财12640 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係有關於-種調整人類;i部力量分配的平衡足部之裝 置’尤適於應用在皮鞋、布鞋、休閒鞋、高跟鞋或類似結構者。、 【先前技術】 隨著經濟的發展與進步,在現代生活中進行體力勞動的機合 較以往大為減少,進而導致現代人運動量不足,以致如代謝不^ 症候群、肥胖、高血壓、高血脂、心肺功能低料文明病有増無 減。 …、 在該些文明病之外尚有—種常見而普遍的慢性_,大種慢 ^疼痛發生的主要,係在於不㈣動倾姿勢使骨熬肌肉^ 去平衡。就生物演化的觀點而言,在人類演進的歷程中,人 由四足爬行演化成兩足紅足行。為了轉兩足直线立和兩足 f立1走等狀鮮的平衡,錄、肌肉會產生相互調和而產生代 補償的作用’讓人類身體在兩足直立站立的狀態下不致於 倒,並能於岐直立行走行進。 、 二别述代替補償的作用係—種不同的㈣、肌肉之間所發 生的交互作用, η± ^種月絡、肌肉間的交互作用使人在站立或行走 時可能構成各種不良的動作與姿勢,而不良的動作與姿二 路肌肉失去平衡 /、文努又诔, &丁丹進步引起前述慢性疼痛及各種酸痛。 1这U生相及各魏痛來自於人體碰性之代替補償 3 料12640 作用’因此相關領域之醫學技術或技學技術難以輕易地對症下藥 或有針對性地解決問題,亦即既有之醫學技術或科學技術尚不能 提供具體而簡使可行之手段’令身體錄、肌肉細節等在日常 生活中隨時維持在平衡狀態,也沒有辦法有效_免不良的動作 與姿勢造成酸痛及前述慢性疼痛。Finance 12640 V. New description: [New technology field] This creation department has a device for adjusting humans; the balance of the foot of the i-power distribution is particularly suitable for use in leather shoes, cloth shoes, casual shoes, high heels or the like. Structure. [Prior Art] With the development and progress of the economy, the coordination of physical labor in modern life has been greatly reduced, which has led to the lack of exercise in modern people, such as metabolic syndrome, obesity, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. The cardiopulmonary function is low and the civilized disease is unrelenting. ..., in addition to these civilized diseases, there is a common and common chronic _, the main reason for the occurrence of pain is that the (4) dynamic tilting posture makes the bones and muscles balance. From the point of view of biological evolution, in the course of human evolution, people have evolved from four-footed crawling into two-legged red-footed. In order to change the balance between the two feet and the two feet, the two muscles will have the same balance, and the muscles will reconcile each other and produce compensation. 'Let the human body not fall down when the two feet stand upright, and can Yu Yu walked upright. Second, the role of the alternative compensation system - a different (four), the interaction between the muscles, η ± ^ species of the network, the interaction between the muscles may cause various adverse actions when standing or walking Posture, and bad movements and postures of the two muscles lose balance /, Wennu and 诔, & Ding Dan progress caused by the aforementioned chronic pain and various soreness. 1 This U phase and each Wei pain comes from the replacement of human body compensation 3 material 12640 role 'so the medical technology or technical technology in related fields is difficult to solve the problem easily or to solve the problem in a targeted way, that is, the existing medicine Technology or science and technology can not provide a specific and simple means to make the body record, muscle details and other aspects in daily life in a state of balance, there is no way to effectively _ free bad movements and posture caused by soreness and the aforementioned chronic pain.
在人類站立或行走時,最理想的狀態是讓足跟與腳掌之受力 :均、全身重量之支撐狀態落於足底之中心,如第一圖所示,使 骨路肌肉系統在站立或行走時自然維持在中立平衡的位置。但在 自然情況下,足絲鞋料钱子本身設狀辟。#足跟使力 、夕時足跟谷易產生疼痛且鞋跟易磨損,而當腳掌力量較多時, 走路會知衝,或如第二圖所示,當走路姿勢呈内人字時,身體 =配重均各不同’因此蚊跟、腳掌_與腳掌内 H方ΓΓΓ大勤,如此—來將不利於身體平衡,也 炫站立或步仃的方式而引起不良的動作與姿勢。 針對上述的_,以往處理足制題 礙商的改善m括縣子的 u鞋產業相關 子足跟處挖洞加入較軟且具彈性材?=鳩(㈣、於鞋 計蓉I ㈤时質、或麵用足跟杯的形狀今 增加而不二善方式卻反而導致足跟或腳掌之受^ 質或足跟杯的方法二用契形物、軟材 良動作姿勢之狀態作出改變,但^聊旱力I分配不均而引起不 力。 —K,,、法有效減少足跟或腳掌之壓 4 M412640 本創作人有鏗於傳統足部壓力調整結構有待改進之缺失,期 =供-鮮衡足部4置,骑㈣思、料_,以提供消 、大眾使用’為糊作所欲研敗辦動機者。 【新型内容】 ?糊作的主要目的’在提供—種令紐與腳掌受力平均之平 衡足。卩之裝。 本創作之次要目的,在提供—種方便各種鞋體裝設的平衡足 部之裝置。 本創作之再-目的,在提供—種避免足部受傷且更增舒適感 的平衡足部之裝置。 〜 %為達成上述目的’本創作係於前腳掌與後聰之間的位置處 汉有至少—調整元件,調整元件設為—背面具有結合部的支點, 鲁利用結合部結合於鞋體或塾體的相對位置;藉此,改變足跟與腳 掌^間力量配置,妥善分_重於腳底上,令調整元件的周緣受 力平均,避免足部受傷並更增舒適感。 為達成上述目的,本創作包含:一鞋墊;以及至少一調整元 件’調整元件設為-#面具有結合部的支點,利⑽合部結合於 鞋塾表面前腳掌與後腳跟之_位置處;藉此,令調整元件二周 緣党力平均,避免使用者足部受傷並更增舒適感。 為達成上述目的,本創作包含:一鞋墊;以及至少—調整元 件’調整元件設為-背面具有結合㈣支點,利職合部結合於 鞋墊背面前腳掌與後腳跟之間的位置;藉此,令 劲平均,避免使用者足部受傷並更增舒適感。 的周緣 如上所述之平衡足部之裝置,至少 圓形或長方形任-種者。 辦係為_、橢 如^所述之平蚁部之裝置,至少—調整元件係為凸面 弧面、半瞧面或不獅面任一種者。 如上所述之平衡足部之裝置,至少一調整 背膠或雙轉。 具有 内 如上所述之平衡足部之裝置, ’並受鞋墊覆蓋。 至少一調整元件係結合於鞋體 本創作她於現紐術突出的優點是: 卜透過婦元件的錢’有效讓健腳掌受力平均,令使用 者能在最理想狀態下站立或行走。 Y、藉由調整元件的調整放置,改善使用者骨絡、肌肉間之平 :狀態’避免引起慢性疼痛與各種酸痛。 周整元件係可搭配各種鞋型、鞋款並無任何使服制,以 更具有競爭性者。 本創作之其他特點及具體實施例可於以下配合關之詳細說 明中,進一步瞭解。 【實施方式] 下面以具體實施例對本創作作進一步描述: Μ12640 請參第三圖,本創作係具有至少一調整元件1〇,該調整元件 10設為一支點,又,調整元件10的底面並設有一供結合使用的結 合部11 ;其中,支點為圓形、橢圓形或長方形任一種,同時支點 表面係設為凸面、圓弧面、半圓弧面或不規則面任一種,而結合 部11則為背膠、雙面膠或魔鬼鼓任一種,本實施例以圓形、凸面 與雙面膠為例說明。使用時,係將調整元件10置於鞋内對應於前 腳掌與後腳跟之間内侧足弓與外側足弓中間位置處,使用者可透 過試穿鞋子以調整該調整元件1Q的位置,當位置調整完畢之後, 即可透過雙面膠以將調整元件10黏固於鞋内。 如第四圖、第五®及第九圖所示,為本創作實施例之第二應 用例’包含.一鞋墊20以及至少一調整元件1〇,鞋墊2〇分為腳 旱端、足跟端與足弓部2卜而調整元件1()製成一支點,又,調整 讀10的底面並設有-供結合使㈣結合部u__雙聽,請再同 時參附第,、®、第七圖,該調整元件1Q係透過者的喜好而方 便叹置於鞋塾2G表面足弓部21的上、下、左、右等四周緣,讓 吏用者使用後,調整元件1Q成為槓桿支點,以隨鞋跟高度前後左 右移動,讓足轉_形她输個,令職的壓力平均分散, 如第八圖所不。另請參第十—圖,賴整元件1G亦可透過結合部 11結合於轉2〇背面足弓部21的上、下、左、右等適處同樣 也可達到相同的效果。 如第十圖所不,該調整元件1〇亦可透過結合部11直接結 。於鞋體30内對應足弓部(係將鞋體3Q的鞋墊掀起)後,再將 7 鞋墊20置入鞋體30内,以將調整元件1〇覆蓋。 惟以上所述者,僅為本創作之較佳實施例,當不能用以^ 本創作可實施之範圍’凡習於本業之人士所_可作的變化與二 飾,皆應視為不悖離本創作之實質内容。 、夕 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係腳底受力平均的示意圖。 第二圖係腳底受力不均的示意圖。 第三圖係本創作實施例第一應用例之立體外觀圖。 第四圖係本創作實施例第二應用例之立體外觀圖。 第五圖係本創作實施例第二用例的元件分解圖。 第六圖係本創作實施例第二應用例的使用狀態示意圖㈠。 第七圖係本創作實施例第二細例的使紐態示意圖㈡。 第八圖係使用本創作後腳底受力示意圖。 第九圖係本創作實施例第―、第二應關的使用示意圖。 第十圖係本創作實施例第三應用例之元件分解圖。 第十圖係本創作實施例第四應用例之立體外觀圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 10調整元件 11結合部 20鞋墊 M412640 21足弓部 30鞋子When a person stands or walks, the ideal state is to force the heel and the sole of the foot: the support state of the whole body weight falls on the center of the sole of the foot, as shown in the first figure, the bone system of the bone is standing or Naturally maintain a neutral balance when walking. However, in the natural situation, the foot silk shoes money itself is set. #足跟使, 夕时足足易易痛痛 and the heel is easy to wear, and when the foot is more powerful, the walk will know, or as shown in the second figure, when the walking posture is inside the characters, The body = weights are different - so the mosquito heels, the soles of the feet _ and the H-squares in the soles of the feet, so - will not be conducive to the balance of the body, but also dazzle standing or step by way to cause bad movements and postures. In response to the above-mentioned _, the previous treatment of the problem of the problem of the improvement of the business, including the county of the u shoe industry, the sub-heel burrow to join the soft and elastic material? =鸠((4), in the shoe counts I (five), the shape of the heel cup, or the shape of the heel cup, which is added to the shape of the heel or the sole of the foot, but instead of the method of the heel or the sole of the foot The state of the good posture of the object and the soft material is changed, but the pain is not caused by the uneven distribution of the drought force I. -K,,, and the method effectively reduces the pressure of the heel or the sole of the foot. 4 M412640 The creator is contrary to the traditional foot The pressure adjustment structure needs to be improved, the period = supply - fresh balance foot 4 set, ride (four) think, material _, to provide consumer, public use 'for the paste to do the motivation to run the game. [New content]? The main purpose of the work is to provide a balance between the weight of the button and the sole of the foot. The second purpose of this creation is to provide a device for balancing the foot of various shoe bodies. The re-purpose, in the provision of a device that balances the foot to avoid foot injury and more comfort. ~ % To achieve the above purpose 'This creation is at the position between the forefoot and the back Cong at least - Adjust the component, the adjustment component is set to - the fulcrum with the joint on the back, Lu The joint is combined with the relative position of the shoe body or the body; thereby, the force arrangement between the heel and the foot is changed, and the weight is properly divided on the sole of the foot, so that the circumference of the adjusting element is averaged to avoid foot injury and more To achieve the above purpose, the present invention comprises: an insole; and at least one adjusting component 'the adjusting component is set to a fulcrum having a joint on the surface of the heel, and the heel (10) joint is coupled to the forefoot and the heel of the forefoot surface. _ position; thereby, the adjustment component two-week party force average, to avoid the user's foot injury and more comfort. To achieve the above purpose, the creation includes: an insole; and at least - the adjustment component 'adjustment component set to - The back has a joint (four) fulcrum, which is combined with the position between the forefoot and the rear heel on the back of the insole; thereby, the average is averaged to avoid injury to the user's foot and more comfort. The circumference is as described above. A device that balances the foot, at least in a circular or rectangular shape. The device is a flat ant device as described in _, ellipse, etc., at least - the adjusting element is a convex curved surface, a semi-faceted surface or a non-lion surface. Any of the devices for balancing the foot as described above, at least one of adjusting the backing or double turning. The device having the balanced foot as described above, 'and covered by the insole. At least one adjusting element is coupled to the shoe body The advantages of this creation in her current creation are: The money through the female component 'effectively allows the foot to average the force, so that the user can stand or walk in the most ideal state. Y, by adjusting the adjustment of the component placement, Improve the user's bones and muscles: the state 'avoids chronic pain and all kinds of soreness. The whole component can be matched with various shoes and shoes without any suit, so as to be more competitive. Other features and specific embodiments can be further understood in the following detailed description. [Embodiment] The present invention will be further described below by way of specific embodiments: Μ12640 Please refer to the third figure, which has at least one adjusting component 1 The adjusting element 10 is set as a fulcrum, and the bottom surface of the adjusting element 10 is further provided with a joint portion 11 for use in combination; wherein the fulcrum is circular, elliptical or Any one of the squares, and the surface of the fulcrum is any one of a convex surface, a circular arc surface, a semi-circular surface or an irregular surface, and the joint portion 11 is any one of a backing rubber, a double-sided rubber or a devil drum, and the embodiment is a circle. The shape, convex surface and double-sided tape are taken as an example. In use, the adjusting element 10 is placed in the shoe corresponding to the middle position between the inner arch and the lateral arch of the forefoot and the rear heel, and the user can adjust the position of the adjusting component 1Q by trying on the shoes. After the adjustment is completed, the double-sided adhesive can be used to adhere the adjustment member 10 to the shoe. As shown in the fourth, fifth, and ninth drawings, the second application example of the present embodiment includes an insole 20 and at least one adjusting component 1 , and the insole 2 is divided into a dry end and a heel. The end and the arch portion 2 adjust the component 1 () to make a point, and adjust the bottom surface of the read 10 and provide - for the combination of (4) the joint u__ double listening, please refer to the second, In the seventh figure, the adjusting component 1Q is conveniently placed on the upper, lower, left, and right peripheral edges of the arch portion 21 of the last 2G surface of the shoe last 2G, so that the adjusting member 1Q becomes a lever after use by the user. The fulcrum moves to move forward and backward with the height of the heel, so that the foot turns _ shaped, she loses, and the pressure of the job is evenly dispersed, as shown in the eighth figure. In addition, referring to the tenth-figure, the same component can also achieve the same effect by the combination of the joint portion 11 and the upper, lower, left, and right sides of the back arch portion 21 of the second turn. As shown in the tenth figure, the adjusting element 1〇 can also be directly connected through the joint portion 11. After the corresponding arch portion (which is picked up by the insole of the shoe body 3Q) in the shoe body 30, the insole 20 is placed in the shoe body 30 to cover the adjusting member 1 . However, the above is only a preferred embodiment of the present invention. When it is not possible to use the scope of the creation, the changes and the two ornaments that can be used by those who are in the profession should be regarded as unsatisfactory. The essence of this creation.夕 [A brief description of the diagram] The first picture is a schematic diagram of the average force of the sole. The second picture is a schematic diagram of uneven force on the sole of the foot. The third figure is a perspective view of the first application example of the present embodiment. The fourth drawing is a perspective view of the second application example of the present embodiment. The fifth figure is an exploded view of the second use case of the present embodiment. The sixth figure is a schematic diagram of the use state of the second application example of the present creation embodiment (1). The seventh figure is a schematic diagram of the second state of the second embodiment of the present creative embodiment (2). The eighth figure is a schematic diagram of the force applied to the sole of the foot after using this creation. The ninth figure is a schematic diagram of the use of the first and second aspects of the present embodiment. The tenth figure is an exploded view of the third application example of the present embodiment. The tenth drawing is a perspective view of a fourth application example of the present embodiment. [Main component symbol description] 10 adjustment components 11 joints 20 insoles M412640 21 arches 30 shoes