TWM300427U - Multi-blade structure - Google Patents

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TWM300427U TW95208641U TW95208641U TWM300427U TW M300427 U TWM300427 U TW M300427U TW 95208641 U TW95208641 U TW 95208641U TW 95208641 U TW95208641 U TW 95208641U TW M300427 U TWM300427 U TW M300427U
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Chen-Hui Lai
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Power Cooler Entpr Co Ltd
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Priority to TW95208641U priority Critical patent/TWM300427U/en
Publication of TWM300427U publication Critical patent/TWM300427U/en



  • Structures Of Non-Positive Displacement Pumps (AREA)


M3D0427 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作關於一種多層扇葉結構,特指一種具有多層葉片排列的扇 葉結構。 臼八、 【先前技術】 現今運用於電腦系統的散熱器,依其散熱方式分為被動式以及主 '動式散熱器二種’其中’被動式散熱器是利用與發熱體接觸並利用設 *計散熱器具有增大之與空氣接觸的面積’而將熱能有效率地傳送至大 氣中;主動式散熱器則是利用流動介質(如:水或空氣)的熱容積(熱 量的吸收能力)’直接吸收被動式散熱器或發熱體之熱能,彳吏'電^裝^ 的溫度得控制在一定的範圍内,而不致因溫度過高而當機,因此,就 原理上來說,同時搭配主動及被動散熱器才能發揮最佳的散埶及降溫 效果。 .、、、孤 而氣冷式散熱斋為現今廣用的主動式散熱器之一,主要係利用空 氣的熱容積,將熱能由被動式散熱器上帶走,而達到提高散熱率的^ 果’常見結翻是_扇葉旋鮮動紐的風扇結構。而廣^、的被動 式散熱器則是由多片具大面積的鰭片所搭接而成,透過各鰭片吸 增進熱能與空氣接觸的面積,並進—步配合前述風扇結 讀,而將熱能由鰭片表面快速帶走,達到高效率的散熱及 旦你能好壞主要取決於所產生之風量及鍾,其中風 i 通過風4出風σ的空氣體積,就散熱效果來 ϊχ過ΐ散熱效果便雛’且其風量計算方式(風量=風 utttn辦肋通過舰輕氣_的大小。 ^葉片傾角、間距以及長度均相同V之與;== 扇產生之風量為最大,相$,〇風^出^口^等於入風口壓力)風 _地扇雜速而言,風壓大小魏決於扇葉之各葉片的形狀、 TP060287 M3Q0427 面積、長度相互配合所致,基本上來說,當扇葉產生之風壓越大萨, 即表示送風距離越短,反之,送風距離則越長。 t ’ 一惟’運用風扇協助各鰭片散熱降溫的方式,據瞭解並無法產生 勻氣場,其原因在於:排列於輪轂12周圍的葉片h (如第丨圖所示句 於旋轉時,葉片11之尖端ln與根部112雖同步隨著輪轂12旋=,’ 然,位於扇葉10外侧的葉片尖端軸向速度勢必大於葉片11榜立 112的軸向速度(如第2圖所示),導致氣流進入風扇的軸向逮度 不丁,而造成風扇產生之流場内圍及外圍的風量不均勻,此外 片尖端m之間距亦大於各葉片根侧距,因而造成過風面積不^ 同。,此,就上述兩點而言,扇葉所產生之氣場的内、外圍的風量, 勢必嚴重不均,導致風扇所對應之散熱區域無法均勻地降溫。 , 因此,如何政善前述之扇葉產生之風量不一的問題,乃為 鑽研之課題。 ^ n 【新型内容】 本創作之目的在於提供一種多層扇葉結構,透過徑向地設於輪 ϊ,ί多,同葉片傾角、間距、長度及數量搭配的葉片組,而使ί 茱屋生之氣流流場的内、外圍風量趨近一致的效果者。 本,作之-目的在提供—種多層扇葉結構,透過徑向地設於輪轂 組不同葉片傾角、間距、長度及數量搭配的葉片組,俾以達 !=片_對應之散熱區域的需求,而產生適當地風壓或風量。 白人目的,本創作第一實施例係提供—種多層扇葉結構,係 整輪較以及複數#設於輪轂周圍的扇葉,其特徵在於:該等 “夕^分第一葉片組及第二組葉片組,並依序徑向地設於輪轂 i η :且,—葉片組及第二葉片組之間設有―固定雜,因而第一 片根部係等距地設於輪轂周圍’而該葉片的災端則固定於 g緣疋衣-内緣,且第二葉片組之各葉片根部,則設於該固定環體的 槔透過各扇葉組之葉片傾角、形狀、面積、片數以及間距不同 ί κ it使扇葉產生之氣流流場之内、外11之風量趨近相同,或視 某片、、且所對應之散熱區域,產生適當地風量。 TP060287 6 M300427 κ. ^ 又,該等扇葉組之各葉片表面間,可增設一強化肋,用以強化各 葉片強度,避免葉片旋轉時產生震動,造成攻角改變等變形問題。 述之實施例,其中風扇產生之風壓大小係影響扇葉送風鉅離 若設,前述之某一扇葉組產生較大風壓,而使氣流得穿過鰭片間距, ,扇葉組的各葉片係改變葉片的形狀、面積及長度的設定值,令該扇 葉,產生較大的風壓,以改善鰭片間之熱對流效果,而當前述之^一 扇葉組,需直接針對發熱體進行集中且快速地散熱及降溫時,該^ ,組之葉片係改變葉片的形狀、面積、長度以及加大葉片間距之設定值、, $扇葉組產生之風壓降低並產生較大的風量,以增進空氣的埶交換 ^ 【實施方式】 Μ m 一有關本創作為上述之目的,所採用之技術手段及其餘功效,兹舉 二較佳實施例,並配合圖式加以說明如下: ^ΐ=3Λ,第3圖為本創作第1實施例多層扇葉結構之立體示 忍圖L第4圖為本創作第1實施例多層扇葉結構之平面示意圖。 人· ΐ,ϊ二本創作之第1實施例係、提供一種多層扇葉結構,係包 it2〇H20以及複數片設於輪較20周圍的葉片,其中,扇葉 係拖53"於一具有定子的轉軸上(圖中未示),且該輪轂2〇内部 定子周圍的轉子,透過定子產生磁場來推動輪㈣ iii,熱體進行散熱降溫(圖中未示),本創作之主要 特徵在於·該4葉片至少區分為第一葉片組211及第二扇葦租爪, =序徑向地設置於輪轂2〇 (如第3至 ^、 及第二扇葉組212之間設有-固定娜99二#片組211 各筆J4 1Π & — ,/、中,第一葉片組211之 =片2110根部係等距地設於扇葉輪fe 固定於固定環體2?肉络而馇-给Λ 、茶月Ζ11ϋ大端則 設於固定第一扇葉組212之各葉片2120則等距地 汉於固魏體22的外緣,於旋轉時,第二葉 積)貝丨If將楚 u 方式(風里一風速*過風面 積竭需將第一葉片組211之各葉片21 過風面積,或是將第二葉片組212 4 此增^ 以減小過風面積,使第一荦片组211H120間距適當地縮小’藉 _87 1⑼㈣、a 211及第二葉片組212獲得趨近相同 M300427 的風量,達到散熱效果一致的目的(如第4圖所示)β 本創作之第1實施例之多層扇葉結構,於實施時,由於 二葉片組m、212係隨著扇葉輪較20同步旋轉, = ,=(时未示),雖,該等扇葉組之轉速相同,但需 ff外Ϊ的第一葉片組212於旋轉時’其轴向速度勢必大於位^内^ ΐί :ίϋ211 ίϋϊ速度’故’由風量計算方式(風量=風速* 積L付知,苐一葉片組211之過風面積勢必需要大於第二葉片 .、且212 L才ί與達到該等扇葉組產生之風量相同的效果,因此,本實 %例,第-葉片組211設計之過風面積大於第二葉片組犯可達 到扇葉内、外圍產生之風量趨近一致的效果者(如第4圖所示)。 ㈣請I’第5 ®為本創作® 2實施❹層扇葉結構之 立體不思係顯7F於第二葉片組之各葉片間設一加強肋。 如圖所示,為解決第二扇葉組212之葉片2 震動,導致葉片212_,而改變其弓角等問題,=於1 葉所;^ 加強肋213 ’用以強化各葉片2120強度,以維持葉片 之弓角角度。 請參閱第6圖,第6圖為本創作第2實施例多層扇葉結構之立體 圖0 本創作除可透過第-葉片組211之過風面積大於第二葉片组 > Ιΐίί各葉片組產生相同的風量之外,亦可針對發熱體或是鑛片 ^里所吊’設定不同的葉片條件’例如:當鰭片之間距過 所 對^之扇餘必齡生較大的㈣,才驗人舰地鰭Μ距,此時, 該葉片組係可進一步設定葉片傾角、長度、間 6圖之第-葉片組211之葉片所示),使其產生( 鰭片間距,從而改善鰭片間之熱交換率;若需針對某一其中 散熱降溫’或是籍片間距較寬時’則著重產生大風量的葉片設故, 所對應之葉片組係可設定較小的葉片傾角以獲得較小的是增 加各葉片的間距等設計’以產生較大出風量。 〆 ^作之優點在於:克服傳統扇葉因葉片尖端與根部之轴向速度 以及葉片間距不-致’而產生之氣流不均勻的物理性質,透過第〆葉 TP060287 0 M300427 . Η f組及第二葉片組徑向設置於扇葉輪轂外圍,而達到氣流流場均勻的 效,之外’亦可針對該等扇葉組所對應之散熱區域需求,而將葉片板 之葉教量、長度或是間距作一不同搭配,以增強產生之風屋。 及精神所為之均等變化與修飾,=公利乾圍所述之形狀構造特徵 4如射於本_” 範圍内。 ΤΡ060287 M30O427 i \ ^【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖為習知扇葉之平面示意圖; 第2圖為習知扇葉之侧視圖; 第3圖為本創作第1實施例多層扇葉結構之立體示意圖; 第4圖為本創作第1實施例多層扇葉結構之平面示意圖; 第5圖為本創作第1實施例多層扇葉結構之立體示意圖,係顯 ’ 示各葉片間設一加強肋;以及 . 第6圖為本創作第2實施例多層扇葉結構之立體示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 9 10 扇葉 11 葉片 111 尖端 - - - . 112 根部 12 輪轂 20 輪轂 2110葉片 211 第一葉片組 ❿ 212 第二葉片組 2120葉片 213 加強肋 22 固定環體 TP060287 10M3D0427 VIII. New description: [New technical field] This creation is about a multi-layer fan blade structure, especially a fan blade structure with multiple layers of blades.先前 、 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 电脑 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器 散热器The device has an increased area in contact with air' to transfer heat efficiently to the atmosphere; the active radiator uses the thermal volume (absorption capacity of heat) of the flowing medium (eg water or air) to directly absorb Passive heat sink or heating element heat energy, 彳吏 'Electric ^ ^ ^ temperature can be controlled within a certain range, without the temperature is too high and crash, therefore, in principle, with active and passive radiator In order to achieve the best dilation and cooling effect. .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The common knot is the fan structure of the fan blade. The passive heat sink is made up of a plurality of fins with a large area, which absorbs the area where the thermal energy contacts the air through the fins, and further matches the fan to read the heat. Quickly take away from the surface of the fin to achieve high efficiency of heat dissipation. Whether you can be good or bad depends mainly on the amount of wind and clock generated. The wind i passes through the air volume of the wind σ, and the heat dissipation effect is used to dissipate heat. The effect is easy to 'and its air volume calculation method (wind volume = wind utttn rib through the ship light gas _ size. ^ blade inclination, spacing and length are the same V; == fan generated wind volume is the largest, phase $, 〇 The wind ^ exit ^ mouth ^ equals the air inlet pressure) wind _ ground fan speed, the wind pressure is determined by the shape of each blade of the fan blade, TP060287 M3Q0427 area and length are combined with each other, basically, when the fan The greater the wind pressure generated by the leaves, the shorter the air supply distance, and the longer the air supply distance. t '一唯' uses a fan to assist in the cooling and cooling of the fins. It is understood that the uniform field cannot be generated because the blades h arranged around the hub 12 (as shown in the figure) Although the tip ln of the 11 and the root 112 are synchronized with the hub 12, 'there is, the axial velocity of the blade tip located outside the blade 10 is necessarily greater than the axial velocity of the blade 11 at the top 112 (as shown in Fig. 2). The axial trapping of the airflow into the fan is not sufficient, and the airflow in the inner and outer circumferences of the flow field generated by the fan is not uniform. Moreover, the distance between the tip m of the blade is also larger than the lateral distance of each blade, thereby causing the crossover area to be different. Therefore, as far as the above two points are concerned, the air volume inside and outside the air field generated by the fan blade is bound to be severely uneven, so that the heat dissipation area corresponding to the fan cannot be uniformly cooled. Therefore, how to deal with the aforementioned fan blade The problem of varying air volume is a subject of research. ^ n [New content] The purpose of this creation is to provide a multi-layered fan blade structure that is radially disposed on the rim, with the same angle, spacing, and The degree and quantity of the matching blade group, and the effect of the inner and outer airflow of the airflow field of the 茱 茱 生 趋 趋 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 For the blade group with different blade inclination, spacing, length and quantity in the hub group, the wind pressure or air volume is generated by the demand of the heat dissipation area corresponding to the film = white. For the purpose of white people, the first embodiment of the present invention is Providing a multi-layered fan blade structure, which is a whole wheel and a plurality of fan blades disposed around the hub, and is characterized in that: the first group of the first blade group and the second group of blade groups are sequentially and radially Provided in the hub i η : and, between the blade group and the second blade group, there is a "fixed miscellaneous, so that the first root portion is equidistantly disposed around the hub" and the catastrophic end of the blade is fixed to the g edge The inner edge of the garment and the root of each blade of the second blade group, wherein the blade disposed on the fixed ring body has different blade inclination angle, shape, area, number of pieces and spacing of each blade group, and the blade leaves are generated. The air volume inside and outside the airflow flow field approaches the same, or Appropriate air volume is generated for a certain piece and the corresponding heat dissipation area. TP060287 6 M300427 κ. ^ In addition, a reinforcing rib can be added between the blade surfaces of the blade group to strengthen the blade strength and avoid the blade. The vibration occurs when rotating, causing deformation problems such as change of the angle of attack. In the embodiment, the wind pressure generated by the fan affects the fan blade, and the fan blade group generates a large wind pressure. The airflow passes through the fin spacing, and each blade of the fan blade group changes the set value of the shape, area and length of the blade, so that the blade has a large wind pressure to improve the heat convection effect between the fins. When the aforementioned fan blade group needs to directly and rapidly dissipate heat and cool down the heating element, the blade group of the group changes the shape, the area, the length of the blade, and the set value of the blade pitch. The wind pressure generated by the fan blade group is reduced and a large air volume is generated to enhance the exchange of air. [Embodiment] Μ m The technical means and other functions used for the above purposes are The second preferred embodiment is described below with reference to the following figures: ^ΐ=3Λ, and FIG. 3 is a perspective view of the multi-layered fan blade structure of the first embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 4 is a multi-layered embodiment of the first embodiment of the present invention. A schematic plan view of the blade structure. The first embodiment of the present invention provides a multi-layered fan blade structure, which is a package of it2〇H20 and a plurality of blades disposed around the wheel 20, wherein the fan blade is 53" On the rotating shaft of the stator (not shown), and the rotor around the inner stator of the hub 2, a magnetic field is generated through the stator to push the wheel (4) iii, and the heat body is cooled and cooled (not shown). The main feature of the present invention is that The four blades are at least divided into a first blade group 211 and a second fan tail, and the sequence is radially disposed on the hub 2 (eg, between the third to the second and the second blade group 212 is fixed-fixed)娜99二#片组211 Each pen J4 1Π & - , /, medium, first blade group 211 = piece 2110 roots are equidistantly set in the fan impeller fe fixed to the fixed ring body 2? For the ϋ, tea month Ζ 11 ϋ big end is set in the fixed first fan group 212 of each blade 2120 is equidistant to the outer edge of the solid Wei body 22, when rotating, the second leaf product) Bessie If will Chu u mode (the wind speed, the wind speed, the wind area, the wind direction of each blade 21 of the first blade group 211, or the second blade group 2124 This increase is to reduce the over-wind area, so that the first slab group 211H120 spacing is appropriately reduced by 'boring _87 1 (9) (four), a 211 and the second blade group 212 to obtain the air volume approaching the same M300427, so as to achieve the same heat dissipation effect ( As shown in Fig. 4, the multi-layer blade structure of the first embodiment of the present invention is implemented. Since the two-blade group m and 212 rotate synchronously with the fan impeller 20, =, = (not shown). Although the rotational speeds of the fan blade groups are the same, the first blade group 212 requiring ff outer turns may have an axial velocity greater than the position of the first blade group 212 when rotating. ΐί : ϋ ϋ ϋϊ ϋϊ ϋϊ ϋϊ ϋϊ ϋϊ ϋϊ ϋϊ ϋϊ 由 由 由 由Air volume = wind speed * Product L knows that the wind area of the blade group 211 must be larger than the second blade. And 212 L is the same effect as the air volume generated by the fan blades. Therefore, the actual case is The cross-sectional area of the first-blade group 211 is larger than that of the second blade group, which can achieve the same effect of the air volume generated in the blade and the periphery (as shown in Fig. 4). (4) Please I's 5® This creation® 2 implements the three-dimensional inconsistency of the fan blade structure. A reinforcing rib is arranged between each blade. As shown in the figure, in order to solve the vibration of the blade 2 of the second blade group 212, the blade 212_ is caused to change the bow angle and the like, and the problem is that the blade rib 213 ' To strengthen the strength of each blade 2120 to maintain the angle of the blade angle of the blade. Please refer to Fig. 6, which is a perspective view of the multi-layer blade structure of the second embodiment of the present invention, except that the creation can pass through the first blade group 211. The wind area is larger than the second blade group> Ιΐίί each blade group produces the same air volume, and can also set different blade conditions for the heating element or the slab of the slab. For example: when the fins are separated from each other ^The fan of the fan must be older (four), only to check the fin distance of the ship. At this time, the blade group can further set the blade inclination angle, the length, and the blade of the first-blade group 211 shown in the figure 6) So that it produces (finor spacing, which improves the heat exchange rate between the fins; if it is necessary to cool down one of the heat sinks or when the spacing between the pieces is wide, then the blade is set to focus on generating a large amount of wind, corresponding to Blade sets can be set to smaller blade angles to achieve smaller Increase the pitch of the blades in the design 'to create a larger air volume. The advantage of 〆^ is that it overcomes the physical properties of the traditional fan blade due to the axial velocity of the tip and the root of the blade and the unevenness of the blade pitch, which is transmitted through the third leaf TP060287 0 M300427. Η f group and The two-blade group is radially disposed on the periphery of the fan-impeller hub to achieve a uniform effect of the airflow flow field, and can also be used for the heat-dissipating area requirements of the blade group, and the leaf blade amount, length or It is a different mix of spacing to enhance the wind house. And the equal change and modification of the spirit, = the shape structure feature 4 described in the public profit circumference is within the range of _". ΤΡ060287 M30O427 i \ ^ [Simple diagram description] Figure 1 is the plane of the conventional fan blade 2 is a side view of a conventional fan blade; FIG. 3 is a schematic perspective view of a multi-layered blade structure according to a first embodiment of the present invention; Fig. 5 is a perspective view showing the multi-layered blade structure of the first embodiment of the present invention, showing a reinforcing rib between the blades; and Fig. 6 is a perspective view showing the multi-layered blade structure of the second embodiment. [Main component symbol description] 9 10 Blade 11 Blade 111 Tip - - - . 112 Root 12 Hub 20 Hub 2110 Blade 211 First blade set ❿ 212 Second blade set 2120 Blade 213 Reinforced rib 22 Fixed ring TP060287 10

Claims (1)

M300427 s \ 九、申請專利範圍: 係等距地設置於該扇葉赌周邊,且;各葉片根部 環體内緣,而該第二葉版之各葉# 端⑺刀別固定於該固定 藉此,透過各葉>;組的葉^角、^设於該固賴體的外緣; 搭配設計,達到各葉片組產生相同的風等不同之 之散熱區域,產生不同之風壓者。里及疋視各扇葉組所對應 蝴•物第二恤 TP060287 11M300427 s \ IX, the scope of patent application: is equidistantly disposed around the leaf gambling, and; the inner edge of each blade root ring, and the leaf end of the second leaf plate (7) is fixed to the fixed lend Therefore, the leaf corners of each group are set on the outer edge of the solid body; and the matching design is adopted to achieve the same wind and other heat dissipation regions of each blade group, and different wind pressures are generated. In and out of each fan group corresponding to the butterfly second shirt TP060287 11
TW95208641U 2006-05-19 2006-05-19 Multi-blade structure TWM300427U (en)

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TW95208641U TWM300427U (en) 2006-05-19 2006-05-19 Multi-blade structure

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TW95208641U TWM300427U (en) 2006-05-19 2006-05-19 Multi-blade structure

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TWM300427U true TWM300427U (en) 2006-11-01



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TW95208641U TWM300427U (en) 2006-05-19 2006-05-19 Multi-blade structure

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US9995304B2 (en) 2013-04-10 2018-06-12 Delta Electronics, Inc. Centrifugal fan and impeller thereof
US10519979B2 (en) 2016-12-30 2019-12-31 Asustek Computer Inc. Centrifugal fan

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US9995304B2 (en) 2013-04-10 2018-06-12 Delta Electronics, Inc. Centrifugal fan and impeller thereof
US10519979B2 (en) 2016-12-30 2019-12-31 Asustek Computer Inc. Centrifugal fan

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