US1853064A - Felt cleaning apparatus - Google Patents

Felt cleaning apparatus Download PDF


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US1853064A US352580A US35258029A US1853064A US 1853064 A US1853064 A US 1853064A US 352580 A US352580 A US 352580A US 35258029 A US35258029 A US 35258029A US 1853064 A US1853064 A US 1853064A
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spray heads
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Eugene H Lansing
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    • D21F1/00Wet end of machines for making continuous webs of paper
    • D21F1/32Washing wire-cloths or felts


  • the primary object of the present invention is the provision of means whereby the flexible conduit maybe ⁇ rigidly supported at all Vtimes above and in spaced relation'with the felt While at the same time permitting that iieiribility of the conduit necessary to ipermit a full transverse reciprocation oi the spraying nozzles te insure the delivery of Water to the Jfull transverse area of the felt.l
  • Figure l is a vievT in elevation, partly in section, taken transversely through the supporting frame and feltandillustratingthe mounting of the improved spraying :appara- Figure .2 is aperspective view of the sam-e. f v, Figure 3 is a sectionfon line 3-3 otFig- Figures is a plan, partly insection, showing the vmeans for maintainingthe adjacent Y ends of the rigid conduits for the iirexible ivater conveying pipe. i
  • the improved apparatus includes a shaft a section on line 6 6 of Figl exteriorlyY threaded throughout its length and terminally mounted for rotation' 'in vthe 4side Walls 2 of the bed or frame in lWhich the felt 3 is guided in longitudinalmovement.
  • a hollow guide member i is arranged in concentric spaced rrelation Withth'e shaft 1,'the terminals ofthe guide beinggixed inthe frame bars 2 and the guide being formed at the terminal ofr its ⁇ vertical diameter with a longitudinally ranging slot 5.
  • y i A Duplicatespray heads 6 are mounted on and for sliding cooperation with the guide,
  • Vthei-ie'spray heads including a hollow semicircular nozzle section 7 Jformedfor slidinof b cooperation with the upper portion ofk the guide and an integral depending traveler 8' i shaped ⁇ to slidably ktit the interior of the guide, the traveler'having'a central interiorlythreaded'opening l9 for feeding cooperation' with the sliadtl.
  • the traveler Scand hollow section 7 of the spray heads are coni nected by a web l0 which passes through and slidably lits the Walls lof the slot 5 in the guide 4. Y y v i fD-epending'from and in open communication with!
  • each spray'head is a spray nozzle ll which depends from the spray head at sub1- stantially right angles to the underlying felt and Vhas its delivery end l2 terminating slightly'above'tlie surface of the ⁇ felt, as indcated moreparticularly in' Figure 6.
  • the spray heads 6 are spaced apart on the guide a distance equaling or slightly greater lthan half the Width of the felt Witli'ivhich they are to cooperate, and the kspray heads are maintained in this relative position by a connectingpipe 13 of rigid type, which not .only
  • An limportant*feature or" the present inven-y tion is the provision oi means for rigidlysupporting the lexiblehose by which the.
  • Water c is suppliedy to thesprayers, with the support operating at all times immediately above and in spaced relation to the felt and adapted to permit the necessary reciprocating movement of the spray heads in moving to and fro across the felt.
  • the supporting mechanism here shown includes a sleeve-like member 14 rigidly connected to and immediately beyond one of the frame bars 2.
  • a rigid conduit 15, ⁇ as for example a metal pipe, extends from the sleeve 14 through a slot 16 in the adjacent frame bar 2 and projects transversely of the felt 3 above and in spaced relation thereto.
  • the rigid conduit- 15 is terminally connected to the sleeve member 14 by upper and lower straps 17 which maintain the end of the conduit in a fixed horizontal plane at all times while yet permitting a slight pivotal action between the parts.
  • the conduit 15 more or less accurately fits the slot 16 and is, particularly by the lower wall of this slot, supported so that the portion of the conduit overlying the felt is maintained at all times in approximately parallel spaced relation to the upper surface of the felt.
  • a second rigid conduit 18 is connected to that end of the conduit 15 overlying the felt by upper and lower straps 19. These straps, which are of course rigid in themselves, are pivotally connected to the respective conduits 15 and 18 and hold said conduits in spaced relation to permit necessary play ofthe conduit 18 in operation, as will presently appear.
  • the end of the conduit 18 remote from the conduit 15 has movable connection with the open end of a nipple 20 which extends from and is in open communication with pipe 13.
  • the connection between the nipple and conduit 18 is by upper and lower rigid straps 21 pivotally connected to the respective parts, the open end of the nipple being of reduced diameter and extending within the conduit 18.
  • a fiexible conduit in the form of a hose 22 extends into the sleeve 14 through the conduit 15, through the conduit 18 and is frictionally fitted over the free end of the nipple 20, as indicated at 23 in Figure 3.
  • the spraying apparatus which forms the particular subject-matter of the present application, cooperates in its cleaning function f with suction boxes for removing the water and refuse from the felt.
  • suction boxes are arranged in advance of the spray nozzles or jets in the direction of travel of the felt in order that the water may be de- Si livered to the felt and immediately thereafter the felt subjected to the action of the suction boxes.
  • the suction boxes, indicated at 24, underlie the felt and are connected with a suitable source of suction through a conduit 25.
  • the face 26 of each box is in substantial contact With the lower surface of the felt, such face having an opening 27 through which the suction operates on the felt. This opening is comparatively narrow and, if desired and as preferred, a roller 28 may be supported in the plane of the opening to prevent the felt from being drawn down into the opening by the suction, which is a well understood disadvantageous result.
  • the present arrangement contemplates the provision of a suction box for each spray head, with the suction box in alignment with the spray head longitudinally of the felt.
  • the lower portions of the suction boxes preferably beyond the suction chamber therein, are formed with interiorly threaded openings 29 with which a threaded shaft 30 mounted in the frame bars 2 cooperates to feed the boxes simultaneously and similarly with respect to the feed or movement of the spray heads.
  • the spray heads are spaced apart a distance approximating and at least equal to one-half the width of the felt, and it will be apparent that if the s ray heads are reciprocated transversely o the felt, the Water from the spray nozzles or jets will be delivered in a stream entirely across the felt. If the shaft 30 for the suction boxes is similarly and simultaneously controlled, as is contemplated, the suction boxes will move in unison with the spray heads.
  • any conventional means may be constructed to insure the desired reciprocation of the spray heads and suction boxes, such a. means being conventionally illustrated in Figure 1 of the drawings.
  • the shafts 1 and 30 are provided beyond one frame bar 2, with intermeshing gears 31 and 32 of equal diameter.
  • the shaft 3() is continued beyond its gear 32 and is provided with spaced free inions 33 and 34 having clutch faces 35 designed to be engaged by a clutch 36 which is keyed for sliding movement on but held against rotary movement with respect to the extension of the shaft 30.
  • the pinions 33 and 34 are spaced apart, so that when the clutch is in cooperation with one, it is free of the other, an intermediate position of the clutch rendering the entire apparatus idle. 4
  • the pinions 33 and 34 are in driving connection with pinions 37 and 38 respectively, the latter connection being through an intermediate idler 39, the pinions 37 and 38 being mounted upon a power shaft 40 driven by a belt or power wheel 41.
  • the clutch 36 in cooperation with one of the pinions 33 or 34, the shafts 1 and 3() will be similarly and simultaneously driven, the move- Lasagne;
  • the-clutch isf provided with ⁇ an arm M, which extends throughtheadjacent frame bar 2 and is there connectedto alever 43 pivotal-ly ⁇ supported in* thegframe hav-rand movable in one direction by a spring 44,I the spring bei-ng 'of suiiicient ⁇ strength to moveV the lever and clutch into clutching relation with a particular pinev ion.
  • the freeV end ofthe leverv 4B isjcon nectedto a roel ⁇ 45v which: extends through they suction boxes yand is provided Withra-n oii'sety46-beyond one of the boxes, therod extending, through the opposite frame Vhar to ⁇ provide a projecting portion 47 for handf controlwhen desired.l
  • Thev snctionboxes are connected for uniform movement. by a, tie rod or rods48, and-it Willvbe apparent that as the ,suction boxes reach one end of their travel, asV for exams ple the lett handl end in Figure 1, the upper endyof the lever 43 will bev drawn upon Yagainst the tensionof the sprin-g44 and thusl Vlever is released through the tripping of the latch and the spring 44 acts to move the clutch in cooperation with the opposing pinion, that is 33, whichr reverses the movement of the shafts 1 and 30 and causes opposite movement of the spray heads and suction boxes.
  • the spray heads and suction boxes are moved a distance approximatingone-half thewidthV of the felt, so that the respective spray heads and suction boxes alternately occupy a po- ⁇ sition adjacent the respective frame bars 2 in: a position in liney W'itlrthelongitudinal median l line ofv the felt.
  • the iniportantdetaill in ,connection with' thepreSent invention isthe meansfby which f the hose ⁇ 22 .isf supported duri-ngi thisgimove'- ment ot the spray' headsximmediately above andin spaced parallel relation tothe upper surface of the felt.
  • conduit 18 moves thro-,ugh an angular path during ythe recipro cation of the spray heads, the apex or point of YWhich'isfthefree orrinner endot the'rigid f conduit 15; Asthe spray',k heads ,move'in a'.
  • the iexiblehoseQQ provides an vunbroken connection ory Water-conduit tothe spray heads: ⁇ L
  • the rigid conduits support thishose f immediately above andaat all times in spaced rel-ation tothe felt. There is noi possible Wearof ,the hosein opera-tion ydue to-rubbingw contact With any npart and no possibili-tygo-f the hose falling onor cominginv contact With the felt..
  • v vVVhatis claimed to 'be new is: e Y Y' 1, A cleaning apparatus for paper making felt, yincluding spaced' spray heads designed yfor reciprocation*transverse :the felt, aile-xibleihose for serving the spray heads, and rigid conduits for supporting the hose above andat all timesfre'e ofv Contact with?thefelnn "said conduits being connected for' relatire Vmovement incidentto the reciprocation oii the spray heads., i i
  • Acleaningapparatusforpaperniaking gte-lts.l including spaced' spray headsmdapted for i'eciprocationf ⁇ transversely of Vthe felt, a
  • Iiexible hose for serving the spray heads, and a pair of rigid conduits for receiving and supporting the hose, one of said conduits being mounted for pivotal play longitudinally of the felt and the other of said conduits being mounted for pivotal play transversely of the felt.
  • a felt cleaning apparatus including spaced spray heads adapted for reciprocation transversely of the felt, a flexible hose for serving the spray heads, and two rigid pipelike conduits through which the hose passes in succession, one of the pipes being supported for pivotal movement beyond the edge of the felt and guided in such pivotal movement in a plane above and in spaced relation to the felt, the other of said pipes being connected for swinging movement with respect to the first mentioned pipe and having pivotal movement with respect to the spray heads.
  • a cleaning apparatus for paper making felts having side frame bars, including a threaded shaft supported in the respective frame bars transversely of and above the felt, a hollow guide concentric with the shaft, and spaced spray heads supported on the guide and cooperating with the threaded shaft, the rotation of the shaft feeding the spray heads transversely of the felt, each of the s ray heads .
  • a hollow nozzle chamber partly encircling and bearing on the top of said guide, a spray nozzle communicating with and depending from the chamber, and a traveler integral with the chamber and extending within and fitting the interior of the guide, said traveler having threaded coo eration with the shaft, and means for supp ying water to said nozzle chambers.
  • a cleaning apparatus for paper making felts having ,side frame bars, including a threaded shaft supported in the respective frame bars transversely of and above the felt, a hollow guide concentric with and enclosing the shaft, spray heads supported on the uide and cooperating with the threaded shafgi, the rotation of the shaft feeding the spray heads transversely of the felt, a supply conduit connecting said spray heads and maintaining them in spaced relation,v the respective spray heads being spaced apart a distance approximating one-half the width of the felt.
  • a cleaning apparatus for paper making felt having side frame bars, includin a threaded shaft supported in the respective frame bars transversely of and above the felt, a hollow guide concentric with said shaft, and spray heads each provided with an external nozzle chamber slidably engaging the exteriorof said hollow guide and each also provided with a traveller extending into said hollow guide and engaging said threaded shaft so that the rotation of said shaft feeds said spray heads transversely of the felt, and means for supplying water to said nozzle chambers.


  • Nonwoven Fabrics (AREA)


April l2,k 1932. E. H; LANSING FELT CLEANING APPARATUS Filed April 4. 1929 2 Sheets-Sheet l lllllllnslllin.
lApril 12, 1932- E. H. LANSING 1,853,064`
FELT CLEANI NG APPARATUS Filed April 4, 1.929A 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 @dfi / INVENTOR.
ure 2.
Patented Apr. l2, 1932 lerares earners @FFEE j nue-nien n. LANSING, or Wiirnnronn, New Your;v
n Application filed April 4, 1929. Serial No.v 352,550.
ivill be caused to reach the full surface ofthe felt and as thefelt is moving longitudinally, ithas been customary to directthe'jets of Water for travel in a plane transverseljy'f of the Width of' the felt and thus reach the entire surface.y This relative movement oi the cleaning mechanism requires rmore or less flexibility in the conduitrthrough which the ii'ateris delivered to the mechanism, and in kthis connection a problem` has arisen involved in the support of the lexiblerconduit treeoi Contact With the vfelt While at the same time permitting theflexibility essential to permit the sprayingr apparatus vto move Vto yand fro across the felt. n
The primary object of the present invention is the provision of means whereby the flexible conduit maybe `rigidly supported at all Vtimes above and in spaced relation'with the felt While at the same time permitting that iieiribility of the conduit necessary to ipermit a full transverse reciprocation oi the spraying nozzles te insure the delivery of Water to the Jfull transverse area of the felt.l
The invention is illustrated in 'thefaccompanying drawings, in which :4 v
Figure l is a vievT in elevation, partly in section, taken transversely through the supporting frame and feltandillustratingthe mounting of the improved spraying :appara- Figure .2 is aperspective view of the sam-e. f v,Figure 3 is a sectionfon line 3-3 otFig- Figures is a plan, partly insection, showing the vmeans for maintainingthe adjacent Y ends of the rigid conduits for the iirexible ivater conveying pipe. i
Figure 5 `is a plan vieiv of the apparatus,v
- Figure 6 is ure 5. i
The improved apparatus includes a shaft a section on line 6 6 of Figl exteriorlyY threaded throughout its length and terminally mounted for rotation' 'in vthe 4side Walls 2 of the bed or frame in lWhich the felt 3 is guided in longitudinalmovement. A hollow guide member i is arranged in concentric spaced rrelation Withth'e shaft 1,'the terminals ofthe guide beinggixed inthe frame bars 2 and the guide being formed at the terminal ofr its` vertical diameter with a longitudinally ranging slot 5. y i A Duplicatespray heads 6 are mounted on and for sliding cooperation with the guide,
Vthei-ie'spray heads including a hollow semicircular nozzle section 7 Jformedfor slidinof b cooperation with the upper portion ofk the guide and an integral depending traveler 8' i shaped `to slidably ktit the interior of the guide, the traveler'having'a central interiorlythreaded'opening l9 for feeding cooperation' with the sliadtl. The traveler Scand hollow section 7 of the spray heads are coni nected by a web l0 which passes through and slidably lits the Walls lof the slot 5 in the guide 4. Y y v i fD-epending'from and in open communication with! each spray'head is a spray nozzle ll which depends from the spray head at sub1- stantially right angles to the underlying felt and Vhas its delivery end l2 terminating slightly'above'tlie surface of the` felt, as indcated moreparticularly in' Figure 6. The spray heads 6 are spaced apart on the guide a distance equaling or slightly greater lthan half the Width of the felt Witli'ivhich they are to cooperate, and the kspray heads are maintained in this relative position by a connectingpipe 13 of rigid type, which not .only
serves to secure the sprayy headsinre'latively fixed relation but also afford a means ,of fluid open communication with` the hollow sections;
k7 oi the spray heads.
An limportant*feature or" the present inven-y tion is the provision oi means for rigidlysupporting the lexiblehose by which the. Water c is suppliedy to thesprayers, with the support operating at all times immediately above and in spaced relation to the felt and adapted to permit the necessary reciprocating movement of the spray heads in moving to and fro across the felt. The supporting mechanism here shown includes a sleeve-like member 14 rigidly connected to and immediately beyond one of the frame bars 2. A rigid conduit 15,` as for example a metal pipe, extends from the sleeve 14 through a slot 16 in the adjacent frame bar 2 and projects transversely of the felt 3 above and in spaced relation thereto. The rigid conduit- 15 is terminally connected to the sleeve member 14 by upper and lower straps 17 which maintain the end of the conduit in a fixed horizontal plane at all times while yet permitting a slight pivotal action between the parts. The conduit 15 more or less accurately fits the slot 16 and is, particularly by the lower wall of this slot, supported so that the portion of the conduit overlying the felt is maintained at all times in approximately parallel spaced relation to the upper surface of the felt.
A second rigid conduit 18 is connected to that end of the conduit 15 overlying the felt by upper and lower straps 19. These straps, which are of course rigid in themselves, are pivotally connected to the respective conduits 15 and 18 and hold said conduits in spaced relation to permit necessary play ofthe conduit 18 in operation, as will presently appear. The end of the conduit 18 remote from the conduit 15 has movable connection with the open end of a nipple 20 which extends from and is in open communication with pipe 13. The connection between the nipple and conduit 18 is by upper and lower rigid straps 21 pivotally connected to the respective parts, the open end of the nipple being of reduced diameter and extending within the conduit 18.
A fiexible conduit in the form of a hose 22 extends into the sleeve 14 through the conduit 15, through the conduit 18 and is frictionally fitted over the free end of the nipple 20, as indicated at 23 in Figure 3.
From the above it will be apparent that the hose which supplies the water for the spray nozzles 11 is supported in an inflexible conduit made up of the sections 15 and 18 which, by reason of their relative connections, are maintained above and in parallel spaced relation to the felt, and that the hose v is maintained in this plane both when at rest and in all positions of operation.
The spraying apparatus, which forms the particular subject-matter of the present application, cooperates in its cleaning function f with suction boxes for removing the water and refuse from the felt. These suction boxes are arranged in advance of the spray nozzles or jets in the direction of travel of the felt in order that the water may be de- Si livered to the felt and immediately thereafter the felt subjected to the action of the suction boxes. The suction boxes, indicated at 24, underlie the felt and are connected with a suitable source of suction through a conduit 25. The face 26 of each box is in substantial contact With the lower surface of the felt, such face having an opening 27 through which the suction operates on the felt. This opening is comparatively narrow and, if desired and as preferred, a roller 28 may be supported in the plane of the opening to prevent the felt from being drawn down into the opening by the suction, which is a well understood disadvantageous result.
The present arrangement contemplates the provision of a suction box for each spray head, with the suction box in alignment with the spray head longitudinally of the felt. The lower portions of the suction boxes, preferably beyond the suction chamber therein, are formed with interiorly threaded openings 29 with which a threaded shaft 30 mounted in the frame bars 2 cooperates to feed the boxes simultaneously and similarly with respect to the feed or movement of the spray heads.
As previously stated, the spray heads are spaced apart a distance approximating and at least equal to one-half the width of the felt, and it will be apparent that if the s ray heads are reciprocated transversely o the felt, the Water from the spray nozzles or jets will be delivered in a stream entirely across the felt. If the shaft 30 for the suction boxes is similarly and simultaneously controlled, as is contemplated, the suction boxes will move in unison with the spray heads.
Any conventional means may be constructed to insure the desired reciprocation of the spray heads and suction boxes, such a. means being conventionally illustrated in Figure 1 of the drawings. As here shown, the shafts 1 and 30 are provided beyond one frame bar 2, with intermeshing gears 31 and 32 of equal diameter. The shaft 3() is continued beyond its gear 32 and is provided with spaced free inions 33 and 34 having clutch faces 35 designed to be engaged by a clutch 36 which is keyed for sliding movement on but held against rotary movement with respect to the extension of the shaft 30. The pinions 33 and 34 are spaced apart, so that when the clutch is in cooperation with one, it is free of the other, an intermediate position of the clutch rendering the entire apparatus idle. 4
The pinions 33 and 34 are in driving connection with pinions 37 and 38 respectively, the latter connection being through an intermediate idler 39, the pinions 37 and 38 being mounted upon a power shaft 40 driven by a belt or power wheel 41. Obviously, with the clutch 36 in cooperation with one of the pinions 33 or 34, the shafts 1 and 3() will be similarly and simultaneously driven, the move- Lasagne;
ment` ofthe shafts being ot course reversed when one pinion isactive with respect tothe directionfwhen rthe' other pinion is active due to .the interposed idler 39:. It Will:- befobserved that the shafts 1 and 3() areoppositely threaded-,2 so Vv'that the v opposite rotations of said shafts, due to themeshing of the gears 31 and '32 Willfcausespray heads Gaand the suction boxes 241to-fsimultaneonsly move in either direction, according to the: direc-tion of rotation fest'ablished: bythe clutch 36e the apparatus in operation. is designed tos'fb'e--continuously reciproca-ted transversely of the; felt, means are provided to yinsure the shifting ot the` clutch 36' at theappropriate momentk To provide for this, the-clutch isf provided with` an arm M, which extends throughtheadjacent frame bar 2 and is there connectedto alever 43 pivotal-ly `supported in* thegframe hav-rand movable in one direction by a spring 44,I the spring bei-ng 'of suiiicient `strength to moveV the lever and clutch into clutching relation with a particular pinev ion. The freeV end ofthe leverv 4B isjcon nectedto a roel` 45v which: extends through they suction boxes yand is provided Withra-n oii'sety46-beyond one of the boxes, therod extending, through the opposite frame Vhar to` provide a projecting portion 47 for handf controlwhen desired.l
Thev snctionboxes are connected for uniform movement. by a, tie rod or rods48, and-it Willvbe apparent that as the ,suction boxes reach one end of their travel, asV for exams ple the lett handl end in Figure 1, the upper endyof the lever 43 will bev drawn upon Yagainst the tensionof the sprin-g44 and thusl Vlever is released through the tripping of the latch and the spring 44 acts to move the clutch in cooperation with the opposing pinion, that is 33, whichr reverses the movement of the shafts 1 and 30 and causes opposite movement of the spray heads and suction boxes. c
It will be apparenty from the above description that the spray heads and suctionv boxes are spaced apart a distance at least equal to one-half the Width of the felt 3 and that in Y,
the operation ofthe shafts 1 and 30, the spray heads and suction boxes are moved a distance approximatingone-half thewidthV of the felt, so that the respective spray heads and suction boxes alternately occupy a po-` sition adjacent the respective frame bars 2 in: a position in liney W'itlrthelongitudinal median l line ofv the felt. Thus,- the1 fullrsurr-zl face of the felt` in a transverse rline' isY subf jectedtotheaction of the; Water; through the spray nozzles or jets, and as the felt isi 'ads vancing;y longitudinally, thisv insures a fdeliv f ery of Water and action of the suctionboxes throughout .the fulle areaof the` felt.A sur face.` f
- The iniportantdetaill in ,connection with' thepreSent invention isthe meansfby which f the hose `22 .isf supported duri-ngi thisgimove'- ment ot the spray' headsximmediately above andin spaced parallel relation tothe upper surface of the felt. x This rigid "supportis providedv through the conduits 15y andy 18, it
being apparent that the; conduit" 18 'moves about, the straps 19, ythat sis about thesad'ja cent vend of' the conduitl as yacenter, during the ,rec-i'procation of the spray heads: With theparts properly designed, it `Willi of course be apparent that the conduit 18 moves thro-,ugh an angular path during ythe recipro cation of the spray heads, the apex or point of YWhich'isfthefree orrinner endot the'rigid f conduit 15; Asthe spray',k heads ,move'in a'.
fixed pathtransverse the felt and asthe conduitl 18 moves from' a position 'of acute-an-l gled relationW-ith the; conduittl toean obtuse angled relation thereto, it is apparent that the connected vends Yot the conduits 15 V'andl must, durin'gthis movement, be permitteda mo-vementlongitudinallyL ,ofthe felt owing to the rigidity ofthe conduit 18. f This movementofthe'vfree or'y inner end of the conduit 15 is permitted bythe straps: 17- conA necting said conduitwith the sleeve 14 and by lan appropriate lengthV of the slot 16.
- The iexiblehoseQQ .provides an vunbroken connection ory Water-conduit tothe spray heads:` L The rigid conduitssupport thishose f immediately above andaat all times in spaced rel-ation tothe felt. There is noi possible Wearof ,the hosein opera-tion ydue to-rubbingw contact With any npart and no possibili-tygo-f the hose falling onor cominginv contact With the felt.. Thus, apex-'feet yoperationvofWa#y ter delivery to the lfelt Without liability of extreme Wear the parts and an insured and maintained life of thev hose are the essential and characteristicv results Vof thisdetailo the'improvement.` v vVVhatis claimed to 'be new is: e Y Y' 1, A cleaning apparatus for paper making felt, yincluding spaced' spray heads designed yfor reciprocation*transverse :the felt, aile-xibleihose for serving the spray heads, and rigid conduits for supporting the hose above andat all timesfre'e ofv Contact with?thefelnn "said conduits being connected for' relatire Vmovement incidentto the reciprocation oii the spray heads., i i
. 2. Acleaningapparatusforpaperniaking gte-lts.l including spaced' spray headsmdapted for i'eciprocationf` transversely of Vthe felt, a
Iiexible hose for serving the spray heads, and a pair of rigid conduits for receiving and supporting the hose, one of said conduits being mounted for pivotal play longitudinally of the felt and the other of said conduits being mounted for pivotal play transversely of the felt.
3. A felt cleaning apparatus including spaced spray heads adapted for reciprocation transversely of the felt, a flexible hose for serving the spray heads, and two rigid pipelike conduits through which the hose passes in succession, one of the pipes being supported for pivotal movement beyond the edge of the felt and guided in such pivotal movement in a plane above and in spaced relation to the felt, the other of said pipes being connected for swinging movement with respect to the first mentioned pipe and having pivotal movement with respect to the spray heads.
4. The combination with a paper making felt and frame bars between which said felt is guided, of spray heads arranged in spaced relation and mounted for reciprocation transversely of the felt, a pipe connecting the spray heads, a rigid conduit having one end pivotally connected with said pipe, a second conduit pivotally supported beyond one of the frame bars and extending through an elongated slot in said frame bar, means for swingingly connecting the adjacent ends of said rigid conduits, and a hose extending through the respective conduits and' in open communication with said pipe.
5. The combination with a paper making felt and frame bars therefor, of spray heads mounted for reciprocation transversely of the felt, a pipe connection intermediate said spray heads, a sleeve member fixed beyond one of the frame bars, a'pipe conduit extending from the sleeve member and through an elongated' slot in the adjacent frame bar and terminating substantially at the median line of the felt, rigid straps pivotally connecting said sleeve member and adjacent end of the pipe conduit, a second pipe conduit connected at one end to the pipe connection, rigid straps swingingly connecting the adjacent ends of the respective pipe conduits, and a hose extending through the sleeve member and respective pipe conduits in succession and in open communication with the pipe connection, the support of the respective pipe conduits maintaining the hose in that portion overlying the felt in lspaced substantially parallel relation to the felt at all times.
6. A cleaning apparatus for paper making felts having side frame bars, including a threaded shaft supported in the respective frame bars transversely of and above the felt, a hollow guide concentric with the shaft, and spaced spray heads supported on the guide and cooperating with the threaded shaft, the rotation of the shaft feeding the spray heads transversely of the felt, each of the s ray heads .including a hollow nozzle chamber partly encircling and bearing on the top of said guide, a spray nozzle communicating with and depending from the chamber, and a traveler integral with the chamber and extending within and fitting the interior of the guide, said traveler having threaded coo eration with the shaft, and means for supp ying water to said nozzle chambers.
7. A cleaning apparatus for paper making felts having ,side frame bars, including a threaded shaft supported in the respective frame bars transversely of and above the felt, a hollow guide concentric with and enclosing the shaft, spray heads supported on the uide and cooperating with the threaded shafgi, the rotation of the shaft feeding the spray heads transversely of the felt, a supply conduit connecting said spray heads and maintaining them in spaced relation,v the respective spray heads being spaced apart a distance approximating one-half the width of the felt.
8. A cleaning apparatus for paper making felt having side frame bars, includin a threaded shaft supported in the respective frame bars transversely of and above the felt, a hollow guide concentric with said shaft, and spray heads each provided with an external nozzle chamber slidably engaging the exteriorof said hollow guide and each also provided with a traveller extending into said hollow guide and engaging said threaded shaft so that the rotation of said shaft feeds said spray heads transversely of the felt, and means for supplying water to said nozzle chambers.
In testimony whereof I afiix my signature.
US352580A 1929-04-04 1929-04-04 Felt cleaning apparatus Expired - Lifetime US1853064A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US352580A US1853064A (en) 1929-04-04 1929-04-04 Felt cleaning apparatus

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US352580A US1853064A (en) 1929-04-04 1929-04-04 Felt cleaning apparatus

Publications (1)

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US1853064A true US1853064A (en) 1932-04-12



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
US352580A Expired - Lifetime US1853064A (en) 1929-04-04 1929-04-04 Felt cleaning apparatus

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US (1) US1853064A (en)

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3135653A (en) * 1961-11-03 1964-06-02 Sandy Hill Iron & Brass Works Felt conditioner
DE2512922A1 (en) * 1974-03-26 1975-10-09 Westvaco Corp METHOD AND DEVICE FOR FELT CLOTH CLEANING IN PAPER MACHINES

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3135653A (en) * 1961-11-03 1964-06-02 Sandy Hill Iron & Brass Works Felt conditioner
DE2512922A1 (en) * 1974-03-26 1975-10-09 Westvaco Corp METHOD AND DEVICE FOR FELT CLOTH CLEANING IN PAPER MACHINES

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