US1007488A - Calculating-machine. - Google Patents

Calculating-machine. Download PDF


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US1007488A US57709110A US1910577091A US1007488A US 1007488 A US1007488 A US 1007488A US 57709110 A US57709110 A US 57709110A US 1910577091 A US1910577091 A US 1910577091A US 1007488 A US1007488 A US 1007488A
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Expired - Lifetime
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William P Quentell
Franklin Judge
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AB Dick Co
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AB Dick Co
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Application filed by AB Dick Co filed Critical AB Dick Co
Priority to US57709110A priority Critical patent/US1007488A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of US1007488A publication Critical patent/US1007488A/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
Expired - Lifetime legal-status Critical Current




    • G06C23/00Driving mechanisms for functional elements
    • G06C23/02Driving mechanisms for functional elements of main shaft


  • Y chlde fufffms This invention femke/S to calculnng maof which WM hw@ chnes im psl'fm'mng opel'a'imls in :UML detail.
  • a plurality ot ⁇ rows of keys are provided as many rows as th number of numerical orders in which it is desired to operato, each row comprising ynine keys numbered 'trom one to nine. (ine key in each row may be depressed tor each operatioi'n and when that key is depressed, it is locked in its depressed position and the other keys in the row are locked against dcpression. When a key in a row is.
  • the preferred 'forni ot support is a strip oi-lsjheet-meta'i ot' suitable centig-- uration and this support may have one or more integral 'port-ions lthereof bent at an angie to the body portion ot the support and of the requisite length to serve as spacers for separating the several supports jthe required distance.
  • Fig: l shows a machine made up of eight such units ⁇ r this machinebeing adapted for operation in dollars ⁇ and cents upto. one million dollars.
  • The. lconstruction ot' each ot the units employed inthe machine ⁇ is best illustrated in Figs. 4 to 7'. Referring to theseI tjg'ures, it will he bseen that the supportingw'member for the unit consists of a piece of sheet-metal l, 'having itsifforward end Q turned at. a right angle to the body-portion of the strip to v.form aspacer, as will be hereinafter de-y scribed.
  • a roW of nine keys 3 is mounted 'j'lpon thef'support l, these keys being numtiered from one to nine beginning at the j trout oi the machine.
  • each ot these keys il is mounted upon a stein l and is adapted to slide vertically upon the support l; for this purpose each keystem 1l is 'provided with two slots through which extend the shanks ot studs entering' openings .
  • llach key is normally held in a 4raised position by means of a spring G one end et ivhich is secured to an eye 7 formed upon the key-stein Lland the other end ot which is secured to one ot' the studs 5.
  • each key is provided with a downwartflly eritendiiur projection 8 and in rear ot this a 'laterally extending projection t).
  • lsoeach key is provided with a laterally extendingy pin or stud l0.
  • the lower ends oi all of the keys in the row are adapted to eoact with a pivoted sliding-bar ll of angular cross-section- This bar is j'iivotallyv erally extending; end 2 ot' the support i and the other in a similar lateral projection lintegral with support i.
  • the bar il are a phirality oi" spaced openings or slots ot progressively increasing length, as shown in Fie. 7, through which the projections 8 on the key-stems are adapted to project when thc'keys are depressed.
  • the bar il as above stated is ot angrtllar cross-section, it being' bent lengthwise to 'form a side-wall i3 and at the top thereof a flange 14 directed toward the key-stems.
  • in the bottom wall of the bar ll is an opening and the upwardly turned end ot a link l5 enters loosely into this opening'.
  • .il spring; ⁇ it is connected at one end to the link i5 and at the other end to the lateral extension 2 of the support l so that this spring' tends to draw the link l5 and the slide-intr 'il forwardly.
  • a spring ⁇ 17 is connected at one end to the link l5 and at the other to an ej l tormed upon the slide-bar il so that this spring tends to turn the slide-bar l1. on .its pivots 'tar enough to carry the end of the wall. 'i3 ot the slide-bar opposite the end oit a stud 1 8 mounted upon the extension 2 et the support l.y llilhen the bar 1l is in this position7 shown in Fig. G, it is held against movement actuated by sprinlgl 1G.
  • tie-bars may he so positioned that it will serve as a support 'for the several links 15 to prevent the. latter from moving ⁇ vertically downward.
  • each unit is provided with :i gear- Wheel 26 operated by :i pawl mounted on ay pand-carrying erin 4l pivotally mounted on stud 25 and having the link 'l5 pivotally connected thereto.
  • the paxvl Z7 is not pivotally mounted directly upon the arin 4l but instead is pivotally mounted upon a. lever 42 which is pivotally mounted upon the puWl-carrying arm Lll.
  • the pivn otal connection between paivl 27 and the lever 42 passes through a. slot 44e provided in the arm 4d.
  • a trigger #lo Pivotally mounted upon the paul-carrying' arm is a trigger #lo havinga lateral projection 4G which is adapted to engage a shoulder formed on the lever l2 so as to hold the lever and the paivl 27 carried thereby against movement about the pivot 43 of the lever except when it necessary to carryover.
  • a spring ⁇ 4&7 is connected at one end to the trigger t5 and at the other end to the pivotal connection be tween the paivl 2T and lever 4Q.. This spring' serves two purposes, it tends to hold the trigger down upon the end oi lover 4L and in eoaction with 'the shoulder olf that lever.
  • the pmvhcarrving arm ell is provided with an opening- LS through which v extends a ⁇ stud Ll-) carried by theI poul Q7. Pivot-ally mounted upou the plvot-pin connecting the lmk with the pand-carrying;
  • lever 5l44 is connected at one end to this lever and at the other end to the stud 49 and serves the double purpose oli' holding the pawl 27 ⁇ yieldingly in coaction with the. teeth of gear 26 and of holding the lever 5() yieldingly in the position in which it is shown in Figs. 9 and l2.
  • - f lhen lever 5 0 is in this positiom' one end 'thereof is directly .in rear of the inner end of the lever 42 and serves to preclude movement of lever l2 in case trigger is accidentally displaced.
  • the opposite end 53 of lever 50 extends adjacent to ⁇ the edge of the paivhcarrying arm 4l and -2 and 9.
  • Lever 50 also provided, with a. lateral projection entering a slot in the persi-carrying irin il 7o to limit the movement o" lever f I rlhe movement ot 'the operating erm il .in one direction is limited by i stud .iflf projecting from the support l, this stud serving ⁇ to prevent overthrow of the oper-Ming arm as 7: the result of momentum.
  • rllhe lever 42 is prtwided with a lateral projection. at its reiir end adapted to be engaged by the inner :nd olf a lever 57 pivotelly mounted upon toe stud 28 and pressed by a ⁇ spring to turn it in.
  • a Sleeve S6 is prtivided Upon which the pinion (32 is formed and the nmnher wheel Gl is seenred to this sleeve hy means ot a, plurality o't projeetions Si' passing ⁇ through (3l and having servo as rivets.
  • the cam 63 is fitted upon the sleeve SG and a rivet S8 passes tl'irongh the eam and one of the projeetions 8T on sleeve SG.
  • This rivet 88 serves as a pivot pin Vtor a detent SS), the erd ot which. is adapted to iai-1s through an opening in the sleeve SG, and, when resetting ⁇ the number wheels, to enter a notch in the shaft 90 on which. the numher wheels are mounted.
  • the shaft 90 may he moved in the direction of its length to bring slots therein under the detente 80, so that the detente for the several numher wheels may enter these notehes when lsha'l't .)0 ie rotated; then hy rotating' shalt il() the several wheels will automatieally het-.ome elutehed to the shaft and all ot the wheels will he rotated to the zero position.
  • the notches' in shaft Q0 in which the detente Si) are reeeived are inclined at one end so that when the numher wheels have heen brought to the zero positionLthe shaft 90 ma);v he moved lengthwioe haelr. to
  • hail is shown at 92 and is pivotally mounted (Fig. 2) upon the platesl 33 and 35 (Fig. '1). .Ext its ends the hail is .provided with projeetionsffl (Fig. 14) adapted to eoaet with cams 4t secured upon Sha.;l S1. llhen the projeetions 93 are in the vmatches oit the cams 9-1- as shown in Fig. 14. the'hail 92 in engagement with the teeth of the gears 25 and holds those gears and the numher wheels against movement.
  • handle T7 is provided with a enrved snriaee 0G whieheoaets with theourved surlare ot lock handle T7 against moven'ient when Shaft 90 has heen moved lengthwise to the resettineposition.
  • Springs J7 are eonnerted at one end to the and at. their opparts TT and connected h v the operating rod SQ so that after handle TT has heen moved in one direction mannally ⁇ thesespringrs will return it to its initial. position.
  • Means are also provided tor enforcing' a tull movement oli the operating ⁇ handle TT in either diret-tion helore it ran he moved in the opposite direetion.
  • a spring 100 is eonneeted to the lever 90 and adapted to hold il in the poaitien in whit-h it is shown in Fig. ll. 5'? is moved to the pos-ite ends 'to the
  • handle l lett in that 'liguria teeth'lS engage the end of the sleeve 95 to .ttter the'end of lever 9S
  • the depre 'sion lOl it can turn on its pivot through a substantial are and during the return uuweiueht et the handle 7? the opposite side oitl the end et lerer 99 rides on the teeth Slt and in the same manner enforces a corn pletereturn movement oi" the handle 77.
  • rod 10o is niovedto the lett in Fig. 3 and rarries with it all ot the Strips 2O against the tension of small springe 107, each eouueeted at one end vto a strip 2G and at the other end to a stud on thesupport l, and when the strips 20 are so moved they will hold down any keys which have been deressed' during a plurality ot operations of handle 77, as ahove deserihed.
  • Loos-ely pivoted upon emh stud 25 is a lever 108 4having a segment. of gear teeth 109 formed thereon eoneentrio with stub 25 and these teethV are engaged hy the teeth ot a raek 110 'formed on an error hey lll. lhe stein .ot this ltey and the member l adjacent to the key are provided with slots to receive studs, one ou the support ⁇ and one on the key stem to guide the error key in its vertieal nmveinent.
  • spring 1li? seeured at one end to the error key and at the opposite end to a support on the stud l to normally hold the error key in its raised position.
  • the mechanism operated hy the error aria key for restoring the, patrl-earrying possesses the advantage over that sho the patent before referred to5 that, it 'k mits of a better alinernent ot the parte t 2 stituting, ⁇ the mechanism for one numeric t order, this alinerneot bringing eaeh row oli' keys, its error key and i; uniliier Wheel more closely in line.
  • a calculating machine tor caler. iu a plurality ot numerical ordere a ing a ⁇ plurality oit individual units; ing; mechanism 'for calculating merieal order and carrying mee eludinga laterally projecting ineuiher, means for securing said unite to ther by side with the laterally' pr o ianism ot each unit; he mechanism et the :'antially as set ⁇ forth.
  • a calculating ⁇ machine vfor calculating i in a plurality ot numerical orders compris-- ing a plurality oi'. individual units each consisting ot a ⁇ supporting .member and mechanism 'for calculating in one numerical order and carr ⁇ ,.ingi, ⁇ mechanism mounted thereon, and means for securing said units together, snheta'ntiallj.' as itorth. :Z Si, alcnlating machine for calculating, ⁇
  • a in Y a plurality of imlividual units each consistino' of a supiiortingmember and mechai. in for calculating in one nun'ierical order and carrying mechanism mounted thereon, rods passing through openings in said supportingmembers to aline said units, spacing devices for spacing said units apart, and means for securing the units'together, substantially as set forth.
  • nl means tor securing aid units tog, ⁇ ther, an
  • ora-rath device conm i. to all ot tid units a d onthulling trui erselv with respect to them, and means moving said device, substantiall)1 .as th.
  • a calculating, ⁇ machine for calculating in a plurality ot' numerical orders comprising a plurality ot individual units each having, ⁇ mechanism for calculating ⁇ in one numerical order and carrying mechanism, means ⁇ for securing said units together, a number-wheel shalt; extending transverse to said units, and a plurality of number-wheels on said shafty one for each unit and each actuated by the calculating ⁇ mechanism of the Corresponding uniti, substantially set forth.
  • a calculating machine for calculating ⁇ in a plurality of numerical orders comprising a plurality of individual units each having mechanism for calculating in one numerical order and carrying mechanism, means for securing said units together, a nun'iber-wheel sha 'lt extending transverse to said units, a plurality ot number-wheels on said shaft one for each unit and each actuated by the calculating mechanism ot the corresponding unit', and means l'or actuating said number-wheels to turn them all simultaneously to the Zero position, substantially as set forth.
  • .fk unit tor use in a. calculating' nia-- chine co1uprisingr a support, a rou' olf kcys thereon, a movable device mounted on said supporty and movable in one direction when a key is depressed a distance corresponding' to the value of the key depressed, a wheel mounted on said support; rotated when returning,l said device to its initial position and carrying mechanism also mounted on said support, substantially as set forth.
  • a unit for use in a calculatint,r machine comprising; a support, a row ot keys thereon, a movable device mounted on said support and movable in one direction when a key is depressed a distance corrcsptaidingl to the value ot the key depressed, means on said support for locking;- the key depressed in its depressed position and the other keys in the rowag'ainst. depression, a wheel mounted on said support rotated when retairningg, ⁇ said device to its initial. position, and carrying mechanism also mountedon said support, suhst'antially as set torth. ⁇
  • A. unit for use in a calculating machine comprising a support, a roiv of keys thereon, a movable device mounted on saidl support and movable in one direction when a key is depressed a distance corresponding to the value ot the key depressed, a wheel pivotally mounted 'on said support, a pawl pivotally 'mounted concentric with said wheel and. connected to said device, and carrying mechanism also mounted on said support, substantially as set forth.
  • a calculating machine for calculating in a plurality of numerical orders comprising a plurality of individual units ⁇ each having mechanism for calculating in one numerical order and carrying mechanism including a laterally projecting member, means for spacing said units apart, means for securing the units together side 4by side with the laterally projecting member of the carrying mechanism of each unit in position to enon, a bar slidable upon the support under' ⁇ the control of the keys, a Wheel pivotally mounted on the support, a pawl pivotally mounted on the support concentric with said Wheel and connected to said slide bar and carrying mechanism also mounted on said support, and means for securing said units together, substantially set forth.
  • a calculating machine for calculating in aplurality of numerical orders comprising aplurality of individual units arranged side by side andeach having mechanism for calculating in one numerical order and carrying devices for engaging and operating the calculating mechanism of the next adjacent unit, and means for securing the plurality of individual units together, substantially as set forth.
  • a calculating machine for calculating in a plurality of numerical orders comprismg a plurality of individual units arranged side by side and each having a support and calculating mechanism for .one numerical order, carrying mechanism and spacers on said supports, means for securing said units together and plates at opposite sides of the plurality of units spaced therefrom but secured thereto, substantially as set forth.
  • a support In a calculating machine, a support, a row of keys mounted for movement thereon, a bar movable under the control of said keys, a projection on each key, a multiplying strip having projections thereon to engage said projections on the' keys, parallel links pivotally connected to said support and said strip, vand means for actuating said strips, substantially as set forth.
  • a toothed wheel mounted for rotation an arm pivotally mounted concentric with said Wheel, a pawl mounted on said arm and coacting with said Wheel, key-actuated devices for positioning said arm, means for operating said arm, means carried by said arm for giving said paivl an extra movement to carry over from one denomination to another, and spring-actuated devices for operating saidmeans, substantially as set forth.
  • a calculating machine the combination of a phirality of toothed Wheels arranged parallel one to another, a pawl for each Wheel, key-actuated devices for positioning said ayvls,.a rod extending transversely to said Wheels, pivotally mounted supports for said rod concentric with said wheels, and gearing between said supports, for causing them to move-in unison, substantially as set fort-h.
  • a calculating machine the combination of a plurality of Wheels, key-set devices,l for controlling the position thereof, un operating device for operating said Wheels, carrying mechanism for operating the Wheels to carry from one denomination to another, and a lock for the carrying mechanism actuated to releasesaid mechanism by said operating device, substantially as set forth.
  • a toothed Wheel mounted for rotation, an operating arm pivoted concentric therewith, a pawl carried by said arm, means for actuating said arm to cause the pawl to actuate the wheel, a permanent stop'to arrest rotation of said arm and prevent overthrow thereof, and means for moving the pawl independently of the arm to carry from a lower to a higher denomination, substantially as set forth.


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Computer Hardware Design (AREA)
  • Computing Systems (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Theoretical Computer Science (AREA)
  • Handcart (AREA)


' Patented 961.31, 1911;
Patented 001;.31,1911
ATTORN EY Patented 061311911.
Patented Oct. 31, 19M,
Patentd GCE. 31, i911 5 SHEBTSMSHBBT 5 Application, fled .lwusz 2.3
in the city, cmmy, and State of New York, :hu-ing d@ perm@ mf: me, l 5 :md FRANKLLN JUDGE5 cllzen of th@ Umed very nmfom miis, residing at Norwalk, in Hm wuniiy stx-ud@ i'w se of Fairfield and'tate of Connecticut, haveV :1 whoe and invented certain new and useful mpove repair need be d: 'ments in Cnlcuating-Machines, of which the this feanm Q1 i() folowng 'is z specicaton. Y chlde: fufffms This invention femke/S to calculnng maof which WM hw@ chnes im psl'fm'mng opel'a'imls in :UML detail. C
tion., m mtmcton, et@ and has; reform@ imm-e pautcuhuy io QACHRtHg machin 1 l5 mi!! the typ@ djsscoged in Patent Numircf @SGA-HL {15H01} m i910.
depression of t-he keys. A plurality ot `rows of keys are provided as many rows as th number of numerical orders in which it is desired to operato, each row comprising ynine keys numbered 'trom one to nine. (ine key in each row may be depressed tor each operatioi'n and when that key is depressed, it is locked in its depressed position and the other keys in the row are locked against dcpression. When a key in a row is. depressed, 1t permits a slide-bar corresponding 'to that row to move in the direction of its length a dist-ance corresponding to the value of the key depressed, ano as this slide-bar moves thus, it carries a pawl around upon a gear Wheel With which that pawl coacts, the
movement of the pawl thuslbeinp; commensurate with the movement et the slide-bar. Upon actuation of the operatingv device, all the pawls which have been moved thus are turned. to their initial positions, moving their gear wheels `with them7 andthe `fear wheels v cause corresponding rotation ot the number Wheels, which either indicate the result of the operation or are positioned for printing theoresult upon a suitable paper strip. ln Combination with these parts a carrying; mechanism is employed whereby any one oi" the mechanisms can cause the mechanism ot the next.- hilejher order to advance one unit as will be well understood.
In accordance with the present invention,v
wheel actuated on the return ot that slidebar to its initial position and the cari-ving mechanism corresponding` to that ninnber wheel are all mounted upon a single support so that all of these parts tor one nu- .,Inerical order niay be assembled upon that L)support and thereafter a suitable number of these units may be placed together in a machine. The preferred 'forni ot support is a strip oi-lsjheet-meta'i ot' suitable centig-- uration and this support may have one or more integral 'port-ions lthereof bent at an angie to the body portion ot the support and of the requisite length to serve as spacers for separating the several supports jthe required distance. Fig: l shows a machine made up of eight such units`r this machinebeing adapted for operation in dollars` and cents upto. one million dollars. The. lconstruction ot' each ot the units employed inthe machine `is best illustrated in Figs. 4 to 7'. Referring to theseI tjg'ures, it will he bseen that the supportingw'member for the unit consists of a piece of sheet-metal l, 'having itsifforward end Q turned at. a right angle to the body-portion of the strip to v.form aspacer, as will be hereinafter de-y scribed. A roW of nine keys 3 is mounted 'j'lpon thef'support l, these keys being numtiered from one to nine beginning at the j trout oi the machine. `Each ot these keys il is mounted upon a stein l and is adapted to slide vertically upon the support l; for this purpose each keystem 1l is 'provided with two slots through which extend the shanks ot studs entering' openings .in the support l, llach key is normally held in a 4raised position by means of a spring G one end et ivhich is secured to an eye 7 formed upon the key-stein Lland the other end ot which is secured to one ot' the studs 5. At its lower end each key is provided with a downwartflly eritendiiur projection 8 and in rear ot this a 'laterally extending projection t). lsoeach key is provided with a laterally extendingy pin or stud l0. The lower ends oi all of the keys in the row are adapted to eoact with a pivoted sliding-bar ll of angular cross-section- This bar is j'iivotallyv erally extending; end 2 ot' the support i and the other in a similar lateral projection lintegral with support i. in the body-portion oi.r the bar il are a phirality oi" spaced openings or slots ot progressively increasing length, as shown in Fie. 7, through which the projections 8 on the key-stems are adapted to project when thc'keys are depressed.
The bar il as above stated is ot angrtllar cross-section, it being' bent lengthwise to 'form a side-wall i3 and at the top thereof a flange 14 directed toward the key-stems. in the bottom wall of the bar ll is an opening and the upwardly turned end ot a link l5 enters loosely into this opening'. .il spring;` it is connected at one end to the link i5 and at the other end to the lateral extension 2 of the support l so that this spring' tends to draw the link l5 and the slide-intr 'il forwardly. A spring` 17 is connected at one end to the link l5 and at the other to an ej l tormed upon the slide-bar il so that this spring tends to turn the slide-bar l1. on .its pivots 'tar enough to carry the end of the wall. 'i3 ot the slide-bar opposite the end oit a stud 1 8 mounted upon the extension 2 et the support l.y llilhen the bar 1l is in this position7 shown in Fig. G, it is held against movement actuated by sprinlgl 1G. When any key 3 is depressed the extension S thereoin is projected through its corre spending opening- 1.9 in the slide-har ll and thereafter the lateral projection 5) on the key-stem enger1 the slide-bar 1l and rocks` that bar on its vpivots sutiicient to carry the end of the side-wall 13 free of the studlS; when this occurs the spring 16 draws the link l5 and slide-har l1 *forwardly until further movement of the slide-bar is arrested by the projection. 8 on the'stem of the key which has been depressed engaging the rear Wall of the slot 19 inA bar ll through which it has been projected. When the slide-har il is rocked. on its pivots in the i'nounted in oi'ieuing's termed one in the latv machine lirmly between tlicln. One of these tie-bars may he so positioned that it will serve as a support 'for the several links 15 to prevent the. latter from moving` vertically downward.
The mechanism for o'ierating the number Wheels .vill now be described. As above stated each unit is provided with :i gear- Wheel 26 operated by :i pawl mounted on ay pand-carrying erin 4l pivotally mounted on stud 25 and having the link 'l5 pivotally connected thereto. The paxvl Z7 is not pivotally mounted directly upon the arin 4l but instead is pivotally mounted upon a. lever 42 which is pivotally mounted upon the puWl-carrying arm Lll. The pivn otal connection between paivl 27 and the lever 42 passes through a. slot 44e provided in the arm 4d. Pivotally mounted upon the paul-carrying' arm is a trigger #lo havinga lateral projection 4G which is adapted to engage a shoulder formed on the lever l2 so as to hold the lever and the paivl 27 carried thereby against movement about the pivot 43 of the lever except when it necessary to carryover. A spring` 4&7 is connected at one end to the trigger t5 and at the other end to the pivotal connection be tween the paivl 2T and lever 4Q.. This spring' serves two purposes, it tends to hold the trigger down upon the end oi lover 4L and in eoaction with 'the shoulder olf that lever. and it lends to turn the lever #l2 backuf'ardly on its pivot to suoli a position that the trigger l5 can co-act with the shoulder on the lever. The pmvhcarrving arm ell is provided with an opening- LS through which v extends a` stud Ll-) carried by theI poul Q7. Pivot-ally mounted upou the plvot-pin connecting the lmk with the pand-carrying;
arm lll. a locking* lever .30. A spring 5l44 is connected at one end to this lever and at the other end to the stud 49 and serves the double purpose oli' holding the pawl 27 `yieldingly in coaction with the. teeth of gear 26 and of holding the lever 5() yieldingly in the position in which it is shown in Figs. 9 and l2.- f lhen lever 5 0 is in this positiom' one end 'thereof is directly .in rear of the inner end of the lever 42 and serves to preclude movement of lever l2 in case trigger is accidentally displaced. The opposite end 53 of lever 50 extends adjacent to `the edge of the paivhcarrying arm 4l and -2 and 9. -lio e completed un moverse when lever 5() is in locking position this end 53 projects beyond the edge of the arm eil shown in Figs. 9 and l2, Lever 50 also provided, with a. lateral projection entering a slot in the persi-carrying irin il 7o to limit the movement o" lever f I rlhe movement ot 'the operating erm il .in one direction is limited by i stud .iflf projecting from the support l, this stud serving` to prevent overthrow of the oper-Ming arm as 7: the result of momentum. p "Vl/'hen i key is depressed, resulting in the forward movement ot the slide-bar lll the `link l5 and the pau/l carrying arm together with the parts moved thereby are carried around the pivot of wheel QG in :iccf` dence with the movement of link lo. il her ",.e is then operated to return the pawl-cerrying arm und the parts carried there-j to their initial position and. when these parts :nre moved thus, they turn wheel QG a distance corresponding to the value of the key depressed. lt it is necessary vto carry' one to 'the Wheel thus actuated, the trigier es is released and the lever l-Z is eauwd to turn about its pivot so as to cari;' v pir-vl forward and thus move wheel EEG one step lartlier, the lever 5t) being; rocked to mi lock lever 4-2- and permit this movement il the latter. rllhe lever 42 is prtwided with a lateral projection. at its reiir end adapted to be engaged by the inner :nd olf a lever 57 pivotelly mounted upon toe stud 28 and pressed by a` spring to turn it in. e eounter-clocl Wise direction er sof Jee t are not under tension, the sprl bearing upon studs on the convenience in assembling'. YW for e. machine are assembled, lio'weve 60 is employed as hereinafter desc the ends of the springs ti@ are cai this bail G0 shown in t?, L so as to exert tension upon lev Finch time :i piivvl carrying arm is from Jdie Fig, 1l position 'to the 'if-ign sition, the laterally turned end oit the le@ e2 engages the inner end of the. lever l raises that lever slightly against the t. of spring;d '38 so that ii the trig` acting 'with that lever ithe lever 42. springactuated leve rock lever l2 on its pivot and fw move pa wl 27 and viv'heel lo to the currying over. lilo The mechanism for releasing' the trihrgers- 45 at 'the proper limes together with the indicating mechanism ot the machine, will non" be described.
For convenience in resetting lthe number wheels at the Zero position all of the number wheels ot the machine are mounted upon e vshalt extending across the machine." rl`he number Wheels are therefore not placed upon a unit when assembling the latter but ini imam n@ ii" :imi i 'from tim gm vom, minimi by' in their` i :mmf 24# @uds 53 ix www 4:xviii 'im leva-Vey isa im! G() fumi Ji nl latches i is is icliuncd tu its i3 im 'i i1 iin: mu
i the carrying` levere l2.
et its Spring 76 sollicitent, to canse the lat to release the lever 5G and allow the latter to he returned to its initial poeition by .itey spring (3S. Ylivlhen hail (30 'si lovv'ered7 it aleo engages the ends et' thel levers 5? and depresses those ends sutlieient to raise the opposite ends ot the levers 5'? and thus relieve the tension exerted by levers oT upon Thus at the end ol. the return 'movement ot the handle, sueh ot the levers L12 as have been aetua to earry trom one order to the next higher order`r may he immediately returned to their initial positionsl hy means ot their springs 11T and looked in this position hy their tr gers rhe Construction preferred Yfor the numher Wheels` (il. is shown in Figs. 15, 1G and 1'4". AS here shown a Sleeve S6 is prtivided Upon which the pinion (32 is formed and the nmnher wheel Gl is seenred to this sleeve hy means ot a, plurality o't projeetions Si' passing` through (3l and having servo as rivets. The cam 63 is fitted upon the sleeve SG and a rivet S8 passes tl'irongh the eam and one of the projeetions 8T on sleeve SG. This rivet 88 serves as a pivot pin Vtor a detent SS), the erd ot which. is adapted to iai-1s through an opening in the sleeve SG, and, when resetting` the number wheels, to enter a notch in the shaft 90 on which. the numher wheels are mounted. 1n
the openingS 1n the wheel then' ends turned over to` Y l l `with a ronieal s'ur't'aee whieh, when shalt OO aseemhling the parts for a machine the shaft 90 is inserted through openings provided in the supports l, and after its end is passed throngh each' of the supports, a nnmher wheel 't'or that unit is properly positioned and the sth-attJ 90 passed through the wheel 8G oi that number wheel. 1When the shaft 5)() is in the normal position, 'the detents S5) artnated by springs 91 hear upon smooth portions ot the. shaft, but. the shaft 90 may he moved in the direction of its length to bring slots therein under the detente 80, so that the detente for the several numher wheels may enter these notehes when lsha'l't .)0 ie rotated; then hy rotating' shalt il() the several wheels will automatieally het-.ome elutehed to the shaft and all ot the wheels will he rotated to the zero position. The notches' in shaft Q0 in which the detente Si) are reeeived are inclined at one end so that when the numher wheels have heen brought to the zero positionLthe shaft 90 ma);v he moved lengthwioe haelr. to
its initial position and the detents chl will l l l l side-plates ol" the machine eral gears 526. This; hail is shown at 92 and is pivotally mounted (Fig. 2) upon the platesl 33 and 35 (Fig. '1). .Ext its ends the hail is .provided with projeetionsffl (Fig. 14) adapted to eoaet with cams 4t secured upon Sha.;l S1. llhen the projeetions 93 are in the vmatches oit the cams 9-1- as shown in Fig. 14. the'hail 92 in engagement with the teeth of the gears 25 and holds those gears and the numher wheels against movement. llihen the sha'tt Sl ia rotated by the movement ot the operating handle, the rcams .lf-Ll will aet upon the projections 93 to move the hail 02 Vtrom engagement with the gears 2t. lllhile resetting;- the number wheels it is meresearv that the gears 2t) rotate 'freely and thereitore the hail 92 must he disengaged 'troni the gears Qu. For this purpose a conA struction similar to that shown in the patent ahove referred to employed; the shaft 90 has a sleeve 95 seem-ed thereto and provided is moved lengthwise to the resetting position`r p s the edge ot the operating handle 7T (Fig. lll) and moves the operating handle snllieient to canse slight rotation ot slia'tt'-8'l, such .as will canse disengagement olx hail 02 and gears' '20. Also it is neresearv that while the shalt .50 is in the resettinej position the handle T7 be held against movement. sinre snrh l'mnfement ot the handle might. result in breakage of the. parts. For this purpose handle T7 is provided with a enrved snriaee 0G whieheoaets with theourved surlare ot lock handle T7 against moven'ient when Shaft 90 has heen moved lengthwise to the resettineposition.
Springs J7 are eonnerted at one end to the and at. their opparts TT and connected h v the operating rod SQ so that after handle TT has heen moved in one direction mannally` thesespringrs will return it to its initial. position. Means are also provided tor enforcing' a tull movement oli the operating` handle TT in either diret-tion helore it ran he moved in the opposite direetion. This means ronsists ot teeth *.ltl on the operating handle T7 and a lever J9 pivotallv mounted upon the side-'frame ot the maehine. in position to roaet with these teeth. A spring 100 is eonneeted to the lever 90 and adapted to hold il in the poaitien in whit-h it is shown in Fig. ll. 5'? is moved to the pos-ite ends 'to the When handle l lett in that 'liguria teeth'lS engage the end of the sleeve 95 to .ttter the'end of lever 9S) has entered the depre 'sion lOl, it can turn on its pivot through a substantial are and during the return uuweiueht et the handle 7? the opposite side oitl the end et lerer 99 rides on the teeth Slt and in the same manner enforces a corn pletereturn movement oi" the handle 77.
rthe mechanism 'ior operating the strips Q0 Iwhen it is desired to multiply, is shown inl1`igsl to fr shaft 1.02 is pivotally mounted in the side trainee ot the machine and one endV projeets beyond the side trainel 37 and 1S provided with a handle '103. On this .shaft are cranks lOel eonneeted hy links 305 to a rod 105 which extends across the machine in rear otthe 'projections 24C on the strips 20. These parts are held in the posi.- tion in whieh they are shown hy a spring 10T eoiled upon shaft 102. By depressing handle 103. rod 10o is niovedto the lett in Fig. 3 and rarries with it all ot the Strips 2O against the tension of small springe 107, each eouueeted at one end vto a strip 2G and at the other end to a stud on thesupport l, and when the strips 20 are so moved they will hold down any keys which have been deressed' during a plurality ot operations of handle 77, as ahove deserihed. A
Loos-ely pivoted upon emh stud 25 is a lever 108 4having a segment. of gear teeth 109 formed thereon eoneentrio with stub 25 and these teethV are engaged hy the teeth ot a raek 110 'formed on an error hey lll. lhe stein .ot this ltey and the member l adjacent to the key are provided with slots to receive studs, one ou the support` and one on the key stem to guide the error key in its vertieal nmveinent. spring 1li? seeured at one end to the error key and at the opposite end to a support on the stud l to normally hold the error key in its raised position. lVhen the key is depressed the lever 108 is turned about stud 25 by the gearing ahove described until its end engages the stud 4S) on the pawl 2T and the beveled end ot lever 108 aets on this stud to raise paul 27 out. of engagement with (rear The rontiuued movement ot 'the error hoy and lever tot@ pushes the operati` arni itl and the pawl and other parts rar l thereby hack to their initial position' and it will he seen that this is done without actuating tht` rear Qt and the. iuunher wheel with which it, L, hes
The operation of the luaehine as thus constructed has been set forth in connection with the foregoing description. 'lhis eenstruetiou possesses many mlvantageous tea.- tures. rlhe arrangement ot the meehanisui tor each numerical order, as a unit, per mittinp; the @mistura-tion ot these units in 'firaotieally Complete form and the ass-inhlage of suela number of units as is d :ed in a complete 'tnaejhine1 results in a` uubstantial eeonoi'ny in the inanutaeture or the machine and greatly reduces the cost ,et
.the ma'ehim* ur increasing the etreogrt elaiia as new thereinM and desire to making any repairs which may necessary. In eonneetionwith thieu thereon, is of importatore as it eseenr that the operating rod 82 be relieved twisting strains and that the two ends thereof should move in unison. lt will he seen that in this machine the parvis tor aetuating the gear Wheels are carried bythe same arnis whieh Carry the bell-Crank levers and the triggers therefor which are used in earrying over from one numerical order to higher one. ylVitli this Construction a a number of advantages are obtained; die zuaehine is simplified by a reduction et the number of parte. the slidehars are not actuated during the Carrying orer opera,u tioa and the slots in the slide-lrars may lit-V35 made shorter, thus redueing` the Sth et the ln connection with ineehanisni it of .inuiortanee that the aiou of the levers .'57 upon the hellrranir Vers 42 he relieved at the end ot the estro oi the operating handle, so that trie l). crank levers employed in carrying over may become reset inuuediately upon. the conclu.I
slide-ha sion of the stroke ot the operating handle. As soon as the hell-crank levers are thus rei set, they are locked in position and held against accidental release 'oy means of the locking-lever 5() which artuatecl by its spring to resume its locking position and which is not unlocked until the operating rod is again brought into engagement ther with by a movement ot the operating li nrea (lle. The mechanism operated hy the error aria key for restoring the, patrl-earrying possesses the advantage over that sho the patent before referred to5 that, it 'k mits of a better alinernent ot the parte t 2 stituting,` the mechanism for one numeric t order, this alinerneot bringing eaeh row oli' keys, its error key and i; uniliier Wheel more closely in line.
Haring` described our invention what r f Letters Patent. of the United States l. A ealeulating marhine for Call t. in a plurality ot numerica; order. ing a plurality ot individual unit f 'ing meehanism For'ealeulating` in uxerieal order and CarryingA incolla, means for seeming said units togf stautially set t'orth.
2. A calculating machine tor caler.: iu a plurality ot numerical ordere a ing a `plurality oit individual units; ing; mechanism 'for calculating merieal order and carrying mee eludinga laterally projecting ineuiher, means for securing said unite to ther by side with the laterally' pr o ianism ot each unit; he mechanism et the :'antially as set` forth. t calculating, machine for zaloulati'ng;` in a pluralitvv ot numerical orders comprisa plurality olf' in-v ividual units each hav- ,J mechanirnn 'tor calculaingin one numerical order and carrying mechanism, means tor .i nr-infr said units together, and an operating` det'icc common to all ot said units, substantially as set: `t'orth.
l. A calculating` machine vfor calculating i in a plurality ot numerical orders compris-- ing a plurality oi'. individual units each consisting ot a` supporting .member and mechanism 'for calculating in one numerical order and carr \,.ingi,` mechanism mounted thereon, and means for securing said units together, snheta'ntiallj.' as itorth. :Z Si, alcnlating machine for calculating,`
plurality ol nanna-ical orders ctanprisif r ot the carryine me z t 1r. a in Y a plurality of imlividual units each consistino' of a supiiortingmember and mechai. in for calculating in one nun'ierical order and carrying mechanism mounted thereon, rods passing through openings in said supportingmembers to aline said units, spacing devices for spacing said units apart, and means for securing the units'together, substantially as set forth. v
6. calculating n'iachine for" calculating in a plurality'o numerical orders comprisa pluralit o't' individual units each havmecl'ianism ttor calculating in one nual order and carrying mechanism, si ming devices iior spacing said units apart'. .p clel'ermined amounts, and means for securing the units tog her, substantially as set forth. Il() 7.
in a i'ilurali y of numerical orders comprising a plural ty ing mechan sin tor calculating in one nu'- merical der and rrying' mechanism., nl means tor securing aid units tog,` ther, an
ora-rath device conm i. to all ot tid units a d onthulling trui erselv with respect to them, and means moving said device, substantiall)1 .as th.
S. A cale latin@` nizmhine tor calculating in a plura "i iuinierical orders comprist i i ing plur Y i or indii l um" ach having' meclmnism Ytor in one numerical order and nuaahanisin, means tor securi1 'aetreig a trans ely crt de m fans tor 'notti ends i lo all salu a' calculatine,`
in a pluri dlers comprising' a nlura its' each havkeys, key-acial hanism condev. ng mechacalculating machine for calculating of individual units each havnism allmounted on Said support, and mea-ns :tor securing said units together, substantially as set; forth.
l0. A ealculating;` machine tor calculating` in a plurality oit" mn'i'ierical orders coi'npri ing,l a plurality ot individual units each having a support', and a row of keys, a device niovable under the control of the keys in oneI direction, calculating mechanism connected. to said device, and carrying mechanism all mounted on said. support, means for securing said units together, and an operating` member con'nnon ttl all said units and adapted to more the satd devices thereolE in the opposite direction, substantially as seti -torth.
ll. A calculating,` machine for calculating in a plurality ot' numerical orders comprising a plurality ot individual units each having,` mechanism for calculating` in one numerical order and carrying mechanism, means `for securing said units together, a number-wheel shalt; extending transverse to said units, and a plurality of number-wheels on said shafty one for each unit and each actuated by the calculating` mechanism of the Corresponding uniti, substantially set forth. K
l2. A calculating machine for calculating` in a plurality of numerical orders comprising a plurality of individual units each having mechanism for calculating in one numerical order and carrying mechanism, means for securing said units together, a nun'iber-wheel sha 'lt extending transverse to said units, a plurality ot number-wheels on said shaft one for each unit and each actuated by the calculating mechanism ot the corresponding unit', and means l'or actuating said number-wheels to turn them all simultaneously to the Zero position, substantially as set forth.
13. .fk unit tor use in a. calculating' nia-- chine co1uprisingr a support, a rou' olf kcys thereon, a movable device mounted on said supporty and movable in one direction when a key is depressed a distance corresponding' to the value of the key depressed, a wheel mounted on said support; rotated when returning,l said device to its initial position and carrying mechanism also mounted on said support, substantially as set forth.
14. A unit for use in a calculatint,r machine comprising; a support, a row ot keys thereon, a movable device mounted on said support and movable in one direction when a key is depressed a distance corrcsptaidingl to the value ot the key depressed, means on said support for locking;- the key depressed in its depressed position and the other keys in the rowag'ainst. depression, a wheel mounted on said support rotated when retairningg,` said device to its initial. position, and carrying mechanism also mountedon said support, suhst'antially as set torth.\
l5. A. unit for use in a calculating machine comprising a support, a roiv of keys thereon, a movable device mounted on saidl support and movable in one direction when a key is depressed a distance corresponding to the value ot the key depressed, a wheel pivotally mounted 'on said support, a pawl pivotally 'mounted concentric with said wheel and. connected to said device, and carrying mechanism also mounted on said support, substantially as set forth.
16. A calculating machine for calculating in a plurality of numerical orders comprising a plurality of individual units` each having mechanism for calculating in one numerical order and carrying mechanism including a laterally projecting member, means for spacing said units apart, means for securing the units together side 4by side with the laterally projecting member of the carrying mechanism of each unit in position to enon, a bar slidable upon the support under' `the control of the keys, a Wheel pivotally mounted on the support, a pawl pivotally mounted on the support concentric with said Wheel and connected to said slide bar and carrying mechanism also mounted on said support, and means for securing said units together, substantially set forth.
18. A calculating machine for calculating in aplurality of numerical orders comprising aplurality of individual units arranged side by side andeach having mechanism for calculating in one numerical order and carrying devices for engaging and operating the calculating mechanism of the next adjacent unit, and means for securing the plurality of individual units together, substantially as set forth.
.19. A calculating machine for calculating in a plurality of numerical orders comprismg a plurality of individual units arranged side by side and each having a support and calculating mechanism for .one numerical order, carrying mechanism and spacers on said supports, means for securing said units together and plates at opposite sides of the plurality of units spaced therefrom but secured thereto, substantially as set forth.-
20. In a calculating machine, the combi-.
nation of a row of keys, a pivoted slidin bar adapted to be engaged and rocked by anyjone of said keys, a spring for rocking said bar in the direction opposite to that in Whichit is turned by-the keys, and a stud on said support in position to engage vthe end of said .bar When the latter is turned by 6,5"said spring, said 'bai-'being adapted to engage said support at the base of said stud, substantially as set forth.
v2l. In a calculating machine, a support, a row of keys mounted for movement thereon, a bar movable under the control of said keys, a projection on each key, a multiplying strip having projections thereon to engage said projections on the' keys, parallel links pivotally connected to said support and said strip, vand means for actuating said strips, substantially as set forth.
22. In a calculating machine, the combination of a row of keys, a sliding bar controlled thereby, a rotatable gear Wheel, a pavvl coacting therewith pivotally mounted concentric with said wheel and connected to said bar, an error lever also pivotally mounted concentric With said gear and provided with gear teeth, and a slidable error key provided with rack-teeth engaging the gear teeth on said lever and adapted to operate the lever to cause it to engage said pawl and restore it to normal position, substantially as forth.
23. In a calculating machine, the combination of a toothed wheel mounted for rotation,` an arm pivotally mounted concentric with said wheel, a paivl mounted on said arm and coat-ting with said wheel, key-actuated devices for positioning said arm, means for operating said armand means carried by said arm for giving said paWl an extra movement-to carry over from one denomination to another, substantially as set forth.
24. In a calculating machine, the combination of a toothed wheel mounted for rotation, an arm pivotally mounted concentric with said Wheel, a pawl mounted on said arm and coacting with said Wheel, key-actuated devices for positioning said arm, means for operating said arm, means carried by said arm for giving said paivl an extra movement to carry over from one denomination to another, and spring-actuated devices for operating saidmeans, substantially as set forth.
25. In a calculating machine, the combinaiio tion of a vtoothed Wheel mounted for rotation, an arm pivotallymounted concentric with said wheel, a pawl mounted on said arm and coacting with said \vheel,'keyactu ated devices for positioning said arm, means for operating said arm, means carried by said arin for giving said paivl an extra movement to carry over from one denomination to another, a detent controlling the operation of said means, and means for operating said detent, substantially as set forth.
2G. In a calculatingmachine, the combinal tion of a toothed Wheel mounted for rotation, an arm pivotally mounted concentric with said Wheel, key-actuated devices for positioning said arm, -means for operating said arm, a lever pivotally mounted on said arm, and a pawl pivotally mounted on said lever and engaging the teeth ot Wheel., substantially as set `toi-th.
27. In a calculating machine, the combination of a toothed. wheel mounted 'for rotation, an arm pivotally mounted coi'icentiic With said Wheel, key-actuated devices toi positioning said arm, means for opeifating Said arm, a level pivotaily mounted on said arm, a pawl pivotally mounted on said lever and engaging the teeth of said. wheel, means for turning said lever on its pivot, a latch for said lever and means for operating latch, substantially .as set forth.
28. In a calculating machine, the combinan tion of a toothed Wheel mounted. for rotation, an arm. pivotally mounted concentric With said Wheel, hey-actuated devices tot positioning said anni., means for opeiating said arma lever pivotaily mounted said arm, a pan'l pivotally mounted on said level1 andengaging the teeth of said Wheel, springactuated devices biought into coaction with said lever When said/arm is opeiated hy said operating means, a detent said lever, and means for operating said detent, suhstan tially as set forth.
29. In a calculating machine, the comhii'iation oa toothed wheel mounted for rotation, a pavvl mounted for movement concentric Withsaid Wheel adapted to the teeth thereof, a pivoted. level" adapted to actuate said pawl to canse it to malte ein tra movement to carry over from one denomination to another, and. means .tot loching said level1 against movemeit, substantially as set forth.
^ 30. In a calculating machine t". tion of a toot-hed. wheel. mo tion, a pawl mounted foi' movement concentric With said Wheel and adapted to eng ge the teeth thereof, a pivoted lever to actuate said pawl to cause it to make an en tra movement to caiiy over from one denomination to another, spiking-actuated de'- vices brought intocoaction with said lever to operate the same, and means for locking said lever against movement, substantially as set forth. a
3l. In a calculating machine, the combination of a toothed Wheel. mounted ioi rotation, a pawl mounted for movement concentric with said 'Wheel and adapted to engage the teeth thereof, a pivoted lever adapted to actuate said pawl to cause it to malte an ex tra movementto carry ovein from one de nomination to another, 'spring-actuated devices bi'ought into coaction with said lever to operate the same, .a latch for said lover, means for releasing said latch and means for locking said lever against movement, suhstantially as set forth.
32. In a Calculating machine, the combination ofV a toothed wheel mounted for rotation, a pawl mounted for movement concentiic with said Wheel and adapted 'to engage the teeth hereof, key-actuated devices, an opeiating device toi nnfving pawl and. wheel, pivoted lever adapted to actnate said pawl to cause it to make an entre movement to carry ovei'jftioin one denomination. 'to another, and a lock for hoiding said. lever against movement adapted to he released by said operating device, snhstantialiy set ici-th.
In a calculating machine, the combination of a toothed wheel. mounted toirotin tion, a pan'l mounted 'toi' movement concen- 'tric with said Wheel and adapted to engage the teeth thereof, key-aftaated (hnicce,I .an operating device moving said pawl and wheel, a pivoted. levez' adapted. to actnate said pavfl to cause it to maite an extra move ment to carry over trom one denomination another, a loci? vtoi.' sail lever adapted to he released by said oper g device, savingactnated devices brought into coaction with said levei` to operate the same, a latch toi' said lever and means releasing said latch, Substantially as set forth.
In calculating machine, the eox'nhination of a toothed Wheel mounted, for rotation, aim pivotallv mounted concentric Wi 'd wheel, keyectrlated devices foi' positioning said arm, means toi' opeiating said arm, level1 pivotaily mounted on said arm., a paivl pivotaily mounted onY said lever and engaging the teeth ot said Wheei, and. a lock toi' said lever actuated to release the lever ihj/ said operating means, substantially as set ninacalcn x tion oit a toothed wheel nnninted toi rota tion, anni pivotalf mounted concentii, 'with said Wheel, liegt/*actuated devicea'oipositioning` said arm, for opeiating Said acm, a levee pivotalljv mounted on said arm, a pawl pivotally mounted on said lever and engaging the teeth ot said wheel, a loci; toi' saidl level1 actuated by said operating means, spring-:mtnated devices brought into coaction with said leveiL when said anni is operated by said operating means, alatch for said lever, and for releasing said latch, substantially as set ioith.
In a calculating machine, the comhination of a plurality oi toothed Wheels arvanged *parallel one to anotliei, a pawl toi.' wheel, an onesfating device extending transverse to said Wheels for operating all ot .said netvis, and means eccentric to said. Wheels for causing hoth ends ot said operating device to move in unison, suhstantiallg,r as set forth.
37. In a caiculating machine, the comhinan tion of a plurality of toothed Wheels arranged parallel one to another, a pawl for each wheel, an operating device extending transverse to said wheels for operating all machine, the. combinau IIO of said pavvls, and gearing eccentric to Said Wheels between the ends ofvsaid operating device, substantially as set forth..
38. ln e. calculating,machine, the combination. ott plurality of toothed wheels arranged parallel one to another, a pawl for each Wheel, key-actuated d vices for posiL tioniog Said parvis, a rod extending transversely to said Wheels and adapted to operate said pawls, and gearing exterior to said Wheels between the ends of said rod, substantially as set forth.
39. n a calculating machine, the combination of a phirality of toothed Wheels arranged parallel one to another, a pawl for each Wheel, key-actuated devices for positioning said ayvls,.a rod extending transversely to said Wheels, pivotally mounted supports for said rod concentric with said wheels, and gearing between said supports, for causing them to move-in unison, substantially as set fort-h.
4R0, In a calculating machine, the combination ot a plurality ot' toothed wheels arranged parallel one to another, a pawl for each Wheel, key-actuated devices for positioning said pawls, a rod extending transversely to said Wheels, pivotally mounted supports for said rod concentric with said wheels, a rotatable shaft parallell to said rod, and gears onv said shaft meshing with teeth formed in said supports, substantially as set forth.
4l. In a calculating machine, the combination of an operating arm, means for actuating the same, a. carrying lever movably mounted on said arm, means for subjecting said carrying lever to spring pressure when said lever and arm are moved by said actuating means, and means operated by said actuating means for relieving said lever of pressure, substantially as set forth.
42. lin a calculating machine, the combination of an operating arm, a carrying lever lnovably mounted thereon, a reciproeatory operating device t'or moving said arm and lever in `one direction and then returning it t) initial position, means for subjecting the carrying lever to Spring-tension when the same is actuated by the movement of said oirierating' device in one direction, and means actuated by said operating device when moving in the opposite direction for relieving said spring tension, Subetantially set forth.
48. ln a calculating machine, the conibination or a rotatable toothed wheel, an arm movable concentric therewith, a. carrying lever pivotally mounted on said arm, a pawvl engaging said wheel, and adapted( to beactuated by said lever to make an extra movement to carry over from one 4denomination to another, means for moving said arm and lever, a spring-actuated lever engaged by said carrying lever when the latter is moved by said means, and means for actuatinff said last-named lever to relieve the tension thereotl on said carrying lever, substantially as set forth.
44. In a calculating machine, the combination of a plurality of Wheels, key-set devices,l for controlling the position thereof, un operating device for operating said Wheels, carrying mechanism for operating the Wheels to carry from one denomination to another, and a lock for the carrying mechanism actuated to releasesaid mechanism by said operating device, substantially as set forth.
45. In a calculating machine, the combination of a toothed Wheel mounted for rotation, an operating arm pivoted concentric therewith, a pawl carried by said arm, means for actuating said arm to cause the pawl to actuate the wheel, a permanent stop'to arrest rotation of said arm and prevent overthrow thereof, and means for moving the pawl independently of the arm to carry from a lower to a higher denomination, substantially as set forth.
T his specification signed and witnessed this 10th day ot August,'l9l0.
US57709110A 1910-08-13 1910-08-13 Calculating-machine. Expired - Lifetime US1007488A (en)

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US57709110A US1007488A (en) 1910-08-13 1910-08-13 Calculating-machine.

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US57709110A US1007488A (en) 1910-08-13 1910-08-13 Calculating-machine.

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US57709110A Expired - Lifetime US1007488A (en) 1910-08-13 1910-08-13 Calculating-machine.

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US11106836B2 (en) 2016-07-15 2021-08-31 Fastbrick Ip Pty Ltd Brick/block laying machine incorporated in a vehicle

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US11106836B2 (en) 2016-07-15 2021-08-31 Fastbrick Ip Pty Ltd Brick/block laying machine incorporated in a vehicle

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