M419236 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係有關於-種自動堆疊機之4片模組,特別是一種用 於堆疊電池芯之自動堆疊機之疊片模組。 【先前技術】 近年來,為了讓人們可以將電子裝置隨身攜帶,人們將電子 襞置的體積越設計越小,因此,發展出可攜式電子裝置。可栌式 電子裝置㈣隨設有-電池,並藉由電池可儲存電相雜^ 攜式電子裝置可以運轉。然而,電池可儲存的電力有限,因此當 電池内部儲存的電力雜完畢時,可攜式電子裝置會因電力不足 而無法被驅動。故為了延長可攜式電子裝置的使料間,人們將 採用能提供更大量電力的電池,如㈣池紐聚合物電池。因此, 如何提高㈣池所能儲存電力壯限值,肢電池製作上 的一個環節。 鐘電池的㈣方式主要射f疊式,而财切電池為利用自 動堆疊機進行疊片的動作^自動堆疊機在疊片的過程中,首先將 隔離模放至疊片座,紐將貞郎放在隔離膜上,接著疊片座滑 向,極片位置崎續堆疊_膜於貞糾上,接著再將正極片放 至IW離膜上。如此反覆堆疊後將堆㈣㈣池之電池芯。然而, 為了讓堆疊的過程更方便,自動堆叠機通常設有—壓片構件將雄 且中的正'負極片固定於疊片座上。但是,由於附著於正極片與 負極片的配方原料不同,因此壓片構件在反覆抵壓正極片與負極 M419236 片的情況下會_沾觀糾與負則之 離膜的正極片盥备轭u 1t卫心包覆於pw 進而降根钿啻:、、。必-來’將導致鋰電池的品質降低並 而降低鐘電池所能儲存電力的上限值。 應解決的 問題之一 片禮如何在以自動堆4機製倾電池的過程中,不會讓遷 ’衫染_池的正極片與負極片將是設計人躺 【新型内容】 是種自鱗錢之疊片模組,藉以解決先前技 丁子纟片構件在堆疊的過程中會反覆污_電 負極片的問題。 乃/、 I實施卿嫩自鱗,观滑動地設 =_顿,她讓—嚷、-第,及— ,其包括-疊片台、一第一壓片組件及一第二壓版件。 …$片台具有—承载面,承载面用以承載隔離膜、第 極片。第—壓肢件可移動地設置於疊片台之-侧’並包 =驅練置。第-驅動裝置狀鴨第组件健位 =載面之-侧邊的第二極片。第二㈣組件可移動地設置科 豐片σ之另,’並包括—第二驅動裝置。第二 二 動第二塵片組件抵壓位於承载面另-側邊的第-極片。以驅 其中該第-驅動裳置與該第二驅動裝置分別驅動該第 =Γ第二壓片組件以交錯的順序輪流抵壓位於該承載面‘ 「的第一、第一極片使該隔離膜得以層層包覆極片,達到絕 M419236 緣與防止交叉污染的功能β 上迷實施例所揭露之自動堆疊機之㈣模組,係细第一驅 動裝置與第二驅動裝置分別驅動第一遷片組件與第二屢片組件 讓第:壓片組件與第二屢片組件係以交錯之順序輪流抵塵承載 面。疋以在堆#電池芯的過程中,第Κ组件僅會與第二極片 接觸,以及第二壓片組件僅會與第—極片接觸。如此—來,第二 極片的配料不會録4片餘沾_第—郎上,進而導致纽 芯的原料受到污染。 以上之關於本創作内容之說日肢以下之實施方式之說明係用 以不範與轉梢作m域供摘叙_ 進一步之解釋。 【實施方式】 請同時參閱「第1圖」與「第2圖」,「第1圖」為一實施例 之自動堆疊機的立體示意圖,「第2圖」為「第1圖」的另一視角 的立體示意圖。其中’自動堆疊機係用來製作電池芯的自 祕機台’電池芯400為-多層結構’其包括-隔離膜、多個 第極片420及多個第二極片43〇。第一極片彻與第二極片柳 係交錯設置,換言之,擺放順序為一片第一極片420、-片第二極 片〇再片第一極片420、再—片第二極片43〇接續設置。其 中隔離膜戰置於各刻之間,也就是說,第一極片與第 二極片430之間夾心離膜彻。其中若第—極片為正極片, 則第二極請為_ .,若第一極片樣為細,則第二極 M419236 片43〇為負極片。 、、百先,先為自動堆4機10建立一 3D座標系統以便於後續描 述:本實補之自崎疊機1G包括-基座12、-支架14及一疊 、’且18基座12 5「為3D座標系統之x_y平面基座上為正 Z方向’而基座12下為負z方向。支架Η置立於基座12上,並 位於Χ軸上,故支架14位於3D座標系統之正ζ位置。疊片模組 、、可’月動地6又置於基座12,並位於y軸上,基座12之前半部 位於W平面之正y之平面,基座12之後半部位於巧平面之負 乂之平面。換言之,疊片模組18可於基座12之前半部(正y)與後 半’負y)之間來回移動。如此一來,支架14與疊片模組18將基 座12分為四個象限,分別是基座12的左前部分為第一象限,基 座12的右前部分為第二象限,基座12的右後部分為第三象限, 基座12的左後部分為第四象限。 另外,自動堆疊機10另包括一隔離膜放料模組16、一左置料 槽20、一右置料槽22、一左定位模組24、一右定位模組26、一 第一左吸盤28、-第二左吸盤3G、-第-右吸盤32、—第二右吸 盤34、一夾取裝置36、一切除裝置38、一貼膠裝置40、一輸送 夾42、—儲存槽44及一控制裝置46。接著將描上述各裝置裝設 於自動堆疊機10的相對位置。 &離膜放料模組16設置於支架14上’並用以放置一隔離膜 410至疊片模組18,換言之,隔離膜放料模組16位於基座12之 正ζ的方向。接著,左置料槽20及右置料槽22分別設置於基座 7 M419236 12之第四象限及弟一象限。其中左置料槽2〇用以存放這些第一極 片420,而右置料槽22用以存放這些第二極片43〇。在本實施例 中,第一極片420可以是正極片,而第二極片43〇可以是負極片, 但並不限於此。 接著,左定位模組24及右定位模組26分別設置於基座12之 第四象限及第一象限。且左定位模組24位於左置料槽2〇與疊片 模組18之間。右定位模組26位於右置料槽與疊片模組18之間。 其中,左定位模組24用來將第一極片420校正成正確位置,而右 定位模組26用來將第二極片430校正成正確位置。 接著,第一左吸盤28、第二左吸盤3〇、第一右吸盤32及第 二右吸盤34分別可移動地設置於支架14。第一左吸盤28與第二 左吸盤30位於支架14面向負y之方向的一側,且第一左吸盤28 沿X軸之方向於左置料槽20與左定位模組24之間反覆移動,第 一左吸盤30沿X軸之方向於左定位模組24與疊片模組18之間反 覆移動。而第一右吸盤32與第二右吸盤34位於支架14面向正y 之方向的一側,且第一右吸盤32沿χ軸之方向於右置料槽22與 右定位模組26之間反覆移動,第二右吸盤34沿χ軸之方向於右 定位模組26與疊片模組18之間反覆移動。 接著,夾取裝置36設置於基座12並位於y軸上。夹取裳置 36可沿y方向朝向疊片模組18或遠離疊片模組18移動,並用來 夾取堆疊完之電池芯400離開疊片模组18。 接著’切除裝置38設置於基座12並位於疊片模組18與失取 M419236 裝置36之間’但不以此為限。切除裝置38用以於自動堆疊機ι〇 堆疊電池芯4〇〇完後,將多餘之隔離膜410切斷。 接著,貼勝裝置40設置於基座12並位於疊片模组μ與夾取 裝置36之間’但不以此為限。貼膠装置4〇用以將一膠帶黏貼於 堆豐完之電池芯400的隔離膜410,讓電池芯4〇〇保持於堆疊狀態。 ' 接著,輸送夾42與儲存槽44分別設置於基座12 ,並位於第 一象限,但不以此為限。輸送夾42用來接收夾取裝置%從疊片 •模組18取下之電池芯400,再輸送至儲存槽44内存放。 ' 接著,控制裝置46設置於基座12並分別電性連接隔離膜放 料模組16、疊片模組18、左置料槽2〇、右置料槽22、左定位模 組24、右定位模組26、第一左吸盤28、第二左吸盤、第一右 吸盤32、第二右吸盤34、夹取裝置%、切除農置%、貼膠裝置 4〇、輪送夾42及儲存槽44。控制裝置46用以控制這些裝置運作。 接著繼續描述疊片模組18細部構造,請參閱「第3圖」與「第 4圖」所示,「第3圖」為「第}圖」之叠片模組的玫大示意圖「第 4圖」為「第3圖」之放大示意圖。本實施例之疊片模組18包括 • -疊片台⑽、-第-壓片組件·及一第二壓片組件·。疊片 ..台100具有一承載面no,用以承载隔離膜410、第—極片42〇與 第二極片430。承載面11〇具有相對的一第一側邊⑴及一第二側 邊112。在本實施例中,第一側邊ln及第二側邊⑴與X車由方向 平行,且第-侧.邊川相對於第二側邊112較靠近基座12之後半 部。 9 M419236 本貫施例之第一壓片組件200可移動地設置於疊片台100之 $一側ϋ m ’其包括一第一左壓片爪210、一第一右壓片爪220 及第—驅動裝置230。其中,第一左壓片爪210與第一右壓片爪 220刀別位於第—侧邊111之左右兩端。第一驅動裝置230包括一 第左垂直驅動構件231、一第一左水平驅動構件232、一第一右 垂直驅動構件233及一第一右水平驅動構件234。第-左垂直驅動 構件231與第一右垂直驅動構件233分別設置於疊片台1〇〇之第 一侧邊111的相對兩端。並且,用以支撐第一左水平驅動構件232 與第一右水平驅動構件⑼,讓第-左水平驅動構件232與第一右 水平驅動構件234可以相對叠片纟沿垂直方向(2方峨復移 動。 接著,第一左水平驅動構件232之兩端分別連接第一左垂直 驅動構件231與第一左壓片爪21〇,以及第一右水平驅動構件辦 之兩端分別連接第-右垂直驅動構件233與第一右壓片爪跡讓 第一左壓片爪21〇與第-右則爪可以相對疊片自则沿水 平方向(X方向)反復移動。 其中’需注意的是,本實施例之控制裝置46係控制 直驅動構件别與第-右垂直藤動構件说同步移動,以及控制 第-左水平驅動構件况與第—右水平驅動構件234同步移動, 是以第-左W爪210與第-右則爪挪亦是同步移動。 再來,描述第二趾组件300。本實施例之第二慶片組件300 可移動地設置於疊片台之第二侧邊m,其包括一第二左屢月 M419236 爪310、一第二右壓片爪320及一第二驅動袭置。其中,第一 左壓片爪310與第二右壓片爪320分別位於第二側邊112之左右 兩端。第二驅動裝置330包括一第二左垂直驅動構件331、一第二 左水平驅動構件332、一第二右垂直驅動構件333及一第二右水平 驅動構件334。第二左垂直驅動構件331與第二右垂直驅動構件 333分別設置於疊片台之第二織112的相對兩端。並且,用 以支撐第二左水平驅動構件332與第二右水平驅動構件334,讓第 二左水平驅動構件332與第二右水平驅動構件334可以相對疊片 台100沿垂直方向(Z方向)反復移動。 接著’第二左水平驅動構件332之兩端分別連接第二卢垂直 驅動構件331與第二左壓片爪⑽,以及第二右水平驅轉 之兩端分別連接第二右垂直驅動構件如與第二右壓片爪划讓M419236 V. New description: [New technical field] This creation is about 4 modules of automatic stacking machine, especially a laminated module for automatic stacking machine for stacking battery cores. [Prior Art] In recent years, in order to allow people to carry an electronic device with them, the size of the electronic device has been designed to be smaller, and therefore, a portable electronic device has been developed. The portable electronic device (4) is provided with a battery, and can be operated by the battery to store the electrical phase portable electronic device. However, the battery can store a limited amount of power, so when the power stored inside the battery is completed, the portable electronic device cannot be driven due to insufficient power. Therefore, in order to extend the space between the portable electronic devices, batteries that can provide a larger amount of power, such as (4) pool polymer batteries, will be used. Therefore, how to improve (4) the pool can store the power limit, a part of the limb battery production. The (four) way of the clock battery mainly shoots the stack, while the cut-cut battery is the action of laminating by the automatic stacking machine. ^In the process of lamination, the stacker is first placed on the laminated piece, and the new one will be placed. On the separator, the lamination seat is then slid, the pole piece is placed on the stack, and the film is placed on the IW off film. After stacking the stack, the battery cells of the (4) (4) pool will be stacked. However, in order to make the stacking process more convenient, the automatic stacking machine is usually provided with a tableting member to fix the male and positive positive electrode sheets to the laminated seat. However, since the bonding material attached to the positive electrode sheet and the negative electrode sheet is different, the tableting member may reversely press the positive electrode sheet and the negative electrode M419236 sheet, and the positive electrode sheet of the negative electrode sheet may be etched and corrected. 1t Weixin wrapped in pw and then lowered the roots:,,. The must-have will result in a lower quality of the lithium battery and a lower limit on the amount of power that the clock battery can store. One of the problems that should be solved is how to pour the battery in the process of automatic stacking 4, and will not let the positive and negative negatives of the mobile dyeing pool be the designer. [New content] It is a kind of self-sufficient money. The lamination module is used to solve the problem that the prior art scorpion slab member will over-stain the _ electric negative electrode during the stacking process. Yes, I implement the tenderness of the scales, and the sliding position is set to =_, and she gives - 嚷, -, and -, which includes - a lamination table, a first tablet assembly, and a second plate member. ... The table has a bearing surface for carrying the isolation film and the pole piece. The first leg press member is movably disposed on the side of the lamination table and is packaged. The first-drive device-like duck component is a second pole piece of the carrier-side. The second (four) component movably sets the von σ, and includes a second drive. The second second moving second dust sheet assembly presses the first pole piece located on the other side of the carrying surface. Driving the first driving device and the second driving device respectively to drive the second pressing device assembly to alternately press the first and first pole pieces located on the bearing surface 'in the staggered order to isolate the first The membrane can be layer-coated with the pole piece to achieve the function of the M419236 edge and the function of preventing cross-contamination. The module of the automatic stacking machine disclosed in the embodiment is the first driving device and the second driving device respectively driving the first The displacing component and the second hapten component allow the first: the tableting component and the second component to rotate against the dust bearing surface in an alternating sequence. In the process of stacking the battery core, the third component is only The contact of the two pole pieces, and the second tablet assembly will only be in contact with the first pole piece. Thus, the ingredients of the second pole piece will not record 4 pieces of the remaining _ _ Lang, which will lead to the core material of the core The above description of the implementation of the content of the imaginary limbs is based on the description of the syllabus and the syllabus for further explanation. [Embodiment] Please refer to "Figure 1" and "2nd picture", "1st picture" is an embodiment Perspective schematic view of the stacker, "FIG. 2" is a perspective view from another angle "FIG. 1" is. The 'automatic stacking machine is a self-secreting machine for making a battery cell'. The battery core 400 is a multi-layer structure, which includes a separator, a plurality of second pole pieces 420, and a plurality of second pole pieces 43A. The first pole piece is arranged in a staggered manner with the second pole piece, in other words, the first pole piece 420, the second piece piece, the second piece piece 420, and the second piece piece 43 are placed. 〇 Continue to set up. The isolation film is placed between the moments, that is, the first pole piece and the second pole piece 430 are sandwiched from each other. If the first pole piece is a positive electrode piece, the second pole is _. If the first pole piece is thin, the second pole M419236 piece 43 is a negative electrode piece. First, first, a 3D coordinate system is established for the automatic stacker 4 to facilitate subsequent description: the self-supplied self-sand stacker 1G includes a base 12, a bracket 14 and a stack, and a base 18 5 "The 3D coordinate system has a positive Z direction on the x_y plane base and the base 12 has a negative z direction. The bracket is placed on the base 12 and is located on the yoke, so the bracket 14 is located in the 3D coordinate system. The position of the stack. The laminated module can be placed on the base 12 and placed on the y-axis. The front half of the base 12 is located on the plane of the positive y of the W plane, and the second half of the base 12 The portion is located on the plane of the negative plane of the coincidence plane. In other words, the lamination module 18 can be moved back and forth between the front half (positive y) and the rear half 'negative y) of the susceptor 12. Thus, the bracket 14 and the lamination mold The group 18 divides the base 12 into four quadrants, that is, the left front portion of the base 12 is the first quadrant, the right front portion of the base 12 is the second quadrant, and the right rear portion of the base 12 is the third quadrant. The left rear portion of the 12 is the fourth quadrant. In addition, the automatic stacking machine 10 further includes a separator discharge module 16, a left storage tank 20, a right storage tank 22, and a left fixed The module 24, a right positioning module 26, a first left suction cup 28, a second left suction cup 3G, a right-right suction cup 32, a second right suction cup 34, a gripping device 36, a cutting device 38, A glue applicator 40, a transport clip 42, a storage tank 44 and a control device 46. The above devices are then mounted in the relative position of the automatic stacker 10. & the film discharge module 16 is disposed on the bracket 14 is used to place a separator 410 to the lamination module 18, in other words, the separator discharge module 16 is located in the direction of the susceptor 12. Then, the left grooving tank 20 and the right grooving tank 22 are respectively It is disposed in the fourth quadrant of the base 7 M419236 12 and the first quadrant of the base. The left slot 2 is for storing the first pole pieces 420, and the right slot 22 is for storing the second pole pieces 43. In this embodiment, the first pole piece 420 may be a positive electrode piece, and the second pole piece 43A may be a negative electrode piece, but is not limited thereto. Next, the left positioning module 24 and the right positioning module 26 are respectively disposed on The fourth quadrant of the pedestal 12 and the first quadrant, and the left positioning module 24 is located between the left grooving slot 2 〇 and the lamination module 18. The position module 26 is located between the right slot and the lamination module 18. The left positioning module 24 is used to correct the first pole piece 420 to the correct position, and the right positioning module 26 is used to adjust the second pole. The sheet 430 is corrected to the correct position. Next, the first left suction cup 28, the second left suction cup 3, the first right suction cup 32, and the second right suction cup 34 are movably disposed on the bracket 14. The first left suction cup 28 and the second The left suction cup 30 is located on the side of the bracket 14 facing the negative y direction, and the first left suction cup 28 moves along the X-axis direction between the left grooving slot 20 and the left positioning module 24, and the first left suction cup 30 is along the X. The direction of the axis moves back between the left positioning module 24 and the lamination module 18. The first right suction cup 32 and the second right suction cup 34 are located on the side of the bracket 14 facing the positive y direction, and the first right suction cup 32 is overlapped between the right grooving groove 22 and the right positioning module 26 along the χ axis direction. Moving, the second right suction cup 34 moves back and forth between the right positioning module 26 and the lamination module 18 in the direction of the x-axis. Next, the gripping device 36 is disposed on the base 12 and on the y-axis. The clips 36 can be moved in the y direction toward the lamination module 18 or away from the lamination module 18 and used to grip the stacked battery cells 400 away from the lamination module 18. Next, the cutting device 38 is disposed between the lamination module 18 and the missing M419236 device 36, but is not limited thereto. The cutting device 38 is used to cut off the excess isolation film 410 after the automatic stacking machine 〇 stacks the battery cells 4 . Next, the sticking device 40 is disposed on the base 12 and located between the lamination module μ and the gripping device 36', but not limited thereto. The glue applicator 4 is used to adhere a tape to the separator 410 of the battery core 400, so that the battery cells 4 are kept in a stacked state. The transport clip 42 and the storage slot 44 are respectively disposed on the base 12 and are located in the first quadrant, but are not limited thereto. The transport clip 42 is used to receive the battery core 400 removed from the lamination module 18 by the gripping device and then transported to the storage tank 44 for storage. Then, the control device 46 is disposed on the base 12 and electrically connected to the isolating film discharge module 16, the lamination module 18, the left trough 2, the right trough 22, the left positioning module 24, and the right The positioning module 26, the first left suction cup 28, the second left suction cup, the first right suction cup 32, the second right suction cup 34, the gripping device %, the cutting agricultural unit, the glue applying device 4, the wheel feeding clip 42 and the storage Slot 44. Control device 46 is used to control the operation of these devices. Continue to describe the detailed structure of the laminated module 18, please refer to "Figure 3" and "4th", "3" is the "Photograph" of the laminated module "Figure 4" Figure " is an enlarged view of "Fig. 3". The lamination module 18 of the present embodiment includes a stacking table (10), a - a first tableting assembly, and a second tableting assembly. The laminated board 100 has a bearing surface no for carrying the isolation film 410, the first pole piece 42A and the second pole piece 430. The bearing surface 11 has an opposite first side (1) and a second side 112. In the present embodiment, the first side ln and the second side (1) are parallel to the X-vehicle, and the first-side side is closer to the second half of the base 12 with respect to the second side 112. 9 M419236 The first tablet assembly 200 of the present embodiment is movably disposed on one side ϋ m ' of the lamination station 100. It includes a first left pressing piece 210, a first right pressing piece 220 and a first - Drive unit 230. The first left pressing piece 210 and the first right pressing piece 220 are located at the left and right ends of the first side 111. The first driving device 230 includes a left vertical driving member 231, a first left horizontal driving member 232, a first right vertical driving member 233, and a first right horizontal driving member 234. The first left vertical driving member 231 and the first right vertical driving member 233 are respectively disposed at opposite ends of the first side 111 of the lamination stage 1A. And, the first left horizontal driving member 232 and the first right horizontal driving member (9) are supported, so that the first left horizontal driving member 232 and the first right horizontal driving member 234 can be opposite to each other in the vertical direction (2 squares) Then, the two ends of the first left horizontal driving member 232 are respectively connected to the first left vertical driving member 231 and the first left pressing claw 21 〇, and the two ends of the first right horizontal driving member are respectively connected to the first right vertical The driving member 233 and the first right pressing claws allow the first left pressing claw 21 〇 and the first right pressing claw to be repeatedly moved in the horizontal direction (X direction) from the laminated sheet. [Note that this embodiment The control device 46 controls the synchronous driving movement of the straight driving member and the right-right vertical moving member, and controls the synchronous movement of the first-left horizontal driving member and the right-right horizontal driving member 234, which is the first-left W claw. 210 and the right-to-right claw are also moved synchronously. Next, the second toe assembly 300 is described. The second wafer assembly 300 of the present embodiment is movably disposed on the second side m of the lamination table, which includes a second left month M419236 claw 310, one The second right pressing piece 320 and the second driving piece 320 are respectively located at the left and right ends of the second side edge 112. The second driving device 330 includes a first driving device 320 and a second driving device 320. a second left vertical driving member 331, a second left horizontal driving member 332, a second right vertical driving member 333, and a second right horizontal driving member 334. The second left vertical driving member 331 and the second right vertical driving member 333 And respectively disposed at opposite ends of the second weave 112 of the lamination table, and for supporting the second left horizontal driving member 332 and the second right horizontal driving member 334, and the second left horizontal driving member 332 and the second right horizontal The driving member 334 can be repeatedly moved in the vertical direction (Z direction) with respect to the lamination table 100. Then, the two ends of the second left horizontal driving member 332 are respectively connected to the second lu vertical driving member 331 and the second left pressing claw (10), and The two ends of the second right horizontal drive are respectively connected to the second right vertical driving member, such as the second right pressing claw
第二左壓片爪310與第二右壓片爪32〇可以相對疊片台⑽沿水 平方向(X方向)反復移動。 其中’需注意的是’本實施例之控制裝置奶係控制第二左 直驅動構件331與第二右垂直驅動構件现同步移動,以姑制 第二左水平驅動構件332與第二右水平驅動構件说同_ 是以第二左壓片爪3K)與第二右壓片爪細亦是同步移動。夕, 接著描述疊片模組18之作動方式,請參閱「第5A圖」至「第 51圖」,「第5A圖」至「第51圖 「 第 首先,如「第5Αϋ」所示,疊片台、1〇〇位於」]動方式圖。 此時,隔離膜410覆蓋於第二極片423。▲坐12之後半部。 接者,如「第5B圖」與「第5C圖」所示,「第5(:圖」為「第 5B圖」之前不圖。第二左吸盤30吸附-第-極片420放置於隔 離膜410上。此時,隔離膜41〇因第二左吸盤30向下減而產生 位於承載面110之第二側邊112之摺痕。 接著,如帛5D圖」所示,第二左水平驅動構件332與第二 右水平驅動構件334同步驅動第二左壓片爪310與第二右壓片爪 b水平方向(X方向)離開疊片台(如箭頭&所指示之方向)。 接著’如第5E圖」所示,第二左垂直驅動構件331與第二 右垂直驅動構件333同步驅動第二左水平驅動構件332與第二右 水平驅動構件334沿垂直方向(正z方向)移動(如箭頭b所指示之 方向)。此時’第二左逐片爪31〇與第二右壓片爪32〇分別距承载 面有一段距離。 接著如第5F圖」所示,第二左水平驅動構件與第二 右水平驅動構件334同步驅動第二左㈣爪31()與第二右屋片爪 320沿水平方向(X方向)靠近疊片台(如箭頭e所指示之方向卜 接著,如「第5G圖」所示,第二左垂直驅動構件331與第二 右垂直驅動構件333同步驅動第二左水平驅動構件332與第二右 水平驅動構件334沿垂直方向(負z方向)移動(如箭頭d所指示之 方向)。此時’第二左壓片爪310與第二右壓片爪32〇同時_於 第一極片420之表面及隔離膜410上。The second left tableting claw 310 and the second right tableting claw 32 are repeatedly movable in the horizontal direction (X direction) with respect to the lamination table (10). Wherein, it should be noted that the control device of the present embodiment controls the second left vertical driving member 331 and the second right vertical driving member to move synchronously to control the second left horizontal driving member 332 and the second right horizontal driving. The member is said to be the same as the second left pressing claw 3K) and the second right pressing claw. In the following, the operation of the lamination module 18 will be described. Please refer to "5A" to "51", "5A" to "51", first, as shown in "5th", The film and the 1〇〇 are located in the "] mode map. At this time, the isolation film 410 covers the second pole piece 423. ▲ Sit in the second half of the 12th. In the case of "5B" and "5C", "5th (: Figure) is not shown before "5B". The second left suction cup 30 is adsorbed - the first pole piece 420 is placed in isolation On the film 410. At this time, the separator 41 is creased by the second left suction cup 30 to form a crease on the second side 112 of the bearing surface 110. Next, as shown in Fig. 5D, the second left level The driving member 332 and the second right horizontal driving member 334 synchronously drive the second left tableting claw 310 and the second right tableting claw b away from the lamination table in the horizontal direction (X direction) (as indicated by the arrow & As shown in FIG. 5E, the second left vertical driving member 331 and the second right vertical driving member 333 synchronously drive the second left horizontal driving member 332 and the second right horizontal driving member 334 to move in the vertical direction (positive z direction). (as indicated by the arrow b.) At this time, the 'second left piece by piece 31 〇 and the second right piece piece 32 〇 are separated from the bearing surface by a distance. Then, as shown in Fig. 5F, the second left The horizontal driving member and the second right horizontal driving member 334 drive the second left (four) claw 31 () and the second right roof claw 320 horizontally. Approaching (in the X direction) to the stacking table (as indicated by arrow e), as shown in "5G", the second left vertical driving member 331 and the second right vertical driving member 333 simultaneously drive the second left level The driving member 332 and the second right horizontal driving member 334 move in the vertical direction (negative z direction) (as indicated by the arrow d). At this time, the second left pressing claw 310 and the second right pressing claw 32 are simultaneously _ on the surface of the first pole piece 420 and the isolation film 410.
接著,如「第5H圖」所示,第二左吸盤3〇沿垂直方向(正z 方向)移動(如箭頭e所指示之方向)。此時,第二左吸盤3〇未抵I 12 M419236 於隔離膜410,而第二左壓片爪310與第二右壓片爪320持續抵壓 於IW離膜410而讓隔離膜410保持於承載面11〇之第二側邊112 具有摺痕的狀態。 接著,如「第51圖」所示’疊片台1〇〇沿y方向自基座12 之後半部移至前半部。此時,隔離膜410覆蓋於第一極片422。 接著第一壓片組件200重覆上述「第5B圖」至「第5H圖」 之動作後,如「第5J圖」所示,第一左壓片爪21〇與第一右壓片 爪220同時抵壓於第二極片430之表面及隔離膜41〇上,而讓隔 離膜4KM呆持於承載面110之第一侧邊⑴射摺痕的狀態。接 著重覆「第5A圖」至「第5J圖」之動作,直到電池芯4〇〇堆疊 疋成· 0 上述實施例所揭露之自動堆疊機之疊片模組 動裝置與第二藤動裝置分別驅動第_以組件與第二4二J 讓第-麗片組件與第二麗片組件係以交錯之順序輪流抵壓承载 面。是以在堆疊電'池芯的過程中,第一魔片組件僅會盘第二極片 接觸’以及第二㈣組件僅會與第—糾接觸。如此—來,第二 極片的配料不會經由㈣模組沾_第—邮上,進 芯的原料受到污染。 ^本創作之實施觸露如上所述,然並非心限定本創 作’任何熟習相關技藝者,在 之變更,構造,精神當可做些許 更因此本創作之專利保護範圍須視本說明書所附之申請專 13 M419236 利範圍所界定者為準。 【圖式簡單說明】 「第1圖」為一實施例之自動堆疊機的立體示意圖。 「第2圖」為「第1圖」的另一視角的立體示意圖。 「第3圖」為「第1圖」之疊片模組的放大示意圖。: 「第4圖」為「第3圖」之放大示意圖。 「第5A圖」至「第5J圖」為「第1圖」的作動方式圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 10 自動堆疊機 12 基座 14 支架 16 隔離膜放料模組 18 豐片权組 20 左置料槽 22 右置料槽 24 左定位模組 26 右定位模組 28 第一左吸盤 30 第二左吸盤 32 第一右吸盤 34 第上右吸盤 36 夾取裝置 14 M419236Next, as shown in "5H", the second left suction cup 3 is moved in the vertical direction (positive z direction) (in the direction indicated by the arrow e). At this time, the second left suction cup 3 〇 does not reach I 12 M419236 in the isolation film 410, and the second left pressing piece 310 and the second right pressing piece 320 continue to press against the IW film 410 to keep the isolation film 410 The second side 112 of the bearing surface 11 has a state of being creased. Next, as shown in Fig. 51, the lamination stage 1 is moved from the rear half of the susceptor 12 to the front half in the y direction. At this time, the isolation film 410 covers the first pole piece 422. After the first tablet assembly 200 repeats the operations of "5B to 5H", as shown in "5J", the first left pressing claw 21 〇 and the first right pressing claw 220 At the same time, the surface of the second pole piece 430 and the separator 41 are pressed against each other, and the separator 4KM is held in a state where the first side (1) of the bearing surface 110 is creased. Then, the operations of "5A" to "5J" are repeated until the battery cells are stacked. 0. The laminated module moving device and the second rattan device of the automatic stacking machine disclosed in the above embodiments The first component and the second component are respectively driven to alternately press the carrier surface in a staggered order. Therefore, in the process of stacking the 'cell cores, the first magic piece assembly only contacts the second pole piece' and the second (four) component only contacts the first. In this way, the ingredients of the second pole piece will not be contaminated by the raw materials of the core through the (4) module. ^The implementation of this creation is as described above, but it is not limited to the creation of this work. Anyone who is familiar with the relevant art, change, structure, and spirit can do something more. Therefore, the scope of patent protection of this creation must be attached to this manual. The application is subject to the definition of 13 M419236. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS "FIG. 1" is a perspective view of an automatic stacking machine of an embodiment. "Fig. 2" is a perspective view of another perspective of "Fig. 1". "Fig. 3" is an enlarged schematic view of the laminated module of "Fig. 1". : "4th picture" is an enlarged view of "3rd picture". "5A" to "5J" are the operation diagrams of "1st figure". [Main component symbol description] 10 Automatic stacking machine 12 Base 14 Bracket 16 Isolation film discharging module 18 Fengquan right group 20 Left grooving trough 22 Right grooving 24 Left positioning module 26 Right positioning module 28 First Left suction cup 30 second left suction cup 32 first right suction cup 34 first right suction cup 36 gripping device 14 M419236
38 切除裝置 40 貼膠裝置 42 輸送夾 44 儲存槽 46 控制裝置 100 疊片台 110 承載面 111 第一側邊 112 第二側邊 200 . 第一壓片組件 210 第一左麼片爪 220 第一右壓片爪 230 第一驅動裝置 231 第一左垂直驅動構件 232 第一左水平驅動構件 -233 第一右垂直驅動構件 234 第一右水平驅動構件 300 第二壓片組件 310 第二左壓片爪 320 第二右壓片爪 330 第二驅動裝置 331 第二左垂直驅動構件 15 M419236 33-2 第二左水平驅動構件 333 第二右垂直驅動構件 334 第二右水平驅動構件 400 電池芯 410 隔離膜 420 第一極片 430 第二極片 1638 Cutting device 40 Gluing device 42 Conveying clip 44 Storage tank 46 Control device 100 Lamination table 110 Bearing surface 111 First side 112 Second side 200. First tablet assembly 210 First left blade 220 First Right pressing piece 230 First driving device 231 First left vertical driving member 232 First left horizontal driving member - 233 First right vertical driving member 234 First right horizontal driving member 300 Second pressing piece assembly 310 Second left pressing piece Claw 320 second right tableting claw 330 second driving device 331 second left vertical driving member 15 M419236 33-2 second left horizontal driving member 333 second right vertical driving member 334 second right horizontal driving member 400 battery core 410 isolation Film 420 first pole piece 430 second pole piece 16