sightly varied by variationS in an1bient pfeSSUTe. ,1figh e1ficiency and powef handHng capabHities aTe obtained, coInpaTing favofably vVith, and ofton e ceeding, thoSe ChaTacteristics in pfeviouS1y available StTuctufeS.
vVhile the fofegoing description SetS foTfh the pTi11- ciploS of the invention in connection vVith Specific ap paTafuS it is to bo cleafly Undefstood that thiS deScriP- tion iS nlade on1y by Way of exanlple and not as a 1in1ita tion of the Scope of the invention aS Set fofth in the fo1 loWing clain1S.
1, A tranSducef fof UndervafeT acoustic energy pfop agation conlpfising a houSing having a chan1bef vvith first and Second partS, each of S1d chaInber paTtS being Sub Stantia11y Hed with a 1ic111id, 1neanS in said Tst chaIn ber paft for caUSing the liqoid therein to vibfate at a givon frequency, n1eanS for o eTatively connecting the 1iq11id in each of Sa1(1 chaInbef paftS fof vibTation tranSIniSSion thefebetvveen, and n1eanS fof tfaI1SInitting the 1iquid vib1a tioI1S in Said ChambeT to the eXtefiof of Said honSing, Said housing Stfucture being eSSentiany acouStica11y opaque to vibfationS at Said given frequency.
2. The tTansdocef of clain1 1, in vvhich Said second chInbef paTt hZLS an acoUStical length Such in coniunction With Said fiT5t chamber paTt aS to forn1 a 1iqllid colUn1n having an effective aconstical length Te1ative to said vibTationcauSing nleanS Which iS SubStantia11y one-quaTfeT of the wave length in said chanTbef of vibfationS at said given ffequency.
3. The tfanSducef of c1ain1 2, in which the same liqufd iS in Said fiTst and Second chan1bef partS.
4. The tranSdUcer of C1aim Z, in Which an inS111ating 1iqL1id is in Said fifSt Chan1bef aTt and liq11id froIn the n1ediUIn SurfoUnding Said houSing is in Said Socond chaTnbor part, Safd li(111id in Said f1TSf and Second chan1bef partS being Se arafed by a parfition inpeTn1eab1e to the f1ow therefhrough of oither of Said liq1Iids, vVhich partition con1 priSos said IIleanS fof operative1y conneoting the 1iqUid in each of Said chan1beT paTtS.
5. The ffansduceT of c1aiTn Z, in v/hic11 the 1iq11id iT1 Said firSt and SeCond chaInber parts afe SepaTated by a f1L1idin eTIneab1e paft1tion SubStantiany ffeely vibfat able at Said g1Ven frequency, Which )aTtit1on coInpTiSeS Safd Tneans fof operatiVe1y connecting the 1ic uid iI1 each of Said chambef paTts.
o. The faSdUcer of C1ailn 5, in Which said vibration ca51ng fnoanS coInpTiSos a VfbTofed driving paft oper2 tiVe1y connoCted fo Said aftit1on by the 1iquid in Said fffSt chan1be part,
7. The ffanSduCoT of c1aiIn Z, in hich Said 1ifSt ChanT ber aft iS acoUStica11y o )a Uo fo tho extefiof of Said tio1 TanSn1itting Ineans con1pTiseS a poftion of Said rst chan1ber part and a portion of Said Second chan1bef paTt at the end theToof remote ffom Said rSt chambeT paTt.
11. T he franSducer of clain1 Z in Which Said Second chaInbeT part conlpriSes a hom having an open end Te1T1ote fron1 Said TSt chamber pa.
12. The tfanSduceT of claiIn Z in which Said sec ond chamber pat compTiseS a hofn having an open end Temote ffon1 said St chanbef paTt, and a freely vibTatable diaphTagTn sepaTating Said St and second chamber paTtS, Said diaphragn1 being ooeratively connected to said vibrationcaUsfng nleanS and con )rising said neanS foT opeTatively oonnecting the liquid iIl each of Said chan1 ber pafts.
13. The tTanSducer of c1an 1, iI1 vhich an insulating liquid iS i1 said fiTSt chan1ber pat and Hquid fToIn the me diuIn surTounding Said houSng iS in Said second chan1beT paTt, Said fiTSt and second cha InbeT partS being separated by a partition in1peTneab1e to the ov theTethTough of eitheI of said liqI1idS, Which paTfition con1pTiseS Said IneanS foT opefatively connecting fhe liqL1id in each of said chaIIIbe1 paTts.
14. The tranSducer of clain1 1, in which said fiISt charnber paTt is acouSticaHy opaque to t11e exteTior of Said housing eXcept via. Said Second chambeT part, Said vibTa tiontTanSInitting nleanS being located in said Second cham ber part at the end theTeof TeInote froIn Said HTSt cham be1 paTt,
15. The tTanSdnceT of clain1 1, in Which Said vibTa tion-TranSn1itting IneanS cOInpSeS a portion of Said fifSt chanber part and a )oTtio1 of Said Second chambef paTt at the end thefeof feInote fmm Said fiTSt chambeT paft.
16. The tranSducer of claim 1, in which Said Sec ond ohan1bef part con1pTiSeS a horn having an open end Temote ffon1 Said rst chan1bef part, and a freely vibTatable diaphragm Separating said fiTSt and Second chamber pafts, Said diaphragm being operatively connected to said vibTationcauSing meanS and comprising in said means fO1 o )eTative1y connectig the liquid in oach of Said chan1 beT parts.
17. A traTLsduceT fof undeTwater acouStic energy rop agation coInpTSing a houSing having a, Cha nber vith TSt and second pafts, leoch of Said chaTnbef partS being subStantiaHy flled with a liquid, IT1eanS in Said HTSt chaInber part for cauSing the liquid t he1 ein fo vibTafe at a given freqllency vVhich is the fesonant frequency of said Ineans, IneanS for operatively connecting the liquid in each of said chan1beT )aTtS fof vibration tranSIniSSion theTebotween, and IneanS fof tTansn1itting the liquid vibra tions in Said chanlber to the exteTioT of said housing, Said hoosing StrI1ctu1e being eSSentially atco11Stioany o aque to vibrationS at said given ffequency.
1$. The tTanSducer of olaiIn 17, in vvhioh Said second chan1ber part has an acoustioal length Such in coniuncfion With Sad first chamber paTt aS to folIn a Hqufd column having an effective acoIISticaf length Telative to Said vi brationcaI1 Sing n1eaJnS vvhich is SubStantiHy one-quarter of the vvave length in Said ohaTnbeT of vibrations at said given frequency.
References Ced by fhe Examinet UNITED STATES PATENTS 1 47Z S8 10/ 1923 FesSenden et al 3408 1,686,901 10/1928 Culver 3408 1,733 718 10/1929 BlondeL 2,40S,2Z6 8/1946 Mason 34010 Z 41L41 11/1945 HayeS 3408 Z,448 36S 8/1948 GineSpie. Z ZZ 389 9/19SO Mason 3408 2,52,970 5/19S1 HoTsley et al.

Claims (1)

US22646A 1960-04-15 1960-04-15 Transducer Expired - Lifetime US3233213A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US22646A US3233213A (en) 1960-04-15 1960-04-15 Transducer

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US22646A US3233213A (en) 1960-04-15 1960-04-15 Transducer

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
US3233213A true US3233213A (en) 1966-02-01



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
US22646A Expired - Lifetime US3233213A (en) 1960-04-15 1960-04-15 Transducer

Country Status (1)

Country Link
US (1) US3233213A (en)

Cited By (8)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3471828A (en) * 1967-11-01 1969-10-07 Raytheon Co Sonar transducer cage
US3497728A (en) * 1967-03-20 1970-02-24 Standard Oil Co Ultrasonic inspection apparatus
US3872421A (en) * 1972-12-19 1975-03-18 Us Navy Standing wave acoustic parametric source
US4282453A (en) * 1977-02-21 1981-08-04 Australasian Training Aids (Pty.) Ltd. Transducer apparatus for detecting airborne pressure pulse
US4359659A (en) * 1979-02-27 1982-11-16 Australasian Training Aids (Pty.) Limited Piezoelectric shock wave detector
US20070283985A1 (en) * 2003-11-05 2007-12-13 Goodson J M Ultrasonic Processing Method and Apparatus with Multiple Frequency Transducers
US20100012148A1 (en) * 2004-11-05 2010-01-21 Goodson J Michael Megasonic processing apparatus with frequency sweeping of thickness mode transducers
US11911793B1 (en) * 2023-09-14 2024-02-27 Image Acoustics, Inc. Deep submergence bender transduction apparatus

Citations (8)

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US1733718A (en) * 1924-09-03 1929-10-29 Blondel Andre Apparatus for concentrating audible signals by interference
US2405226A (en) * 1942-12-28 1946-08-06 Bell Telephone Labor Inc Low frequency projector or hydrophone
US2411541A (en) * 1936-08-08 1946-11-26 Harvey C Hayes Acoustic wave generating or receiving apparatus
US2448365A (en) * 1945-07-27 1948-08-31 Bell Telephone Labor Inc Projector and receiver of supersonic frequencies
US2522389A (en) * 1946-03-16 1950-09-12 Bell Telephone Labor Inc Electric power source
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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
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US3497728A (en) * 1967-03-20 1970-02-24 Standard Oil Co Ultrasonic inspection apparatus
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US3872421A (en) * 1972-12-19 1975-03-18 Us Navy Standing wave acoustic parametric source
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US4359659A (en) * 1979-02-27 1982-11-16 Australasian Training Aids (Pty.) Limited Piezoelectric shock wave detector
US20070283985A1 (en) * 2003-11-05 2007-12-13 Goodson J M Ultrasonic Processing Method and Apparatus with Multiple Frequency Transducers
US20070283979A1 (en) * 2003-11-05 2007-12-13 Goodson J M Ultrasonic Processing Method and Apparatus with Multiple Frequency Transducers
US20100012148A1 (en) * 2004-11-05 2010-01-21 Goodson J Michael Megasonic processing apparatus with frequency sweeping of thickness mode transducers
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US11911793B1 (en) * 2023-09-14 2024-02-27 Image Acoustics, Inc. Deep submergence bender transduction apparatus

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