US1559183A - Tuyere with variable output for cannon - Google Patents

Tuyere with variable output for cannon Download PDF


Publication number
US1559183A US43355A US4335525A US1559183A US 1559183 A US1559183 A US 1559183A US 43355 A US43355 A US 43355A US 4335525 A US4335525 A US 4335525A US 1559183 A US1559183 A US 1559183A
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Expired - Lifetime
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Rimailho Emile
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Cie Des Forges & Acieries de l
Forges & Acieries de la Marine Et D' Homecourt Cie
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Cie Des Forges & Acieries de l
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Application filed by Cie Des Forges & Acieries de l filed Critical Cie Des Forges & Acieries de l
Priority to US43355A priority Critical patent/US1559183A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of US1559183A publication Critical patent/US1559183A/en
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Expired - Lifetime legal-status Critical Current




    • F41WEAPONS
    • F41A1/00Missile propulsion characterised by the use of explosive or combustible propellant charges
    • F41A1/06Adjusting the range without varying elevation angle or propellant charge data, e.g. by venting a part of the propulsive charge gases, or by adjusting the capacity of the cartridge or combustion chamber
    • F41WEAPONS
    • F41A27/00Gun mountings permitting traversing or elevating movement, e.g. gun carriages
    • F41A27/06Mechanical systems
    • F41A27/24Elevating gear


  • the present" in'yention relatesto improye i n,- f0rder to permit, the. same conditions of 1' the regular combustion oithe powder," thefiring at variable initialiielocities'helow thee-normal initialvelocity, I 1 o 1 Accordi'g ,to this invention, Iobta-in the 1', reduction in the initial Velocity without diminutionv of the chairge -andwwithout in- "T creasing the volume ofith'e chamber, loyallowing tolescape to the exteriomagpart of i the gas resulting from: the combujstibn" of I the powder; this discharge; corninencingfonly 1 when the projectile has "already assumed a certain;displacement;'and this insures, durl-v j I ing a sufl'icient time V to allowzthe pressure to attain a high value, ia v combustion. identical with whatlis produced when not dischalfg f
  • partltionj a g discharge conduit.
  • the arrangement according-to the invention is not-solely applicable to projectiles with studs and to a cannon whose firing charge is introduced through the breech. it may further be utilized when the projectile iscprovided with stabilizing wings or when it carries its own firing charge. The projectile may even he of the'wing type and carry its ownfiring charge.
  • Fig. 1 is a'lengthwise section of a cannon constructed according to the in'vention.-
  • Fig. 3 is a side view of the cannon mount.- ed on Sitscarriage to show the connection between the mechanism tor the control of the plug otthe cock and the mechanism for the elevation. 7 i
  • Fig. 4 is a partial sectionon the line A'A of Fig. 3-.
  • I i Fig. 5 ism-partial lengthwise section of the cannon showing by way of modification the use of a disk cock.
  • Fig. .6 is a horizontal view of the cock sho wn in Fig. 5, showing the form otthe orifices in said disks.
  • Figs. 7 and 8 showa modified embodi ment of the invention in the case in which the projectile carries itsown firing charge;
  • Fig.1. showsthecannon 1 which is divided into two partsby the partition 2, pierced with an orificeor tuyere in which'is engaged theprojection'a secured to the bottom otihe projectile 3.
  • A-conduit 5 formed in the body of'thepartitiOn-Q.and opening into the wall of the tuyere, serves 'to connect this latter with a discharge tube 6 disposed along the cannon, through the medium of a cock '7 whose plug ii is rotatable in a cylindrical body or chamber 9 so as to close or'open tlie orifice of the tube 6.
  • axis which extends to the extcriorn'iay be actuated by meansot a knob, a crank or in any other manner, and that a dial concentric with the axis will allow oit indicating the positions to be given tothe cock plug in order to obtain thejdesired velocities.
  • the dial of the cock may he graduated in firing distances. But it has also been stated above that it maybe advantagcousto regulate the degree of opening of the cock in proportion to, the angle of aiming for elevation;. a form of realization of this latter means for controlling thecock plug is shown, in Figs. 2 to 1-.
  • any other device providing for the connection between the said cock and the means for aiming for elevation while permitting the recoil ot the cannon may .be employed instead of the one'herein described.
  • bevel pinion 1-1 which is actuated by a set of pinions contained in a casing 12 se cured to thefmain body of the cock.
  • the end pinion 13 is slidable'on'a rod 14: mounted on an arm 15 which is secured to the non-rolling part otthe pivoting aggregate.
  • the rod 14 is a longitudinal slot .in which is slidab'le astud carried by the pinion 13, thus obliging this latter to rotate with the rod 14:.
  • the latter carrie'sat thetront end an actuating pinion 23 t) in gear arrangement with a lateral toothedp ortion 24 ot the sector for aimin'gtor'eleva'tion 16.
  • the arm 16 carries at the end the elevation mechanism comprising an operating crank 17 which actuates by bevel pinions and worm gearing the outer toothed portion'ot the-sector 16.
  • the values of the elevation are read 'upon the outer face of the sector 16 opposite a pointer25 mounted .on the arm 15.
  • T 0 cor rect'the error due to an inclination of the carriageto the frontor'reanihe sector 16 is not fixed with ireterence'to the small pivot ing carriage 20.
  • a mechanism analogous to the elevation mechanism, but mounted on the small carriage 20, allowsot-turning together as a whole the pivoting aggregate and the said sector, by acting upon the knob 21 which actuatesby bevel ,p inions and worm gearing an inner toothed portion formed on thelower part otthesector 16.
  • a spirit level 22.n1ounted on the sector 16 serves to checkthe proper inclination of the latter.
  • the sector 16 is graduated in-such manner that the figure which is observed adjacent 'onrtheifiri'n g and the init a onds tofthis positio tothe' sector I16:
  • tlifgre'atestcor corresponds to an angle? of i rla-gey ngfthe' degree of opening of the cock tothe shall Vary according to thje firing angle lac: ieoramgm which isco'nsider'ed the) liig lst si'iit'able. f'Qnejinay' act for this purpose uponfthe ratioi o'f itransmi'ssion'of the set of gearing,
  • FIGs. 7 and 8 show modifications of the a cannon'in accordance with the invention; in these modifications the projectile carries Y to I: municate through an orifice32 formed in the projectionlf33 of the projectile-.
  • the combustion chamber is closed by an obturating lieftransrnission' shouldfobviously be f-vf, p V vfecte'c l inj suc'h niann'e'r fthat"theolosed' fposi .the'projectile,at thetime"whenjtheprojectile If tibnar the cock'fo'r which ⁇ thefinitial' izeloci I I hisfji i'll alfior dthe maxim m-fi ing *dis-f The rotati 1110f the pi'yo tingfmassf,
  • a powder chan'ib er ar v rangedat the rear part thereof, a' bore for thetravel of the projectile, a partitionbes tween the said chamber and the, said bore, a tuyere arranged in thesaid partition. and connecting the said chamber and the said tuyere, an outlet conduit formed injthe said;
  • I-nfia cannon a powder chamber arranged at the rear part thereof, a bore for the travel of the projectile, a partition between the said chamber and the said bore, a ;tuyere arranged in the said partition and connecting the saidchamber and the said bore, a projection atthe rear of the projectile which may be engaged inthe said tuyere, an outlet conduit formed in the said partition and opening into the wall of the tuyere, a cock disposed in the said outlet conduit, means for aiming the cannon for elevation and connecting organs between the said means and the said cock.


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Combustion & Propulsion (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Toys (AREA)


Filed July 13. 1925 ,3 Sheets-Sheet 1 6 ////////////A ll/1 Oct- 27, 1925- E. RIMAILHO TUYERE WITH VARIABLE OUTPUT FOR CANNON Filed July 13/1925 3 Sheets-sleet 2 riL - 1,559,183 E. RIMAILHO TUYERE WITH VARIABLE OUTPUT FOR CANiION Fiied July 13. 1925 I 3 Sheets-Sheet 3 M mi @mml citizen' jofithe Republicof France, -1 siding of-qFranc'e, 'haye' inuented -'cer tain new Land serul Improvements ing Tuyeresr W1t11:-Va-,
v riablej Output :for Cannon, and I do hereby ill nebl i flirs skill d n 't t to ic itjappertains tolma-keand Use-13116 531118." There -is -kI 1 0,Wn a device for regulating partition I separating the" bore properlyg so ilf called from the chamberin which thecom tipnbeing'ipierced with an'orifice. Or tuyere I j l f s fired-i. ,7 lingthese conditions, "the movement of 1 the v; proje cti1e when fired is less rapid than if the T gas acted upon the a Whole surface of the bottom t oi the projectil g and on therother. -vrhand.ja giVen: displacement of theprojectile tainn high va1ueheforethe tuyereis disend-Z i There is thus obtained a very,- regular combustionof the powder-,3 i
I .The present" in'yention relatesto improye i n,- f0rder to permit, the. same conditions of 1' the regular combustion oithe powder," thefiring at variable initialiielocities'helow thee-normal initialvelocity, I 1 o 1 Accordi'g ,to this invention, Iobta-in the 1', reduction in the initial Velocity without diminutionv of the chairge -andwwithout in- "T creasing the volume ofith'e chamber, loyallowing tolescape to the exteriomagpart of i the gas resulting from: the combujstibn" of I the powder; this discharge; corninencingfonly 1 when the projectile has "already assumed a certain;displacement;'and this insures, durl-v j I ing a sufl'icient time V to allowzthe pressure to attain a high value, ia v combustion. identical with whatlis produced when not dischalfg f takes pag satzP rijen h l i Depar t epu the start of the flow; into the" cannon hon-3H1.
he ol ewi itoi 5 1 d r, n .1exactdescriptionof theinvention suchfas V v 7 ;,0u tput orifice the .Wall of"the tuyeregfsq,
isc eo fe' i e -Q 1 compmslng 1e 3 bu'stionof the powder is flected said {parti} "in which is engaged, inftheJfiringlosition,
vprojeetio-n extending rearwardly of pthe' v I p p I the exterior as soon asthe orifice of th d-lse mornentary,closingqof said tuyere'when the. V V v I i jection of the-bottom ofgthe projectile, p
7 somewhat before the 'tuyere is l itsel f disen "twill cause' a lnuch smaller 1 augmentation io f" the spaceofferedto the ,fIhe combustlon 3Q'ns-tant volume; and its. pressure, may a ti this p'ro cessifor the reduction of'the initi'aL servirig'to; close" :the'wsaidituyereljl .inents'in thearrangement; above mentioned p I p p 77 I binatlon offersthe particular advantage in Wide limits hutiwithout" changeji progressively I ary the initial .1 Velocity I these conditions, the progressive e var'ia I in the -firing'distance which is neeessary fin I locity constant progressively Var isch rge s mmen es ib v o e h f y yrie s 1 a f c se gagedy e'Qb r ngp iec pmi q thabthe output of the tuyre wili beQfI'OmQ; J
less than; whatlit Wou1 thegsaid discharge; H N
For this purp ose" there 'forrned;
partltionj a g discharge conduit. haying:
d' have ;beenlwithout 6 I tom nof; the projectile Thej said feonduit communicates with a cjock permittingto ulate the'discharge of th ejga s 1 I When; the, said cock is c1 0 charge of gasisnull tuyere is a i.maXiniuInQhndfthefproj I 1 ti l I fir at -x lum; nnitv ,i lire ecity- L When t e aid ock' s p n;t es m yl wp tbs:
charge" "conduit is uncovered gtheipr There will 7 evidentlyZ result, a r d i quent1y areducti0n in the-initial Velocity; v
What characterizes the jpresentlinizeiition 1s notrthe feasibility of reducing the, initial uelocityhy the dischargeto ihe exterior'ggof a portion of the gas produced the "com bus'tionj'o f-thepowdernzhutl it s-guigfp r-' ticular combination [which is rnadeyb tween elocity, and lithe. use;of,;a tuyre and f projectile provided with an; extensio pie bs-Q0 1 permitting to rary :the initial ave-160a :yvrt
, the regularity, of the combustionof the powde k i 7 since the discharge orifice, coveredjhyl 1 the extension piece of the projectile, fis only; lincovered after' the pressure has attained ,af high va1ue',;a's,above1 set forth] 1' Another feature of the invention is lthej 2100" use of a cock permitting the rprogressiirereg -g v ulation of the discharge, and I Y may "time regulatingfthe firingfinaybe 'obtained'either 3- in theflordinary niannerby learingthe, ,e-
ing the angle, or on the contrary by leav progressively operation the entire region which is capable ot-being attained by the projectiles, iron". the greatest range obtained with the highest initial velocityand a firing angle of 15, to the smallest range obtained with the smallest initial velocity and thesmallest firing angle in the case or" horizontal "firing, or the largest angle the case of vertical firing;
"The arrangement according-to the invention is not-solely applicable to projectiles with studs and to a cannon whose firing charge is introduced through the breech. it may further be utilized when the projectile iscprovided with stabilizing wings or when it carries its own firing charge. The projectile may even he of the'wing type and carry its ownfiring charge.
The appended drawings show byway of example an embodiment of the invention, a
modification 'of the form 'otthe cock, and a.
modified form ot-construction corresponding to the use of projectiles carrying their own firing charge. K
Fig. 1 is a'lengthwise section of a cannon constructed according to the in'vention.-
' 21s a transverse section oi the cock.
Fig. 3 isa side view of the cannon mount.- ed on Sitscarriage to show the connection between the mechanism tor the control of the plug otthe cock and the mechanism for the elevation. 7 i
Fig. 4 is a partial sectionon the line A'A of Fig. 3-. I i Fig. 5 ism-partial lengthwise section of the cannon showing by way of modification the use of a disk cock.
Fig. .6 is a horizontal view of the cock sho wn in Fig. 5, showing the form otthe orifices in said disks. u
Figs. 7 and 8 showa modified embodi ment of the invention in the case in which the projectile carries itsown firing charge; Fig.1.showsthecannon 1 which is divided into two partsby the partition 2, pierced with an orificeor tuyere in which'is engaged theprojection'a secured to the bottom otihe projectile 3. A-conduit 5 formed in the body of'thepartitiOn-Q.and opening into the wall of the tuyere, serves 'to connect this latter with a discharge tube 6 disposed along the cannon, through the medium of a cock '7 whose plug ii is rotatable in a cylindrical body or chamber 9 so as to close or'open tlie orifice of the tube 6.
axis which extends to the extcriorn'iay be actuated by meansot a knob, a crank or in any other manner, and that a dial concentric with the axis will allow oit indicating the positions to be given tothe cock plug in order to obtain thejdesired velocities. In the case above considered in which one fires at a constant angle and at a variable initial velocity, the dial of the cock may he graduated in firing distances. But it has also been stated above that it maybe advantagcousto regulate the degree of opening of the cock in proportion to, the angle of aiming for elevation;. a form of realization of this latter means for controlling thecock plug is shown, in Figs. 2 to 1-. p
This form of realization is given solely by way ot-example, and any other device providing for the connection between the said cock and the means for aiming for elevation while permitting the recoil ot the cannon may .be employed instead of the one'herein described. Such devices are in current use for varying the length of the recoil in proportion to the firing angle,'=lt'or apparatus in which the brake body is subject to recoil, "for example.
To the shaft 10 is keyeda bevel pinion 1-1 which is actuated by a set of pinions contained in a casing 12 se cured to thefmain body of the cock. The end pinion 13 is slidable'on'a rod 14: mounted on an arm 15 which is secured to the non-rolling part otthe pivoting aggregate. In the rod 14 is a longitudinal slot .in which is slidab'le astud carried by the pinion 13, thus obliging this latter to rotate with the rod 14:. i The latter carrie'sat thetront end an actuating pinion 23 t) in gear arrangement with a lateral toothedp ortion 24 ot the sector for aimin'gtor'eleva'tion 16. The arm 16 carries at the end the elevation mechanism comprising an operating crank 17 which actuates by bevel pinions and worm gearing the outer toothed portion'ot the-sector 16.
The values of the elevation are read 'upon the outer face of the sector 16 opposite a pointer25 mounted .on the arm 15. T 0 cor rect'the error due to an inclination of the carriageto the frontor'reanihe sector 16 is not fixed with ireterence'to the small pivot ing carriage 20. A mechanism analogous to the elevation mechanism, but mounted on the small carriage 20, allowsot-turning together as a whole the pivoting aggregate and the said sector, by acting upon the knob 21 which actuatesby bevel ,p inions and worm gearing an inner toothed portion formed on thelower part otthesector 16. A spirit level 22.n1ounted on the sector 16 serves to checkthe proper inclination of the latter.
The sector 16 is graduated in-such manner that the figure which is observed adjacent 'onrtheifiri'n g and the init a onds tofthis positio tothe' sector I16:
tlifgre'atestcorresponds to an angle? of i rla-gey ngfthe' degree of opening of the cock tothe shall Vary according to thje firing angle lac: ieoramgm which isco'nsider'ed the) liig lst si'iit'able. f'Qnejinay' act for this purpose uponfthe ratioi o'f itransmi'ssion'of the set of gearing,
tin'g oifthcock plug and uponlthe form of the, ustabl'e. orifice. or: the cock, One may 7 further employ, 'i 'in the gear transmission,
fifstance a cam with suitable outlineto suit 11 ,ably ary the ratio between the rate of rotaf tion" of the aiming-angle.
"fitting; exactlyiupon one another, comprise recesses so disposed that the rotation of the fof"1'obtainingfcoincidence between; said re-o cesses'or 'on the contrary of closlng'them ofl'.
Qcock,"iwhilst'the disk 27 is on the contrary freetoirotatei' r a a The," axle ofvthe said .;cock' traverses the two disks. with easy friction in such manner necessary by j the flattening of the upper pack operating with flat parts or'studs on the disk 26, toensure the in its rotation. 'Figs. 7 and 8 show modifications of the a cannon'in accordance with the invention; in these modifications the projectile carries Y to I: municate through an orifice32 formed in the projectionlf33 of the projectile-. The combustion chamber is closed by an obturating lieftransrnission' shouldfobviously be f-vf, p V vfecte'c l inj suc'h niann'e'r fthat"theolosed' fposi .the'projectile,at thetime"whenjtheprojectile If tibnar the cock'fo'r which}thefinitial' izeloci I I hisfji i'll alfior dthe maxim m-fi ing *dis-f The rotati 1110f the pi'yo tingfmassf,
' "ll" eifectimore-or less of the cock, [which as wading,
the-niaximuin; angle allowediby f ce we f 5 Y "posedin the fuse ecarr It isifeasibleto vary the conditionsunib Y V I j 4 7 in;the"?first placethroughthe disclargeco .angleiot aiming for. eleya't'ion, and-thus'jto" Y i afran'gej a s so that the fi g distance" the fbore,f takes place fas j in aiewprecedin case, bnt wijtli the difference that'onlya 'of fthef gasentering the 'bore-comesfr m.- J combustion chamber] ftuyere, ,while another pa rt' of the; fcdr'iies upon the dimensions and-theYoriginal set- {ch "tuyerei'ij" r I Fig; 3-7 shows a pro ectile provided-with? means known per "set co-mprlsing' for in,
stabilizing 7 Wings tion'of thecock plug 'and'the rate-of aria- 'smooth bore type.
- -Figs.5 and 6 show a cock whose axis vertically disposed. Two disks 26 and27,
di'fsk 24 relatively to the disk 7 "win allow" Thedisk-Q'Y is screwed into the wall'of the a tuyere' arranged inthe isaid partition' and 1 bore, ayproj'ectionat. the rearof th evproas 'tbqb vyertically slidable suchjas is made L ing' member, but while itsws'urface is oylin 'lricallvadjacent'the' stationary disk 27', it.
has one or more flat parts or grooves coj entraining of the latter 4 bore, a projection at the rear. of the prog its own cannon charge, so that thechamber'yjectile which may be engaged in: the said 30 situated rearwardly Qoffthe partitions;
partition and opening; into "the wall of the- 'jectile and means for regulating theout- .put of the said conduit. 7 I Y In a cannon, a powder chamber ar-g breech piece with movable head, tor exw i netYon' mg l -Jemima; I
rod"36.-" contained in the 0 attainstlie end of j V is thus automatio'all 'ettecjt'ed at the 'end {Tlifrstriker mi -'56 which' i's held or a yiiig -tube, I 1 'iSTobsferVed that the'discharge0f ggsjr Quit whemhe; corkiisiopen,--and then withi directly'jfrorn the *powder chamberfiof the i; projectile, but this 5 willlnot 'fs'ubstantially 9 I nge theoondition o fjfltunctioning ot I studs for use Withfa rifled cannon, wlli lstQ, Fig. 8 represents a. projectlle provided)7V1 th;9
in a cannon ofthe :V
connecting the said chamber and tliers'aid jectile which may b'enengaged in the said I tuyere, anoutlet conduit formed i i the said",
partition and openinginto thewallpf the :tu'yre and means for regulating theouti p'u'tjof thesaid-conduit'rl,
j 2. Ina cannon, a powder chan'ib er ar v rangedat the rear part thereof, a' bore for thetravel of the projectile, a partitionbes tween the said chamber and the, said bore, a tuyere arranged in thesaid partition. and connecting the said chamber and the said tuyere, an outlet conduit formed injthe said; I
tuyerefin front of the projection of thepro ji V ranged at the'rear part thereof, a boreffor j i, the travel' ofi'the projectile, a partition between the said chamber and the said bore, a
tuyere arranged in' the-said partition and' which may beengaged in the said tuyere,
an outlet conduit formed in the said partition and opening into the'wall of the tuyere and a cock disposed in the said outlet conduit. V i
4. I-nfia cannon, a powder chamber arranged at the rear part thereof, a bore for the travel of the projectile,a partition between the said chamber and the said bore, a ;tuyere arranged in the said partition and connecting the saidchamber and the said bore, a projection atthe rear of the projectile which may be engaged inthe said tuyere, an outlet conduit formed in the said partition and opening into the wall of the tuyere, a cock disposed in the said outlet conduit, means for aiming the cannon for elevation and connecting organs between the said means and the said cock.
5. In-a cannon, a powder chamber arrangedat the rear part thereof, a bore for the travel of the projectile, a partition between the said chamber and the said bore; a tuyere arranged in the said partition and connecting the said chamber and the said bore, a projection at the rear of the projectile which may be engaged in the said tuyere, an outlet conduit formed in the said partition and opening into the wall of the tuyere,. a cock disposed in the said outlet conduit means for aiming the cannon for elevation, connecting organs between the said means and the said cock and means for controlling by hand the said cock.
6, In a cannon, a powder chamber arranged at the rear part thereof, a bore for the travel of the projectile, a partition between the said chamber and the said bore, a tuyere arranged in the said partition and connecting the said chamber and the said bore, a projection at the rear of the projectile which may be engaged in the said tuyere, a powder chamber in the rear part of the said projectile, a channel connecting the said chamber with the powder chamber of the cannon, an outlet conduit formed in the said partition and opening into the wall of the tuyere and means for regulating the output of the said conduit.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto afiixed my signature.
US43355A 1924-07-30 1925-07-13 Tuyere with variable output for cannon Expired - Lifetime US1559183A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US43355A US1559183A (en) 1924-07-30 1925-07-13 Tuyere with variable output for cannon

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FR597102T 1924-07-30
US43355A US1559183A (en) 1924-07-30 1925-07-13 Tuyere with variable output for cannon

Publications (1)

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US1559183A true US1559183A (en) 1925-10-27



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
US43355A Expired - Lifetime US1559183A (en) 1924-07-30 1925-07-13 Tuyere with variable output for cannon

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US (1) US1559183A (en)

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