1257560 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於一種聯合藥局之醫藥連線資訊系統,尤 指一種將各個診所的處方箋經加密後轉換成資訊流,透過 網際網路送至設於聯合藥局内的處方箋伺服主機以進行聯 合配藥之管理系統。 l兀月1j孜询· j 根據以往的經驗,一般人前往診所看診,經醫師診斷 後:直接由診所取藥回家似乎是天經地義的做法,且少有 人質疑其正當性。但問題在於診所裡進行根據醫師處方 調劑配藥者大多並非專業合格的藥劑師,對於患者顯然是 少了一分應有的保障。因而出現了醫藥分業的呼聲, 2署為了實施醫藥分業,亦廣邀醫藥界代表經過多次的討 論與折衝,方勉強發佈冑¥ >I 、 山姑 西臬刀業亚進行階段性實施計查 :、由又執並行式醫藥分業,逐步邁向單執式醫藥分業的: 4。但由於本國醫師診察費 /、 π广广\ ☆ 偏低而全民健保實施之後, 依疾病&級看診並進行適當轉診的觀 … 肖藥師(生)之宓較农兔扣壬 ^ 未洛貫’加上不 τ 玍)之么西仃為嚴重影響藥師 的實施為醫界帶來待遇與收入之衝擊,二,西樂分業 終於導致醫藥界爆發了嚴重的對立。―近隙之下’ 導致上述現象出現的真正原 讓與健保申報藥價的差距極大①在於樂品進貨折 外,診所診治兼調劑,可不釋出“!;高4 40%以上;此 出處方袭’醫生握有對患者 1257560 的醫療主導權,一旦卢 可能主動影響串者之处戔釋出至健保藥局,不肖之藥師 統醫病關係生2看t意願與醫生選擇,而直接衝擊傳 之減少。由於:藥間接造成患者之流失與收益 然衛生署的立音ά | 、;醫藥分業之認知上差距太大,縱 而醫師卻不止脾2商藥分業雖可以提高醫療品質,然 藥分業時,::无侍利盃拱手讓出。因此在階段性實施醫 業實施前期規套因應對策,譬如在醫藥分 ,而僱請兼差之二劑,於是實際調劑者隱身幕後 師不需至-所:牌照置於診所。此種對策之下,藥 人員負主斤履行調劑義務,調劑工作實際上仍由非醫藥 。此種:、去t'?師只需在衛生單位進行抽查時短暫露面 給付上獲得利益,缺而藥師在薪資 ,違逆了 & 、西療品質的提升上,卻未能改善 了術生署當初推動醫藥分業之美意。 隨著九十二年四月新版的醫 療院所必須在方圓,…業式貫施,規定醫 藥細,圓·8公里以内均無健保藥局,方可設置 ”=則處方寞一定要釋出,這時診所又研擬了新對策 ’即在矽所旁設置門前藥 &— 該院所的處方菱並兼營二般荜師執行業務專門調劑 ;二:專業調劑的要求’亦提升了醫療品質,然而隨著 門:樂局的紛紛設立’卻已明顯衝擊了現有的藥局版塊, =料效率考量上’並非十分恰當。而有些開設夜間門 Γ乡所’在夜診人數較少的情況下,為了節省藥師聘用 成本’在門前藥局的夜間調劑部分仍由非藥師進行,这又 1257560 疋醫樂分業制度下產生之一大漏洞 為,發明人希望從另一個角度 :切此種投機行 資聯合藥局的可行性, =醫藥界雙方合作投 將聯合藥局與診所連線,在符:=!聯合藥局系統以 亦可兼顧傳統病患之就醫習性。貝“樂分業制度下, 一般而言,聯合藥局的開發必較 同利益,利用資訊科技將診所與;^與樂師的我 在正個系統運作下,•了可以實… 業調劑」的目標,聯合藥局的實施可以二…t 情況下,可以容納更多家診所之處方^在達到經濟規模的 藥價議訂,也具備更大的空 :了而在與藥商進行 利潤,並且提供更好的m1/此可μ以更高的 士也就是在醫藥分業政策下,而配套措施 :” t沒有μ法律,而資訊網路技術足以支援的情況;、 ’充分配合醫藥分業的市場 '月/ 需求和理念,規劃-套網路醫筚料=師和樂師作業的 分業政策,並改善處方f釋出並可以落實醫藥 所可能面對之不安全性。此外,對於-般醫師最 療安全性㈣題,透過醫藥連統亦可 ^ °:::。:此此種聯合藥局的構想將可以創造醫二 師和患者三赢的局面。 @ I ♦ 【發明内容】 因此’本發明主要目 的在提供一種醫 藥連線資訊系統 1257560 其建構於各個診 診所釋出的處方或多個聯合藥局之間’以便將 送達聯合筚月,換為加密的資訊流’透過網路安全地 ^ ^ ^ 由聯合藥局解密還原後進行配藥,再由s 者攜朮診所開出的虛古a s 丹由心 士 4士 4 處方戔至聯合藥局領藥,而藉由兮糸鉢 支持在醫藥分業制声下辦八# 肖由違糸統 、 利度下聯合樂局的具體實現。 為達成前述目的姐& ^ i 括有: 〇彳木取的主要技術手段係令前述系統包 〉療主栈’係設於診, ,並產生_ ^ W師A錄診療内容 生處方戈、批價單、病歷聯等列印資訊; 。彳貞測☆ ’係與診療主機連結,以擷取診療主機 處方_印資料,並將擷取的處方箋列印資料 為電子郵件形式送出; 锝換 -局端伺服器,係設於遠端的聯合藥局内,並透過網 路與各#所的訊息偵測哭連姓 貝成1 σ°運、、、口用以接收來自診所端所钟 訊號谓測器送出的處方箋郵件; 又 /利用前述的系統架構,可支持聯合藥局的實現, 係由簽約診所共同設立一個或多個聯合藥局,並透過前述 系統構成連線,當診所醫師在診所内利用珍療主機完 患者的診療及處方菱’該處方笑資料將送出進行列印,而 前述訊息伯測器即擷取該送出的處方菱資料,經轉換成電 子郵件格式後由網路送出至指定的聯合藥局,再由該聯合 藥局端的局端伺服器接收該處方笺鄱 丨件,經還原為原始的 處方細後依診所別予以儲存,並將其輸出後由藥劑師 進行調劑’而患者可持診所端印出的處方笑至聯合藥局領 1257560 樂,如此不僅可符合醫藥分業的要求,同時更可利用 科技使貢訊流的傳送處理更臻效率便捷。 貝成 前述診所端的診療主機含有—醫療資訊系統(HIS) 便由醫師完成看診並鍵入資料後產生一w 穴u 列印,並由該訊息偵測器所擷取。一〜貝枓送出 前述訊息偵測器進一步 服器中則内建-解密機制▲ σ η ’而在局端飼 郵件將經過加密再送至網路精測器送出的處方菱 則進行解密後再還原為處方If料。π1服器接收該郵件後 前述訊息偵測器之加密機 DES對診療主機 '、知-階段加密’係先以 饿运出的處方戔列印檔 加檔案方式轉換為電子郵件形 以、丁力…又以附 再“SSL加密後送出。 【實施方式] 有關本發明之具體實施方式,苴一 參閱第一圖所示,係令複數的診所的系統架構請 多個聯合藥局(2 共同由一個或 與聯合藥局(20)列ΓΓ 劑’各診所(… ;其中,該診所Si X醫藥,系統相互連l 關係是如第二圖所示,該二t;=局(2〇)間的 者的看診後,將製作產生一處方 :醫飾在完成對患 流的形式送至指定的聯合藥局(;〇=方菱—則以資訊 ,直接印出交付予患者,由患者 =調劑配藥,另 由方;處方楚内容涉及患者 (2 0 )領 身的W,其轉換為資訊 1257560 流在診所(1 〇 )與聯合藥局(2 〇 ) 令而〜 间得輸必箔Λ 6 元整的狀態下進行,而前述的醫藥連線資、女 須考量並滿足此-特性與需求,如第…’、統即必 乐一圖所不,揭- 西藥連線資訊系統的基本架構,其包括有· U不有該 工偶 内,可供 、病歷聯 進行列印 :巾圮錄診療内容,並製作產生處方箋、批價 等列印資訊,而送至一相連結的列表機(3丄 )與列表機(3 1 )之間’以擷取診療主機( 至物(川㈣方笑列印資料,並將掏取的處= 列印資料轉換為電子郵件形式送出; 4 一局端飼服器(5〇),係設於遠端的聯合筚 0)内,並透過網路與各診所(10)的訊息偵測器(4 、〇)連結,用以接收來自診所端所設訊息谓測器(4 运出的處方更郵件;此處所稱的網路是指廣義的網路,並 可為網際網路或區域網路;其中: 河述診所端的診療主機(30)含有一醫療資訊系統 ::叫,以便由醫師完成看診並鍵入資料後產生一組處方笑 貝料达出列印’並由該訊息偵測器所擷取。由於本發明係 褐取醫療資訊系統(His)送线列印播案進行轉換轉寄,其 不涉及4醫療貧訊系統(Hls)内容或功能的變更,換言之, 儘管目前已存在各種不同的醫療資訊系統(HIS),利用本發 月之。又计4乃可與各種不同的醫療資訊系統(出S)相容。 1257560 =述_測器(40)具有一軟體作業系統 弟四圖所不,其具備下列功能步驟: 如 接收列印標案的指令,經由特 訊息(401); 、伴出處方箋1257560 IX. Description of the invention: [Technical field of invention] The present invention relates to a medical connection information system of a joint pharmacy, in particular to converting a prescription of each clinic into an information stream and transmitting it through the Internet. To the prescription/serving host set up in the joint pharmacy for the joint dispensing management system. l兀月1j孜·j According to past experience, the average person visits the clinic. After the doctor's diagnosis: it is a natural practice to take medicine directly from the clinic, and few people question its legitimacy. However, the problem is that most of the pharmacists who are not qualified for the prescription according to the doctor's prescription in the clinic are obviously less worthy of the patient's protection. As a result, there has been a voice of the pharmaceutical industry. In order to implement the pharmaceutical industry, the Department of Health has also invited representatives of the pharmaceutical industry to discuss and break through many times. Fang Qiangqiang released 胄¥ >I and Shangu Xiwei knife industry to implement phased implementation. Check: By the concurrently parallel pharmaceutical division, gradually move towards the single-exercise pharmaceutical division: 4. However, due to the low cost of medical examinations in the country, π 广广 \ ☆ is low, and after the implementation of the National Health Insurance, the doctors according to the disease & level and appropriate referrals... Xiao Yao Shi (sheng) is more than the agricultural rabbits ^ Luo Guan 'plus not τ 玍 之 仃 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西 西Under the "near gap", the real difference between the above-mentioned phenomenon and the health insurance declaration drug price is very large. 1 is the purchase of music, the clinic treatment and adjustment, can not release "!; high 4 40% or more; this prescription Dr. 'Doctor holds the medical dominance of the patient 1257560. Once Lu may actively influence the stalker's position and release it to the Health Insurance Pharmacy Bureau, the unscrupulous pharmacist's relationship with the doctor's choice is to see the will and the doctor's choice. The decrease: Because the drug indirectly causes the loss of patients and the benefits of the Department of Health's Liyin |,; the difference in the perception of the pharmaceutical industry is too big, but the doctor is not only the spleen 2 business drugs can improve the quality of medical treatment, but drugs At the time of separation, :: There is no Shili Cup to give up. Therefore, in the implementation of the medical industry in the early stage of the implementation of the countermeasures, such as in the pharmaceutical, and hired two agents, so the actual transferer behind the scenes does not need to - The license is placed in the clinic. Under this kind of countermeasure, the drug personnel are responsible for fulfilling the adjustment obligation, and the adjustment work is actually still non-medical. This kind of: go to the t'? The short-term appearance of paying for the benefits, the lack of pharmacists in the salary, the violation of the & and the quality of Western treatment, but failed to improve the beauty of the Department of Health to promote the separation of medicine. With the new version of April 1992 The medical institution must be in a square, ... industry-style implementation, stipulates that the medicine is fine, and there is no health insurance pharmacy within 8 km. Only then, the prescription must be released. At this time, the clinic has developed new countermeasures. 'Immediately set the door medicine & next to the clinic - the prescription of the institute and concurrently carry out the special adjustment of the business of the two divisions; the second: the requirements of the professional adjustment 'has improved the medical quality, but with the door: the music bureau The establishment of 'there has been a significant impact on the existing pharmacy section, = material efficiency considerations' is not very appropriate. In some cases where the night gates are opened, in the case of a small number of night clinics, in order to save the cost of pharmacists, the nighttime adjustment of the pharmacy in front of the pharmacy is still carried out by non-pharmacists, which is also produced under the 1257560 疋 medical music system. A big loophole is that the inventor hopes to take another perspective: the feasibility of cutting such speculative funds and joint pharmacies, = the cooperation between the pharmaceutical industry and the pharmacy and the clinic, in the:=! joint pharmacy system It can also take into account the medical habits of traditional patients. Under the "Lei Separation System", in general, the development of the Joint Pharmacy Bureau must be more in the same interest, using information technology to connect the clinic with the ^ and the musicians, under the operation of the system, the goal of the company can be adjusted. The implementation of the joint pharmacy can be two...t, it can accommodate more clinics. In the case of reaching the economic scale, the price of the drug is negotiated, and it has a larger space: it is profitable with the drug dealer and provides The better m1/this can be higher to the taxi, that is, under the pharmaceutical separation policy, and the supporting measures: “t no μ law, and the information network technology is sufficient to support the situation; 'full cooperation with the market of the pharmaceutical industry' Month / needs and ideas, planning - set of online medical advice = divisional policies for divisions and musicians, and improve prescriptions to release and can implement the insecurity that medicines may face. In addition, the most treatment for general practitioners Safety (4) questions, through the medical system can also ^ °:::: This concept of the joint pharmacy will be able to create a two-win situation for the second division of the doctor and the patient. @ I ♦ [invention] So the present invention The main purpose is to provide a Pharmacy Connection Information System 1257560 It is constructed between prescriptions issued by various clinics or between multiple joint pharmacies 'so that it will be delivered to the joint 筚月, and will be exchanged for encrypted information flow' through the Internet safely ^ ^ ^ by the joint medicine After deciphering and restoring, the bureau will dispense the medicine, and then the virtual ancient As Dan, which was opened by the s-carrying surgery clinic, will be prescribed by the Xinshi 4 士4 prescription to the pharmacy of the joint pharmacy, and the pharmacy will be supported by the pharmacy.八# Xiao is the specific realization of the joint music bureau under the rule of the sin and the stipulations. In order to achieve the above-mentioned purpose, the sister & ^ i includes: The main technical means of the raft is to make the system package In the diagnosis, and the production of _ ^ W division A recorded medical treatment content recipes, the list of orders, medical records and other printed information; 彳贞 ☆ 系 'system and diagnosis of the host to link to the diagnosis of the host prescription _ printed materials And the printed prescriptions are printed as e-mails; the exchange-office server is located in the remote joint pharmacy, and detects the crying surname through the network and each # Beicheng 1 σ ° transport,, and mouth to receive the clock from the clinic end The prescribing mail sent by the signal predator; and / using the aforementioned system architecture, can support the realization of the joint pharmacy, the contract clinics jointly set up one or more joint pharmacies, and through the above system constitute a connection, when the clinic In the clinic, the doctor uses the treasure treatment host to complete the patient's diagnosis and treatment. The prescription laughter data will be sent for printing, and the above-mentioned information detector will retrieve the submitted prescription data and convert it into an email format. The network is sent to the designated joint pharmacy, and the prescription server is received by the central server of the joint pharmacy. After being restored to the original prescription, the prescription is stored according to the clinic and outputted by the medicament. The teacher can adjust the 'and the patient can laugh at the prescription printed on the clinic to the pharmacy leader 1257560 music, which not only meets the requirements of the medical division, but also makes use of technology to make the transmission processing of the Gongxun stream more efficient and convenient. Becheng The clinic at the clinic end contains the Medical Information System (HIS), which is completed by the physician and typed in the data to generate a w hole u print, which is captured by the message detector. One ~ Bellow sent the aforementioned message detector and the server has a built-in decryption mechanism ▲ σ η ', and the mail in the office will be encrypted and sent to the prescription ruler sent by the network tester to decrypt and then restore. For the prescription If. After the π1 server receives the mail, the encryption machine DES of the above-mentioned message detector is used to diagnose the host computer, and the knowledge-stage encryption is first converted to the email form by the prescription of the hungry shipment, and the file is converted into an e-mail... Further, the following is a description of the specific embodiment of the present invention. As shown in the first figure, the system architecture of the plurality of clinics is requested by a plurality of joint pharmacies (2 Or with the joint pharmacy (20) Liao agent 'each clinic (...; which, the clinic Si X medicine, the system is connected to each other as shown in the second figure, the two t; = bureau (2 〇) After the visit, the doctor will produce a prescription: the medical decoration will be sent to the designated joint pharmacy in the form of completion of the flow ((〇=方菱-, then the information will be printed directly to the patient, by the patient = adjustment) Dispensing, another by the side; prescription Chu content involves the patient (20) lead W, which is converted into information 1257560 flow in the clinic (1 〇) and the joint pharmacy (2 〇) order and ~ between the two must lose the foil Λ 6 In the state of Yuan Zheng, the aforementioned medical connection and female considerations Satisfy this - characteristics and needs, such as the first ... ', the system is not the same, the basic structure of the Western medicine connection information system, including U · not in the work, available, medical records Print: The contents of the medical records are recorded, and the printed information such as the prescription, the price, etc. is produced, and sent to a linked list machine (3丄) and the list machine (3 1 ) (To the object (Chuan (4) Fang laughs and prints the information, and converts the collected information = printed information into an e-mail form; 4 one-end feeding device (5〇), which is set at the remote joint 筚0 Within the network, and through the network to connect to the clinics (10) message detectors (4, 〇), to receive the message predator from the clinic (4 shipped out of the mail more; here called The network refers to a broad network and can be an internet or a regional network. The following: The medical treatment host (30) at the Heshu clinic contains a medical information system: called, so that the doctor can complete the consultation and type the data. Produce a set of prescription laughter materials to print out 'taken by the message detector. Since the invention is Take the medical information system (His) to send the line to print the case for conversion and forwarding, which does not involve changes in the content or function of the 4 medical poor system (Hls), in other words, although there are various medical information systems (HIS) The use of this month is also compatible with a variety of different medical information systems (out S). 1257560 = The tester (40) has a software operating system, the four maps do not have the following functions Step: If you receive the instruction to print the standard, pass the special message (401);
將處方笑列印播案以DES EML模式(4〇2); 式轉換成 陶若偵測結果非處咖息,則直接送… (404)指定㈣的聯合藥局’並選擇對應的電子郵件位址 將經過DES加密的處方菱列印槽案轉換eml LSSL加密後(4〇5),透過網路傳輪至指定聯合藥局(2 u )的局端伺服器(406)。其中: J於診療主機(30)送出的列印檔案並不只是處方 :要、/另有批價單、病歷聯等,而批價單、病歷聯並不 至聯合藥局(20) ’因此訊息偵測器(40)主 制=在於透過特徵比對,操取出處方菱列印檔案, 至於批價單、病歷聯則令其直接送往列表機列印。 又訊息债測器(40)進一步設有輸入介面與顯示介 ^並内建有多個聯合藥局的電子郵件位址,當訊息伯測 、4 0 ) y取處方戔檔案並加密及轉換為格式後, 將,過輸入介面接受患者指定領藥的聯合藥局,隨即再經 加密並選擇相對應的電子郵件位址將處方箋棺案送至指定 的聯合藥局。 1257560 职刖揭所述,處 ^ 上得送’必 切 全與完整’故訊息她(4〇)提供二階段 ί八Γ ,故以DES對處㈣列印㈣料加密,隨 咖進㈣加插案方切加於電子郵件,再令電子郵件以 進仃加岔’方經由網路傳輸至聯合 物……,同時診所(1。)的辨識=一局 用开。付加於電子郵件上,以供聯合藥局(2〇)作為識別之 仍%參閱第三圖所示,該局端伺服器 含一非戰區(51)、一郵件飼服器(52)、^二包 機(5 3 )及一後處理主機(5 4 );其中·· 主 士入該郵件伺服器(52)上設定防火牆,僅接 β所的處方箋列印檔案電子郵件,其餘則、 件資料A,供將來管理分析 m立圾郵 端_(5。)將進二:二=^^ 錄與存證,再依據診所辨識丨D將電子郵件中所:二牛^ =特定診所的儲存區域,並且透過多媒體:::: 幻麵E DEC0RDER)主動將播案由電子郵件分牛^碼 接收主機(5 3 )再將播案解密成原始的處方菱卿幸 ::Γ'網路列表控制系統連接於特別指定的列表= 印出處方笑(前述美太Τ+ j表钱列 心㈣)。此時列印出之作二 無異,再峨編二=Γ:原始之處” 。 戈上S己載的事項進行藥物調劑 10 1257560 又前述郵件祠服器(5 2 )内含郵件過濾管理系統 Mail SQR與垃圾郵件過濾系統spam SQR而4·丄处 w κ兩大功能··該 郵件過濾管理系統係針對電子郵件進行紀錄與存證,垃圾 郵件過濾系統則可防止垃圾郵件塞爆聯合藥局電子作箱, 進而避免作業系統遭受攻擊癱瘓。另對於處方箋資訊流的 傳遞,可對SPAM SQR與Mail SQRit行延伸性開發^以 確保滿足資訊流的安全要求。其中,本發明之垃圾郵件過 濾系統SPAM SQR係採用多層次垃圾信防禦手段,如第 六圖所示,該垃圾郵件過濾系統(6 〇 )包含四層防御. 一連線模式過遽層(61),係針對丨p位址曰阻絕『不當 網域的來信; 僅開放前一過濾層的合 係以信件的絕對内容作 一黑白名早過滤層(6 2 ) 格使用者進行收信; 一内容絕對過濾層(6 3 ) 為過濾、的條件; 一内容模糊過濾層(6 4 ),俜以,姓从 係以k件的内容進行模 糊比對,以決定是否放行,比 殊權值比料。 鍵字比對、特 利用前述垃圾郵件過濾李 夕 仅制A k 心乐、、先之夕層次防禦手段即可確 保郵件接收的安全性,並便於管理。 又電子郵件經由解密寇疼脸 ^ . , χ 將自動为解為郵件及附加檔 案兩大部分。附加檔案經解密 如0安处4 交j轉換成原先之處方箋列 P枱木袼式,並將列印訊息 )敕理而八、、, 订凋路列表控制主機(7 0 )正理而为达至相對應之特 幻表機列印處方及藥袋。 1257560 另前 %述的後處理主機( (5 〇 )的非 0 j係了 6又置於局端伺服器 網路上。哕徭:& ( 5 1 )巾或聯合藥局端所構成之區域 後處理主機(54)主要功能包含: 診日期方 、立處方箋存證資料庫 式進行處方箋查詢 •拆解處方箋 看 並可依診所識別| D、 號等,以建立病人次士之欄位資# ’如病人姓名、健保卡 届人貧料庫。 料庫等 建立藥品使用方法資料庫、藥品資料庫, 診所資 四 庫中。 五· 料 將自處方笑拆解出之各項資料匯入相對應之資 提i、矽所查詢功能,查詢該診所開出之處方 料 ,、·系統管理人員權限設定, 蕤 ’保貝枓庫之安全。 稭則述的後處理主機(5 4 )除 電子郵件之冰, 储存母張處方箋之 筚曰相矣 對於用藥分類量進行計算,以產生用 一曰報表與每月用藥總量月The prescription is printed and printed in the DES EML mode (4〇2); the formula is converted into Taoru detection results are not in the coffee, then directly sent... (404) Designate (4) the joint pharmacy' and select the corresponding email The address will be encrypted by the DES-encrypted prescription and converted to eml LSSL (4〇5), and transmitted to the central server (406) of the designated joint pharmacy (2 u) via the network. Among them: J prints the file sent by the host (30) is not just a prescription: want, / another batch list, medical record, etc., and the list of bills, medical records not to the joint pharmacy (20) 'So The message detector (40) main system = in the feature comparison, the prescription print file is processed, and the ticket list and the medical record link are sent directly to the list machine for printing. The message debt detector (40) is further provided with an input interface and a display interface and an email address with a plurality of joint pharmacies built therein. When the message is measured, 4 0) y takes the prescription file and encrypts and converts it into After the format, the input interface will accept the patient's designated drug pharmacy, and then encrypt and select the corresponding email address to send the prescription to the designated joint pharmacy. 1257560 The job revealed that the department had to send the 'must be complete and complete' message. She (4〇) provided the second stage ί Γ, so the DES (4) printed (four) material encryption, with the coffee into (four) plus The inserter will be added to the e-mail, and then the e-mail will be sent to the joint via the Internet... and the identification of the clinic (1.) will be used. It is added to the e-mail for identification by the Joint Pharmacy Bureau (2〇). As shown in the third figure, the central server includes a non-war zone (51), a mail feeder (52), ^ The second charter (5 3 ) and the post-processing host (5 4 ); wherein the master enters the mail server (52) to set up a firewall, and only accepts the prescription of the beta, prints the file email, and the rest, Information A, for future management analysis, m refused mail _ (5.) will enter two: two = ^ ^ record and deposit certificate, and then according to the clinic identification 丨 D will be in the email: two cattle ^ = specific clinic storage The area, and through the multimedia :::: phantom E DEC0RDER) take the initiative to send the broadcast by email to the host (5 3) and then decrypt the broadcast into the original prescription Ling Yu:: Γ 'network list control The system is connected to a specially designated list = printed prescription laugh (the aforementioned beauty is too + j table money column (four)). At this time, the printed work is the same, and then edited two = Γ: the original place. ” Go on S has carried the drug adjustment 10 1257560 and the aforementioned mail 器 器 (5 2 ) contains mail filtering management System Mail SQR and spam filtering system spam SQR and 4 丄 w w κ two major functions · The mail filtering management system for e-mail records and deposits, spam filtering system can prevent spam smashing combination drugs The office electronically acts as a box to prevent the operating system from being attacked. In addition, for the delivery of the information flow, the SPAM SQR and Mail SQRit can be extended to ensure that the security requirements of the information flow are met. The filtering system SPAM SQR uses multi-level spam defense. As shown in the sixth figure, the spam filtering system (6 〇) contains four layers of defense. A connected mode is over the layer (61), which is for the 丨p bit. The address does not block the letter from the inappropriate domain; only the combination of the previous filter layer is used to make the black and white name of the original content of the letter (6 2 ) for the user to receive the message; The layer (6 3 ) is the condition of filtering; a content fuzzy filtering layer (6 4 ), and the last name is fuzzyly compared with the content of the k pieces to determine whether to release, compared with the weight value. Word comparison, special use of the above spam filtering Li Xi only make A k heart music, first eve level defense means to ensure the security of mail reception, and easy to manage. And email through the decryption 寇 pain face ^ . χ It will automatically be interpreted as two parts of the mail and attached files. The additional files will be decrypted, such as 0 amps, 4, and converted into the original place, and will be printed, and the information will be printed. The ordering control host (7 0 ) is justified to print the prescription and the medicine bag for the corresponding singular watch machine. 1257560 The other % of the post-processing host ((5 〇) is not 0 j 6 is placed on the network of the central server. The main functions of the regional post-processing host (54) consisting of: amp:& ( 5 1 ) towel or combined pharmacy end include: date of diagnosis, prescription and storage certificate Library-style prescriptions, inquiries, disassemble prescriptions, and can be identified by the clinic | D. No., to establish the position of the patient's second person's position, such as the patient's name, the health insurance card, the poor database, the database, etc., to establish a database of drug use methods, a drug database, and a clinic for the four libraries. The information extracted from the prescriptions is remitted to the corresponding functions of the company, and the functions of the clinics are inquired. The information of the clinic staff is set, and the system administrators are set to the authority of the system. The post-processing host (5 4 ) of the straw is stored in addition to the ice of the e-mail, and the prescription of the mother is stored, and the amount of the drug is calculated to generate a report and a monthly total monthly dose.
出乂 乂依使用藥量規書|J乂 乂 使用 使用 使用 使用 | | | |
阳条口口女全存量。此外, -J 於相關捫& , 久、、,工疋原拆解之後,透過對 關攔位之解析,可進行耒 ^ 管理。另 〜、、、樂品資料庫儲存 可依知、心者處方箋之出處與举口 資料,、隹> $ + # 处/、条口口内谷、患者基本 + 進仃患者樂歷檔製作。 、、、示上所述’本發明係馨於誇 足、、热… π 0所τ以在符合醫藥分業規The female stock of the Yangkou mouth is full. In addition, -J can be managed by the relevant 扪&, 久,,, 疋, after the original dismantling, through the analysis of the blocking position. The other ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . </ br>, the above description of the invention is ambiguous, hot... π 0 τ to meet the medical regulations
寧/免貨源浪費及解決門前藥局亂象等因素建立—聯A 而W共-醫樂連線資訊系統使診所間與聯合藥局的 12 1257560 完整、不被竄改的傳遞與處 藥分業後聯合投資經營聯合 處方楚資訊流得以進行安全、 理,而進一步促使醫藥界在紋 藥局成為可能0以該箄系试加致 卜 寺糸、、先木構可使醫師、藥劑師及患者 等三者間互蒙其利,就眘 ☆ 就貝Λ k的傳輸處理已具備顯著的實 用性與進步性,並符合發明專利要件,爰依法提起申請。 意圖 【圖式簡單說明】 第-圖:係本發明之系統架構示意圖。 係本發明中診所與聯合藥局、患者之關係f 第二圖Ning/free source waste and the establishment of factors such as chaos in front of the pharmacy bureau - A and W - Medical Link Information System enabled the 12 127,560, the clinic and the Pharmacy Bureau to complete and not be tampered with the transfer and treatment The joint investment and management joint prescription Chu information flow can be safely and rationally, and further promote the medical profession to become possible in the medicinal industry. The 箄 试 试 加 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 The three are mutually beneficial, and they are cautious. ☆ The transmission processing of Beibei k has significant practicability and progress, and it meets the requirements of invention patents. Intent [Simplified description of the drawings] Fig.: A schematic diagram of the system architecture of the present invention. The relationship between the clinic and the joint pharmacy and the patient in the present invention f
苐三圖 第四圖 第五圖 第六圖 意圖 係本發明之系統方塊圖。 係本發明訊息偵測器之工作流程圖。 係本發明之局端伺服器工作流程圖。 係本發明局端伺服器中之垃圾信過濾系統 【主要元件符號說明 (10)診所 (3 0 )診療主機 (4〇)訊息偵測器 (5 1 )非戰區 (5 3 )接收主機 (6 0 )垃圾郵件過濾系統 (6 1 )連線模式過濾層 (6 2 )黑白名單過滤層 (2 0 )聯合藥局 (3 1 )列表機 (5 0 )局端伺服器 (5 2 )郵件伺服器 (5 4 )後處理主機Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 6 is a block diagram of the system of the present invention. It is a working flow chart of the message detector of the present invention. It is a working flow chart of the central server of the present invention. The spam filtering system in the server of the present invention [main component symbol description (10) clinic (30) diagnosis and treatment host (4〇) message detector (5 1) non-war zone (5 3) receiving host (6 0) Spam filtering system (6 1) Connection mode filtering layer (6 2 ) Black and white list filtering layer (2 0 ) Combined pharmacy (3 1 ) List machine (5 0) Central server (5 2 ) Mail servo (5 4 ) post-processing host
13 1257560 (6 3 )内容絕對過濾層 (6 4 )内容模糊過濾層 (7 0 )網路列表控制主機 1413 1257560 (6 3 ) Content absolute filter layer (6 4 ) Content blur filter layer (7 0 ) Network list control host 14