M287875 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 • 本創作係提供一種能量循環發電機,尤指其利用導體分別傳導冷、熱之特 性,及其致冷晶片得於二導體間因為冷、熱溫差而發電,電力又可提供製作冷、 熱水等其他用途,發電後之冰水與熱水並可提供冷、暖氣及冰水與熱水之多重 形悲效益者。 _ 【先前技術】 習用之發電方式得藉由水力發電、火力發電與核能發電,其中該水力發電 乃利用水位差,所以其需有相當多的水源位於高處,方能產生相當之推力推動 發電機發電,發紐之水處低處,只能作為其他之贿而無賴環使用;而其 火力發電乃藉助於煤礦、石油、天然氣等簡,以其產生熱能之方式發電,然 而其消耗資源加上易生公害,現已漸被排除不用;而其核能發電,其雖可得到 相田之電力’惟其核能之發電後產生之廢料,為千年不衰之污染源,且對環境 _之影響相當的大,其為最不環保之發電方式,發電後之廢料將禍延子孫,而使 僅有之地球其生態環境不保。 是以針對上述習知發電所存在之問題點,如何開發一種更具理想實用性 之創新結構’實>肖費者所殷切企盼,亦係相關業者須努力研發突破之目標及方 向0 有鑑於此,創作人本於多年從事相關產品之製造開發與設計經驗,針對上 述之目標,詳加設計與審慎評估後,終得一確具實用性之本創作。 M287875 【新型内容】 欲解決之技術_ :主要係針•知«各财式,其所存在之各問題 點加以改良突破者。 冷流管路及一熱流管路,該熱流管路 不導引流體,其冷流管路亦設有另一 二冷、熱導體乃相互貼合,其貼合面 、熱溫差可以產生電流,電流得以儲 解決問題之技術特點:主要包含有— 上乃裝設有一導體,該導體僅作為導熱而 導體,該導體僅作為導冷而不導引流體, 申介設有一致冷晶片,致冷晶片得藉由冷M287875 VIII. New description: [New technical field] The present invention provides an energy cycle generator, especially that it uses the conductor to conduct cold and heat respectively, and the cryogenic wafer is obtained between the two conductors because of cold. The heat is generated by the difference in temperature, and the electric power can provide other uses such as cold water and hot water. The ice water and hot water after power generation can provide multiple sorrows of cold, heat, ice water and hot water. _ [Prior Art] The conventional power generation method relies on hydroelectric power, thermal power generation and nuclear power generation. The hydroelectric power generation uses the water level difference, so it needs a considerable amount of water source to be at a high place to generate considerable thrust. Motor power generation, the low point of the water, can only be used as a bribe and other rogues; and its thermal power generation is generated by means of coal, oil, natural gas, etc., in the form of heat generation, but its consumption of resources plus On the other hand, it is gradually being ruled out; but its nuclear power generation, although it can get the power of the phase of the field, but the waste generated by the nuclear power generation, is a source of pollution for thousands of years, and the impact on the environment is quite large It is the least environmentally friendly way of generating electricity, and the waste after power generation will plague the children and grandchildren, so that only the earth's ecological environment is not guaranteed. In view of the problems existing in the above-mentioned conventional power generation, how to develop an innovative structure that is more ideal and practical, is a eagerly awaited by the relevant companies, and is also responsible for the development of breakthrough targets and directions. Therefore, the creator has been engaged in the manufacturing development and design experience of related products for many years. After detailed design and careful evaluation, the author has finally achieved a practical and practical creation. M287875 [New content] The technology to be solved _: Mainly the needles and the knowledge of each financial system, and the problems that exist in them are improved. a cold flow line and a heat flow line, the heat flow line does not guide the fluid, and the cold flow line is also provided with another two cold, the heat conductors are attached to each other, and the bonding surface and the thermal temperature difference can generate current. The technical characteristics of the current storage problem: mainly include - a conductor is mounted on the upper part, the conductor is only used as a conductor for heat conduction, and the conductor is only used as a guide cold to guide the fluid, and the application is provided with a uniform cold wafer, which is cooled. The wafer has to be cooled
存而提供電力,而冷流、減為冰水、熱水或冷氣、暖氣之雜時,係形成可 提供人們制,喊水賴可循養_,發觸可儲存或提供耗電設備使用 對照先前技術之功效:本創作之發•式完全沒有公害的問題,且其發電 後之冷流、熱流為冰水、熱水或冷氣 '暖氣之形態時,係形成可提供人們使用, 而其水源並可循環再利用,發電則可儲存或提供耗電設備使用,其係習用各種 φ 發電方式所無法達到者。 有關本創作所採用之技術、手段及其功效,兹舉一較佳實施例並配合圖式詳 細說明於后’相信本創作上述之目的、構造及特徵,#可由之得—深入而具體 的瞭解。 【實施方式】 為使貴審查委員對本創作之目的、特徵及功效能夠有更進一步之瞭解與 認識,兹請配合【圖式簡單說明】詳述如後: 6 M287875 首先’請配合參Ml、2圖所係本創作之其-较佳實施例立體分解 圖及立體圖,其係包括: 一種能量循環發電機,係其主要包含有一冷流管路(] 丄U )及一熱水管路 (2 0 ),該熱流管路(2 0 )上乃裝設有三通閥(2 1 ),二、, n 二通閱(21) 之其中-通路(21 1)之上裝設有導體(3 Q),該導體(3◦)之材質係 可用傳導性較佳之金屬製成,如銅質、鋁質,甚至使用超導體等來製成,該導 體(3 0 )僅作為導熱而不導引熱流體(熱流體係可為熱汽或熱水之型•能者), •其冷流管路(1 〇 )亦設有三通閥(1 1 ),三通閥(1 1 )之其中、雨路( ⑴之上裝設有另-導體(3 i ),該導體(3丄)僅作為導冷*^弓= 流體(冷流體係可為冷汽或冷水之型態者),二冷、熱導體(3 〇)(31 設具貼合面(3 0 1 ) ( 3 1 1)得以相互貼合,其貼合面(3 〇丄)(3 1 1)中介設有一致冷晶片(40),致冷晶片(4〇) 又有二導線(4 1) (4 2),得以分別導出正負極電路,致冷晶片得藉由冷、熱差可以產生 電々1L,電流付以儲存而提供電力,冷流、熱流為冰水、熱水戈a氣暖$ , •態可供人們使用之形態者。 ^ 參閱第3圖所示,為其另一較佳實施例平面示意圖,宜 M /、〒以该三通閥(1 1)、導體(3 1)、致冷晶片(40)、導體(30)及三通閥(21), 乃構成-基本之發電單元(5 〇),該等發電單元(5 〇)得以複數之串並聯 式«,而構成-發電組(5 i ),發電組(5工)之所有三通間(⑴均 躺冷流管路(i 0 ) ’而發電組(5 !)之所有三賴(2 i )均接通熱流 官路(2 0 ),以其魏組(5丨)乃達成產生較為可觀之電力,而1發電组 (川所產生之電力並得以由—f電池(5 2 )儲存,並提供耗電設備使用 7 M287875 者。 ,閱弟4 _不’為其又—較佳實施例配置示意圖,該複數分電 2之集成乃得以構成—發電機(6 〇),一儲熱水桶(η)、 ★ (^)之間設有-吸熱量機(62),該吸熱量機(62) |冰= 熱水桶與(川儲冰水桶(63)之大小比例為1:3,即設而 桶(6曰1) _設3奴財烟⑶,如狀造冷崎為最佳Γ而 6亥吸熱Ϊ機(6 2 )同時是-耗電設備,f要電力供應其運作,魏量機(6 2 k造熱製冷過程中乃得⑽熱水送熱水桶(6 i )儲存,而造出之冰 水則送至儲冰水桶(6 3 )贿,熱水最高可造出6 之熱水,而冰水最低 得造出7 · 51之冰水,其耗電得由發電機(6 〇 )供電,而其儲熱水桶⑺ 1 )與儲冰搞(6 3 )乃分別引接熱流管路(2 〇 )及冷流管路(丄⑴連 接至發電機(6 0),達到其發電之效能; 藉由上述乃產生有熱水、冰水及電力,熱水得以提供大樓或大眾之熱水需 求,而其冰水則可提供大樓或大眾之空調冷氣使用,而電力則提供大樓或大眾 所使用之電器設備電力使用。 另者,該經由發電後之熱水並可經由管路送至熱溫室(7 〇 ),熱溫室(7 0 )之内部得設有不鏽鋼熱水池(71),而其上得設有複數導體(了 2)傳 導熱能,並將其熱能以風扇(7 3)吹出,而達到熱溫室(7 〇)之使用效能。 而其經由發電後之冰水並可經由管路送至冷溫室(8 〇),冷溫室(8 〇)之 内部得設有不鏽鋼冷水池(81),而其下方得設有複數導體(8 2)傳導冷 源,並將其冷源以風扇(8 3)吹出,而達到冷溫室(8 〇)之使用效能。 參閱第5、6圖所示,為其本創作之能量循環發電機再一較佳實施例立體 8 M287875 圖及剖示圖,其主要利用該大型板片狀之散熱片(9 〇) (9 1),其平面(9 2 ) (9 3 )得以相互貼合,而其相互貼合前之於平面(9 2) ( 9 3)間乃 得以排設複數顆之致冷晶片(9 4),其散熱片(9〇) (91)其他各面並 予以封閉成不漏水狀態,並將冷水及熱水分別通過散熱片(9〇)或(91), 如此其冷源及熱源得以分別傳達致冷晶片(9 4),使其致冷晶片(94)產 生電力者。 φ 【功效說明】 本創作功效增進之事實如下: 1、提供-種創新概念,得以達到能量循環發電之功效,其主要藉由發電 單兀,其_二通閥接至冷流管路,而_三賴接至熱流管路,經由冷、熱之快 速傳導及其致冷晶片產生溫差發電而產生電力,該冷流、熱流為冰水、熱水或 冷氣、暖氣之形態可供人們使用,而其水源並可循環再利用,發電則可儲存或 提供耗電設備制,職魏沒有公害及可觀制效益者。 籲 2、藉此特殊改良設計,乃得赠紐電及其提供冷、熱水與冷、暖氣之 使用形態’而其發電單元之致冷晶片藉由導體之高效傳導使其致冷晶片具溫 差效果達到最佳化與其最大發電量,該等創新設計,確為業界首見而符合新型 專利之新継要件,而其無公#循環發電效能,符合卿專歡進步性要件, 而其製作簡易,所提供冷、熱與電力符合需要,亦符合較佳之產業利用性者。 前文係針對本創作之較佳實施例為本創作之技術特徵進行具體之說明; 惟,熟悉此項技術之人士當可在顯離本_之精神與下對本_進行變 更與修改,—變更與修改,皆應崎於如下巾料利範騎界定之範嘴中。 9 M287875 綜上所述,本創作係提供_種水能量循環發電機,其確已達到本創作之所 有目的,另其組合結構之空間型態未見於_產品,亦切公開於巾請前,已 符合專利法之規定,爰依法提出申請。 圖式簡單說明】 m係本創作之轉循環發電機其—較佳實施例立體分解圖 第2圖:係本創作之能_環發電機其—錄實施例立體圖。 W圖:係本_之能量循環發韻另—較佳實_平面示意圖 較佳實施例立體圖 車父佳實施例剖示圖 =4圖:穌創作之能量循環發電機又—較佳實施例配置示意圖 弟5圖·係本創作之能量循環發電機再一」 第6圖:係本創作之能量循環發電機再一 【主要元件符號說明】 冷流管路〜〜〜 通路~ ~ 熱流管路〜 通路~ 一 S 導體一一〜 導體一一〜 致冷晶片〜 導線一一 發電組 (10) (111 (20) (2 11 (30) (3 1) (40) (42) (5 1) 三通閥一- 三通閥一 貼合面一. 貼合面一 導線一一. 發電單元· 蓄電池一 (11) ~ (21) '(301) ~ ( 3 1 1 ) ~ ( 4 1 ) -(50) 〜(52) 10 M287875 發電機 ——(60) 吸熱量機-- --(62) 熱溫室 --(70) 導體---- ——(72) 冷溫室 一一(80) 導體 --(82) 散熱片 --(90) 平面 ——(9 2) 致冷晶片一一 —-(94) 儲熱水桶---- (6 1 儲冰水桶---- (6 3 不鏽鋼熱水池— (7 1 風扇 (73 不鏽鋼冷水池—— (8 1 風扇 (8 3 散熱片 (9 1 平面------ (9 3Providing electricity, while cold flow, reduced to ice water, hot water or cold air, heating, the formation of the system can provide people, shouting water can be used _, the touch can be stored or provide power consumption equipment The effect of the prior art: the hair style of this creation is completely free of pollution problems, and the cold flow and heat flow after power generation are in the form of ice water, hot water or cold air 'heating, the formation is available for people to use, and the water source thereof It can be recycled and reused. Power generation can store or provide power-consuming equipment. It is not possible to use various φ power generation methods. With regard to the techniques, means and functions of the present invention, a preferred embodiment will be described in detail with reference to the drawings, and the above objects, structures and features of the present invention can be trusted. . [Embodiment] In order to enable your review committee to have a better understanding and understanding of the purpose, characteristics and efficacy of this creation, please refer to the [Simple Description of the Drawings] for details: 6 M287875 First of all, please cooperate with Ml, 2 The drawings are a perspective exploded view and a perspective view of a preferred embodiment of the present invention, including: an energy cycle generator mainly comprising a cold flow line (] 丄U) and a hot water line (20) a three-way valve (2 1 ) is mounted on the heat flow line (20), and a conductor (3 Q) is mounted on the passage (21 1) of the second, second, and second (21) The material of the conductor (3◦) can be made of a metal having better conductivity, such as copper, aluminum, or even a superconductor, and the conductor (30) only serves as a heat conduction and does not guide the hot fluid ( The heat flow system can be a type of hot steam or hot water. • The cold flow line (1 〇) also has a three-way valve (1 1 ), a three-way valve (1 1 ), and a rain circuit (1) A further conductor (3 i ) is mounted on the upper part, and the conductor (3 丄) is only used as a cooling guide *^ bow = fluid (the cold flow system can be cold or cold water) Type)), two cold and hot conductors (3 〇) (31 sets the bonding surface (3 0 1 ) (3 1 1) to fit each other, and its fitting surface (3 〇丄) (3 1 1) The medium is provided with a uniform cold wafer (40), and the cooling chip (4〇) has two wires (4 1) (42), which can respectively derive the positive and negative circuits, and the cold chip can generate electricity by cold and heat difference. 1L, the current is supplied by electricity to provide electricity, the cold current, the heat flow is ice water, the hot water is warm, and the state is available for people to use. ^ See Figure 3 for another better one. The schematic diagram of the embodiment, preferably M /, 〒, the three-way valve (1 1), the conductor (31), the refrigerant chip (40), the conductor (30) and the three-way valve (21), constitutes - basic Power generation unit (5 〇), these power generation units (5 〇) can be plural series-parallel «, and constitute - power generation group (5 i), power generation group (5 workers) all three-way (1) lying cold flow The pipeline (i 0 )' and all the three tiers (2 i ) of the power generation group (5 !) are connected to the heat flow road (20), and the Wei group (5 丨) is able to generate a considerable amount of electricity, and 1 power generation group (electricity generated by Sichuan) It can be stored by the -f battery (52) and provided with the power consumption device using 7 M287875. The reading of the brother 4 _ not 'for its preferred embodiment configuration diagram, the integration of the complex power 2 can be composed - Generator (6 〇), a storage hot water tank (η), ★ (^) is provided with - heat absorption machine (62), the heat absorption machine (62) | ice = hot water bucket and (chuanchuan ice bucket ( 63) The ratio of size is 1:3, that is, the barrel (6曰1) _ set 3 slaves (3), such as the shape of the cold is the best Γ and the 6 hai heat Ϊ machine (6 2) is - consumption Electric equipment, f to power supply its operation, Wei measuring machine (6 2 k heat-heating process is (10) hot water to send hot water bucket (6 i) storage, and the ice water is sent to the ice storage bucket (6 3) Bribe, hot water can produce up to 6 hot water, and ice water can produce 7 · 51 ice water at the lowest, its power consumption is powered by generator (6 〇), and its hot water storage tank (7) 1 ) And the ice storage (6 3 ) is connected to the heat flow line (2 〇) and the cold flow line (丄 (1) connected to the generator (60) to achieve the power generation efficiency; Ice water and electricity, hot water can be raised For the hot water needs of the building or the public, and its ice water can provide air conditioning for the building or the public, while electricity provides electricity for electrical appliances used by the building or the public. In addition, the hot water after power generation can be sent to a hot greenhouse (7 〇) via a pipeline, and a stainless steel hot water tank (71) is provided inside the hot greenhouse (70), and a plurality of conductors are provided thereon. (2) Conducting thermal energy and blowing its heat energy out of the fan (7 3) to achieve the efficiency of the hot greenhouse (7 〇). The ice water after power generation can be sent to the cold greenhouse (8 〇) via the pipeline, and the stainless steel cold water tank (81) is provided inside the cold greenhouse (8 ,), and the plurality of conductors are provided underneath (8). 2) Conduct a cold source and blow out the cold source with a fan (8 3) to achieve the performance of the cold greenhouse (8 〇). Referring to Figures 5 and 6, a three-dimensional 8 M287875 diagram and a cross-sectional view of a preferred embodiment of the energy cycle generator of the present invention, which mainly utilizes the large plate-shaped heat sink (9 〇) (9) 1), the planes (9 2 ) (9 3 ) are bonded to each other, and the plurality of cooled wafers are arranged between the planes (9 2) and ( 9 3) before being bonded to each other (9 4) The heat sink (9〇) (91) is sealed and formed into a watertight state, and the cold water and hot water are respectively passed through the heat sink (9〇) or (91), so that the cold source and the heat source can be respectively transmitted. The wafer (94) is cooled to cause the cooled wafer (94) to generate electricity. φ [Efficacy Description] The facts of this creative effect enhancement are as follows: 1. Providing an innovative concept to achieve the effect of energy cycle power generation, which is mainly connected to the cold flow pipeline by the power generation unit. _ three splicing to the heat flow pipeline, through the rapid conduction of cold and heat and its cooling chip to generate temperature difference power generation to generate electricity, the cold flow, heat flow for ice water, hot water or cold air, heating form available for people, The water source can be recycled and reused. The power generation can store or provide electricity-consuming equipment, and the Wei Wei has no pollution and considerable benefits. 2, by special improvement design, it is a gift of new electricity and its use of cold, hot water and cold, heating use form and the cooling chip of its power generation unit is cooled by the efficient conduction of the conductor to make the temperature difference of the cooled wafer The effect is optimized and its maximum power generation. These innovative designs are indeed the first in the industry and meet the new requirements of the new patents, while their unrecognized #cycle power generation performance is in line with the progressive requirements of the Qing Dynasty, and its production is simple. The cold, heat and electricity provided are in line with the needs and are also in line with better industrial utilization. The foregoing description of the preferred embodiment of the present invention is specifically described for the technical features of the present invention; however, those skilled in the art can make changes and modifications to the present invention in the spirit of the present invention. The revisions are all in the mouth of the following definitions. 9 M287875 In summary, this creation provides _ kinds of water energy cycle generators, which have indeed achieved all the purposes of this creation, and the spatial pattern of the combined structure is not found in the product, but also disclosed before the towel. Has complied with the provisions of the Patent Law and has applied for it according to law. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The m-system of the present invention is a three-dimensional exploded view of the preferred embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a perspective view of the embodiment of the present invention. W diagram: the energy cycle of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schematic brother 5 picture · This is the creation of the energy cycle generator again" Figure 6: This is the creation of the energy cycle generator again [main component symbol description] Cold flow line ~ ~ ~ Channel ~ ~ Heat flow line ~ Pathway ~ one S conductor one by one ~ conductor one by one ~ cold chip ~ wire one power generation group (10) (111 (20) (2 11 (30) (3 1) (40) (42) (5 1) One-way valve and one-way valve one. One surface of the bonding surface. One power unit. Power generation unit · Battery one (11) ~ (21) '(301) ~ ( 3 1 1 ) ~ ( 4 1 ) -( 50) ~(52) 10 M287875 Generator - (60) Heat absorbing machine --- (62) Thermal greenhouse - (70) Conductor ----- (72) Cold greenhouse one (80) conductor --(82) Heatsink--(90) Plane-(9 2) Cooling Chips One--(94) Storage Hot Water Tank---- (6 1 Ice Storage Bucket---- (6 3 Stainless Steel Hot Pool — (7 1 Fan (73 Stainless Steel Cold Pool - (8 1 Wind (83 fins (91 ------ plane (93