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  • Walking Sticks, Umbrellas, And Fans (AREA)


1314850 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關一種可收合並隨傘攜帶之傘套結構,尤 指一種在傘套之外周緣面上設置一組可相互對應扣合之 扣體,使傘套在取下不用時可先收合成一縮小體積之小個 體,並藉該組扣體由外扣合而使該傘套收合後小個體之外 型定型,俾使該傘套收合後小個體能再以可拆裝方式固定 在傘具之傘頭部如傘頭、傘帶或傘帶頭端之環圈上,藉以 可隨傘攜帶且可隨意打開使用者。 .【先前技術】 按,習用傘具可概分為折疊傘(folding umbrella) 如圖3所示之折疊傘10,或不能折疊之一般長傘 (unfolding umbrella)如圖5所示之一般長傘20,一般 而言,當折疊傘10或一般長傘20在販賣時或收合(收傘) 狀態時,在傘布之外面常會套上一與傘布同樣具有防水及 防潑水效果之傘套30、30a,一方面用以增加傘具販賣時 之賣相及收合狀態時之外觀美感如圖1、4所示,另一方 面可在欲攜帶已淋濕之傘具進入公眾場所時,可藉該傘套 _ 30、30a套束在傘布上以防止雨傘上水向外滴出;然,該 傘套30、30a是一與傘具分離之個體,當傘套30、30a由 傘具上取下不用後,常會因使用者隨處亂放而容易遺失, 致須要使用時卻遍尋不著;又一般較小心的使用者常會將 傘套30、30a以打結方式固定在一般折疊傘10之傘頭11 上所設之傘帶12上如圖3所示,或以打結方式固定在一 般長傘20之傘頭21上如圖5所示,以使傘套30能隨傘 攜帶而不容易遺失;惟,如圖3、5所示傘套30之收取方 式基本上並不美觀,相對也降低傘套之利用價值,致對傘 具使用者而言,傘套30不用時已成為一累贅之物品,失 3 1314850 去傘具製造商或銷售商當初每一傘具附加一傘套之用心 及美意,也相對增加傘套成本;尤其,在兩天要攜帶已淋 濕之傘具進入公眾場所如百貨公司或辦公大樓時,為防止 雨傘上水向外滴出而造成地面濕滑或髒污,常會準備或免 費提供一長型塑膠袋供套設在雨傘外以防其向外滴水,但 該長型塑膠袋係屬於一用後即棄之塑膠類物品,一般而言 並未回收再用,致相對增加塑膠類廢物量,不符合目前社 會上所亟力要求之環保意識。本發明即針對上述習知傘具 之傘套無法有效地隨傘攜帶致容易遺失的缺點而加以改 Φ 進者。 【發明内容】 本發明主要目的乃在於提供一種可收合並隨傘攜帶 之傘套結構,其係於該傘套之外周緣面上設置至少一組可 相互對應扣合之扣體,使該傘套在取下不用時可先收合成 一縮小體積之小個體,並藉該組扣體由外扣合而使該傘套 收合後小個體之外型可定型住而不散開變形或展開,俾使 該傘套收合後小個體能再以可拆裝方式固定在傘具之傘 頭部如傘頭、傘帶或傘帶頭端之環圈上,使該傘套收合後 Φ 小個體可附設在傘具上而成為一可隨傘攜帶且可隨意收 合或展開使用之傘套,藉以解決習知傘套容易遺失的缺點 及問題者。 本發明再一目的乃在於提供一種可收合並隨傘攜帶 之傘套結構,其中該傘套收合後小個體可利用在傘套上設 置一活動式環扣圈或直接利用原有扣體之扣合作用,藉以 可簡易固定在傘具之傘頭部如傘頭、傘帶或傘帶頭端之環 圈上,而增進操作之方便性,並提昇傘套之附加價值者。 【實施方式】 為使本發明更加明確詳實,茲列舉較佳實施例並配合 4314850 下列圖示,將本發明之結構及其技術特徵詳述如後: 請參照圖6-13所示,圖6係本發明使用於折疊傘10 之傘套40之使用狀態立體示意圖,圖7係該傘套40呈展 開狀態之立體示意圖,圖8-11係該傘套40由展開狀態逐 漸收合成一縮小體積小個體(如一扁平矩形袋狀體)之立 體示意圖,圖12、13係該傘套40已收合成一縮小體積小 個體並掛飾在傘頭部上之收合狀態立體示意圖,本發明可 收合並隨傘攜帶之傘套40係一配合收傘後之折疊傘10的 長度而設計之長筒形套體,供可套束在一折疊傘10之傘 φ 布外面,而其主要特徵在於:該傘套40之外周緣面41上 設置至少一組可相互對應扣合之扣體50、50a,而該扣體 50、50a之結構型態或扣合方式不拘,可為黏扣帶型態如 圖7-11所示或其他型態如扣鈕等如圖19所示,使傘套40 在取下不用時如圖7所示,可先收合成一縮小體積之小個 體40a如圖11、12、13所示之扁平矩形袋狀體,並藉該 組扣體50、50a由外扣合,以使該傘套收合後小個體40a 之外型固定住而不虞散開變形或展開,俾使該傘套收合後 小個體40a能以可拆裝方式,如在傘套40上設一可簡易 控制開/閉之活動式環扣圈60,而藉該活動式環扣圈60 以簡易固定在傘具之傘頭部上,如固定在傘頭11之傘帶 12上(圖未示)或傘帶12的頭端環圈13上如圖12所示, 或固定在傘頭11之傘頭環扣14上如圖13所示,使該傘 套收合後小個體40a可簡易附設在傘具上,以成為一可隨 傘攜帶且可隨意收合或展開使用之傘套;而上述之傘頭部 係指伞具之傘頭處的區域範圍,包括如圖13所示之傘頭 11之傘頭環扣14,或如圖12所示之傘帶12或傘帶頭端 之環圈13等。 上述該組扣體50、50a以設置於或靠近傘套40之開 口 41之外周緣面42上為最佳如圖7、8、9所示;又針對 5 1314850 一般具有束緊口之傘套如圖7所示之傘套40而言,該傘 套40原來就設有一組扣體5〇、5〇b,其中一扣體5〇係設 置在由傘套開口 41之外周緣面42向外延伸之一凸耳片 43 ’當伞套40套束在折疊傘10之傘布上使用時如圖6所 示,可藉該組扣體50、50b來使傘套40之開口 41束緊在 傘頭11之下緣處而不虞脫落;而本發明該組扣體5〇、5〇a 中之一扣體50即可延用原來傘套4〇既有之扣體50、50b 中設在凸耳片43上之一扣體50。 本發明在傘套40上特別設置一組扣體5〇、50a,其主 鲁要設計目的係使傘套40收合成之縮小體積小個體4〇a能 扣合並定型住,也就是該組扣體5〇、5〇a之主要作用係使 該收合後之縮小體積小個體4〇a (如圖11、丨2、13所示之 扁平矩形袋狀體)能藉該組扣體5〇、5〇a由外相互對應扣 合以使小個體40a之外型定型住而不虞散開變形或展開, 由此可知,該組扣體50、50a之設置位置係可隨傘套40 收合成縮小體積小個體40a的不同收合方式或最後收合成 之小個體40a之形狀而作變化’玆以圖7、8、9所示傘套 40為例說明之:該組扣體5〇、50a中之一扣體50a可設置 _ 在扣體50之反面對應處,使該傘套40如圖8、9所示, 可先由底部向上摺疊收合(如圖9中箭頭所示)成一次小 個體40b如圖10所示一扁平矩形袋狀體,之後還可再對 摺一次(如圖10箭頭所示)而再縮小成一體積更小之小 個體40a如圖11所示,使該小個體4〇a藉一活動式環扣 圈60固定在傘頭11之傘帶12上或傘帶12的頭端環圈13 上(如圖12所示)或傘頭11之傘頭環扣14上(如圖13 所示)時,該傘套收合後小個體40a能配合折叠傘1 〇之 外觀而兼具掛飾效果,藉以增進傘套之附加價值者β 又該伞套收合後小個體40a固定在伞頭11之伞帶12 上或傘帶12的頭端環圈13上的方式並不限制,包括可拆 6 1314850 裝方式(活動方式)或固定方式,玆分別說明如下: < 一 >、就可拆裝方式(活動方式)而言:其可在傘 套40上設一活動式環扣圈60如圖8-13所示,使收合後 小個體40a可藉該活動式環扣圈60而簡易掛扣在傘頭11 之傘帶12上或傘帶12的頭端環圈13上(如圖12所示) 或傘頭11之傘頭環扣14上(如圖13所示),並可隨使用 需要而簡易安裝或拆除;亦可直接利用收合後小個體40a 上扣體50、50a之扣合作用來取代活動式環扣圈60,如圖 14-18所示,也就是收合後小個體40a在藉扣體50、50a • 扣合並定型住之前,先使傘頭11之傘帶12繞設在該組扣 體50、50a之間,使扣體50、50a扣合同時使傘帶12穿 設在扣體50、50a之内,俾使小個體40a可同時固定在傘 帶12上如圖17、18所示。而該組扣體50、50a可為黏扣 帶型態如圖7-11、圖14-17所示或其他型態如扣鈕如圖 19所示。 <二>、就固定方式而言:如圖20-24所示,其可在 傘套40上設一固定式環扣帶70來取代可拆裝方式(活動 方式)之活動式環扣圈60,使傘套40可藉該固定式環扣 φ 帶70而預設固定在傘頭11之傘帶12上且無法拆除,其 中,該傘帶12可利用彈性繩來取代一般非彈性繩,使傘 套40取下不用時,可將傘套40收合成傘套小個體40a, 並藉該固定式環扣帶70而固定在傘頭11之傘帶12上, 當要使用傘套40時,可將傘套小個體40a直接在彈性繩 傘帶12上先行解開(展開)成一傘套40,再藉彈性繩傘 帶12之彈性作用將展開後傘套40拉伸至折疊傘10尾端 而套在折疊傘10上使用。 請再參照圖25-32所示,並請對照於圖6-13,圖25 係本發明使用於一般長傘20之傘套40之使用狀態立體示 7 1314850 意圖,圖26係該傘套40呈展開狀態之立體示意圖,圖 27-30係該傘套40由展開狀態逐漸收合成一縮小體積小 個體40a (如一扁平矩形袋體)之立體示意圖,圖31、32 係該傘套40已收合成一縮小體積小個體並掛飾在傘頭部 上之收合狀態立體示意圖,本發明可收合並隨傘攜帶之傘 套40係一配合收傘後之一般長傘20的長度而設計之長筒 形套體,供可套束在一般長傘20之傘布外面;而圖25-31 所示之傘套40,摺收成之次小個體40b或小個體40a及活 動式環扣圈60等主要構件與圖6-13所示之對應構件幾乎 _ 相同,只是圖25-32所示之傘套40係使用於一般長傘20, 故其傘套長度比圖6-13所示之傘套40的長度長;又圖 25-32及圖6-13所示之傘套40,其從全展開狀態先收合 至次小個體40b及再由次小個體40b收合成小個體40a的 過程也約略相同,只是圖25-32所示之傘套40由全展開 狀態收合至次小個體40b的摺收過程可能會比圖6-13所 示之傘套40的摺收過程多幾道摺收手續。 本發明之傘套40由全展開狀態收合至次小個體40b 或再由次小個體40b收合成小個體40a的收合過程及方式 並不限制,其可隨使用者個人之喜愛或習慣而以不同操作 P 方式進行摺疊或收合,玆將幾種可行之收合方式分別說明 如下: < 1 >、如圖8-12所示,可將傘套40由底部44向上 直接對摺至開口 41之外周緣面42上如圖9箭頭所示,再 依序將已對摺之傘套40逐一對摺至形成如圖10所示之次 小個體40b,最後再將背面設有扣體50a之外側面向扣體 50方向對摺如圖10箭頭所示,而收合成一小個體40a如 圖11所示之扁平矩形袋狀體,且背面之扣體50a也翻轉 至正面,此時將扣體50與扣體50a對應扣合,即完成收 合過程。 8 v 131*4850 <2>、如圖14-18或圖38-42所示,可在該傘套401314850 IX. Description of the invention: [Technical field to which the invention pertains] The present invention relates to an umbrella cover structure that can be combined with an umbrella, in particular, a set of buckles that can be interlocked with each other on the outer peripheral surface of the umbrella cover Body, so that when the umbrella is removed, the small individual can be firstly combined into a reduced volume, and the small body of the small sleeve is shaped by the outer fastening of the buckle body, so that the umbrella is shaped. After the sleeve is folded, the small individual can be detachably fixed on the umbrella head of the umbrella such as the umbrella head, the umbrella belt or the loop end of the umbrella head, so that the user can be carried with the umbrella and can be opened at will. [Prior Art] According to the conventional umbrella, the folding umbrella can be roughly divided into a folded umbrella 10 as shown in Fig. 3, or a general long umbrella which can not be folded as shown in Fig. 5. 20. Generally speaking, when the folding umbrella 10 or the general long umbrella 20 is in the state of selling or folding (receiving the umbrella), an umbrella cover which is waterproof and water-repellent-like as the umbrella cloth is often put on the outside of the umbrella cloth. 30, 30a, on the one hand, to increase the appearance of the umbrella when selling and the state of the fold when the appearance of beauty is shown in Figure 1, 4, on the other hand, when you want to carry the wet umbrella to enter the public place, The umbrella cover _ 30, 30a can be bundled on the umbrella cloth to prevent the water from dripping out of the umbrella; however, the umbrella cover 30, 30a is an individual separated from the umbrella, and the umbrella cover 30, 30a is covered by the umbrella After the device is removed, it is often lost due to the user's random placement, so that it cannot be found when it is used. Generally, the user with a small heart often fixes the umbrella cover 30, 30a in a knotted manner. The umbrella strap 12 provided on the umbrella head 11 of the umbrella 10 is as shown in FIG. 3 or fixed in a knotted manner. The umbrella head 21 of the long umbrella 20 is as shown in FIG. 5, so that the umbrella cover 30 can be carried with the umbrella and is not easily lost; however, the manner of collecting the umbrella cover 30 as shown in FIGS. 3 and 5 is basically not beautiful. Relatively, the use value of the umbrella cover is also reduced, so that the umbrella cover 30 has become a cumbersome item when it is not used, and the umbrella cover 30 is lost. 3 1314850 The umbrella manufacturer or the seller originally attached an umbrella cover to each umbrella device. The intention and the beauty of the umbrella also increase the cost of the umbrella cover; in particular, when the umbrella is drenched into a public place such as a department store or an office building in two days, the ground is slippery to prevent the water from dripping out of the umbrella. Or dirty, often prepared or free to provide a long plastic bag for the outside of the umbrella to prevent it from dripping out, but the long plastic bag is a disposable plastic item, generally not Recycling will result in a relative increase in the amount of plastic waste, which does not meet the environmental awareness of the current social demands. The present invention is directed to the above-mentioned conventional umbrella device in which the umbrella cover cannot be effectively lost with the umbrella to be easily lost. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The main object of the present invention is to provide an umbrella cover structure that can be combined with an umbrella, and is provided with at least one set of buckle bodies that can be coupled to each other on the outer peripheral surface of the umbrella cover, so that the umbrella When the sleeve is removed, the small individual can be firstly combined into a reduced volume, and the buckle body is buckled by the outer sleeve, so that the small individual can be shaped without folding or unfolding after the umbrella sleeve is folded.俾After the umbrella sleeve is folded, the small individual can be detachably fixed on the umbrella head of the umbrella such as the umbrella head, the umbrella belt or the end of the umbrella head, so that the umbrella sleeve is folded after the small individual It can be attached to the umbrella and become an umbrella cover that can be carried with the umbrella and can be folded or unfolded at will, so as to solve the disadvantages and problems that the conventional umbrella cover is easy to lose. Another object of the present invention is to provide an umbrella cover structure that can be combined with an umbrella, wherein the small individual can use a movable ring buckle on the umbrella cover or directly use the original buckle body after the umbrella cover is folded. The buckle cooperation can be easily fixed on the umbrella head of the umbrella such as the umbrella head, the umbrella belt or the loop end of the umbrella head, thereby improving the convenience of operation and enhancing the added value of the umbrella cover. [Embodiment] In order to make the present invention more clear and detailed, the preferred embodiment is illustrated and the following diagram is shown in conjunction with the following diagram, and the structure and technical features of the present invention are described in detail as follows: Please refer to FIG. 6-13, FIG. FIG. 7 is a perspective view showing the use of the umbrella cover 40 of the folding umbrella 10 in a state in which the umbrella cover 40 is in an unfolded state, and FIG. 8-11 is a view in which the umbrella cover 40 is gradually assembled from a deployed state to a reduced volume. A three-dimensional schematic view of a small individual (such as a flat rectangular bag-shaped body), and Figures 12 and 13 show a three-dimensional schematic view of the umbrella case 40 being assembled into a small-sized and small-sized individual and attached to the umbrella head. The umbrella case 40 carried by the umbrella is combined with a long cylindrical sleeve designed to match the length of the folding umbrella 10 after the umbrella is received, and can be bundled outside the umbrella φ cloth of the folding umbrella 10, and the main features thereof are: The outer peripheral surface 41 of the umbrella cover 40 is provided with at least one set of buckle bodies 50, 50a which can be engaged with each other, and the structure or fastening manner of the buckle body 50, 50a is not limited, and can be a buckled belt type. As shown in Figure 7-11 or other types such as buttons, etc. It is shown that, when the umbrella cover 40 is removed, as shown in FIG. 7, a small rectangular body 40a of a reduced size can be first combined to form a flat rectangular bag as shown in FIGS. 11, 12 and 13, and the set of buckles is used. 50, 50a is buckled from the outside, so that the small individual 40a is fixed and not deformed or unfolded after the umbrella sleeve is folded, so that the small individual 40a can be disassembled after the umbrella sleeve is folded, such as A movable ring buckle 60 for easy opening/closing is provided on the umbrella cover 40, and the movable ring buckle 60 is simply fixed on the umbrella head of the umbrella, such as an umbrella fixed to the umbrella head 11. The head end ring 13 of the belt 12 (not shown) or the umbrella belt 12 is as shown in FIG. 12, or is fixed to the umbrella head buckle 14 of the umbrella head 11, as shown in FIG. 13, and the umbrella sleeve is folded. The rear small individual 40a can be easily attached to the umbrella to become an umbrella cover that can be carried with the umbrella and can be folded or deployed at will; and the above-mentioned umbrella head refers to the area of the umbrella head, including As shown in Fig. 13, the umbrella head buckle 14 of the umbrella head 11, or the umbrella belt 12 as shown in Fig. 12 or the loop 13 of the umbrella head end, and the like. The above-mentioned group of buckle bodies 50, 50a are preferably disposed on the outer peripheral surface 42 of the opening 41 of the umbrella sleeve 40 as shown in Figs. 7, 8, and 9; and for the umbrella cover of 5 1314850 generally having a tightness. In the case of the umbrella cover 40 shown in FIG. 7, the umbrella cover 40 is originally provided with a set of button bodies 5〇, 5〇b, one of which is disposed on the peripheral surface 42 of the outer cover of the umbrella cover opening 41. One of the outer extension lugs 43' is used as the umbrella cover 40 when it is used on the umbrella cloth of the folding umbrella 10. As shown in FIG. 6, the set of the buckles 50, 50b can be used to tighten the opening 41 of the umbrella cover 40. At the lower edge of the umbrella head 11, there is no detachment; but one of the buckle bodies 5 〇, 5 〇 a of the present invention can be extended by the original umbrella cover 4 〇 existing buckle body 50, 50b A body 50 is attached to one of the lugs 43. The invention is specially provided with a set of buckle bodies 5〇, 50a on the umbrella sleeve 40, and the main purpose of the design is to make the small sleeves of the small sleeves 40 can be buckled and assembled, that is, the group buckle The main function of the body 5〇, 5〇a is to make the compacted small individual 4〇a (such as the flat rectangular bag body shown in Fig. 11, 丨 2, 13) after the folding can be used by the group of buttons 5〇 5〇a is interlocked from each other so that the small individual 40a can be shaped and not deformed or unfolded. It can be seen that the position of the set of the buckle bodies 50, 50a can be reduced with the umbrella cover 40. The different folding styles of the small individual 40a or the shape of the final small composite 40a are changed. The umbrella sleeve 40 shown in Figs. 7, 8, and 9 is taken as an example: the group of buttons 5, 50a One of the button bodies 50a can be disposed _ at the opposite side of the button body 50, so that the umbrella cover 40 can be folded upwardly from the bottom (as indicated by the arrow in FIG. 9) as shown in FIGS. The individual 40b has a flat rectangular bag-like body as shown in FIG. 10, and can then be folded again (as shown by the arrow in FIG. 10) and then reduced to a smaller volume. As shown in FIG. 11, the small individual 40a is fixed to the umbrella strap 12 of the umbrella head 11 or the head end loop 13 of the umbrella strap 12 by a movable loop ring 60 (as shown in FIG. 12). When the umbrella cover buckle 14 of the umbrella head 11 or the umbrella head 11 is attached (as shown in FIG. 13), the small individual 40a can match the appearance of the folding umbrella 1 and has a hanging effect, thereby enhancing the umbrella cover. The value-added person β and the manner in which the small individual 40a is fixed on the umbrella belt 12 of the umbrella head 11 or the head end ring 13 of the umbrella belt 12 is not limited, and includes a detachable 6 1314850 installation method ( The activity mode or the fixed mode is described as follows: <One>, in terms of the detachable mode (activity mode): it can be provided with a movable ring ring 60 on the umbrella cover 40 as shown in Fig. 8-13. As shown, the small individual 40a can be easily hanged on the umbrella strap 12 of the umbrella head 11 or the head end loop 13 of the umbrella strap 12 by the movable loop buckle 60 (as shown in FIG. 12). Or the umbrella head buckle 14 of the umbrella head 11 (as shown in FIG. 13), and can be easily installed or removed according to the needs of use; and the buckle body 50, 50a of the small individual 40a can be directly used after the folding. The function is to replace the movable buckle ring 60, as shown in FIG. 14-18, that is, after the folding, the small individual 40a wraps the umbrella belt 12 around the umbrella head 11 before the buckle body 50, 50a is buckled and shaped. The buckle body 50, 50a is disposed between the buckle bodies 50, 50a, so that the buckle body 50, 50a is inserted into the buckle body 50, 50a, so that the small individual 40a can be fixed on the umbrella belt 12 at the same time. Figures 17 and 18 are shown. The button body 50, 50a can be a buckle type as shown in Fig. 7-11, Fig. 14-17 or other types such as a button as shown in Fig. 19. <2> In terms of the fixing manner: as shown in Figs. 20-24, a fixed loop buckle 70 can be provided on the umbrella cover 40 instead of the removable buckle (movable mode) movable buckle. The ring 60 allows the umbrella cover 40 to be fixed on the umbrella band 12 of the umbrella head 11 by the fixed buckle φ belt 70 and cannot be removed. The umbrella belt 12 can replace the general non-elastic rope with an elastic rope. When the umbrella cover 40 is removed, the umbrella cover 40 can be integrated into the umbrella cover small individual 40a, and fixed on the umbrella cover 12 of the umbrella head 11 by the fixed buckle buckle 70, when the umbrella cover 40 is to be used. When the umbrella sleeve small individual 40a is directly unwound (unfolded) on the elastic rope umbrella belt 12 into an umbrella sleeve 40, the expanded umbrella sleeve 40 is stretched to the folding umbrella 10 by the elastic action of the elastic rope umbrella belt 12. The tail end is used on the folding umbrella 10. Referring to FIG. 25-32, and referring to FIG. 6-13, FIG. 25 is a perspective view of the use of the umbrella cover 40 of the general long umbrella 20 in the present invention. FIG. 26 is an illustration of the umbrella cover 40. FIG. 27-30 is a perspective view showing the umbrella sleeve 40 being gradually assembled into a reduced-volume small individual 40a (such as a flat rectangular bag body), and FIGS. 31 and 32 are received by the umbrella cover 40. A three-dimensional schematic diagram of a folding and compacting small individual and hanging on the umbrella head, the invention can be combined with the umbrella carrying umbrella 40 to match the length of the general long umbrella 20 after the umbrella is designed. The sleeve is sleeved outside the umbrella cloth of the general long umbrella 20; and the umbrella sleeve 40 shown in Fig. 25-31 is folded into the second small individual 40b or the small individual 40a and the movable buckle ring 60, etc. The main components are almost the same as the corresponding components shown in Figure 6-13, except that the umbrella sleeve 40 shown in Figures 25-32 is used for the general long umbrella 20, so the umbrella sleeve length is larger than that of the umbrella sleeve shown in Figure 6-13. The length of 40 is long; and the umbrella cover 40 shown in Figures 25-32 and 6-13 is first folded from the fully deployed state to the second smallest individual 40b and The process of synthesizing the small individual 40a from the sub-small individual 40b is also about the same, except that the folding process of the umbrella cover 40 shown in Figures 25-32 from the fully deployed state to the sub-small individual 40b may be more than that of Figure 6-13. The folding process of the umbrella cover 40 is shown in the process of folding. The folding process and manner of folding the umbrella cover 40 of the present invention from the fully deployed state to the sub-small individual 40b or the secondary sub-small 40b to the small individual 40a is not limited, and may be customized according to the user's personal preference or habit. Folding or folding in different operation P mode, several feasible folding methods are respectively described as follows: < 1 >, as shown in Figure 8-12, the umbrella cover 40 can be directly folded upward from the bottom 44 to On the outer peripheral surface 42 of the opening 41, as shown by the arrow in FIG. 9, the folded-back umbrella cover 40 is sequentially folded one by one to form the sub-small individual 40b as shown in FIG. 10, and finally the back side is provided with the buckle body 50a. The outer side facing the button body 50 is folded in the direction as shown by the arrow in FIG. 10, and is combined into a flat rectangular bag body as shown in FIG. 11 , and the back side buckle body 50a is also turned to the front side, and the button body 50 is at this time. The buckle body 50a is engaged, that is, the folding process is completed. 8 v 131*4850 < 2 >, as shown in Figure 14-18 or Figure 38-42, the umbrella cover 40 is

之開口 41之外周緣面42上設一開口向下之副袋45,此時 可將傘套40由底部44向上對摺如圖μ、38所示,使已 ,摺部分抵至副袋45之開口外如圖15、39所示,再將已 =摺部分對摺並由副袋45之開σ塞人副袋45内而形成如 圖16、40所示之次小個體4〇b,最後再將背面設有扣體 5〇a之外側面向扣體50方向對摺如圖16、4〇中箭頭所示, 而收合成一小個體40a如圖17、41所示之扁平矩形袋狀 體’且背面之扣體5Ga也翻轉至正面,此時 扣體50a對應扣合並可同時扣合在傘帶12上如圖18、42 ,不,即完成收合過程;而以此收合方式而言,由於已對 =分係職並由縣45之開口塞人副袋45内而形成如 ,16、40所示之次小個體40b,故該次小個體4〇b也相對 疋型住,該已對摺部分並不易從副袋45内向外散開,故 ^可直接將扣體50與原有扣體50b對應扣合,而以次小 個體40b掛扣在傘帶12上。 <3>、如圖33-37所示,可將傘套4〇由底部44向 上對摺,並使已對摺部分對摺並由傘套4〇之開口 41塞入 ^套40内部如圖33箭頭所示,而形成如圖34所示之扁 平矩形袋狀體,再將傘套40已對摺部分之上段向下對摺 如圖34中箭頭所示,而形成一次小個體4〇b如圖肋所示, 最後再將^背面設有扣體50a之外側面向扣體5〇方向對摺 如圖34箭頭所示,而收合成一小個體4〇a如圖16所示之 扁平矩形袋狀體,且背面之扣體5〇a也翻轉至正面,此 將扣體50與扣體50a對應扣合並可同時扣合在傘帶12 圖36、37所示,即完成收合過程。 上述幾種可行之收合方式中所稱之對摺係表示將傘 套〇之一扁平面摺向另一扁平面上,並不限制每次對摺 是對半的摺叠,或每次對摺是一定寬度的擅疊,也可以是 9 1314850 不規則寬度的摺疊,依傘套40之材料而論,可利用多種 摺合方式使一展開之傘套40收合成一次小個體40b或一 小個體40a。 由於本發明之傘套40可簡易收合成一小個體40a而 隨傘攜帶不易遺失,因此當兩天欲攜帶已淋濕之傘具進入 公眾場所如百貨公司或辦公大樓時,可直接將傘套小個體 40a簡易展開成一傘套40,以套在雨傘上以防雨傘上水向 外滴出,可避免再提供或再使用一用後即棄之長型塑膠 袋,故可相對減少塑膠廢物量而符合目前社會上所亟力要 _ 求之環保意識。 又本發明之傘套40可簡易收合成小個體40a而隨傘 攜帶,可隨傘具如折疊傘10或不能折疊之一般長傘20之 外觀或使用者喜愛而在小個體40a外表上設計相配合之圖 案,故可增進傘具在使用狀態或收合狀態之外觀裝飾美 感,而相對增進小個體40a之附加價值者。 以上所述僅為本發明的較佳實施例,對本發明而言僅 是說明性的,而非限制性的;本專業技術人員理解,在本 發明權利要求所限定的精神和範圍内可對其進行許多改 • 變,修改,甚至等效變更,但都將落入本發明的保護範圍 内。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1係習知一折疊傘及其附加傘套之立體示意圖。 圖2係圖1中傘套之立體示意圖。 圖3係圖1傘套取下並打結在傘頭傘帶上之立體示意圖。 圖4係習知一般長傘及其附加傘套之立體示意圖。 圖5係圖4中傘套取下並打結在傘頭上之立體示意圖。 圖6係本發明一傘套使用於浙疊傘上之示意圖。 圖7係圖6傘套呈展開狀態之立體示意圖。 1314850 圖8-11係圖7傘套由展開狀態逐漸收合成一小個體之收 合過程示意圖。 圖12係圖11中傘套已收合成一小個體並掛飾在折疊傘傘 帶之頭端環圈上之立體示意圖。 圖13係圖11中傘套已收合成一小個體並掛飾在折疊傘傘 頭環扣上之立體示意圖。 圖14-17係本發明另一傘套由展開狀態收合成一小個體之 收合過程示意圖。 圖18係圖17中傘套已收合成一小個體並掛飾在折疊傘之 傘帶上之立體示意圖。 _ 圖19係本發明一傘套以扣鈕當扣體之示意圖。 圖20-23係本發明另一傘套由展開狀態收合成一小個體之 收合過程示意圖。 圖24係圖23中傘套已收合成一小個體並掛飾在折疊傘傘 帶上之立體示意圖。 圖25係本發明一傘套使用於一般長傘上之示意圖。 圖26係圖25傘套呈展開狀態之立體示意圖。 圖27-30係圖26中傘套由展開狀態逐漸收合成一小個體 之收合過程示意圖。 • 圖31係圖30中傘套已收合成一小個體並掛飾在一般長傘 傘帶之頭端環圈頭上之立體示意圖。 圖32係圖30中傘套已收合成一小個體並掛飾在一般長傘 傘頭環扣上之立體示意圖。 圖33-36係本發明另一傘套由展開狀態收合成一小個體之 收合過程示意圖。 圖37係圖36中傘套已收合成一小個體並掛飾在折疊傘傘 帶上之立體示意圖。 圖38-41係本發明另一傘套由展開狀態收合成一小個體之 收合過程示意圖。 11 '1314850 圖42係圖41中傘套已收合成一小個體並掛飾在折疊傘傘 帶上之立體示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 折疊傘1 〇 傘頭11 傘帶12 環圈13 傘頭環扣14 一般長傘20 傘頭21 傘帶22 環圈23 傘頭環扣24 傘套30、30a 傘套40 小個體40a 次小個體40b 開口 41 外周緣面42 底部44 副袋45 扣體 50、50a、50b 活動式環扣圈60 固定式環扣帶70 12The outer peripheral surface 42 of the opening 41 is provided with a downwardly facing sub-bag 45. At this time, the umbrella cover 40 can be folded upward from the bottom portion 44 as shown in FIGS. 51 and 38, so that the folded portion is brought into the sub-bag 45. As shown in Figs. 15 and 39, the outer portion of the opening is folded in half and the opening σ of the sub-bag 45 is inserted into the sub-bag 45 to form a sub-small individual 4〇b as shown in Figs. The outer surface of the buckle body 5〇a is folded in the direction of the button body 50 as shown by the arrows in FIGS. 16 and 4, and is combined into a flat rectangular bag body as shown in FIGS. 17 and 41. The buckle body 5Ga on the back side is also turned to the front side. At this time, the buckle body 50a is buckled and can be buckled on the umbrella belt 12 as shown in Figs. 18 and 42. Otherwise, the folding process is completed; Since the second sub-small 40b, as shown in 16, 40, is formed in the sub-bag 45 of the county 45, the sub-small 4〇b is also relatively indifferent. The folded portion is not easily spread out from the inside of the sub-bag 45, so that the button body 50 can be directly engaged with the original button body 50b, and the second small individual 40b can be hooked on the umbrella belt 12. <3>, as shown in Figs. 33-37, the umbrella cover 4 can be folded upward by the bottom portion 44, and the folded portion is folded in half and the opening 41 of the umbrella cover 4 is inserted into the inside of the sleeve 40 as shown in Fig. 33. As shown, a flat rectangular bag body as shown in FIG. 34 is formed, and the upper portion of the folded portion of the umbrella cover 40 is folded downward as shown by the arrow in FIG. 34, and a small individual 4〇b is formed as shown in FIG. Finally, the outer surface of the button body 50a is folded in the direction of the button body 5〇 as shown by the arrow in FIG. 34, and is combined into a flat rectangular bag body as shown in FIG. The button body 5〇a of the back side is also turned to the front side, and the button body 50 is buckled and coupled with the button body 50a at the same time, and can be buckled at the same time as shown in FIGS. 36 and 37, that is, the folding process is completed. The folding aspect referred to in the above several feasible folding methods means that one flat surface of the umbrella sleeve is folded toward the other flat surface, and the folding of the folding half is not limited to half folding, or each folding is certain The width of the stack can also be 9 1314850 irregular width fold, according to the material of the umbrella sleeve 40, a plurality of folding manners can be used to combine the unfolded umbrella sleeve 40 into a small individual 40b or a small individual 40a. Since the umbrella cover 40 of the present invention can be easily integrated into a small individual 40a and is not easily lost with the umbrella, when the umbrella is to be carried in a public place such as a department store or an office building for two days, the umbrella cover can be directly used. The small individual 40a is simply unfolded into an umbrella cover 40 to be placed on the umbrella to prevent the water from dripping out of the umbrella, thereby avoiding the need to provide or reuse a long plastic bag that is disposable, so that the amount of plastic waste can be relatively reduced. It is in line with the current environmental awareness of the society. Moreover, the umbrella cover 40 of the present invention can be easily integrated into the small individual 40a and carried with the umbrella, and can be designed on the exterior of the small individual 40a with the appearance of the umbrella such as the folding umbrella 10 or the general long umbrella 20 which cannot be folded or the user's preference. The matching pattern can enhance the aesthetic appearance of the umbrella in the state of use or the state of folding, and relatively increase the added value of the small individual 40a. The above is only the preferred embodiment of the present invention, and is intended to be illustrative, and not restrictive, and it is understood by those skilled in the art that Many modifications, changes, and even equivalents may be made without departing from the scope of the invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Figure 1 is a perspective view of a conventional folding umbrella and its attached umbrella cover. 2 is a perspective view of the umbrella cover of FIG. 1. Figure 3 is a perspective view of the umbrella cover of Figure 1 taken off and tied on the umbrella umbrella strap. Figure 4 is a perspective view of a conventional long umbrella and its attached umbrella cover. Figure 5 is a perspective view of the umbrella cover of Figure 4 taken off and tied to the umbrella head. Fig. 6 is a schematic view showing the use of an umbrella cover of the present invention on a stack of umbrellas. Figure 7 is a perspective view showing the umbrella cover of Figure 6 in an unfolded state. 1314850 Fig. 8-11 is a schematic diagram of the folding process of the umbrella case of Fig. 7 from the unfolded state to a small individual. Figure 12 is a perspective view showing the umbrella cover of Figure 11 assembled into a small individual and attached to the head end loop of the folded umbrella. Figure 13 is a perspective view showing the umbrella case of Figure 11 assembled into a small individual and attached to the folding umbrella umbrella head buckle. Fig. 14-17 is a schematic view showing the folding process of another small sleeve of the present invention which is assembled into a small individual by the unfolded state. Figure 18 is a perspective view showing the umbrella cover of Figure 17 assembled into a small individual and attached to the umbrella strap of the folding umbrella. Figure 19 is a schematic view of an umbrella cover of the present invention with a button as a button body. Fig. 20-23 is a schematic view showing the folding process of another small sleeve of the present invention from the unfolded state to a small individual. Figure 24 is a perspective view showing the umbrella case of Figure 23 assembled into a small individual and decorated on a folded umbrella. Figure 25 is a schematic view of an umbrella cover of the present invention used on a general long umbrella. Figure 26 is a perspective view showing the umbrella cover of Figure 25 in an unfolded state. 27-30 are schematic views showing the folding process of the umbrella case of FIG. 26 gradually being assembled into a small individual. • Figure 31 is a perspective view of the umbrella cover of Figure 30 taken into a small individual and attached to the head end of the general long umbrella. Figure 32 is a perspective view showing the umbrella case of Figure 30 assembled into a small individual and attached to a general long umbrella umbrella head buckle. 33-36 are schematic views showing the folding process of another small sleeve of the present invention from a deployed state to a small individual. Figure 37 is a perspective view showing the umbrella case of Figure 36 assembled into a small individual and decorated on a folded umbrella. 38-41 are schematic views showing the folding process of another small sleeve of the present invention from the unfolded state to a small individual. 11 '1314850 Fig. 42 is a perspective view of the umbrella case of Fig. 41 which has been assembled into a small individual and decorated on a folded umbrella. [Main component symbol description] Folding umbrella 1 〇 Umbrella head 11 Umbrella belt 12 Ring ring 13 Umbrella head ring buckle 14 General long umbrella 20 Umbrella head 21 Umbrella belt 22 Ring ring 23 Umbrella head ring buckle 24 Umbrella cover 30, 30a Umbrella cover 40 Small individual 40a small individual 40b opening 41 outer peripheral surface 42 bottom 44 sub bag 45 button body 50, 50a, 50b movable ring ring 60 fixed ring belt 70 12

Claims (1)

'1314850 十、申請專利範圍: 1、 一種可收合並隨幸攜帶之傘套結構,該傘套係一配合 收傘後傘具長度之長筒形套體,供可由傘套之開口將 傘套套束在傘具之傘布外面,而其特徵在於:該傘套 之外周緣面上設置至少一組可相互對應扣合之扣體, 使該傘套在取下不用時,可先收合成一縮小體積之小 個體,並藉該組扣體由小個體之外部扣合,以使該傘 套收合後小個體之外型可定型住而不散開或展開,並 使該傘套收合後小個體能利用可拆裝方式或固定方式 • 固定在傘具之傘頭部上,使該傘套收合後小個體可附 設在傘具上,藉以成為一可隨傘攜帶且可隨使用需要 而收合成小個體或展開成可使用之傘套,避免傘套在 取下不用後容易遺失的缺點。 2、 如申請專利範圍第1項所述可收合並隨傘攜帶之傘套 結構,其中該傘頭部係包括傘頭上之傘頭環扣、傘帶 及傘帶頭端之環圈。 3、 如申請專利範圍第1項所述可收合並隨傘攜帶之傘套 結構,其中該組扣體可為黏扣帶型態。 * 4、如申請專利範圍第1項所述可收合並隨傘攜帶之傘套 結構,其中該扣體可為扣鈕型態。 5、 如申請專利範圍第1項所述可收合並隨傘攜帶之傘套 結構,其中該組扣體係設置於或靠近傘套之開口之外 周緣面上。 6、 如申請專利範圍第1項所述可收合並隨傘攜帶之傘套 結構,其中該組扣體中之一扣體可設置在由傘套開口 之外周緣面向外延伸之一凸耳片上,另一扣體可設置 在前述扣體之反面對應處。 13 1314850 7、 如申請專利範圍第1項所述可收合並隨傘攜帶之傘套 結構,其中該傘套收合後小個體之外型可為一扁平矩 形袋狀體。 8、 如申請專利範圍第1項所述可收合並隨傘攜帶之傘套 結構,其中該傘套上設一活動式環扣圈,使該傘套收 合後小個體可藉該活動式環扣圈以可拆裝方式掛扣在 傘頭之傘頭部上。 9、 如申請專利範圍第1項所述可收合並隨傘攜帶之傘套 結構,其中該傘套收合後小個體可利用該組扣體之扣 合作用而掛扣在傘頭之傘帶上。 10、 如申請專利範圍第1項所述可收合並隨傘攜帶之傘套 結構,其中該傘套上設一固定式環扣帶,使收合後小 個體可藉該固定式環扣帶以固定方式掛扣在傘頭之傘 帶上。 11、 如申請專利範圍第10項所述可收合並隨傘攜帶之傘 套結構,其中該傘帶可利用彈性繩構成,使展開後之 傘套可藉該彈性繩傘帶之彈性作用而拉伸至傘尾端以 套在傘上使用。 12、 如申請專利範圍第1項所述可收合並隨傘攜帶之傘套 結構,其中該傘套可由底部向上對摺至傘套之開口的 外周緣面上以收合成一傘套次小個體,再將該次小個 體左右向對摺以收合成一小個體,利用該組扣體由收 合後小個體之外部對應扣合。 13、 如申請專利範圍第1項所述可收合並隨傘攜帶之傘套 結構,其進一步可在該傘套開口之外周緣面上設一開 口向下之副袋。 14、如申請專利範圍第13項所述可收合並隨傘攜帶之傘 1314850 套結構,其中該傘套可由底部向上對摺至該傘套之副 袋的開口外,並再將已對摺部分對摺並由副袋之開口 塞入副袋内以收合成一次小個體,再將該次小個體左 右向對摺以收合成一小個體,並再利用該組扣體由收 合後小個體之外部對應扣合。 15、如申請專利範圍第丨項所述可收合並隨傘攜帶之傘套 結構,其中該傘套可由底部向上對摺,並使已對摺部 分對摺並由傘套之開口塞入傘套内部以收合成一次小 個體’再將該次小個體左右向對摺以收合成一小個 體’並再利用讓組扣體由收合後小個體之外部對應扣 合。 15'1314850 X. Patent application scope: 1. An umbrella cover structure that can be carried and merged with the umbrella. The umbrella cover is a long cylindrical sleeve with the length of the umbrella after the umbrella is closed, and the umbrella sleeve can be opened by the opening of the umbrella cover. The utility model is characterized in that: the outer surface of the umbrella cloth is arranged outside the umbrella cloth, and the outer peripheral surface of the umbrella sleeve is provided with at least one set of buckle bodies which can be interlocked with each other, so that the umbrella sleeve can be combined and assembled before being used. The small individual is reduced in size, and the buckle body is fastened by the outer part of the small body, so that the small individual can be shaped without being scattered or unfolded after the umbrella sleeve is folded, and the umbrella sleeve is folded. The small individual can use the detachable or fixed way. • It is fixed on the umbrella head of the umbrella, so that the small individual can be attached to the umbrella after the umbrella sleeve is folded, so that it can be carried with the umbrella and can be used as needed. The small individual is assembled or unfolded into an umbrella cover that can be used to avoid the disadvantage that the umbrella cover is easily lost after being used. 2. The umbrella cover structure can be combined with the umbrella as described in item 1 of the patent application scope, wherein the umbrella head includes the umbrella head buckle on the umbrella head, the umbrella belt and the loop end of the umbrella head end. 3. The umbrella cover structure that can be combined with the umbrella can be collected as described in item 1 of the patent application scope, wherein the set of buckle body can be a buckled belt type. * 4. As shown in the first paragraph of the patent application, the umbrella cover structure can be combined with the umbrella, wherein the button body can be a button type. 5. The umbrella cover structure can be combined and carried with the umbrella as described in item 1 of the patent application scope, wherein the group buckle system is disposed on or near the peripheral surface of the opening of the umbrella cover. 6. The umbrella cover structure of the umbrella can be combined and assembled according to the first aspect of the patent application, wherein one of the set of buckle bodies can be disposed on one of the lugs extending outward from the outer periphery of the umbrella sleeve opening. The other button body may be disposed at a corresponding position on the opposite side of the aforementioned button body. 13 1314850 7. The umbrella cover structure of the umbrella can be combined and accepted as described in claim 1 of the patent application, wherein the small individual can be a flat rectangular bag after the umbrella cover is folded. 8. The umbrella cover structure that can be combined with the umbrella according to the first item of the patent application scope, wherein the umbrella cover is provided with a movable ring buckle ring, so that the small individual can borrow the movable ring after the umbrella cover is folded. The buckle is detachably attached to the umbrella head of the umbrella head. 9. The umbrella cover structure that can be combined and carried with the umbrella as described in item 1 of the patent application scope, wherein the small individual can use the button body of the buckle body to hang the umbrella band of the umbrella head after the umbrella sleeve is folded. on. 10. The umbrella cover structure of the umbrella can be combined and assembled according to the first item of the patent application scope, wherein the umbrella sleeve is provided with a fixed loop buckle belt, so that the small individual can take the fixed loop buckle belt after the folding The fixed way is hanged on the umbrella strap of the umbrella head. 11. The umbrella cover structure can be combined and carried with an umbrella as described in claim 10, wherein the umbrella belt can be constructed by an elastic rope, so that the unfolded umbrella sleeve can be pulled by the elastic action of the elastic rope umbrella belt. Extend to the end of the umbrella to cover the umbrella. 12. The umbrella cover structure that can be combined with the umbrella according to the first item of the patent application scope, wherein the umbrella cover can be folded upward from the bottom to the outer peripheral edge of the opening of the umbrella cover to be combined into an umbrella set sub-small individual. Then, the small individual is folded in the right and left direction to compose a small individual, and the buckle body is buckled by the outer part of the small individual after the folding. 13. An umbrella cover structure that can be combined with an umbrella as described in claim 1 of the patent application, further having an open sub-bag on the peripheral surface of the outer cover of the umbrella cover. 14. The structure of the umbrella 1371450 that can be combined with the umbrella as described in claim 13 of the patent application scope, wherein the umbrella sleeve can be folded upward from the bottom to the opening of the sub-bag of the umbrella sleeve, and the folded portion is folded in half. The small bag is inserted into the sub-bag to be combined into a small individual, and the small individual is folded in the right and left direction to form a small individual, and the button body is reused from the external buckle of the small individual after the folding. Hehe. 15. The umbrella cover structure of the umbrella can be collected and combined according to the scope of the patent application, wherein the umbrella sleeve can be folded upward from the bottom, and the folded portion is folded in half and the opening of the umbrella cover is inserted into the interior of the umbrella cover to receive Synthesize a small individual 'and then fold the small individual to the left and right to compose a small individual' and reuse it so that the group body is buckled by the external counterpart of the small individual after the folding. 15
TW96116713A 2007-05-10 2007-05-10 Foldable umbrella cover structure capable of being carried with umbrella TW200843660A (en)

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TW96116713A TW200843660A (en) 2007-05-10 2007-05-10 Foldable umbrella cover structure capable of being carried with umbrella

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